The Brussels Post, 1896-7-10, Page 8Now is the Time TVs To telco oen o pieta 1'e £ your 2 oa y Looe. lteolu the weedo down and lin plentyfof earth around the 'italica then gave the bugs a dose of one Pare English Paris Green Which will put them so that the will not feel like troubling your pc tato vines any more. Do not let th Bugs destroy your potatoes when yu can get Pure Paris Green at 25 centR per pound, DO NOT FORGET That we have also a "sure ouzo" fo Flies. We keep a full stook of ; Davie' Fly Pads which eel' at 5o, package ; Wilson's Poison Yad which sell at 10e. a paokags ; IneeO Powder, which sells at 5o. an ounce Tanglefoot, which agile at 50, a dou bit sheet. Call and get a supply. DEADMAN d MaCALL, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers y • e u e, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN nxTRN31oN W. 0. & D, Teethe leave Bruesels Station, North and South, ae follows: Gor1GHoc TH. . 00100 one's. ]hail 0:20 a.m. Mixed 1046 a,m. Fixpreas.,,,..1I G8 a.m. Mail 12:54 min,. !fixed ......... 9:90 p,m, Express ....,. 9:A8 p.m, Korai 'Aldus Mems. A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, Au' faith he'll preut it. THIS ie THE POST'S 24th birthday. FLAX pulling commenced this week. 3104 has been expended already on gravel this season in Brussels. THE corporation weed slayer nee at 'work this week. Some citizens should follow the example. "Rganr" took 2nd money in the 2,24 trot in Windsor last Monday. The win• nine horee'e time was 2.14. 43Aas fishing le all the go at the river NOW. Miss Mildred Scott booked one the other dny that weighed over 1 pounds. Tuns will be no military drill this year for the volunteers, owing to the necessary rands not having been votes by Parliament. P. Hamra, of Baden, has bean appoint. ed manager of Brussels fax mill as euo- neeeor to Wm. Bright, who bad to resign owing to ill health. Tan High Court o: the independent Order of Foresters will meet in Ottawa this year. Reeve Mooney, of Morris, has been elected ae delegate from Bruesels Court. Aaoere the shipments from the Grand Trunk station here during the past week were 3 care of stook by Messrs. Clegg & Dames ; 1 car of flax seed by the Living. non firm ; 3 oars of peas and 1. oar of oats by R. Graham ; several oars of salt and the usual way freight. J. N. KENoALL, G. T. R. agent, ticketed 3lre. R. Leatherdale, H, Dennis, Mies Dennis, Wm, and Mies Tenie Sample, and Mrs. John Wilson, Morrie, from Brunets to Manitoba this week. Tbey left on the early train on Tuesday. Tic - Siete are good for 60 days. Talc opening of a street in front of the Roman Catholic church is a good idea as at gives a public. highway from Thomas to Flora streets that will prove an an- commodatioo to the townspeople of the South Westerly portion of Brussels. The land is a gift to the corporation from Rev. ker. Kennedy. Tug Toronto papers of Tuesday say :— "Detective Davie this morning arrested W. A. Arenson, a merahans of Tilson- burg, for whom the a police have been looking for a week. He is charged with ',eying defrauded hie creditors oat of a large amount, An officer from Tilson- berg will take Armon back on Wednes- day. Armeon is a young man, about 25 years of age, and ie connected with highly respected families in Toronto. He has been living in Victoria street since he carne to Toronto, a week ago." Mr. Armson ran the Irwin & Co. bankrupt stock off in Brussels last Winter, CANADA'S GREAT EXPOSITION.—Tho To. cont, Industrial Exhibition, now known 0s "Canada's Great Fair," is an occur. ranee to which almost every Canadian looks forward with pleasurable antici- ettee, es it is made .the occasion for their annual boliday outing. It is to he held this year from the 31st August to the 12th of September, and as the live stock exhibitors and various associations have agreed to have their stock on the grounds from Thursday, the 3rd Septem- ber, till the close of the Fair, the first week will now be as good as the second. We have received a copy of the prize list, which ie unusually well gotten up. Any one desiring a copy San obtain one by dropping a poet card to H. J. Hill, the N7anager, Toronto. A great program of interesting carnations is promised. Ap- plications for space should be made early. THE Kingston Whig says In the In- spectorate