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The Brussels Post, 1896-7-31, Page 6
rat r towels t •--08 runtlert0D--^ E i3 B FEIDA.X MOIBNI TG en Ohne /or tlii °0rly urafl8) at "Tho dear"Meant rilbllsldrlg Uolls9a TAroouitant $'r., Inset ere, Qat. Tema or eunaonlrrlon.-Ono dollar a year, to advance. Theeeate to wbivh event' eubavriptiou top ld is denoted by the date on the add'00e 158001, ADvpn'rnette Rama—The fellowleg6 rates will bo 0barged to theeo Ivho edvertJse by the year •r 80400a I 1 ra. I ti m0. 0 m0 one 0olulun I $00,00 MOO 620.0 BaIP I` 66.00 00 00 12.00 Loh" 20,00 1200 8.00 Ta oh " 12.00 8.00 0.00 I'ilgbt ante per lime for eat insertion, and three Dents nor 1108 for easel subsequent lu- 8ortipn.d11 eelvertloomente measur'e'd AS 1'laupereil-12 lines to the inch, Iu reas Cara, eight fines und ender, 9 0 161enema odsreinbeerpfrto°insertedunt lobid,, an4 phargod i000Ocdingly, Inotruotimle to &lenge or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the counting room of Tutt Fos'p not later than Teasley of oath. week This is imperative. W. xi. JF EIZ1r,,. Editor and'Propriotor. Gorrie. Robt. Musgrove. of the Gob oon., Howiak, load a valuable sheep hilled by doge one night recently. Thos. Ellis, who had his leg badly jammed in the saw mill a few weeks ago, i$ able to be around again with the aid of a ans. Mies Flora Hames has gone on her bike to Mitchell sed the lake shore, where she intends speeding two or three weeks vacation, after which she will return and resume her class. On Thursday afternoon the grim reap. er, death, again visited our village and carried to the great beyond the spirit of Christena Sharpin, relict of the late James Sharpie, who died some 15 years ago. The bereaved friends have the sympathy of all fu their bereavement. Clinton. The Oddtellowe of this district will run an excursion to Niagara Falls, ou Friday, 31st, W. Robb left on a trip to Dakota and Manitoba. He intends to be away a cou- ple of months, visiting his two sons. Little by little the tenses around town are coming down, with the consequent improvement to property thus made. Mr. Thompson, who left the House of Refuge, was found over in the township of Grey, and was brought =back as an in. mate. One evening three oycliets went out for- a run about 12 miles into the country. Juet after they started home the chain of one wheel broke, and the others had to borrow a rope and tow the unfortunate home. The fruit crop of Huron promises to be simply enormous this year and will tax all. resources to handle it. At present ltaneford Bros. are delivering barrels by the hundred. D. Centelon will oommenee peeking the early Fall apples at once, and be expecte to start in on winter fruit' about the middle of September. He has already made a sale of ten thousand bar. cels of Winter fruit to a Glasgow firm. A. Macpherson, of Landon and Winnipeg, was here on itlonday, negotiating for fruit. ^' Wroxeter. R. Ross has ordered a "horseless car- riage." You will see him oat with it before long. Messrs. Hamilton Se Sanderson shipped on Monday of last week, one car of ex- port cattle, and two care of butchers' cattle for Montreal, from this point. The exporters averaged 1,267 lbs. each. Mies Mary Miller and Miss Flora James left here last week by wheel on a two weeks trip, going by Brussels, Sea - forth, Exeter and Bayfield, where they will enjoy the holiday at the lake. There were left at the Observer office last week two turnips, of the Greystone variety, weighing 42 and 5 lbs. They were grown on the farm of Jno. Me. Naughton, 2nd con. Tnrnberry, and are only a fair sample of what the field con- tains. As farmers are thinning turnips at present, it le natural to suppose that by the time the crop gets ire full growth some of the fruit will be so firmly rooted in the ground, and so big, that it will be. impossible to get it out without the nee of dynamite. The two specimens above mentioned will keep the wolf from the editorial door for several days longer. The boys got down to "bis" Saturday evening of lash week and organized a foot- ball club. G. Gillespie occupied the chair and the following officers were elected :—President, Jae. Allen ' Vice. President, R. Ranh Secretary-Treas. neer, A. W. Robinson ; Captain, R. Mill- er ; Committee, G. Paulin and R. Far- rell. It was decided that