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The Brussels Post, 1896-7-17, Page 3
ITUI4T 17,18'96 Town, Directo . M};hviG2r>7 Oneee11,--Sabbath Services at it a m and 7:00 p,ln, Sunday School at 2:80 p m, Rev, John Roes, D A, pee tor, ST. Joan's Cannan. -•Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:80 p. In. Rev. A, IC, Griffin, incur. bent, Mier:lour:T Cnimon.-Sabbath Servioae at 10:80 a m and 7:00 a tn, Sunday School ab 2:80 p no, Rev. S. 1, AIUn, pastor, Roma 0Arnor.rc Ouuna o, -Sabbath Sarvioe third Sunday in every month, at 10,30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALVATION ABtix.•–SOL'vi00 at 7 and 11 a m and 8 ant? 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks:.; ODD FELLOWS' Longs every Thursday • evening, in Grabam's•bleak. 8L,00 lie Loma: Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lonon on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in Blas. bill's block. O 0 F Lovas 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blaehlll's block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L 1st Monday in every" month in Orange Hall. Boss or Soon:AND, 180 and Ord Tues- days of oaoh month, in Odd Fellows'. Hall. K. 0. T. M. Loner, 2nd and 4th Tnes. Jaya of each month, in Odd f'ellow's Hall, Home Omen, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in BlashIll's Hall, Posy OFEroa.-Offloe hours from 8 a. m, to 6:80 p. m. MEcnatlxos' IxsTI0000.-Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to _8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays, 'Mise Minnie Mo - Naughton, Librarian. Tows bonsam,-W. 82. herr, ' Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Robert Graham, 11. Lea- therdala and 1i•. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Belly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, oolleotor. Boardmeets the let Monday in eaah month. Souoon Botnn.-Dr. Graham, (ohair- man,) Rev, Rose, D. 0. Ross, A. Reid, A. Koenig and 1. Dennie ; Sec. 'grecs., 00. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening fn each month. Poem Sonoon TmonJsns.-J. II. Oam. eron, Principal, Mies Linton, Mise Downey and Miss Ritchie. Bunn aF.HEALTII.—Reeve Karr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and 7, N. Kendall. Dr. McNangbton, Medical Health Officer. SCOTLAND OWBR THE SBA. I wonner if there's ony chance 0' sic a thing for me As pack ma trunk an' sail awa' Tae Scotland ower the sea ? T hough wark is plenty, siller'e name, (at least it's sae wi' me) lint still ma auld Scotch Bert cries oot For Scotland ower the sea. The trip wad be a blytheome ane, Ma here wud loup wi' glee, Tae see ma auld Scotch Preens again In Scotland ower the sea. I'd gin a year oot o' me. life Baoh sold Scotch face tae see, An' clasp a hen' o' each in mine In Scotland ower the sea. THE BREWER'S COACHMAN. The following lines appeared in the "Gentleman's Magazine" for 1770, and were stated to have been written by a brewer's daughter on her father die - charging his coachman for getting drunk: "Honeet William, an easy and good- natured fellow, Would a little too oft get a little too mei- low ; Body coachman was he to an eminent brewer, No better e'er eat on a box, to be sure. Hie coach be kept oleau-no mother or nurses Took more oars of their babes than be took of hie horses. He had these, aye, and 50 good qualities more, But the business of tippling could ne'or be got o'er. So his master effeotnally mended the matter, By hiring a man who drank nothing but water. "Now William," said he, "you see the plain nose ; Had you drunk as he does, you'd have kept a good plane." "Drink water 1" quoth William. ^"Had all men done so You neer would have wanted a ooaoh. man, I trow • For 'tie seekers like me, whom you load with reproaches, That enable you brewers to ride in your combos," TIIE MAIDEN'S LAMENT. 'Tis past, Elysian dreams are gone and fled ; My weary brain is oohing and my temper oraolang red. I asked him if he'd marry me, but be gently answered "No 1' And leap year's gone, and I am left, with echoes Drying "Ohl" ,1h, woe be me that I should live to hear his Borrow laden tones, As kneeling there in front of him, with mitny Mare and moans, I aeked him to oonsidee if my fond heart he would break ; Ile answered me with tote dal sighs, "My dear I cannot bake." Such seam I ne'er expeubed from a youth of high estate, I wooed him for his money, for his heart and for my mate ; And now he' e crushed my hopes with a short syllabic "No," And left me here in single blies, a leap year maiden, ho 1 'Tie past, I cannot understand why fate should be so hard On plaids who ask young men to be their darling sweetest pard Or why fond Nature should deny these youths of high oetato The aeoomplfehment of ouieine'to snit a o lady's palate; But wait, Newish: corse with a very ebeady tread, Then refit assured your bate will very tragle end ; For when you think the sweetest oroabnre You have got, You'll find appearances deceptive when TSE B1'USS 'I'E rott11ANC 13UGUJ1IX. Vuoti T3in 1311eiveny'l'o rlleOENx'rWny.