HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-7-3, Page 1Vol. 28, No. 81,
The New County Counall Act.
meinin donot exceed that of the of0ees
to be files ed, the nominating officer shall
certify such oandidatee as duly elected,
Her Majesty, by and with the advioo 9. 1t shall bo the duty of the clerk of
and oonseut of the Logieletive Amenably the county oounoil to cause a ballot to bo
of tbo Province of Ontario, made as fol•printed for the elootiou of 8 member or
10w0 :— meinliors of the oounoil, and bo shall im.
1, Via aot may WOW as The County mediately after the receipt of the certid.
Counoils Aot, 1896. cams from the nominating ofiioev and be.
2, Natwitbetaudiug anything in The ford polling day forward a sufficient num-
Consolieated Municipal Aot, 1802, or any ber of ballots and other necessary election
other Aot, contained, and subjeot to the papore to the olerk of each of the local
provisions of this Act, oouuty oounoils mnnioipahties within each oouuty oounoil
shall, from and after the expiration of the division where elections for (meaty cm=
terms of office of the county oounoillors oillors are to be held, and such clerk of
holding' office at the time of the passing the municipality shall pause them to be
hereof, be composed as followe ;— supplied to the persons appointed to ant
e (a) If the population of the minty is as deppnty returning officers at the said
26,000 or lose, of not less than 8 members election. If all the members of the noun.
nor more titan 10 members:. oil of any local uruuioipalityshall be elect.
(b) If the population le more than 25,. ed by aoolaniation, then the clerk of molt
000 but less than 40,000, of not loss than municipality shall take all proceedings
10 members nor more than 12 members, ' necessary for the election of a member or
(o' If the population is 40,000 or more members of the county council .in the
but less than 00,000, of not less than 12 same manner (vas,tatis ntntaiid le) as ie pro.
members nor more than 14 members. vided by The Consolidated ltlunioipal Aot,
(0) If the population ie 00,000 or more, 1892, for the elootiou of members of the
of not less than 16 members nor more council of the municipality.
than 18 members. 10. In preparing the ballots or any
3. For the purposes of this Aot, each notices or other papers which may be
comity shall be divided into districts or neeseary, the foetus appended to or
divisions, which'shall be known as "coma otherwise provided for by The Consols.
ty oounoil divisions," as follows :— dated Municipal Aot, 1892, shall be need
(a) If the population of the county is . as far as applicable, and where nob wholly
25,000 or loss, into not less than 4 =duet applicable, shall be adapted by the clerk
more than 5 divisions. of the county council or the clerks of the
(b) If the population is more than 25,- local municipalities, or other officer, as
000 but less than 40,000, into nob less than the case may be, to the election of comity
5 and not more than 6 divisions. councillors, and the words "County
(o) If the population is 40,000 or more, Councillor" shall be printed cm every
but less than: 00,000, into not loss thou 0 suoh ballot.
nor more than 7 divisions. 11. Tile council of any local munioi-
(d) And if the population is 00,000 or polity in which the election of any mem-
more, into not less than 8 nor more than ber or members of the county council is
9 divisions. to be held, and the clerk of small muniai-
4. Cities, towns and other municipal. polity and any other officer thereof shall,
ities separated from the county shall not in case of the eleotion of all the members
be included in the computation of the of the council of the looal municipality by
population, nor shall the populatiou of aoclamation, nevertheless, so as to enable
Indian reserves, whioh are not organized the election for county councillors to be
as municipalities under The Consolidated held, do all things and take all proceed -
Municipal Aot, 1892. ings whioh would have been necessary
5. Each such division shall be designat- and as by law is provided, that is to say,
ed and distinguished by its number (as provide polling places, furnish the nacos-
for example the "First County Council sary and proper voters' lists and poll
Division,") and shall bo represented in books, and appoint deputy.reburuing off -
the connby council by two members who ears and other necessary officers, and do
shall Bold office for the term of two years any and all other matters and things
and who shall be residents of the Division which would have been necessary and
for which they are councillors. proper to be done had the members of
0. The election of county councillors the oounoil of such local municipality not
shall be held in alternate years and at the been elected by acclamation, and the re -
time fixed by law for the annual munici. turning officer and deputy -returning oflt-
psl elections for members of the councils ser shall have all the powers, rights and
of the local municipalities, and the first authorities respecting the election of
eleotion held under this Aot shall be so county councillors, which they now have
held at the next annual municipal elec- respecting the election for the members
tions which shall be held after this Act of the local mnoioipal councils, and shall
comes into force. No member of the perform all the like or similar duties
council of a load municipality nor any which they aro now required to perform,
clerk, treasurer, assessor or collector under The Consolidated Municipal Act,
thereof shall be eligible for nomination or 1892, where an eleotion is being (meld for
election as a county councillor. But a the members of the council of a local
member of any municipal council for the municipality.
