HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-8-21, Page 51
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Rev. 1). 1!'oreeet, wife and dnughtor,
wore visiting at Bayfield loot week,
Mrs. Moult!, and Mr's. Johneton, of
Bruoeele were Visiting Mre. Sage one day
loot week,
It is.expeoted that the United Preeby<
tenon church ei Walton, which has been
undergoing repairs, will be reopened by
the Presbytery of Stttmtord onThuraday,
Augnet 27th, at 11 o'olook a, m, All are
The Sabbath school addresses given
last Sabbabh by Mr, Blair and Rev. Mr.
Paul were excellent and will do both
schools and congregations good. The
lime speaker showed very clearly how the
teeebere and pupils could make their
school the beet itud Mr, Paul brought the
truth borne very close to parents and
adults as to their duty to their families
and the congregation.
Wednesday was our oivie holiday,
A good many went on the excursion to
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, of Seaforth, ore
visiting friends in town.
The brickwork of our new public school
le about completed, It is a fine•looking
On Sunday evening Rev, Mr. Arm.
strong, of Dungannon, officiated in Trin-
ity church.
Willford to Wettlaufee have closed
down their brickyard, having got through
the season's work.
Jas, 15oQuarrie returned to Toronto on
Wednesday, after spending a few days'
well•earned holidays with his relatives in
Large quantities of fax are being
drawn to the flax mill these clays. A
large gang of men are itt the mills thresh-
ing it.
Cvet n le.Poolc.
Our foot ball team is gabbing rugby for
want of a metal]. Nobody appears to toe
the scratch.
Jacob Long has invested in a peeing
horse that is a lively stepper. He is
giving him a course of tranlius on the
race traok at Brueeols.
Monday of last weep Prinoipal Wynn
atbended the Stratford bioyole races and
took part, winning a pair of bioyole tires.
He is a good rider and will make many of
the so called lively once hustle.
Big of Allan Highland gathering, the
oldest and most important of the Scottish
gatherings, was held this year on the 1st
of August, and had only one Canadian
competitor, Gid• Portia, of Grey. The
attendance was enormous. The entries
for the many athletic and other events
were unusually large, the aepirauts for
the prize money coming from all parte of
the country, wrestlers from Westmore.
land, Oumberland and border lands,
brawny Highland athletes from Aberdeen-
shire and the Rob Roy country, Highland
dancers and pipers from the hilae and
plena of Argylesbire, with pedestriaue
from east, west and south of Saotland.
Perris wad beaten at throwing the heavy
hammer by Alexander McCulloch, Oban,
who threw 86 feet 8 inches, Johnston
throwing 80 feet. In the light hammer
.Peerie won with 105 feet 6 inches, Mc-
Culloch being second with 106 feet 2
ioohes. The Canadian again carried off
the heavy ball, 23 lbs., with n put of 33
feet 9 inches, and the light ball, 16 ]ba„
with 39 feet 6 inches.
i3c31Y rave.
hiss Grey is visiting at John Bridges
this week.
Saturday was pay day at the cheese
faotory here.
W. Walsh and Arch, Tannery, of West-
field, were in town on Sunday.
A large anmber of our young men in-
tend going out to .Manitoba this month.
A number of farmers are through har-
vest here, Wm. Bryan's and Richard
Proctor being the first to finish.
We learn that the electrio light plant
will be removed from bare shortly, hay-
aying been purchased by an Auburn gentle.
Mre. Forbes, an aged lady of Wingham,
formerly of this place, died in Wingbam
last Sabbath and was buried in Brandon's
cemetery here on 'Tuesday.
Despite the boasting of the Blyth
Standard correspondent from Westfield,
our football team can hold its own with
any team Westfield can honestly get to•
gether and are ready to play on a day's
notice if Westfield will Dome over here,
and they will be well need. Belgrave
always entertains visitors well.
Among those who left for the North-
west on Tuesday tvere D. Robertson, Ed.
