HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-8-7, Page 88 Typhoid Fever, d1df'mg Prom present iudlonkl ns( u't1 may fools or t1) rev coos of 1'• livid rover for the @ next atbree menthe, The ounce of this dieeaae is invariably .ef.ther the breathing of fool air or the drinking of foul water. Ina village of life axe it itl alumet always slue to the rantamination of drinking water, You •.may thiols that your well coutaine the purest water, being oloar, sparkling; free from odor, &o„ whew in reality it may be loaded with deadly germs of dieoeee. 1{wowing that this is the ease, we make' the following offer to everyone. For the next week we will analyse and test FREE OF CHARGE, auy eample of water sub• milted to us. This work includes over thirty different analyses and tests, and is ers.pensive both in the chemicals used and is the time taken to do it, This offer is good •for ONE WEEK ONLY, atter vvhioli our prim for snub analysis will be :&3,00. The water submitted mast be in a perfectly clean bottle, well corked and tarsen from the pump after two or three pailfuls have been pumped out. DEADMAN MoOALL, Druggists, Opticians and )30oksellers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sOnTBEfN EXTEN610N R', a. & 3t, Tins Sone of Soot'and may bold 0410 - denial) games in Breesola this Pall, ' PitIMNOLO0I2.l1 leotut'e in the Town FiTnng1)ga@lv@ y @50lu'l1' Por nne t by Prof, Bettor Fon S.wll,-A good piano box buggy for sale cheap, Apply to 1lev. A. K. Griffin. A r,Anon number of Bruese11188 attend- ed the Winghein horse races on %/doee- day and Thareday of this weak. REAP the advertising oolumue of Tun Peer for bargains► A number of good farms are also offered for sale. Tunnn ie some bilk of having the Civic holidtcy ou Wednesday, 19th inst., to take advantage of the =union to Itineardine. Homes has been lively at the :Enter. prise Salt Works, Daring the past two months, Manage): llfooney informs Tux Pm, they shipped about 50 oars of salt, hi addition to the looal demand. 33 oars were loaded in June and 26 in July. J. 0.' Toms awarded the oontraote for his proposed two story pottage ae fol. lows :--Brickwork, lathing and piaster. Log, D. A. Lowry ; carpentering, Messrs. Elliott & Cloakey. Tice other depart. meats, euoh as pito/shine, painting, ctn., are not let yet. Dark Broe. have the stonework about completed and have dole a good job. The building is to be flniehed this Fall and will be modern, conveuleut and comfortable. It will add considerably to the appearance of the Northerly part of the town. Poor BALL. -Last Friday evening the Cranbrook football team name to Brus- sels and played e. friendly match with the home Club on Victoria Park. The visit• • Trains leave Bruesels Station, North ars put up a lively game but were out- sold South, as foliomi ; played by Brussels, the latter winning GOING Canon. Gorxe Nonni. by 8 goals to 0. The teams were oom- 1Tai1 n: a.m. Mixed n:40 a.m. pored of the following players :- u xoieee .....11 ,s a.m. Sfail 12•:4 pdn. dined ,.. MO p.m. ) press 0:43 p.m, n10esrms. ORANIIROOE. W,Leatherdale ... Goal D. McNair - 1 L. Jackson } Backs I... Hunter „ Jas. Mitchell giro!. °i .GNUS Pals, A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. AnarsO. READ the District news On page 6. ScnooL BOARD an Friday evening of next week. Bnnsenra Public) Se.bool will re -open on `s•eptember let, Tuxsnao night's rain was an old fashioned "Rosser." GEO. Busy )landed US a bead of timothy that measured 104 inches. 00ATTnEw Wmsoo shipped a car of cattle on Monday from Brussels. "Marro LEAF" took 3rd plane in the 0:20 pace in Wingharn on Wednesday. 3 cats of cattle were shipped frool Brussels this week by Messrs. Clegg et Dames. A can of batter and chosen was for. warded to cold storage on Wedneedny of this week by Mr. Booth, of Ingersoll. Tan POST wants a WIG -awake cor- respondent at every point not now repro - emoted in its columne. If there is no NEWS appearing regularly from goer ration drop in and see us or write to us. We will furnish you with stationery. MArnnm1laL.