all players must be bona tie members of the club ; that all players abide by the decisions of the committee; and that an admission fee of 5 cents be charged at all home gamee, ladies free, Gogo riela. Twenty-seven lady waists were count- ed in one hour on West street, Met week. Last week ltobt. McLean left for Eng- land with a car load of horses and a car load of cattle. Graseboppers are coming into town in goodly numbers, so we shall not need the cows to keep down the grass. Several oar loads of square timber have been piled at the dook far the repairs of the G. T. R. property, East of the part repotted last season. The Board of Works has made some Blight repairs to the Harbor 1I111 sidewalk and the Barber Park steps, but next Slimmer these conveniences will have to be entirely renewed. S1'nr, Riese.—Tho new building for the Bank of Commerce i0 beginning to. show some of the architectural polete that will give it prominence over all other buildings in the Square. TI/14 Hass BEnaonn.—The new hotel on the old Albion block i0 now nearing completion, and it is expected that its leasee, A. C. Pace, will be in posseeeio0 within three weeks from date. The offices of the Canadian Bank of Commerce will be in the Bedford Arms Moak, south side of Square, until the Completion 01 the Bank building, on the Corner of Colborne street and Spare. Town Clerk SA'litohoil, in ilia', re port to the Provinolai authorities for (tile six months ending June Nth,repents 14 deaths, 25 births and 7 Merriam fur the tewn of Goderioh in that tithe. The likbthetlse supply boat Acedia wee` in lust week and etooketl up, the establish. moot here under the gnperintenonep of Robb.Oalnpboll. About peasengers Were en beard, who take advantage 08 the boat fora leieuroly trill around the lakes. Wm, Lee hits made arc'angomeote by whielt the little steamer Sohn Long will be available for exonrelon0 ou tlto lake from t111a port every Wednesday or Thursday for the rest of the Summer. She will Derry from 105 to 200 a trip and wia be found dandy and convenient for excursion parties, Charlie Lee, while returning along' the Huron Road one Sunday night with his wheal, 8trn011 aomebbing on the road and was thrown with each force thathe lay for nearly three house nneOn0otone, and was piokod up by a farmer and brought into town. .3e Was laid up for repairs, being badly nut about the head, but was out as usual in a day or so. JO+ 'cotter. 175 tioltets were sold ab this station for the Model Farm extorsion to Guelph, The five'year.old con of Wm. Vora, Exeter North; fell from a fear's, and broke his arm. A. ,j. Rollins f5 nearly himself again after his protracted illness, although non' sidorably reduced in flesh. A number of fruit growers around here have Maud it necessary to feed their early apples to the cows. Mrs. Ransom, Huron street, oompleted a et containing 6120 pieces. It is of th "log opattern and is indeed a credit to the maker. 'While Wesley Armatroog was cutting grain on his mother's farm, Thomas Road, one of the horses walked into it ground -bog's bole and broke its leg, The animal had to be shot. H. S. Heather met with a very painful acoident while working on the Rennie Blook at Hensen, which doubtless wilt prevent him from working for several weeks. He was working on the eoallold and in some manner missed his footing aed fell to the ground, a distance of 14 foot, sustaining a compound emotion of the right arm, a severe bruise on the forehead, and was otherwise badly shaken up A NEW MAN. East Wawanosh, Oat, March 24th, 1804. J. M. McLeod, Goderioh :— Dear Sir—When I saw the extra- ordinary change that took plaoe in the tone of William Cowan, although his ease was not mine, I heard so much of the cures you made that I felt oonvinoed and pinked up courage, thinking that when you cared him you could surely onro me. Whether it was the etomaoh only that affected me so much, indigest- ion or something else, I felt sure it was dyspepsia from which I suffered for over two years. I was certainly miserable and unfit for anything. I looked like one going into consumption, and was told that I was bordering on it if not mutually in it when I went to see you in 1852. I doctored for two whole years with local doctors without deriving any benefit. I took your valuable System Renovotor for six weeks only and two bottles of your Specific Cure for my cough, when I was like it new man. After that I took it for four weeks longer, and since then I have not had an attack or the slightest symptom of my old trouble. ' I are thankful, sincerely thankful, for my care through you, and I want to give my simple tribute of gratitude and praise to you and those who guided nee to Gotha. rich. I am now over two years a new man, able to work every day, eat well, and with a good appetite every time, without any signs or symptoms of dys- pepsia, pain in the stomach, in the sheet or in the head, from all of which I sof. tared so as to be almost a ,porfeet wreck for so long. Send the unbelieving to me and I can ehow them the good your medicine has done in my ce0e. Shortly after I was cured I went with my two daughters, both of whom bad long suf- fered, to get your advice. I had consult- ed several dootors in their oases. All of them told me thee nothing more oould be done for them, and time, after spending hundreds of dollars in treatment, you gave me E. A. McLennan's Linament, hernia being the trouble, to be applied as directed underneath the special pad which you recommended, and in lour months both oases healed splendidly, and they have been quite well ever dna. This was a surprise to us and to many more. I must add that they took the System Renovator most of this time as it acted on the blood and seemed not only to strengthen them, but to heal from within as well as the outward ap- plication. I have, therefore, still further ple0eure in giving this testimony to the value and virtues of your remedies. I have found them to be and to do just what they are recommended to do. I want my letter given to the public. Yours, ALEXANDER A.. PA'rnEaaoN, Blyth P. 0., Ont. Sold by .Tay. Tax, Druggist, ter 000018. SOME 3118Y ARE BORN GREAT. The greatest Roman general was Came. The father of modern chemistry was Lavoieeir. The keenest critic of any age or coun- try was Voltaire. The greateet conqueror of ancient times wait Alexander. Copernicus be jaetly deemed "The Father of Modern Astronomy." Archimedes 181 considered to be the founder of the eeletee of physics. Bossuet wan the most gifted orator the Roman church has ever produced. Iierodotus was the greatest historian and the father of all written history. The greatest Methodist was john Wes- ley, the founder of this denomination. Cuvier was the moat famous compara- tive anatomist and the founder of the solemn. The moat famous English admiral was Nelson, who destroyed the Frannie power at en. The most noted Roman orator was Cicero, who won his renown in his ora' tione against Casiline. The mese femme tenor was Farinelli. It was said of h#m, "Thera is one God and one Farinelli." Montaigne was the most effective essay writer, and the rounder of, this style of composition. Tg'4 $ a,US$ 11LS 'Q 11 ateWeetila'tt &erFer .*PI eCer171tSrilissreninalr::.e The greatest naturalist woe Li11n00ue, The meet noted electrician le Rdison, wboso inventions in that lino are 1)1100' bend by bundrecls. The most fertile gong writer wee Sabo' beet. The list of his nage =pine over 1,200 nowhere, The most subliwo of poets was Isaiah, His Word pletaree have been nl0dele :tor all euooeeding writers. The most lugubrious poet was 7e •e- lniah, Uhl .mournfil style has given the world the word "eretnied. " Newton was really the founder of mod. ern astrouomioat 0010nee by his disoovory Of the laws of gravitation, The greatest biographer who OVOr lfvod waa Plutarch, who has won otylo1 "T11ei. lratbsr of Biography," Mallet must be considered a0.the founder of the sofene° of anatomy and, its greatest practical demonstrator, The most noted of enoyelopmdists was Diderot, whose work began an entirely new style of literary effort, The first great Greek philosopher was Ilytbagdrae, who laid, the foundation of philosophical epeoulation, The most famous orator among the Greeks was Demoethanos, and his best orations those against Philip, The most eminent ethical philosopher was Soeratee, who found is morality a quasi Substitute for religion. The leading philanthropist was How. and, who devoted his life to ameliorating the wretchedness of the prisoner. Mollere was undoubtedly the best of the French dramatists. He has been styled "The Shakespeare of the French." The leading poet of Protestantism was