Miller, Prof. Vannorrnan, Jos. Brandon,
Miss Brandon, Peter W. Soots, Thos.
Armetrong, Joseph Campbell, Jae,
Anew and Lew. Rune], most of whom
will work at harvesting. Prof. Vannor•
man will go through to the meat, where
he purposes inspecting the mines in the
lower Kootenay district.
Our oivio holiday was on Thursday of
this week.
Tho Seaforth Fall Fair will be held on
September 24th and 25th,
Leat week T. B. Hays left town for the
Old Country iu charge of a oousignment
of (tattle.
$15,700 will bo raised in taxes in Sea.
forth this year. Tho rate is twenteefour
mills, which is considered rather steep.
Wm. Haokett has eold the Tecumseh
House, Petroloa, tend business to Wm.
Flannagan, of Seaforth, who is perhaps
one of the beet known hotel men in West-
ern Ontario. The price was 911,000.
Mrs. Joeeph Laird, who resides in this
town, end who is the grandmother of
Mrs. Wm. Ainley, of Brussels, will cele•
brace her one hundredth birthday if she
lives to Oct. 81st, which elle bids fair to
do as she enjoys good health.
Linnen no Lranrottw.—The worst
thunder storm that has visited this
eeotion in years passed over Seaforth
between four end five o'olools Saturday
afternoon. Tho etorm was aocompani.
ed by a high wind, and one fatality is
reported. John Waugh, a retired farim
er, together with six other men, were
standing in a small ofliao in connection
with the fax mill weigh scalae, when
lightning streak the building, and Mr.
Waugh was instantly killed. Others
were stunned into insensibility, and all
received Sema shook, The door of the
office was slightly ajar and the men in
the oflloe, whioh is a very smell one,
were all within a foot er so of each other,
,f par. Waugh hud hold of the door. 'i'h
oil ti Hk o or hd hnr n
onolightof thegtruO
blugt1t3n doiiuseadbethecina lilth
wood to the opposite side, anti then coal
through the door again tit the poin
where be wee standing ,tend strut* hit
in the breast, hate shook ovideutly
tightened hie grip en the door, for he did
not fall at once, and those who were nn
injured carried out same of those who
had been severely shocked before it vette
seen that ono of their number woe dead,
Notining that par. Waugh was Will stand.
ing one of lila friend's addressed him,
asking pain if bo wore hurt. Jest then
his bold on bbe door relaxed and he fell
against the wall. He never spoke' after
being streak• plc. Waugh is ,father of
Moro Waugh, G. T. R, fireman, 45
Guelph street, Stratford, and is well
known in that section. Prior to entering
upon farming Mr. Waugh taught sohool
for about thirty years. He taught in
Downie at Bofantyuo's sohool, and
afterwards for it number of years in
Logan township, where be is well known.
lie also taught for it while in Wilmott
township, Waterloo county. 111x. Waugh
was twice married. Hie second wife
survives him together with a family of
seven by first wife and live by his
second marriage. He was 65 years old.
The funeral was held Tuesday, interment
taking plane in Mitchell,
_ a v+a+mmrxrcnoRnts
e Dr. and Mro, Walden, of Berlin, aro
t visiting at T. aitindo•s', Dire, plain•
o dere will soon be oouvalescsnt;
e It is rumoured bot a wild oat hoe
t been seen prowllno around the 2nd, veae
n the railway. Wo hope conte of our
oportamen will spot him,
Next Sobbath afternoon Rev, S, 7,
Allan and Rev, R, Paul, both of Bennis,
will deliver Sabbath School addresses at
Sunshine eharoh. Tho former will speak
to the pupils and teaebero and the latter
to the parents. At the close o mission-
ary aoiloatiou will bo taken Io aid poor
aahools in Northern Ontario, An inter-
esting time is expected.
Grey Township Council will meet in
the Hall here on Saturday of this week.
W. S. Bowden is organizing a eonoert
troupe for the Fall and Winter campaign
in oouneotion with the Xiokapoo Indian
remedies. They will travel through
Nortbern and Western Ontario.
