HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-17, Page 6Ize austio n al ^-.-10 1+OUT,IeAA n^•^ E•VEBY I+'BIDAY MORNING an time for the,early mails) a4 "7,10 Peet" Stoufa 11o118e, TAIInliitao t S0., I3aneara8 080. Tunats or Sons0axemten.-One• dollar a geae,in advane°, Thefaate to winch every eel:seriatim is pelt 18 denoted by the date on the address label, Auvnusnsxuo Itewee.-x110, following 1atee win be chargee to those '0100 salver Ise by the year:- Ono smolt i Ito. I e mo,' 3 a' Co lumn,.......... 500.00 582.00 520.00 00.00 80.00 12.00 12, 0 18:00 5.00 00 2.J 301 Darter DiOhth " Plight octets per lino for first insertion, and three canto pl3erline tor .eaell ubeequeatin. seinen. A11 advertisements measured as NOnperoil-103 linos to the Moll, Business Oaths, night lines and under,. 80 per annum. Advertisements without speonle direo- tions, will bo tusertod until forbid, and ahargod aceohdingly. Inatruetious to change or disoontinue as advortiaenlentmust belett at the counting room of Tun Pose not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative. 'i7Sr. R. TI]ER3a, Editor and Proprietor. Morris Council Meeting'. Council met pnrenact to adjournment in the Council Room, Morrie, on June 20th ; members all present, the Reeve in the chair ; minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Moved by as. Bowman, aeoonded by Geo. Kirkby that Thos. Code be instruatecl to have sideroad between lots 5 and 0, con. 8, put in a proper state of repair. Carried. Moved by Wm. lebieter, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that Thos. Code be instructed to let a job of gravelling at lot 4, on 0th von. line, not to exceed $20,00. Carried. Tenders were then opeued for rebuilding Sen - shine bridge and the tender of Duff & Stewart was found to be the lowest, Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by Jas. Bowman that the tender of Duff & Stewart for the re -building of Sunshine bridge for the sum of 8034.00 be accepted. Carried. Moved by Jas. Bowman, sec- onded by Thos. Code that Wm. Iobieter be instructed to have drain at lot 14, on Ord con. line, put in a proper state of repair. Carried. Moved by Geo. Kirk- by, seconded by Sas. Bowman that the Reeve act as Iaepector during the eon- etruotion of Sunshine bridge. Carried. Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that the Clerk be iuotraoted to submit all papers in commotion with Municipal drain on concessions 1 & 2 to Mr. Dickinson and obtain his advice re. specting the matter in dispute between the parties interested. Carried. Moved by Thos. Code, seconded by Wm. Isbister Haat the Reeve and Treasurer beinstruct- edto borrow $500 to meet current ex. pensee. Carried. On motion of Thos. Code, seconded by Geo. Birkby the fol. lowing accounts were ordered to be paid, namely, :-Jno. C. Casemore, spikes and repairing culvert, 02.00 ; Geo. Hanna, spikes and lumber for culvert, $2.50 ; A. Batton, repairing oulvert, 85.00 ; Juo. Roland, patting in culvert, $1.00 ; Jno. Proctor, putting in culvert, 00.90 ; Walter Nichol, shovelling gravel, 50 cents ; B. Bone, pipe, drain and lumber for culvert, 84.16 ; Jno. Ainsley, plans and specifications for three bridges, 025.- 00 ; S. Thornton, damage to crop through hauling gravel, $1.00 ; Robt. Brown, plank and tile, $1.30 ; Jno. Richmond, tile drain, $1.00 ; Stalker & .Laidlaw, building bridge, $12.00 ; Sas. Smith, digging a ditch, $3.75 ; N. Thornton, nnderbrushing sideline, $5.00 ; Jas. Rus- sell, repairing Armstrong's bridge, $11.- 55; Daft& Stewart, ceder for culvert and extra sheeting on bent of Ard's bridge, $10.50 ; Adam Halliday, culvert, $8.50 ; Duff & Stewart, building Ard's bridge,$69e.00; Jno. Belly, plank and repairing culvert, $4.00 ; Geo. Kreahling, ditch on West boundary, $5.00 ; far gravel :-Sae. Gray, $5.88 ; 0. Campbell, $2.80 ; J. itfoCracken, $5.40 ; C. MoCIei- land. $2.25 ; J. H. Sellars, $8.17 ; Walter Youill, $4.06 ; Jae. Timmins, $5.10 ; D. Errington, $6.80 ; R. McMurray, 4.00 ; D. Scott, $4.74; E. Laundy, $8.26 ; L. McDonald, $1.25 ; J. Greenslade, $1.40 ; Geo. Taylor, $3.64 ; Tiros. Russell, 83.15 ; Jas. Kelly, 818.48 ; W. Shedden, 84.05 ; E. Littlefair, $5.04 ; W. Wray, $3.00 ; 4.. Oloakoy, $5.25 ; A. Proctor, 44.80 ; Jas. Thuell, 07.85 ; Jno. McCaughey, digging ditch, $3.75. Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by Thos. Code that this Council de now adjourn, to meet again on the 3rd of August next. Car- ried. W. Crams, Clerk. Diamonds In The Rough. Did you ever know a lazy man who didn't complain that his pay was too low The cheerful giver is one whose gift is from the heart. The less religion people have, the more they are ashamed of it. We trent Christ just as we treat the helpless. There are some blessings that God can only give in the lion's den. The only thing that eau kill worry is faith. With all his practice the devil hasn't improved any on his first hypocrite. It magnifies the love of Christ to be. come Weil acquainted with some of those for whom be died. Many a man who olaims to be trusting in God finds out that he isn't when the bank breaks, Seek happiness and you will fail. Seek Christ and you will find both. Daniel could find time to pray three times a clay, but some of us think we are doing well if we pray once a weelc. The higher the flood swells on earth -the nearer the ark mounts to heaven. - Rain's Born. ROAV,r Dlsnass Ileum/no -/II 30 Mlhr• visa. -All eases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly cured, by D. Agnew's Cure for the Heert. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Ruuiro,ATlsu CMS= IS A DAY.-Sonth American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma• tis'n and Neuralgia radically cares in I to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at cavo the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The fleet dose greatly benefits, 75 omits, Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Pacts About Qallada.. The Donttltloathlsherles, the .Glteptes4 1!► loo 50'o3'103, 33x331 O'erw They are WueJred. The fleberies of Canada are the most 05128Nll'er0d O''ren3 038 '0 Trouble a3331 rf,l3 4 t htl t Woad; ie ee v aaFtenaive in the world. el 03 µ3 n , � , v4 lit, lr4.t The coast line of British Oolumbia ie Der 11910 one Syelont--8s New ne Wen mare than double that of Great Britain and Ireland. The eastern !Deet Zine of Canada 0ay. ere a dlatsnoo of nearly 0,000 miles. Over 15,000 square Mlles of Balt water inebore eea, not nictitating minor inden.' Wien belong to. Canada and each mile abounds in fish Ufe. LISP La P()al' A iromin'S lYtessage. OONYZYING WORDS OF 1l0Iai'1 V0 ',4`1881 AE..I! ZIIOTND, The moat important deep•soa fisheries of the world are on the Ablento ocean off the Oanadian coast, At the last oen0us 80,000 men were found employed in the fisheries iudusbry in Canada. Their boas and nets were then worth 89,439,116. Fourteen 1tatehe1ie0 for fish breeding have boon eetab1i010ed by the Government in different parte o£ flee country. A fishing bounty of $160,000 a year is paid by the Government to fishermen to encourage the business. Fifty-five fishing intelligence bureaus whichrsportby telegraph the movements of fish and bait, to central stations, ,are distributed throughout the country. Prizes are offered for the best model of a eafe boat for desp.sea flebieg are Dom- peted for yearly by Canadian fishermen. Light steamers and two fast failing schooners are engaged to protect the fishing on tbe sea eoaste and lakes of Canada, The /Hudson's Bay Company have es- tablished salmon fisheries in a number of rivers of the Northwest. All the fisher. men are Esquimaux and 14 -pound trout are often taken, In one year 125,840,000 fry have been distributed over Canadian lakes from the Canadian hatcheries. • An expert from Great Britain Das been employed in establishing and re-stooking oyster beds iu Shodiao and Traoadie, N. S. The fisheries of the Great Lakes are the most important fresh water fisheries in the world. Fish to the value of 01,000,000 were taken out of the Great Lakes in 1894. The total quantity of fish caught in the Great Lakes during the twelve years, 1883.1894 amounted to 293,707,000 pounds, valued at $17,000.000. Nearly one hundred million pounds of herring were taken from the Canadian half of the Great Lakes in twelve years. In twelve years 62,000,000 pounds of whitefish and 68,000,000 pounds of sal- mon trout were the product of the lakes. Some seventy-five tugs and ecboouere and 1,187 boats, manned by 4,1.56 men are employed in lake fishing. This represents an invested capital 004702,822. The fisheries of British Colombia are probably the richest in the world. The catch of ealmou in British.Colum• bia in 1893 was the greatest of any year, its value being 88,150,700. 