HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-8-7, Page 44 proppamowaimagoamwasouswa aiFwYAu�RRmwl''' New Advertisements, Locals --11, Donnie. Looal-.Thos, Itersp. Strayed—J. li, Baker. Pink,l'lilt-•-Dr. SVilliams. Leaving town—H, Denote. At aoet--Smith c2 McLaren, Summer goods—J, G. Shone, Farm for sale -W, 3. Johnston. Press your applea--Ger, Edwards. System Eenovator-3. M. McLeod. Typhoid fever --Deadman b l toOa11, Dieeolution sato—Ferguson & Halliday. Farm for Bale—Wm, and Santl, Ooob, rano, cif r vas est, FRIDAY, AUG, 7, 1896. Tuaxny may take a band fn boxing the ears of Greece if the latter does not oeaee aiding the ineurgents in the island of Crete. Tae indications in Manitoba and the Northwest point to a probable rise in the grain markets there, and if there then in Ontario. We trust these hopes may be realized for money has been rather a scarce article for some time past. PARENTS will do well to make their ar• raugements, as far as possible, 8o that their children will get to school at the reopening after vacation as a few weeks lost then often delays the pupil for a whole term and adds to the inconvenience of the teacher in arranging the uooeeeary promotions or changes. THERE was quite a bit of quiet talk about Dr. MoDonald'a election in East Huron being protested, brit as Monday was the last day to enter such protest and it wee not done the Dr. is safely seated for another Parliamentary term. We were never very badly flustered about it as we regarded it as a little bluff having a pair-olf in view. Tonne seems to be almost a unanimous opinion among the business ,people of Brussels that an incandescent light plant is a neceeeity in town and would prove a profitable investment. The aro light is still a necessity on the streets but for in• door purposes the incandescent appears to be supplanting it in the neighboring towns. It costs less and gives better red sults. We hope to see this addition made to the electric light plant in Brus- sels before the coming Fall. IT looks a little odd to see Dominion Government advertisements in the To- ronto Globe but we guess it is their inn. inge now. Just here we wish to say that the Conservative press will probably miss the pooket money they were in the habit of receiving from the treasury at Ottawa, in many cases for work that was absolute. ly useless. The idea of advertising for tenders for Government jobs in the neigh- borhood of Montreal in all the Conserve, fiverural newspapers in Ontario. It was nothing more nor lees than a small return for their dabbling in politics and not for value either received or expected. Somebody may say but the "Grit" papers will get it now. We don't think so, nor should they unless when it can be clearly shown that the advertising done is going to be of valve. It ie by stopping these and many other, so called, small leaks that the ship of State will be kept sailing with her prow pointing toward the desir- ed haven, viz., The building up of a great loyal, united Nation. It is said that Hon. Mr, Tarte has already saved more than bis year's salary by cutting off a number of employees in his department who were not required. If eoonomy is wealth then the sooner it is practiced the earlier we may expect to see soma prospect of rodeo. ing our big debt and interest account in the Dominion. Canadian Newst. Farm laborers are wanted in portions of Manitoba. Russel Fiteh's young son was drowned at Stontiville. Port Dover harbor improvements have been completed. Barley cutting has commenced around Portage la Prairie. A hailstorm damaged the crops in portions of Manitoba. A young Port Hope boy named Fred. Smith was drowned while bathing. Conductor Henry T. Heath dropped dead on the Gatineau train, near Ottawa. Geo. Davidson, a druggist, of Hamilton, WOR drowned at Brantford while bathing. Jas. McDonald, an elderly painter, was found dead in a storeroom at Petro - Morrison Hewitt a yardsmen, was killed in the Stuart street yard, Hamil- ton, Seth Young, a well.known horseman, was Strunk