HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-17, Page 8• THZ 1ttTS,SEL POST 1":110Iir i •n6 Tinto 0000 TO take care of your pato. tine, Zee)? the weeds down and heap plentyl of earth around the stalks, then give the bugs a dose of ,Pure English Parts ereso • 'Which will pot them so that they will not feel like troubling your pus Into vines any more. Do not let the Bogs destroy your potatoes when you can get Pure Pavia Green at 25 canto per peund. .DO NOT FORGET !That We have oleo a "sure oure" for Plies. We keep a fall StOok Of ;— DavieFly Pads which sell at 5o, a. poolsage Wileon's Poison Pude, which sell At 1.00, a lIAOltagEs ; Insect Powder, which selle at 50. an 00000 Tanglefoot, whigh gone ILL 50. A, dOtl. We sheet. Call and get 8. aupply. DEADMAN Cg MOOtILL, Drumists, Opticians and Booksellers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Sountaita EXTENSION W. G. & 6. Trains leave Brussels Station, North 'and Smith. as follows: SOINGSOIITIt. GOING NORTE, 60e0 0:26 a.m. Mixed 9:485.01. 8Evro58 11:58 a.m. mall 10:e4 p.ra. Bused 8:0011,211. ENNTOSS 0:48 p.m. Drat Tittus (4lemo. ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BUSINESS iS quiet. DO you take The PoST 1Vmst about our civic holiday ? Braeon twine is having a big run. Gsnnicv party at F. C. Rogers' on Tuesday evening. Jaz. 13,musamm is enlarging ana im- proving his grocery. W. P. STEM= received a Oar of ?Rini. • Who wheat this week. Masons. BARKER & VANSTONE shipped a oar of hogs Eastward on Thursday. STRAWBERRIES are over and waternislons ore too dear, considering the price of painkiller. "lianas" won let money at the Sarnia -races on Wednesday in the 2.24 trot. ' Tb e best time was 9.221. V.enrooe improvements will be made around the R. 0. ohnroh here in the way • of fencing, painting, dko. Mastitis. Cameo tE Damns shipped a oar of cattle on Monday and a car of hogs on Tuesday from Brussels station. '11111 firm handle a large quantity of stook. Tits School Board did not meet on Friday evening as there was no business necessitating it, owing to tha specials held. Next meeting will be the 2nd Fri- day of August. TDE POST ie the best advertising medium. It is bright and sparkling. The people look for it and read it through and through. Every business man should use more or less space in TEE POST. Dran.—On Monday of this week Mrs. Love, of Tuckersmith, mother of Mrs. Jae. Slum, Brussels, died at the advanc- ed age of 86 yeara. The funeral took place oi, Wednesday. Mr. Love died aortae years ago. A. min sent this letter to a bookseller -who sent in his account for a book some -time before it was delivered : "1 never ordered the book. If 1; did you (lid not said it ; if you sent it, 1. never got it ; if k not it, I psid for it ; if I didn't, won't." Mn. Nolan accepted the position on the teaching staff of Brucotels Public school and will be on hand after vaca• • tion to begin work. We anticipate that •the little trouble from insubordination in this Department will soon be overcome by the new teacher, as some boys are not so likely to impose on a man as on a lady. Tix Toronto Globe of last Saturday says :—W. G. Murdoch has returned to Toronto from Tilsonburg, accompanied Isy bis client, W. R. Armson, the man who WAS arrested a few days ago on the • charge of defrauding his creditors. The charge against Armson bas simmered • dove so that it only amounts to a case of a few dollen rent. When the case was called in Tileooburg, the prosecution wan not ready to go'on, and the oath was remanded for two weeks. Armson svas given his liberty on his own bail. 250 or Tmaar.