13:1,CHELORS. Bachelors are one of the degenerate divisions of the "Human Flora." They grow from the same kind of seed as the double varieties and would have in all probability continued to generate seed, instead of "degenerate seed" bad it not been owing to an adverse fate and the want of tender care. The object of this little essay will be to give an elucidation of the process of the sad degeneratio which attacks that beautiful genius th Haman F lora, thereby propagating what is alas too oommonly known as "old maid" and "aruety bachelor." As the theme of this essay is "bachelora" I will have to treat them separately, for the reason that if I associate them with old maids they would be single no longer and the term bachelor would prove to be an anomaly. Bet to come bank to my sub. ject and to digress no longer, nor wear out the patience of my reaaers by tedious deflections, no difference is observed be- tween the two varieties in embryo (though I believe some scientists assert otherwise,) yet, it is not till it reaches the state named "manhood" that any essenti- al difference is noticed -indeed I feel safe in saying there is none whatever until that period, and the truth of this statement can be attested to by those who have undergone the experience of visiting that beautiful elysian home known as "Bachelor's Ball." After reaching the aforementioned state they are 002102ed by that dreadful fungus, an adverse fate. To describe that awful aalamity "Adverse Fate" will be a duty which I am sure no ordinary consist will be able to absolve me from, so although the whole heart be weary and the pen pointe divergeub, yet moat I go forward wherever my devoir leads me. Well, when the state of manhood as reached by tbe masculine species of the Human Flora, it is insensibly attracted by the crinoline gender of the same species. Did I say crinoline ? Pardon, it was feminine I intended. Bat no matter, the terms are synonymous. Well,as I said be, fore, the two oppoeites are usually i.n- seneibly attracted toward each other till it comes to the period when "Fires of love °eminence to light upon his boasted cbivilry." Bub alas 1 thunder and lightning is a tame expression to describe that adverse fate which repeats with monosyllabic distinctness that awful word "no." And the effects --high heavens save ma from that awful fate ! His bright petals close, he droops bis head, and the place in the parterre knows him no more. lois dollars aro all gone and only a few stray cents and peefames remain of that once beautiful Human* Elora. No longer wears he that love's necktie ; no longer doth hie bosom swell with pride and love. He robes himself with the emblems of sorrow, robes and sackcloth are his only garments. Olotbed in sombre black, appropriate emblem of the coming night, doth lie wend his journey here below, until as last the filial act is played in life's mysterious drama. The curtain drops and the lady dootore solemnly conclude the sorrowful finale by giving out their verdict, "Heart disease, pour fellow 1 poor fellow 1" Wet. Tnr,ronn. Ceraunau ltll120Ven IN 10 To 601in713Trrs.- One abort puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface: of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent. ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds, lleadmoh 0, Sore Throat, Tonoli1tis and Deafness 00 cents at G. A, Deadnan's. 330 liver. Prom the Oarlehou blood Herald, . Truth, ibis eaid, le eomebimea Avenge than iiobion, and in no way bots tkli phrase been better exemplified than it 0100 plain, nnvarniehed statement of 105re W. 81, Edwards, of Carleboa ?Moe, to reporter of the herald a few weeks ago Mrs, illdwarde is well known in this town baying lived iiore•for neerly'twentyfiv years. The story elle related we will give in iter own words, Site said : ,'In July of 1804 I. wee taken' illi with fever, caused by blood pof0oning, end lay bovoring'be. tweeh life teed death for eight weeks After the .doctor suoceoded in breaking up the fever my heart began to trouble me, jaundice and livor o'omplaint also set fn, I oonld not sleep sad my nerves were terribly unstrung. During' my ill; nese, after the fever left me, I was at, tended by no less than three dootore, bat their medicines seemed of do avail a0 I lay for months in a terribly emaciated condition 'and never expeoted to be around again. This abate of affalrs last: ed until about Christmas, when a friend suggested to me to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. My husband procured a few boxes and I then began their use, although with but little ooafidenoe in them. By the time I bad used three boxes I began to feel a little better end began to get an appetite, This encouraged me to per- severe in the use of bbe pills, and t 00111 continued to improve. I began to sleep well, ney heart oeaeed to bother me and my