The Brussels Post, 1896-7-31, Page 8Tho School Opening Will soon be here and with 11 the (tenuity of repletliehing y091 steak of sohpol hooks, slates, &0, to entielpeti0n of a good trade in this part of our hutment) we are 16yfng in an uneenally large a1Qok of all the neeea8itiss of eellool life and think we Oen "knoQk all others out" in soribblere and other blanle boots% Our s0aek el High School Books i8 Oonlplete and it is Dur intention t0 keep ft se durfag eha aotniug 8011001 term. • Besides sobooletuppliee, you can depend 019 our stock of Drugs, and Optloal Goods as being blue very beet that money ooh buy. If any of our. oustomere are not satisfied wibll any articlepurohased from no we will re. loud their :n1noy at once. . OEAQMAN c@ McOALI., :Druggists, Opbioiane and Booksellers • GRAND "TRUNK, RAILWAY. 6o0Tiii11N EXTENSION W. e. & n. Trains leave Brussels Station, North end South, as follows: GoxNG SoIITH. Go1Ne Nonni, &Tail 008: a,m. . 0 46 a,m, 0x0reas 11:09 a.m.I Mixed Mall 17154 p,w, Anted9:00 p,1n. Express 9:49 p,m. .oral. ' .e.% s lt.em5, A chiel's among ye taltin' notes, An' faith he'll prone it, Comm meeting next Monday eveni-g. Rum schools will reopen on Monday, August 17th. A OEANGE of proprietors in connection with a Brussels industry is mooted. FO0RTn Division Court will be held ie Brussels on Wednesday, August 19t1). MEreea. CLEGG & DAaibs Shipped four a0r8 of cattle from Bru=sets ou Thursday. J. 0, TUCK will receive tenders for hie sew brick cottage up to 10 a. m. next Monday. BRUSSELS flax mill began work on 'his season's orop last Monday. The yield of seed promises to be good. Too Fall Assizes for this county will commence at Goderioh, before Judge Robertson, on September 14tb. Arne buyers are bobbing up here and nbere throughthe County purahe-sing Fail fruit and bargaining for Winter apples. Tas town bell ringer woke up the echoes last Friday morning by ringing she town bell at 6 instead of 7 o'clock. Be promises not to do so' any more. D. A. AND GEO. Lows, went to Blyth wast Monday morning to give the con- tractor of the new sobool house a lift in the brick work of that structure. Lowry :pros. are A 1 neeobanics. Qum a little fanie is found with the meant G, T. R. timetable over the foot that there is now no connection at Pal. •rzeraton for Northern points for panne. gars going on the W. G. & B, noon train. ENSIGN GREEN, of the Salvation Army, -who is now travelling in behalf of the Nattier Soldier work, will visit Brussels 98 Friday., July 31st, and Aug. 159 and Jud. Brigadier Margretts, fronaLondon, will also be hereon Tuesday, Aug. 4th. B,rerybody Dome. EVERY householder who desires to aid fu the carrying out of Board of Health :amtractions and thereby place a greater safeguard around hie own home, should lee that considerable attention is given to wells, oieteru8, cellars, outhouses, &c., during the hot weather. HYrooNEAL.—Loot Saturday D. Frain, ,terri0190 trimmer and harness maker, of Brussels, , sod Capt. Mary Sayers, who 3eoenbly removed from the captaiuoy of the Salvation Army corps here, were united in marriage at Blyth. Mr. and 31019. Frain have returned to Brussels, /there they purpose making their home. Mtn Pon wlebes them many Happy, 'prosperous pears. The Luoknow Sentinel save :-5.0 the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Free Masons in Belleville, Dr. J. S. Tennant, of this village, was elected District Deputy Grand Master for District No. 5, -Alicia includes all the lodges in the County of Bruce and the territory be• Sween Wingbam and Palmerston and fano: Palmers0un to Wiarton. This ie E 0te first time Luoknow has been so a sonored by the Grand Lodge and we ex• e - and our hearty congratulations to the t Doctor, who, we are confident, will fulfill K the duties pertaining to the high office, with boner to himself and creditable to los Masonic) fraternity. NanON MEDICAL AeoOCIATIox.