The following item refers to a gentle-
man formerly a resident of Ethel :—A
Princeton correspondent writes :—The
infant eon of Rev. E. Lee died on Ilion.
day, aged 6 months. Service was mu -
duetted by the Episcopal clergyman from
Burford in St. Paul's ohuroh on Tuesday
morning prior to the body leaving by the
train for interment in London. Mre.
Lee's parents, Canon and Mrs. J. W. P.
Smith, of London, have been with her
Mr a few days, and a000mpanied the re -
=tine. Moab sympathy ie expressed for
Mrs. Lee in her grief, the infant being
taken ill the day her husband left for
Hoglund to attend the siok.bed of his
M. Corrie has rented his grist mill to
Alex. Peebles.
An apple evaporating factory is on our
iiet of Atwood'a needs.
An Elmo, farmer is reported to have
void a load of new oats in Listowel on
Saturday at lOa per bushel.
John Knox, wife and family, returned
to Atwood Saturday evening, 8th inst.,
after nearly a year's sojourn at Colton
and other places in California.
Rev. A, Henderson, M. A., preached
his farewell sermon to the Atwood Pres-
byterian congregation last Sunday, 16th
inst., at 11 a. m., and at Moukton in the
afternoon at the usual hour.
Wm. Nichol, 10th con, Elm, has sold
his 50 acre farm to his brother James.
Win. has purchased the 100 acre farm on
the 6th eon., formerly owned by the late
Richard More. t He bought from H.
0. H. Merryfield, of ltlonkton, and H.
Y. hoar, of Court Atwood, I. 0. F., left
for Ottawa Saturday to attend the ses-
sions of the high Court of Independent
Order of Foresters, which convenes in the
avital this year.
Jae. Hanna and staff went to Preston
last week to build another bridge, after •
completion of which they will build one
of their bridges on the Toronto Exhibi-
tion grounds for
exhibition purposes
during the Industrial Fair,
Jas. Robb and wife, of Elma, celebrated
the 50th anniversary of their wedding
Saturday evening, 8th inst., by a reunion
of the family. There were children and
grandobildren, besides a number of the
ounneotien present, and a most enjoyable
evening was spent. The children pre.
rented their parents eaoh with a pair of
gold spectacles, while their grand•ohildren
made them the recipients of two beaati•
fully upholstered easy chairs. Mr. and
'Mrs. Robb are among Rlma's oldest and
most respected settlers.
1$1.4era lee.
Township Council next Monday.
Miss Eva Cardiff has gone to Buffalo
for a visit.
School was not opened in Barrie's
sobool house until Tuesday owing to the
new Beats not being in position.
Sem. McCall is home on n holiday
visit front Toronto where be has aged
position in a large boot and shoe store,
The Queen City evidently agrees with '
Mr. McCall. •
Mre. James Duncan, 4th line, has had
great luck with raising dunks title season,
having a flock of 110, 80 of which are
ready for market and prices will be better
than a month or eo hence.
Mrs. Taylor and children left on Tues•
day of this week for her home in Mani-
toba, after spending several weeke visit.
ing her parents, S. Calbiok and wife.
Her father accompanied her.
In speaking of beekeeping and honey
in a resent issue we referred to the enc.
case of Chas. Wheeler, jr. The item
should have read Laurance Wheeler, as
the fanner does nob keep bees.
Among the residents of Morris who
evened themselves of the excursion to
Manitoba on Tuesday were Mre. W,
Taylor, 0th line ; Bliss Maggie Pierce
and J. Pipe. Miss Jennie Scott, of Hui.
lett, and Mrs. M,ylea Young, of Blyth,
also went on the tame day.
Prof. Hawkins, of Brussels, will give a
big ooncert program in the Township
Hall on Friday evening of next week,
His well known abilityin instrumental
music on the organ, musical tumblers,
eco., is excelled, if anything, by his ren-
dition of oomio songs aid readings in
character. This will be one of the treats
of the season.
