HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-10, Page 1Vol, 28. No, 62, .BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY,
The Now County Council Aot,
[comet= nest I,A8T wp3xx,]
21.--(1) In ogee of a vacancy 000ariin
in the comity council by death of a men
bar oe from other cause before the Jim
mooting of t1e'oouuty council, the warde
(or in naso of a vaoanoy do that office, tl
county olork,) shall issue his warrant 10
anew election eo fill such vacancy to 1b
nominating officer of the divisiou in whie
the vacancy exists, in time to fill th
same before the regular meeting of sai
commit in June ie hold, if practicable
and whore there is not time to fill th
same before the said meeting such *mann
oy ebali be filled at the next annual mu
ioipal 0leetion, and the clorlc of the noun
by council Raid the councils and clerks o
trio loons municipalities comprising th
county council division in which mach
vacauey has oaonned, shall bake all nece8
sary proceedings, as provided by this Ae
to hold the 811otion. But when enoleo
Hon to fill any suchvaeaney is held at th
annual election, or at any other time due
ing the year, the proceedings shall be ill
same as nearly a8 may be as in the las
of the biounial °kation under this Act
but where at such bye election one 001113
011101: Only 11 to be elected, each oloato
shall be entitled to but one vote. (2) Th
oonnoillor so elected to fill it va0aney shat
hold office during the unexpired portio
of the teem for which his predecessor wa
22. The espouses incurred in and abou
the election of county counoillors shall b
borne by the county, but where a poll in
held for the election of a member or mei
berg of the council of a local munieipalit
at bho sante time as the election for th
county council is held, the costs of th
polling booth and the fees of the deputy
returning effacer, poll clerk and consbabl
and any other expenses which would b
necessary for such elogtiou for the to
municipality shall be borne by the foe
municipality as heretofore. In ease of any
dispute between the local municipalit
and the aouuty as to the apportionment
or payment of any such expanses, th
difference between them shall a seminar
ily and finally settled by the countyjudge
upon the application of either party, upon
four days' notice to the other party, and
he shall make such order in the matter as
to him shall appear just. Whore an elec-
tion is held under this Act when. no poll
is required by the local municipality or
municipalities, than the costs of such
election shall be borne wholly by the
28. Any clerk of a county or clerk or
officer of a local municipality who shall
refuse or neglect to perform the duties
presoribod by this Act, shall be liable, on
conviction thereof, to a flue of $200 and
costs, and the provisions of section 420 of
The Consolidated Municipal Act, 1802,
respecting the recovery and enforcement
of penalties shall apply to the peueeties
imposed by Ibis section.
24. In addition to any other penalties
imposed by The Coneolidatod Municipal
Act, 1892, any clerk of a local municipal-
ity who knowingly makes a false or in-
correct return under section 15 of this
Act, and any county clerk who knowingly
makes a false or incorrect cleolaration of
election under section 16 of this Act, and
any nominating officer who knowingly
makes a false or incorrect declaration. of
election or knowingly gives a false or in-
correct certificate under section 8 of• this
Act, or commits any other act of falsifica-
tion, concealment or fraud, with intent to
affect the election of a candidate or eau -
(Elites, shall, upon conviction thereof, be
liable to a fine of $500 and costs, and
shall be disqualified for a period of four
years thereafter from holding any office
or position in the gift or coutroi of any
municipal oounciiin the Province of On-
tario, and shall not be eligible during the
said period for election as member of any
smolt council.
25. Where at any election Iwo county
counoillors are to be elected, there shall
be added to the directions 000181nm-I in
Schedule B of The Consolidated Munici-
pal Aot, 1892, the following paragraph
specially applicable to the election of
county councillors :
Where county counoillors are to bo
elected, and the voter desires to give two
votes for ono candidate, be shall place Iwo
crosses, thus x x, on the righthand side
opposite the name of the candidate for
whom he votes, or at any other place in
the division which contains the nano of
snoh candidate ; but no person is allowed
to give two votes for one gaudiclate except
two county eoanOillors are to be elected.
20. Where en election for a member or
members of the county oouuoil is being
held at the 021110 time as the election of e.