year 1896 shall not be ineligible for nom- 12. At the election of a member or
Motion or election by reason only of his members of a county council, the ballots
being a member of such oounoil for the shall be placed in the same ballot box as
year 1896. the ballots for the members of the conn -
7.—(1) The warden of every county nil of a local municipality where an eleo-
shall on or before the 15th day of Nevem- tion in such municipality is being held,
ber, 1806, and, in every succeeding year and shall be counted in the same, manner
before an eleotion for county councilors is as such last named ballots and they shall
to be held, the county council shall am therefore be placed in a separate envelope
point for each county council division a or package and otherwise dealt with 10
nominating officer, who shall act as such the same manner as ballots for the else-
-until his successor is appointed. Such tion of members of the council of a local
person may be called the "nominating municipality and where an eleotion for
officer," and his duties shall be : (a) In suoh local municipality is not being hold
every year before au election of county the proceedings thereat and thereafter
councillors is to be held, or before a vac- (except where the sante are varied hereby)
aney i8 to be filled to fix a place within shall be as nearly as possible the same as
the division for holding suoh nomination, in the case of an election. for a local
between the hours of one and two o'clock menioipality.
in the afternoon, and to give notice of 18. The persons qualified to vote for
suoh nomination under his hand, and of county councillors shall be the persons
the election, by advertisement in two qualified to vote at the election of mem-
weekly newspapers iu the county, to be bers of the council of the local mnnicf-
published for at least two successive pality and all local municipal clerks, and
wanks prior to suoh nomination day, or no others ; and each person so qualified
by giving sufficient public notice thereof shall bo entitled to as many votes as there
by printed posters ; (b) To atteud at the are members of the county council to bo
day and place appoiuted for such nomin- eleoted in his county oounoil division,
arson and subject to the provisions and for and ho may, at his option, when there are
the purposes of this Aot, to perform the two county oounoillors to be elected, give
duties as far as merle applicable by this both of his votes to one candidate, la
Act, which, by law, the clerk of a local which ease he will plane Iwo Drosses with.
municipality is required to perform as in the division of the ballot wherein is
returning offiope at the nomination for an the name of such candidate. Bat where
election in a local municipality. In case any person being a resident voter is on
at the time appointed for bolding the the voters' list for two or more muniai-
nomination, the nominating officer has polities within any county council divi-
died, or does not atteud to hold such siou, he shall vote for county councillors
nomination, the electors present for the in that nmuieipality only in which he
purpose of holding a nomination may resides, and only at the polling place of
oboose from amongst thenaselvos a nom. the polling sub -division in which he re.
inciting officer who shall have all sides, if he is entitled to vote at such
the powers and perform all the polling place. In case a voter is not real -
duties of such nominating officer. (2) In daub within the division, he shall vote
the event of the warden failing to make only once within any division, whether
such appointments within twenty-four his name is on the voters' lists of said
hours after the time specified, bbs duty of division in more than one polling sub•
making suoh appointments shall. 110rplve division or not.
upon the clerk of the council, (8) Snob 14. Every member of a county connoil
nominatiou day shall be thab Monday in shall possess the same property qualifi.
the week which precedes the week before cation as the reeve of a town is required
polling day. bo have, and every member of a county
8 —(1) If at the day and hour named oounoil before entering on his duties shall
in the preceding paragraph there are not make, and subscribe the declaration of
more candidates nominated for any coup-. office and qualification (wattage muctandis)
ty council division than are regnired to set out in section. 270 of The Consolidated
be elected for such division, the nominal- Municipal Aot, 1892.
