HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-3, Page 3Best for
Wash D``y
makes clothes
sweet, clean,
white, with
the least
fidotof of of o
able lasting
and cleansing
properties make
economical and
Best ion•-_ ,0..
,very Day
'Toyi,Y $, i.$90
; ".estmaa _ : mows nnmltal mmeim rerma suns M'!ri+
11ut the trade did the "job" ; yes, ealeter,
that's what,
Dye azld byo,13111 wail a bpm-til'et-class
—10efer and act,
Net to melee,. though, for et first the
fretted a bt 'bout bee Bill,
TheUgh elle whispered "God love the boy:
Wye will bo boys, they will.'
Ant ef10r a bit, lb's so, sit', she sat up
nights with lean drippin' feet
And stab at her heart when Abe gate
oliokodat last.
Something froze at her heart as she stood
at the wideopen door,
What was that on the shutter 2 Har lips
parted then, but '0 more,
Town hecto
Manstihl,la pliva00,—Sebb3011-Seeviees
at Il a 1n and 7100 p. re, Sunday Seined
at 2;80 p n1, Rev, 40ln hose, 73 A,
Sae, Joss's Ozlanezl,--Sabbath Services
et 11. a 111 and 7 p m. Sunday Scheel
at 2:90 p. m; Bey, A, u. Griffin, inoum.
b e qt,
Mit'rlionrao Qmznon.—Sabbath Services
at 10;80 a' m and 7:00 1> m SuuaaY
Sohocl at 2:80 p m, Rev. S. 1, Allln,
BONO CATUOrrc 01x000,21. -Sabbath
Service third Sunday in eveey month, at
10:80 a m. Bev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION 21i i,.•• -•Service at 7 and 11
a nz and S and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week et 8 o'clock, at
the barracks.
ODD FNLLOws' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in 'Graham's block.
Miasma LODa70 Tuesday at 'or before
1011 moon, in Garfield blook,
A 0 IT 'V Lome on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Blas.
hill's bloek.
C 0 F Lonos 211d and last Monday
evenings of oath mouth, in Iilashill's
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L U L lot Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
SONS Ot''SCOTLAND, 1st and 8rd nes.
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T, M. LODGE, 2nd and 4th Tues.
days of each month, 1120216Fellow's Hall.
Soule Clean, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blaehill's Hall,
POST Overoz.--011fee hours from 8 a.
m. to 6:80 p. m.
Mz,onANxcs' INeTI OTs.—Llbrary in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3;80 to 6
and 6 to 8 Saturdays, Miss Minnie Mo.
Naughton, Librarian.
Town Couacm.—W. H, Kerr, Reeve ;
Geo. Beaker, Robert -Graham, R. Lea-
therdale and R. G. Wilson; Oounoillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rosa, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
Samoa Bo&ieo.—Dr, Graham, (chair-
man,) Rev. Ross, D. 0. Ross, A. Reid, A.
Koenig and H. Dennis ; See. -Trees.,
It. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
PumaI6 SCHOOI, TRAOnI:ns.-8. H, OEM.
eros, Principal, lilies Linton, Mies
Downey and Miss Ritchie.
BOARD of T . Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall, Dr. Moidaugbtou, Medical
Health Officer.
She hid her lovely auburn head
Upon his manly breast.
"I will be yours," she coyly said,
"That ring bas stood the test."
"What's in the wind ?" the farmer asked,
And tbere opened to his view
His house in a ey clone floating hence,
And then, at last, be knew.
Of the vowels that sprinkle
The alphabet through,
Most frequent and sad are
The "L" 00" and "U."
My gram'pa is a funny man,
He's Scotch as he can be,
I tries to teach him all I eau,
But he can't talk like me.
I've told him forty thousand times,
But '[ain't a bit of use,
He always says a man's a "mon,"
An' calls a house a "hoose."
He plays with me most ev'ry day,
And rides me on his knee ;
He took me to a pie•nia once
And dressed up just like me.
He says I am a "bonnie bairn,
And kisses me, and when
I asks him why he can't talk right,
He says, "I dinna ken."
But me an' him has lots of fan,
He's such a funny mac,
I dance for him and brush his hair
And loves hits all I can.
I calla him Andrew (that's his name)
And he eaye I can't talk,
And then he puts my plaidie ou
And takes me for a walk.
I tells him forty fouaand times,
But'tain't a bit of use,
He always says a man's a "mon,"
An' calls a house a "hoose."
"Wanted to sell—A IIret•oless saloon—
respectable trade—suitable for young
Advt. in local paper.
"Respsatable I No, sir, I say it ain't in it.