by a train at London and killed, The remaine of Joseph Loftus, a Ham. ilton boy, were found beeide a railway track in Buffalo, The Aseinabeia Stook.growers' Asso- ciation are petitioning for mounted polies protection, The Provinoial Park at Pointe Anx Pins, Random, is rapidly undergoing improvement. The first load of now oats was received at the Byron millet over three weeks earlier than usual. Several lady bicycle Mere were fined at Woodstock this week by the P. M. for riding on the sidewalk. A Winnipeg grain dealer, lately on the bear side, thinks the Foeticide ler a rise in the price of wheat are good, There was a deluge of harvest apples at the Woodstock market Saturday. One hotel.keoper Bays he bought two bags for three glasses of beer. Q P. 11. agents ltaveteeeived a oltouler instructing thorn not to a000pt damaged eiiver 00me in future Some down Men at work at Niagara Valle, at the maeot work of the Pew steel archway bridge, at the Canadian end, mivaeulouely eooaped death at 1;30 p. ni. Friday, 11 seems the large out stenos, weighing soma five 00 six tons, are pieced io their positions below by means of two large derrioks, and are lowered from the top of the bank, down about 50 Net, when they are pinked up by another derrick and planed in their position. When the immvnes derrick, located at the top of the bank, had a 0 -ton stone raised and swung in position to lower over the precipice, Qhae. Gilles, the man in eltarge, naiad the guy of the arm a d io ] signalled h ad arwekad u k t e h n , Y q man at the engiue to step, which he did. With superhuman strength and quiukneee be pulled the stone batik, and not a moment too Boon, when the shaft fell, with a °rash, over the roof of the bridge tioket otllee, Had he not done what he did the stone would have gone over the precipice and dragged the derrick with it on top of the unoonseioue workingmen below, and nothing would save from in- stant death, OER•C7'niH 188 ra..:.r-..>rio iTEa, Fall Wheat 60 Barley. 26 Peas 48 44 Oats 17 18 Butter, tube and rolls 10 11 Eggs per dozen 71e• Flour per barrel4 00 ,4 50 Potatoes 50 Hay per ton ,.., 0 00 7 00 Hides trimmed,,... 4 di Hideo rough 3 3e Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skine, each 60 75 Lamb skins eaoh 15 40 Apples per bus 1 00 Hoge, Live 8 75 3 85 Wool 18 TORONTO, Ont., August 4.—Market dull. Flour quint ; trade prices unchanged ; straight rollers quoted at $3 10 to $3 16, Toronto freights. Bran steady ; care quoted at 00 went, and shorts 0 50 to $10. Wheat quiet ; offeringe moderate and demand fair ; o. 1 and 2 hard, 600 and 58o afloat at Fort William ; new red sells at 59c west, and old is quoted at 640 and white at GOo outside ; No. 1 Manitoba hard is quoted at 690 Toronto freights, and 700 Montreal freights. Barley—Noth- ing doing ; prices purely nominal. Oats quiet, offerings fair ; white sold outside at nee, and mixed quoted at 17}c on G. T. R. and C. P. R. west. Peas quiet, prices unchanged ; sales at 45o north and west. .Oatmeal quiet, prices nominal, at $2 40 on track. Buckwheat quiet, and prices nominal, at 800 to 82c outside. Corn firm ; yellow quoted at 30e to 31e outside. DAIRY itlentcnrs.— Liverpool —Cheese steady, demand moderate ; finest Amari• can white, 345 6d ; forest American color. ed, 35e. Butter, finest 11. S., 75s ; good, 50s. Madoc—At the Madoc board to- night there were 025 boxes of cheese of. fered. McCargar bought 350 at 7}o; Bird, 260 at 7}0 ; Watkins, 100 at 7 3-16o and 50 at 7 5.15e ; Hodgson, 150 at 7 5-10c ; Cook, 80 at no. Ingersoll— Cheese market offerings, 1,050 boxes ; sales, 671 at Tec. Belleville—At the cheese board to -day 28 factories offered 1,560 white and 250 colored cheese ; sales, 00 white at 7,30 ; 455 white at 7 3.16o ; 650 white at 7}c ; 150 whits at 7}e ; 50 colored at 7i o ; 70 colored ab 7}e ; 60 catered at 70e ; 70 colored at 70c, New York --Butter steady ; state dairy, 10o to 14c ; do. creamery, 14e to 150 ; western dairy, Oc to 120 ; do„ creamery, 11do to 15c ; do., factory, 8c to ilc ; Elgins, 150. Cheese firm ; state large, 5}c to 60 ; do., small, Sic to 7c ; part skims, 20 to 5c ; full skims, lc to 1}n. EAST BUFFALO, August 4.