ing officer shall thereupon decilitre such 15. The clerk of eaoh municipality
candidate or candidates as are duly nom. 811(811, on the clay following the return to
inated, °looted, and sllall thereupon pre. him of the ballot papers and statements,
pare and mail to the county clerk, by prepare and snail bo the county clerk by
registered letter with postage prepaid, registered letter with the postage pre -
upon the same day a certificate under his paid, a certificate under his hand of the
hand of such election by acclamation. result of the voting in his municipality
But if a greater number of candidates are for the candidates for the eotinty council,
nomivabsd than nth required to he elected and snob certificate shall be according to
in any county oounoil division the nomin. the form given in the schedule hereto,
sting officer shall immediately after the 10. The bounty clerk shall, for the pur-
lapse of the time iu which candidates, poses of this Ant, be returning officer,
under The Consolidated Municipal Aot, and as such shall perform the duties re.
1892, may withdraw from nomm:aion, quired of him by bilis Aot, and on receipt
certify the facts, with the names and ad. of the oerbifieates from the clerks of the
drosses of those remaining in nomination, muuioipalibies comprising a county 001113-
6o rho county clerk. (2) Any person nom oil division the said county clerk shall
Mated may resign either at the nomina• oast up the number of votes for.ettoli can-
lion meeting or during the following day, didate from cinch certificates and shall, ab
If snob resignation is after the meeting, the hone of one o'clock in the afternoon
it shall be signed and wibneesod in the of the second Monday in the month of
marmot prescribed for resignations under January, in the county council chamber,
The Consolidated Municipal Act and de. publicly declare eleoted the two condi-
livered to the nominating officer, (8) If dates having the higheet number of votes
by reason of any suoh resignation or re• in each county council division, and shall
siguatiotis Ibe number of candidates re. also post tip iu his office for pubiio iu-
spootion a stateinent under hie hand
showing the number of votes polled' for
each candidate,
17. When an equal =mica of votes
has been east for two or more candidates
in any county council division and it is
nooeseery to dotermiue which one or two
of snob canclidebss shall be declared to be
elected, the nominating officer for the 01,
vision shall, upon request of the county
clerk, dealer•° in writing for which of
such caudidatos he votes, and in such
case the candidate or candidates for whom
he votes shall be elected.
18. The county councillors so eleoted
shall form and bo the county council for
the county in ben of the council as here.
tofore eenstibutsd, ottO eilch county conn.
oil shall have all the rights, powers and
authority heretofore vested in county
councils by The Consolidated Municipal
Ant, 1892, and may do and perform all
acts, matters and things w1'11011 county
cohnoils Wright or could do under •the
said Act, and all parts of The Consoli-
dated Municipal Aot, 1892, repugnant to
or iuoonsisbent herewith affecting or a1.
plioable to county oonnoils are and shall,
for the purposes of this Aot, be super.
sededrhoreby, and all other parts of the
said munioipal Act applicable to county
oouneile shall apply to the county coon,
oils eleoted hereunder.
19. Where an even number of votes are
cast for warden and no election oan be
had during the first day of meeting, if no
choice is made after two ballots on the
second day, the senior member represent-
ing the division having the largest equal-
ized assessment shall have two votes.
Where two councillors from enoh division
have an equal number of votes, or where
they have been eleoted by acclamation
the clerk shall in open council draw lots
to ascertain which one of suoh two shall
give the castingvote. The words "senior
member" shalmean that member for
such division who received at the last pre-
aediug eleotion the higher number of votes
in his division.
20. The same proceedings may be had
for a recount of ballots, or for the vacat-
ing of any seat, as may now bo had in the
case of members of the council of any
local municipality. And in case of are•
count or proceedings for the unseating of
a county eounctllor, the judge of the
county or other person before whom such
proceedings are being held may require
the clerk or clerks of the local municipal-
ity or municipalities to forward, for the
purposes of production before him, to the
clerk of the county under seal, all ballots,
books, voters' or other lists, and other
papers in his hands connected with the
eleotion. In such case the said clerk
shall so forward the ballots, books, voters'
or other lists, and other papers as direct-
ed, with a statutory declaration that they
are the ballots, books, voters' or other
lists, and other papers (if any) deposited
with him in connection with such election
and no others, and that he has kept them
safely and has not permitted or given op-
portunity to any person or persons to
examine, inspect or see them since they
were returned to him, and that he has
kept them under seal securely since such
return to him.