-A quiet wedding took place at Walton on Tuesday of last week, when by the aid of RevD. Forrest, Presbyterian minister, Robert Denbow and Mise Bate McDonald, both of Brus- r,.ae, were deolared husband and wife, May their future be happy and prosper - 0'12. Form BALL. -A football match will be played on Vioteria Park, Brussels, on Friday evening of this week, between the home club and a team from Bluevale End locality. As both are strong teams close and well contested match is ex- pected. Play will be called about 6:30 �'clook. Tac Fire Engine was taken out last Friday afternoon for a teat and while out the atone water tants near the Revere House was filled. The water was down 1,1 feet, leaving 67 feet of water. Since Friday the water hoe dropped to about the same place as before filling. It will i1'. necessary to hem the tank pumped ,fry and D. A. Lowry give it another coat as he agreed to do if it did not remain water tight, T1)e Engine worked all right and pumped for over two hours. PRRENOLO0Y,--Prof. Teggart,thePhren• eioggist who has lectured before large ;334idienees in Michigan and Canada, has engaged the Town Hall for the week commencing Aug. 6th. No admission will be charged at the first !eaten nitre - day night. Through his cou1se of lectures Prof. Taggart introduces a fine outfit of human 6110)18, portraits of prominent men and women etc., making an interesting as well as instructive entertain remit. „awn TnNSts.-Au enjoyable Tennis. latch was played on the lawns of Dr. Dinemau and Col. Campbell, Listowel, ,n Wednesday of this week,between six members of Brussels club and a like number from Listowel. The reeult, a tic seem, was as follows :-In Doubles tit cart and Kidd beat Sinclair and Cam. ,ten, 8•f,, 12.14, 6.0 ; Rev, W. T. Cluff and D, C. Ross beat Selwood and Nichol, 41.0, 5.7, 6 3 ; Bolton and Livingston beat Lamont and Blair, 6 3, 6.4. In Singles Sinclair beat Stuart 7.5, 6 4 ; Kidd beat Cameron, 6 4, 1.6, 6.1 ; C1uff beat &t- weed, 7 9, 6-3, 6.1 ; Roes beat Nichol, ti 1, 1"3.1 ; Livingston bent Lamont, 7.5, 41 4: ; Blair and Bolton tied. Our team ,nes very hospitably entertained and en• jcyed the day's outing. 01wsra1EUL011. Editor Tom Nash, of .rhe Gerrie Vidette, is making great bead• way, A Campbell Fees was recently put Into his office and now a kind Providence amide him a lovely daughter. Tom is quite a genius and we would nob be sur- prised to see him work some oombination whereby the running press would rook the cradle, -Geo. Wrigley, editor of the Oanada Farmers' Sun (Patron) has die- nantinaed his editorial labors this week, owing to impaired eyesight, -Wednesday of this week Bro. A. E. Bradwin, the popular editor and proprietor of the Blyth Standard, Increased his etnff by wedding Miss Lena Emi h, one of Blyth'a most estimable young le lies. The news- paper has no doubt ace,,:etomed him to nay "We" and the will nom nae it in a broader sense than ever before. Figura- tively we throw a shoe store after the ),.appy twain and hope they will never faze on the bottom of their flour barrel and that their blaok•etrap jug will never be empty, Bro. Bradwin you will now realize the advantage of caring for the 1:oil morn stalks, long grass and other •"pbenotnena" that often fall into the lap co the rural editor, "Thio is a way you Long have sought and mourned because you found it not," Go on and prosper, lerotber. 0, Sample Y. Ferguson )jt (..D, MnDovgo l W. Sample ! Banka 31 W. Wynn Oharlie Kendall l t J, Knight T. McLaughlin..,,,, Centre Ohms. Sillore Jas. Mennen ...1 g •Wog 1 • .Fred. Zimmer Sas, Thomson...) 1 J, Ritobie R. Ferguson Jno. Brown Bert. Gerry 1 L Wing D, Steles W. Heutller gave satisfaction as referee, Our boys will play a return matoh shortly. UTAST POeTOFFIOE INFOmrAT10N.