HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-3, Page 8Nowis ihh0 Time "x.Irl'LE Tot" wall 4.tmoney oM the
�V yv Dett'ait reties on Dominion DAY.
4 etre
your f o
TO talf0 Bare a.. y l Vote -
oto•toes, hoop the wade down nod beep
plenty, Of earth around the Stalks,
then give the bugs n doss of our
Pure English Paris Green
Whiob will flub them 0o that they
will not feel like troubling your po.
tato vines anymore, Do not let the
13u*;e destroy yourpotatooa when you
can get Pure Paris Green at 25 cents
per pound,
That we have also a "sura cure" for
Flies. We keep a full stock of ;—
Davis' Fly Pads which sell at 50, a
packager Wilson's Polson leads,
which sell at 100. a paokage ; Intact
Powder, which sells et 5o. an ounce ;
Tanglefoot, whish sells at 5o. a don.
hie sheet. Call and get a supply,
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
GOING Soma. Goi0e Nonan.
Steil des a,m. M1xed............ 1145 a.m.
tlxnress 11:59 a.m. 'Mixed..
12:54 p.m,
ttsxed 0:00 p.m, Express 9:49 p.m,
rug at.C11t;5 gferLa,
A ahiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pront it.
NEw potatoes.
Tan Pon is headquarters for news.
Gooscm meeting next Monday ever'ing.
READ the District News on page 6 of
this issue,
A Timmer pie•nie is talked of by the
Odd Fellows of this section.
Musses. CLEee & DAonsa shipped a oar
of cattle from Brussels on Thursday.
Tin horse races announced for July
13th at Brussels have been postponed.
Bsosssoa horses are in Detroit this
week. Pas. O'Leary attended the races.
A. Naw sign has been painted on the
North side of McKey & Co's. hardware
Tae town flag floated prondly in the
breeze from the school house flag staff
on Dominion Day.
THERE was a white frost on Monday
night but no damage of any consequence
was done to fruit, vegetables or flowers.
Tin brickwork at the enlargement of
the Leckie Block is well advanced. T'he
carpenters have the roofs ready for the
tar and gravel.
A LABOR number of Brnsselitas took in
the Epworth League pis-nic in Mrs.
Brown's grove, near Cranbrook, on
Dominion Day.
A Nutman of Brusselites attended the
wedding of Miss Searle to Russell Rich.
mond, Morrie, on Tuesday evening of
this week. They report a very pleasant
Tim eleotrio light will take a Summer
holiday until about September let. With
the stores closing at 7 p. m. and long
aaylight the light will not be missed dur•
ing the next two mouths.
A Seaman joker rang the fire alarm
the other night. The town offers a re-
ward of $20 for the conviction of the
party. It has been hinted that a few
Brussels youths were quite anxious to
play the same game last week. If so it
would be well for them to take the above
hint of the risk they run for their foolish-
TILE Grand Trunk has issued a volume
of pen and sunlight sketches of scenery,
reached by the railway, and also a goide
to the fishing and hunting resorts on the
system. Both books contain a vast
amount of useful information to those
who are desirous of spending an enjoy.
able holiday, and are at at a lose where
to go. Tun PosT acknowledges the re.
oeipt of the books.
Sorrow, Ar'i'AIne.—The Trustee Board
wrestled with the choice of a teacher for
the Department vacated by Miss Linton,
last Monday night, until after 11 p. m.,
without arriving at a decision. There
were 50 applicants, hut the first ballot
reduced the number to 5. The split on
the Board was between Mies Simpson,
Prow teaching at New Hamburg, and Mrs. i
N. M. Richardson, of Grey. Messrs. D.
O. Ross, Konig and Dennis stood for the
former and Dr. Graham, Rev. J. Ross
and A. Heid for the latter. Neither side
appeared disposed to yield, so a oom-
promiee was arrived at by whish the
facto of tie case were submitted to the
inspector for decision. Many ratepayers
think there should bo more Dome and go
on the Board and that business should be
transacted by the Board without re-
course to outside parties.
PEEslNTATION.—Monday evening, in
c0nneetion with tbe Methodist congre-
gational social welcoming Rev. S. J.
r&liin, an address was read to N. B. Ger-
ry by H, R. Brewer, after which Mies E.