Presbytery of Maitland.
This Presbytery met at Lucknow June
30th, 1896, Rev. R. McLeod, Moderator,
pro tern. There was a fair attendance of
members. The special business before
the court was the call bo Rev. John Rose
from Malagawatah and River Dennis,
Cape Breton, N.S. Commissioners Hugh
Chambers and Alex. MacLean from the
session and congregation of Asbfield and
several of the members of the eongrega.
Hon were present, all of whom expressed
their strong attachment to Mr. Rose as
their pastor, and their regret if the issue
of the 0011 shonld be a severance of the
pastoral tie. Mr. McLeod presented the
claims of the congregations calling. Mr.
Rose stated his mind and spoke of his
tender interest in and affection for his
people, at the same time be was led to
conclusion that the line of duty for him
was to accept the call subject to the ap-
proval of Presbytery. The Presbytery,
on motion, agreed to the translation of
141r. Rose from his present charge of Ash.
field to that of Malagawatoh and River
Dennis, Cape Breton, and placed on rec-
ord its high appreciation of the charact-
er of Mr. Rose as a Christian and minis.
ter. The pulpit of Ashfield ohuroh will
be declared vacant whenever Mr. Bose is
inducted into the pastorate of Malaga-
watsh. He is instructed to wait the or -
dere of the Presbytery of Inverness.
Leave was granted to A, MoKoy to
moderate in 0 call to North Kinloss, Riv-
eredale and Enniskillen.
Sons Mantel:, Clerk.
Lucknow, July 1, 1896.
Iligh Cont i'. 0. F. 01110013.
The High. Court of the Canadian
Order of Foresters at Montreal eleoted
the following of8oers for the °errant
year :—High Chief Ranger, H, Glimmer,
Guelph ; High Vioe Chief Ranger, W.
J. Cameron, Toronto ; High Secretory,
Thos. White, Branford ; High Treasur-
er, John Neelands Wiugham ; Ohair.
man of Medical Board, Dr. Stanley,
Brantford ; Associate Medical Board,
Dr. Young, Bidgetown ; High Registrar,
D. R. Kennedy, Montreal ; High Chap.
Iain, Rev. W. T. McTavish, Deseronto ;
High Auditor, Thos. W. Gibson, Toron.
to ; Executive Committee, P. H.
R, Elliott, R. J. Jameson, W. J. Malley,
R. Dowling and W. Renshaw. The re.
ports of the High Court officers show
very gratifying results from the past
year's work, ib being one of the meet sue.
easeful in the history of the Order. The
work of the Order is confined entirely to
Canada. 8,800 members have joined the
order since last June, 55 new :courts
havingbeen organized, the total mem-
bership now reaching 22,651. The in-
crease in the reserve is 1182.979.73, the
total reserve now being 94704621.81. 101
deaths have 000nrred during the year,
the death rate being only 4.00 per thong.
n5L4►.ryuJ11111 It lellealf0Te0N8.
The following is the result of tba
Summer promotions promotions of the Benseals Pub-
lic eohool, The (Menges are based partly
on final examination and partly on worlc
of the term. The promotions in the
Principal's Department will be made
known on the publication of the Depart.
mental report of examinations :
noolm 2.