—The regular quarterly meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held in Seafortb on July 21st, the following members be- teg present :—Drs. Mackay, Bethune, ;McGinnis, Seaforth • Taylor, Goderioh ; Serving, St. Mary's ; Stanbury, Bayfield ; Shaw, Clinton ; Woods, Mitcheil ; Mc. 3ohzie, Monkton, The president, Dr. Shaw, read an addr::se on 'Popular .Fal• hsoios in regard to lMedialuee," which provoked a good deal of discussion by the aaembers, Dr. McKenzie read an in- teresting paper. Dr. Woods presented a .ase that was full of interest to the As- sociation, and Dr. Irving illustrated a .ansa -that canoed considerable discussion. Do the whole the meeting was a very in- tereeting one. ' !Esse. BMEltall 1' VANeTONII shipped a oar of live beige from' Brunetti on Wed- llesdny. � 4 Dx SAalr u r,E h s sal leo �sR i h1s r Staff during the past) week. The addition to the Arm le Hailed Sample. 4 Lan0I5 oe Clllo5en beriende will be ineletutad in Brussels. W. G. Canine 11as bum doing the preliminary prgaul• Zenon work. QU1Tn a 01011er of Brnssele Afeeoabeee attended the funeral of John Elliott, a brother Ii. 0. T. M„ in \111ngham, lost Sabbath afternoon, 13ov. lily. Guano, of Corrie, 0cnd noted tate eerei08, 1401' Monday mewing a 0onsorvabive MOUS was Held at bile Amerioten IIOts1, Brnssele. Among the onteiders preeent were Barrister Diolrinson and Dr. Obis - 1101n1, oe Wiugham ; 7. J. Denman, of Blnevale, and others. Two OomNTY DIv18103,—Judge Jones, of Brantford, writes County Clerk Lane that the emumissi011 for dividing this county into eleotoral' distriote under the new County Counnil's Act, will hold its $ret eft0ing in Goderioh on September 10th at 9:10 p. m. A Lieu of a neighboring town who could not spare a dollar a year for a newspaper, 1000091y sent 50 two -cent stamps to a down•enet 'Xaoiteo to learn. how to stop n horse from slobbering. He got hie receipe, and be'll not forgot it. "To stop a horse from slobbering, teach him to spit." Taw Hensen Obeerver says :--Tien BRUssime Pear "is 24 years of old and she never etruek a man once already." What for the now 7 TnnPon) is a good, live paper, well up to date and three notches abers it. Its eubsoribers pay up with great promptness, it being a rare 000urr01100 to find one over five yeare fn armmare. May Bro. herr live to oe106rate. the Jubilee of hie excellent sheet, Mns, DAVID PE9anro3, of Tuokersmith township, who died on Tuesday, was buried in Brussels amenity -on'Thureday afternoon. The funeral was largely at• tended. Mrs. Ferguson removed with her husband and family a few years ago from the 17th eon. Grey, where she was. well known and universally respeoted, Deceased was a sister to Thos. Mol!ad- zeon, a well known resident of Grey township. DlssoLUrooN.—After a saoceseful co- par0ner0hip in the Dry Goods business for 5 or 6 years, the firm of Ferguean & Halliday have agreed to dissolve, so next Tuesday begin a Dissolution sale of their fine and well assorted stock, to continue for a month. Mr. Ferguson continues the business after the dissolution and Mr. Halliday will eombioe business and pleasure in a trip to the Pacific coast this Fall. A CITIZEN, who is a poultry fanoier, has been missing eggs from the hen house quite frequently of late and understood that they were going to make egg-noge for some of the "invalids" in his locality. To trap the unwelcome visitors the owner took his position in the hen house and was going to catch Mr. Eggnog red handed, but somebody turned the key in the look and Sam. was a prisoner until a friend came to his release and relief. A tombstone will be a necessity if these depredations are not stopped. Wroxeter Observer has this to say of a former well•known resident of Brussels:— It will be seen by referring to the adver- tising columna that