HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-31, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Flare Drugs—Ons,,l'ox.
ZQQaI—`,'hos, MeGregor.
Pink kids Pr, Wtlhams.
11edueed prices -4, Strachan,
lardware-4.11 z, Molfay & Co.
System Renovators -J, 111, MoDeed.
Dieeolulien sale--Pergueop & Ilailiday.
$chool supplies—Deadman 6c MoCell,
(Tragi Rwat$uzs Most,
FRID4Y, JUT.,Y 81, 18c96.
Da, JAtzason, of South Melee, fame,
hae'been aentenoed to fifteen mpoth'e
imprisonment for his oonneptioo with
the raid in the Transvaal. Several
others were ordered to prison for chart.
er terms varying from ten to three
Missal) by the Toronto World, whose
editor is a Conservative M, P., quite a
number of newspapers are asking to have
the Conservative party put In better
fighting shape by deposing Sir Charles
Tupper from the leadership. It is a
little remarkable how quickly some
people's opiuione undergo a complete
right -about-face. Only a 'little better
than a month ago when Liberal news.
papers nnd speakers asserted that Sir
Charles was not the man to have at the
head of a Government, they were oalled
nasty names and told that their judgment
and opinions were badly off color, but
after the 23rd of June not a few of the
supporters of Sir Charles made bold to
say that he did the mischief, the day
being lost by too much Tupperism, It
ie Said the old gentleman will save his
friends (?) the trouble of throwing him
overboard by quietly retiring.
AT St. John Quebec, last Saturday,
Hop. Wilfrid Laurier thus delivered him.
self on the much vexed Manitoba School
Question :—"In your beautiful address
you speak about the Manitoba School
Question. I thank you for having drawn
my attention to the question which has
embittered uublic opinion for the past
six years. The Conservative party dur-
ing the six years did nothing towards the
settling of the question, and, although I
have not been in power a fortnight the
Tory press ie crying out, "Why do you
not settle the school question ?" Bot I
only want six months is which to settle
the question, and, if I am not mistaken,
before that time is over the question will
be settled without exoiting the prejudices
of anybody end rendering justice to whom
justioe is due. (Applause.) It is not by
using violence that we will manage to
settle that question. I have deolared in
the House, in the Province of Ontario
and in the Province of Quebec that the
only manner by which the question
could be settled was by means of nonoil.
iation, and I believe that further events
will ebow I was right. I am now in the
presence of the responsibility of my word,
which I gave to the electorate before the
23rd of June, and the time has come to
keep my word. I accept the responsibil-
ity, and I hope that before six months I
will have the pleasure of Baying to the
people, "I have kept that word which I
gave you ; here is the settlement of the
question." (Applause.)"
Tone is a little civil war on hand in
the North-Western portion of Essex
County over the refusal to do away with
the ancient toll gate system on one of the
main roads leading to Windsor. The
road is operated under an act of Parlia-
ment, called the Joint Stook Road Com-
panies' Act. The Government grants a
company the right to erect a toll gate on
every five miles of road which it keeps in
repair. The roads are ander control of
Government inspeotora. No less than
four or five toll houses have been burned,
threatening letters written and other
steps taken that rather indicate a law.
leseness that should not be permitted to
go unchecked. We don't approve of the
toll road system that is now only exist-
ent in a comparatively few Counties in
the Provinoe, but at the same time there
is a proper legal or commercial oouree
'open that will prove more successful and
honorable than that followed by the
vigilance committee, who will probably
have time to regret their taking a hand
in the incendiarism if the investigation
now in progress reveals who the indi-
viduals are. Canada has no room for
anarchists or kla-klux-klaniem, and the
midnight torch is a dangerous thing to
fool with.