Promoted from Sr. 4tb to Sr, 4th,
Total marks, 800 ; to pass, 400 1
A. Pulland 023 10. Roche . , , —.412
M. Ilayorofb , .506 G. Baeker .. —412
I. Zilliax 498 N. Smith 404
H. Hunter ,.,.496 G. McMillan ,401
0, Milloy .484 C. Zilliax 400
0. Vanstone ..488 Leo Currie
M. Roche 483 B. Oliver .,....376
A. Bendall .. , 482 H. Mitchell ., —359
J. Kelly 402 J. McMartin ..043
P. Watt 450 G. MoLauohlin 302
M. MaGuire —450
From Sr. 3rd to Jr. 41h. Total marks,
800 ; to pass, 400 :
R. Taylor 622 W. Good 427
D. Watt` 545 M- Scott 420
S. Forbes 522 F. Thomson ..409
A. Putland ...,459 M. MoArter....409
E. Walken •.,.437 13. Scott 400
Remaining in class
11d. Forbes ....884 D. Moore 818
S. Forsythe....360 L. herr 214
F. Finn 305 0. Basket 280
P. Oliver 356
From Intermediate to Sr. 3rd. Total
marks, 800 ; to pass, 400 :
G. Ross 078 E. IfoArter ....587
F. Buchanan 646 0. Edwards. , . • 521
J. Coasley 630 E. Fischer ....517
F. Armstrong •593 L. Ilincles ....501
A. Richardson -505 N. MoGuire....459
E. Kerr 546 M. Forsythe ..457
Remaining in class •.
C. Rioharde826 R. Wilbee 810
W. Roche 817 E. Lowry 273
Miss Lucre's, Teacher.
aeon 3.
Jr. 8rd rises. Promoted from Miss
Downey's room to Miss Linton's. Total
marks, 700 ; to pass, 350 :
I. Williams ....800 R. MoLanohlin 402
N. Blashill ....485 P. Richards 899
M. Hunter ,,..451 W. Hayoroft 887
A. Taylor 449
Remaining in class, C. Frain, 207.
From Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd. Total marks,
600 ; to pass, 300 :
M. Skene 454 B. Blashill....361
G. Thomson 426 M. McLauohlin 341
E. Avery 412 S. Scott 341
P. McMillan •,452 B. McKelvey 320
G. Melsom —.392 B. Howe ,818
F. Dennis 389 M. Howe 312
Fred. Collins ..388 W. Ament 302
W. Zilliax ....887 P. Birt 302
E. McOracken,.375 A. Smith 801
V. Cooper ....378 F. Wilson 300
Remaining in olaas
H. Ainley 275 F, Jones 224
Frances Collins 270 M. Grewar
E. Denbow ....205 R. Ainley 183
S. Forsythe ....255 A. Lowry 175
A. Crozier ....248
From Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd. Total marks,
600 ; to puss, 300:
A. Boss........883 M. Colvin 324
J. Good 883 M. Hunter ....321
N. Kendall ..,372 L. Cooper 807
R. MoKenzle ..356 E. Funebon 305
G. Moro 338 H. Jones .....804
H. Watt 338 V. Danford ....304
L,Kcenig 883 D. Backer .,..802
L. Ross 882 A. Currie 300
Remaining in class :
J. Walker 288 M. Ross 187
S. Maxwell ....249 M. Kerr 180
J. Thomson.. •.237 G. McKay 177
M. Scott 287 J. Burgess ....161
H. Finn 282 A. 1'orsythe....141
M. Heavy.
.. -280 P. Lowry, absent.
0. BlashillMiss DOwNEY, Teacher.
soon 4. -
Promoted from class V. to Miss
Downer's room :
Mary MOArbar .... Grace Finn
Elsie Wilton Ruby Plum
Pearl Leatherdale Roy Pugh
Maggie Ameut .... Carrie McCracken
George Fiou Charlie Hingston..
Ivan Johnston ..., Lucy Colvin
Vino Edwards .... Linda Colvin
John Miller
from class IV. to class V.
Bella Henderson Ronnie Sinclair ..
Addie Lott Orris Wilbee....
Bello Riehardsou., Jim Kerr
Edna Pugh Katie MoDougall..
Susie Beam Charlie Trimble ,.
From class III. to class IV. :
Arlie McMillan Laura Leatherdale
Grigg McLennanBert. Hiugaton....
Reggie Kendall011ie Mooney
Annie MoQuarrie.. Winnie McGuire
Harry Backer .... Gerrie Ross
Emma Colvin .... Aileen Scott
Herbis Lowry .... Lottie Blashill
From class II. to class III.
