The Brussels Post, 1896-7-10, Page 3TuxJuvr 10, 1$.80 FaitagelieitikillakerninleterfeletneenZier, Yawn Directory. 7a•Is>;vlDnrK .. sabbath Scrvieee at 11 a in and 7;00p.m. Snaday School at 2:00 p m. Bev, .4101 Bees, ]3 d; pastor. ST, Jollc'e Onunau,--sabbath Servi000 at 11 a in and 7 p m. Bendgy. School at 2:80 p. m. Bev. A, K. Griffin, inaunz. bent. Minnaarige Ouuifaix,—sabbath Sorviees at 10:30 a in end 7:00 p in, Sunday Sohool at 2;00 p in, Rey. S. J. AIIin, pastor, BOMAN QA'kn/inW Cnanan.-.Sabbath. Service third Sunday in every month, cb 10:30 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALYA'rxoN Aannr,-Service at 7 and 1l a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'oloak, at the berraokc, Oori Fnznows' Liman every Thursday evening,, in Graham's blooh. Mama LoDac Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Larson on the 3rd Friday evening of eaoh month, in Bias. hill's block. o 0 ]! Lenon 2nd and last Monday evenings of eaoh month, in Blashill'e block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L U L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Sons or SCOTLAND, 1st and 8rd Tees- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0, T. 112. Lowe, 2nd and 4th Tues. days of eaoh month, in Odd Fallaw's Hall. Honln Cxnol n, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in BlaebilPs Hall. Pon OFrxoe,—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Mrs:mums' INsrrrore.—Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian. Town COUNCIL,—W. H. herr, Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Robert Graham, R. Lea. therdele and 11, G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. SonooL BOABn.—Dr. Graham, (chair. man,) Rev. Ross, D. C. Ross, A. Reid, A. Koenig and H. Dennis ; Seo,•Trene., It. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. PUBLIC Saloon To °Thee.—S. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Mies Linton, Mies Downey and Miss Ritchie. BoA1rD oe HsALTn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Soott, A. Stewart, T. ('arrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. iretx�r. BABY ON THE HANDLE BAR. Take out the me on bicycle, And me and jog up down ; Papa's proud his he 80 of baby, Must me all town. show to the Women "There's dar• shout a ling I" Pretty throw , a girls me kiss„ I'd enjoy ride know, really the you If brains go this. my didn't like Danger 1 What do I Dare for it ? There, we missed a team 1 It's fun to see farmer's turning pale And hear the old maids scream. I never enjoy myself half so much As when we just scrape a wheel, For I am a jolly Obioago kid, And not of the kind to squeal. So— Take out the me on bicycle ; Give a milk MO nice shake ; When shall the house, we reaoh road Papa have nine will a steak. Mamma's block a behind a and half Beaten 1 Ha 1 bliss 1 Ha 1 what I enjoy immensely, should it if 111y didn't like brains go this 1 SALLY'S BICYOLE. When Sally got a bioyole her mother raised a row ; The girls, when she was growin' up, weren't like the girls are now ; The modestest and sweetest girls that lived beneath the sun— You never easy a bioyole in eighteen fifty. one. To think she'd lived to see it—a child she'd raised, come out In them new-fangled bloomers, an' go ridin' round about ; To think her obildren had forgot the manse] that she gave, An' lived to bring her old grey heirs in sorrow to the grave. Bat when Sal had her bicycle a goin' 'boat a week, Ant mother seen the roses that were bloomiu' on her cheek, We noticed that she changed her mind— was quiet like, and so Sal --elle kept on ridin' where the bloom.. ere love to blow. An', as it mime, one mornin'—just past the break o' day, A shieldin' of herself between a 1351 or. two of hay, Who should we sec but mother, a workin' with a will On slater Sally's bioyole, an' goiu' fit to kill. An' now we can't gib breakfast, an' din. ner'e always late, For the bioyole is goin' from eix o'clock till eight, An' when she oomes a.pantin' in we have the biggest fun, With, "Never saw a bioyole in eighteen fifty-one, ersasslaaacw:, lO1tCTIAIiS,��,_�— Three 000rohers went lluatling down the street, Along t10 etreet, 88the gun the 11 clown, As if they were trying a reV01'd to boat, And the "coppers' were abasing diem Mit of the town ; For 60010 Must eoorah, and fools must Bump, And the lees of a rifler, the more of a °lamp, And they leave their viatiins groaning. Three cerpes5lay out on the pavement there, In the traoke of