of East Huron, consisting of several townships, three towns and three •eillagee, of whieb David Robb, who re- Oeived bis education in tbe Kingston public eehoole, is inspector, 295 oandi- date0 write on university matriculation .and teacher's examinations. Of these 65 were educated in the rural public schools. In addition 500 will write on the bogb school entrance and publio school leav- ing examinatione, whose examination fees aroma to nearly 32,000. The 0ciloo)0 of East Huron are in a very ef- ficient state, and it is doubtful if any seven township., (not including a oity) ?nave as large a number of etndents tak. hag the departmental examinations. The inspectorate Molnar-. two collegiate institutes, Clinton and S.+,Forth, and 123 public) reboot departments. Mr. Robb entertains a very high opinion of the ability end energy of his staff of teaoh- ere, and Olaims to have the lineal and hest furnished rural eohool houses in the province: Us also says that the trneteee are most liberal in providing solace' house' accommodation, or anything else he sug- gests, of in the the pupils.f IIlleaiv61)lheeau- re renew vtegaaintanoe0 in Kingston about the 4Fret of August, nob having been here for 1Rrany years. A Naw blank oari•iage teens bee added to the Beanie livery ooUtt; ing 12 horeee In a11. WILTON d: 'Tai1NouL1,'e atom iron been oouaiderably improved by the theai t '' p n at a brash, Q1I601 Street East hoops op wits lino of iwprovemeute. Chile, and Jno. Tait have had wire fehee up in front of their revocative prepertles, JA131E0 will represent St. lobe's, Lodge A, 1, ea A. Al„ Brussels, at the Grand Lodge to be held next week jn Belleville, Mr. Jambe ie the Master of Breseele Lodge. J. 0. Tema intends erecting a residence on the eligible site recently pnroheeed from Daniel Stewart, corner of Tarn - berry and Queen streets, A well has been pet down as one of the pratfall. varies, A LAaax blank base, weighing 4, pounds, 009 naught 31.13 the dam by en. Bob. enneon on Wednesday morning of thie week. Tt was on exhibition at Jae. Rose' grocery window and attracted a good deal of attention, ALEX. Roes, of Grey township, who purobased a buggy from Jae, Walker, I3reese's, 0 years ago, benght another last week and bad it shipped to his son in Manitoba. Mr,Rose evidently knows whereto get the right article, 2xonnergN Timm.— Tile Orangemen have arranged with the Grand Trunk for a special train next Monday to Listowel. It will leave Bluevale at 9:45 a. m. and Brussels at 10 o'clook. The return fare will be 601 Dente, oomiug back by the regalae train at night, which reaches Brussels at 0:43 o'olonk, The Fife and Drum Band will go from here, Wnnnzia BELLS.—On June 27th Frank McPherson, of Binsoarth, Manitoba, and Miss Annie, eldest daughter of Mrs. John Sinclair, Princess street, Brussels, were united in marriage in the city of Winni• peg. Rev. Jno. Hogg, Presbyterian min• aster, tied the matrimonial bow. The bride wee attended by her cousin, Mies Annie Lamont, while Kenneth Hogg as- sisted the groom. After partaking of a sumptuous wedding breakfast they drove lo the depot, wbere they took the train for their future home in Binscarth. The many relatives and friends of the intim. able bride wish her and her husband hap. pinese and prosperity in their Western borne, in wbich Tan Pose heartily joins. Swoon BOARD,—The opinion of the Inspector relative to a new teacher was such that the Board bad a special meet- ing last Monday evening and after several hours spent in disoueeing the situation they arrived at the following decision let oboice, E. R. North, of Hillier, Prince Edward Oo,, who holds a 2nd °lase cerci. Beate. Miss Fergus Campbell, of Sea• forth, was the second oboice and Mise A, V. Rose, of Prineville, third. Mr. North was communicated with and offered the position on condition of a year's engage- ment. Hie aaceptaaoe is probable al. though his reply -was not received when we went to press. Conine Sen000 MAMS AND MAerene.— Tuesday Principal MaEweu, of Bluevale, called the candidates to order in Brus- sels Public sobool for the let Form examination, known ae tbe Commercial. There were 19 writing, 10 girls and 9 boys, and their work was completed on Wednesday, The Primary, or god Form aandidatee got to work on Thursday and will not finish until next Monday, Six girls and four boys are wrestling with the papers set for this examination, which gives third elites teachers standing if passed. We hope the fondest hopes of each and all may be realized when the results are made known in the course of a few weeks. DIED.