Robert Ross, mer- chant tailor, has decided to leave Wrox• enter, and is now holding a clearing sale of his entire stock. Mr. Ross intends opening in the same line of business in Teeewater about the middle of August, It is needless to say that he will be missed from the village, especially by the Union baseball deb. Their many friends will be sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Rose but all heartily unite in wishing them success and happiness in their new home. EVERY summer the papers call out for a systematic raking of the roads. Many of them are almost covered with big round stones that take all the pleasure from driving and ere hurtful to horses and vehicles, besides the disoomfort which they give the passengers. The cleaning of the leading roads should form a regu• lar part of the statute labor each year. If farmers realized the loss by wear and tear that is causal] by these stones they would need no reminder to see to their removal. There is a notion of road not far from here over which gravel was hauled and all the big stones that rolled from tbe ivagon0 are lying in the centre of the road and no steps taken to see that they are raked off. Sunni DEAra.—.Thursday morning of 06is week Geo. Bowe received a letter from his brother-in-law, Jonathan Kitchen, Brantford, containing the sad intelligence of the midden decease of Mrs. Kitchen. She had gone to Greetland, ngland, this month, to visit her mother nd other relatives and on Tuesday a able conveyed the unexpected message o the Borrow stricken husband. Mre. Itchen had not been in flrst•olaee ealth for some time, but no person had any notion that her decease was so near at band. Sbe was united in marriage to Mr. Kitchen in the Old Land and was the mother of 2 sone and 8 daughters. They resided in Brussels for about four years, leaving here five years ngo•' Mrs. Kitchen was 40 years of age and was an affectionate wife and loving mother. Mr. Kitoben has the assurance of the deep sympathy of all his old friends in Brnssele fn his heavy and unexpected bereavement. The Clinton New Era says of a former ,eusselite:--3t the annual eommnnioa- Odon of the Grand Lodge of Oanada A. F. *A. M., held Last week in Belleville, Dr. 4. W. Shaw had the high distinction of bring elected Dietriat Deputy Grand Master for South Huron. His unsolicited .eteection to thio high office is a matter of ilieartlelt gratifloation to the araf1 in gen. 'oral, and to No. 84 in pe 'ioular, he being *vilest of their memb rehip to hold it eince the retirement of their late R. W, bra le. M. fdalloob. It came to the dea- ler as a pleasurable surprise, he knowing otbiing about the well.merited recog- elition of the trust and responsibility ohne confided in him until be viewed the an- paounOemenl in the daily press. We use the occasion to heartily congratulate Dr. Remo as a gentleman who beats the res. ,poet and confidence of all who know him, IN a representative Mason, and one who Seas taken an active interest in everything ;pertaining to the welfare of mix town. and .Ileo good of the community generally. 011li10Ci1 C11IM1ES. • The regular monthly service was hold in the R. 0. ohureh in Brussels last Sab• bath. Rev. Fr. Kennedy, of Seofortli, officiated. Rev, Do. McCrae, of Collingwood, visit. ed bis father, Jno. McCrae, of this place, last week. The reverend gentleman was taking his Summer vaoation. Bev. R. Paul will addresd Melville Sabbath School next Sabbath afternoon in connection will! the program marked out by the Dietriot Convention resolution. Bev. 35. W. Hughes, of Adelaide, for• reedy of Wingham, and Rev. F. Bryan, of Tilsonburg, Bove arranged a perman• ant exohango of parishes, to bake effect on Angnst 1.00. Charlie Kendall has joined the Orobes. bra of the Methodist Sabbath sobool and will play the trombone. Very few schools have as good musk and