I'll tell you what it is, though ; just
listen a minute,
'Tain't a long story ; no I can't say it's
jest news.
Though the whole country side knows I
ain't partio'lur. Gall it that if you
The old elm tree a•swayin', roof tumblin'
in, but that ain't jest all.
There's something beside, sir ; an aged
mother Bits there,
She naves smiles, how can she --the
woman with faded gray hair ?
Why ? Cause they took her boy—her
pearl little Bill—
And ground. him up fine ; yes, 5irree, in
bhp devil's brads -mill.
No likelier boy nor Bill, to be found --a
Paget little kid—
Freckled face, orris all of a tangle where
the sunshine lay hid.
Levin' too, she'll toll you, poor anal, what
bar boy used to say
"Mother, when I'm it man, I'll work for
you some day.'
And ails smoothed bank the tangle, as
mothers will do, yon know,
And bugged bins a dozen times, niers
she'd let him go.
Did elm dream ? Was it her bay, a•lyin,
there so quieb.liko and still,
lder eurlyataired, freokle•faced lad—her
own little Bill ?
She didn't cry out, 'twa'nt hor way, hot
ber lips turned 00 white
When the rough men blubbered, in
whispers, somethin"boob m street
Now ebo'11 sit at the gabe way long after
dark, and ofbon and often she'll
A•watoliin' for 10111, and whisperin', "God
love the lad, he'll come home bye
and bye."
Bespectable I No sir, I say it ain't in it,
I ain't much at giviu' advice, but mister
don't ever—don't ever Begin it,
Runts of all Sods.
Skeptics may tear the Bible to pieces,
but they can make no reply to a consist,
entOhrisbian life.
There is hope for the Ivan who doesn't
have to fall down more than once to learn
bow to stand up,
Darken mahogany or any other carved
woods with cold drawn linseed oil. Brush
ib wall in.
d good remedy for damp wails is to
make a strong solution of alum and wash
the walls down with it.
Do not soak fresh fish in water before
cooking, as this treatment only ruins the
flavor and makes it soft.
Flour for 001205 or pastry should be
well dried and passed twice through a
sieve before using. Keep it afterward in
a tin iu the kitchen.
When boiling common starch sprinkle
in a little fine salt, which will prevent it
stinking. Some people use surer in the
same way, bat it is not so effective as
To clean oilcloths wash always with
warm milk. Once in six months sornb
with hot soapsuds, dry thoroughly end
apply a coat of varnish. They will last
as long again.
Oranges should be eaten freely as long
as they are in season, for, besides being
delicious fruit, they contain a large
quantity of citric aoid, so valuable for its
medicinal qualities.
An Operation Avoided,
lrysll/elas in the Face 1)evelopes Into e
Itunlling Sore—I►oetors Doctored that
only an Operation Could Bring Relief
--A .Medicine Found Which. Made the
Painful Operation' Unnecessary.
From the Smith's balls Record.
A famous German medical scientist
once remarked that the world is full of
men and women who are sick because of
their scepticism. The wisdom of this
remark was never more self-evident than
it is to -day. There are countless scores
of sufferers who would ratber suffer than
use any medicine not prescribed by their
favorite doctor. To those people, per•
haps, the story of Mr. Thos. E. Phillips,
of Smith's Palle, may convey a moral.
The following is the story as given by
Mr. Phillips to a Record reporter :—
"Several years ago I began to fail in
weight, lost my appetite and erysipelas
started in my face, and then a running
sore broke out on my cheek. I consult-
ed three physicians and they all said it
would be necessary to remove it portion
of the bone. All thia time I waa unable
to do any work and was suffering intense
mental and physical agony when I
obanoed to read in the Record aboub Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and resolved to try
them, thinking they would do me no
harm anyway. I had not used one box
when I felt they were helping me. I
continued and after taking eight boxes
the running sore on my cheek complete-
ly healed and the operation the doctors
said was neoessary was avoided. I re-
gained my weight, and ant ouee more
possessing a good apatite. In fact I was
made a new man so remarkable was the
change. We now consider Pink Pills a
household necessity." Mr. Phillipa was
a eespeotable and well•to•do farmer of
Wolford township until last spring, when
he sold his farts and is now living a re-
tired life in Smith's Falls. He is about
50 years of age, though looking younger,
and a living witness of the wonderful
curative propertiee contained in Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. This great ,nadir
nal discovery has reached the high po•
eition whish it holds through the power
of its own merits. By its timely use
the weak are made strong ; pale Ivan
cheeks aro given a rosy bus ; lost vigor
is renewed and the anffering ones are re-
leased from pain. If your dealer does
not keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, they
will be gent by mail on receipt of 50
cents a box or six boxes for 32.50 by ad-
dressing the oompany at Brookville, Out.,
or Schenectady, N, F. Remember that
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure when other
medicines fail and do not be persuaded
to take either a eubetitnto or an finita.
CAU IGI=11 rrLIavi:n rN 10 To Gil 1nNOT11s.—
One short pull of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with eaoli bobble of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses [hie
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages, Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves blatantly, and permanent.
ly mires Oatarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaoh a, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and
Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman's,
John Butler, ,aged 79 years, on05 a
Virginian slave, was killed Thursday
morning near Wiudeor by a tree falling
upon him. Ile did odd jobs in the city,
in the Summer time Damped ort, and in
the.Wintse time lived wherever he could
find shelter. 1J'or several uighte he had
slept beneath' a tree in a brickyard. In
cooking his supper the trunk of the tree
had burned away, so that when a gnat of
wind struck it, the tree fell over upon the
old man.
t nla.nt�r aa�M . ,
NSY.jiu LAIos
Hers is en old' astrological prediction
of the ollareeter of a girl born In each of
the months ;
Janbary—She will be a prudent holm -
wife, given to xrlolenebely, but good
tempered and fend of firm clothes.
February—An affectionate wife and
tender mobllep, and given to dress.
klatch—A frivolous ehatter'box, some-
what given to quarreling and it cannoie•
sent ingowne and bonnets,
April•--Inoonsieteut, not very iniellf.
gent, but likely to be good-looking .and
studloue of fashion plates,
Play—Handsome, amiable and given to
etyle in dress.
Juno—Impobuoue ; will marry early,
be frivolous and like argosy clothes,
July—Possibly bandoome, but with a
sulky temper and a peaohaut for gay
Augast—Amiable and praetioal, likely
to marry rich and dress strikingly.
September—Discreet, affable, much
liked and a feehionaLle dresser.
October—Pretty and coquettish and
devoted to attraebive garniture.
November—Liberal, Icind, of a mild
disposition and all admirer of stylish
December -71e11 proportioned, fond of
novelty, extravagant, and a studeut of
dressy effects.
Twenty-five women arobiteots, against
Eleven thousand women writers againet
Two hundred and forty women lawyers
against five.
Three hundred and thirty-seven women
dentists against 24.
Eight hundred and eighty-five women
jourealiete, against 86.
One thousand two hundred and thirty-
five women preachers, against 67.
In 1800 there were fn the United States
4455 women dooagainst o.. 1870,
7 in
One hundred and eighty women land
surveyors and engineers, againet none ab
all in 1870.
Twenty-seven thousand seven hundred
and eeventyseven women bookkeepers,
againet none in 1870.
Canadian. PTo♦wr-d.
Cornelius Brant, an Indian, was
drowned at Bloomfield.
Frank Haley, a boy from the London
Orphans' Rome, was drowned at Point
The honorary degree of D. D. was con-
ferred at Oxford upon Dr. Aosan, former
Bishop of Qu'Appelle.
It is stated that long aervice medals
will be issued bo volunteers who have
served in the Canadian militia for 20
years and over.
Mrs. Wm. Strode, of Woodstook, has
in her garden a rose bush which has 80
buds on one branch and 200 on the busb,
and another with 50 full-blown roses en
"One of my sick headaches." you will
bear people frequently say, as if the Dom.
plsint were bopelessly inourable. As a
matter of fact, Aver's Pills not only re-
lieve sink headache but effectually re.
move the pause of this distressing emu•
plaint, and so bring about a permanent
It is reported that the Grand Trunk
management will appoint Mr. Fitzhugh
master of transportation for the lines
East of Toronto, end Mr. Cotter master
of transportation for the lines West of:
Toronto, and that J, N. Riddell, assistant
Superintendent at Montreal, and Messrs.
Morris, Tiffin and Webster, district
superintendents, will resign.
PALM" Iv. Sox Hours.—Distressing kid•
ney and bladder diseasea relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Care." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidueye, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quick relief and
cure this is year remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
About 11 o'olook Thursday, three con-
stables searched the store of Alex. Lot -
Midge, at Oshweksn, a village on the
Indian reserve, near Brantford. They
found one bottle of whisky. The news of
the raid spread among the aborigines,
and when the ofioers were oppoeite the
council house on their way back they
were attacked by an infuriated crowd,
armed with sticks and atones. Cries of
"Rill them," filled the air, and the offs.
oers were roughly handled. Policeman
Wallaae was knocked down three times,
straok on the breast with a stone and
!sicked.. The officers drew their revolvers
and threatened to Are, then the rioters let
From From From
Liverpa7 Sxiami:lrs. Montreal Wcobeo
2 July Sardinian .........18 July - 39 Jnly
0 *Numidian "5
10 " Poi elan 1 hug, '2 Ang.
sl " Laeroutian 5 it
30o Aug. *Sardinian ug. " 82
la *Numidian "e " 20 "
ne " Parisian 5 Sept a 8opt
27 " *Laurentian ...12 10
1 Sept. *Mongolian 1e " 1e "
10 " Sardinian 20 " 27
*The Lanrenbian' carries ,only cabin
passengers Eastbound.
*Steamers when marked thus do not
stop et Rimouski or Londonderry.
All steamers sail from Montreal at
Passengers go on board between 7 and
10 o'Olock on the evening before the ad-
vertised date.
e&—'Passengers may go via Montreal
and return by New Hork or vice versa,
For further information as to rates,
Leo„ apply to
Having purchased a shop on
Thomas St., opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
old customers and as many new
ones as may favor me with their
patronage that I have removed
to my now stand.
Soliciting a share of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
Sm T. Plum,
General Blacksmith dC Horseshoer
Certain in its effects and never busters.
Read proofs below,
Bossyiia-T,Carmlea an Ho.enderson Co„In„Fo0,12,T6
DCar Sirs—Please sand mo aro of deur Florae
rpoks and 00000. I havonsed agrett dens oiyoae
Bender's spade Curs,.4th {toad asepses hit ie n
wonderful nledlelna, I one” l,ad a mare that Imd
antlea,dttenv on la and ave battles Cored nor. 1
000» 0 bottle 00 Tours
all the than,
Tomro kvly, Cass. Pewits,
Dr. MY. RA:maLa Co. CANTON, Ito., Apr. 3,'02.
DearSfrs—I have used several bottles of your
think 1C the beet Linim'rent I ever o ed. Rave rr
,nosettone Curb, sue Blood Sinha and billed
two Done Sparn,a. have recommended it to
us, -oral of my friends who are much ',lesson with
ondk0op12. Reopeetfo1lY�
s. R. l,ox, P. O. Box31a,
For sale by all Druggists, or address
11—_ alloSBUseH FALLS, VT.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 r 6i Per Cent., Y early,
Straight Loans with privilege 0
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Cleric, Brussels.
Have yen seen our
`FY�+d tH 4
W Or 1
Will wake
a, well men
of YOU!
Mom , 5ADllb00 Talc MAWS
AneULTB 1N ro0R wselB.
PI00r sures an Nervous Dicorias, 9lwpl,es.
nese, Falling ,Memory, Nightly 00mleslo0s, B rme•
lolvl Oe6, An nnnneY, 510., pumped by past Wanes.'
elvo, Vigor 505 else to shrunken asses, nud
0010ksy ut tnreareetpr s Loeo warm 10 020
oryonae. 3.1502000081 sod.you wmgrow.,Tel
endh... seals. sentbyman to pima[VTr1pe1
nod d in rod
tooled Fran. e,0eraatleo, F.,wily
mulled in vest pomai4 20p0100, 0,1 a poo30 o, six
for ab. Bund mossy In lettere r ovlaoa or meas.,
ed 10100,. Address all 10115,0 to a. T. 20887' 0052,
Dminion o• WOODCanada. omr ONT Agent ter 100 Do-
minion off. Canada.
+c+r, ro r4,14.ra
More peeps than ever far $1,
Bicycle Accessories,
1.aww.2 ,! was,
Screen Doors
and Windows.
. & Tot e syn
rC9c 'UR
ora=n®.• ..a.
Samos E. Nicholson.
.t .
"I consulted doctors who prescribed for
Me, but to no purposes I sintered in agony
seven long years. Finally, I began taking
Ayr1's Sarsaparilla. In a week or two 1
noticed a decided improvement. Encour-
aged bythis result, I persevered, until 10 a
month or So the sore began to heal, and,
Iorising the Sarsaparilla for six months,
the lost trace of the cancer disappearedP—
J .:1nS E. Iircuez.sex, Floreneeville, N.. 13.
bo � M. Sp,*,sa arWWWa
Admitted at the World's Fair. _
61:10.B'15 %?LL:, 2icptcLatd :0c .L'owCL0.
British Columbia
Reel Cedar Shingles
AND- —
North Shore
Pule and Cedar
Brussels Planing bills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Sbort Notion.
Estimates Purniehed for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
abip and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AMEN11T1
4, 6 and 8 Bali Sets
_, ,},D a . SOFT
Chit reu's Hoes, spaces arc Slakes.
Bookstore, Brussels