—The following notice fr Guelph refers to a former resident Brussels who lived here 12 or 13 yea ago :—The remains of Frank Gran eldest so of the late Sberiff Gran who died in Toronto on Saturday, a rived bere for interment Monday for noon. The deoeasec3 has been ailing f a long time. The remains were conve ed to St. George's ohurob, where the Ve Archdeacon Dixon conducted the Cervi and eubeegmently at the grave. T mourners were E. A. Grange, V. S., the Michigan Agrioultnral Oolleg brother of the deceased ; Geo. 3. Grang eon, Guelph ; Judge Kingsmill, )a Judge of the County of Brune ; R. G. Connolly, Manager of the Canadian Ben of Commerce, Danville, and W. L. Co nolly, aeconntant of the Bank of Toront Oobourg,nephews, end T. W. Seamier Police Magistrate, Guelph. The pe. bearers were Mayor Lamprey, Col. M Donald, J. B. Powell, F. Maroon, Jones and Leo Vale, Be leaves, by 1a first wife, a daughter of the late J Webster, two sone, and by his neon wife, formerly Mise Maoefleld, of Paisle who survives him, a son and daughter. FnoH BnueemL9 To GLAeoow AND Rgrun —Lorne Hunter and Thos. Bloomfield, Brussels, arrived borne from a trip acro the briny ou Friday of last week. The went in charge of cattle going aboard th Allen line steamer, "Scandinavian," Montreal. The boat is a good one, 38 feet long, and the voyage was calm an delightful with the exception of a dela of 2 days off the coast of Labrador owin to a break in the engine when the obi lay at anchor. The cattlemen numbere 25 and had in charge 650 bead of Batt and 101 horses, the latter mostly fro the United States. 10 days were oconp ted in crossing the Atlantic, the nag being landed without any loge, excep that a dull market was 83.010k at Glasgow The monotony of sea life, only relieve by an occasional paeeing chip or tbe sigh of an ice burg, is very pleasantly relieve on entering the great river Olyde, In i the largest British battle ship, "The Tea rible," parrying a crew of 000, was lyin while the noise and bustle of the ship yards where 100 mammoth nasals are i unwise of eon9trnotion, gives the travelle the idea that Ibis is not a lost art. Glee gow has a population of over 900,000, I is kept in a very tidy manner althoug the absence of electric light and eleotri street care appears odd in a great city o its proportions and wealth. Grenoo has 75,000 people and Gouraolq where th Highlatid far famed cattle show Wag i progress, is credited with 10,000, The museum at Glasgow is a place well wvorth of a visit. After loading tbe voesel with iron plates and barrels of whisky tli "Scandinavian" turned bar prow West ward end arrived at Montreal in 18 days Fog in the gulf of St. Lawrenoo caused some delay, Haying, wliiol) is carried on in a very old fashioned style, was about over wben the boys left SOotland. The prospect for other crape i8 good, fruit in partioullir. Mr. Bloomfield bite made a number of voyages but the one above re. forted to was the first for Mr, Hunter. Neither of them were sea sick 'although a number of the other men were, been mak- t lute aid of 1 the awlett Aire..13. Ir, 2)adloy, corner of Adams and s pint Oliver streets, in bettor of Rev. Mr, Hunt, to new rooter of_Christ IJpleoopal church, and Mrs. Hunt. The elegant borne of bar, and Mrs, Dudley never look- ed prettier: The deft hands of women lead transformed their rooms into bowers or delicate beauty. Flowers, smilax and gram oovered every nook, gas fixture, mantle and sideboard. A beautiful bowl of handsome roses 000upled the contra table, Among the pretty flowere, frag. rant orange blossoms mingled their per- fume with the rest. Feetoone helped to heighten the clients of the deooratione. The brilliant gas lights enunolated the glad welcome meant for everyoue. Soon after 8 o'olook the guests oommonoed to arrive. They wore shown to the retil'ing rooms, up 9133ttr8, by smiling little girl pages. Mr: and Aire. Dudley graciously welcomed the guanto at the door of the West parlor'. They were then presented to Philip Blaok, Mrs. Hunt, Bev, Mr. Hunt, dare. George