101, Kerr presented him with aline mantle
8 day cloak, with bronze ornament. The
following was the address :—
To N. R. Gerry :
Con football team was defeated et th
err t
C, t]e to anameut on Wednesdn ',
Tint Fal es ' y
1a iw Will t
as I Ue
a l gln n llnr0
CO. 0n B„pt 14th before Jadge'Roberteou
G. A. Da0001Aoe has already lifted 9,90
pounds of limey :gems hle busy bees thl
A law floor and front were put in
Deadman re MoOa11's drag etore tbie
Bowes=rs Orangemen and Fife' and
Bruin Baud will go to Listowel on July
]8th. The 12t11 comes on Sunday tllie
PnlNorctt CAUEuos reoeived a tomb of
poison Ivy Met week while botaoizing In
the woods which bite proved somewhat
ANnnzw Ouun1E's bright bay horse,
usually on the,bubeber delivery cart, died
on Thursday from Lymphingitis, It
took sick on Wednesday,
II, WILLIAMS cis Soar hey° lipase cleaned
the interior of their livery barn and by
whitewash, print and water have every•
thing as tidy as possible.
TDM three lady teachers took the
pupils of their respective departments
for a ramble in an adjacent woods on
Monday afternoon. It was heartily en-
Tuella ie n law against permitting
noxious weeds to grow along the roads
and lases. Now is the time to put men
at work if lbs nuisance of a crop of seed
is to be avoided.
LAST Monday's Toronto Globe says:—
Dr. Macdonald had a hard fight in East
Huron, but he won, and a useful and
sterling representative goes down to the
stew Parliament.
DON'T swear and revile the season be-
cause you have to barber the lawn. Re-
member you did the same thing a few
mouths ago when l on had to shovel snow
off the sidewalk.
Tues. Pi:rrnn will offer the brick build-
ing now used as a barracks by the Sal.
vation Army, John street, for sale by
nubile auction on Saturday, July 18th, at
3 p m There is Ltth of an aors of land
M connection.
"BEDDr,” the property of Ben. Dunlop,
Brassie, won 1st money in the 2.28 trot
at St. Thomas Last friday. He took the
1st, 2nd and 5th heats, in a class of seven.
"Little Tim.," driven by R. Roche, Bra.
eels, won 2nd place in the 2,29.pacing
race the same day. "Maple Leaf" did
not start in any races at St. Thomas.
`l'. )Fz.ETcunu has rooeived a beautiful
line Of China supe, aencers and pletea
e from. Germany ort wnieh is painted it
! I'd
e anCt {04af. a Preemie o f l to sols u 1]0 shoo!.
p P
U s ..
u SEsyzD Hint 1tit,u'r.—Last Saturday
0 evening a representation of the busivase
mon of Bruesele waited upon George
Hogarth, the genial and aoaotntnodabing
operator and baggage man, and after Cleo,
Best bad read the following addrese Jae,
Ross presented him with a comfort.
able, Maly upholstered platform rocking
chair and a puree containing a nice ensu
Of . mousy :
To Geo. Flopaetlt
DEAR FRIIIS n,—We learn wall regret
that you are about to sever your 0onneo•
Non with us, and we feel that we cann00
bid you farewell without expressing our,
eorrow that the pleasant relation whish
have exidtedbetween us, both business
and Sooial, are about to terminate and
expressing our best Melia for your future
euooses.and happiness. In the name of
the Madness men of Brusssie we asst you
to aocept this obair as a token of our
sineere regard for you, and we hope you
will long be spared to enjoy a peaceful
hour yvitbinits arms, Signed on behalf
of persona mentioned above,
Ono. Bose,
JAS. Ross.
Bruaeele, June 27, '96.
Dlr. Hogarth, although taken by surprise,
replied eloquently and appropriately,
thanking the donors for their many note
of kindness, this being the drowning one.
Monday's noon train conveyed Mr.
Hogarth from Brussels en route to his
new appointment as agent at Otterville,
whore his many old friends here wish
bim euooass, Few towns are blessed
with a more a000mmodating staff of
railway officials than Brueeels, and not a
few will regret that Mr. Hogarth has re-
moved from. town, although expressing
their hearty approval at his deserved pro.
motion. Mrs. Hogarth will remain in
Brussels for a short time yet.
DELAYED Smoot, PDND.—In a circular
issued by the Education Department,
dated June 12th, the County Public
Sobool inspectors were directed to ap.
portion the Legislative school grant as
early as possible in June. Acting on
this order the grant was apportioned on
June 28rd, en that in many oases the
tenchers would get the grant before va-
cation, but owing to neglect somewhere
the necessary funds have not yet been
received by the township treasurers.