Tins week the cruel Newe-Reoord Edi.
tor, who was the Returning Officer for
West Huron, on June 23rd, gives Editor
Neelin, of the Seaforth Sun, a journalistic
spanking because the latter said what be
thought about Sir Charles Tupper. If
the dog days were not hero we would not
attempt to excuse the News -Record for
the "dander" exhibited in the following
epistle :--"The Seaforth Sun, a profess-
edly Conservative paper, is showing the
"cloven hoof." Never in the history of
Canadian journalism—we mean respect.
ablejournalism—has a party or any
other paper stooped to such depths as
that paper in denouncing the great and
honored leader of a great party. For
fifteen years or more the Sun hap liypo-
aritioally-without circulation, withost
influence—supported the Conservative
party. It has during that time been as
nnprinoipled in.its denunciation of the
Reform party as it is to -day of the Con-
servative party, like a "jack in the box,"
ready to jump when the airing is pulled.
To say "that the Conservatives of Canada
have become heartily side of the Tupper
dynasty," to say of our honored and telt.
sacrificing Indere that "the Tappers
have lined their pockets well at the ex.
penes of Canada," that "politics made
Tupper a millionaire years ago," 10 abase
slander on the epeitle55 pbaraoter of pun
of this country's leading aid meet hoe-
ored eltieens, It is more—the charge IS
e foul libel Qu the great Ceneervirtive
party of this Dominion and a reproeeh bo
gvary member of that party. What is
alt tlis reason for this 7 There cannot
be any legitimate reason. ` Per Settee the
Sun newspaper bee been a drag on the
party and a ftnanoial lose to lie support.
ere, It's editor, like the grave yard
ghoul;, has preyed upon everything within
reach. If fair tneans fail, foul means
would not prevent capturing even a
Oprps°. Under Tory rule sense of the
abort -sighted Conservatives were foolish
enough -•-through N, Clark Wallaos and
others—to ornate a Port of Eubry at Sea-
forth—an ofiioe pot required—and the
Sun man scoured the plum; Of course
he desires to hold ib, And in order to do
so he is willing to, and has come cub
openly and betrayed hie Mende, Thie ie
no worse than what people have read of
from time immemorial. Judas betrayed
Christ, but our Saviour was not ignorant
Of the fast. The News -Record feels sore
at heart for our wayward confrere, bub
hie sine have and will continue to find
him out. The Sun cannot serve God and
Mammon without exposure, The Sun is
witbouta peer." YQu naughty Sun map,
why did you not ask the consent of the
Record before expressing your opinion?
Juet now we don't remember ever notio-
ing where .the Reoord called the Sun to
order for his "unprincipled denunciation
of the Reform party" and on the princi-
ple that the receiver is se bad as the thief
we advise the Record editor to get a
barrel of ashes and ten yards of sack
oloth and repent of his sins of omission
as well as commission. While in the
rectifying business wo beg leave to Bug.
gest that the Toronto World, Stratford
Herald, St, Mary's Journal and other
leading Conservative newspapers that
have spoken should also be made to
apologise for what they said about Sir
Huron County.
Tennis is again becoming popular in
The Clinton News•Rsoord will holiday
next week.
Bayfield Show'wiil be held on Tuesday
and Wednesday, Sept. 29bh and 30th.
W. Doherty & Co. Clinton, have been
awarded anotber gold medal for their
organ exhibition at Leicester, England.
Tab Craig, who was in Goderioh jail
on a °barge of forgery, gained hie liberty
on Sunday afternoon by sealing the wall..
Mr. Crystal, assisted by hie employees,
is moving the maobinary in the cooper
shop and planing mill, Port Albert, to
the county town.
Peter MoEwen, jr., of Sanford, de.
serves Govern meat recognition for
jumping into the water and rescuing a
woman and child a few hays ago.
On Monday D. Cantelon and Cantelon
Bros., Clinton, shipped several oars of
Duchess apples to Wiunipeg, the first of
the season. This year fruit is earlier
than usual.
The following rates upon the dollar of
assessment will be levied upon all the
hateable property of the village of Bay.
field for the year 1890 for the following
purposes, viz: 79 mills for school purpo-
ses, 19 mills for oounty purposes and 4
mills for village purposes.
The Goderioh Town Council at a
special meeting Friday night passed a
by-law granting exemption from taxes
and free water for ten years to the
Dominion Cold Storage Co., of Montreal,
who intend at once 10 proceed with
the erection of a building with a capacity
for 50,000 barrels of apples, to be ready
for the winter fruit. A site bas been
secured upon the G. T. 11 aiding there.
Perth County.
Stratford Herald: The Robin Hoods
from London were an attractive feabure
of the A. 0. F. prooession today.
With their plumed headgear, green
jackets, white trousers and riding boots,
they are a chivalrous looking lot, and
maks a handsome appearance.
Dr. Robertson, of Stratford, bas ao.
oeptsd the challenge issued by Frank R.
Rodway, of London, to ride a matched
race with any wheeiman of Stratford or
vicinity from the Albion hotel in Strut.
ford to the -British Exchange hotel in
Goderioh, and return.
Snyder & Becker, Eawkesville, who
have been boring for water at Mitchell,
streak a flow Friday at the depth of only
forty feet. An ordinary well was sunk
24 feet, and only 16 feat was bored. The
well filled up rapidly, and there is evi-
dance of a strong flow. The boring was
undertaken by the town council to relieve
the water famine. People naturally felt
greatly relieved with the success of the
boring, but it is hardly expected that
enough water would be got from the one
well to supply the town. The good work
will be continued.
Major-General Gascoigne favors not
holding the militia camps till nest Spring.
The matter is not settled yet, however.
All protests must be lodged in court by
Saturday next. Under the how law,
election day and not the time of gazetting
The consumption of horse and donkey
meat fn Paris is rapidly increasing. The
records show that 30,000 horese were
sold for food in that oity in 1895.
On the boundary line of Penobsoob and
Hancock °mintiest, Maine, there le a post,
it is sail, upon which a man may sib
with his feet in Hanoonk ooanby and his
coat tails banging down in Penobscot
county. He may take a pipe out of hie
pooketin Holden,tobaeoo out of a pocket
in Bnckspart, and, lighting the pipe,
blow smoke in the town of Dedham.
honors were even between the Stearns'
aextuplet and the Empire State Express
in two ranee along the New York Central
tracks, where a coarse had been specially
prepared by the New 'York Central Rail-
way Company. On the outgoing trip the
sextuplet led the express in a half -mile
dash by three lengtha. The engineer
had been warned to run hie engine at its
best, but he could not defeat the bicycle.
The Empire State Express arrived at
Syracuse ab 8:40, having fairly defeated
the sextuplet for a half mile, though the
wheel was only lefb behind several
lengtire, E. C. Stearns & Co. will issue
a challenge for a mile 'race, and have
been assured that the New York Central
will eooept,
mr Iwo
T-3�.•CT4".,^,�`.k7:TaP-S �C, S,�:-uS."'.�iTk3,
Pall Wheat
a,',, ..., 498
Oats ., 0 , .. .., 17
Ruttier, tubs and rolls .., 10
blgge1opr peperr barre
douen 7t
Pl 4 00 4 50
6 50 7 .00
H1485 trimmed ,,. 4 4*
Hides rough 0
Salt per bbl„ retail. 5 00 0
Sheep akiee,each 60 70
Lamb skins each 15 40
Apples per bus 1 00
Hoge, Lfve 3 75 3 85
Wool 18 ..
