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New Advertisements,
EXenreicns—G, T. lt, '
Soheol boalta—ass, Fox.
Pink Pills ---Dr. Williams,
Oboes Rates --A, 0. 11. W.
System llenovator—J,141. MoLeod.
Netioe to Oreditors--•1'. 11. Bletvett,
0 Days More --1 ergueou tk Ilatliday.
wArtrsszto .est,
71e.13.1 -DAY, AUG. 21, 1,896.
Do111NIote Parliament ase0ntbl0d on
c tie w totrci
r eek. The t y of l
pation la that the 80sei0n will be brief.
ANoaaw Fawley o, of Woodstock, Eat -
tor of the Sentinel Review, reoeivod the
Liberal nomination for North Oxford to
summed Sir Oliver Mowat in the Ontario
Legielative Assembly, on Tuesday,
To be consistent the Liberate should
dispense with the bar in the House of
Commons and thereby prove that their
notions and words run parallel An un-
Iioeneed saloon should not be one of the
necessary adjuncts to a House of Parite-
HON, fila. AVMs, Miniater of Railways
and Canals, was nominated in Queen's
and Sunbury, and Hon. Mr. Paterson,
hlinieter of Customs, wee nominated for
North Grey. Mr. Wilmot will oppose
Mr. Blair and Mr. Paterson's opponent
will be Mr. MaLeuehlan. Polling day is
Tuesday next, August'25.
Ton indinatioos appear to point that
Government House, as far as its support
by the Provinoe of Outari0 is concerned,
will have to go as soon as Lieut. -Governor
Kirkpatrick completes his tenure of office.
A great many electors believe that a sal.
ary eucb as this olffoial receives should
enable ]rim to keep house on his own
account. The question will oome cp for
settlement et the next session of Parlia-
11rn YADAia a large space in the leading
daily papers is occupied in booming the
gold mines of British Columbia and cer-
tain mining fields in the U. S. A strong
bid ie made for shareholders and in the
majority of eases the amount asked ap-
pears to be so small for such great ex.
pectations that many people are led to
bite at the golden bait and usually get
hooked all right. There may be gold in
these mines and an occasional investor
may make a pull but our advice, while
far off fields may loon greeu, is to leave
gold mines, hundreds of miles distant,
severely alone and depend on ordinary
means of accumulating wealth or making
a livelihood.
Ix is with no small amount of personal
regret that we record the decease of Hon.
W. D. Balfour, Provincial Secretary,
which sad event took place in his apart-
ments in the Parliament Buildings, To•
ronto, Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock,
surrounded by the members of his fem.
ily. Hemorrhage of the tangs was the
pause. The funeral takes place at St.
Oatbariaea, where the family burial plot
is, on Friday. Dir. Balfour, associated
with Jno. A. Auld, were the proprietors
of the Echo, Amhoretburg, Essex County.
Deceased was 14 years in Provincial poli-
tics, faithfully representing South Essex
and the Province generally, and his end -
den death, after a weelt'o illneee, will be a
dietinat lova both to the House and the
country. Although never a robust man
Mr. Balfour was a moat active Wad ener-
etic ono with an iudomitable will in
carrying out whatever project he attempt-
ed. It is particularly sad that just as be
reached the zenith of his ambition that
he should be taken away. He leaves a
wife and family.
Tis Poe'o believes that a Business
Dlene' Association should be organized in
13ruseels to transact 'tininess along such
lines as a Board of Trade, in the way of
encouraging au increase of manufactories ;
an extension of industries already estab•
liehed ; studying ways and means of ad.
vancing the interests of our town on var-
loue l=ees that plight suggest themselves
to such en organization having the future ce
welfare of Brussels in mind. It does not c
necessarily imply Ilea thousands of dol. f
Ton new Pariiatnoot openers 10 3 O'QIQOk
Wednesday afternoon, The first' onion
of the eighth Pariiameuto00vened at that
hour. Members of the /louse of Oom•
.mons met in the chamber, 08(1 Dr. Boor -
Mot, 0104 of the /louse, took the chair,
A acmm0ne was received by the, aseemb.
led Comuneuere, inviting then5 to visit the
Senate chamber, They were toot in the
Eed Chamber by the Deputy Governor,
Sir Henry Strong, who informed their
that when they had elected a Speaker
his Excellency would be pleased to state
to them the reason for whfoh they were
called together, The representrtivee of
the people then returned t0 the House of
Commons to decide who it should be.
Premier Laurier moved that Mr, Edger,
member for West Ontario, be Speaker,
to which there was no opposition. Sir
Merles Tupper wae,vboeen leader of the
Conservative party at a causue hold in
Ottawa on Wednesday. The address
from 'the throne aim read 013 Thursday.
ttEETIN(1 0t• '1'UIi T, 0. 0, F. GRAND
Tho 420d annual aesaion of the Grand
Lodge of Ontario, I. 0.0. F., was opened
at Sarnia mr Thursday of last week, with
Grand Master Thomas Woodyatt, of
Brantford, presiding. The meetings were
held in the Town Hall.