—Cattle—One car ; nothing doing. Hogs—Two oars fresh, few scattering left over ; market firm ; Yorkere, $3 75 to $8 80 ; mediums and heavy, 33 80 to $3 40 ; mixed pack- ers, 83 25 to $3 45 ; roughs, $2 75 to $3.. 10 ; stags, $2 to $2 60. Sheep and lambs —Two cars ; quiet ; prime lambs, 06 60 to $5 75 ; mostly $5 00 ; culla and com- mon, $2 75 to $4 50 ; fair to good mixed sheep, $8 25 to $3 50 ; culls to fair, $1 50 to ea. TORONTO, August 4.—Except for export cattle to -day's market was a poor one. There are still too many poor cattle offer. ing. Buying for Montreal was slow, only about a dozen carloads being taken, Receipts at the two yards were 80 car. Loads, including 1,451 sheep and lambs, 1,078 cattle, 400 hogs, 20 mile]) cows and springers, and about 15 calves. Export cattle—There was a decidedly batter tone to this trade today. Good cattle were selling at from 31xe to 33o per Ib„ and mediums from $3 to $3,40 per cwt. Only loads of choice cattle brought ado per lb. There were quite a few sales at $3 40 and $8 60 per cwt. For quite a few markets back dealers have not cared whether they bought cattle or not, but to -day they are after the drovers to get them to sell if they saw they had any good or choice cattle. Butchers' cattle—There wasade- cidedly weaker feeling to -day, prices rul- ing from 20 to 3c per lb, The quality of the cattle was poor. The demand from local butchers is slow. Some of the inv- ert] who are taking cattle to ship to out. side pointe could not fill their orders be- cause of the inferior quality of many of the cattle offering. There wits a fair de- mend for good bulls at from 20e to 8}o per ib. Sheep and lambs—Trade was slow and prime were off somewhat. Lambs sold at from $2 25 to 32 50 per head for common to good, and $2 75 per head for choice, only an exceptional fancy one going up to $3. Quite a few remain. ed unsold. Shipping sheep wore slow, at 30 per Ib. Bucks sold for 2,10 per ]b. lentehers' eheop were dull at 200 per lb„ and were hard to sell at that. Calves— the feeling remains fairly firm for good veale, but ea poor calves wanted. Prices, 32 to $5 per head. Milch cows and springers- There were 20 head in to.day, and all sold, Prices from $20 to $30 per heard. The $30 cows sell moat eaedy. Hogs—Offerings light and trade quiet. There is a prospeot that prices may go lower, but to.day they were steady, at from 4pr, to 4}0, weighed off the,cars, for the hest scleotione of springers, Menu xn Lrvenrooc: Liverpool, Aug, 3.—Bank holiday, of course, stopped ordinary trade Isere, but the cattle trade had to go on, end showed an improve. ment. Balinese was firmer, Best States sold at nearly 6d., Canadian Edi. Sheep are muoh weaker, THE, ]3RUSSEt I'AS POST eeleeeT9re:aal., sreyee err l9aemeemeeerisearemr AITING 1 Monr5 xn Wxtaen.--•mita days of intik, Ing money in reheat are it asoma not over yet, Re we Understand that it Montreal Arm has about 260,000 bushels of Mani• Whit wheat on the way and to come for. ward, whish ebowe a profit of 4o to 30 per bnahel, But an the basso ;of prices whish mitters are stow paying in the in. torior tbers has been au advance within the past weekor ten days of 5o to Oo per bushel, 4 letter from a Winnipeg firm has suet been received, stating that near- ly all No. 1 hard wheat in the country has been bought up, and what is left le ])slid at high figures. Latest sakes re- ported to us at interior pointe were at 40o against 40 elute previously ; and millers in Iilanitoba have advanced the prion of dour in consequence 20o to 50o per barrel,—Montreal' Trade Bulletin. Tun Arrx,n Onor.