• member or members of the council of the
local municipality, the clerk of the local
municipality in preparing the poll book
shall insert therein a column to bo head-
ed "County counoillors" between the
columns beaded "Refused to swear or
affirm" and the column headed eefayor
or reeve," and in case no election is being
held for a member or members of the
council of the local municipality, the like
booke shall be used unless the olerlc pre-
pares poll books expressly for the election
of aouuty councillors.
27. AIL the sections of The Consoli•
dated Municipal Ad, 1809, relating to the
oonduot of municipal oleations not incon-
sistent herewith and unless whore other
provisions are heroin made and the im-
positionof penalbiee in connection with
such elections shall apply to elootions
-ander this Aot,
28. The division of the counties to bo
made for the purposes of this Act shall he
so made by commissioners to be appoint-
ed by the Lieutonaub•Govetnor in domi-
29. Any commission may appoint a
secretary, who shall also be a steno-
grapher, and who shall be paid for hie
services such sum as the Lieutouant-
Governor•in-Council may direst,
80 (1) The commissioners shall have
power to summon witnesses, administer
oaths, take evidonee upon oath. and gen.
orally have all the powers of a judge of
the High Court sitting in court. (2) The
commissioners shall be entitled to the
use of the court house, or any other
comity Or .municipal building, in which to
mold their sitbinge, au(1 may require the
attenlan00 oe the sheriff or any other
county or municipal officer at such sit.
tinge. (8) The county °lark or treasurer
or the olerlc cif any local municipality
shall, upon the request of any commis.
830081), prepare any sbe.b°ment,iu eehedmlo
form or otherwise, that may be required,
of the population, acreage, assessed value,
annual receipts and expenditueo mad of
the liabilities of the county or of any local
municipality or any other statement in
relation to the affairs of the oonuty or of
any looal nptnioipaliby which the con•
missi0ners may require, and shall furnish
the same to the 0otniniseiOnel5 with
promptitude and as they may be directed
by the commissioners (4) The commis.
sion shall when practicable hold it8 sit-
tings for each county in the court house
or eounoil chamber at the county town
thereof, and notice of such sittinge shall
be given by the secretary of the commis -
01011 to the clerk of the county, and by
the said clerk published weekly for two
suoosssive weeks iu two newspapers pub-
lished within the county. (5) The clerk
of the county, upou receipt of the notice
of the sitting of the commission, shall
forthwith send by mail to the clerk of
each municipality a copy of such notice.
(6) Tho commission may take evidence
and hear county' or other municipal
councils or representatives or committees
thereof and other parties interested, Dither
personally or by counsel or agent, and
may receive any suoh written statement
as they may think proper, and generally
may take all such proceedings es will en-
able them fairly to divide the county enol,
whore necessary, group the mbnioipalities
thereof into county council divisions, for
the purposes of this Act. (7) In making
such division of. counties the commis-
sioners shall treat the counties united for
municipal purposes as though they were
separate counties and shall make the di-
visions upon the basis of population for
each of the 0)11104 counties separately.
31. In forming the county council divi-
sions the commission shall have regard
especially to assessed value, and popo-
lation and extent of territory, and shall
not in making such division divide local
municipalities, unless where in the
opinion of the commission it is
necessmey so to do in order to arrive at a
fair and reasonable division, but in no
ease shall polling sub -divisions be divided.
32. Every commission shall, immedi-
ately after the conclusion of its sittings
in any county, make a report in reopen
of such county to the Lieutenant -Govern-
or 3n Counoil, setting out the manner in
which the county has been divided by
them, and one duplicate thereof shalt be
sent by the secretary of the commission
to the Provincial Secretary, and the other
duplicate thereof to the clerk of the
county, who shall cause the same to be
published weekly for three sucoossivo
weeks in two newspapers published with-
in the county.
33. Buell report, when signed by the
commissioners and filed with the Pro•
vinoial Secretary and county clerk shall
constitute the division of such county in-
to county divisions, as provided by and
for the purposes of this Act.
84. Each of the said oommissious shall
begin its sittings not later than the
fifteenth day of May, 1896, and shall con-
clude and make its final report on or be-
fore the fifteenth day of October, 1896.
35. The said commissioners and the
secretaries of such commissions shall be
paid for their services, and disbursements
for travelling expenses and otherwise by
the Provincial Treasn'er, and all other
expenses of what kind so ever, shall be
paid by the treasurer of the county for
the work done or expenses incurred in re-
spact of each ienfeinbur aouuty, after
they have been certified by tbo warden of
such county.
36. The judge of the amity court of
the county, the warden thereof and the
clerk of the peace shall constitute a board
whose duty Ib shall be when a new village
10 emoted or town is separated from the
county or is erected into a pity, cud the
arrangement into county council divisions
is thereby disturbed, by their order to
attach such village to some convenient
county council division or to rearrange
the county oouuoil clivisiobs affected, and,
if necessary, the adjoining division or
divisions, but in so doing the board shall
make only such changes as the altered
circumstances require.
87. A county council °looted under this
Act shall not, during any one term in
which it is elected, raise by by-law for
contracting debts or Loans more than $20,-
000 over and above the sums required for
its ordinary expenditure without submit-
ting such by-law or by-laws for the as-
sent of the electors.
88. The population of may county shall,
for the purposes of this Act, bo ascertain-
ed by reference to the population of the
local municipalities as shown by the last
decennial census of the Dominion of Can-
39, This Act shall not apply to the
Provisional County of Haliburton.
40, Nothing in this Act contained shall
aflaat the election of a reeve or deputy
reeve in local municipalities as provided
for by the said Mnuiorpal Act.
41. This Ad shall be road with and as
Part of The Consolidated Mnuioipal Act,
Prof. Panton, of the Guelph Ontario
Agricultural College, and Prof. Oreig,
of Ottawa, were at Piston on Saturday
to investigate the cane Shit produces a
fungus which is, affecting the vines in
this vicinity. It was first discovered in
She township of Hillier, In that county,
some four or five years ago, and eaoh
year since bas increased in the area of
the blight, and this year it bee been so
fatal that very many acme of peas have
been plowed up. Unless something can
be done to eradioate the fungus, sr at
least check its ravages, it will be a great
Iona to the 'farming nommenity in this
and adjoining oonnties. The two largo
seed houses here have poteeed enoughb
this year to produce between 300,000 and
400,000 bushels of peas, which they
°entreat to tante 90 cents to $2 50 per
bushel. I1 this sown of profitable
farming 10 destroyed, it means a orlon
loss to the farming community.
Holidays Awheel,
There is little doubt that, within the
last decade, nothing has so monopolized
publio attention as eyeling, The afties
aro thronged with whoelmon, while the
solitary country by-paths have also grown
accustomed to the whir of wheels, Not
ono nation but all countries have become
infatuated with this universal (maze, and
not men aloe° but the' fairer sex are ailke
faithful devotees of the silent steed. The
writer is but one of thousands who will
have taken, during '06, hie holidays on
the wheel, mud knowing from experience
the invigorating exerc8se, the healthful
pleasure and numerous advantages de-
rived, ho hopes that a short account of
bis ramblings may prove of interest to
other cyclists. After having given
thorough and careful attention to the
details of my machine I started for
Toronto one Saturday afbeenoon,en route
for Guelph vim Listowel, intending to
proceed from Toronto to Ohathamlby way
of Hamilton, Brantford, London, eta.
The road to Listowel being hilly and
freshly gravelled did not encourage any
fast work and even had it been the best
road in Canada it would have been • most
injudioious to attempt more than ten
miles an hour when starting on a long
trip—the best plan is to start easily and
gradually work up to sixteen miles an
hour. Well 1 rsaohing Listowel and
taking supper, the next plane of interest
was L'lmira, some twenty-five miles
ahead. I had run directly Eastward
about ten miles when the idea came to
me bleat I would like to see what pictures
King Sol was painting; before he bade us
good night, so, dismounting, I turned to
the West and was delighted with the
effsot, so rich in coloring, that met my
gaze, but as Guelph was toe be reaohed
that night I was forcibly impressed that
loitering would be inadvisable. After
another hour's hard run I name to El-
mira, whose streets were thickly thronged
with people who, having worked all week
in the fields, had come to enjoy an hour's
recreation before the day of rest would
call all men from their labors. Looking
at my watch I found it bo be nine o'clock
and 22 miles yet to be pacedbefore calling
halt for the night, and inquiring the best
way to Guelph I picked my way along
the unknown roads, which the gathering
darkness was fast making indistinct.
Just here it might be well to adcl when
riding at night the wheel requires a 'cliff.
erent handling than in the day. We
must assume more of the reckless style
and giving our steed a "free bead" we are
surprised et the obstacles passed by in
safety, which, coming over the same road
by clay, we are enabled to see. I had not
to go a great way further before the
Grand river came into view and with a
young crescent moon over my right
shoulder, a succession of almost moun-
tains on one side and the beautiful,
winding river on the other who will say
that cycling is not a delight ? The pre-
vading solitude impressed and influenced
one's thoughts to the noble and grand in
life and in Nature. The moon not yet
grown strong soon sank to rest .behind
the curtain of night, leaving the lonely
traveller with no other choice than to
"plug" au without knowing jtts1 what
would happen from the beginning to the
close of each flying minute (another of
the wheelman's joys.) Past sleeping
rustics and sleepless dogs I pushed me on
towards my destination, having previous-
ly decided to Sunday in Guelph. About
11 p, m- the lights of the city shone out
upon my way, affording au agreeable
change after the spin through the dark-
ness. The Sabbath day downed clear
and height (at least wo presume it did)
for at nine o'clock the sky was serene and
so was the individual that viewed it.
Taking breakfast about ten, I then went
for a stroll until church. time, rather en-
joying the scenery that met the vision
from several elevated portions of the city;
the stretching valleys dotted with farm
houses ; the dark vorehme of a woodland
hero and a rising mountain standing
sentinel over yonder—all were sujoyebls.
At the call of the bolls I wended my way
to Dublin street Methodist church and
attended the Presbyterian church in the
evening. After service I visited the
Model Farm in company with a fellow
wheelman, who was to return to Toron-
to the next morning. Certainly this
beautifully kopb farm is a model of neat -
nese and quite es artistic, well repaying
us for our rue out to 500 it. We retired
at an early hour and rose after the same
fashion, getting &wheel at 5 o'clock.
The road from Guelph to Toronto has an
interceding string of hills, that, to put it
moderately, makes one work to ride all of
them. We jaunted along, rather disposed
to grumble at the head wind we were
obliged to cementer, halting at George-
town for breakfast; and be it said to the
credit of that place, we never had a more
enjoyable recast during our entire trip.
On again towards Brampton and when,
within a mile of it an interesting race
took place between one of the riders and
a trotting steed ; the latter not being able
bo stand the page broke into a run and
still came out behind. As we passed
through Brampton we found Hie holiday
array iq honor of Sir Charles Tupper,
whom they were to welcome in the af-
ternoon. Cookeville was next in line and
turning here we found ourselves on the
Dundas rood, sixteen miles from Toronto.
The time was 11:15 a, m. and pushing
out at a fairly good clip we made the city
in just one hour. Here I parted com-
pany with a very congenial traveller,
each going our different way. Spent the
afternoon and night in T., which was
oerteiniy refreshing after so much riding
through the quiet country. Next morn.
ing was off bright and early, taking Den.
dos St. to Oakville, where ahearty break-
fast was partaken of. From Oakville I
reached Hamilton by what is known as
the Middle Bond, and by far the best
route for oyaliste. Did not stop over in
Hamilton but made a direst run for
Brantford, and after some hard climbing
around Hamilton and Anoaeter I pulled
into B. ab 2 p. en. I had plenty of time
for dinner and also a rest, being deimyed
001110 two hours by a rain that passing on
(Mead of me made Cho riding for the rest
Of the day somewhat disagreeable: At 4
p, m„ beeoming impatient, I walked
along with my horsefor a knife or more
and then ventured upon a road that the
rain hall left in a ticklish °audition.
The run from. Brantford to Wsodstook is
Ordinarily good, bet on account of the
recent waslr•nut one hid to take the
whole distance by a puok.your•way-pro.
oess, quite useful in developing one's.
patience, I arrived at the latter plane ab
7 p. re. and after baking supper mounted
directly, hoping to roaoh London that
night. From Woodstook to Ingersoll the
road was capital, but from there on grew
gradually worse, until the remainder of
the ride was one to be remembered, if for
nothing more but the number of die•
mounts that were unavoidable. I Damp.
ed for the night, having covered one
hundred and thirty miles, in Crumlin,
where the kind hospitality of a eoautry
inn was thoroughly appreelated by a
benighted traveller. Leaving eaely the
next morning I passed through London
before most of bhs citizens were awake
and leaving by York St. soon found my-
self on as fine a road as a wheelman
could wish, in fact the principle roads
around that portion of country are ex-
cellent in any client:ion. Passing by
Lambeth Melbourne, Strathburn etc.
you continue en to Wardsville,lwhere the
road turns abruptly to the right, leading
into Bothwell, six miles on. It is well at
this point, if one is going through to
Windsor, to twice train to Thamesville or
better shill to Chatham, and then by a
twelve mils run to Cedar Springs you
have the old Talbot street right to
Windsor, and better wheeling one could
not wish. As I had been heading for
Chatham, I reached there at the con-
venient hour of 1 p. m., which left me_
the afternoon free, and I was fortunate
in being able to report myself without
bruise or accident after a run of over
three ibnndred miles through pretty
scenery and fine farming lands, the crops
looking well, espeolally WestofEamilton.
It might be nabaral to ask here, why not
take the train instead of working one's
way through by wheel ? We would say
that the train is e. fine idea for Winter,
but in the Sommer time wheeling is far
more enjoyable, at least to the enthusias-
tic rider. In the first place there is the
independence and invigoration one feels,
also there is afforded a much better op-
portunity to view the country and to
gain passing knowledge of the cities en
route. And why not add the extreme
pleasure of going into m hoteland order-
ing the whole bill of fare, and more
astonishing still, putting it away with
ease. We would recommend a bicycle
tour for all dyspeptics and epicureans and
further will guarantee that they will find
more real pleasure in eating than they
thought possible. If one has the time to
spare a very enjoyable and interesting
trip can be planned, where poor roads
can be largely eliminated and good roads
included and as the expense in Donne°.
tion with e, week's run is comparatively
light, we will hope that many fellow
oyaliste will take their holidays °wheel
and enjoy them me I have mine.
G. D. L.
George Hogarth, well known here
took bis own life at Otter.
villa on Monday afternoon, by putting a
ballet from a revolver through his bend,
entering a little above the right ear.
When Conductor Maurice Ilushin, of
Stratford, reached Otterville Monday
evening on the home run from Port
Dover he found the little station Boase
deserted. Books, papers and money were
lying about earelessly and the agent was
no where to be found. Mr. Hushin
started for a neighboring sawmill to
make inquiries, but the people there bad
seen nothing of the missing railway man.
Sveral started clue in search and aboat
two hundred yards away he was found
dead with a revolver beside him. It was
quite evident that the unfortunate agent
had committed suicide, but why he per-
formed the rash deed is unknown, unless
from temporary insanity produced from
despondence. He had only gone to Otter.
villa the week previous but not liking the
new position he had the consent of the
Superintendent to resume his old position
at Brussels and was to return on Tues.
day. Instead of doing so in life and
health his remains were forwarded by the
brain that he would likely have Home on.
Mr. Hogarth is said to have purchased
the revolver nit 10 o'clock on Monday
morning. A post mortem was held, the
back of the head being opened for exam-
ination by the physicians and the brain
removed, but an inquest was not con
sidered necessary. George was born in
Paris, Ont., and was a 8011 Of Station
Agent Hogarth, of Kincardine, Ho was
in bis 85th year, a stout, hearty man,
weighing 235 pounds, and from his jovial
manner was the most unlikely person im-
aginable to commit so rash an act. He
was a first•olass operator and had filled
various positions in Luoknow, Ethel,
Brussels and other planes, Eleven years
ago he =tried Mies Mary E. Gill, of
Ethel, who survives him. They buried
two children. Deceased became a mem-
ber of Brussels Tent of the Maooabeee
about a year ago and was insured
for $1,000. He also belonged to the
Grand Trunk Provident Sooieby, Mrs,
Hogarth and adopted daughter were visit.
ing in Kincardine when the sad news was
wired here from Obberville and knew
nothing of it until ebe reached Brussels
on Monday's evening train. The Panoral
took plane on Wednesday afternoon, Rev.
R. Paul taking the service. The members
of the K. 0. T. ler. to the number of 43
attended and at the grave their interest.
ing burial service was conducted by Sir
Knights Wilson, Vaneton° and Gilpin.
The pall bearers were J. T.' Ross, R.
Johnston, B. Henderson, H. Jatn0e, Geo.
Best and Gordon Mooney. Mr. and Mrs.
Hogarth, parents or deosaeed ; Misses
Jessie and Belle and Arthur Hogarth, of
Kincardine ; and a brother, an operator
at Chesney, attended the funeral ae did
Mrs. Hogarth's relatives, Both Mrs.
Hogarth and J. T. Rose reoeivod lettere
from deemed on efonday, written on
Saturday, but not the slightest intima•
tion was given in these of anything being
wrong. The sad and sudden death of
Mr. Hogarth caused quite a shook to his
many old Mende in Brussels and locality.
An Otteeville correspondent of July
7th says :—George llogarth, formerly of
Brussels, and lately Grand Trunk
etabion agent here, walked into S.
Smiley's store at 0:30 a. m. yeatsrday,
bought a 82 -calibre revolver and ten
cartridgeo, went to the G. T. R, station,
and after traneaoting some business,
walked put of his office about 80 rods,
concealed himself in a tbioket near by,
and shot himself through the head. The
ball entered the right temple and took a
horizontal course till it lodged in the
skull on the opposite side of the head.
He shot himself about 10:30 a, me and
was not found till about 5 p. m., with
the revolver lying by bis aids, the one he
had boughs from Smiley in the morning.
Seven cartridges were found in has
pocket, and the other three were in the
revolver, Duo of which bad been die.
charged. Besides the above were found
$130 in money and a passbook showing
that he was a member of the 31. 0. T.
M., and that he was in good standing.
The man was an entire stranger here.
He came only last Monday to take W.
R. Fisober'e place, who had been remov
ed to Petersburg. Be was evidently
about 30 or 35 years dap, and a healthy,
robust fellow, about six feet high and
weighing about 200 pounds. His father
lives in Kincardine, having been agent
there for fourteen yeare, and in the em.
ploy of the G. T. R. for 35 years. The
brakeman on the Port Dover train was
well acquainted with Hogarth. Asked
what sort of a disposition be had, he
said : "George was one of the jolliest
fellows I ever met. He had always a
joke and a good word for everybody, and
his laugh did one good bo bear."
Otterville is & post village on Otter
Creek, township of Routh Norwioh,
sonnty of Oxford, and on the Port Dover
and Lake Huron Railway. A large
quantity of sawn pine lumber is manu-
factured here, and the plane has a con-
siderable trade in country produce.
It contains 5 churches, several grist and
saw mills, a woollen factory, matoh,
shingle, lath and cheese factories, and 1
hotel. The Agrioulanrsl Sooiety posses•
see a good pieoe of land and has erected.
thereon two buildings. The Great North-
western Telegraph Co. has an offioe there.
Distant from Woodstock, the county
town, end a station of the Great Western
Railway, 22 miles ; from Brantford, 25
miles, from Paris 28 miles. Population
about 700.
Methodist Sabbath school pia-nio on
Friday afternoon of this week.
Bev. W. T. Oluff, former incumbent,
assisted in the service of St. John's
ohuroh last Sabbath morning.
Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, and Rev.
Jno. Ross, B. A., of Melville ohuroh,
Brussels, will exchange pulpits next Sab-
Two interesting discourses were preaoh-
ed by Rev. Jnc. Ross last Sabbath, in
Melville church, on the subject of
B00. Mr. Millson, the young Methodist
preacher at Londesboro', was presented
recently with a gold watch and chain by
the young people of his circuit.
Rev. H. E. Bray, who has been for
nearly three years pastor of St. Stephen's
church, Thomasville, bae been appointed
by Bishop Baldwin to the rectory of
Exeter, and will remove in a week or
two to his new charge.
Rev. R. Davey and Mrs. Davey, of
Cheslsy, formerly of Brussels, left last
week for a trip to England, where the
former's mother still resides. Mr. Neil-
ly, student, Markdale, will officiate door•
ing Rev. Mr. Davey's absence.
Next Sabbath morning the Orangemen
of Brussels and locality will attend ser-
vice at St. John's church when Rev. W.
T. Cliff will preach to them. The mem.
bare will meet at the Orange Hall at 10.30
o'clock and march to the church at 11.
.Rev. Dr. J. Scott, for two years the
zealous pastor of Trinity Methodist
ohuroh, Berlin, formerly of Wingbam,
bade farewell to his congregation and the
Methodist ministry in Canada on Sunday
night of last week. A strikingly in-
teresting eoinoidence is that the reverend
doctor began his work as a minister in
the same church the first Sunday in July,
1868, thus filling out exactly 28 years in
the work. 8Ie is now no longer a min-
ister in Canada, but leaves with his film.
fly for Japan shortly to take charge of
the Methodist College for young men in
SaavIoxs AMMO/MD.—TIM Penton
(Mich.) Independent of July 410 has the
following words of commendation to Rev,
W. T. Clair, who is now visiting with
relatives in Brussels :—In view of the
change to talcs place in our parish, the
Vestry of St. Jude's ohuroh of Fenton,
Mich., deem it appropriate to say, that in
he paot history of our ohuroh, at no
him have we been asked to part with a
rector under such peouliar conditions of
egret as occurs in our unwilling tempt.
&nae of the resigantion of Rev. William
T. Cliff, who bas been an earnest and
uneseful worker amongst us for a period
f more than three years. On his arrival
ere a plain and rather antique ohurch
dines was need. Now by the means of
is native energies with the aid of several
very munificent gentlemen furnishing
namest aid and building talent, aided by
he untiring, noble and eminent services
of the ladies of the oburob, a modern and
eantiful ahurob has been erected that is
of only a lovely temple dedicated to the
orehip of God but is ornamental to the
lame and wo trust w311 continue in coni-
ng time to be a pleasant monument to
11 who so nobly aided in its construction.
We regard it but simple junior) to our ra-
iring Rector to say to the public) and to
hose with whom he may hereafter be
ailed upon to not that hie qualifioatione
for the pulpit are modest, ooneiliatory
nd popular with all classes, That he
as introduced some pleasant °bulges in
nm aboral entice, Ae a gentleman lie
W. H. KERR, Prop,
naturally possesses a pleasing meaner to
whiob oultivation Ilan aided lustre, and
during his cantiaued labors amongst no
the affect upon bis oharaoter in mingling
With society in aetive service for the
right, it bae had the like effoet of bar-
nisbing substances upon silver to make
his oharaoter as neighbor and citizen to
grow brighter. In the expression of our
owe sincere sense of sorrow in parting
with Mr. Cliff and family we are assured
that we also express the unanimous feel-
ing of all our citizens and wish our retir-
ing Mende a pleasant and happy future.
The Glencoe Transcript of last week
says :--Last Sunday wee the first of the
pastorate of the Rev. G. H. Oobbledink,
M. A„ B. U., in the Methodist church
here. The congregations were large at
both gorvioee, espeoially in the evening.
Rev. Mr. Cobblediek thanked the Board
for their invitation, the ladies for their
reception and all whom he bad mot for
the kindness they bad shown. He
thought there should be a feeling of
freedom between the congregation and
pastor, and' he invited their hearty co-
operation in making the thurob a suc-
cess. The morning serneon was based on
Ps. 88, 5, and dealt with "The goodness
of God held in reserve for His people."
It was treated of as goodness prepared,
goodness reserved and goodness revealed,
and expressed the speaker's faith in God,
with whish he came to them. In the
evening the text was Phil. 1, 21, "To me
to live is Christ." The subject was "The
Christian's Ideal," under whish Christ
was spoken of as his motive, pattern and
power. Both sermons were clear and
able expositiooe of divine truth, deliver-
ed without notes in an easy, platform
style, and were listened to with marked
attention by all present. The congre-
gation have decided to provide a new and
better parsonage, which will shortly be
done. Io the meantime a house has
been rented on Concession street.
Jack Grewar, of Clinton; is in town.
Mies Hattie Rogers is home from Zur-
Miss Dolly Gibson is home from
Jno. Collie, of Binevale, was in town on
Mies Ella Dunston spent Sabbath in
Mies Maggie Beattie is visiting rela-
tives et Clinton.
Mrs. Wm. Ballantyne was visiting at
St. Marys last week.
Was. Moore is spending a portion of his
vacation in Brussels.
Jas. 13allantyne was on the sick list last
week but is better again.
Miss Emily Avery is renewing old
acquaintances in Brussels.
Mrs. Austin and children, of Listowel,
are visiting Mrs. R. 11. Ross.
Miss Phoebe Code, of Trowbridge, 15
visiting her sisters in Brussels.
Frank Dennis accompanied his father
on his Manitoba trip this week.
Miss Kate Wilson, teaoher, 3s home
from Slarmora for her vacation.
Rev. T. W. Cosens, wife and son, of
Fordwiob, were in town en Thursday.
Principal Cameron was one of the pre.
siding examiners at Wingbam this week.
Mrs. Joe Ballentyns left for Petrolia on
Tuesday whore her husband holds a poli•
B. Gerry was laid up for several days
owing to running a nail into one of his
T. Bloomfield and H. Fischer have
gone to the 01d Country in charge of
Wm, Cameron, wife and daughter, have
gone on a holiday visit with friends in
the East.
Thos. Ross and wife, of Cheslsy, were
visiting with relatives here during bbe
past week.
Charlie Sager has resumed work after
a long enloroed holiday from inflamma-
tory rheumatism.
George Rogers is improving somewhat
fn health. He has been confined to bed
for the past 14 weeks.
Robbie MoXeuzie and sisters, children
of John McKenzie, are enjoying a holiday
visit with relatives at Guelph.
T. A. MaLauohlin, teacher at Bruce -
field, was presiding examiner at Hayfield
last week at the Entrance Examination.
Misses Millie Gramm: and Vera Barrett
are rusticating on the bank of the Mali -
and in Grey, with the family, of Jas.
Robt. Thomson, who has been at
London and Toronto for several months,
s in town and will take a hand at
apple barrel manufacturing.
Principal Cameron and Will. J. Stew-
art, of the Standard Bank, have gone
East on a wheeling excursion. They in -
end visiting in Glengarry County.
Robb. Ross and John A. Barnard, of
Wroxeter, wheeled over on Wednesday
fternoou to attend the funeral of the
ate Geo. Hogarth as members of the
Operator Smith, of Ripley, is now fil-
ing the position of operator and baggage
man at Brussels G. T. Ie. and may con.
inns in each position as successor to the
ate George Hogarth.
Robt. Kerr Dame home from Detroit an
Monday owing to a disabled fact, render.
d so by a out inflicted by an axe, while
putting wood. Bob was assisting in the
are of Brussels race horses.
T, A. Hawkins attended the service in
he English church, Batman, last Sab•
nth where an appropriate dimmers° was
reached to the Orangemen of that
entity by Rev, Mr. Higley, of Blyth.
Rev. S. J. Aplin mud eon Cleveland
heeled to Exeter on Tuesday evening
nd met Clark, a younger son of the rev -
rend gentleman, and Frank Ashplant,
London, a cousin. The oyoled to Brus-
els on. Wednesday forenoon.
A daring plan to rob the Bank of
Commerce in. Winnipeg was frustrated
by its premature discovery.
John Charlton, ed. P., has aniseed
suit against the New York Central Rail.
way Company for damages for injuries
0118141,1 110d at Tonawanda in Donahoe
last, from whish he has not yet recover-