Thomee,. Mr. and Mrs. James Csbnrn, Mr. and Mrs, J. 3. Davis, lir, and Mrs, Thomas Hersman, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Thomas. After thio ceremony, the guests dispersed through the rooms, in aoeial conversation, Bev, Mr. Hunt and wife were the centre of catenation, and by their natural, unaffect- ed manner made friends of all who were privileged to meet them. Light re- freehmente were eervod on the verandah on the West aide of the house, by okarm- ing young ladies, Soft, pleasant music was furnished by the Ideal Mandolin Club. The evening was perfect, neither too cool nor too warm. The greets con - tinned to arrive until after 10 o'clock. Not only were they members of Mr. Hunt'8 parish, but Cleo the leading ofti- zene of Owosso, who name to pay re- speots 130 the new renter. The ladies proved most charming hostesses, who, by the tactful welcome, prevented any feel- ing of formality. This reception will inaugurate a new ere. of prosperity in Christ obnrob, TIIE 33RUSS ilLS PO5T 4 DELoou'A'r1A. ilennt''L1ow.--Phe Osvoe• so, U. 0., Argue, oommenthlg on the. reception of Rev, E, W, Haut and Il'fr8, Elaut, says (—One of the most 919090nt social u 6 1 £ n o q oluao' of the a hq a e_avn was foga g last evening by the !adios of the hpiauv� pal chni'ob, at tbe residence of 111,, and one of re ge, ge, r- 13 - Or y - n. oa he of e, e, to W. k n- 0, 9, 11. M. is .0. d y, N. of EIS ye at 0 d 7 g a le m i d t d t 1; r t b tl • The Y e Business Locals, PURE English Paris green. McKay & Co. Tex for sale, delivered at your home. App'v'n `7. Leetherdale. (.Lath; and ti,noiby seed for sale. Backer & Venetone. Beaman Data end all kinds of mill feed for sale at Ross' mill, Bruasele. Saola dressings of all kinds on hand both for blank and tan oolored. I. C. Richards. A NICE line of buggy dusters on band, all sold at close margins. I. C. Richards. AerenecAN binder twine, half a cent per lb. cheaper than Canadian twine, at McKay & Cole. Fawn! noun i Manitoba patent, Man- itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, beet in the market, for Bale at Ross' mill. KARL'S Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear ae a bell. 25 cte., 60 ate. and 3100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. A SPLENDID range of men's Women's and children's elutes on hand. Oall and see them no matter if you do not buy, we will be pleased to have you see them. I. C. Ibiohards. COAL,—I am prepared to supply any quantity of stove or furnaoo coal. All in ere will be promptly attended to at Wilton & Turnbull's stove and tinware store, Brussels, or on application to Wm. Martin. SHILon's' Oure, the great sough and croup mare, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses ; only 26 oents. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. BuatnoING Do:E.—Machinery, bicycles, lawn -mowers, scissors, implements and all kinds of tools sharpened and put in order at reasonable prices for spot cash by caw filer T. McGregor, of Brussels, Queen St. East. Cannes.—Any one desiring carpets will do well to call at the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in prioe from 30c. to 31.00. HowE & Co. PAINTING, &a.—Tbe undersigned, hav- ing entered into partnership, are prepar- ed to do all kinds of work in the following lines : Plain and ornamental painting, kalsomining, frescoing, paper.banging, sign -writing, &c., &a. Remember our , motto, "First-clase work and reasonable °barges." STEwART & RITCHIE, Bruseele, WELL -DIGGING AND DBrttan G.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to biro in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells oleaned out and put in proper shape, Terms reasonable. Residence nomad door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34.11 FLOWERS AND PLANTS. Thos. Kelly, florist, Brussels, has a rare and beautiful colleotion of flowers and plants this sea- son and is in a better position than ever to nib the publio. He will also have the usual range of garden plants, such as celery, &o., &o. If you require anything in this line call on or write Mr. Kelly. Plante for sale at Geo. Thomson'e grocery. I'm BEse 20001190110.