the wheels that the scorchers rode, And the ambulance came with a dash and a swear, And bounced away with ite ghastly load ; But the fools still ride, and the fools still hump, Who ought to be run out of town on the jump, And the people will cease their groan- ing. LITTLE GIRLS. Whore have they gone to—the little girls, With natural manner and natural ourls 7 Who love their dollies end like their toys, And talk of something beside the boys ? Little old women in plenty I find, Mature of mauners and old of mind, Little old flirts who talk of their "beans" And vie with each other in stylish clothes. Once in the beautiful long ago, Some dear little ohildren I used to know, Girls who were worry as lambs at play, And laughed and roliaked the livelong day. They thought not at all of the "style" of their clothes, They never imagined that boys were "beaus" ; "Other girls' brothers" and "mates" were they ; Splendid fellows to help them play. Where have they gone to ? If you see One of them anywhere send her to me. I would give a medal of purest gold To one of these dear little girls of old, With an innocent heart and an open senile, Who knows not the meaning of "flirt" or "style." Olinton• About 200 tickets were sold here on the 1st for Goderioh. Cantelon Bros. are shipping hundreds of baskets of °berries daily. W. Doherty lett on Wednesday of last week for a trip up the lakes as far as Port Arthur. .The people of Rattenbury St. Metho. dist church contemplate the purchase of a parsonage. About 50 tickets were sold here for the Sarnia excursion, the whole number along the line being 500. Mrd. Whitt is attending the "Special Summer Normal Classes," for teachers, at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. A. F. White, of Hornellsville, N. Y., shipped from Clinton nine head of thoro- bred Leicester sheep, purchased from the well-known Rayne•Bartou stock farm of Jae. Snell, Mullett. They consisted of 4 ewes, 3 lambs and 2 rams. A. R, McRae, of Detroit, eldest eon of Arthur Matte, of town, has beensuccess. ful in passing his medical examination at Detroit Medical College, and also suc- ceeded in carrying off the diploma. Out of 100 students who wrote only 25 passed and Mr. McRae led •them all. Apples are so plentiful a crop in Huron and other Western counties that it is feared there will not be enough to handle them et the opportune moment, D. Cantelon estimates that there will be at least 500,000 barrels in Huron alone, with similar quantities in other counties. The Ontario St. Methodist church Ep- worth League of 0. E. held its half -yearly election of officers, resulting as follows : Hon. Pres., Rev. W. J. Ford ; Pres., B. J. Gibbing% ; 1st vine, 0, E. Dept., Mies Tillie Moore ; 2nd vice, Missionary Dept., Miss Galloway ; Brd vice, Literary Dept., Mies A. Brieksnden ; 4th viae, Social Dept., fillies Ida Carter; Secretary, Will, I. Roes ; Treasurer, Miss Rath ; Cor. - Secy„ Miss Libbie Gibbings ; pianist, Miss Azle Gibbings ; Asst. Pianist, Miss Oarol Newoombe. Generat,i New>•l. Joseph, a double murderer, was lynch- ed at La Plata, Ind. The G. T. R. took 681 cars of coal from the Port Dover Ferry Co. in May. The British surveyor, Harrison, who was detained by the Venezuelan Govern- ment, has been released. The sentence of Von Hammerstein, the German editor, to three years at bard labor has been confirmed. The Bain Wagon Works Company has at last decided to remove from Brant- ford to Woodstock. The Being are old Woodstock boys, Mnlmur claims to have the oldest in. habitant of any county of Dufferin, in the person of Edward Brably. The old gentleman ie a native of the Emerald Isle, and is now in the 106111 year of his age. Few medicines have held their ground so successfully as Ayer's OherryPeotoral, During the peat 50 years, it has been the most popular of all cough -cures, and the demand for it today ie greater than ever before. Prompt to act and sure to euro. William Warren murdered his wifo at Winnipeg Thureday morning with a razor, and then out his own throat. Warren bonne iutoxioated Wednedday and coming hone early Thnrsday, morn- ing was (net by his wife in the hallway. He drew a razor and slashed her arms and body until she yoke mutilated beyond all recognition. He then walked to the door step, and in full view of several oitizans out his throat, Charles Cameron, aged about 21, only sou of Thos. Cameron, fernier, near Acton, was killed Tuesday while doing statute labor, He was working in a gravel