-When you call at the office for your mail and the clerk hands it out ask frim if that is all. If you ask him for your mail, and he tells you there is none, tell him there ought to be, then go home and send the rest of the family around at different times during the day. Don't bring your mail to the postoffroe until the mail olosee then sail into the clerk for not opening the mail bag and putting your letter in. When you want a stamp on your letter tell the clerk to pot it on ; if he don't liok it, lick him, In case you put it on yourself soak it in your mouth long enough to remove the muecllage, it will click then until dry. Be sure to ask the clerk to credit you with a stamp ; if he has any aocomodation about him he will do it. If you have a box stand and dram on it until the clerk hands your mail. It will make him feel good, eepeci. ally if he is waiting on someone alae. DoN'r SELL Too OnEAp.-A. MoD, Allan, of Goderich,.gives the following ae hie views regarding prospective prima for the apple crop. Fruit growers should hesitate before selling their apple crops, especially the hard varieties. The British crop is not only a poor one in quality but will be poorer than asuai, Among the continental countries growing for the British markets, France is praoti. oally out of it, as the quality is inferior. Holland has little over half a crop, and with unfavorable weather even that is likely to be lessened. In all these old negleoted orchards in European countries (and most of them are of tbis.olass) it ie the experience that windstorms do im- mense damage, the fruit bovine so weak a hold of the tree is blown off, and all such becomes mull stock. Altogether the outlook is that our Winter stook will all be wanted in Britain. Later reports will be given, so that our growers will know what to look for. At present the lowest prioe should be $1 per barrel for winter. CHOSEN FRIENDS. -Thursday evening of last week Organizer W. G. Collins insti- tuted a Council of ()haven Friende in Brussels. The following officers were elected to direct the new organization for the first term :- Wm. Madill], Past Councillor ; S. T. Plum, Chief Trueman Smith, Vice " J. J. Ball, Recorder ; Samuel Haggard, Treasurer ; A. McKelvey, M. D., Physician ; R. Bielby, Prelate ; J. Wilbee, Marshall ; W. Wilton, Warden ; R. Johnston, Guard ; R. Johnston W. Blashill Trustees. S. T. Plum The Chosen Friends is Rn aseesement Society, issuing a Benifioiary certificate and paying sick benefits and funeral ex. pensee. ,Organizer Campbell assisted in the work of initiation. It is expected that the Council wilt meet semi•monthly in Blaehill's Hall. AN ALL DAT TEAT, -The Toronto Globe of last friday says :-A teat of the Ronald and Waterous fire engines was made at Esplanade Park yesterday morning and afternoon in the presence of Ald. Bell, Ald, Booetead, Chief Graham, Deputy Chief Thompson and others. Mr. Watt, the engineer of the Ronald Company, expressed himself ae being very well eatieliod with the result. He claims that in the first test of going through 100 feet of hose the Ronald engine performed the feat in six minutes and the Waterous in thirteen. In going through one line of hose with a large id -inch nozzle, the Ronald engine, 0.0. cording to Mr. Watt's statement, armed - ed the Waterous by an average of about 25 feet. Two lines of hose of 500 feet in length and with 11 inch nozzles were pro- vided for each of the enginee in the next test, and this time, so Mr. Watt alleges, the Ronald engine exceeded the other by from 15 to 20 feet. In the afternoon the enginee were tried with 750 feet of hose, having a 14 -inch nozzle. Mr. Watt claims that hie engine was again the more euooeeeful, exceeding the Waterous by 25 feet. At this point further tests were tendered impossible by an accident which Happened to the Wateroue engine, the top of the pump being blown off. The Ronald ongin6, wbioh Mr, Watt says he