--T110 beet re- commend a bicycle can have ie the num- ber of sales mode. A. Conley, agent for the well-known Brantford, hes made the following salve this Beason already :— W. E. Armstrong, teacher, Brussels ; Arthur Wake, Brunets ; Mr. Shiels, Grey ; Rev, G, H. Oobbledick, Bruesels ; Colin McArthur, Brussels ; Wm. McDonald, Molesworth ; John Rae, teacher, MoKillop ; W. J. Roach, Brussels ; H. J. Burkholder, Drayton ; Sydney Bolger, Morris ; R. A. McKee, teacher, MoHillop. Miss Tilly Geffen, Wroxeter. Rev, W. J. Waddell, Ethel ; J. Haokwell, AdoKillop. J. A. Stewart, Brussels. Geo, Coates, Oranbrook, R. Leatherdale, Brussels. J. A. McKee, McKillop. Wm. MoArter, Walton. Miss Thnell, Morrie. The "Red Bird" gives great satisfaction. A stock of wheels always on hand, both new and second hand. A. CouoLEX,. Agent, Brussels. Jtrllt= 10, 1896 ,S,T%.N'D4R,D B4,7V'T,r OF C4Xt4.D4, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, R ANTO. O(Seven Million B011ars) 67,000,000 A3ITAIc •(Authorised) * 02,000,000 .genies to ads priltoipai pointe in Ontario, Quobee, Afanitoba, United States c4 EWIpdante A General Banking, Buainose Transaoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted, ,Issued and Collections made on all points. Drone SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and upwards from dat of deposit 16 date of Withdrawal and compounded half yearly. 290101AD ATTENTION orvIN-To Tag COLLECTION o1^ RtsoisRe' SASE Norms. every faoility afforded Customers living BINDER TwINo,—A large quantity of American twine in stock, quality better and prices lower than any Canadian twine in the market. A combine has advanced the prices of Canadian twine about 12e A word to the wise ie sufficient. Call and see our Crown brand, Amerioau.Sheaf and absolutely pure manilla. MOKAT & Co., Brussels. 2330M2.1 . LEACH.—In Dakota, on June 18th, the wife of Mr. Franklin Leach of a eon. Rosa.—In Wroxeter, on July 5th, the wife of Mr, Robt. Roes of a eon. HoLlune,—In Elmo, on July 2nd, the wile of Mr. Wm. Holmes of a daughter. MA1SRS37D. MaPnnusort—SIxcLArn.=At 884 Pacific Avenne, Winnipeg, on June 271h, by Rev, John Hogg, Mr, Frank Mo - Pherson, of Bineoarth, Man., to Mies Annie Sinolair, eldest daughter of Mrs. John Sinclair, Bruesels, Ont, MoLAuonLxo_MoCnea.—By Bev. D. Forrest, on July 1st, at the home of the bride, Mr. L'"I1 McLaughlin, of Walton, to Mies Hattie MoOrae, of McKillop, 7723ama. Coomen,—In Toronto, on July 3rd, George E. Cooper, formerly of Brussels, H0GARTH.—In Otterville, on July 6th, George Hogarth, formerly of Brue• eels, aged 34 years, 10 months and 16 days. SANnnua.—In Grey, on July 7111, Thomas Sanders, aged 63 years, Samantha and 15 days. AG1-221:CTSi,' TTR.AM, Brussels, Cot. 1 & 2. St. Marys, Oot. 6 & 7. Tavistook, Sept. 21 & 22. Woodstock, Sept. 24 & 26. Mitchell, Sept. 29 & 90. East Nisaouri,at Thamesford, Sept. 30. Stratford, Oot. 1 & 2. Blanehard, at Kirkton, Oot. 8 and 9. Western, at London, Sept. 10 to 19. Toronto, Industrial, Aug. 31 to Sept, 12. West Niesouri, at Thorndale, Oat. 8. BRvSS=r_,s MA1.e7==..'18, Fall Wheat Barley. Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls ... Eggs per dozen Floor per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough .. Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Apples per bus Hogs, Live Wool 5s 25 42 16 10 8 4 00 10 7 00 4 3 1 00 60 15 1 00 3 60 18 GO 17 11 4 50 15 7 00 4e• 03 0 75 40 3 90 TIE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortga e, ram security. Apply at THE POST Publishing Rouse, Brussels. 40 101 Aitt WILL BUY AN ALL Iron eleven feet hinges. A anGate, long, Lo 4, Oen. 7, Groy, GIRL WANTED FOR GEN— ERAL house work. Liberal wages to a capable person. Apply ab METHODIST PARSONAGE, Brusois. BICYCLE FOR SALE. A'05 "Hartford,' ,nado by the Colum- bia Company. Almost as good 40 new, 840. Inquire CLEVELAND G. AI.Lnv, at Metho- dist Parsonage, Brussels. B WLAOK OOGIVING MILE, strayed from Brussels (Monday night, Any information loading to her recovery will be thankfully received. BAEKD' ll & VANSTONIJ, Brussels. T\iOSIRABLE RESIDENCE Pon SAr,E.