pit taking out gravel when the bank caved in on him, driving him with eaoh force against the huh of the wagon wheel that a hole was out nearly through his left breast. Dre. Uren and Elliott were quickly summoned, but no earthly power could save him. He only lived eboatan hour after the aooiden11. His father was present at the time of the ao- aident, but hie mother and aistere only arrived in time, to see bin% die, Tali BR r . , Ritobie, of Ottorville, hoe secured a patent on a weather top for bloyoles, It is fileted on good authority that the Hewlett fly ie ravaging the crops 10 Southern lent. Gerson & Go„ of St. Catharhlos, have Obtained the O021128ct far the 1'otrolee waterworks construction, at $101,746, ex• °lattive of ongipes and boilers, The Toronto and Big ()reek Shooting Go. have been taking into oonlderation the feasibility of bending dyke along the bay shore of the marsh, near Long Point, Baron Von Derlepeoh, the Preesian Minister of Commerce, bee resigned, and hie resignation w111 probably be aooepted, The sauce was 111 feeling with another Minister. Louis Arohambault, a twentyyser.old youth, of Hull, is under arrest in the County Jail in that city on the charge of merrying a fifteen•ycar-old girl without her parents' consent., Russell, the 8•year,old eon of S. Iiow. den, of Watford, died Thursday morning of last week after an Shame of about a month, It is believed the little fellow's death was caused by eating some green fruit on which hellebore llpd been sprinkl- ed. Reports Dome in from the townshlp in the rear of Addington and Frontenec that graseboopere are doing great deetrus• tion to hay and grain. They swarm the fields and soon denude the stalks of every green part.. They go in great hosts and sometimes pace along in perfect clouds. OATAnnAII nnLinvOD IN 10 To 60 nirNUrne,-- One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr. Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painleee and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly curse Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds, Heade-eh s, Sore Throat, Toneilitie and Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman's. Mrs. G. K. Allinson, Chatham, had a narrow escape from death by poison, and her experience should prove a warning to all growers of small fruits. She had partaken of some berries, which, it was subsequently learned, had been sprinkled with hellebore, and was taken dangerously ill, Medical aid was at ouoe atimmoned, end fatal oonsequeueos were happily averted. BBL= IN SIX H011118.—Distressing kid - nay and bladder dieeaeee relieved in six been by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and sure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. A GoASSISOSraa Stolle,—J, P. MoCon- nell, of the Shoe and Leather Journal, Toronto, has just returned fromalengthy business trip on hie wheel. He tells of a rather remarkable experience in the vicinity of Wiarton. That part of the Province is just now suffering very much from want of rain, which they have not had •for weeks. In the train of the droath has come a plague of grasshoppers. On the way to Hepworth these insects fairly covered the road and the wheel• man left behind him a streak of crushed grasshoppers. Finally he had to stop and °leen out the dead insects from tbo chains and sprocket else he would hare been stopped by the °logging of the mechanism. The townships of Keppel, Albemarle and Amabel are the chief suf. ferers from the plague. It is a' coinaidenoe that the Liberal party should regain power in Canada just as the marquis of Dufferin and Ava formally bids farewell to British official life. The Earl of Defferia wee Gover- nor-General of Canada when the last Liberal Government held sway, and he was one of the warmest admirers of Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, the Prime Minis• ter of that era, bearing testimony on his defeat in 1878, to the sturdy statesman's honesty and patriotism. At that time Lord Dufferin was a veteran in the service, and since then has been serving the empire in almost every esotion of the diplomatic world. An eventful, buoy life has Lord Dafferin led. He has been : A lord-in•waiting ; Under Secretary of State for India; Under Seoretary of State for war ; Ohanoellor of the Duchy of Lanoaster ; Paymaster -General ; on a special mission to Egypt; Governor- General of Canada; ambassador at St. Petersburg ; ambassador at Constanti- nople ; Viceroy of India ; ambaesador at Rome ; ambassador at Paris. Nor have honors been wanting. Lord Dufferin is K. P., G. C. B., G. C. S. I., G. 0. I. E., 0. O. M. G., P. C., D. 0. L., L. L. D. and F. R. S. His Lordship has also been Chanoellor of the Royal University of Ireland, Lord Rooter of St. Andrew's University, and Lord Warden of the Cilfque Ports and Constable of Dover. ALLAN UNE. Summer 1896. LIVERPOOL, Y' ERPOOL, LONDONDERR &. MONTREAL SERVICE. From From Proal Ltverpo'l S1nAnteaIrs, Montreal Quebec Daylight, 2 July Sardinian 1s Tn13 10 July 0 . *Nutnldinu "5 2ii " 10 " Parisian 1 Aug. 2 atilt. 