nervous system whiolt had received Buell a fierce shook was again fully re- stored. My liver trouble also disnppoar- ed, in faot I became almost a new oreature. T now feel its well as I ever did in my life. I have used in all eight boxes and still continue to take,an oaths. ions! pill if I feel any way depressed. Yee, elle said, I am thankful to think Haat 2 tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, be- cause I believe that 130 other inedioiue could have effected earth a mire in me and have so effectually built me up. I am perfectly willing that this simple abate• meat of mine should be published, and hope some poor, suffering 'creature may see it and be restored to health as I was." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make pure, rich blood, thus reaching the root of dis- ease and driving it out of the system, outing when other medicines fail. Most of the ills afflicting mankind are due to an impoverished condition of the blood, or weak or shattered nerves, and for all these Pink Pills are a specific which speedily restore the sufferer to health. These pills are never sold in any form except in the compauy's boxes, the wrap. per round wbioh bears the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." All others are counterfeits, and should always be refused. Get the genuine and be made well. 0 to e 110W Tillie Earned Der Organ. When I was nine years old the teach- er of oar school said he would give us one penny for every head mark. So I worked very hard, and when the last day of that long weary term came at last I found that by all my hard labor I had gained only 28 cents. In about a month after the term of n 1 school closed my father bought a large e drove of turkeys. I was very anxious to own one of them, so I gave pa 25 ciente of my money and roomed in return one of the drove. But my joy came later when it got large enough to sell, for it well repaid my tronble and brought me back just $1. I wee very well pleased with my good luck and I resolved to speculate again. As it happened pa had a very nice litter of pigs about that time, and there wos one little runt (as we cal- led them) among them. Pa foresaw that if it had not the best care it would soon die, so I bought it with my dollar. I need not say that I took the best Dare of my little pig. The result was that when it came time to sell it this pig was as large as any of them. I traded it to pa for a heifer calf. The calf grew into a cow, and a few months ago T traded my cow for an organ. I have just be- gun to take lessons and I think there is nothing nicer than music. -Lillie Poul - son's prize story in Chicago Record. Canadian News. A oampauy has been formed in Ingersoll to manufacture wooden bioycls rims. A Woodstook man lost 85000 by betting that Hyman would defeat Major Beattie of London. The will of the late Godfrey P. Pay- zant, of Windsor, N. S., bequeaths 8100,- 000 to Acadia College. The sculling moo at Winnipeg, on :July let, between Edward Hanlan and John Hackett, of Rat Portage, was won by Hallen by six lengths. The citizens of Vancouver and Victoria gave Hewitt Bostock a maguidcent re- ception upon hie return from Yale -Cari- boo, where he achieved suck a great Liberal victory. To make your bueiness pay, good health is a prime factor. To secure good bealth, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous by the use of Ayer's Serene patella. When the vital fluid is impure and sluggish, there can be neither health, strength nor ambition. The Ontario Medioal 0010011 bas pas. sod a bylaw enforcing the penal 'lease of the College o£ Physicians and Surgooue by a vote of 14 to 7. The fees are fixed at 02 per annum and the matter has been in abeyance for four ,years. Alt physicians who do not pay their dues and arrears before December 31, this year will have their names erased from the register and will be prosecuted if they continue to practice. A. young man named Marchand, reeid- ing about a mild West of Tilbury, and Miss Bully, of Tilbury East, decided to commit matrimony some weeks ago, The couple had been called in the Be C. abnreh at Tilbury and the wedding wee to have taken place on Monday. The tronseoau had all been purchased, Maeda, and turniehing the neoeasary °ash. 0n Saturday, however, tihe prospective bride changed her mind and decided that she didn't want to get tied up for a while yet. Therefore she quietly left home and ban not yet returned or sent any ex- Duos to her ardent levet. Marchand want down to her father's house on Sat- urday and laid claim to the wedding dreams which he had parohasod. alea 44enerage07:. 