(1. 0. F.—The following are the offi-
cers for Court Princess Alexandria No.
0. R., Jas. Shurrie ;
V. C. R., Jesse Wilbee ;
F. S., A. Koenig ;
R. S., W. Smith ;
Tress. W. Blasbill ;
Chaplain, J. W. Blashill ;
S. W., ,Tno. Shurrie ;
J. W. Ches. Ritobie ;
S. B., J. Wilbee ;
J. B., N. Platt;
Pbys., Drs. MoKelvey and Graham.
Tir•. STANDARD BANx.—The annual
meeting of the directors of the Standard
Bank of Canada was held in Toronto on
June 17th. The report presented for the
year's work was satisfactory in every par-
ticular. It shows that the usual half -
yearly dividends of four per tient. each
have been paid, and 925,658.34 carried
forward to credit of profit and loss ac-
count, making tbe balance of that ac-
count now $50,121.95. The bead office
end agenoiee had been carefully inspected
during tbe year, and the directors had
pleasure in stating that the various offi-
cers of tale bank have performed their
respective duties to their entire satisfac-
tion. The following direotor's were re.
elected for the ensuing year •—'FV. F.
Cowan, John Burns, W. F. Allen, F.
Wyld, A. J. Somerville, T. R. Wood and
Jae. Scott, and at a subsequent meeting
of the board W. F. Gowan was re-elected
president and John Burns vine -president.
Brussels Braneb of this Bank ie ander
the capable management of J. A. Stew-
FAnnwrr.L To Mns. AMTS.—The
Amherstborg Echo of June 20th says :—
The Ladies Aid of Wesley Methodist
church met at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. David Wigle last Monday evening,
not for the transaction of business, but
n honor of Mrs. (Rev.) S. J. Allin, who
had bean invited there to spend the ama-
in,. When all were seated, Mrs. Wigle
stepped forward and read an address
with which was presented a token of
esteem. Though Mrs. Allis was oum-
pletely surprised she made a brief, ap-
propriate reply, expressive of appreci-
ation of this mark of regard, and asaur.
ing those present that she would always
retain pleasant memories of the three
yearn spent here. An hour or two were
spent with oonvareation and music, ice
cream and cake being served meanwhile.
The following is a copy of the address
presented :—
To Mrs. (Rev.) S. J. Allis.
DEAR Pnniin.—We, the members of the
Ladies' Aid Society of the Wesley Metho-
dist church, cannot allow you to depart
from our midst without endeavoring in
some way to express appreciation of the
noble womanly qualities yon bare exhibit-
ed while with us. Your services, so wil-
lingly and cheerfully given when any
entertainment was being prepared for
and the marked mouse attending your
efforts in training children will cense us
to mise you greatly when similar work
must he undertaken in the future. In
time of sorrow you have proved to be a
true sympathizer, in fact under all
circumstances you have shown a spirit
of patience and forbearance and a dis-
position to snake the beat of things,
wbioh we are desirous of imitating. We
hope tbat in your new home, true friends
will welcome and appreciate yourself and
husband. We trust that God will spare
you many years to, your family and to
hie cause, wherever your lot may be cast,
When the activities of life are over and
all must give mount of the things done
bare, may we each bear the Master say
"Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord"
and thus have reunion where parting
Will be unknown.
Signed, on behalf of the Aid,
Mee, CHvnonnm, President,
Mite. Jonttso0a, Secretary.
Amherstburg, June 22nd, 1896.
DEAR Finrow Wonxea,—A very pleas.
ant duty falls to the lot of the members
of the church choir and Sabbath Sobool
offices and teachers of Brussels Metho-
dist church this evening in expreesing
our hearty congratulations to youreelf
and highly esteemed bride. We take it
for granted that this is also a fitting time
to show our appreciation of your willing,
earnest and faithful service in the choir,
Sabbath reboot end other departments of
church work. While not expecting you
to desist on account of : ' ing into double
llamas, we ask your a,.eptanae of tbie
mantle cloak as a small indication of the
good feeling we have for you. We hope
that the hours, as they are ohimed by the
clods, will bring to your home and bad-
ness much of happiness and prosperity,
both temporal and spiritual, and that by-
and.bye, when time shall be no more, we
may all be counted worthy to enjoy a
home with our Great Captain, to crown
Him Lord of all.
