HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-26, Page 8PARIS
ap��' .v
iu„Wtl W.fig l�r,axv �M
',Phis year we have boon patio.
tenter ettreful or dreiding which Perla
fseV tiA to beadle. Our eeperlenee In the
pest Stas taught tie that we sheuld excr.
eerie great care in the purohnae of Paris
Eleven and therefore Ireton laying in our
stook this year we had the Green ahor-
t1netly analysed and tasted for its purity
end found that we were safe in selling
see/DEN under a positive guarantee. We
Ides going to handle this Green only, end
uvrantee every pound we sell to be ab.
Gast ly pure and although this Greeu
code us more money than ordinary
Gomm we aro going to sell 1t at the same
Deere and this gives our ouetomere the
ik,ixantage of the superior quality.
1 'Only 25e. per lb.
1.1 mists, Opticians and Bookeellere.
'Ergine leave Brussels Station, North
008 South, as follows:
0:28a.m. Mixed 0:45 a.m
rdxurvss 11:59 a.m. I Mail12:54 Pau.
,Si -.ed..,,.,, 0:00 p.m. Exprees ,,,.„ 0:40 p.m
'',ora1 XleWs horns,
A ahiel's among ye taking notes,
An' faith he'll prem it.
Wereas .age all our athletic .olubs this
onion i'
11AN. BEA'rrio lute purchased 80 interest
in e. livery a'
barn in OIaton,
A 010 010111 holiday oelobratioll fu Brut•
eels is among the probabilities,
dieenlis, Memo o di Ventere80 MONO a
Or of Manitoba flour lank week,
AN "ad," is like a pointer dog. Ib
hunte up the gate snit brings it 10 its
JA9, JbN*s, W. Stmtll end Ted, Grower
assisted the Harrietee Bend el Owen
Sound on Wednesday,
D. EWAN has invested in a patent tire
setter and cooler, manufactured by .a
Sbolburns man, It appears to be the
very thing needed,
A snag thief was helping himself to
rash at the bar of the Revere Horisa
Wedneeday evening when oanght in the
sot and made disgorge. He may be
made sweat for it,
Tiir•, proposed Orange oelebretion in
Bruasale on Monday, July 181h, bas beeu
oituo lied aucl the brethren of this looality
will likely dividetheir patronage between
Kincardine and Listowel.
!CITE Sessional Statutes of Ontario for
18011 have been lesued and are now beteg
distributed by the "Printer to the
Queen's Most Excellent Majesty," L. K.
Cameron. The volume contains 657
pages, as against 804 of 1805.
Gnomic Homes, the genial operator
and biome man at Bowie's depot, has
been offered the G. T. R. agency at Otter-
ville. If accepted he will move in the
neer future. Sir. Hogarth has been in
Brussels for the past 8 or 0 years. He
Will carry with him the hearty wishes of
Neatens WEEns.—The oxeye daisy, or
Marguerite as itis sometimes termed, is
now in full bloom and unless speedily out
down will ere long be spreading its per-
Oieioue needs to the four winds.. Canada
thistles and other noxious weeds are also
thriving. Property owners and tenants
should see that all pests of this nature are
at arae destroyed or another harvest will
sea the area broadened and the orop
quadrupled. These remarks do not ap-
10O'OING Is on. ply to farmers alone. There are many
F.lsz• you lose you vote 7 plaoes in town, particularly vacant lots,
Tien flax crop is doing well. where little else but rank weeds thrive.
;ionic talk of a new dray being put on The proper authorities will take the
f$klt'aC matter in hand and where the owner ne•
3hsurro=A excursion on Tuesday of next gleets to do his duty have the work done
week. and charge the expense against the
New time table came into effect last property.
Monday. ORANUE BLossoals.—A quiet wedding
Tee town pump is well worked these took place at the residence of S. T. Plum,
hob days. Flora street, Brussels, on Wednesday
GanasELs Band will go to Gorrin on night of this week, at 9 o'clook, when
Dominion Day. Nelson B. Gerry, a well known young
Tag afternoonmail now arrives about gentleman, and Miss Ella 0. Pluto joined
1 p. M. from Toronto. hands and hearts in a matrimonial MIL
WEDNESDAY George Parker shipped a ante. Bev. J. L. Kerr performed the
.ore of horses from Brussels for London, Ceremony, in the presence of the im•
England. Ile accompanied the ship- mediate relatives of the contracting
nowt parties. The bride was tastefully and
Vitax heavy shipments of salt are being becomingly costumed in white muslin
made this week, 8 or 0 care were for- and Carried a bouquet of natural flowers,
warded. Wedding gifts, numerous, useful and
T'rENrY.FOnn tickets aero sold to ex. handsome were made and a moat enjoy.
Oursionists going to Owen Sound on Wed- able time spent by all present. An
nesday, at Brussele. elegant spread was partaken of. Vocal
MESSRS. CLEGG- & DANES shipped a car and instrumental music of an extra good
of live hogs on Wednesday and a oar of quality was rendered by T. A. Hawkins,
cattle on Tburade.y. W. 1.1. Willis, of Seaforth, and the groom.
AlsxiToe& excursions will be run on the The first named gentleman was equally
G- T. R. on June 80 and July 7 and 93. at borne in severe] recitations. Mr. and
Tickets good for G0 days. Mrs. Gerry went bo their otvn home, on
Tag Maitland. Observer is the name of Flora street, followed by the best wishes
s r,cw paper established at Wroxeter by of a large circle of friends.
Allan M. Bock. It will be independent etMILATLvu.—The Liberals of Brussels
In politics. and locality had a time of rejoicing on
Tait Sun is the name of the new paper Tuesday night when the election returns
p:rhlished by Jas. Irwin, formerly of showed that Wilfrid Laurier and his sup -
Broods, m Leon. It made its first ap• porters had won the battle, but it was
Lseeranae last week. generally conceded that -a gathering talc.
'Pan annual choir excursions to Sarnia 100 in the Biding would not be out of
sial Detroit will be run on Saturday, 27th place, so on Wednesday forenoon mea.
last., and tickets will be good to return sages were sent to the various munieipali•:
the following Monday. ties as far as possible for a Jubilee in the
`i:ABLY to bed and early to rise, may Twat] Hall, Brussels, for that evening.
:naive a man healthy and make a man Wingbam responded by sending over 40
wile, but as to"wealthy"—its enterprise; representatives, headed by Dr. ihfcDon-
alley have got to "bustle" and "adver- aid, the worthy M. P., end Mayor Mo-
`t'e`'"}' Kenzie. Tbey arrived here about 6p. m.,
.'0CamEET.—A week or more ago David their earriagee decorated with flags,
Floes, sr., was tramped upon by a cow he brooms and red ribbons and filled the air
eras leading. His left leg was badly I with cheers for McDonald and Laurier.
ber•afeed and his left side was also injured. Other municipalities sent their quota and
We :cope Mr. Ross will soon be able to
feet *.Mout as usual.
-XTs,:sotoxn Banns—Last Saturday
Wen. Rands brought THE POST a sample
bog of strawberries grown by him that
;iierheunte anything we have seen this
.mason. The largest berries measured
Sx3 inches and one box, filled with 21
berriec, weighed one pound. They were
eareg coon engaged a horse from
Beattie Tiros., VOiugham, on Tuesday
'noruing of last week to go to Wroxeter.
Ftdifug to return Taesday night they
made enquiries at Wroxeter and found
that alter taking dinner at the hotel, he
had belt for Brussels where he had his
supper. The horse and rig were found
at Listowel. The man's name was
is Morden, Man., on May 251h, Walter
dtieltardeon, formerly of Brussele, won
u:veral first prizes for dancing and other
trot , but that is not all, he carried of a
floe ;old watch and his partner a half
drsen silver knives and forks for being
the best looking couple in the Hall. The
Manitoba boys say, 'We all like Watt.,
lie ie a jolly good fellow, but when it
ea.mee to walkiug out of a crowd with a
gold watch in your pocket end the best
hulking lady at your side, we would like
Me act that part ourselves."
Daemon day brought to Brussels for -
mac residents in the pereens of D. & 1).
Yergason, Jno. Shaw, W. Habkirk, D.
McDonald, Messrs. Gillies & Smith,
Teoewatee ; Dudley Holmes, Goderich ;
los Irwin, Liman ; W. J. Norton,
9,istowel ; Geo. Jamieson and Dao. Mo•
Donald, Wiarton ; Ranee Patton, Inner -
ken ; Thos. Pierce and G. Mulder, Ger.
dee John Seli, L.uoknow ; Sam. Beattie,
Minton ; Wm. Mo0ullough, London ;
W. A. Edgar, Culloden • W. G. Mus -
goo, Howick. ; J. E. Bridges, Goderich ;
,Sao. I'ybue, Kippen ; Jno, Londesboro'
,tad -Jas. Kneobtel, Seaforth.
Parr JULY AT Liioxxow.—All that is now
required is the benign ensile and good
will of the clerk of 11 e weather and a
geed day's sport is a,,,nred at Luoknow
oft luny let. Good Contests in all the
events—base ball, senior and junior
fieeeoese, foot ball and band tournament
—ane now assured and with a fine day
everything'promises favorably for a first.
ekes days' sport. The train going south
will be held one hour and the 10.80 train
nrret4s will be one hour to allow pas-
uwrgere to attend the concert. Snob
talent as 3. Wyatt Trendell, the world
i eithawned clarionsttiet ; T. H. Marks,
f atcAAta's favorite oomedian, and others
loom been secured for "Ye Olde Folkes'
Groaned in the Eventide."
at 8 o'rlock a procession was farmed at
the Town Hall, consisting of the town
Band ; a battalion of biayolists on gaily
decked wheels ; flag bearers ; a carriage
with four-in-hand, in which were Dr.
McDonald, M. P., Warden Strachan,
Mayor McKenzie, Dr. Graham and W.
H. Kerr ; broom brigade, numbering
about 60, and others. The lineof march
was along 'blain street to William street,
to Dr. Graham's, where Dr. McDonald
was entertained, then back to the Hall.
With the music of the Band and the con.
tinned cheers and hurrahs it was a time
'long to be remembered in Past Huron.
The seating capacity of the Hall was
taxed to its fullest capacity and plank
seats were extemporized on the platform
to accommodate the Crowd. About 8:30
W. H. Kerr took the Chair and an im-
promptu program was entered upon.
There was nothing formal or stiff about
it, but was a general season of jubilation,
in which the various speakers were most
heartily received. Short, congratulatory
speeches were given by Mayor. IYIoKeuzie,
Wingbam ; Warden Strachan, Grey ;
Thos• Gibson, Fordwioh • Robb. Arm.
strong, Morrie ; Robt. Miller, Wroxeter;
J. D. Ronald, Brussels ; A. C. Dames,
Oranbrook ; Editor Brown, Wingharn
Times ; S. Gi•aeey, Wingham ; Dr. Mc-
Donald, M. P. ; and G. F. Blair, Brus-
sele. Deputy -Reeve Hislop and ex -
Reeve Milne were also Called upon but
were not present at bhe time, A letter of
congratulation was read by F. S. Soots
from Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., and a tele-
gram from Blyth Liberals along the same
line, When Dr. McDonald came forward
to address the andienee little Misses
Aileen Scott and Verna Walker presented
him with a beautiful bouquet and were
rewarded with the customary salutation
from the M. P. of East Huron, The Dr.
returned thanks to all who hail in any
way contributed to hie return. A ohoice
minded program was rendered, consisting
of "The Maple Leaf," in which the vers.
es were Bung by Misses Kate Wilson and
Annie Stewart, and the chorus by the
audience ; solo, "Sante wha has," W. M.
Sinclair ; instrumental on bagpipes by
Piper Thos. Ballantyne ; solo, Mies Kate
Wilson ; 2 songs by Geo. Cline, of Wing.
ham : and "Rale Britannia," by Mies
Annie Stewart and Messrs. Straohan,
Cameron and Roes. Miss 3. McLauoh•
lin presided at the piano, The National
Anthem and hearty cheers for the Queen,
Laurier and McDonald brogbt the pro•
oeedings to a close shortly after 11 0'.
clock. It is doubtful if a more entbn-
siastic company ever filled the Hall than
that of Wednesday evening, and the re-
membrance of the election of June 1896
will dwell with us for a long time.
Ibeiiomea tiokete bo Manitoba frena
Bru8110le nod '.Pueedey only obtainable at
the 0, T. R. etabioa. luggage absatted
od b' t
s In tl
t e . a 0.1,
Sanoon Board will meet next Monday
evening to sideob ' a euoeessot to ltl.ies
Liutou, whoa° roeignetiou wee aoeeptsd
et Met meeting,
A; 3, Darts, who hes been in briefness
In the Garfield hoose for the past six
menthe, removed the balanos of hie
etook tllie week to Watford where he has
another store, Mr, Davie is quite a
Tema—Six reembers of Listowel
Tennis Club Came to Brussele last Mon-
day afbernoou and played it match With
the town team on J. D, Ronald's lawn.
In the doubles Messrs, Niobol and llay
beat Messrs. Sinclair and Ross 0.3, 6.4.
Messrs. Cameron and Stewart awned it
up by defeating Messrs. Stuart and Hunt
by 6.3, 5.7,'0.4. Some excellent play
was brought out in the single' oompeti.
tlon, D, 0. Rosa won from Dr. Nichol
by 6 4, 5.7, 6-4. J. H. Cameron vanquish-
ed Roy Thompson by a soore of 7.5, 6.4,
and W. M, Sinslair was beaten by J.
Hay by 6.1, 7.5. An excellent lunch was
provided and after the match a pleasant
hour was spent. In social °het and music.
Laws; Penne--The annual lawn party
of Melville oburoh congregation was held
on the lawn at the Manse on Thursday
evening of lest week and was attended by
a large number. A choler' program of
vocal and instrumental mesio was pro-
vided as follows :—Instrumental, Mossrs.
Bose, Halliday, Thompson, xlawkios and
Lamont ; solo, Mise Lida Crooks ; in-
strumental, Prof, Dawkins ; quartette,
Messrs. Rose and McCall, isses Roes
and Stewart ; solo, Mies Annie Stewart ;
instrumental, Messrs. Ross, Halliday,
The m.peom, Hawkins and Lamont ; solo,
Miss Kate Wilson ; instrumental, Mr.
Hawkins. Rev. Jno, Ross, B, A., pastor,
performed the duties of chairman. After
the program a aboice supply of edibles,
Coffee, lemonade, &o., was served. An
enjoyable evening was spent by all.
A Bvso'ano paper says —"The mar-
riage of Mies Lillian Tyrrell, daughter of
Benjamin J. Tyrrell, and Albert Denny,
was solemnized on Wednesday evening of
last week at 8 o'clock, at the home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. G. R. MacLean, Sen-
eca street. Rev. Henry Elliott Mott,
pastor of Central Churoh, performing the
Ceremony. The house was prettily decor-
ated with palms and Marguerites. The
bridal procession weer led by the maid of
honor, little Laura Belle MacLean, niece
of the bride. She was daintily gowned
in pink organdie and carried a large hat
tied eve, itiu rihenne. and filled with
Marguerite.,, wbiah she strewed in the
path of the bride. The bride entered
with her father, who gave her in mar-
riage. She was handsomely attired in
white organdie, with lane and ribbon
trimmings, and parried bride roses. Miss
Ella Black was maid. She wore a beau•
tifol gown of pink organdie, and carried
pink meridians. Alfred Denny, brother
of the groom, was best man. A reoepbion
for relatives and intimate friends followed
the ceremony. Among the; guests were
J. C. Welch and wife, Mies Frances.
Welch and Master James Welch, of Nia-
gara Fells. Mr. and Mrs. Denny went
directly to their new home in the "Lin•
Coln," where they will be at home after
July 151h." The many old friends of
Mr. Denny in Brussels are a unit in wish.
ing him and hie bride all the joys of
matrimonial life. Mr. Denny is the
youngest son of Petro. Samuel Snide, er.,
of this town.
Business Locals.
Pune English Paris green. McKay &
Icn for sale, delivered at your home.
Apply to W. Leatherdale.
CLOVER and timothy seed for sale.
Backer & Vendome.
RoLLED oats and all kinds of mill feed
for Sale at Ross' mill, Brussels.
Soon dressings of all kinds o0 hand
both for black and tan colored.
I. C. Richards.
A NIOE line of buggy dusters an hand,
all sold at close enargios. I.0. Richards.
AsirrorCAN binder twine, half a Dent
per lb. cheaper than Canadian twine, at
Malley & Co'e.
noun! T'Loun 1 Manitoba patent, Man-
itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, best
in the markeb, for sale at Ross' mill.
STRAWBERRIES, $ picked every day, at D
McLennan's, Brussels. Orders left at J.
G. Skene's store will be promptly attend.
ed to.
ECORSE blanket lost between the bridge
and Brussele station on Wedneeday
morning. Finder will kindly leave it at
TEE Pos'r. Suitable reward.
KARL'S Clover Root, the great Blood -
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion end cures constipation.
25 cls, 50 cls and 01,00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
A erLENntn range of men's women's
and children's ehoee on band. Oall and
see them no matter if you do not buy,
we will be pleased to have you see them.
I. C. Itiohards.
CoaL.—I am prepared to supply any
quantity of stove or furnace Coal. All
orders will be promptly attended to at
Wilton & Turnbull's stove and tinware
store, Bruseels, or on application to Wm.
Doors Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
(Nal., says :—"�Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 60
cents, Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Bro.
REpitnlxo DONE.--Maohinory, bieyolee,
lawn -mowers, scissors, implements and
all kinds of tools sharpened and
put in order at reasonable prices
for spot cash by saw filer T. McGregor,
of Brussels, Queen St. East.
OAiu'RTs.—Any one desiring Carpets
will do well to Call at the Brussels Wool-
en Mill before baying elsewhere, as they
have the largest assortment of samples
ever shown in this locality, ranging in
price from 30e. to $1.00. Howl i8 Co.
BINnEB TWINE.—A largo quantity of
American twine in stook, quality better
and prides lower than any Omnedian twine
in the market. A combine has advanced
the prime of Canadian twine about 12}%
A word to the wise is sufficient. Oall and
see our drown brand, American Sheaf
and absolutely pure manilla.
Mello & Co., Brussels.
PAINTING, &a,—The undersigned, hev-
ing entered into partnership, are proper.
ed to do all kinds of work in the following
lines :—Plain and ornamental painting,
kalsomining, frescoing, paperhanging,
sign writing, &o., &o. Remember our
motto, "First•olass work and reasonable
charges," STEWA1RT & Rrteals,
S,L 4XD4R. B4XT.. 04 Si4r/Y ✓ D4,
SOC M,'r., fines 7D
ASSETS, (eleven 04111403 Dollars) $7,000,000
OA .?3TAI, (Authorized) $2,000,096
Agenotes in all principal points in Ontario, Quarto, AJanitoba, Ue'feed States & Ten gland.
alt, r5°IS"•it+°ZOS° lifittamem.
A General Bantling Business Tranaaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Oolleobione made on, all pointe.,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwards prom dat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and Compounded hall yearly.
SEROIAL ATm irroei GIVEN TO 509 COLLEgTIpte orf. FAntisne' .SALE Noires,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
SNrc,otl's Mire is sold on a guarantee.
It ores inoiplenb Consumption, It is
bbo best cough Dore, Only one cent a
dose. 29 ole., 60 obs, and 51.00. Sold by
$amen Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Wisen•DleetNe 'ANn D1em area—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is preppay.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satiefaobion.
Wells gleaned •out and pub in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
sawed door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry sI., Brussels. 84-0
FLoweee ANn Pea:ca,—Thos. Kelly,
florist, Brussels, has a rare and beautiful
collection of flowers and plants this sea-
son and is in a better position than .ever
to suit the public. He will also have the
usual range of garden plants, molt m
celery, .@o., &c. If you require
anything in this line call on or write Mn.
Kelly. Plants for sale at Geo. Thomeon's
commend a bicycle can have is the num-
ber of sales made. • A. Cousley, agent for
the well-known Brantford, has made the
following sales this Beason already :—
W. E. Armstrong, Manlier, Brussels ;
Arthur Wake, Brussels ;
Mr. Shiels, Gray ;
Rev. G. H. Oobblediok, Brussels ;
Colin McArthur,•Brussele ;
Wm. McDonald, Moleswortb ;
John Rae, teacher, MoKfliop ;
W. J. Rozell, Brussels;
H. J. Burkholder, Drayton ;
Sydney Bolger, Morris
R. A. McKee, teaoher, McKillop.
Miss Tilly Gofton, Wroxeter.
Rev. W. J. Waddell, Ethel ;
J. Haokwell, McKillop.
J. A. Stewart, Brussels.
Geo. Coates, Oranbrook.
R. Leatherdale, Brussels.
J. A. McKee, MoKillop.
Wm, Modeler, Walton.
Miss Thnell, Morris.
The "Red Bird" gives great satisfaction,
A stock of wheels always on hand, both
new and second hand. A. CouSLEy,
Agent, Brussele.
BnxcaER.—In East Wawanosh, June
14th, the wife of Mr. John Butcher
of a son.
GEnax—PLDN.—At the residence of Mr.
S. T. Plum, the bride's brother, by
Rev. J. L. Xerr, on Wednesday, Jane
2Srd, Mr. Nelson B. Gerry to Miss
Ella C. Plum, all of Brussels.
DENNT—TTERELL,—Ab Buffalo, on Wed.
nosday,June 17th, by Rev. Henry
Elliott Mott, Mr, Albert Denny to
Mise Lillian Tyrrell, daughter of Mr.
Benjamin J. Tyrrell, all of Buffalo.
WmsaNeo8—Cunnri.—At Echo River,
Algoma, on May 29th, by Rev. R, J.
Wilkinson, Mr. G. W. Wilkinson, of
Bello Bay, to Miss Mary Currie, for-
merly of Morris township.
Me Cmier Tn McKillop, on Sunday,
June 21st, Duncan, second son of
Duman and Sarah efcCuaig, aged
80 years, 3 months and 21 days.
HANNA.—In Morrie, on Thursday, June
18th, 1390, John Hanna, aged 59
Fall Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls ,..
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel.........
Hay per ton
Hides trimmed...... •. •
Hides rough
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, moll
Lamb skins eaoh
Apples per bus
Boge, Live
62 63
4 00 4 50
10 15
7 00 8 00
4 4e
3 8e
1 00 00
00 75
15 40
1 00
3 60 8 70
Llvnneome—Cheese quiet ; demand
moderate ; finest American white and
colored, (new crop) 36s, Butter—Finest
United States, 700 ; good, 45s.
Toronto, June 23.—Market quiet.
Flour very slow, prices unchanged ;
straight rollers quoted at $3.25 to $8 35,
Toronto freights. Bran dull ; cars un-
changed at $9,25 west, and shorts $10 to
$10.50. Wheat quiet, demand limited ;
white quoted 67c outside, and rod at 05c
west ; No. 1 Manitoba bard quoted at 590
to 600 afloat Fort William and No. 2 ab
57e ; No. 1 hard i0 quoted at 65o to 66c
Midland. Barley, no demand ; No. 2
quoted at Sle to 32c, and No. 8 extra at
29c to 30o. Ode quiet ; prices un0liaug•
ed ; white quoted at 10 0 outside, and
mixed at 185o to 10c outside. Pees quint
and prices steady ; quotations are 45c to
460 north and west. Buokwheat quiet ;
no business reported ; quotations nomin-
al at 320 outeido. Oatmeal quiet, prices
nominal at $2.60 to $2.05 on track, Corn
dull and prices easy ; yellow quoted at
280 to 28,c outside.
BAST BuyiALo, N Y, June 23. —Cattle—
Market quiet and unchanged. Hogs—Re•
eeipts, 3 cam ; market active and strong-
er ; Yorkers, good to choice, $3.65 to $3,.
70 ; ronghs, common to good, $3 to $8..'
10 ; pigs, common to fair, $3.50 to $3.65.
Sheep and lambs—Receipts, 1 ear ;
market unchanged' ; lambs, good to
choice, $4.75 to $5; tulle and common,
02,75 to $8.50 ; sheep, good to choice
handy weight wothers, $4.15 to $4,25 ;
culls and common, $1.25 to $8.
Fen SALE. -Lots 228, and 531; Queen st.
Toros reasonable to a sash purchaser. Ap.
ply on tltepremises 00 to
Volunteer's Attention I
Ulla Brussels Volunteer Company will go
into tamp in June next. All loon wearing
doin may applying to
Lieut., Btd enls,, otoI HAYS, Captain
Works on Tune lebb, a $100.00 Bank of
Oommercc note. binder on returning sante
Wi11 be gratefully rewarded.
or Estate of T. T. Coleman,
N. B.—Public Is warned against receiving a
bili 0orresponding to above.
sale a.ad to rent, eassy termegoodu Farms
ow ships
of Morris and Grey. F S. S00TT,Brassels
T.14 ARMS FOR SALE.— 200
.���� sores—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 7111
and 8t1.1 Concessions Township of Grey. be-
ing 1 mile from the (Village of Ethel and Si
miles from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall wheat
sown and about 80 acres under grass ; .00
sores cleared on 0050. Perms of payment
easy. A. Mc121OL7EY, e0, D„
34- Brussels,
—100 acres of good Yarm land at
Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for solo at alow pries. The propertyis
North East .4 Sec.10, Twp.11, Range 4, East.