Milton. His "Paradiee Lost" has been styled "The Great Puritan Epi0." The Greeks regarded Pinder as the first of theirlyriu poets, and sines their time the judgment bas been confirmed. The leading pantheistic) philosopher WAR Spinoza. He found God in every- thing and deemed that everything was God. The most skilftl military taotioian was Napoleon. Elis victories were won more by skill and toot than by strength. ThlReAitiNCR COL1l31N. DECOY. Every moderate drinker i5 a decoy to entice sober young men into the bar -room. The besotted drunkard ate like a soave. prow - the sober are warned by his pees. once to flee. A man owes this to hie fallow citizens that he either play the part of a scare crow in the bar room or May at home with his wife and family. The genteel tippler destroys more men by his influence than the sot. If all drink- ers were wretched drunkerds there would soon be no drunkards. If all who drink liquor would quit, the gin mills would all be closed in lees than five years for lack of trade. Moderate drinkers are the main supporters of the traffic. A 0ELI010T100, DELIRIUM. Sing a song of penitence, A fellow full of rye, Four end twenty serpents Danced before his eye. When his eye was opened Re shouted for his life ; Wasn't he a pretty chump To go before hie wife. His hat was in the parlor, Underneath a (their, His boots were in the hall, His oat was on the stair. His trousers in the kitchen, Hie collar on the shelf, And 11e hadn't any notion Where he was himself. A TEMPERANCE PSALM. A modern alphabetioal Psalm or' the virtues of total abetineuoe is furnished by Dr. Cyrus Edson to a reoent North American Review. It one of the best essays of its kind in print : A stand for Alcohol ; deathlike its grip. B for Beginner, who takes just one sip. C for Companion, who urges him on. D for the Demon of drink that is 'born. E for Badeavor be makes to resist. F for Friends who eq loudly insist. G for the Guilt he afterwards feels. H for the Horror that hangs at his heels. I for Intention to drink not at all. J for the Jeering that follows his -fall. K for a Knowledge that he is a slave. L stands for Liquors his appetites crave. M for convivial Meetings so gay. 17 etands for No that he tries hard to Bay. 0 for the Orgies that then come to pass. P for the Pride that he drowns in hie glass. Q for the Qaarrels that nightly abound. R stands for Rnin that hovers around. S stands for Sights that his vision bo - dime. T for the Trembling that seizes his limbs. U for his UeeIulnees sunk in the slums. V for the Vagrant he quickly becomes. W for Waning of life that's soon done. S for his eXit regretted by none. Youths of this nation, such weakness is crime, Zealously turn from the tempter in time 1 Sir Frederick Carrington reports that his force carried the Matabole position in the Matoppo Hills after severe fight- ing, in which 80 of the enemy were ]tiilod. The British loss was three killed and eleven wounded. Remember—only such medloinee were admitted for exhibition at the World's Fair ea are accepted for nee by physicians in the praotioe of medicine, Ayer's Sarna. partite., Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and Ayers' Pills being included in the list. They are etandard medicines. Mise Amy Spankis, daughter of Dr. J. E. Spaukie, made a remarkable record at the recent examinations at Kingston. She is only 11 yearn of age, but out of 187 candidates she passed first, securing 711. marks out of a poseible 844. inspect. oe Itidd soya he thinke the young girl hoe the beet record of any in the province. The Provinoial Board of Health is in. veatigating a new kind of utile disease which eeem5 to be quite prevalent and ie beaming eer10110. It is a disease of the eye, and if not attended to at onoe ends in permanent blindness and in some oases has resulted in death. Dr Bryce has examined one bora whore the disease exists and is making a study of the epeoilio nature of the disease. He recommends that the diseased Dow be is. elated as soon as there is any euspidon of disease. 0 pliao , Nati .001c e, 01. Ayers k. "I have token Ayer's Pills for many 70000 turd always derived the best re' s0114 }rem their use. For Stomach and Liver itis troubles anti for the care of headache caused ey these ebsvangenlents, Ayer!e Tilts oann0tbe equaled. - Tatty aro easy to take, and Are the Best all -mull lentil) medicine I hove ever known,' -airs, 74040 Jolixaox, s08 Rider Ave,. New York City, A'I R'S Pii'-,LS Highest Awards at World's Fair. 4 yon s Sarsayxartrea � .. ' f'a9'tiae blood. TAKE Tw1 E BEST 05 ate., 50 eta. and 51.00 Bottle. One Dent a dose. it 1s sold on a guarantee by all druggists. Tt ouree Incipient Consumption and fa the best Cough and Croup Cure. Sold by JAS. EOX, Drnseist. 4ruseels, BRUSSELS PIDIP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have per - abased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prioes. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or. at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. P"Ordors taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomel' Green, MILL STREET, • - BRUSSELS. WHY SVFFE18 WIT$ PILES 1' Dr. Chase's Ointment Will Curr' Thom at a Cost of But 60 Coats. Piles, scrofula, eczematio eruptions. scald head, salt rhea= and all other oealyurbu.e16 bcured Dr. OheeOintment. "I had protruding piles for ten years," mites H. H. Sutherland, com- mercial traveller, of Truro, N.S.; "tried many remedies, and had doctors oper. ate. It was no use. Wes completely laid up at 'times. Chase's 0tutment was recommended to me by Mr. Brennan, of the Suanmerside, P.E.I., Journal. I tried it, and one box completely cured Oslo." Mr. Statin., the editor of tiro Streets' villa, Ont., Beview, gives Ude unsolicited testimonial under date of Nov. 6, 4896 : "Half a box of Dr.Chase'e Ointment cured my daughter of eczema, That was eix months ago, and 'there has sinco been no reappearance of the disease." T. Wallace, blacksmith, of Iroquois, Ont., was troubled with blind itching piles for 20 years. "1 tried every remedy that came out in vain," he -writes, "until I tried Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. It was a godsend, One box cured mel" A11 dealers and Edmanson, Bates d CO., manufacturers, Toronto. Price SOc, , Linseed and turpentine are every moa tbor'e household remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung affections. Dr. Chase has disguised the taste and made tho remedy pleasant to take. Large bottle only 26e. Aa u SLE Real Estate 85 Loan Agent, Brussels, Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Bate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire & Life lnsuranee Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. COUSLEY, Office over Doadman tit MoOall's Store, . BRUSSELS. 0 e+ ,Tv> x Bi, la3a W1 to $ v Zane, ROTA& 110oU kil'ifd)ISIli1�1S. lOeOwcou now York and .Liverpool,' vla Queenstown, every Wednesday, ate :the Oboamore of tole lino- Derry ou,y a strfotly limited number 40 the pain and aa000» 0,81100 OOpOmn1A etlons, intending puesougero arta reminded that au early sp. plieatlan for bertha is neeeesary 1kt title Pee - 00u,. Pei' plaue,rates, gie,,applyto W. ` , Kerr, 4gsnt, Brussalo. "rAILORINO N. G. Richardson isan Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and f�r'l Good. Fits Guaranteed. ! LATE$r STYLES. nits made for $4 and upwards. lErShop over b[cblowe ti's Store. f ouso Painting, Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, 8c, Spring House Cleaning Time is here and we are ready to at- tend to Paper Hanging, Iialso- mining and Painting ina prompt business like style. All work;(clone in a workman- like manner at a moderate charge. Orders left at the stores of W. H. McCracken or Wilton & Turn- bull will receive prompt atten- tion. The patronage of the public solicited. Estimates cheerfully furnished. rdoGR EV MEM, BRUSSELS. NEW libt S1101 ! The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the S1 ASE ELD2, ERySSM where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. sn YY AEimp9zli,�, Meat delivered to all parts of the town. You are Invited IMOBECSUBMP, TO SEE O/7R Newest Lasts Exclusive Designs Lowest Prices 1 OUR sTOCO ' IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL LINE'S and we will sustain our past Reputation of "Best Goods at Low Prices." c0 Established G C Ca m 00 to b0 pr. ern v.i ,rs :^,nw, run^.r an in:n+r;-�srea. 04 S 0 O o� o"cii r. to ©O p ... The Polley Contract issued by this Association is perfeetion[itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates [ansa:full inforo n3at}on furnished on application. `t,:, i �asf W. 11. EBBE', ,A,gent, Barusse1s.