considerably lighter than the Waterous, worked steadily throughout the trial with an average steam pressure of 110 pounds, Owing t0 the aooident which happened to the Waterous engine there will probably be another net. T11BBUSSZ Grip, 1)Dw4009 has put in the n0ce98ary ma0hino1y into his planing fa0101y, 111111 streot, to enable hint to manafaoture eider, apple bettor, 40, The licit work r r was done 00 Monday, when 84 gallons of Older was turned out as a darter, Orono TO OltariiAu,-It wart a matter to evoke enpreesione of general regret among our townspeople when it beoame known that Harry De111)15 had decided to remove from 1311395010 to Chatham, where he has purchased an lntereet in the lame harnese ilnsineee of S. BaOktl9. Mr, D983118 has been a re93deut of Drnesele 10r about 16 years and has proved him- self a most worthy and desirable chine», interesting himself in what he ooneldered for the well•beiug of our town. He is now serving thio eevonth year on the Public School Board and malrme a first. olaes Trustee, In St, John's 01111roh he bus rendered efficient service as Warden, S. S, superintendent, &o., and along with Mrs. Dennis a blank will be paused in that ahnrah not easily filled. Mr. Den. ole is an enthueiaetia lover of athletic games, his special favorites being cricket and lawn Lennie, Chatham will make a noteworthy gain in receiving Mr. Dennie and family as citizens. For the next 30 days a clearing sale of harness, collars, trunks, &c„ will be run, so as to reduce the stook, preparetory to disposing of the bneineee hero, Mr. Dennie will also sell hie brink ehop and his comfortable reei- denoe, Turnberry street, if suitable pur- Wies8rs are found. Ho purposes remov. ing to the capital of hent County about Oat. let, or earlier if possible. Business Locals. LONG, clear bacon at MoCraollen'e, Polo English Paris green. McKay & Co. Ron tomatoes at Thos. Kelly's, Bras- saudels, Ooon'ooru TZ residence, with } aors of l, for sale. H. Dennis.. Ian for sale, delivered at your home. Apply to W. Leatllerdale. GREAT bargains in harness, collars, trunks, &o„ for 30 days at Ff. Dennis', CLOVER and timothy seed for eale. Backer & Vanstone. Roma» oats and all kinds of mill feed for ante at Roes' mill, Brussels. Snow dressings of all kinds on hand both for black and tan oolored. I. C. Richards. A mon line of buggy dusters on hand, all sold et close margins. I. C. Richards. AMERICAN binder twine, half a cent per to ,•heeptet than Canadian twine, at McKay ,e G LEAVING Towx.-H. Dennis is selling off hie entire stook owing to intended re- moval, Big bargains for 80 days. Emma! FLOUR I Manitoba patent, Man- itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, beat in the market, for sale at Rose' mill. GOOD eeoond hand lumber wagon, wide tire, newly painted, with box and whiffie- treee, for sale at a bargain, 33. Gerry, Brussels, A SPLENDID range of men's women's and children's shoes on hand. Call and see them no matter if you do not buy, we will be pleased to have you see them. I. 0. Richards. Mina's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25 ate., 50 ote. and 31100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. ANY one needing saws hammered had better bring them in now as I have a practical saw maker engaged to straight. en and true eaves 8.1 my shop, Queen et. east, Brussels. T. MoGREcon, saw filer. Snron's Cure, the great cough and croup mire, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty.live doses ; only 25, cents. Children love it. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Brussels. REPAIRTNe D010, -Machinery, bicycles, lawn -mowers, scissors, implements and all kinds of tools sharpened and put in order at reasonable prides for spot cash by saw filer T, McGregor, of Brussels, Queen St. East. Mits. T. S. HAWII0Ns, 0hattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved' my life," I consider it the best remedy for a debilitaed systdm I ever used." For dyepensia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 oto. Sold by Jas. Fox CARrtre.