Wednesday evening of next weak e
garden party will be held ab the resident's
of George Parker. A good time it ex.
peoted. An A 1 musical and literary
program will be rendered in whioh Prof,
Hawkins has promised to talte pert. 11e.
freehments, games, tea„ will also be pro-
vided to pleat& the tache or foamy of those
Dan. Strachan, son of John Straolten,
Grey, has been engaged as teacher of the
blrowntown sohool for the next year aa
successor to Mies Kenny, . The salary
will be 9940. kit, Strachan is now tench•
ing in Kent county, going back last Sat-
urday, but wieheo to get nearer horns
foe nest year. Eft ie a good timelier and
will fill the bill.
Car e r.
Township Counoil will meet on Satur.
day of tbie weelt at the Hall in Ethel.
This week will ilnieh the biggeet part
of the harvest in Grey, Oats will be
117x. Gorealits is improving the appear -
anon of hie house by putting up a new
Moet of the farmers have finished
harvest and are preparing the ground for
the fall wheat,
Mrs. A. Fowler and children have re•
turned from a holiday visit with friends
in Waterloo and Hawkesville,
Miss Maggie McNair, who has been
spending a few weeks with friends in
this locality, has returned to Hospier,
Charles Willie, o£ Portage la Prairie,
spent a couple of days last week renew-
ing old aocfuaintanoes on the 16th con.
A. McMillan bas sold hie farm, can.
Mining 76 acres, and being lot 12, con,
18, Grey, to John Fulton, of Hibbert, for
The fine two-story brick pottage erect-
ed on the farm of Ferguson Bros., of
Teeswater, will soon be ready for coca,
Mise llllnnie Howard, 14th oon., pulled
2e acres of fax in 0 days, besides walking
two miles to her work in the morning
and home at night. Who can beat that ?
Owing to the repairs to school house
in S. S. No, 10 (W l itfield's,) not being
completed, riot school did nob reopen
last Monday, but will next Monday, 24th
inst. Parente and pupils will take
Daniel lb1oQuarrie, 10th eon, had the
top taken off the thumb of his left hand
the other day by getting it jammed
under a timber in his barn. The wound-
ed member ie doing as well as could be
expeobed. J
Among the Cie; township people who
went to Manitoba on Tuesday's harvest
excursion w re :—Jas. T. Davidson,
Hugh Rams y, James and Thos. Brown,
Robt, Oliv r, Donald Robertson and
Robt, Rae. '
ENTERxat ltrae'r,—Tuesday evening of
next weekeProf. Hawkins will give a con-
cert in Stpith's aahool house, wben he
will present a nuigne and interesting
program?oonaiating of voatel and Metro -
mental tousle, oomio songs,amneing reci-
tations'and readings, tet. He should
have a crowded house as the bill of fare
will be first -Blase.
The' school Image in S. S. No. 10 le•
rated on the 12th Done has undergone
quite a teaneformabion. A new floor,
new desks, the interior painted, end the
outside sided with steel aiding are among
the improvements. Ales. Hied had the
jab at 9168, which did not include the
seats. The pupils will face South in-
stead of North when teacher Armstrong
resumes work next Monday morning.
Under the new arrangement the school
house will be more comfortable and will
now be in good shape for another term
of years.
This week the Standard takes a boli -
LA. Hunt, American Consul, , Hae re•
turned to town alter a month's holidays.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22nd
aed 23rd, are the dates fixed for the Lis-
towel Fall Show.
Rev. W. Cooper has returned home
after a few weeks' holidays, and conduct-
ed the services in Knox ohnruh ou San.
The family of Dr. Wabson have remov-
ed'toAritona, where the Dr. has been
located for the past month or two, having
bought out a practitioner there.
Richard Forbes, seotioeman on the G.
T, R. South of the town, has been pro-
moted to a section foram anship, with
headquarters at Burgesavi Ile, nine miles
below Woodstock,
0. G. Berger has been a ppointed dele-
gate to represent the local court at the
meeting of High Court I. 0. F. at Ottawa
this weak. lie took the bo at from To-
ronto to Brookville.