singing as f0 to be found in the above mentioned school. Rev. Dr. Cochrane, of Brantford, who has been attending a meeting of the Pee0byferian Council at Glasgow, bas o0oupied a number of the leading Sulpha that city, and in Paisley, E0101oro' and ?London. Dr. and Mrs. Cochrane are now visiting in Berlin and Vienna and are oxpeoted to sail for home on August 20113. Slee, Mr, Stewart, of Stratford, wi11 000upy Melv1110 elturoll pulpit next Sab-. batb, and during 1110 other 5abbatils of .Rev, Mr. hoes' Mamma hs a pn leis vela• tion. Next Sabbath the quarterly 00033. menton will be abserved rn the Mneho. dist .chord, Brussels, O'ellowehip meet.. ing at the elm of Ilia morning service and the ea0ramenb after the sermon in the ovoid eg, A 8peoial opera session of Melville Sob. Meth wheel will be held next Sabbath, cernMe00ing at 2:30 Q'01001e, at w11io11 a large at0endanee of parents, embers and pupils is invited, Short addressee will be given byW, 11. Zen and Rev. R. Paul. Friday morning Rev. ,Ino, Bose, B. A., left town for his Summer vacation. He will he joined lit Toronto by Ilev.W. G. Manna, of Uxbridge, and together they will go to Clifton spring0, N. Y., for . a few weeks rest, and to take advantage at the same time of the fine program of sermons, addrseses, ;metres, Oto•, 'pre- rented et thea resort. The otergymen of .Clinton xnet in the cler'k's oflios on Monday of lasb week to arrange a new tinlepard of services, for the House of Refuge; Several of these gentlemen Baring found ie very Main. venient to;hold the service in the after. noon, it wee decided to hold the Sunday service, in the future et 230 a,' m. (tile same as ie done in oily hospitals, etc.) so that each clergyman would be better able to taste hie appointment at the House, without interfering with other duties. Tun Dosage 00NVENTION.--August 27th and 28th will be,bney days in Godericb as the annual convention of the Huron County' Christian. Endeavor Union ie to be held there on those dates, Rev. Wm. Johnston, who is rooter of the Episoo- pal church in Wardsville, will give two addresses, one on " Ohriatian Citizenship" the other on "The Spirituality of Christian Endeavor." Mr. Johnston is an enthusiastic 0hrietian ,Eadeavorer and holds the position of Vioe.President in the Provincial C. E."Union, and Superintendent of London District. Mies May (Dr,) Irwin, of Clinton, will give a report of the International Goo- vention held in Washington a few weeks ago. The balance of the program will be very interesting and every Endeavorer should plan their vacation so as to be in Goderioh on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 27th and 28th. Business Locals. Lava, "p„vr bacon at MoOraoheo's. PURE 1101,11011 Pails green. Malay & Co. Ion for sale, delivered at pour home. Apply to W. Leatberdale. Gwynn and timothy Beed for sale. •Baeker & Vanatone, RoLLEnoats and all kinds of mill feed for Bale at Ross' mill, Brtssele, Soon dressings of all kinds on hand both for black and tan colored. I. C. Richards. A Nom line of buggy dusters on bond, all sold at close margins. I.O. Richards. Aonm0OAN binder twine, half a cent per lb. cheaper than Canadian twine, at Moltay & Co'e, FLOUR! FLonn 1 Manitoba patent, Man- itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, best in the market, for sale at Ross' mill. KARL'S Clover Root, the great Blood - Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the oomplexian and cures constipation. 25 ate, 60 ore and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Goon seoond hand lumber wagon, wide tire, newly painted, with box and whfflie- trees, for sale at a bargain. 