Florence Thomson Guseie Finn
Johnnie Mooney .. Norman Forbes ,
Gertie Zilliax Jsnnis Armstrong
Florence Grimoldby Alva Walker
Elsie Good.... , • .. flora Beam
Vera Barrett Frank Miller
From plass I, to class II, :
Willie Henderson.. Lulu Danford
Levise Sinclair.... Mamie McKay ,
Jennie Moore Roger Deadman ,.
Ester Woolsey ..,
From Jr. to Sr. let :
Orma Gerry Earl Ament
Jim Forsythe Vera Woolsey
Winnie Parker ,.. , Leslie Tnrnbull , ,
Bertha Rose Argo Ross -
Louisa BlashillElsie Ourry ...,.,
Ernie Fiun Scott Anent
Alice Tbomeou... , Eva Cameron
Georgie Ross Johnnie Cooper .,
Christie Grimoldby Cora Bell ........
Letitia MOArter Soak Doll
Willie Richardson
Mies theme, Teacher.
Another addition is bring built to the
Galt General Ilospital,
C1)0100H CHIMES.
St. John's S. S. pioanie was bald an
Dominion Day in Davidson's grove.
A bee was made recently and a large
quantity of gravel hauled to Melville
ohnrsh horse sheds.
The young men's prayer sorviee, held
at 0;15 each Sabbath evening in the
Methodist (Murrill, has beau oanoeiled
during the Summer mouths,
The Methodiai) Sabbath School pio•nie
will be held at T. Davidson's grove on
Friday afternoon of next week. Conqvey.
anoes will leave the ohuroh at 1.15 o'olook,
A Wallaoeburg correspondent says ;—
The Rev. Ilii. Buggin, present pastor of
the Methodist ohuroh here, arrived in
town on Saturday night last. There was
a strong protest against his coming here,
and on Sunday morning theohuroh door
was looked and there was no service.
Last Sabbath Rev. S. J. AIIin began
bis pastorate in the Methodist church
here under most auspicious oiraninstan.
cos. In, the morning be took for his text
lar Corinthians 8rd chapter and the first
clause of the 9th verse, "For we are lab.
orers together with God," In the dis-
course the duty of both pastor and people
were ontliaed • the necessity and benefit
of labor ; and the biassed results of work.
ing with God. Hebrews 12th chapter
and 2nd verse was the foundation of the
evening set'moa, showing Christ as our
example. The reverend gentleman dwelt
upon the necessity of bearing the yoke of
the Master early in life and gave numer-
ous interesting instances from both the
Bible and history of successes aohieved
by young men in the various spheres of
life. The Saviour's power was more in
what he did and was than what He pos-
sessed, and the secret of it was contact
with the invisible. An earnest applies.
lion of the Truth brought an excellent
and most appropriate discourse to aclose,
Rev. Mr. Allis spoke a few minutes to
the Sabbath sdhool and also at the young
men's prayer service, The membership
and adherents of the church have socord-
ed the new pastor, who is a ready speaker
and genial in his manner, a very oordisi
weloae and a prosperous term is antioi.
WEtcmie,-3 large and good natured
company of old and young assembled in
the Methodist church last Monday even-
ing for the purpose of unitedly welcom.
ing Rev. S. J. Allis, the new pastor, and
enjoying a social evening. After singing
and prayer the following interesting pro-
gram of music by the Junior League and
brief impromptu addresses was given :—
Chorus, "Shall you, shall I 2' ; address
by Rev. R. Paul ; dialogue, "A •
and four answers," by 5 members of the
League ; address by Postmaster Farrow;
solo, "lot mud pies," Ella Fhnston •
address by Reeve Mooney ; chorus, "Will
you lift a little brothers 7" ; address by
Rev. W. Norton ; recitation, "The Star
of Bethlehem," by five girls. A break
was made in the program here and dur-
ing the intermission sandwiches, bread
and butter, oake, coffee, dm., were served.
On resuming, "The Gipsy Boy" was
sung by Myrtle Hunter, the League join-
ing in the chorus • address by Eli
Smith ; presentation to N. B. Gerry of a
clock by the choir and S. S., notice of
which appears elsewhere ; address by 33.
Gerry ; solo, "I want to be a worker,"
Harry Ainley ; closing address by Rev.
Mr. Allis ; chorus, "Onward Christian
Soldiers" ; Benediction. The evening
was very pleasantly spent and heartily
enjoyed by all. W. H, Kerr oeanpied the
their and Miss Norton presided at the
organ. Miss Minnie Moore, as Superin.
tendent of the Junior League, deserves
special mention for the interesting pro-
gram presented by the League. Mrs.
Allin and 2 children arrived in Bruaeels
on Tuesday.
People We Know.
Fred. Wilson spent Dominion day in
Alex. Ross spent Dominion Day in
Mrs. I. C. Richards was holidaying at
Miss Mary Beattie is holidaying at
Miss Mary Ferguson is holidaying at
W.P. Vanstone was at Southampton
on Monday.
Mrs, Wm. Knecbbel was visiting at
Fergus this week.
B. Gerry made a business trip to To.
ronto last Friday.
Mrs Roderick Ross wee visiting in
Walkerton this weak.
Mies Downey will spend her vacation
at Fraelton and other points.
Alfred Irwin, of Bayfield, was visiting
at S. Beattie's last Sabbath.
Miss Maud Penny, of Ypsilanti, Miob.,
is visiting Mrs. J. W. Blashill.
Miss Mary Ross took a tour to Clinton
and Blyth on her wheel this week.
Misses Floronne and Ida Blaehill were
visiting friends in Morris thio week.
Misses May and Eva Turnbull were
visiting in Atwood on Dominion. day.
Dau. McNaughton has been laid aside
frotn work owing to an abscess on his left
Miss Luella Ross has gone on a h01i•
day visit with her aunt, Mrs. McGuire,
to Peberboro'.
Stella, the little daughter of N. F.
Gerry, fell last Monday evening and out
her Mee on a stone,
Thee. Moore and wife, William street,
are visiting with relatives and friends in
the vicinity of Mitchell,
Owen Phillips, who has been employed
in R. N. Barrett's tonsorial parlor, will
take a situation in Berlin.
Mies Belle Riebardson, of Teeewater,
and Miss Gardner and Jack., of Binevale,
were in town last Sabbath.
W. A, 'McLean, formerly of Brussels,
was to town last week while on route to
Sb. Marys from Owen Sound.
Jno. H. Grimoldby has gone to Owen
Sound, where he bas a situation. Mrs.
Grimoldby will likely remove there.
Will. Sample expecte to take a trip to
Brandon, Man., nest week, where be in.
tends following his trade as carpenter.
He's a good meehauia.
W. H. K.ERR, Prop,
Mrs, Salah Felton, Atwood, is danger.
aualy ill.
Mies E. E. Kerr was visibing at Bine,
vale for a few days.
Charlie Dodds, of Seaforth, was vieit-
ing in town this week.
W. H. Willis, of Seaforth, epont Do-
minion Day in Brussels.
Mies Linton left for her home at Lind.
say on Tuesday of this week,
R. Dowling and wife, of Harriston,
were palling on friends this week.
Miss Annie and Charlie Willie, of Sea.
forth, were holidaying in Brussels.
G. D. Lamont arrived back from his
holiday trip on Tuesday afternoon.
Chas. Sheriff, of Toronto, is renewing
old friendships in Brussels and locality.
Mies Ross, of Port Elgin, is visiting at
Melville manse, Rev. Mr. Rose is her
Miss Thurso Gerry is enjoying a visit
with her sister, Mos. W. 1T, Willis, at
Harry Church, of Galt, was visiting his
sister, Mrs. Robert Watt, for a few days
last week.
Miss Lizzie Sample was dangerously 111
during the past week, but is improving
nicely now.
Mrs. J. G. Skene and May were holi-
daying this week with Mee. R. McGowan
at 'W slkerton.
Wm. Bright was in town on Wednesday
for a brief visit. He returned to Arthur
on the noon train.
Miss Myrtle Hammett, of Seaforth,
was visiting the Misses Hewitt, John
street, this week.
Rev. W. T. Cluff, wife and children,
who have been residing at 1'enton,M fah.,
are visitors in town.