The school rates were fixed at 9 mills
and the general rate was parried at 12
mills over 11 mills by a vote of 6 to 5,
The committee thee voted in favor of 21
mills for all purposes.
A. G. Bastedo, who for the past three
and a half years has held the position as
teller in the Bank of Hamilton here, hae
been promoted to the position of an.
aauntttnt in the Beek of Hamilton, Wing.
ham, and left to assume the duties of hie
um position on Monday of last week.
Residents of Dodd abreet have petition-
ed the Conned for a gremolithie sidewalk
to be constructed ou the South side of
that street from Main t0 Bay street, and
on the North aide from Bay to Penelope,
the wally to be constructed under the
frontage tax system, payment to extend
over u period of twenty years.
On Friday, 21st inst., the property
owners of this town will vote on a By-law
to raise the sum of 915,000 for the put.
poor, of taking over and extending the
waterworks system, and also to establish
electrio lighting, both waterworks and
electric light to be operated and eoubrolled
by the town.
The silver medal generously donated by
B. F. Brook, of Listowel, far the pupil
who succeeded in taking the highest
nmarits at the Entrance examination un-
der the control of the Listowel board of
Beaminane, was won this year by de W.
Peffees, who took the exoeptioually high
mark of 026 out of le possible 844.
John Andereon, teacher, who is abort
leaving town to take it course at the 01-
tawa Normal School, was presented a few
evening's ago with a handsome teacher's
Bible and it travelling companion, by the
S. S. Chapter of Christ ohuroh. Mr,
Anderson bee been librarian of the Sun,
day aohnol fora number of years end bite
earned the esteem of his oo•tvorkera.
• Sunday morning, during a thunder
storm, a stroke of lightning struck a stay
wire miming from a telegraph pole to
the stables of the Lyn flown mine, be•
longing to Jae. Oumminge, The lightn-
ing !reseed through the building, Milled
two horses end stunned another, without
eettiug flea to the mill,
i �
lei l�'i : �. �VST E RE
During the
Next 9 Da-vct
Come with the Crowd and get
All Book Accounts must be settled before the lst of Sept.
Christian Hanson, who is awaiting
execution in Parry Sound jail, exhibits
no outward and visible concern. He is,
apparently, quite at ease, oontinnea to
partake heartily of hie food, and sleeps
peacefully every night. There are times
when Hanson takes on ugly moods. He
h one o f v e
had f hese et r Dent! and re-
fused to take any food whatever for three'
day. It was carried to him regularly as
each mealtime came round, but he sulkily
Press Your Apples,
Geo. Edwards
Huts put in an Apple Press in con-
nection with his factory, Mill et.,
Brussels, and is prepared to make
Apple Jelly
and Apple Butter
Bring Along Your Apples.
60 DAY
Manitoba and the Canadian Northwest
Round Trip Tickets from all etatious on
the Grand Trunk Railway System
will bo issued ou
Sept, 1, Valid to Tebt ttltt,nntit Oot.81st
Sept. 551 Valiitt tett'nn,nntil Nov.
lDBr nitAurn
REES7.'ON j;4
13INSWiliTil �' 8
Mo03OtfIN �ETON $30
CALGAOOif 3P1t, } $ 3 5
BED $ 4 O..
IT tli information on application to any
grand Trunk Tiokot Agent.
0. T. 1t, Agent, Brassele,
lM"'{Y yr '
With the object in view of introducing
Into many homes not now represented
on our Mailing List, we will send it for the
balance of 1S06 for the small sum of
Sencl along your names and
take advantage of this offer,'164`
143 AI�b y est
Will be sent during the Dominion Parliament
for the small sum of 60 Cents in Advait;re.
PECTAL attention given to Advertisements of Earth
for Sale, Strayed Cattle, &c, and an Advertise-
ment in THE POST nearly always accom-
plishes what is desired..
Editor' and Proprietor, BRUSSELS.