—Lots 220 89(1221, Queen et, Terms reasonable to a cash purchaser. Ap- ply on the promisee or to 28 W. M, SINCLAIR. Volunteer's Attention! The Brussels Volunteer Company will go into oftln'p in June next, All mon wishing to Lin aeut., Brntsnlo, 0do so by 1' toyB.g6. RAYS,to G. P�Captaa(io Soaforth, JET OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber ollors his brick meld - mule adjoining Brueeele,10111 000., Groy, for sale. There is one acre of land, mostly planted with small fruits, stable, well, &o. :For price and terms apply to the undersign. ed. WALTER 10I0HA11DSON, 32-4 Brussels P. 0. NOTICE ! A11 those who aro indebted to the estate of the late Wm, laoddiok or to the firm of Roddick & Wake, will kindly nail at once on 0. F,Blair, Soljoi1or for the Administrator R. G. Wilson, Beg., Brussels, and settle all claims of the estate against them, Brussels, July 0611,1808, G. N. BLAIR. G&2 For Sala by Pabha &id onl to offerbyPublic Anetton tat ffio QUi111000 Scott RO'L'EL, BRUSSELS, on Saturday, July .13813, ata o'clock, the briolc. building now mazes, Bnrraokeby the ArmyJohn street, Brussola, and gore of land, The monthly rental received is'90, For further partiou- ta'e apuly to T,10S, PEPPER, 01.8 Proprietor, at a dietanoe. 3. A. STEWART MANAGUA. REAL ESTATE, G A 0OD FAR112 FOR SAE NEAR Brussels. Groat bargain, Let 7,Oon, o Grey township, Good buildings and or- oirard, }Vail watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming. apply to W04, I1ILLOUGg on the premises or to THOMAS 11:301i1:TAGA, London West, t' ARMsFFOIi SALE. _. 200 and 8611 0 ncessions iPowoellin of on be- ing l mild from the Village of Ethel and 6k miles from Brunets, 40 acres of Pall wheat sown and about 80 acres under grass 1 00 acres cleared' on mob. norms of payment eas3',84- ' A, MoI1ELVEY, If, D„ Brussels, ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 sores of good farm land at Springfield, 8 milesfromWinnipeg, 1e °fler- No th I ust } e at slow a 10'1 Twp. 11, Ranproperty East There is a house on the promisee and some breaking clone. Per full particulars as to price, title, &o„ write or apply to 20•tf G.2. BLA111 or W.H. KRU MI, Brussels, Ont, ALRABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligible 200 acre farm, composed of lots 131 and 17 in the 10th: eon., Grey township, Huron 00., and 60 acme, part of iota 10 and 17, 11th con,. belonging to the Robert Brown cerate, is offered for sale to wind up estate, On the largo banlr tbarn, jneoessary gone house or- chard, &e. Farm well watered, well fanned and la good state of cultivation. About 60 acres of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On the SO sore farm there is a house and barn, orchard, and about 8 stores of bush. Faroe sold jointly or separately to suit purchaser. Possession given In the Fall. Parma are on- ly a mile from the village -of Oraubroolr, 'Where are school, churches, ]lost-otfiee. stores, &o„and 81 miles to the thriving mar- ket town Brussels. For further particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply to AGNES BROWN,i JAMES BROWN, 3Exeoutore. Oranbrook P 013N BROWN, 111 BOAR FOR SERVICE.-TIIE Lot 20,, Con 0, Morris, l the thorn bed im- proved brrom1 White hour e sweepstakes ow at Chloago Pair, Terms, 31.00 to be paid at i necess0 y, Peldigreeimay be seen on application. ROBT.NICHOL, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will rrdiroLot 90. Cn0Mrith-boLa English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John,” His mother is a full slater to the let prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on application. Terms -81.00 to be paid at time 0f service with privilege of returning if necessary, 11.Orn JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor, BOAR FOR SERVICE,—THE Lot 27, Undersigned will keep for service on wortbear, "RingGeorge,"ipurchased thoro' bred from heir Lord at Guelph Gat ,Stocwho got k Sht orize for w. The dam of "King George" won first prize at the Show, London England. 1313 eiret was im- ported and weighed 750 lbs. Terms 81,00 to returning at 1t necessary ooP with privilege Iimaye be seen on appiiaation, 40•b! RICHARD ARMSTRONG, ,Proprlotor. Ancient Ordur of Vnitod Workmonl This Benevolent and Fraternal Society is the Oldest and Strongest of the kind in America. death, 82,000.00 h oro 81,0000,00 r atf ahislloption. The yearly assessment oaths former is only 910.00 andbealthymoon between latter ageo Of 21 aon nd 46 years. A largo lodge is in operation in 13rus- eels. Why not join yourself and seams for your family, in case of 'your being called away, a loandsone sum for thotr. support ROBT. ANM8T1t0NG,M W. ; W, R. Exam Becorder; J. A. C1tETGH1UN,Pinancior, BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE un Lot 28, Oo 1. 