HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-8-7, Page 301 7, ln$9(1 .,,.*II6ta 4 T.tti BRUSSI±,LS POST rptrw,artsanaadltlpwwwut a . .,..lrana•,r Town DIxeoto 'yw IgEreabIit CSIotlolr,—Sabbath Service') at 11. a m and 7:00P m, Flunc'iay School at 2100 p to, Bev, John Boss, 13 A, plater, ST,Joos's O1 zonas,--Sabhath Services at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sanday Sollool at 2:80 p, ln, Rau. A. IL. Griffith Mourn - bent, I11n'rnonzee CILUfQn.--Sabbath Service') at 10:80 w m and 7:00 p m, Sunday Sohool al 2;80 p m. Rev. S. J. Allin, pastor, ROMAN OA'raoLla C11vna1,—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a an. Rev Joeoph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION Anon,—Seryi,e at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8m on Sunday and every evening in the weak at 8 O'olook, at the barracks, On» FnLLowe' LOON every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, MAsoNIO LOWS Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block, A 0 U W LODGE on the 8rd Friday evening of each month, in Bias - hill's block. Q O F Lonon 2nd and Net Monday evenings of eaob month, in Blaehill's block. I 0 F, and and Met Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L O L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONG of SOOTLAND, 1st and Ord Toes.. days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Zenon, 2nd and 9th Tnee- daya of each mouth, in Odd Fellow's Hall. HOMO Crnor.E, Sud and 40h Friday even- ings in Blashill's Hall. POBT Orrfee.—Office hours from - 8 a. M. to 6:80 p. m. MEonANIOe' INSTITUTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Ma - Naughton, Librarian. Town Oooxoxa.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Robert Graham, R. Lea- therdale and 13. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the let Monday in aaoh month, SonooL BoAnn,—Dr,. Graham, ((thair- man,) 'lavaboes, D. C. Roos, A. Reid, A. Koenig and II. Dennis ; Seo,.Treae., 61. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoll month. Poeaio Seneca, TEAennae.—J. E. Cern. eron, Principal, Mies Linton, Miss Downey and Mies Bitobie. Bohan OF Haorru: Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A.. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MaNaugbton, Medical Health Officer. BLOWS. The giant powder in the bloat Is blowing up the boulders ; The maiden with pneumatic sleeves Is blowing up her ohonlders. The baker to the kitchen maid Is blowing up his crumpets ; The milkman in the lower half Is blowing np the trumpets. The gentle zephyr from the South Is blowing the naraiesue ; The cook who thinks she knows it all Is blowing up the "minus." The father, down upon his knees, Is blowing up the fires ; The daughter in her bloomer suit, Is blowing up her tires• BURIAL OF SIR CHARLES TUP• PER. (A. parody.) "Oar drums beat hard, but no funeral notes, As his corse through the streets we hurried ; Lusty Grits discharged their joyful shouts O'er the grave where the warhorse we buried. "We buried hits darkly at dead of night," The sod with our Grit vote turning ; In the straggling moonbeams' misty light Our brooms were brightly burning. No useless coffin enclosed his breast, Nor in sheet nor in shroud we wound him ; We laid the old Cumberland warhorse to rest, Hie Remedial Bill around him. "Lightly they'll tally of the baronet old, And over coercion upbraid him, By which he has wrecked the Conserva- tive fold And let those omnivorous Grits in. TO THE HON. WILFRID LAURIER. As once in days of yore, On Britain's shore a dauntless hero came, And firmly planted Freedom's flag, There always to remain. So now, in days of trouble sore, Upon Canadian shores our champion leader name, And firmly grasped the belm of State, There ae our Premier to remain. From bribery and corruption, Which we all may plainly see, From oppression and cooroion He comes to set each Province free. To unite the whole Dominion, Irrespective of ram or creed, And from under the yoke of tyranny He dict old Quebec lead. To settle the distracting School Ques- tion, At which the Tupperitee made no speed, To reconcile young Manitoba, In pone and harmony indeed. baled n) a righteous Government To Which eighteen years boodling slid enhance, To reduce our heavy taxes Long live our groat Dominion, And give the honeeb poor a chance. And our noble Premier, long live he, To gnido the destiny of thie country, Of the enlightened and the tree. —Thos. Downey, Fordwiob. TRULY 4 MODEST MAID, I want no dildo nor honored earl, NO brave and comely knigbt; I want a man who'll tend the stoves And the 13160130/1 llres light, • I want 110 daring warrior Before whose sword men fall ; I want a timid little man Who'll answer to my call. I want no lordly banker With wealth on land and sea ; I want a man whose hoardings Shall In my keeping be, I want no handsome, brilliant man Whose glance the heart can hurt I want a man so ugly That none will with him filet. I want a man of learning, Of the mental, Vast and high ; I want a man who knows and feele He knows much less than I. AS THE BOY SEES HER. A boy writes a graphic description of the "curl" of the day as follows ;—A. gurl Is a boy what wares petticoats mad aprone and other things, and don't get her hair out at the royal. Sem gurle last about 50 years. Thema old women. A gurl can'tget older than 24 years if no feller with a good farm, or blacksmith shop or carriage 'Mop don't marry her. I know sum gurle what's 24 years old since con- federation, but they looks older'n that, A gad likes to have a bo, if she's pretty she eumtimee has a whole lot of be's, Smutimee I get a hul lot of sandy from our Sia's ha. I alis sees him when he oume but I never sees him when he goes away, coz Sis puts me to bed. A gar) has a great nook of portending she can look pleasant and doee'nt aware or fire dish cloths at her brothers when there is strangers in the house, I sumbimee wish I was a gurl then I wouldn't have to pay taxes when I grow big. I might also stand a chance of going to hear Ida Van- oortland and her troop free. Tether day when me and young Britten rapped on our front door She inn up etraira, spong- ed he face all over, brushed her hair and pub on ber new dress and looked in the glass two or three times and smiled sever. al different ways before she name and opened the door. Course Ste got mad and T stayed at next house till Sis's bo cowed in the evening. Guile are ter• rible tbinge, they like to fool a feller. Sum wares faule° teeth and euro wares some body ekes hair. I like to see Sias when she paints all up, her bo calls for her and they purteud they are going to (Mural), but ,they don't, cause I watched them ono day and Sis's bo seen me and gave me a copper and told me to go home and ask maw if she knowed I was out. I think gurls ie all right in their own planes, so is boys. Bent Nearly _Double. TILE STORY OF A WELL KNOWN DELHI MAN. Tortured With Rheumatism for Nearly Twenty Yenre—Spent Large Sums In a Vaise Search far JteneWctl lleatlh— llo,y 115 at Last Fouad It. From the Delhi Reporter. There are very few troubles more wide spread and none more difficult to eradi• cafe from the system than rheumatism. The eu$erer is racked with pains that seem unbearable, and frequently feels that even death itself would be it relief. Among those who have found much of their lives made miserable by this dread trouble is Michael Schott, of Delhi, and having found a means of release from its agonies, he is anxious that other suf. ferers should profit by hie experience. Mr. Sohott is in the employ of Quanoe Bros., millers, and has a reputation for sterling integrity among all who know him. When one of the staff of the Re- porter interviewed him, Mr. Schott gave the facts of hie illness and recovery no follows ,;—He had been a sufferer from rheumatism since about 18 years of age. At times he was confined to bed but ob• tained no rest day nor night from the excruciating pains he was undergoing. Again he was able to go about and follow hie employment, but even then frequent- ly walked about iu an almost doubled up condition. Then again he would take another relapse, and would be forded to take to his bed. During all these years he was almost oontinually dootoring, but never obtained anything more thou temporary relief for the large sums he expended in this way. Having failed to obtain relief at home he went to Simons for treatment, but received no permanent benefit and soon after coming home was as bad as ever. It,will be readily under- stood that he was seriously dieconraged, and had come to look upon his case as hopeless. Finally be was urged to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after heli• toting at spending any more money in what he now considered a vain pursuit of health, ho at last ooneented to give them a trial. 