Previous to the opening of the Grand
Lodge, a procession was formed by local
and visiting brethren, headed by the Sar.
nia pollee force on horseback and the
band of the Twenty.seventh Battalion.
The prinoipal streets were paraded and
the company thee marched to the Boye'
Brigade Bali, where Mayor Morrison de-
livered an address of Welcome.
Bro. John W. Smith, D. D. G. M., also
delivered an address on behalf of the
members of the order and the citizens
generally, in which the heartiest expres•
sione of good -will appeared.
Grand Master Woodyatt made a suit.
able reply to both addresses, and the fre•
quant applause of the large audience
present showed that the humor and elo.
quence of the Grand Master had met with
a thorough appreciation.
After the preliminary ceremonies, the
representatiges and grand officers adjourn.
ed to the town hall, where the work of
the Grand Lodge was actively proceeded
with, Rev. Jas. McFarlane opening with
prayer. There were about 350 repreeen•
tativee present.
The committee on credentials presented
its report, which was adopted, after which
Bro. J. B. Young, grand warden, of
Thameeford, instructed the new members
in the Grand Lodge degree.
The minutes of the last Grand Lodge
were taken as read.
The reports of the grand master, grand
secretary, grand treasurer, and the com-
mittee on general purposes were present-
ed, and the various clauses in the same
calling for the deliberations of the Grand
Lodge were referred by the committee on
distribution to the various committees
appointed by the grand master.
The grand master's report is an inter-
esting document, containing a large num-
ber of decisions given during the year on
matters of much importance to subordin-
ate lodges. It also records the official
visits made by the grand master.
The grand secretary's report shows that
six subordinate lodges and seven Rebekah
lodges were established for the twelve
months ending Jona 30, 1896.
The total expenditure of the order in
Ontario by all its branches for sick bene-
fits, death indemnity, special relief, phi.
own' and orphans' benefit, since 1856 up
to Deo. 31, 1805, 39 years, aggregates the
great sum of $1,607,859.89, and is made
up as followe :
Paid by subordinate lodges,
benefits and relief $1,067,269 32
Paid by subordinate en-
campments 41,332 66
Odd£ellowe' Relief Amnia
tion, death claims paid 484,937 00
Oddfellowa' Relief Associa-
tion, disability claims paid 8,400 00
Mutual Aid Association of
London, death claims paid 763 00
Oddfellows' Funeral Aid As-
sociation, of Lincoln and
Welland, death claims
paid 55,157 91
Total $1,607,850 80
The grand treasurer's report ebows an
expenditure for the basal year ending
Dec. 81, 1805, of $12,409.18, and receipts
of 614,077.02, the balance of $1,666.8.4
being carried over to 1896. The receipts
for the seven menthe ending July 31 were
314,041.18 ; the expenditures, 33,648.09,
leaving a. sem of 310,393.09 in the emits
treasurer's hands et the present time.
On Deo, 31, 1805, the number of lodges
was 2351, and the total membership stood
at 22,178, an increase of 493 on the pre-
ceding year. Two thousand eight hun-
dred and sixty.11ve members received sick
eueOte averaging $11.40, the average
0st to members bring 62. The number
o1 deaths was 110, and the average of
nneral benefits $40,79.
After roll call the receiving of the re-
port of the Committee on Election Re-
turns wee the first order, of business.
This report showed that the following
flieers bad been elected by acclametlon
—Noble Grand, Henry \Vbite, Port
Hope; Vice Grand, J. A.
Young, Thameeford ; Grand Secretary, J.
B. 1(in;;, Toronto ; Grand Treasurer,
m, Redenaeh, Toronto. Past Noble
Grande W. H. Hoyle, Cannington, and
11. W, Bell, Peterboro', were the canal.
dates for grand repreesntative to the Sov-
reign Grand Lodge. W. II. Hoyle wee
lected, receiving 1,330 votes to 463 for
Dir. Bell, J. E, Farewell, Whitby, was
looted Grand Warden. There were nine
candidates in the field for this office, and
as the successful nominee had to have a
majority of the entire vote met the run-
ning was expected to be keen. Tho re-
port gave the vote as followe :—J. E.
Farewell, Whitby, 749 ; A. \V. Cameron,
Ottawe, 26,6 ; W. Warnock, Aylmer, 1913;
J. �V. Grote, St. Catharines, 185 ; R. K.
Cowan, London, 176; I3r. J. hloLurg,
Woodetoolq 135 W. J. Saandere,
Shannonville, 82 ; Dr, Jamoa Anderson,
Iiamilton, 79 ; A. 33, Harrell, Amigori,
1. As these returns showed no ideation
ballet was taken and Mr. Farewell was
!acted by a large majority, a number of
no oandidatee having withdrawn their
amen from the contest.
lace have to be invested to make a village
or town boom but by increasing the num.
bar of smaller inetitntions employing
labor the aamo cud is accomplished by
another route. Another way of improv-
ing is by speaking hopefully of the future
indeed of following the example of un-
thinking people and decrying your own \V
Wirth By a long pull, a etrong pail and
a pull altogether there are no serious ob.
stracticns in the pathway of Brussels be. a
coming an incorporated town instead of a e
village, We are surrounded by a good
country, peopled by a thrifty, honeet go. e
ing clava of people and every business
men should see that he shotes his appre•
ciation of their patronage. As a centro
for stock buying and shipping we are
eurpaasad by few planes and Brussels al -
wive stands to the front as a grain and
produce market. We hope the Grand
Trunk will eotnplete the improvements
promised in arranging additional stock
pons at the station yard and thereby 6
second the efforts of the Village Counoi:l
in thole plaoing weigh soales there for the
accommodation of shippers,
Gehl at1311.744. > NV o I
LeroyStone was drowned at Pelt 001,
Kee, 3. Lewis, of Ottawa, was formd
drowned in Battersea's Oroelt,
There are twenty typhoid fever petienle
in the IfamiltonOlty freepital,
Huntsville ratepayers have 0at'rf013
waterwarite and oleotrie light bylaws,
W, H, Nelson, of I1ingeville, who shot
himself on Friday, died Prem his injuries,
A. little girl named Harrison was shot
dead by a boy playmate near Woodville,
Lieut, Macro, of the I3isley beam was
tendered q reception on hie return to
Lightning caused severe lessee to tbo
farmers in the vicinity of Forest during
the last great storms.
The Georgian Bay Lumber Company's
mill and storehouses at Port Severn were
struok by lightning and burned. The
boss is planed at $50,000.
The eafe of the Hamilton Engine
Packing Company was cracked on Seam -
day morning and $5 cash stolen.
The Royal Grenadiers, of Toronto, won
the Garelake '.trophy at the Quebec As -
sedation rifle =relies to Montreal.
Three little girls were crossing the
Napanee 'river in a boat when lightning
killed two of them named Lindsay and
One million rounds of Lee-Metford
ammunition reached Kingston from Eng-
land and was placed in the Government
stores. Five hundred stand at Lee -Met.
ford rifles aim oame with tbo ammnni.
John Rayne, the oocuhant of a email
bouee in Collingwood, has been acting
strangely of late, and Friday his house We have t h e
was found to be on (3m, while he wee
wandering about suffering from a dose of Reliable Brands of
Paris green and a wound from a shotgun
in the breast. It is thought that he tried
several plans of taking hie own life.
The undersigned are prepared to attend
to all branobee of Painting, including
• }louse, Sign, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Xalsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mori-
We make a Specialty of Manafaoturing
and plaoing in position
First -.Class Awnings_
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Roddick
& Wake, will be attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may be
left with Messrs. Deadman & Mc-
SAMPLE at oa•,
Real Estate 86 Loan
Agent, - Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Bate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire & Life insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadmau f McCall's Stora,
Blue Ribbon, Standard
and Red Cap.
N. & N. Gerry,
Brussels, July 2, 1806.
The BUGS are here, and have
come to stay. There is not much proba-
bility of their being killed by frost, as
they were last year, and indications are
that the sale of Bog Finish will be very
large this season. We should be pleased
to supply you with the genuine Potato
Bug Finish, used also for Vegetables and
Shrubs. 14lbs, for 25c.
IT. 8u N. Gerry.
Pelaines9 Crepons, Erinkles, Prints,
Laces and all Summer Dress Goods.
J G0 Skene.
The Undersigned has a complete outfit of Undertakers'
Supplies such as
First-class Hearse in Connection.
Opposite Town Hall, Brussels.
ATG, 21, 1826
All This Season' Goods
j T 00ST
We are offering all lines of Summer Goods at Greatly Re-
duced Prices in order to make room for
Odd Lines and I terrinarnts
We will let go regardless of cost. Space will not
permit us to enumerate articles and prices but ask an
inspection with a view of comparing quality and cost.
Be sure and not miss this chance of a good Bargain.
There is something you want in our lino.
Str c an.
Special value in Paints, Machine Oil, Fence =Vire, &c.
THE 77
flavin} but.e7uctsecl a business in the City of
Chatham I wilt offer my entire stook, of
Harness, Collars, Fly Nets,
Trunks, Valises,
In fact everything in my shop, at from
15 TO 25 PER CENT.
Of a Reduction for 30 Days,
This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern
machinery added where required so that better
work can he done now than ever.
Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &c.,
always on hand.
,_ Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Highest m£1r1131t price for Wheat delivered at the Mill.
WO F. Stewart.