—The Orangemen of Bros. it stele and immediate vicinity went to Lis- et towel on Monday to celebrate the immor• t tat 12th with their brf P th Taut Powr sloes the 00W9. X48170014 OROWSIOR Data Taagatty.. Winona aeras raves Oth and Oth August, Araks aro 8, good crop112aurou co. thie year, Wtio, 111takur has had W, O. Smith paint a new 0150 0/1 the Side Of bist tailor shop, 11. IL, Bauman ,photographed the in. terior of atm Fox a drug store 1as8Wed. motley forertoon. Tun cellar has Iseen exottvated for the proposed new two•atory brisk oottage to be ereol,ed by 0. Taint. Tamils is about the only game Gutt appettre to be engaged in with any hearti- nese this season in Brussels. • "Fuoarimict" 18 a favorite sport with eome 01 1126 boy% and an exoellent bill of fare is consequently presented at some of the boarding houses, Lax week the Ilolipse Seep DO. had e big aign 044 feet painted on the brick wall at jamas Ballantyne'e grocery, Wm. smith did the work and made a good job of it too. Satrunnav afternoon, at 3 o'olook, the brick building now used as an Army Bar- racks will he offered for ;sale by miblic attotion, at the Queen's Hotel, by F. S. Scott, auetioneer, Thoe. Pepper, Grey, le the owner. Ss/women Assam—There will be an 106. 008001 (modal in the S. A. bad:rooks this (Friday) evening, July 17111, Adjt. Tay. for and the Band, from Palmerston, will be here, also officers from Wingbam and Listowel. A big time expeoteci, every. body come. Only 10 (mita admission. LAST Monday morning the Fife and Drum Band had their photo. taken at H.R. Brewer's studio before leaving for Lietowel. There are 20 members of the Band including the little mascot—Harry Moore—and the five members of the committee, viz., B. Gerry, M. M. • Card- iff, S. T. Plum and AL H. Moore. The photo, is et good one. Mornmonum—tan Monday, Suns 22od, A. B. Currie, of Banff, N. W. T.,and Miss Mabel, youngeet daughter of alter Smith, Brussels, were united in marriage. The bride has resided in Winnipeg for some time with her sister and went from there to Banff to preside over the house. hold affairs of the fortunate groom. Mrs. Currie's many old friends in this locality wish her and be Iiiisband the realization of their brightest hopes. WERTERN STait LODOE.—Thursciay even- ing of last week Deputy District N. G. Elliott, of Winghans, accompanied by Past N. G. Robertson, of the same town, made an official vieit to Western Star Lodge, No. 149, L 0. 0. F., Brussels. After two degrees had been conferred on a candidate, the following officers were installed for the ourrent term :— Bryson Cochrane, N. G. ; Wm. Smith, P. G. ; John Pugh, V. G. A. Koenig, Secretary ; Jno. Arnett, Per. Sea. ; F. S. Sootb, Treasurer; J. T. Roes, Warden ; A. McGuire, Con. A. I. McCall, Chaplain; Jno. Smith, R. S. N. G. ; S. Jaekson, L. 8. 14. G. ; W. 11. Kerr'R. S. V. G. ; 5. Sansple, L. S. V. G. ; A. Sample, R. S. 8. ; J. Bishop, L. S. S. ; S. Wilton, I. G. ; W. Martin, 0. G. ; J. A. McNaughton, Phys.; Alex. Nfoltay, Rap. to Grand Lodge. The Lodge is in a, healthy condition and has a bright outlook. Daring the past term 17 degrees were conferred and 4 members Initiated. Grand Lodge will convene at Sarnia this year. Salo Gov Hmon.—A Stratford paper says woman appeared at Mayor Davidson's office, Stratford, on Wednes- day morning, who must have been at least 75 years of age, requesting relief. She told it very plausible story of having been robbed of all her mooey coming from Montreal, and she desired to go to Brussels to spend the remainder of her days. After telling her story she wept bitterly. All she desired Was a pass to Brussels, whioh was given her. She then wept about town calling on newer- ous business men, requesting assistance from each. In proof that she was in need she produced the Mayor's pass, and by this 0108.08 succeeded in obtaining ooneiderable money." The above men. tioned individual, who gives he name as Mrs. Hugh McLean add says her home ad recently been in London, Ont., ar- mee here in due time, spent a night at the Queen's Hotel, then posted off to Lucknow, and arrived back to Brussels on Thursday night. ,She asonmes a very synapathetia, religious strain in outliniug her woes, but if not treated as her lady- ship considers in good taste sbe is well versed la both blasphemy and bleak- gnardism. The Reeve refused to pay her fore to Goderioh an Monday and received a "recommend" from her. If "Mrs. Mc- Lean" bas relatives or friends they hould see that she is safely housed, in. sal of dead beating her way from town o town as she is now doing. 