13y the time he had used a half dozen boxes there was no longer any doubt in his mind 'that be was steadily improving, and the treatment was then gladly oontinued. When he had taken a dozen boxes he 80031d himself entirely recovered, entirely free from pain and all stiffness of joints, and he is now able to do as bard a day's work ae any man iu the village. He has now been free from his old enemy for so long a period that he feels his cure is permanent, and is ooueequently an enthusiastic) admirer of Dr. Williams' wonderful Pink Pills, and urges all who are similarly eufforing to give them a trial, feeling confident that they will prove quite as effioaoioue ae they did in his case. Dr. Williams' Pink 1?ills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system, and restoring the patient to health and strength. In caeae of par- alysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, eaiatioa, rheumatism, erysipelas, eon. felons troubloe, eto., tbeee pills are superior to all other treatment. They are also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of p Y health to pale and sallow shanks. Men broken down by ove'.work, worry or excesses, will find in Pinit Pills a mania oure. Sold by all dealers or vent by mail, postpaid, at 50 Dante a box, or eix boxes for 82,50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont., or Sohenootedy, N. Y. Bo - ware of imitations and substitutes nI• ]aged to bo "just as good." 11LaArrANen CVLIMO. ,The editor of the Murray (Ky.) Ledger rnakes this public announcement of ills con/Orsion "--All contraots for whiskey advertieed in the Ledger have. expired, and from thea date no whiskey advertise• Inents shall appear in these columna at any price. If the saloon people wish to expatiate on the merits (?) of any peon. liar brand of their damnation, they MS look oleewhere for a medium through which 60 extol° its virtues. The Ledger makes Ifo claim to eanetifieation, nut When a ealoon Beeper tells us that a $0,• 00 ad, in the Ledger hoe sold for him al, - 200 worth of whiskey, it makes us feel that we have been in a small measure I•e• sponelble for the damage (1one, and we promise to "sin no more." IAYE YOU A Inn TO 51'A1t1 ? The saloon mond have boys, or i6 must shut up shop. Oan't you fnrnieh it one ? 86 is it great factory, and unless it clan get (boat 2,000,000 from each generation for raw material, some of these faotories Must cloee out, and ite operations must be thrown on a oold world, and the pub- lic revenue will dwindle. "Wanted - 2,000,000 boye," ie the notioe. One family out of every five must contribute a boy to keep up the supply. Will you help ? Which of your boys will it be? The Minotaur of Crete bad to Have a trireme full of fair maidens each year, but the Minotaur of America demands a oily full of boys each year. Are you a father ? Have you contributed a boy ? If not, some other family has had to give more than its share. Are you not selfish, voting to keep the ealoon open to grind up boys, and then doing nothing to keep np the supply ? A cloys courosrrlos ON BOYS, The boy is not an animal, yet they can be heard to a ooueiderahle distance. When a boy hollers be opens his big mouth line frogs, but girls hold their tongue till they are spoke to, and then they answer respectable and tell just how it wag. A boy thinks himself °lever be- cause be (au wade where it is deep, but God made the dry land for every living creature and rested on the seventh day. When the boy grows up he is called a husband, and then he stops wading and stays out nights, but the grew cm girl is a widow and keeps, house. WIl AT THEY REALLY MEAS. Absolution—Theological benzine for taking out moral spots and stains. Amiability—The powdered sugar of politeness, very apt to be adulterated. Ancestors—The only luxury denied to the nouveaux, riches, and the one most desired by them. Abridgement—A collection of the bad points of a good book and the foolish points of a poor book. Aristocrat—One who washes his hands oftener than alien). Hence the others are the great unwashed. Austerity—The gold foil and iron wise of the champagne of life. Beware of the cork when the seal breaks. Age—We bane three ages—the real bona fide one, that which others think we have and that which we say we have. Abstention—The sour -grape virtue of the fox who couldn't get what he wanted and didn't want what be could get. Ballroom—A plane where society goes to be iu the swim, especially the summer bathing contingency. Look out that you don't get beyond your depth and beware of sharks. SC1E\TIF[CALLY DESCRIBED. A .Lewiston lady has two sons. One of them was obliged to submit to a some- what painful though not dangerous sur- gical operation the other day. The doc- tor, with hie instruments, did the work and went away. After he had gone, the lady, while loot:• ing around, found an article site oonulud• ed was one of the doctor's instruments. She pioked it up carefully, washed it in a solution of earbolio acid, and sent it to the doctor with a polite little note. The messenger Dame back with the in- strument and a note, saying: "Dear Mrs. M.: Yon are very kind, but the inetru• merit is not mine. I do not know just what itis, but I have an idea that it is used to hypodermically inject oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and other component gasses and t0 °er'reat a debilitated, flabby, and inchoate punctured rim of air. In other words, I think that if yon shote it to your other son he will tell you what it is." She carried it to iter boy and acid : "Whose is this ?" "Mine," said he. "What is it ?" • "My bicycle pump." She tossed the nickel -plated thing at him and went away smiling. ALLAN LINE. Bummer Sailings, 1S9G. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY & MONTREAL SERVICE. From From I•'rom Livorpu'l STEattsmre, Montreal qualm Daylight, 2 July Sardinian 18 rely 10 ail ° *Namidlan 211 111 "Parisian ]. Aug, 0 80E. 21 " Laurentian 9 11 30 " *lton0oilan le '• 1° a Aug. Sardinian "3 "'?8 " 18 *Nnmtdlan "0 " 130 '' 20 " Parisian 5 Snot n Soot 27 " *Laurentian 1i1 12 8 Sept, *Mongolian 12 " 10 ' 10 0 Sardinian "8 " 27 " *The Laurentian oarriee only cabin passengers Eastbound. *Steamers when marked thus do not stop at Rimoueki or Londonderry. All eteamels sail from Montreal at Daylight. Passengers go on board between 7 and 10 o'olnok on the evening before the ad. vertisad date. L 'Passengers may go via Montreal and return by New York or vine versa. For further information as to rates, dto., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. NOTICE 01+ REMOVAL MOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many;,ncw ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, 1 remain, S. T. P1 -am, General Blacksmith & Horseshoer THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain to its effects and never blister's. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. Dos G?, barman Iienderson Co„ 111., Feb.ne,'l5. Dr, D. J.1.e50eur, bo. Books and ob—Please ige. 2600' oo+l„great .3001 of Horse Kendnll's apay n Cure ,vithrood success • it S a wonderful medicine. I once0 0, a metro that had an Occult Npnvin and five bottles cured ber. 1 lreop a bottle on hand all the time. Yours truly, C1110. POWErs. KE DALL'S SPAWID DUKE. Dr. n, J, K1:Nnats. Co. CANTO, 310., Apr, 2,'01. "Keo,iall''s Sparta 001',"duith much) success. thtnk el the best Ltnimo l I av,:r used. Barn rc- tweedova Corb, ma; Blood recommended and itned Neo Iie"o sp,tvlo,,. Have rocolemended It to set -0000 of my friends who are much pleased with aadkeap lt. Itaepoatfully P. O. IIosete. Por Salo by ell Uruggldte, or address EL-121. I),•. 21. a. 58000 5LT. , VTCPA ___- 050500005 FALLS, VT, AYER'S flair VIGOR Restores natural color to the hair, and also prevents it falling out. Drs. H. W. Fenwick, of Digby, N. S., says: ".A. little more than two years ago my hair began it to turn gra' and fall out. Af- ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition."—Mrs. H. F. FEuwiCE, Digby, N. S. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for three years, and it has restored hair, which was fast becoming gray back to its natural color.” 1W'. HASELILOFF, Paterson, N. J. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PEEP MET. BY OR, J. O. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., Li .S. Ayer's Pills clue Sick Headache. I a. British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND. — HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cenl., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. PICOSI ..• Will r Or a well ram of X'QU C. 0e0000 011090058 0105 1015 111903,00,101'Oml 010100e. PI0091 cured all Nervous Diseases, tileaploe[, MOO. FoaloS lifomor',10155117 Emloslons anerma. t,rrhooa, Impotency), oto, caused by past atm..; OP. vigor and oleo to shrunken omens, and quickly but surely restored Lour 951anOon In old or Young, 31,, PICo50 0e4 700 ,,11150010 8lo9e( • and happy egoln, Seat by man er penin 10liasti r and oomlroly scaled from obaervenaa 9,udint fouled 1n next money In. Ptleo, 51 a ycomes, cls for "6, toad money in either too. ordinary or letter. Address all letters to J. T. ter thnB1R. D, 513E wooeeTOon, ONT„ Agent [or `VB na minion of Canada. Loki Tigiu e Balance of our Stook of Children's Wagons, Base Balls and Bats G-arden Tools and Croquet Sets 'Fill be Sold at a `eery Small Advance ce on 0 To Clear out Stook. Preebytez3ia , livnai Books AT CCT POST BOOKSTORE, BRUSSELS. Cheap and First-class Material. North Shore Every Ilousoholder should eftll and see the Pine aiul Cedar O SALE AT 'rl;la Iicflaiy Coal Oil Stove with Fountain, Brussels Planing tills IT'S A DANDY Also Doors and Sash of all Pat tonne on hand or made to order ab Short Notice, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J.&P.AMVIENT, Window Screens all Sizes and Screen Doors made to order. WILTON & USNaUL: