HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-3, Page 4A CARD I FALLOW ELECTORS,— ' tae the smoke of the poll. tioal battle of the 28rd of dune has passed away, allew me bq.opndratelate you upon the magnificent victory of the Liberal party in East Upton and tiareughout the Dominion. We have great reaspu to rejoice at the triumph a Liberal priuoi• plea under the wise and prudent leader. ship of the lion. pVilfrid Laurlor.We new look with confidence to a eagaoious admiuiobration of public again: in the interest of all glasses and conditions of men, For your faithfulness to myself personally I thank you most oordially and sincerely, It will be my higbeat am- bition to aerva you to Ilia best of my humble ability and to keep constantly be. fore me the greatpan:Aplee of Liberalism wbiob our fathers fought to establish. I remain years Sincerely, DR. P. MAODONALD. New Advertisements. Exoureione—G, T. It. Card—Dr. P. Macdonald. Pink Pills—Dr. Williams. Motion sale—Thos. Pepper. Binding twine—N. <b N. Gerry. System Renovator—Dr, McLeod. Paris Green—Deaman & Mooail. Girl wanted—Methodist Parsonage. Ely,t xitsszis Cr St FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1896. Ma. Demmer, Liberal, was elected in Algoma on Tuesday by a good majority. The standing of the different parties will not be very pertain until a number of re• counts aro held. Hon. Mr. Laurier will be ready to proceed with the formation of his Cabinet ae soon as Sir Charles Tupper vaoates. Mn. Lein has intimated that owing to the short Summer session of Parlia- ment the question of revising the tariff will not be taken up and will consequent. ly remain as at present until next year. It ie hinted that several portfolios in connection with the Cabinet may be abolished and thereby ourtail expense in the way of salaries. Donneov Parliament is supposed to meet on Wednesday, July 15th. The ses- • cion will be one marked with particular and peculiar interest owing to the change in Governments and the questions of moment Hon. Wilfrid Laurier and his supporters will have to deal with. We believe prudence, economy and states- manship will mark the career of the Lib- eral administration and we expect the pledges made to the electorate will be conscientiously carried out. Numerous Conservative papers have already com- menced their attacks on the Liberals and are taking special pains to show their spleen in all that concerns Quebec and the Roman Catholic faith, whereas two weeks ago these same newspapers were worshipping at this very shrine. They are great at the somersault business. Ownoe to Sir Oliver Mowat going into the Dominion Parliament there will necessarily be a re -construction of the Ontario Cabinet. lion. A, S. Hardy will in all probability be the next Premier. For the vacant portfolio we have much pleasure in nominating Hon. W. D. Bal. four, of South Essex. He is a gentleman of undoubted ability, large experience and good judgment and has fairly won bis spurs. His influence is everywhere acknowledged as a painstaking, eloquent Liberal whose name has always been spoken of as a likely one when a vacancy M the Cabinet moaned. The Govern- ment will make no mistake in taking Hon. W. D. Balfour into the inner circle as he will do bis part so well as to reflect credit on himselt and honor to the party be has so faithfully served in the years gone by. IN several cases we notice some Con- servative manufaoturere are playing a fake game to suit existingoironmstanees, notably London, in dismissing employees and threatening to close their manufae. tories because the High Protectionists were knocked out on Tnesday of last week. Had they waited a few months until the Liberals had assumed the reins of power there would be some senee per. haps in trying this role but the dodge is too gauzy just now to deceive anybody. There is more capitalinvested in tbie country by Liberals in manufacturing industries than by Conservatives and snob men as Frost & Wood, Livingston Bertram and scores of others are as anxious for the 51100055 of this country and its industries as those fellows who are weeping or000dile tears to nabob the workingman's vote in the prospeotive bys. elections. Coercion, such as was prao. tided by Some of these N. P. Orme on and before June 28rd„bad fie effect but the time for repeating the dose bas gone by and the great Liberal train isn't going to bank up or side track their ideas to run