HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-17, Page 4New Advertisements, Bicycles—,, Ooueiey. Parts Green—,Tac, Fox. Strayed—Walter Renes. Pink Pills --Dr, 'heroine. Fet $ale Alex.1#ol,,auoblin, 'Lawn somal ---St. John's Oberob, System Beuovator—J. AI. MQLaod. Parcel lost—Fear Publishing Some, Oovere the whale field--Lendou 4d. "vertieor. .,t'IjiIDAY, JUDY 17, 1896, A rnnortcaz farmer as Minister of Agri. auiters will be quite a novelty after the run of lawyers, doctors, brewers, eto., under the late Government. rswi,ow fever is rampant in Cuba in the Spanish oamp and already 4;600 soldiers are victims of this terrible mal- ady. It appears to be doing what the in- surgent Cubans have not succeeded in arriving at, viz„ dislodging the Spanish troops.. Tam issue of the writs for the elections made necessary by the acceptance of of• lice by the Ministers holding portfolios and the Solicitor•Goueral has been order. ed, Nominations will take place on July 30, and polling Augnst 6. Parliament will be prorogued till about August 19th, Hos. A. S. Honor has been sworn in as Premier of Ontario, succeeding Sir Oliver Mowat. Hon. kir. Gibson takes Mr. Hardy's portfolio in the Crown Lands Department and Hon. W, D. Bal. four becomes Provincial Secretary in succession to Mr. Gibson. This leaves the Ontario Cabinet in good shape to continue business at the old stand. We congratulate Hon. 11Ir. Balfour on his deserved promotion. He will 1111 it ad- mirably. Mr. Balfour is one of the pro- prietors of the Amherstburg Echo, being associated with Jno, A. Auld, who is Reeve of that town. SIn Crane MowAr, who has resigned the Premiership of the banner Province of Ontario, after a most successful tenure of nearly 24 years, to assume the disport. sibilities of Minister of Justice in the new Cabinet of Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, will celebrate his 70111 birthday if he lives un- til next Wednesday, It is not often that a man who has attained such an age either has the willingness or ability to fill the onerous duties of either offices named but Sir Oliver is one of the mar- vels of Canadian politics whose life and political record stands prominently forth as worthy of the emulation of every young man in this Dominion. We hope he may be spared for a good many years yet. • Ar the Dem- ooratic Convention held last week at Chicago, William Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska, was obosen as the Presidential candidate by a large major ity, and his right hand man, Arthur Sewell, of Maine, was the choice for Vico President. The diver men bad complete control and adopted the platform declar- ing for free and unlimited silver coinage and taxation for revenue. Here is the tariff plank of the Democrats ; "We hold that tariff duties should be levied for purposes of a revenue, such duties to be so adjusted as to operate equally through. out the country, and not discriminate between class or section, and that taxa. tion should be limited by the needs of the Government, honestly and economically administered. We denounce as disturb. ing to business the Republican threat to restore the McKinley law, which has twine been condemned by the people in National elections, and which enacted under the false plea of protection to home industries, proved a prolific breeder of trusts and monopolies, enriched the few at the expense of the many, restricted trade, deprived the producers of the great American staples of access to their natur- al markets. Until the money question is settled we are opposed to any agitation for further obaogee in our tariff laws except such as aro necessary to meet the deficit in revenue caused by the adverse decision of the Supreme Court on the income tat." A bitter fight will be wag. ed the outcome of which is by no mottos certain. No one will gainsay the statement that Hon. Wilfrid Lanrier has surrotmded him• self by a very able and practical lot of men in connection with his new Cabinet, Mr. Laurier began well by selecting for his own management a department with comparatively light duties—the Prod. dency of the Council.Holding that of. floe, he will have time to undertake the aro three statesmon';of marked ability whooat o £ot years have been at the head of affairs in thou native Provi1/004. Sir Oliver bfowat Frontier of Ontario i Ilon. lily. Fielding, Premier of New Brunewiolt, and Hon. blr. Blair, Premier of Nova Scotia, have not been Mired to join the new Govetnnient merely because