8111000 o er County. A. procession was formed at the Orange Hall, headed by the Fife and Drum Band, and marched to the station keeping step to the inspiring strains of "Ries Sons of William," and "Orange Feather." A speoial excursion trolls, with Driver Sloan and Conductor Jaen- darson in charge, came up from Palmer- liton and oarried about 250 from Brussels. This number was increased at Ethel, TIenfryn and Atwood. The passengers returned by the regular night train which was over an hour late. Not a few of our residents took is Goderiob celebration • instead of Listowel. Every livery rig in the town was in use. A good time is re- ported by the visitors. The Fife and Drum Band received unstinted praise for their Ins musk that day. ClAnnEll PARTS.—Acoarding to the Ep- tworth League program, a Garden Party 'will be held on. the Methodist church low»on Monday evening next, commeno• ing at 6:B0 o'clock. Refreshment tables 'will be provided and the following cambia 'program rendered :—P, no dnett, Mrs. 191, L. Jackeon and Vier :Caton ; chair- man's address, Bev. S. J. Allin ; duett, Misses Moore ; reoding, Mies Maunders ; ,inetruniental, four instruments, Misses ''.8naith and brother ; solo, Miss Lottie rim '• reading, Miss MoNaughton ; piano -colo,T. A. Hawkine ; quartette, "Merry atanniaineera" ; instrumental, Misses 'Smith and brother and H. L. and Mrs. Jackson ; reading, Mr. Hawking ; vocal seta, Mise Ida Cads ; piano a uat, tam 'deacon and Min Norton. Admission to gronnds, 1008018. If the evening is too -moo/ for outdoor exercises the program 'will be given in the schoolroom of the ;Mama. CHURCH, ell IMES. Rev, 11. Paul will preach for Rev. W. H. Aloes 62 Bluevale next Sabbath. The Methodist Sabbath aohool pio-nia, postponed from last Friday owing to rain, will be held Tuesday afternoon of next week. Rev. Mr. Brownlee, of Preened Hill, who has so satisfactorily filled his p005 - bion in the English chunks Inc some time, will leave in a few weekto lit himself Inc mission work among the Armenians. He has won the esteem at many, and on leaving will be followed by the best wish• es of bis people, OTIRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION. -0 TIM ta• day and Friday, August 27th and 28bh, the Huron County Christian Endeavor Union will hold their fifth annual Con- vention in Knox dutch, Goderioh. The sessions will open on Thursday evening, ab 8 o'olook, with words of greeting from the President of the Local Committee, followed by addresses on "Inter-denomi• national Fellowship," by Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Henson, and "Why are you needed in the Christian Endeavor Society," by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, Wing - barn. On Friday most of the topios are to be presented by votive members of the local societiee, assisted by Rev. Wm. Johnson, of Warcleville ; Bev. 8. Bond, of Seaforth, and othere. me, Johnson, who is Vies.President of the Provincial 0. E. Union, and Superintendent of the London district, will take as his anbjeots, "Christian Citizenship," • and 'The Spirituality ot Christian Ilndeavorers." Oironlara and programs are now being prepared, and will be sent to the local someties as soon as completed. A most interealing, appropriate