alongside of their selfieh platform. Here is what Mr. Gurney, a leading and well. known reannfaotnrer sage in speaking of the situation r—"We have not °hanged in any way our plans far the future,. Two or three reports have oome to ue f rom the denary that we intend to close down for 09 days, Of course there is not the bast foundation Rev acaob statements. Oar travellers are in, and they report a very good feeling among our auebonaers tllroegltoab the oaontey, The tariff nn•. gnestionably requires sees revision, he declared, There ere fuequalitiee and in. juetiees which should be remedied, .and wbiob mob have been remedied what. over Government was in power. There are duties en raw maberiele wbiob are higher time the duties upon tbs finished articles which they go into. I have re, peabedly pointed sono of these out to the Government. * * For myself, end you. may quote me a saying it, I me t 110 reason .for appreheueion, and I enter- tain no apprehension with regard to the ohanges wbiob Mr. Laurier is likely to make." PQLI DIOAL, CLIPPINGS F11051 THE I'SOESS, Sir 11. G, Joly de Lotbiniere is an cession to the House. Sutherland's majority will be 1,500 Sir Richard Cartwright's 000. Of all the Cabinet Ministers, Mont alone inoreased his majority. Hent (N. B,) the riding wbiob 13 Mr. Poster left for safer quarters, sen Liberal. Hon. J. W. Longley couldn't win Annapolis, and lost one of the Lib leets, The Patron leaders, Mallory Leckie Wilson, fell with their follow Carecallen, the Conservative-eleot North Hastings, is a pledged MaCart ite. Ouimet's riding went down in cyclone and Laurxer'a friend holds down. Clarke Wallace heads the list of m jorities and Mr. Laurier gets see place, The Ministers who are beet= are M srs, Dickey, Angers, Taillon and D jardins, The Liberals grieve over the defeat Martin, Mills, Hyman, Tarte and Pat son. The Catholics in Ontario seemed respect that mandsmenb more than tho in Quebec. The Liberals captured two seats by three•coxnered fight, East Lambton East Hastings. McCleary and Clancy both oapeur seats, after being defeated in the lam ridings in the Local Legislature. ' The Government lost six seats in N Scotia, which is not a good proof Tupper's popularity in the East. In the only four•cornered fight b tween the four,parties, the Liberals w This was in Wellington Center. The only province in which the Go erumeut did not lose was Prince Edwa Island, where one seat was added. Mackie, who defeated. Hon. Pete White, is a millionaire, Sir Oliver Mowat received the return over a private wird at his resident Needless to say, he was delighted. Ellis, the victor in St. Johns, is edito of the St. Johns Telegraph, A few yea ago he served a term an jail for common ing on the actions of a judge, There hasn't been an election i Frontenao for the last 15 years. In 180 Calvin went in by acclamation and 1880 Kirkpatrick also went in by acola nation. Kingston, Sir John A. Macdonald's of constituency, has shown its disapprove of the arbitrary conduct of his successor A. by giving a Liberal majority of 175. T. Wood,the seniorReform m f em her -elect for Hamilton, is in London Eng., he not having left for home befor this owing to the illness of his wife. R. L. Richardson, the conqueror o Lisgar, is editor of the Winnipeg Tribune He will probably lead the Liberals in th West until Martin recovers Winnipeg. Messrs, Davis, Masson, McKay, Me Dougall, Metcalfe and Baker, member of the late House of Parliament, received Government positions. Every one o their ridings turned over to the Liberals The Toronto World thinks it was a earthquake that struck the Government Tho Si. Marys Journal sings about i in this fashion : The voting's done, The fight is won, Unyielding, cruel, flinty, And some have got The places sought And some are with McGinty, South Wellington, a strong Protestant nsbituency, elected Christian Klcepfer, German Boman Catholic remedialist, footing James Innes, of the Guelph emery, a Presbyterian anti-remedialiet. In Centre Wellington both the Patron d the Mc0arthyibe candidates lose their Oposits. Itis said there were more spoiled bol- ts in this election than in any previous e. Mr, Laurier had the magnificent ma• rity of 2,250 in his constituency, East The Grits put a head on the Govern. ant, but it hasn't got its Million.. John Ross Robertson has left for New ork, to leo his two sons on their way to ngland, Sir Charles is not egotistical enough w to say "I did it.” Sir Charles seems to have got it on e I. The Kinoardine Review says :—Ib may four years and it may be forever. In Quebec Laurier won the race be. ease of his race. Respectfully do we accept Judge imet's declaration that "Quebec can mmand," The Government wanted to got Quebec d they got it—in the neck. The defeat of Billy Paterson, the bis - it manufacturer, was a cracker, Tho Grits had their committee rooms the office lately vacated by Dr. Whip- , dentist. Nothing could have been re appropriate. It was just like pull - teeth to get Kinoardine people to vote ainst John Tolmio.--Kincardine Ro- w.. 1obt. Birmingham, Conservative Or. uizer, has been appointed Superintend - of the Rideau Canal. J. Israel Tarte, who was defeated in aubernois because of the intimidation workingmen favorable to his canal. ure, will be provided with a seat, Astronomers say there • were several pots on the sun Tuesday. orbh Perth is sorely Grieve(d) ovor refill b, iter 18 years bareback the Grits are the saddle,, entlemen, we've got it in the neck,— Mary's Journal. We're in the song but just wait till 1,-5t, Mary's Journal. ao- aud ague on. to in oral and ore. ill hy. bite it a• and GS- Gs - of er- to se a end ed e No of e- on. v - rd r s e. r rs t - n 1 in d 1 s • e 0 e f u co a de M an a 10 on jo Q m Y E no tit be c Ou co an cmfn ple mo ing ag vi go fill 13e of dat s the in St. 100 USSELS POST Jou. 8, 1890, 11 was a goad deal of a storm atter all We have the and a great many of our follows were eau 'ht out without their umbrellas, Reliable Brands of The old Tory flag is still there—some• what torn and ragged, so to speak—but still able to wave. Eleotiou campaigns develop the foot that there are sons lovely liars in this lair Canada of ou. For sale 5 thersSt. Mary's Journal °t31 , an election roaster and 08 stereo• types headed "'lbah for Tupper 1" Oonmades leave me hero a little ; I most worts this problem oub,—W, Prid. ham, South Perth. ' South Perth has got "that tired feel. ing." TwIN This is Thanksgiving Day for the Qrlts.—SG Mary's Journal. 0 1Y alan' 00Ii JPo, Knight le home from Belleville College for his holidays. Principal Wynn closed hie depertmenb of the Public Sohool last Friday, Rev. Mr. Walker preaohee in the Methediet church next Sabbath afternoon, A new stable and driving barn is be- ing built by Anthony McDonald, He's a pusher, A few of our pupils are writing ab the Eutranoe examination in Brussels this week. Rev. Mr. Fansber, the newly.appoint- ed junior Methodist minister, preached here last Sabbath afternoon. 1145 ser. Mon was very favorably received. An interesting discourse was preaohed last Sabbath morning by Rev. D. B. Mo. Rae from the text "They are placed in the hands of God and planted by His grace," Letauo PIC -oxo, -A very largely at- tended and successful pio-nie was held in Mrs. R. Brown's grove on Dominion Day under the auspices of the Cranbrook Ep. worth League. About 8 o'eloak Rev. Mr. Walker, the new pastor, took the chair and the following program was present- ed Chorus, "Standing on the promis- es,' Bruessls League ; prayer ; solo, "Harbor Lights," Mies Belle Smith ; reading by H. Siemon ; quartette, "The sailors glee," Misses Norton and Moore and W. H. Kerr and E. A. 13111 ; reoita. tion, Miss 0. McKay ; solo, Mies Lottie Hill ; recitation by Rev. S. J. Allin ; in- strumental on violin, H. Gorealitz and Prof. Hawkins ; reading, W. Kreuter ; quartette, "Wonderful story of Love,' Misses Smith and Moore and W. H, herr and N, B. Gerry ; recitation by Jas. Perris ; quinbette, "Tyrolean Ducks," by Misses Lottie Hill and Belle Smith and T. A. Hawkins, Norman end Ed, Hill ; organ instrumental, Prof. Hawkins. A large supply of nicely prepared edibles and coffee was dispensed and there was also a refreshment booth on the grounds. Amusements of various kinds, including swings, football, Leo., were indulged in and all present had an enjoyable time. The League and President Coates are to be congratulated on the success of the pia-nie Embro will soon have its telephone connection completed. A variety of black caterpillars, nob common to the locality before, has strip- ped many orchards in South Wellington of their leaves. J. 3. Jackson, butcher, of Tilbury, while delivering meat on July lst to the house of Mr. Thomas, near Prairie Sid. ing, drove into a ewarm of bees. In an instant the bees were on the horses in hundreds and one of the animals