33. Gerry, Brussels. A seLENDID range of men's women's and children's shoes on band. Gall and see them no metier if you do not buy, we will be pleased to have you see 011em. I. 0. Richards. Samon'e cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the hest cough ant's. Only one cent a dose. 25 tete., 50 els. and31.00. ,Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. ANY one needing sows hammered bad better bring them in now tie I have a practical saw maker engaged to straight- en and true sates at my shop, Queen et. net, Brussels. T. MaGnsoon, saw filer. CoA,,•—I am prepared to supply any guantity of stove or furnace coal. All orders will be promptly attended to al Wilton & Turnbnil's stove and tinware store, Brussels, or on application to Wm. Martin. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever Musa that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brus- sels. REralsmo Damm.—Machinery, bioyelee, lawn -mowers, scissors, implements and all kinds of tools sharpened and put in order at reasonable prices for spot cash by saw filer T. McGregor, of Brussels, Queen St. East. Oeurire.--Any one desiring carpets will do well to call at the Bruseele Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they hays the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 80e. to 41.00. EMI & Co. BINDER TWINE.—A large quantity of American twine in etooh, quality better and prices lower than any Canodiau twine in the market. A combine has advanced the prices of Canadian twins about 12}%a A word to tbe wise ie sufficient. Call and see our. Grown brand, American Sheaf and absolutely pure manilla. Moues & Go., Brunnels. TRE BEST REocustfean.—The best re- 0omnpe01 a bicycle man have is the num- ber of soles made.. A. °mislay, agent for the well-known Brantford, has made the following sales this season already W. E. Armstrong, teacher, Brussels ; Arthur Wake, Bruseele ; Mr. Shiels, Grey ; Bev. G. H. Oobbieeick, Brussels ; Colin McArthur, Brussels ; Wm, MoDonald, Molesworth ; 7obn Rae, teacher, 11foltillop ; W. 7, Remelt, Bruseele ; H. 3. Burkholder, Drayton ; Sydneybolgar, Morris ; R. A. McKee, teacher, McKillop. Mise Tilly Golton, Wroxeter. Rev, W. J. Waddell, Ethel ; J. Haokwell, McKillop. J. A. Stewart, Brussels, Geo. Goatee, Cranbrootr, R. Leatberdele,.Bruseelo. 7. A. Melted, Meliillop. Wm, Mo3rter, Walton. Miss Thuell, Morris. Fred. Gilpin, Brunetti. The"Red Bird" gives great eatisfaotion. A stook of wheele always on hand, both now end second hand. A. CousLEr, Agent, Brussels. 69274,11T4:8.1) B,4✓Y.11, 5,/.L' li4r/Y4D4, mxnaD 4.47P. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ASSETS, e e (Seven Million Dellare) OAL'ITALI (Anelmrized) 37,000,000 32,000,000 Amain, in cal prtnaipat point; in Ontario, Qtaeiroo,Wanito9o, itad Stitte0 & Zugiantf. ei00416'10 S° PfiVanto. A General Banking Bnsineee Trortneeod, Farmer8' Notoe Discounted, Deaf lie 38sued and 001180tions made on ail pointe.. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest ailalv0d on deposits of $1,00 and upwards froth dab of deposit to date of Withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SMUT. ATTENTION OIVEN TO TILE 0031050TION 00 FAaaiEne SALE NOTES. Every faollity afforded Oat/omens living at a diebanoo. 3. Ar STEWART MtNAOEn. I0AINTING, &o. -The undersigned, hav- ing entered into paetnerehip, are proper- ed to do all kinds of work in thefollowing lines ;—Plain and ornamental painting, kaleomining, frerooing, paper -hanging, sign -writing, &o., &o, Ttemombee one motto, " First•olaes work and reasonable charges." STE18901: & Raclin, Brussels, WELL-DV:WING .,AND Dammeet.—George Birt hos all the necessary machinery foe digging and drilling wells and is prepay. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatisfaotion; Wells cleaned one and put In proper shape. Terme reasonable, Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84=tf Hon, A. S. Hardy, the new Premier of Ontario, hag taken a lease of the house on Se. George street, Toronto, hibberto occupied by Sir Oliver Mowat. Prior to Sir Oliver's occupancy' the house was tenanted by Sir John Macdonald. A Toronto report is that some onehas been eying to got Chief Justice Meredith to xenon his seat on the bench and re,. enter public life. There is not the slightest probability of the Chief Justice doing any such bbing. =or my LoTT.—'In Brussels, on July 27013, the wife -of Mr. George •Lott of a son, Roo.—ln Atwood, on July 20111, the wife of Mr. J. A. Roe, V. S., of a daughter. CoLot000n.—In Grey, on July 20th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Cololough of e son. Belmss.—In Wingham, on July 18th, the wife of Mr. 3. H. Bomar, of a daughter. SBERIUAN.—In Wiugham, on July 18011, the wife of Mr. Wm. Sheridan of a daughter. TYEatwAN.—In Ethel, on July 7.8011, the wife of Mr. David Tyerman of a daughter. Eleurre.—In Brussels, on July 25011, the wife of Mr. Andrew Sample, Prinoees street, of a son. Rlosny—PETTor.—In Toronto, on June 29th, by Rev. S. D. Chown, Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Blyth, to Miss Cynthia Pettit, of Winona, Ont. =mane Krrcoox.—In Greetland, England, me July 28tb, Nellie, beloved wife of Jonathan Kitchen, formerly of Brus- sels, aged 401 years. Eu onxNsoN,—In Carrick, on July 200h, James Hutchinson, aged ea years and 9 months. Deceased wee father of R. A. Hutobinson, of Wiugham. MsomoAsTLE.—In Grey, on July 28013, Veneerer Thompson, son of John llornoostlo, Toronto, aged 2 years and 1 month. F1yI14.S, Brussels, Oct. 1 & 2. St. Marys, Oat. 6 & 7. Tavistock, Sept. 21 & 22. W oodetook, Sept. 24 & 25. Mitchell, Sept. 20 & 50. East Nisseuri,at Thamesford, Sept. 30. Stratford, Oot. 1 & 2. Blanebard, at Kirbton, Oct. 8 and 9. Western, at London, Sept. 10 to 19. Toronto, Induatrial, Aug. 31 to Sept. 12• West Missouri, at Thorndale, Oot. 8. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. SECOND HAND BIOYCLES for sale.' Big bargains. Oholoo of four. A• 00'OSLEY, Brussels. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortgage, farm 850000ty. Apply at THE POST Publishing House, Bruesels, '14 WILL BUY AN ALL 1^L' Iron Gate, eleven feet long, brass uses. A dandy. Apply to ,M. SMITH, Lot 4, Oon. 7, Grey. BICYCLE FOR SALE. A '05 "Hartford," made by the Colum- bia Company Almost an good as new, 340, Inquire OLE' 7'3?,LAND G. ALL113, 00 Metho- dist Pareonago,Brussels, T ADIESI—TO WORK L around ionto, Salary $24.00 monthly. Appllo outs desiring attention must send re• fereuoee and three omit stamp to HOUSE- HOLD PUBLISHING CO., Mckinnon Build- ing, Toronto: EOUSL LOT FOR SALE Tho uudersignodAND offers his comfort- . able cottage and j acre of laud on Turnberry street, Brussels for sale. Op the premises is a gBood well, stable, fruit trees, dm. For plica and terms apply to 1.0f ALEX, MoLAUO$L9N,Proprietor, STRAYED ON THE PREM- ►? rebs of the undersigned,, North hall Lot 24, Con, 5, Morris, on or about May last two yearling cattle. One is a roan holier and the other a rad steer. The owner is requested Ioprove property,��pia expenses and take them away. WALIT1e11 3NNE8, 1.4 Brussels P.O. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber otiose his brick raeid- onoe adjoining Brussels, 10th con., Grey, for sale. There is one acre of land, mostly planted withsmall. fruits stable, well, &a. For price and tonne apply to the undersign. ed. WALTER IitoBARDSON, 50.4 Brnsteio P. 0. To Contractors I --- Tendon Will be rocelyod by the under- Signed 11p to 10 a. in. Avorm433, AUGUST Ban,for the oreetiou of a brick cottage in the village of Bruebols, Plana and 0npooi0. satioue may be Seen at the Amorloan Hotel, The lowest or thy' tender not necessarily 00001)ted, J, O, TUCK.'. �E,SIRABLE RESIDENCE 003 SALE, -,LOSS 220' and 221, Queen et, Terme reasonable to a oaeh purahseer, ¢p- pl y 00 a premises .or to 2B W. M, SINOLA109, DAI1IS GREEN.