GrOat Balrg a ss
11 IN T416 DINT] OP
Hay per ton,. dIA.A0
Dame MonneTe,— Liverpool -Cheese
quiet ; demand poor ; finest American
white, 34s Id ; finest American oolored,
85s, Butter, finest United States, 75e
good, 45e. New York—Butter steady
state dairy, 10c to 1410 ; do. creamery,
e t 'n dairy,s
Die to 160 , wei a 9a to 9�,
do. creamery, 119e to 15e' ; do factory,
890 bo 110 1,Igine, 160 Cheerio Arm ;
abate largo die to 690 ,• do. small 5io to
70 ; part skims, 20 to 50 ; full ailing, to
to'lio• Ingersoll—Offerings, 8,024 box-
es ; sales, 145 at 09e ; 295 at 1190 ; 1,674
at 0 18.10o. Good atbendauoe, Market
fairly brisk,
ToaoNTO, July 2S,—Market dull, Flour
goieb; priaee rather firmer ; straight
rollere quoted at 98 10 to $8 25, Toronto
freights. Bran—Care quoted at 98.50 to
$9, West, and $9,25 to $9,50. Wheat
firm ; Manitoba higher ; No. 1 bard hold
at 610 afloat, Fort William, at 64o Mid-
land, at 68o Toronto freights, and at 090
Montreal freights ; No. 2 hard sold ab 02o
Midland, and No. 1 Northern at 68o Mid-
land ; red winter sold at 68o, G. T. 11.
west, and white at 04o to 04}o west.
Barley dull ; prices purely nominal,
Oats quiet ; oiferinge limited ; white
held west on 0. P. 11. at 18}o, and mixed
at 180. Peas quiet and pewee unchanged,
with sales at 45o, north and west. Oat-
meal quiet ; prices nominal, at 02 00 on
track. Buckwheat quiet, and prices
nominal, at 30o to 32e outside. Corn
dull ; prices unchanged ; yellow quoted
outside at 27.}o to 28o, and mixed at 270.
EAST 13uoo`ALo, July 28.-Cattle—Tbree
oars; steady ; prime steers, 94 20 to
94 25 ; fair to good, 93 76 to 94 ; common
to prime cows, 92 to 98 40. Hoge -11
cars ; fair ; Yorkers, $3 05 to e2 75 ;
light and pigs, $3 75 to $8 86 ; mediums
and heavy, $8 40 to 98 50 ; mixed pack.
ere, $3 25 to 98 85 ; roughs, $2 85 to 93.•
10 ; stage, $2 to 92 50. Sheep and lambs
—8 oars ; easy ; prime lambs, $5 to 95.-
25 ; fair to good, 94 to $4 60 ; culla to
fair, 92 50 to 98 ; fair to choice mixed
sheep, $3 to 98 66 ; culls and common,
91 50 to $2 25. Cattle closed dull, with
two loads of good cattle unsold, Hogs
closed dull, with font loads unsold.
Sheep and lambs closed dull, with several
deoks unsold.
Touoxro, Ont., July 28,—Trade was a
little brisker at the Western oattle yards
to -day, although it cannot be said that
prices were much improved from last Fri-
day. There was perhaps a little more
active demand for butchers' cattle for
Montreal, about 15 oar loads going to
that market. Several dealers were bay-
ing export oattle at the low prices going,
which gave the market a alightly steadier
tone. Offerings were not heavy to -day -
08 carloads, including three loads which
arrived Sunday. The offerings included
1,880 sheep and lambs, 650 bogs, 52 calves
and about a dozen miloh oowe. Export
cattle sales were made to -day at from
$8 25 to 03 60 per ewe, mostly, only one
carload going to 90 65 per osvt. Sheep
and lambs—Export sbeep are in fair de•
mend at from 30 to 3io per pound, and
29a per pound for rams. Butchers'
sheep are quiet at 290 to 290 per pound.
Lambs were in large supply and off some-
what in price, selling at from 92 26 to
$3 25 per head, or about 4o per pound for
good ones. Calves—There were a lot of
calves in to -day, but all sold. Prions
ruled steady, at from $2 to $4 per bead
for common to medium, and 95 to $6 per
bead for good to choice veal$. The lat-
ter figure was eeldom paid. Good calves
are wanted. Miloh oowe and springers—
These were Belling a little bit better to-
day, at from 920 to $30 per bead for the
general run. A couple of extra fanny
cows sold at 985 each. Good cows are
wanted. Hoge—Offerings were light,
and the market held its own. Choice
selections of springers sold for 490 per
pound, weighed off the ears ; other kinds
are quiet.