was so badly stung that it died a few hours afterwards. The other horse is also very sick from the effects. Mr. Jackson was very badly stung in the faoe, bis eyes be• ing almost swelled shut for some .time, but he bas entirely recovered. The horse was a valuable animal and was on the ram track for some time and showed con- siderable speed. .1101114 wri IRUNIMs Home Seekers' EXC TO MANITOBA AND THE S Canadian North-West, Leaving July 7 and 21. Good to return Sept. 5 and 10 respectively. Fall information from J. N. KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. Blue Ribbon, Standard and Red Cap. PR/CES O. K. N. & N. Gerry, Bruesele, July 2, 1806, DEAR SIR,— The BUGS are here, and have come to stay. There is not mum proba- bility of their being killed by frost, ae they were loot year, and indicatione are that the sale of Bug Finish will be very Large bhie season. We should be pleased to supply you with the genuine Potato Bug Finish, lased also for Vegetables and Shrubs. 14 lbs. for 25a, N & Nr Gerry. ItT A NEW AND STARTLING PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects PLAN1110 MATT PROCESS This is the Latest Out, and is taking the lead. Don't fail to call and see samples of same. r'Viswe of Residences, Pio•uio Parties, etc., taken by applying or sending your order. ALL o» oma WOaIi GcuwANTEED 50 53 FIRST-CLASS Nothing nicer than to have sono Photos of ourselves and homes as we go through this world, to look back on in after years, . THE PRICES ARE RIGIIT And the Work is the Beet. r 'Come while in health. Always Welcome at the Old Reliable Photograph Studio. N, R, BREWER Artist Gallery Over Smith McLatese's KalE HAS THE FOLLOWING LINE OF Cauued — Gooi E Pine Apple, Apricots, Penalise, Egg Plume, Green Gage Plums, Golden Plums, Nectarines, White Cherries, Bartlet Pears, Blue Berries, Apples, Raspberry Jam, Strawberry Jam, Black Currant Jam, Red Currant Jam, Tomatoes, Peas, Salmon, Herring, Chip Beef, Oysters, Corn., Beans, Sardines, Pressed Beef, Pige Peet Boneless, Mushrooms, Chicken and Tongue. J. G. Skene, Agent for Parker's Dye Works. We are giving Special Values in TWEEDS, SUIT'S MADE TO ORDER AND EA A)E .;I T I N ,FOR ALL AGES. See our Prices, Quality, Variety. The Best Value we have ever shown. We can't be beat in Dress Goods, JYluslins, Prints and Wash. Goocls. Inspect our Parasols, Gloves, hosiery, Soots and Shoal Everything sold Cheap. No fancy prices. A. Strachan. Periec� Conllaence 1 _______ A good business is built upon the grounds of coati. denoe and its owners want to be known by their methods far and wide. A bad business seeks its profits in not being known in its methods to its customers. What is lacking is confidence ; so it comes to pass that the advertisement which deals with facts in the plainest possible way is the advertisement which in the long run will turn trade that way, in fact there is not store in Brussels big enough to hold the trade that'll accumulate along the lines of Per- fect Confidence, . WE'LL give you good reasons to continue your good impression of us this Season. Such values as these can't be described ; they must be seen. 2 pieces only 40 inch Tweed Dross Goocls were worth 40c, clearing price 290. 4 pieces only Fancy Dress Tweed, our regular 60e. line, clearing price 430, 15 pieces Heavy Factory Cotton at 5e. per yard worth 7c. 2 pieces Fine Linen Towelling at 10c., worth 15c. 15 dozen Mien's Cotton Socks worth 10c. anywhere, our price 8c. 12 only Ladies' Capes which we are clearing out regardless of cost, ALL NEW TIIIS SPITING. Clearing out all lines of Parasols at of regular prices. Ladies now is the time to buy cheap Parasols. Come to see us for your Dry Goods and Groc- eries. Our stock is always complete. �E�G1SOf� & '�LLID9Y, Highest price paid for Butter aid Eggs. NES liuleria�ifl� E,sl�ldisluue�? Firg erg Carriage Builder, Brussels, has decided to add an Undertak- ing Department to his Carriage Works and has purchased a FIRST -GLASS HEARSE AND A LARGE STOCK OF Caskets; Ceflns altd °ndertakers' Supplies. lie has secured the services of MR. D. G. HOGG, who will manage this Department. Cavity and Arterial Embalming attended to. Prices will be Moderate. The Undertaking Department will be located in connection with the Carriage Works, opposite the Town Hall. Residence, Alexander street, four doors South of new school house. JABS WALKER, Carriaze Builder and Undertaker. 2 0 61 P B of O A A el 2; C