274013t7,e A. J0kne. CURED BY TAKING u Salsa- ' arilta v "I Was afflicted for eight ysars with Salt Rheum. luring that 01100,1 tried' g ante 3nany 11108101488 Which wore 11Ig111V 100 omnlended, but none gave nae relief, I was at last 8401508 to try Ayer's Bursa - fo111sad the bottle, h0110 reeas Free from Eruptions as ever tliey wore. My business, which. 1 is that et' it Bah -driver, requires me to be out lu cold and wet weather, often without gloves but the trouble has never lntnrnett gloves, A. Jonas, ,natford, Ont. r a Apes arE a .Admittteedd at the Niro .1d'e 01 o0r. efvev''y ?iiia C2occlas» 4i'ae 6otacfs. TAKE THE BEST Souse Painting, raver ianging, Kalsounining, 860. Spring House Cleaning Time is here .and we are ready to at- tend to Paper hanging, I[also mining and Painting in (0 prompt business like style. All work; clone iiia workman- like manner at a moderate charge. Orders left at the stores of W. R. McCracken or Wilton & Turn- bull will receive prompt Atten- tion. Tile ‘,patronage of the public solicited. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Mc011,0XEN EMOLDB7,, BRUSSELS. JI,LY 17, 1896 NEW gicVer Siiiiii The undersigned has ope18 ed up a Butcher Shop in the OMAtE P1001; BRVSSZLSI where:he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the .Best Meats Procurable sold at reasonable prices. .A, share of public' patronage solicited. S. "WALKER. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. 28 ole., 60 oke. and $1.00 Bottle, One cent a dose. It 1s sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It cures Incipient Consumption and 18the beet Cough and Croup Care. 8x131 by .0.61. O OE, I,rnes3st„Bkasselo, BRUSSELS PIE) ,''';.' [RIS. T with to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repaire at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly loolced after. 'Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Oisterno. Cromer /peen, MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. WHY STIFFER WITH PILES p Dr, Cbase's Ointment Will Curo Them at a Cost of But 60 Cents. Piles, scrofula, eczematic eruptions, scald head, salt rheum and all other annoying and painful skin diseases can bo easily cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment. "I had protruding piles for ten yeas," writes H. H. Sutherland, com- mercial traveller, of Truro, N.S.; "tried many remedies, and had doctors oper- ate. It 1811. no use. Was completely laid up at times. Chase's Ointment was recommended to me by Mr. Brennan, of the Susnmersido, P.E.I., Journal. I tried it, and ono box completely cured ane." Mr. Statls, tbe editor of the Streets vino, Ont., Review, gives this unsolicited teetimonial under date of Nov. 0, 1805 r "Half a box of Dr.Cbase's Ointment cured my daughter of eczema. That was six months ago, and 'there has since been no reappearance of the disease." T. Wallace, blacksmith, of Iroquois, Ont., was troubled with blind itching piles for 20 years. " I tried every, remedy that came out in vain," ha writes, "until I tried Dr. Chase's Clint. anent. It was a, godsend. Ono box cured Ina." All dealers and Edmanson, Bates & Oda manufacturers, Toronto. Price GOB, Linseed and turpentine are every mo tiler's household remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung affections. Dr. Chase has disguised the taste and made the remedy pleaeant to take. Large bottle only 25e. f 3+4"} Ao � i �� LEY3 Real Estate & Loan Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farin Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of I11lerest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire o Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. f"1r COUSL Y, Office over Deadman & MaOall's Store, BRUSSELS. Cheap and First-class Material. Every ITousellolder should call a'nd see the • lelary Goal Oil Move with Fountain, A DANDY. Window Screens all Sizes and Screen Doors made to order. bormwassomessars ELT WIN You are Invited #1,.N,.0P4 %,A4' 0,14..1, 9rtO,40,I 04,.59. ,,.. TO SEE OUR Newest Lasts Exclusive Designs Lowest Paces NG OUR STOCK IS 1.101Y COMPLETE IN ALL LINES and we will sustain our past -Reputation of "Best Goods at Low Prices," 111 Established 1871. 0: r, 0, y_, Vm 3.0 :-e 11 ftil?iC..11a'imlfid'1V �" .1 ;_ '9 Eli . �"' se -Od o0 2 o 0 0~ 0 0 b The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE, It'leaves nothing further to be desired. Pates [and full:infor- lnation furnished on application. v 1, IL Eul , Agent, Brussels.