they are convincing speakers. They have proved eueceseful fu the important leaser sphere, They have been good ad- ministrators in, the Provinces and now they are called to unite their undoubted talents in forming a strong central Government, the one object of which it the advaneemodt of the whole of Canada. On other members of the new adminie• tratien-on such statesmen as Sir Keary Joey, ex•Premior of Quebec, and Hon. Davies, ex -Premier of Prince 155. ward Island, fu particular—equally favorable comment can be made. Indeed the whole Cabinet fa "fitly joined to- gether" of statesmen of whose future management of public affairs reasonable Canadians everywhere will have the highest hopes. a y • POLITICAL. West Assiniboia Liberals will protea N. F, Davin's eleotion. Since the return of the Liberals t power the Public sehoole have shut down The returning officer declares A. E Dyment (Liberal) elected in Algomaby majority of 1,820. The St. Thomas Journal retorts a big increase in the fish catoh at Port Staple since theelaotions. With Algoma as a precedent, the ne Liberal Administration may expect sue cess in every bye -election. It would be web to have separate schools for a while, if only to teach the intelligent elector how to mark his bal- lot. Apples in Western Ontario are plenti- ful and well forward, The growth has been particularly rapid since the 28rd of June. The Iateet figures in Muskoka and Parry Sound give McCormick, Con„ 1085, 001. O'Brien (Mo0arthyite) will accord- ingly lose his deposit. A feature of the recent election at Guilds, near Blenheim, was the young lady poll clerk, wko so ably assisted her father to perform his arduous duties as returning officer. George Wrigley, the popular editor. of The Farmer's Sun, has been appointed grand secretary and treasurer of the Patron Association of Ontario, in room of L. A. Welsh, of Strathroy, deposed. Mr. Macdonald, the Liberal member for Selkirk, is couftrmecl in his seat, the Conservative application for a re-count hevingfalleu through on account of the necessary fees being paid to the wrong court officer. An analysis of the new House of Corn - mono shows that 80 members elected on 23rd ult. were not in the lastParliament ; 15 of these, however, sat in previous Par- liaments. There are therefore, 84 men quite now to Parliamentary life. In the re-count of ballots cast in the North Ontario election it was found that 21 of Mr. Graham's ballots were abstre ot- e0 from the box and an equal number of bogus ballots marked for Mr. McGilli. vray substituted for them. The Mail is returning to its old policy of basting the French, which, owing to circumstances, it was compelled to keep under cover for a year past. Day after day Quebec and the French Canadians are riddled with invective—dangerous mercenaries, enemies to the state. The turn is too sharp. When the French people of Quebec were expected to endorse Tupperism three weeks ago, they wore endurable. 'Under date of June 25th, two days after the general elections, the McMillan & Haynes company gave notice in the official Gazette of the intention to apply for letters patent incorporating the com- pany for the purpose of carrying on the business of manufacturing and selling saws, axes, scythes and other edge tools and metallic bedsteads, with a capital stock of $30,000 and headquarters at St. Catharines, Ont. Judge Richardson on Friday declared Mr, Davin elected for West Asainiboia. Ha threw out two Malnnis votes because they had been numbered by the deputy returning officer. This brought the count out a tie, and the returning officer gave a casting vote for Davin. There is considerable feeling at Regina over the matter and 5000 was subscribed freely by the mayor and other citizens to go on with the protest. Another two new euterprisea are an- nounced. In Ingersoll, a company has been formed to take over the old and for years unused Russell foundry. They will prepare lumber for bicycle rims for manufacturers in Canada and Boston, Mass. The material used will he rook m, and it is expected that a profitable usinees will be built up, Another in- stry ie that contemplated by L. Men- g, St. Mary's, who purposesestablishfng new industry for evaporating by steam uits and vegetables of every description. e will also make potato flour, pickles negar and sweet), and vinegar itself. Some of the general public soon to be a haze about Mr. Laurier's majority. he closest count that ma be made, ai- ding the House into two on a vote, is 