Mr. Gerry made a suitable reply for him-
self and bride, returning thanks for the
clock:. He not only singe in the ohoir,
but is President of the League and a
teacher in the Sabbath school.
Business Locals.
PunE English Paris green. McKay &
Ion for sale, delivered at your home.
Apply to W. Leatherdale.
CLoynaand timothy seed for sale.
Backer & Vanatone.
ROLLED oats end all kinds of mill feed
for sale at Rosa' mill, Brussels.
Pnon dressings of all kinds on hand
both for blank and ban colored.
I. 0. Ricbarde.
A emu line of tangy dusters on hand,
all sold at alum rnargine. I. 0. Richards.
AoIEnICAN binder twine, half a Dent
per lb. diaper than Canadian twine, at
MoKay & Oo'e.
FLoun ! norm! Manitoba patent, Man-
itoba mixture, or straight Outario, best
in the market, for sale at Ross' mill.
lIAnL's Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and maks your head clear as
a bell. 25 ote., 50 as. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
A BrumNnrn range of ,men's women's
and children's shoes on hand. Call and.
see them no matter if you do not buy,
we will be pleased to have you see them.
I. 0. Rioharda.
Cour:,—I am prepared to supply any
quantity of stove or furnace coal. All
orders will be promptly attended to at
Wilton & Turnbull's stove and tinware
store, Brussels, or on application to Wm.
s SnmoH'S Care, the great cough and
croup mire, le in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25
cents. Children love it. Sold by Jas.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
REatsoiae Boma—Machinery, biopsies,
]awn -mowers, scissors, implemonta and
all kinds of tools sharpened and
put in order at reasonable prices
for spot cash by saw filer T. McGregor,
of Brussels, Queen St. East.
Ounrsas.—Any one desiring carpets
will do well to call at tie Brussels Wool.
en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
have the largest assortment of samples
ever shown in this locality, ranging in
price from 300. to $1.00. Rows & CO.
BINDER TWINE.—A large quantity of
American twine in stook, quality batter
and prices lower than any Canadian twine
in the market. A combine has advanced
the priors of Canadian twine about 12140.
A word to the wise is sufficient. Call and
see our Crown brand, American Sheaf
and absolutely pure manilla.
Ma2AY & Co,, Brussels.
PAINTTNo, &o.—The undersigned, hav-
ing entered into partnership, are proper.
ed to do all kinds of work in the following
linea :—Plain and ornamental painting,
kalnomining, frescoing, paperhanging,
sign•writing, &c., &e. Remember our
motto, "Firut.olass work and reasonable
charges." S'rEa'ART & RITCHIE,
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wella cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 34-tf
FLOtt•Ene AND PLANTA.—Tbos. Kelly,
florist, Brussels, baa a rare and beautiful
collection of flowers and plants this sea-
son end is in a better position than ever
to gait the public. He will also have the
usual range of garden plants, each as
celery, &o., &o. If you require
anything in this line oall on or write Mr.
Kelly. Plants for sale at Geo. Thomson's
THE BEST RECOMMEND. --The heat re-
commend a bicycle can have is the num.
ber of Gales made. A. °mislay, agent tor
the well-known Brantford, has made the
following sales this season already :—
W. E. Armstrong, teacher, Brussels
Arthur Wake, Brussels ;
Mr. Shia's, Grey ;
Rev. G. H. Oobblediok, Brussels ;
Colin McArthur, Brussels •,
Wm. McDonald, Molesworth ;
John Rao, teacher, Mollillop ;
W. J. Ronal], Brussels ;
71. J. Burkholder, Drayton ;
Sydney Bolger, Morris ;
R. A. McKee, teacher, MoMillop.
Miss Tilly Lofton, Wroxeter,
Rev. W. 3. Waddell, Ethel ;
J. Haokwell, MoKil]op.
3. A. Stewart, Brussels.
Geo. Coates, Cranbrook,
R. Leatherdale, Bromide.
J. A. 11f0Kee, McKillop.
Wm. McArter, Walton.
Mies Thuell, Morrie.
The "Red Bird" gime great satisfaction.
A stook of wheels always on hand, both
new and second hand. A. Oooswry,
Agent, Brusaeie.
AJ24XIM.I.k .A .9.14✓Y.1C Q.•F' Cv X5ff,D4,
,x x
HRA ..