-Any one desiring oarpets will do well to call at the Brussels 'IVool- su Mill before baying elsewhere, ae they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 30e. to $1.00. HowE & Co, Bran= Twnoi.-A large quantity of American twine in stook, quality better and prices lower than any Canadian twine in tbe market. A combine has advanced tbe pricee of Canadian twine about 124%. A word to the wise is sufficient, Call and see our Crown brand, Ameriaau Sheaf and absolutely pure manilla. McKay & Go., Brussels. PaigTLeo, i@c.-The nodereigned, hav- ing aying entered into partnership, are prepar- ed to do all kinds of work in the following lines :-Plain and ornamental painting, kaleomining, frescoing, paper•hanging, sign -writing, &c., &o. Remember our motto, "First -Claes work and reasonable chargee." STEWART & RITCBIE, Brussels. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING. -George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatiefaotion. Wells cleaned cub and put in proper share. Terme reasonable. Residence s000nd door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34.11 TIM BEST RECOMMEND. -The best re- commend a bicycle can have is the num- ber of Bales made, A. pousley, agent for the well•kaown Brantford, has made the following sales this season already :- W. E. Armstrong, teacher, Brussels ; Artlrar Wake, Brussels ; Mr. Shiels, Grey ; Rev. G. H. Cobblediok, Bruesels ; Colin MoArthur, Brussels ; Wm. McDonald, Molesworth ; John Rao, teacher, McKillop ; W. 4, Rozoll, Brussels ; H. J. Burkholder, Drayton ; Sydney Bolgar, Morris ; R. A. MoKee, teacher, McKillop, Mies Tilly Gofton, Wroxoter, Bev. W. J. Waddell, Ethel ; J. Backwell, MaKillop, J. A. Stewart, Bruesole. Geo. Goatee, Cranbrook. R, Leatberdale, Bruesels. 4, A. McKee, McKillop. Wm. Madrtee, Walton, Miss Thuell, Morris. Fred, Gilpin, Brussels. The "Red Bird" gives great satisfaction. A stook of wheels alwaye on hand, both new and eeoond hand, A. Comm,. Agent, Brussels. • FUST 1)2.44flYD42iD ,734XJ OF 4.t4.✓Y4De HEDF I C F CE, - TORONTO tllorj @d) (Seven Million Dollars) ASSETS, COITAL ( AUG, 7, 1890 $7,000,900 4$2,000,000 43enef ss() in aft 41'ivlotpa1 peyote fn 0,1111io, Quebec, Ilf'anfteba, United States c3 Baiplafid, A General Banking Busingos Trausaoted. Fermere .Notes Discounted, Draft0 Ieaued and Collemtione made on 411 points. SAVINGS, BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits( of $1.00 and upwards from dab of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. Sroo1AL ATTS01700 elVEN To Trot tioramoYone OF PARAMUS' SALO NOTxe. Every facility afforded Customers living at a digitalin. 4. A. STEWART Maxaa)n. �oRTz_ LowitY,---In Brussels, on August 5th, the wife of Mr. Geo. 0. Lowry of a son. CLAnxo.-Xo Morris, on July 28rd, tho wife of Mr, Thomas Clarke, of a son. Krrfonr, In Morris, en July 28rd, the wife of Mr, Andrew Knight, of a son. NAsn,-In Gorris, on Tharsday, Aug. 30th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Nash of a daughter, Honosou.-In Turnberry, on Jaly 28rd, the wife of Mr. Peter Hodgson of a SOU. Wmtx,-In East Wawanoeh, on July 29th, the wife of Mr, James Wiley of a Son. liINTOvr —2n East Wawanoah, On July 2811), the wife of Mr. Henry Rfntoul of a son. Fnaexn.—In Trowbridge, on July 26th, the wife of Mr. John Fraser of a eon. Cvri'.-In Goderioh, on Aug. 5th, 1896, the wife of Mr. R. H. Gull of a daughter. )2fao,moox.—In Listowel, on July 28111, the wife of Mr. T. L. Hamilton of a daughter. MARR2=a. DENnow-M0Doxaan.-In Walton, on July 28th, by Bev. D. Forrest, Mr. Robert Denbow to Miss Kate Mo. Donald, both of Brussels. Enna-Unawronn.-On the 20th July at the manse, MoKillop, by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. Wm. Geo. Kerr, of McKillop, to Mies Elizabeth Craw. ford, of Scotland. BntDWIN-Elu1Ga.