2 Government, 80 Opposition, giving r. Laurier a majority of 33. This cloning concedes Clarke 'Wallace, J. loss Robertson, Dr. Sproule and Mr. Rogers, (Patron,) of I'rontenac, to the Conservatives, though it is by no means certain that all these gentlemen may not give an indepeodentaupport to the new Governrrteut. At all events, most of theta will bo against the Conservative Opposition if lair Charles Tupper lends it, and good judges would not bo eurprieed rf Mr. Laurier's majority is 40. el u b ni a #r H (vi ill T vi' 12 multifarious duties of Prime Minister kT without over -straining either body or Ia mind. It always is a mistake for a level headed Premier to assign to his own care the management of one of the heaviest departments, thereby unduly burdening himself. In choosing the portfolio of Minister of Public Works, the last Liberal Premier of Canada laid the foundation for the lamentable break- down in health that all too soon cut him off. And Sir John Macdonald, profiting by the experience, rarely undertook the duties of any office that would cause him departmental worry. In the statesmen of ability with whom Premier Laurier has surrounded himself, be has made wise choice. It ie a great advantage to have in the Cabinet heads of depart- ments who are not merely theoretical governors, but practical managers of public affairs. In the now Government Woodham expecte to have a medical man settle within her borders very soon, efforts having been lately made in that direction. The brickwork of the new Perth Co. poor home is almost completed. Mr. Clarke, of Toronto, has the contract for the entire building. A shortage of nearly four thousand dollars has been discovered in the books of the late treasurer of the corporation of Stratford, Wm, Lawrence, son of the deceased, who was appointed treasurer on his father's death, has made good the amount, TRE 13A'''S$ELS POST The farmers of Port Colborne are alarmed at the e array worms, whiner is on the march and corn fields and gate are beingdevoutecl In the vicinity of Marsh. ville gores of 0015 have been badly dam. aged, `Tho worms appeared about a week ago, and now number million, &long the railway track they heap up, not being able to arose the rails, and present a wriggling mase of ineeet life, The Wasted distriot is largely its the southern part of the counties of Haldimand and Welland, and in the townships of Wainfleet and Llatnberstoae, 3BFto'V$S=2+S M-& to y'Z'S, Pall Wheat ,,,...-.. Barley, 25 Pette 42 Oats 16 Butter, tube and rolls ... 10 Eggs per dozen 7*r Flour per barrel. 4 00 4 50 Potatoes 80 Hay Per ton,........... 7 00 8 00 Hidee trimmed 4 44 Hides mash...., 8 iii Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skins, eaoh 60 75 Lamb skins ewoh..,..,15 40 Apples per bus 1 00 Hoge, Live 8 76 8 75 Wool 18 17 11 8 Van Menxars.—Ingersoll—Cheeee off- erings, 4,147 boxes, balance of June make. Sales -510 at ; balance hold- ing for sumo price; market quiet. Liver• pool—Cheese steady ; demand moderate ; finest American white and colored, 34s ed. Batter—Irineet U. 8,, 70e ; good, 46s. New York-Butter—Fanny steady; state dairy, 10e to 1440 ; do. creamery, 113e to 15a ; Western dairy, 9a to 9*0 ; do, oreamerg, 1140 to 15a ; do. factory, 8o to 110 ; BIgine, 150. Cheese quiet ; state large, 64c to 65o ; do. small, 64o to 70 ; part skims, 20 to 44e ; full skims, 14o. Ener BulreAL°, N. Y., July 14. --Cattle --Receipts only a few add ()owe and these sold at about steady former tines Hoge —Reoeipte 5 care ; market steady ; Yor- ers, fair to choice, 53 75 to 58 80 ; roughs, oommon to good, 52 75 to $8 ; pigs, eom• mon to fair, 53 60 to 53 70 ; cheep and lambs—Receipts only about two decks ; market quiet ; lambs, good to choice, 55 50 to 55 75 ; culla and common, 53 50 to 54 ; sheep, good to °boicebandyweight weathers, $4 25 to 54 40 ; gulls and eom• mon, 51 50 to 52 50. Cattle olosed steady, Hogs closed firm ; all sold but a deck of Canada sheep. TORONTO, July 14.—Toronto cattle market to day was deli Reoeipte were 63 cars,fucluding 960 hogs and 850 sheep and lambs. Export cattle were dull, weak and lower. Cables were dieoour- aging. Prices ranged from 53 10 to 53.- 60 per owt. Butchers' cattle were quiet, The Montreal market was reported weak. Only 6 oars were taken for that market. Prides were 210 to 81e, the latter for selected. Sheep and lambs were steady on light offerings. Export sheep were in demand at 2ge to 3c per pound. Lambs were firmer at $2 25 to 53 25 eaoh. Sage were in good demand andfirmer, at $4 35 per owt. for boat bacon hogs, and 34o per pound for tbiek, fat hogs. TORONTO. July 14.