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars)$7q,009,000'
Q4PI2QL (4nthorized) 02,000,000
dipenofet lo all,ilrincipai pinto in' Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Unitecb States cC JMplanri.
1° fsa& lb$ ' 4tr.t3dlt'P ii,
A General Banking Business Taauspoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on alb points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $7.09 and Upwards from dot of deposit to date of
withdrawal and o0mpounded half' yearly.
Sonoror. 0.TTENTroN Mali TO Tun CorLSOTtoN ar PARAMUS' SALLA NOM..
Every faoility afforded Customers living at a dfetenoa,
Dine. T. S. ITAwicxgp, Ohattenooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh'° Vitalizer "saved
any NM." I consider it the bast remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever need,"
T'or dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it.
excels. Prion 75 oto, Sold by Jas. Fox,
moms= _
KNne0TEL,—At Lambton Mills, on June
27th, the wife of Mr. Thos. leneohtel
• of a eon.
Mann.—At Port Elgin, on Juno 17th, the
wife of Dr. Marr of a daughter.
Logogram—In Detroit, ADM., on June
29th, the wife of itIr. W. J. Long-
man of a daughter.
fi2linori—Moaroorgens.—At the residence
of the bride, on June 24th, by the
Rev. W. E. Karr, Mr. George R.
Herron, o1 Millbank, to Mies Mar-
garet Montgomery, of Wroxeter.
RIORSIOND—SEAELE.•—In Morrie, at the
residence of the bride's father, on
June 80th, by Rev. D. Forrest, Mr
Russell Richmond to Miss Sarah H.,
second daughter of Mr. John Searle,
all of Morris.
SOOTT.—In Morris, on July 2nd, Jane,
beloved wife ofRobt Scott, 4th line,
aged 75 years. Funeral Saturday
at 1:30 o'clock, interment. at Oran -
KINoaLEY.—In Wingham, on ,Tune 20th,
Richard Kingsley, aged 84 years and
9 months.
DOUBLEDAY.—In Wingham, on Thursday,
June 25th, George Edward Double-
day, youngest child of Wm, Double-
day, aged 7 years, 9 months and 8
MonnreoN —In Listowel, on June 22nd,
Nellie Morrison, aged 28 years.
osn z ossrn.os a¢.A.rgaacs.
Fall Wheat............ 58 00
Barley. 25
Peas 42
Oats .. 10 17
Butter, tubs and rolls ... 10 11
Eggs per dozen 8
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes 10 15
Hay per ton 7 00 7 00
Hides trimmed 4 41
Bides rough 3 8}
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each . 60 70
Lamb skins each 15 40
Apples per bus 1 00
Hogs, Live 3 60 3 70
Wool 18
DAMS MAIMETo. —Montreal—Cheese 6c
to 7o, Butter—Townships, 12c to14c;
western, llo to 13c. New York—Butter
steady ; state dairy, 100 to 15c ; do.
creamery, 11}c to 15ko ; western dairy,
Oa to 12c ; do., creamery, 1110 to 1510 ;
do., factory, Se to Ile ; Elgius, 151o.
Cheese steady ; state large, 5c to 39c ;
do., small, Sic to 7c ; part skims, 910 ;
full, 11c to 2c.
EAST BpsI'Ar,o, June 29.—Cattle—Re-
ceipts, 120 cars ; the market ruled fairly
native for all offerings of a desirable qual-
ity ; choice fat smooth steers, $4.30 to
$4.40 ; fair to good steers, 93.60 to $3.85 ;
choice smooth fat steers, $8.05 to $3.00 ;
fair to good butchers' sows, $2.85 to $8.35;
common old cows, $2 to 92.65. Hogs—
Receipts, 45 cars ; market very slow ;
Yorkers, fair to choice, $3.60 to $3.65 ;
rough, common to good, $2.90 to $3.15 ;
pigs, good to choice, $3.00 to $3.65. Shoop
and lambs—Receipts, 45 cars ; market
fairly active ; lambs, good to choice, $4.50
to $5.25 ; culls and common, $2.50 to
$8.75; sheep, good to Moine handy weight
wethers, $4.15 to $4.25 ; mulls and nom•
mon, $1 to $2.75.
Magnum, Tune 29.—Business was very
slow at the east end abattoir this moru-
iug, and uo sales of any importance were
recorcded. Receipts and prices were as
follows :-450 cattle at 2a to 8M0 ; 500
calves at $1 to $8 ; 500 sheep an'd lambs
at 90 to 4c for lambs, and $2 to $5 for
TonoNTo, June 29th,—Market quiet.
Flour dull ; prices easy, at $8.25 to $3.30,
Toronto freights, for straight rollers.
Bran dull ; ears unchanged, at $9 west,
and shorts, $10. Wheat dull ; heavy
buyers hold off, and there is no specula-
tion in Ontario grades ; red quoted at 630
outside, and white, 66c, Toronto freights ;
No. 2 hard, 650 to 60c, Toronto freights.
Barley dull ; no demand ; No. 2 quoted
at 810 to 82c, and No. 3 extra at 20o to 80c.
Oats heavy; demand moderate, and offer-
ings liberal ; sales of white made at l9c
outside ; mixed quoted at 180 to Rio.
Peas—Tho market quiet and prices nom.
inally unchanged, at 95e, north and west.
Buckwheat quiet ; no business reported ;
quotatione nominal, at 82o outside. Oat-
meal quiet ; prices nominal, at $2.60 to
$2 05 on track. Corn dull ; prices easy ;
yellow quoted ab 2010 to 270 outside.
Jl. Fil'stmurtgago, farm soouriby. Apply
at. THE POST Publiehing House, Brussels.
Lon SALE,—Lots 220 aid. 221, Queen at.
Terme raaeonab1e toa oath pusahaser. Ap-
ply on the premises or to
Volunteer's Attention 1
The Brussels Volunteer Company will go
lets camp in June neat, A11 mon wishing to
arrtiiaeals, or toy 10 g$. to
S,,.Capto n
E11AL house work, Liberal WOOS 00 a
salable person. Apply at itXIATHODTST
PARSONAGE, Brussols.
Works on Juno 12th, a $100,00 Bank of
Comiet'oo note. Linder on rotoritingearn°
will be gratefully rewarded.
or Estero of T, T.. Colouan.
N. B.—Public 18 warned against receivinga
bill correspondingto above.
For Sale by Pnblio I nction,.
The nuderaignod has instructed P, S. Scott.
to offer by Public Auction, tet the QUEEN'S
HOTEL, BRUSSELS, ort Saturday. July
18th, at 8 0 0100k, the briok building now
need as a Barraska by the Ar,u7John area,
Brussels, nucore of land. Phe monthly
rental reoeiveo 15 53. I'or further partiou
lags apply to THOS. PEPPER,01.8 Proprietor.
sale and to ren easy terms, ind.TPownsltipps
of Morris and Grey, P S. SCOTT,Bxusaola
acres—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 700
and 8th Concessions, Township of Grey, be -
in 1 mile from the Village of noel and
es from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall wheat
sown and about SO eons under grass; 00
acres cleared on mob. Perms of payment
easy. 84- A. MCIIELVEY, M, I).,
—180 aeree ofLAND goodFJR farm lend at
Springfield, 3 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at. a low price. The property is
North East t See. 10, Twp, 11, Stange 4, East.
There is a house on the premises and some
breaking done. For fail particulars as to
price, title, &e., write or apply to
20-tf Brussels, Ont.
'Undersigned will steep for ser1lee on
Lot 20, Con. 8, Morris, the thoro' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from J. N7, Brothour's sweepstakes sow
at Chicago Fair. 'Forms, x1.00 to bo paid
inecsPgeie f of service
ed remaybsre-
on application.
uudorstgnod wlil hoop for service on
Lot 80, Con. 0, Monte, the thorn' -bred Large
English Berkahtre Boar, Captain 'John,"
His mother is a full sister to .the tet prize
sow at the World's Pair. Pedigree will be
be paid at d time of leervies with rprivlluge of
returning if necessary.
14•tlm JAS, 8PEIR, Proprietor,
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 27. Con. 4, Morris, the there' bred Tam-
worth boar,"King George," purchased from
H. George &Sone, who got first prize for
their herd at Guelph Pat ,Stook Show. The
dam of "Trig George" won drat prize at tho
Show, Loa don England, H13 Sirotwaa im-
lronted and wolghed 750 Ihs, Terms 31.00 to
bo paid at time of seryloo wlth prtvioge of
xeturefng if necessary. Pedigree may be
aeon on application.
40.tl Proprietor.
Ancient Order of United Workmen,
This Benevolent and Fraternal
Society is the Oldest and
Strongest of the kind in
Each member secures to bis family, at his
death, 5:,000.00 or 03,000.00, at his option,
The yearly assessment on the former is only
S10.00 and on the latter 58.00, on good
bealtbl'men between the agog of 41 and 10
years. A largo lodge is 1i operation in Brus-
sels. Why not Join yourself and secure for
your family, in ease of your befog selled
away, a handsome sum for their support 5
ROBT. ARMSTRONG, M, SV,; \V. H, t1El014,
Recorder; J. A. CRE1GHTON,Finanoier,
undersigned will keep for sorvioe on
Lot 23, Con. 0, Morris, the there' bred Dur-
ham bull,"Lord Lorne," —10903,-, Pedigree
may be seen on application. Terms, $1,00 to
insure but cows must be returned regularly
if neon Geary.
JAMES SH'Unmllt,
47.4 Proprietor.
If you contemplate brooding 00 )a Jersey
use the best you nu get. You may have.
ever so good a dam but if the bull is not
from a eat good milluug fference amongst Jerseys,
and there is a
will be disappointed with your steak I you
to keep the best, If yott pay 500. extra for
grades you can return until you got a heifer
calf, G, A. DEADMAN ,
Dxaggist, Brussels,
Honor Graduate Toronto IIntvereity,
Lioeotiate Royal College' Dental Surgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a, specialty. Moder•
i ar Fees.
barber shop, aotionAssured. 8mt., over
1/ • Honor Graduates of the Ontario, THOS. A. HAWKI'NS,
Veterinary College, is prepared. to treat all Organist in 8t, John's Church, anis-
diseases of dImestlsated animals in a nom- sole, will gave loosens to rosins either on
potent manner, Pal'ttettier attention paid plana or organ, at his. Mesio Boom, opposite
tended to. Gahm and (nermary—•Faur doom (,Ivou. Ton years experience in toasting,
north of bridge '1!ernberry et., Brunei.
to vTerme veterinary dentistry, Calls promptly at. the poet-iderallae, Bto,ruaeele, Vocal leasanealso
Jura'. 3, 1896
Insect' Powder,
Wilson's Ply Pads,
Davis' Fly Palls, '
Chloride of Lime,..
Little's ,Soluble Phone •lo,
Crude Carbolic .Acid for Horn
Flies oil Cilttle.
Pure PaziT Greens,
25c. per lb.
It pays to use the best, it's
the only kind we keep and we
guarantee every pound to give
entire satisfaction or money
cheerfully refunded.
Don't forget the place,
Fox's Drug Slue.
o Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. Oiilee—Vanstouo'sBlook, Brus-
sels. 21-8m
• Belief tor, 0onveyaneer,Notarypub-
tie, &o. Os]oe—Vanstone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel. Private Funds to
11,1• G. aCrrAtMrERON,
iordi&0amorou,1lBarrister and Solicitor, Clesrol,
Ont. Othoo—Hamilton St., Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, &o. pato of Gamow &
Proudfoot's Office, Goderieh.) office over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
es conduct
ed on Licensedereasonable terims, Farms and farm
stoic s specialty. Orders left at Tun PosT
Publishing House,Bru mole, or sent to Walton
P. O., will receive prompt attention.
bettor 0151, in assllfor bettor time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged at this °dice
or by personal application.
C. M., L. R, C.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P
8. Ont. Residence and aloe in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste.
Physician, Surgeon Aocoucber, ate,
Faculty, Mte ember Toronto
and Surgeons, Out, Dison—Next door to
McDonald & Co,, Walton out.
^^^ssst'333p---`T H. MOORACKEN,
V Y • Ismer of Marriage Licenses. OOloe
at his Grocery, d)urnborry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladios'and ebiidrone hair cutting a speoialty
Savings Bank takes Deposits from
31,00 to $1,000 and allows St per pent.
ihtorest. T. FARROW,
87.8m Postmaster.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Orman AT JEwirny Sean.
ta'No, Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels.
sDRANOE 00. Established 1843, In-
suranaes effected on. all Town and Farm
Property at very low rates,
12.3m Agent, Brussels,
Clerk of rho Fourth, Division Cour
Co Huron, Convoyaneer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Laurence Agent. Funds
innestod and to loan, Collections made
OIBoo in Graham's B look, Brueeola.