The London, Eng., Morning Post
says "The extensive ehipmente of
Canadian horses bo this country have for
some time past seriously hampered the
markets for the produce of British studs.
Por light street work the cheap imported
animals appear to answer fairly well, and
withstand the exigencies of the climate
much better then was expeoted. Accord-
ing to the Canadian Gazette the London
General Omnibus Company have entered
into a contract for the delivery of 5,000
Canadian 'horses to be used in their
'buses on the London streets ab the aver-
age price of £40 per head, the contract
extending over five years. Tbie extensive
order may be accepted as high testimony
to the utility of the Canadian horses,
and, in consequence, will give rise to no
little anxiety among horse breeders in
this country."
The Ideal Summer Paradise
Is the Georgian Bay and Muskoka
Lake Region,
Easily reached from all points. For
Rest, Recreation, Fishing, Boating, Bath.
ing, Camping, etc., this favored District
(500 ft, above Lake Huron) is unequalled.
A special folder with maps and full in-
formation eau be had on application bo
C{. T. R, Agent, Brussels.
Dress Goods,
We tape no secondplace for
MI A 1 stock of fresh,
well assorted
Satisfaction assured,
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
We have the
Reliable Brands of
Blue Ribbon, Standard
and Red Cap.
N. & N. Gerry,
Brussels, July 2, 1890,
The BUGS are here, and have
Dome to stay. There is nob much proba-
bility of their being killed by frost, as
they were last year, and indications are
that the sale of Bug Fiuieh will be very
large this season. We should be pleased
to supply you with the genuine Potato
Bug Finish, used also for Vegetables and
Shrubs, 14'lbe.for 25o.
'. & N. Gerry.
Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects
This is the Latest Out, and is
taking the lead. Don't fail to
call and see samples of same.
t''Views of Residences, Pio•nio Parties,
etc., taken by applying or sending your
00 118 FmeT•CLAes
Nothing nicer than to have some Photos
of ourselves and homes as we go
through this world, to look
back on in after years.
And the Work is the Best.
1a -Come while in health.
Always Welcome at the Old Reliable
Photograph Studio.
R. R. BREWER, artist
Gallery Over Smith & :1feLaren's
The undersigned aro prepared to attend
to all branobee of Painting, including
."louse, Sign, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Iialsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
erate Prices.
We make a Specialty of Manufacturing
and placing in position
.First -Class Awnings.
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Eocldicic
& Wako, will bo attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may be
left with Messrs.Deaclman & Mc-
SAMPLE Rf03, f
Julay 31, 1:89
The Undersigned has a complete outfit of Undertakers'
Supplies such as
CASKETS, OOFF//vs, Fe®BaS, 5 C ,
First, -glass Hearse in Connection:
Opposite Town Hall, Brussels.
We are offering all lines of Summer Goods at Greatly Re -
duped Prices in order to make room. for
Odd Lines and nen,3212.t$
We will let go regardless of cost. Space will i o
permit us to enumerate articles and prices but ask an
inspection with a view of comparing quality and/cost.
Be sure and not miss this chance of a good Bargain.
There is something you want in our line.
dia CO.
Special value in Paints, Machine Oil, Fence Wire, &c.
Contains 48 Columns every
week and a large share of this space is devoted to
Local, District and Canadian News with a weekly
column or more given to Agricultural Topics.
Is increasing steadily and surely, indicating
that TEM Posy is a Welcome Visitor to many
homes, We want to add
/,000 New e iu +seribess
This Fall as the larger our list the fetter
the paper we can afford to publish.
Recommend THE PoST to your neighbors and
friends if they are not already subscribers ?
and District News Items
Always Welcome.