Mists Maggie MoNanghton enjoyed a
holiday outing at Sarnia last Saturday,
returning on Monday.
Miss Teenie Sample will make a holi-
day visit with relatives in the Prairie .
Province, going next Tuesday.
Wm. l0sylor, General Agent for the
'Confederation Life Association, was itt
town this week on a business trip.
H. Dennis will take a business trip to
Manitoba on next Tuesday's excursion.
His neios from Gaderioh will accompany
Rev. S. J. Allis and eon Cleveland ar-
rived in town last Saturday forenoon on
their bicycles, Doming from Exeter that
Rev. Geo. Jewitt and family removed
from Warwick to Elimville, where they
were welcomed by a number of their
Principal Cameron will be the presid-
ing examiner at Blyth this week in con-
nection with the Entrance examination
to be held there.
Relieving operator C. C. Totten, of
Petersburg, is supplying the vacancy at
Brussels G. T. R. station amused by the
removal of Geo. Hogarth.
While engaged picking cherries a few
days ago Dr. Marr, Port Elgin, fell out of
the tree and striking on a picket fence
was seriously injured. We hope he will
soon be all right.
B. Jones, wife and daughter, of Walth-
am, Mass., are visiting at Jas. Jones'.
The gentlemen are brothers. Mr. Jones
is a finisher in the great Waltham Watch
Councillor Leatherdale and wile wars
visiting at Elora this week. Mrs.
Leatherdale expeots to take a pleasure
trip to Winnipeg next week with the
double intention of visiting relatives and
building up her health. Tae POST wishes
her a pleasant time.
John R. Miller, of the legal firm of
Miller c0 Duncan, died early Thursday
morning after a long illness, at his re-
sidence, 810 Avenue road, Toronto. De-
ceased was widely known and respected
in the city and through the Province.
Before he went to the city to practice law
he was for some time Inspector of Public
schools in West Huron, residing in Gode-
Additional Local News.
TEM residence of W. F. Stewart has
been much improved by a new dress of
GBANT c2 Co., hatters and furriers, of
Toronto, of which R. Y. Grant, formerly
in the hardware business in Brussele,
was the head, have assigned. Liabilities
Wilms playing baseball at Owen Sound,
with Harriaton team, on Wednesday of
last week, Robt. Ross, of Wroxeter, had
the thumb of his right hand broken while
catching behind the bat. The accident
will lay Mr. Ross up for some time.
Bensons Public school will be repro.
seated by 35 pupils at the examinations
this Summer, viz.:—Entrance, 11 ;
Public School Leaving, 8 ; Commercial,
fl ; and Primary 7. We with the
various candidates success in their work.
MAITLAND Skating Rink 15110 m00e, as
it has been torn down and the lumber
and timber will be utilized for other pur-
poses. The skating rink was originally
built and owned by ajelobstook company,
but was never a paying institutiou and
consequently was not kept in repair. It
was not aeeeidered iu a safe oondition
during tbe past Winter. Messrs. Backer
di Vanstone were the last °weave, p00.
chasing it from A. M. Kay, of Stratford.
Tse Eubranoe and Public School Leav-
ing examinations began in 33cusssls Pub.
lie sohool on Thursday morning of this
week, with D. Fraser, of Turnberry, and
Miss Robertson, of Wingham, as presid.
ing examiners. There were 42 condi.
dates in the Entrance class, made-up of
22 girls and 20 boys. For the Leaving
there wore 18 candidates, equally divided
between the boys and girls. Next Toes•
day the Primary examinations will
The semi-annual eleotion of of&oers in
Court Owen Sound, C. 0, F., resulted as
follows :—H, Jaoltson, Chief Ranger ; J.
E. Mitobell, Vitae Chief Ranger ; J. B.
Kennedy, Ree. Secy. ; W. H. Taylor,
Fin. Secy. ; Thos. Bell, 'Treas. ; Geo.
Leslie, Chaplain ; S. Wake, SenioWood-
ward ; 141. C. Beckett, Junior Woodward;
Dr. Marshall, Senior Beadle • W. J.
French, Junior Beadle ; Dr, Middleless,
Court Physician.