—Advioee from Halifax, N. S., state that the apple crop in the Annapolis Valley will be large and of Ane quality ; and further news from Ontario confirm former reports of a gond crop. Bsports (min some sections in Maine are not ea encouraging as they wore ; but, said a well posted dealer, it will be a fair average at least. New York, it is said, will be three-fourths of a full orop, which means a big total. One of the leading apple men it the 'United States writes a Arm here to the effect that the States twill produce a hundred million barrels One year. Ws shall have a good orop on the Island of Montreal and in thie Province.---ltfoutreal Trade Bulletin. TIM Buil= Tnenn.—There has been more doing in butter, some 4,000 to 5,000 packages of creamery having been bougbb at 16e- to 163o for pinked qualities, a few fanny lots having brought 170 ; but 16}0 it is said was all shippers oared to pay today, the tone being a little easier. Shippers are very particular as to quality which has been running mottled and nu. even. This is a bad feature for creamery, and should not exist. The total exports for the season up to the close of last week were 18,237 pkge„ against 10,312 pkgs for the same period last year.— Montreal Trade Bulletin. WHERE TO SPEND YOUR IOLIDAT$e The Ideal Summer ramble Is the Georgiau Bay and Muskoka Lake Region, "THE HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO." Easily reached from all rehabs. For Rest, Recreation, Fishing, Boating, Bath- ing, Camping, eto., this favored District (500 ft. above Lake Huron) is unequalled. A special folder with mope and full in- formation can be had on application to J. N. KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. The undersigned ars prepared to attend to all branobee of Painting, lnoludiug House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Work. Paper Hanging, Kalsolnining and Decorating neatly and prompt- ly looked after at mod - crate Priem We make 0.401511y of Mannfaoburing and placing itt position rii^st-Ch ss AWIII>!tgg_ Orders left at our Paint Shop, formerly used by Messrs. Roddick & Wake, will be attended to with dispatch. Paper Hanging Ordois may be left with Messrs.Deadman & Me- Oall, AREPLE B1105. , PAINTERS. We have the Reliable Brands of MING T\VINE, Blue Ribbon, Standard and Red Cap. PRICES 0. K. N. & N. Gerry, Brussels, July 2, 1806. DEAN, SIR,— The BUGS are here, and have come to stay. Tbere is nob much probe. bility of their being killed by frost, as they were last year, and indications are that the sale of Bug Finish will be very large this season. We should be pleased to supply you with the genuine Potato Bug Finish, used also for Vegetables and Shrubs. 14 lbs. for 25o. • N. & perry. "" SUMMER GOODS — _ . T COST. Do1aines, Crepons, Irinkles, Marts, Laces and all Summer Dress Goods. J. G. Skene. UNDERt.KING The Undersigned has a complete outfit of Undertakers' Supplies such as CASKETS, COFFINS, ROBES.' -coo. First-class Hearse in Connection. EMBALMING ATTENDED TO. JAS. WALKER, Opposite Town Hall, Brussels. Having 7nu7'chccsed c business in the City of Chatham, I will offer my entire stool? of Harness, Collars, Fly Nets, Trunks, Valises, In fact everything in my shop, at from GENT. rJf 15 TO 25 PER ` EN pan Of a Reduction for 30 Days, P]USS..Ell_lS. ARE SELLING All 11111s Scasolis Goods TO MAKE ROOM FOR • FALL GOODS. We are offering all lines of Summer Goods at Greatly Re- duced Prices in order to make room for FALL IMPORTATIONS, Odd Linos and Remnants We will let go regardless of cost. Space will not permit us to enumerate articles and prices but ask an inspection with a view of comparing quality and cost. Be sure and not miss this chance of a good Bargain. - There is bometbing you want in our line. tr c ' an. CAN'T GO WRONG IF YOU BUY YOUR HARDWARE FROM THE LARGEST STOCK. m j-0 THE LOWEST PRICES, —44— M. McKay at CO. Special value in Paints, Machine Oil, Fence -Vire, Rc. NA TIONAL This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern machinery added where required. so that better work can be done now than ever. BEST GRADE OF MANITOBA FLOUR GROUND FRO8I 11IANITOBA.WUEAT. Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &c., always on hand. _....„,zokSatisfaution Guaranteed. Highest market pri0o for Wheat delivered at the Mill. Stewart.