6, Morris,! the etIlo o'' service rdi Da Dm - ham bull,"Lord Lorne,"=10803—. Pedigree may he soon on applicaion. Terms, 31.00 to insure but oowe must be returned regularly if necessary. 47.4 JAMES 8HURRIE, Proprietor,. TERSEY BULL FOR SEIIVIOE. If you contemplate breeding to la Jersey use the beet you can get, You may have over se good a dam but if 'the bull is not from a good milking gstrain, and there is great ill beldtoavn amongst a VIiv your Bio , oini to keep the best. If you pay Silo. extra for grades you can return until you get a heifer calf. G, A. MADMAN , Druggist, Brussels. DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Grown and Bridge work a spooialt Mader- ate Barrett's barber shop,' usraberry SEt., Broe as eels, VETERINARY. �' D, WARWIOE, CP • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treatall diseases of demosticated animals in a coin-. petout Wenner. Parttoular ettontlon paid to veterinary dentistry. Oallspr0mgtl et - tended to. 011lao and Infirmary—Four eon until of bridge purnborry et., Baena. GX'S Prng Stei'o FOR...,,,.ate y,. Insect Powder, Tanglefoot, Wilson's Ply Pads, Davis' Fly Pads, - Chloriclo of Lime, Little's Soluble Pheneyle, Copperas,, Crude Carbolic ,Axid for horn Flies on Cattle. .re Paria Green 25c. per lb. It pays to use the best, it's the only kind we keep and we guarantee every pound to give entire satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. Don't forget the place, AT Poz'z Drag Stare. OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1D L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, -+-�• Solicitor and Cony ayaucer, Colleo- tiooe made. Office—Vanstono'e Block, Bras - sole. 21.8m IA M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub- lie, &o. Oftico—Vanstone's Block, 1 door north of Central Rotel. Private Funds to Loan. G. CAMERON, (rstr of 8laton delh Cameron ,)Barieand oiior,Ccre Out. oillno—Hamilton St., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER SOBoiter, &o. (late of Carrow & Proudfoot'a Olfioe, Goderich.) Oilloe over Glllioa & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loam, 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE XIRIIBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable berme. Farms and farm stooks soeoialty. Orders left at Tan Pon Publishing House ,Brussels, or sent to Walton P. 0.,wine/le ivepromptattention, 1l S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- . ERE, wi11 soli for better prices, to better men in ass time and less °hargos thou any other Auctioneer in Bast Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always bo arranged at this Moo or by Personal application. MEDICAL CARDS. T A: MGNAUGHTON, M. D. El S. Ont MResid Residence and Edinburgh, in on e Block, corner of DWI and Turnberry Ste, T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physician, Surgeon, Aceouober, ole. elGraduate Member of College University hyeioinne end Surgeone, 0n t. O1•2I0E—Nast door to McDonald & Co., Walton Out. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORACIKEN, • oy0bergsrt,onsat his GroorTerryteeBrusse R•N. BAIR,RETrT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door 0001111 of A. 01, Diol ay & Co'e hardware store. Ladie9'aud ahildrens hair matting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposits from 81.00 to 31,1100 and alleys 9y per Dent. interest, T. PA1tltOW, 87.8m --�- Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• T. FLETCHER, • Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Oman AT Jnwoonx 010110, No Witness Required. T, FLETCHER, Brussels. � TELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- annANolt Co, Established 1840, In. sureness ()heated on all Town and Perm Property at very low rotes. 1G•8m J. A. CREIGHTON, Agent, Brussels, ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Oo, Huron, Oenveyanoor, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds inveet0d and to loan. OOIIee(iene made Omae tit Grahame BSook, Brussels THOS. A. HAWKINS, Will give loeeone to pupils Dither on piano or organ, at his ,ifuaie Room, opposite the poet -orlon, limeade. V000l lessons also given. Ten ye ra experience in taanbing.