—WD GUAR - 81091i our Borger's English Parte Green to give iperieot satisfaction or,Money refund - 84, Prlee 250, a pound, DEADMAN 3 111'0OALL, Druggists & °ethl ne, REAL ESTATE.. ANITOBA LAND FO.R•SALE. Springfield,, 8 miles rre0 Winnipeg, is offer ed for sale at aloes price, The property Is North East i' 000.10, Twp; 11, Range. 4, East. There ieahoneoonthe premises and 80mo breaking done, For full partloulars as to price, title, &c., write or app�ly tc.. 2040G. F. BLAIR or W, H. IHEIMR, Brussois, Ont, GOOD FARM FOB SALE NEAR Brussels. Groat bargain, Lot 7, Oon,. 0 Grey township. Good buildings and or- chard, well' watered suitable for mixed or on the promises or to�PHOBIAS HERITAGEE, London Weet, FARMS FOR SALE. — 200 and 8tH Oonaesosione, Tolene Lots of Gray, . be- ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 033 miles from Brussels. 40 Roles of Fall wheat 6010 and about 80 aures under grass ;, 00 acres °leered on erten: Perms of payment eoay, A, B1o10ELV18Y, M, - _ Brussels. VAL17ABLE FARMS FOR SALE. 9The eligible 300 acre farm, composed of lots 15 and 17 in tin 10011 con., Grey township, Huron 00., and 60 acres, part of lots 10 and 17, 11th eon., belonging to the Robert Brown estate, is offered for sale to wind up estate. urge banktbarrn, necessary outbuildings,or- ohard, &o, !'arm well watered, well fenced. and in good state of cultivation. About 00 acres of bush, 42 of which' is hardwood: On the50acre farm- there is a house and -barn, orchard, and about 8 .acres of bush. Farms sold jointly or separatelyto suit nonlinear. Pyoseseion fgroivmen the thae ilFfaagle, oF1 50mau0bo0o1k- ,whre aTo 0011081, eburehos 33000.01105, stores, &a„ and 9.9 miles to the shriving Mar- ket town Brussels. For further particulate as to price, terms, &o., apply t0 ' AGNE8 BROWVN,) JAMES BROWN,I Executors. JOHN BROWN, Oranbrook P.O. BOAR- FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot 26, Con. 0, Morersignedris, tll heepthoo'e bred finoe -, proved white Yorkshire Boar "Selected;" bred from J.1:, Brothour's sweepstakes sow at Ohioago Fair, Terms, $1.00 to be nail at the time of service with privilege of re- turning if ne0e0sary. Pedigree may be soon on application. ROBT. NICHOL, BOAR FOR SERVIOL.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 00, Con, 0, Morris, the thoro'-blod Large English Berkshire hoar, "Captain John, His mother is fnl1 slater to the let prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced ou application. Terms -21.00 to bepald et time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. 14•dm JAS. SPE1R, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will ]seep for service on Lot 27, 000.4 Morris, the there' bred Tam- worth boar,'tKing George," purchased from' H. George &Sone who got drat prize for their herd at Guelph Fat ,Stoak Show. The train of "King George" won first prize at the Show, London England. His 0irel was im• ported and weighed 700 lbs. Terms 91.00 to bretai ug ifmveoasaarpfae Pedigree i may be 58011 on application, RICHARD ARMSTRONG, 49•tf ,:Proprietor, Anoint Order of United Workmen, This Benevolent and Fraternal Society is the Oldest and Strongest of the ]lino in America. Each member secures to his family, at his death, $2,000.00 or $1,000.00, at hie option, The yearly aes0eament on the former is only 910.00 and on the latter 98,00, on good healthy mon between the ogee of 21 and 46 years. A large lodge is in operation in 145u8 - sole. Why not join yourself and secure for your family, in case of your being called ROBT.A10MST30oNG 10. W.; WYl010 Ruppert0 Recorder; J. A. 01LEfGHTON,Finaueier, BULL FOR SERVIOE. —7HE uudersigned will keep for sorvioe on Lot 20, 005. 5, Morris, the thnro'.bred Dur. ham bull,"Lord Lorne, -«10)935=, Pedigree insure but cows must bei retuned gubo 1y if necessary, 47.4 JAMES SHUR10IE, Proprietor. DEidTAL. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto tenivereity, Lioontinte Royal college Dental Surgeons. crown and Bridge work a speoialty. Moder. BarneFees. barber shopll Mewed. 20,0,, But- Brut - sole. VETERINARY. ir D. WARWICK. .. Honer Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, , is prepared totreat all dieonaoaof•domoooItiontadanimals-u a oom• peteut wanner. Particular attention paid'. 10 veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to, Oilloe and Intlrmary—Four d8ur8: north of bridge'rurnberiy at., Bruseele. . i tTUI41" 81, 18J6 wimionsimpoomme ox's Bru Siore rutting uj a Prose:114 on Requires eltill and mire'T order to help the doctor's wisdom in selecting what' is proper. PURITY, CAREFULNESS, PROMPT. NESS and MODERATE PRICES RULE HERE,. Long experience enables ue to buy alone and select the right things and our Customers get the benefit. Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges, Toilet are Moles and all that makes a druggist stook complete are here. We have low Men and high qultlity mixed, yell all is in good order Ar i' OE'S Drag Store. OPPOSITE (QUEEN'S HOTEL. 'LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, •- Solicitor and Conveyancer.. Oollee- tions made. OfOae—Vaustone'e Bloss, Brus- sels. 21.3m Yb M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Convoyanoer,Notary Pub - lie, &a, OOAce—Vanstone'e Block, 1 door' north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. G. CAMERON, • Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Cameron,, ooleOi h&, Ont Ofnoo—iiamilton 8t,,. Opposite Col- borne Hotel. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. ()ate of Garrow & Prondfoot's O111eo, Goderioh,) Olboe over GAMoney to Loanlank,Bruesels. •l7 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGGE KIRXB'Y, Licensed Auctioneer, Salee conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms mud farm stocks specialty. Orders left et TEE Poem Publishing Hou rio,Brngaols or son tto Wal ton P. O., will roc eive prompt attontlon, i S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nun, will sell for better priooe, to better men, in ass timeand less oharges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't (Margo anything. Dates mud ordure can always be arranged at this °Moe or by personal a1ppll0atioo . MEDICAL CARDS. A. MGNAUGHTON, M. D. • O. M., LIT. U.P., Edinburgh, M. G. P. S. Ont. Residence and °Moe in Wilson's 13loek, corner of ALM said Turnberry Ste. T• M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Ph ysiofan, Surgeon, Aacayyuehar, eta. FGaculty, Remete of dy of College et P9iyeioiuns and Surgeons, Ont. OPPxcE—Noxi door to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont.. BUSINESS CARDS. NNT• H. N1oORACXEN, cr8 nrgt.Blat his Grocery, Brusseee, � • N. BARRE`TT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. 01, McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladios'anfl ohildrese hair cutting a specialty DRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 51.00 to 91,000 and allows 9i per cent. i ntorost, T, FARROW, 37.9m - Postmaster, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURANCE, 0113E AND MARINE. ClU£LPH• T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OriIOE AT JEWELRY STORE. tI'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN• 80EANa9 Go. Established 1040, In- Buran0o0 . effeotod on all Town and Farlu Property at very law rates, J,A, 0REIGHTON, 1G.g1n - Agent, Brussels. ALEX, HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division (Jour 0o, Huron. Obnveyanoer,• Notary Public Land Loan. and Insnrence Agent, Funds invested and to loon. O0110etions made. ()Moo In Graham's Block, Bruesole' r HOS A. HAWKINS, ..a -Will 1 give Moons Music pupils , 000 ,o to planaor•organ, at iniiaVRoom, na alSo the post•tlihoa, Binnacle, Vocal le9etlna also <. TIven.' Ten years experfaueo in teaching,. erms moderato,