—Market quiet ; flour quiet ; prices steady ; straight rollers quoted at 58 to 53 10, Toronto freights. Bran dull ; oars unchanged at 58 50 to 58 75 West, and shorts 59,25 to 59.50. Wheat steady ; 5 ears of new sold West at 590 for red, and 80o for white ; there were also sales of old red at ge, and white at 620 West ; No. 1 Manitoba hard Bold at 68o, afloat fort William, and et 06e Toronto freights West. Barley dull, no demand ; No. 2 quoted at 80o to 32c,, and No. 3 extra at 290 to 30a. Oats un. changed ; white sold at 18e outside, and mixed at 17a West, Peas quiet ; prices unobanged ; sales ab 44o North and West. Buckwheat quiet, no business reported ; quotations nominal. Oatmeal quiet ; prices nominal, at $2 60 on track. Corn dull ; prices unchanged • yellow offered outside at 27o, and mixed at 26e. it ! A NEW AND STARTLING PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects PLANER 'ACCESS This is the Latest Out, and is taking the lead. Don't fail to call and see samples of same. t''Views of Residences, Picnic Parties, etc., taken by applying or sending your order. ALL ON OUR Woax GUARAN1'mmn To BE Fnisr.CLAse Nothing nicer than to have some Photos of ourselves and homes as we go through this world, to look back on in after years. . THE PRICES ARE RIGHT . And the Work is the Best. rCome while in health. Always Welcolno at the Old Reliable Photograph Studio. 11, E, BREW R, Artist Gallery °ver linlitit & ]teLnlen's t71ar41" 17, 1$90 intablitallealreitr i000 IOOO 04.014,•1144110131, 111.0145.,00•10.1P,•MlpreepaIMIN, New Prints such as Watermelons In Order to Sell _Raspberl'ies, tkc,, in stock, New Potatoes and other early' Vegetables helot on eland, A, full line of fresh 0 and Well Assorted 1VU(Uales added to our business. Teo Cream and Summer Drinks, well prepared' by the Glass or Quart, $t nn REsl nnnn^r. W, H. FELTON. 11 m x �t� ��� �tglL:wAY 1N1,A.S.VST M• Home Seekers' EXCISII1JSNS - q TO-� -yam /� 1bd.A.LV I.tOBA AND rHE canatian North-West, Leaving July 7 and 21. Good to return Sept. 5 and 19 respectively. Fall information from f. N, KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Breesels. AINTING! The undersigned are prepared to attend to all branches of Painting, including House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Work. Paper Hanging, Xalsomining and Decorating neatly and prompt- ly looked after at mod- erate Prices. We make a Specialty of Manufacturing and placing in position First -Class Awnings_ Ordersleft at our Paint Shop, formerly used by Messrs. Roddick cC Wake, will be attended to with dispatch. Paper Hanging Orders may be left with 1llessrs.Deadman & Mc- Call. SAMPLE' nnos , PAINTERS. We have the Reliable Brands of 4 JNJJII\TG TjVINE, Blue Ribbon, Standard and Red Cap. PRICES O. K. N. & N. Gerry, Brussels, July 2, 1896, DEAR SIR,— The BUGS are here, and have come to stay. There is not much proba- bility of their being killed by frost, as they were last year, and indications aro that the Bale of Eng Finish will bo very large this season. We should be pleased to supply you with the genuine Potato Bug Finish, used also for Vegetables and Shrubs. 1.1 lbs, for 25e. ; R. Gerry. �•�, 0 The Undersigned has a complete outfit of Undertakers' Supplies such as CASKETS, COFFINS, ROBES, ego, First-class Hearse in Connection. NIBALMINC'• ATTENDED TO, JAS. WALKER, Opposite Town Hall, Brussels. OOEW STARCH AT 50. We had to purchase one thousand package's. It is now on Sale, 1000 Packages Corn Starch, finest quality, 5c Medium Lamp Glasses, - 3c Large Lamp Glasses, - 5c Fine Lemons, per dozen, - 10c XXX Vinegar, per gallon, 30e Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Fruits, Crockery, &c. M. 0,' ArPYou Ulu i0r The Balance of OUP Mock of Children's Wagons, . Base Balis and Bats Garden Tools and Croquet Sets Will be Sola at a Very Small Advance on To Clear out Stock. Presbyteriiaia ` 2nn Books AT COST• POST BOOKSTOB BRUSSELS. 3 We are giving Special Values in, ^� q� /� TWEEDS, S SUITS ITS MAD` TO ORDER AND , ..,,„.,,....,. ,,, .,,,,,,,,,A„, 1... .A E 1 THING RE;IYrAIE . co .r b cl �1 ?4tiW�d v2 vl 8 F©R ALL AGES. See dui' Prices, Quality, Variety. The Best Value we have ever shown, We can't be beat in, Dress Goods, Muslin's, Prints and Wasl2 Goods. Input our parasols, tilovos, osiory, Boots and fin Everything sold Cheap. No fancy .prices. A. Strachan®