and Instruetive 89112100 Wail pre/Wiled to the Orangemen of Brusels and locality last Sabbath morning do St. lelm'e onuroli by Rev. W. '4, Oluff, a formerineumbent, 1715 text was taken from the 1,2th (Master of Borne= and 1091) verse: "Bo kimaly affeetionerl elle tO another 70611 brotherly love ; in honor preferring elle smother." Rev. A. 11. Grillin, moms bent, Oasieted in the fierVige, There were 60 Orangemen in the prouession that marebed from the Orange Hall to the Marvell. On Saturday evening, aboutso'eleelos Pe blue workmen on the Presbyterian °Ural, Palmerston, were about to quit work, one of the guy ropes slipped from its fasteniuge, and 15 an Instant the whole of the heavy root timbers swathed te the ground, killing a workman named John Whitely, &boat 36 yore of ago, Several othere, who 60009 00 the roof 09 the time, bad very narmw escapes, some olinging to the walls and others going down in the wreck. This church was burped clown last Winter, being erected only 0 ahort time before this, and was Iming re built wheu the widens ow:limed. The Choteworth News, in addition to speaking of a successful garden party at the Rectory 01 86111011 560 were realized ; And referring to a S. S. Oonveution of which Ray. W, 0,Reilly had beau President and Mrs. Reilly Corresponding Secretory, soys :—The following reso •lutien of thanks was passed at the rep. lar meeting of Court Ohatsworbh I. 0. F., on the 26th of Sone, and a copy signed on behalf of the Court by Jas. Airth, 0. R„ was presented to the Rev. Mr. Reilly :— To Bev, W. G. Bally , Do a Sia,—We, the officers and mem. hers of Court Chatsworth No, 1174 of the Independent Order of Foresters, in Oonrt assembled at this our earliest opportunity desire to tender you our heartiest thanks and give expression to our appreoiation of the able and instructive sermon de- livered by you to the members of this Court, when assembled at St. pours church on Sunday the 11911, 1001. Signed on behalf of this Cloud, James Airtb, 0. B. Tim Poso is pleased to hear of the continued prosperity of the reverend gentleman and hie claimable wife, Business Locals, Puma English Paris green. McKay & Go. Imo for sale, delivered at your home. Altair to Leathordale. 01.01140 8.1121 timothy seed for sale. Beaker Vanstone. Holman oats and all kind's of mill feed for sal; at Roes' mill, Brussels. Biwa dressings of all kinds on band both for black and tan colored. I. C. Richards. A. Rion line of buggy dusters on band, all sold at close morons. L C. Itiohards. AsignMAN binder twine, half a cent per lb. cheaper than Canadian twine, at McKay & Oo'n. Floral 1101111 1 Manitoba patent, Man- itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, beat in thii market, for sale at Ross' mill. KARL'S Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and melte your bead clear as a bell. 25 abs., 50 ots, and $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. A, mom= ninge of men's women's and children's•shoes on hand. Call and see them no matter if you do not buy, we will be pleased to have you see them. I. 0. Richards, Cosm—I am prepared to supply any guontity of stove or furnace moat. All orders will be promptly attended to at Wilton & Turnboll's stove and tinware store, Brussels, or on application to Wm. Martin. SEMOn's Cure, the great cough and snoop 0001, 18 in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty -live doses ; only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. RI:asinine Haim—Machinery, bicycles, lawn -mowers, ecissora, implements and all kinds of tools sharpened and, put in order at reasonable prices for spot cash by saw filer T. McGregor, of Brussels, Queen St. East. Cuiren.—Any one desiring ()ornate will do well to call at the Brussels Wool. en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 30e. to 51.00. Howo & Co. BINDER Timm—A, large quantity of American twine in stook, quality better and prices lower than any Canadian twine in the market. A. oombine has advanced the prices of Canadian twine about 12%. A word to the wise is suffioient. Call and see our Crown brand, American Sheaf and absolutely pure manilla. MoHtr & Go., Brussels, PAINTEIG, &C.—TDs undersigned, bay. ing entered into partnership, are prepar- ed to do all kinds of work 10 1118 following lines :—Plain and ornamental painting, kaleomining, frescoing, limper -hanging, sign•writing, dm, &a. Remember our motto, "Firat.closs work and reasonable charges." STRAVAIIT & RITCHIE, Brussels, WELle•DICIOINO AND DTDLINR.—Georgo Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and ie prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84-11 Tun Bnes: Recommonn.--The best 00. 0011180805 a bicycle oan have is the num- ber of soles made. A. Clousley, agent for the well•known Brantford, has made the following sales this season already W. E. Armstrong, tender, Brussels Arthur Wake, Brussels ; MT. Shiels, Greg ; Rev. G. H. Cobblediolo, Brussel; Colin McArthur, Brussels; Wm. MoDonald, Molesworth ; John Rae, teacher, MoZiILop; W. J. Rozell, Brussels ; H. 5. Burkholder, Drayton ; Sydney Bolger, Morris ; R. A. 'McKee, teacher, McKillop, Miss Tilly Gofton, Wroxeter. Bev. W. 3. Waddell, Ethel; J. Rockwell, MaKillop, ,7. A. Stewart, Brussels. okeo. Comae, Cranbrook. R. Leatherdale, Brussels. 3, A. MoKee, Wm, MoArter, Walton. Miss Thuell, Morris. Vred, Gilpin, Brunetti. The "Red Bird" gives great satiafection. A stook of wheels alwrZys On hand, both new and eeoond hand, A. Cousxxv, Agent, Bruaaels, JuLy 17, 1896 .......00.46wimagempuow•,0"010.40.4.mosi ' .8.714.71(7)410 AVX]r CdX,A.TM, 'Z'oSt.3BZ,ZOMPOMP060760, HEAD oFFIce, - TORONTO. 11 1(111 ASSTIZtl, (Seven 351111935 1)011ar9) $7,000,000 PAKTAX. (Authorized) §.2,001),Q20 Agencies in. 01i grisicipal points in Ontario, quel.tee, Xanitda, Thettet1 States cORnaland. liMASS'aiLS APS4XCII• 4 General Banking Business Tranaaotaa. rwernera, Notes Dicoonstod, Drafta loosed and Celiac/gone mode on all peints, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dal of depoeit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. • KREOIAT. ATTANUON 850115 TO 111169 00/.1471TION or FAIRMIlle 1340,8 1)7(01999. Every facility afforded Customers liviss at a distance, J. A. ST191WART Msnaonn, 3E30M.ST, EfANILTON.—In Elnia, on July 8rd, the wife of 'Mr. Wilko Hamilton Of daughter, AlcOn7minon,—In Morris, on jfily 10th, the wife of Mr. hlarry MoCuteheon of a son. CONON.—In Morrie, on jiffy 411:, the wife of Mr, Alex. Conon of a son. avr.A.M0=32=E. ' WALICnn—RualTon.—Hy Bev. W. T. EMI, Belgrave, on July 15111, M.T. Walker to Bliss Hannah Rentol, of West • Wawanoah, Huron Go Laxness—Omuta—On June 10th, ab the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Win. T. Lipton, IL A., Mr. James R. Lindsay, of Georgetown, to Mies Jessie 2, only daughter of Dr. S. Corms, of Wolfe Island, formerly of Atwood. uzimom.. MoBaant.—In Grey, on Saturday, July 11th, 1896, Quintin MoBlain, aged 79 years, 6 months and 14 days. &Wm/N.—In Blanshard, on July and, Jonathan Amos Spearin, aged 11 months and 13 days. Love.—In Tuckersmith, on July 121h, Mrs. Love, mother of Mrs. Jas. Shaw, Blunts, aged 85 years. Brussels, Oot. 1 a 2. St. Marys, Oat. 6 & 7. Tavistook, Sept. 21 & 22. Woodstoek, Sept. 24 & 25. Mitchell, Sept. 29 & 30. East Nisecurict Themesford, Sept. 30. Stratford, Oot. 1 2. Blanshard, aS Ridden, Oot. 8 and 9. Western, at London, Sept. 10 to 19. Toronto, Industrial, Aug. 81 to Sept. 12. West Niesouri, at Thorndale, Oot, 8. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. E00 ND HAND BIOYOLES for ..b3. Big bargains. Choice of four. 0017SLEY, Bxussele. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortgage, farm security. Apply at THE POST Publishhig House, Brussels. On 14 WILL BUY AN ALL 10Iron Gate, 01e000 feet long, brass hinges. A. dandy. 4.95217 10 '01. 8201075, Lot 4, Con. 7, Grey, GIRL WANTED FOR GEN— Emir, house work. Liberal wages to a capable person. Apply at • METHODIST PARSONAGE, Brussels. BICYCLE FOR SALE. A 05 "Hartford," made by the Colum- bia Company. Almost as good 00 11080. 840. Inquire OLE VELAND G., ALLON, at Metho- dist Parsonage, Brussels, D ESIRABLE RESIDENCE roll Soma—Lots 220 and 221, Queen et. Terms reasonable to a cash purchaser. Ap- ply on the premises 91' to 28 W. M. SINCLAIR. 1DARCEL CONTAINING ladles' dross lost between Brussels and the G. T. R., 4th line, Morris, en Saturday, 4111 inst. Finder will kindly leave tthe same at THE POST PUbliSDRIN House. 1.1013815AND LOT FOR SALE. .jL The undersigned offers his conifort- able cottage and'a SOTS Oi land ou Turnberry street, Brussels for sale. On the premises ie a pea 8,511, atable, fruit trees, &o. Forprice and terms apply to 1-21 MoLATIOHLIN, Proprietor. QTRAYED ON THE PREM - 5 of the inulersigned., North half I•oli 24, Oon. 5, Morris, on or about May last two yearling cattle. One is a roan 13 eifer and the other a red steer. The owner is requested 'Morey° property, pay elponses and take Omni away. wALDnit MIES, 2-19 Brussels P. 0, 11 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subseriber Were 11(5 1154031 maid - eine adjoining Bruggels,10th eon., Gray, for sale. There is one acme of land, mostly Planted with small finite, stable, well, &c. For prim and terms apply to the undersign- ed. 'WALTER ltIOHARDSON, 524 Brussels?, 0. NOTICE ! All those who are indebted to the estate of the late Win. /Willa or to the Jinn of l9000lok4. Wake, will kindly can at 02108 00 95.19. Blair, Bolteitel• for the Administrator, 75.8., Req., Bruseels, and settle all claims of the estate against them. 01.10, BLAIR. lin sub., July 9th,1800. 02-2 Per Bale f)y Pablo Auction. The undersigned has instructed F. S. Scott to 5080 1119 Public dilation, la the Q1JEISN'S HOTEL, 330111S810LEI, en Saturday. July 18th, at 8 o'cloolt, the brick building now 008,1058Barraoks by the Army, John street, Brussels, and 3- acre of land. 'Phe monthly rental roe/yeti is $8. For further partiou- lam apply to P0008, PEPPER, 51-8Proprietor. LAWN SOOIAL. The Ladies' Aid of St. ;folm's Church will give a lawn social at the residence of F. C. Rogers, Esq., ou the evening of TUES- DAY, 21ST INST. No pains will be spared to make it • the most pleasant of the season. Ice. Cream, &c., as usual. Admission 10c, Refreshments extra. ZIES0121110.12111. mmeissuarouu.sosnetenal REAL ESTATE. /loop FARM FOR. SALE NEAR Brussels, Groat bargain. rot 7, Goo. 0, Grey township. Good buildings and ()T- abard, well watered,. gettable for mixed or daily farming, Apply IA WK. IfItif,OUGa on, the 5252080(008 01' to PriCarrAS asitITAGN, London Weatt VARAIS FOR SALL, -- 200 0011 8z.°S,%;:grish.irilg4,IRLiptsg Vi.4" 7111 be- ing 1111115150805118 Village 00 101,1151 onct ba miles fora Brussels, 40 (sores of EMI wnsals sown And about 80 aoroa under 01055 1 90 acres cleared on each, Perms of payment easy. .5, MolIBLVEY, DI, D., 06- . Brussels. ANITOBA. LAND FOR SALE. —100 08100 of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at a low price. The property is North East Seo.10, wp.11, Range 4, East, There ie a house on the premises aud Boma breaking done, l'or 0011 particulars as to price, title, &a., write or apply to e.19.BLAII1 or W. IL HERR, 20-11 Brussels, Ont. VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligible 200 acre farm, composed of lots 10 and 17 in the 10th eon., Grey township, Enron Co., and 50 acres, part of lots 16 and 17,11th con., belonging to the Robert Brown estate, is effered for sale to wind up outate, On the first ram le a good stone house and large bank barn, necessary outbuildings, or- ohard, &o, Farm well watered, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. About 50 acres of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On the 50 acre farm there is &house and barn °milord, and about 8 acres of bush. Perms sold jointly or separately to 'suit purchaser. Possession given In the Fall. Parma are on- ly a, mile from 1115 village of Orailbrook, where aro school, churches, post-ollice store, .20., and miles to the thriving mar - lot town Brussele. For further particulars as to prim, termg, dm., apply to AGNES BROWN, } M JAES BROWN, Executors. JOHN BROWS, Oranbrook P. 0. TIti OAR FOR BERVIOE.—THE 'Undersigned will keep for servile on Lot 26, Cnn. 6, Morris, the ihoro' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred fiom 0.10, Brothoux's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair. Terms, 81.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. 110)501.06007501,, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 30, Cou, %Morris, the tboro'-bred Large English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John." His mother is a fell sister to the 1St prize sow at 11,0 World's Fair, Pedigree will be produced on application. Torsos -81.00 to herald ut time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. 14.6m JAS, SPEIR, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for serviee on Lot 27. Con. 4, Morris, the tboro' bred Tani - worth. boar."Ring George," purchased from H. George & Sons, who got first Moe for their herd at Guelph Ilat ,Etook Show, The dant of "Ring George" won first prize o.t the Show, London, England, 75(3 SiTOIWILS im- ported and *weighed 760 lbs, Terms $1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. RICHARD ARMSTRONG, 481! Propr14000, Ancient Order ef United Workmen, This Benevolent and Fraternal Society is the Oldest and Strongest of the kind in America,. Each member secures to his family, at his death, $2,000.00 or $1,000.00, at hie option, The yearly assessment on the foru3or is only $10.00 and ou the latter 08.00, on good healthy men between the ages of 21 and 45 years. A. large lodge is in operation In 13rtis- eels. Why not Join yourself and secure for 7000 011211(7, in ease of your being called away, a handsome mina for their support 7 IZOBT. ARVISTROVG, Id, W.; W, H. -KERR, Recorder ; J, 4., CREBeliTON,Financier, BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will hoop 001 service on Lot 29, Con. 6, Morrie, the them' bred Dur- ham hull,"Lorci Lorne," —sem—. Pedigree may be soon on applleation. Terms, 80.0010 Insure but cows must be returned regularly 11 081000107. JAMES SHURRIE, 47.4 Proprietor, J ERSEY BULL IfOR SERVICE. If you contemplate breeding to 'a jersey use the best you can gob. You may have 0001' Su good a dam but if the bull to not from a good milking drain, and therg is a groat difference amongst Jerseys, then you will be disappointed with ;your stock. I aim to keep the best If you pay 30e, extra for grades you oan return 010 111 you get a bolter calf. G. A, DIOADDIAN , Druggist, thaissele. DENTAL. 1-1,,B. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Lieentiate Royal College Dental burgeons. Orown and Bridge work a Speolahy. Moder- ate Fem, Satisfaction Assured. Office over Barrett's barber shop, Turnborry 91,, Brus- sels. VETERINARY. JD. WARWIOR, e • PiOnor Graduate Of 010 Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat all rROS. A. IIAWRINS,. diseases of domesticated aninial0 in a own- W111 give lessons to implis either on potent manner, Partioular attention paid Plano 00 015011, at his Nude noon), opposite to'yoteritary dentistry. 0611096080011*at- 1 the post-olliee, Bruggels. Vocal loesons also . 00500 0501 008('(nary—Ij'Sur oors 11vso, Ten years experience in teething. north of bridge •PUruberry at., Bonsathi. '1eroio MO brat°. ..Yr • ".; 14141/7, e 17> , WITH Puro anis Green For Potato Bugs, Piell Bugs, dm. It is unfailing in its aim and deadly in its re• suite. We bays only one quality and we guarantee it to be absolutely pure, Ben- gen's English Paris Green, 25 cents per pound. Satisfaotion guaranteed in every ease or money cheerfully refunded. Have You Any FLIES? If so, give them a am too. We have the proper raedioine for OMR :— Davis' Fly Pads a6 So. Wilson's Fly Pade at 10o. Tanglefoot, 50. per Double Sheet. Ineect Powder 50. per oz. or 60c. per Ib. Fox Drag Store. OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. .D L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, _Lila Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oollee- Mous made. Oillee—Vanstone'sBlooir, Bras - eels. 21-3m W SINCLAIR, • solicitor, tionveYolieer .170 tarYPuh- Ho, &o. Office—Veneto/Ws Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. ltiT G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, 11011 da Oam oron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderith, Out. 0111.30—Harailton St., Opposite Ool- borne Hotel. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solleitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's 080ee, (Ooderich.) 011loo over Gillian & Smith's Ban k, Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 AUCTIONEERS. C415ORGE KIRKBY, ‘..A Licensed Auationcer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm steak a specialty. Orders left at Tim POST Publishing rfouse,Bre gaols or sent to Walton P. 0., receive prompt Atention. T1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • zBa, will sell for better 101:1000, 19 better mon, in ese time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he -won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this calm or by p arsenal application. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, XL D. . O. E. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P • S. Out. Resitlemie and office in Wilson's 310011, corner 0075111 and Turnborry OM. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. E., • Ph ysioian, Surgeon, december, cite, Graduate of Toronto University Modiaal Fanny. Member of College of Physielane and Surgeons, Ont. Orman—Next door M MoDorudd & Go., Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. UT iloCRACEENi • Issuror °Marriage LieellSeg. 0Inoe atlas Gr000ry,•Purnberry, street, Bruseele. RN. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies'andchildreng halo cutting a specialty 1Pat RUSSET'S POST OFFICE .1_, Savings Btu* takes Deposita from 91.00 to 81,000 and allows 011 per cent. O 010(081, T. FARROW, 87-11m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. ' FLETOHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Oman AT JEWELRY' STOnS. Witnegg Required, T. ELETCHDR, Brassele. WELLINGTON MTJTUAL IN. sWanNon 0o. Established 1840, In - mammas effected on all Town and Fenn Property at very low rates. a. A. CREIGHTON, 15.8m Agent, Brussels. A LEX. HTINTER, Xi. (Mork of tho Fourth Division Cour Go, Huron, Clonveyaneer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Titsuranee Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collations made 0111.05 Grahame Block, Brussels 61 A 02 11 02 ti 11 81 it 112 a( g' 01 b( of to al 80 121 sl 201 • CC tli 81 11, Ili st ti tl; 1111 111 110, pc pt • th 011 fo do co an Sr 18 alo to bc di, fa 212 Hi 112 W1 e 211 (.11. Yc fa, H1 Es 1112 rC of 111' tel v Go 2201G an. 9110,50: 11 10 0 ,sg) 2ja lit. ,3850 n10:00- t c,e,oeupi,n go,:( • jglacl-01,00b1, spoRpettiieC lvt 2111841 20 110 22 irc, 1)viI1 1 Sal Val the Poo on dee roe,