10 " Laurentian 5 00 " +A1'ougolian -15 " 10 " 0 Aug. Sardinian ,.,ea 0 2e 15 " *Nnmidiun 211 " 211 '• 20 " Parisian a Sept GSept 27 " *Lanreutinn 12 1'0 i Sept, *3105RRoliau 10 " 10 " 10 Sartliulml. 00 " 27 3 .The Laurentian carries only cabin passengers Eastbound. *Steamers when (narked flue do not stop at Rimouekior Londonderry, 0.11 steamers sail from Montreal at Daylight. Passengers go on board between 7 and 10 o'oloplk on the evening before the ad. vertieed date. r "Paseengere may go via Montreal and return by New York or vice versa. For further information as to rates, ad., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. a, For quick and easy work For cleanest, sweetest , and whitest clothes Surprise is I)est fest dor Eves Day For every use about the house Surprise works best and cheapest, See for youreeli, sans 'stais-aprois iv'0TICE O REMOVAL having purchased a shop on Thomas St,, opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many,new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, B. T. Mum., General Blacksmith & Horseshoer lk ly'.f� t KE?IDAL1. S�AEliLflll CUR THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY Fon MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read 1r0020 below, t®EA'd®f8LL'SSPA I08Mi1lt6RL BOEae. Carman nendorson Co., In., Feb.21,'94. Dr. B.7. KEsnenr, bo,. Dear Sirs -Please send me one of your none nook and oblige, I hareured u groat deal otyour Kendall's Spann Core with good succors, It le a wonderful medlctne. I once had a mare that had as Occult Spavb, and ave bottles cured her. 1 keep a bottle an hand an the time. Yet= truly, Cnes. Poway,. KENDALL'S SPAS°0N CURES Dr. B. 7.12E0oALt Co, ad.1T0%, 1Io„ Apr. S,'03, " Kendall's$pada hove e"swith muchlesu 00sO 2 think 11 the Erol ide:Snout I ever used, /lair re- vnueedo„e Curb, one blood Spavin and killed has Ilene Spavinn. nave recommended it to so: ern. Gt my friends who are much pleased with 1004 0001110, neni>ece.Rttan. kir, sy, p, O. Box M. For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr, D. J.ICZND4LZ 601112 T, ENOSBURGH FALLS, VT, MOIiEY TO LOAN'. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 (Fr 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. ' Apply to A. Hunter, Divisions Court Cleric, Brussels. White Star Lire. VrAROYALVIALL STEAMS'Sft":i. Between—New York and Liverpool,) via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this line carry auly a strictly limited number in the FiBes and encoND CABIN accomnlodatlons, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for berths is necessary at this sea- son. For plans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, 0 ill Agent, Brussels. 4.. [STAR'241ser E'TACIRANT " t I� W. H. PELTON JERSEY ICE CREAM, .. COOL REFRESHING DRINKS , ,•vw.�.G/tr,+:.tyie-.... , n•.. r: a116 g FRESH FRUITS OF ALL KINDS .. ,11 ro ;11 jf TEA BISCUITS AID — CANNED GOODS —FRESH — STAR RESTACRA\r. W. M. PELTON. TF. II. Ward. A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING YE ! CHERRY S PECTORAL "Severn rears ago. I caught a severe cold, attended 1$th a terrible cough that allowed me no res , either clay or night. The doe - tors prone moedlnyease hopeless. Afrtend, learning of my trouble, sent mea bottle of Ayer's C1 ern' Pectoral. 133 the time I had used tile whole bottle, I was completely cured, and I believe 1t saved my life."—W. Ii. WAnD, s Quimby Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Fair. Ayer's .Pills the, Zest Family 8laysia. SHINGLES HARD and SOFT RUBBER BALia 4, 6 and 8 Bali sets AMP' a 1 British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND. — Nortla. Shore Pine and Cedar Children's Hoes, Spades and. Rakes. FOR SALE AT Tun C©ID v�— Erussels Planing lilts Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Famished for all kinds of Buildings.. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AMENT, Bookstore, Brussels