--In Blyth, on August 5th, by Bev. Mr. Bigley, Mr. A. E. Bradwin, Editor of the Standard, to Miss Lena, eldest daughter of Mr, John Emigh, all of Blyth. GlusoN.-In Howick, on July 24th, Thomas A. Gibson, aged 24 years, WYLro.-In Wingbarn, on July 25th, Elizabeth Jane Wylie, aged 3 years and 13 days. SMEr.Tzien.-In Wingbam, on July 29th, infant daughter of Morris Smeitzer, aged 15 months. Bt3sBors.-In Wingbam, on July 29th, Eva Martha, infant daughter of A. Brisbois, aged 7 months and 10 days. Gnar.-In Morris, on July 20th, Leonard Gray, aged 82 years, ENoxo.-In Grey, on Wednesday, Aug. 5th, Euphemia McLeod, youngest daughter 'of Conrad Engel, aged 8 mos. and 2 days. ACr�^SCTT2,T � RAS+ �".A.SRS, Brussels, Oct. 1 & 2. St. Marys, Oot. 6 & 7. Tavistook, Sept. 21 & 22. Woodstock, Sept. 24 & 25. Mitchell, Sept. 29 & 80. East Niseouri,at Thamesford, Sept. 30. Stratford, Oct. 1 & 2. Blanchard, at Kirkton, Oct. 8 and 9. Western, at London, Sept. 10 to 19. Toronto, Induatrial, Aug. 81 to Sept 12. West Nissouri, at Thorndale, Oot. 8, THE PEOPLE'S COLUINIo. CIEGOND HAND BIOYCLES 10 for sale. Big bargains. Choice of four. A' 00U9LEY, Brusselo. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— Firntmortguge, faYm eoeurity, aApp1y LOAN.— Lit THlt P0BT Publishing House, Bruesole. ..14 WILL BUY AN ALL ki..7 Iron Gate, eleven feet long, brass binges. A dandy. Apply to •W.. SMITH, Lot 4, Oou. 7, Gray. • BICYCLE FOR SALE. A '95 "Hartford," made by tbe Colum- bia Companyy. Almost as good as new, 8'•40. Inquire CLEVELAND G. ALLIN, at Metho- dist Parsonage, Brussels, ADIRSI=TO WORK around home, Salary 821.00 monthly. Applicants desiring attention must send re. ferenooe and three cent stamp to HOUSp- FSOLD PUBLISHING 00.,SInliinuouBaild- Ing, t'pronto, DESIRABLE RESIDENOE EOM SALE. -•Lots 020' and 221, Queen et, Terme reaaouable to a cash purchaser. Ali - ply on the premises or to 2.5 W. AL SIN CLAIR._ DAItIS GREEN.—WE GUAR- AxTEE Dur Borger'sEnglisll Paris Green to give perfect satisfaction or money refund- ed. Price 200, a pound. 4113AD1,1AN &fi1:oOALL, Druggists & Optinfons, STRAYED ON THE PREM- rens of the Undersigned, Lot 00, Oon. 0, Grey, on or about Suly 7th, a rod heifer two POOPS old with white otos on its forehead. The owner is requested to prove property, n1expenses J BAlUilr i,Monfryn P. 0. g21oUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his comfort- able cottage and j aero of land on Turnborry street, Brussels for sale, On the promisee is a good well, stable, fruit trees, &a. For prioe And terms apply to 1-tf AL1ER. MCLAIIOHLIN, Proprietor. QTRAYED ON THE PREM— rats of the undersigned, North halt Lot 24, Con. 5, Morris, on or about May last two yearling cattle. One ie a roux heifer and the other a red steer. The owner is requested io prove property, pay eanensee and take them away, 'WALTER, INNES, 1-4 Brune a P. O, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber offers his brick maid - ;nee adjoining llrtieeels, 10th con„ Grey, for sale. There ie Ono Moro of land, meetly planted with small lrtuts, stable, well, &a. For prion and terms apply to the undersign. Sd. WALTER 13i001A10D9010, 52.4 Brussels P. 0, LICnad••,n•rAnp REAL ESTATE. ANITOBA LAND FFOR SALE. 700 acres of good farm laud at 0 lfo deale at lots price. Winnipeg, North past j 800,10 Twp, 11, Range 4, Nast. There is a 1)800000the premises and some breaking dove, I'or full particulars es to price, title, &a„ write Or apply to e0 0, I', BLAIR or W,11. HERR, Brussels, Out, GOOD FARM FOR SALE NEAR 0, Grey townebip Great dbabuildiugeot and Or. chard, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming. Apply to W5(.IOILLOUGG on the premises or to 011001AS HE1RITAGE, London West. FARMS FOR SALE. — 200 soohiefyeand 8th Concesio, Twnspoon the b-ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 5d miles from Brussels, 40 moment Fall wheat sown and about 80 soros under