- Guelph, Ont., pee an eleotrla'Menet rail• way whole termini are MIA brewery and the oannotcry, We Save long meognizod the road W340 100:3 from the mash tub to the grave yard, but title is the firet in6tanco within oar knowledge that they have been oonneoted with an eleetrio cervico, Most people judged the old Method of getting the liquor victim to elle maltoe it might hot, his long home 0010e rapid enough, but 1Vn1. Telford. this a fast age, and wonders will never it 00cas.'" Whiskey enabled Corbett to whip John L. Sullivan, and helped Sharkey to thrash Corbett -and in anuli ease it wee the beatenman who need it, -Toronto Star, Whiskey alwaye wins if you give it time, "Prohibition ie young, the dew of young manhood !a on its brow, the sun. Shine of a new chivalry streams out on its path, the strength of righteousness flows in ate veins, the oonrege of im• mortal hope is ie its heart, therm is but one ieeue to snag a struggle. The sateen mush die." -Wm. D. Toweley, M. D, Ae a temperance celebration in New- market, a little lad appeared in the pro- oeseiou bearing a flag, on which was in. scribed the following :-"All's right when daddy's sober," a sentence which has been aptly described ae a volume in a line. --Gospel Temperance Union. Lord Roberts, ex•Oommacder•in Chief of the British army in India, addressing a meeting in Dublin, April 0th, said :- "One and all of you are, I know, just as anxious ae I am to see prime in the army diminish, and one and all of you are as well aware as I am that crime and drink go together. If there were no drunkards in the army there would be little or no crime. Let me assure you, officers and comrades, after many year's experience of this particular subject, that the best way to lessen crime in the Army is to encourage the Army Temperance Association." A mammoth Temperance, Union pio- nio undr the auspices 01 theBoyal Temp- lure of Waterloo, Ont., County, will be held at Idyle Wylde Park, near Preston, on Saturday, July 2500. You may have your name on the church record, but you can't be a church pillar and a saloon column at one and the same time. "The drink hill of the House of Com - mom, aocordiug to the latest official re. turns, amounted to £6',500 in five months. Referring to this statement, "The Irish Tempera:me League Journal" remarks : Lyman Beecher once prayed : "0 Lord, grant that we may not despise oar rulers, and grant that they may not ace so that we cannot help it." WE'RE GROWIN' AULD, We'regrowin' auld tbegither, Jean. Our, weans are wean: nae mair, The Belot that danood in our young sen Ie dimmed by age an' care. But Jeandie,'there's a light abocn, Grows briohter ilka day 1 An' eafter than a summer's mune, Mak's eunshine a' the way. The way tae rase en' name, Jean 1 Lffe's.day we've wareled through, The earnin'e tang we've ha'en, Jean The fu' reward's in view. There Bummer Rene nae weariness, There winter feels nae eauld, An'there theYfretlen!e o' aur look Are safe within the fould. Ye mind yon dowie day, Jean, A.aeath the kirkyard anew, Wi' rackib hearts an' eoomiu' eon, Wo laid our neetlin'e two - Our eoneie lassie in her teens, Sae ready for the ea' ; The sweet wee ilowrie at your breast, The bonniest o' them a'. Life's no a' cares au' tears, Jean ! Our withered cheeks nae preened The :many lochs o' buirne' bairns, That eoohb u parent's nest. An' when their gowdeu locks are gray Wi' toil an' time an' Dares ; An bairns 0' their's in far off lands, Are blest through grannie'e prayers. We'll then be young again, Jean, And Heaven be doubly blest ; A beirn's bairn an' bairns Come bamo at e'en to reet. The blesein'e o Hie covenant, Aro their's nu' ours for ever, "Tee you and yours and a' their seed," Ilia word's a fail -me never, From "Life aid Work." BALLADS OF TODAY. What is the size of your inoome ? Give us the figures, pray ; And don't you be modest about it, for shyness won't do to•dny, All you who've been ostentatious and liv- ing beyond your means, Go down to the tax•aeseseor and invite him behind the scenes, Where is your cash invested ? Open your coffers wide, The Bogie•man of the treasury is stand- ing at your side. He's noted your yaoht and your horses ; he's noticed the way you sap ; And he's going to be mighty careful bow youGfoot your columns up. He's been on the "roof" ab the opera, and has envied you down in your box, And he's always wanted a, chance like this to whack at the man with stooks. He's stood by the cafe window and watch- ed you lunching within, And he has a pretty good notion of the size of your pile of tin. He's thought you were going it lively, were travelling mach on your shape, But now be is going to prove it, banked up by square miles of red tape ; And you who've been oetenbations must tell the whole truth bo.day, You've got to admit you're a fraud, sir, or you've got to step up and pay. So tell us the size of your income ; mo- ment for each little red cent, This terrible cad, the collector, knows pretty well what you have spent ; And if you think to escape him by mak. ing it small you will fail, And end, if you try to deceive him, in a small private box at the jail. THE NEWSBOY'S VERSION. Through the truant officer's activity a 7-year.old newsboy called "Jameey" was forced to change hie freedom of the streets for the resbraint of the school. He went to the school house half de. termined to escape at the first oppor- tunity, but soon gob interested in the proceedings. Towards the close of the session the teacher said :- "Now I will read from this little book and any of yon who wish to can repeat it to the class in your own words. Don't try to say it as I read it, but just as you would say it." Jimmie': eyes grew big and be was all attention. The teacher read this short lesson from the f1ret reader "See the cow 1 Is it not a pretty cow ? Oan the cow runt? Yes the cow can run. Can the cow run as fast as the horse 7 No the cow cannot run as fast as the horse," ' Ohimmiuy 1" thought Jimmie ; is 'at all ? 'At'e dead easy." His hand was up in a twinkling in imitation of several others. His interested face caught the teacher's eye, abet she said : "Well, James, you mar try it, hat be careful and get it right. You may stand up by your seat." Jimmlo arose. Ordinarily he was not. bashful, bat now his face was flushed and he was trembling with import:woe as be eaid "Get onto de cow 1 Ain't she a beetle? 01; she get a move on ? Sure I O'n she hump herself as fast ae de horse ? . Naw, she ain't in it wid the horse, see I" The teacher was overcome, but never - the lege "Jameey" was a favorite from that moment. IZcaocF is Six Hoene. -Distressing kid. nay and bladder dieaaeee relieved in six hours by the "Great Smith American rEiduey Cure," This new remedy is a peat surprise and delight on adoonnt of its exceeding prompt:wee in relieving pain in the bladder, ltfdneye, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passingit almost im- mediately. If yon want quick relief and euro this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. CURED. 7. 115. AIcLEon, Goonnron 5m -A little over 12 years ago you cared me of dropsy. I was in a critical and very hopeless state when you took me in band. I have had three children since then. Five years ago Last summer I got to be irregular and suffered ,from pains in the kidueye and was troubled mora or less with a oongb. Mr. Barry applied to you stating that the old symptoms were again appearing and that I was bloated and swollen from the feet upwards. You sent me at once two bottles of Mrs. MoLeod's Specific Care for gravel and dropsy and two large bot• ties of the System Renovator. On tak. ing them began to mend right away. The same quantity was repeated and I got as well ae ever. I got strong and stout, eating and Bleeping well. I am in good order every way. I am glad to hear of your success. Wishing yon a long life of ueefulnese. Yours, MRs. JAMES Bannx. Sem by Jas. FOX, Druggist.. !brussels. A b!ayole barn with room for one hun. dred - wheels will be erected at Port Stanley. Government Detective Rogers. has undertaken the investigation of the Smith's Falls murder case, in which a, tramp is alleged to have been killed by a fellow.wanderer named Pitts. Some valuable old jewels were found by a man digging a cellar near Princeton this week. They are supposed to have beau buried during the war of 1812, and are estimated to be worth over 81,000. While driving Sunday with a young lady to whom he was shortly to have been married, Thos. McDonald, a Grand Trunk Railway engineer, of Belleville, was killed by being thrown front the conveyance. If you would have au abundance of dark, glossy hair, if you would have a olean eoalp, free from dandruff and ir- ritating humors, or if your hair is faded and gray, and you would have its natural color restored, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It ie unquestionably the best dressing, ALLAN LINE. 1896. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY & 11IONT1U1LL SERVICE. From From From Livorpc'l Svndtienns, lfanbreal Qeebeo Daylight, July Sardinian .........18July 10 July 0 " "Nonaction an '' o,5 10 " Parisian 1 Aug. it Aug. 118 " Lauren tine 0 " 0 30 " *110000000 11 " 10 " 0 Atig. Sardinian 22 ` 50 18 Wu/Indian "0 " 20 " 00 " Yaris!ali 5 Sent 0Sept 27 "*Laurentian • 12 18 3 Sept ,Mongolian 10 " 10 ' 10 " Sardinian .n0 " 37 " *The Laurentian carries only cabin passengers Eastbound. *Steamers when marked thus do not stop at 10imoneki ne Londonderry. A11 steamers sail from Montreal at Daylight. Passengers go on hoard between 7 and 10 e'olook on the evening before the ad- vertised data. keePaesengors may go via Montreal and return by New York oe vice versa: For further information as to rates, tec,, apply to W. H KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. LS POST I 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL Haying purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many€new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I refrain,. S. T. Plum, General Blacksmith & Horseshoer hr - HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6A Pey Cent., i'eayly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Oozert Clerk, Brussels. i 0081 u well mar T it 4t k of it4Yi 1 010001 e0OnbW:e 0705 dnera «060105IN roue 15550. PIOOEI cures all Nervous Diseases, Sleepless. 0008,1361003 Id¢marr, Nightlr Sknlottsoq aporma. giros rigor and sire 015 shrunken opaatrteane, a arm quiohlt but surotqq oamree ten ISi 01Ooa !n old Or Y ung• again. and yso wm 50010 slreag and 0,990 agale, e000 by mon 10' plain 1vxappor and 000000le0' eeoted. tram Obserra•,1a0. 11oltp ranged in money in. rr10,, 81 s 9501003 sig for eb. Send Address la letter otoioa50 Or ropy*. Druggir, Address all letters w J.T. for tl art, Druggist. We00t, Ox, 030, Agent for tbo Do• minion of Canada, White Stir Liner ftOTAL MAIL S'i'EA115ilfi'fi. Between New York and Liverpool, via nini Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this line carry only a . emietly limited number in the 0I9,30 and 0E00nn C413211 accommodations, intending '010 .a passengers are reminded that an early ap• Pa. 1 plication for berths is necessary at tris sea- 9 son. For plans,rates,ete,,appiy to W. H. Kerr, 1 Agent, Brzzeeel.q. i ., e MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs nelow: KKE LL3S SPAWN N CURE. 110310' Ccrmon B¢ndereon Co., Dl., Feb. Si, 0,11.4 irs-Ple s bo. noel urn of Sirs–Please Ibai euno,al i great your yoer wonderful Cure with Ood fillet! e,e It ie a annndorna medicine. I onc011 d a mare t etbgd an keep a "t epgv br and ave eWtloo ouisd her. I keep a bottle on hand an the time. YeonOroly, 01008. POWOLLg. KENDALL'S SPAYIN'CUR6ae Cairros, tic., Apr. 3,'l2, Dr. B. J.1 00ndrr. Co. Derv' Sirs–I have used several battles of your 'K0udg11•e Sfovin Cur¢" watt, much eu¢¢ese. I thonit tt the best, .lneeet I over used, RiiO r0. aoreDane Curb, ane Here Soman and 1t td 1� two Beau my nava rmu ch pleased 1t to and keep trlRes who aro mach pless0d ivlth antl Reap 10. Respectfully, It. S. It. Ear, P. o, no:ats. 1 Por Sale by all Druggists, or address L3 .Dr. 20. ,T. KPND4ZZ CCRPe&NF t_t' 080550000 PALLS, VT. .....I1 AILOR1 NG! IL G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work inShis line. Gcod Workmanship and Good:fits guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits is made for $4 and upwards. m'Silopwofer ii'CGofnn's Store. 14x3' PrW m r Cre1.1311=3.11g Chortea H. Mack/nag. ick Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAXING ergs "I was troubled a long time with sick headache. I tried a good many remedies recommended for tits complaint; but it was not until10 Began taking Ayer's Pills that I received permanent beneSt, 4 Mete box of these Allis freed Inc from headaches, and I am now a well man:" -0. It, H33100l'Ncs, Bast Auburn, Me. Awarded Medal at World's Fair' 4yei•',s Sczo•capn; ffZet foo the Beet. 8IllLE British Columbia Red Cedar SLiilugles A3D• — North shore Pine alld Cedar FOR SALE AT Tela Brussels Planing 31ills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings, Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AMENT, 4, 6 and 8 Ball Sets AT HARD a' n d SOF: LIBBER BALLS. Children's Hoes, jades and Rakes. ft©@ID's Bookstore, Brussels