grass ; 00 acres cleared on each, forms of payment SUSS. A. MCEELVEY, M, D., 04- Brussels, FARM FOR SALE — 100 acres -Being South Half Lots 17 and 18, Con. 1,11olxie, having a frame house and frame barn with stone stabling underneath, oleo an orchard and two good wells, eituated 25 nlilee from the Village of Bluevale and 4 Miles from the Town of Wingham, 00 acres cleared, good clay loam, balanoe hardwood bush, Any person wishing to purobase can apply to \VST, J, SOHN8TON, t Executors. EEO, PDACCOli, 4.4 Bluevalo P.O, To be sold on ox before 10111 of September, FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- nEBe1GxED offer their splendid100 sore farm, Lot 33, Oon, 12, Grey, for sale. There are 85 acres cleared, balaoae good hardwood bush. On the premises )s a comfortable frame house, frame barn and outbuildings ; good orchard; wells, &c, 40 0.61'08 under grass. Farm lin excellent 'state of cultiva- tion,ij miles from Oranbroolc Tillage anti Of from Brussels, Possession oould be given this Fall. For further particulars as to price, terms, &c., apply on the promises or write to Cranbrook p0. 4-tf WM, Awn SAMUEL OARN0OHAN. VALUABLE FARMS FOIL SALE. The eligible 200 nom farm, composed of lots 10 and 17 in the 10th son„ Grey township, Huron Co„ and 50 aures, part of lots 10 and 17, 11th con.. belonging to the Rabortlirown estate, is offered for sale to wind up estate. On the first farm is a good stone house and large bank bars, necessary outbuildings, or- chard, &c, Farm well watered, welt fenced and in good state of cultivation. About 50 soros of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On orchard and about 8 mares of bushed Perms sold jointly or separately to snit purchaser. Possessioniven ]u the Fall. Farms are on- ly amile from the village of Cranbrook, where aro school, churches, post-ofgce, stores, deo., and 9$ miles to the thriving mar- ket town Brussels. For further particulars as to prio0, terms, &e., apply to AGNES BROWN,) JAMES BROWN, (Executors. JOHN BROWN, ) Oranbrook P. O. BOAR FOR SERVICE,—•THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20 Con. O, Morrie, the thoro' bred im- proved White -Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from S.L. Brothour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Pair. Tornio, 51.00 to be paid at the time of.service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. PCdigrao may be seen on application. ROBT, NICHOL. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE naderaigned will keep for service on hot 90, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'-bred Largo English Berkshire hoar, Captain John." sow atHis othetis a l sister to World'eF Fair. Pedigree the 118 produced on application. Tering-61.00 to brotnlaia paidng at if utimeooe06ary, of servioo with privilege of 14.6m • SAS, SPEIR, Proprietor. FOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for Borrie() of Lot 27, Con, 4, Morris, 31110 ttoro' bred Tam- worth boar,"Xing George," purchased Dom H. George & Sone who got first prise for their herd at Guelph Fat ,Stook Show;' Tho clam of "King George" NOD firot prize at the Show, London, Itugland, 1113 s)reiwao im- ported and weighed 750 lbs, Terms 11.00 to be ard at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. R1011410 ARMSTRONG, 40.11pProprietor. Mnoient Order of United Workman, This Benevolent and Fraternal Society is the Oldest and Strongest of the kind in America. Each member seamen to his family, at hie death, 52,000.00 or 01,000,00, at his option. :14.6e. e yearly aseeoemouIMP 00 the Cornier is 0141) 610.00 and on the ]atter 88,00, on good healthy men between the 03100 of 21 and 40 years. A large lodge is in operation 00 Brus- sels, Wby not join yourself and noun for your family, in ease of your being ea/led Awayy, a handsome bum for thou 60y,port 7 RC11orde ;J. A. 1IN M, W. ; W. H, I1ER1t, Recorder; J. A. ORE1'GHTON,21nanoier, DENTAL. DR,. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, I,ieentiato Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a apeoialt8Moder- ate t6asnbelips-robarber hop,, Turrry1:,,sols. VETERINARY. D. WAT1WlOK, 8 • Honor Graduate 4f the Ontario Veterinary collage, le prepared tp treat all THOS. A. HAWIiINSi diseases of domesticated animals in a 001E- y Will give lessons to pupils either ou potent manner. Partioular attention paid piano Or organ, at hie Allude Mont, oppo0ite to veterinary dentistry. Calle' promptlyat. the poet•ollipo, Brnssele. Vocal leasone 0380 tondad tn, bvfiloe, and Infirmary -Four oors given, Ton year4 exporlonoc in teaching. worth of bridge q'nrnborry 11 , Brueeas. 'Terms moderato, 'ofl Ur' Store Putting up a lrosoription Requires skill and once in order to help the doctor's wiedonl in selecting wbat is proper. PURITY, CAREFUILNIESS, PROMPT. NESS and MODERATE PRICES' RULE HERE. Long experience enables us to buy ohne and seleot the right things and our Customers get the benefit. Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges, Toilet ar• Holes and all that mattes a druggist stook oomplete are here. We have low prime and high quality mixed, yet all is in good order AT Foz'o Drug St®re, OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solioitor and Oonv0yanaor.. Collect - Moue made. 011ice-Vanstonc'e Stook, Brus- sels. 21 -am vv- M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyancer ,No tory Pub- lio, &e. Office-'Vanetone's Block, 1 door north of central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. G. CAMERON, (Formerly• Soitoraei Cam arena Boider end Solicitor, Cameron, Out, Ofhoo-Hamilten St., Opposite Col- borne Hetet, G• F. BLAIR., BARRISTER Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's Ounce, GoderIeb.) Office over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brue0018. Money to Loan. . 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE .KIRKBY, LioeneedAuctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Forme and farm stooks. specialty. Orders left at Tan PoeT Publishing Houee,Brueeeis, or sentto 'Walton P. O„ will receive prompt attention, TOi• S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • EBL, will sell for better pl'iees, to than any other Auotloneer in lass Huron or he won't charge anything. Pates and orders can'alwaye be arranged at this Office or by personal application. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • O. M., L. R.C.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P . S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's Block, corner of M131 and Turnberry Ste. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Phyeiotan, Surgeon, Aoeou0her, etc. Graduate of Toronto University BIodiaal Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE -Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Out. BUSINESS CARDS. H. I1oORAOKEN • I60urer ofhl'arriageLiconses. Office at his Grocery, ,Curnborry street, 13rooeele. ip .fl.LN. BARRETT, southTonsorial Artist' Shop -Nest door of A. M. McKay & Oo's hardware atom. Ladies' and oh ildrens hair nutting a opoolalty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE SaVinge Bank takes Deposita from 41.00 to 41,100 and allows Si p01' cont. interest. T. FARROW, 87.3m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. 0N60RA10013, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. • T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEwxr,Ry Sro1E, f'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. AVELLINGTON MUTUAL Di- v r Co, Established 1840, In - !tummies off acted on all Town and L'arm Property at vory 1ow re tee, J, A. CREIGHTON, 15.8m Agent, Brunets, ALEX., HUNTER, Clerk of tbo Piourth Division Cour Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publlo Land, Loan and In0uranoe Agent, Fonds invested and to loan, Collections made Oillee in Graham's Block, Bru60010