There is a house on eta premises and some
breaking done.. I'or full particulars as to
Pries, title, &o„ write or apply to
G. F. BLAIR or W, H, KERB,
9.04f Brussels, Ont.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 28 Con. 0, Morrie, the thoro' bred Im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar ^Selected,"
bred from J. 30. Brothour'e sweepstakes sow
at Chimp Pair. Terms, 81.00 to bo paid
at the time of service with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen
on application.
undersigned will hoop for service on
Lot 30, Con. 0, Morris, the tlloro"bred Largo
English Berkshire Boar, Captain John,"
His mother is a full sister to the 501 prize
sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be
produced on application. Terms—$1.00 to
he paid at time of service) with privilege of
returning if necessary, •
14.001 TAS. SPEIR, Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 27, Con. 4, Morris, the tboro' bred Tam-
worth boar ,"Ring George," purobaeed from
H. George & Sons, who got first prize. for
their hard at Guelph Fat ,Stock Show. The
dam of "Bing George" won first prize at the
Show, London, England, Hls sirel was im-
ported and weighed 750 lbs. Terms 81.00 to
be paid at time of seryloe with privilege of
returning if necessary. Pedigree may be
seen on application.
40•t1 .Proprietor.
Ancient Order of United Worklileii
This Benedolent and Fraternal
Society is the Olciest and
Strongest of the kind in
Each member secures to his family, at his
death, $2,000.00 or 61,000.00, at his option,
The yearly aseosemout on the former is only
810.00 and. On the latter 5800, on good
health ymen between the ages of :Baud 45
years. A large lodge is in operation In Bros.
sols. Why not join yourself and secure for
your family, in case of your being called
away, ahandsome sum for their support 7
llocorder; J. A. C1tE1GHTON,lrluauober,
Lot 20, Oon. 5, 010rrla,l the keep for
bred Dur
ham boU,"Lord Lorne," -108103—, Pedigree
may bo soon on application, Terms, af.00to
mimeo but cows must bo returned regularly
if necessary,
47.4 Proprietor.
If you contemplate brooding to la Jersey
use the best you can get, You may have
ever so good a dam but if ,the bull is nob
Irons a goodmilking strain, and them isa
great difference amongst Jerseys, then you
Will be disappointed with; your stook. I aim
to Beep the beet. If you pity 50e, extra for
grades you can return until you get a half er
calf. G.A. DIiADMAN,
Druggist, Brussels.
Honor Graduate Tortuto Unlversiby,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Someone.
Crown and Bridge work a epocialt�,Moder-
ate t8. arftion uurllurBar et's hrboshop,PrberySAra
e • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
peeterinary 0! dsmsstt a prepared to treat m-
toob of 000. iorbl0 la ate t a said
patent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptlyy at-
tended to, bmeeand Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge 'purnberry nt,, Drools.
jun 20, 1896
poke_Ciel _.,®
Insect Powder,
Wilson's Fly Pacts,
Davis' Fly Pads,
Chloride of Lima,
Little's Soluble Plleneyle,
Crude Carbolic .Acid for Horn
Flies ou Cattle.
Pure Park Green
25c. per lb.
It pays to use the best, it's
the only kind we keep and we
guarantee every pound to give
entire satisfaction or money
cheerfully refunded.
Don't forget the place,
Fox's Drug Store.
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. Oi$oe—Vanstone'sBlook, Brus-
sels. 21•Sm
• Solicitor Conveyancer ,Notary Pub -
lie, &s. O100e—'Vausbooe's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
• • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Oameron,l Barrister tend Selioitor, GoderIoh,
Out. C4aee—Hamilton St., Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, &e. (late of Garrow &
Prondfoo is Oihoe, Goderich.) Oilloe Oyer
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. - 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Salon conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farts
stooka specialty. Orders left at TIM P051
PublishlugHouse,Brussels, or sant to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention.
Enn, will soli for better prions, to
bettor mon, in ass time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in hast Huron
or 120 won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged at this odice
or by personal application.
0. M., L.11. O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P.
S. Out. Residence and of0oo in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnborry Ste.
• Physiolan, Surgeon, A000uaher, etc.
Graduate of Toronto IIuivoreity Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons Out, Oroxon—Next door to
McDonald & Co., Walton. Out.
V V . IesurorofA3arrfageLicenses. Osioe
at his Grocery,'Ptlrnborry, street. Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist• Shop—Next door
south of A. M. Mol{ay & Co'e hardware °tore.
Ladle °'and children hair cutting a specialty
Savings Bank tapes Deposita from
51.00 to 81,600 and allows gt per cent.
interest. T. FARROW,
37.3m Testmaater.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
No Witnses Required.
T. L'LETCHER, Brendle.
ennAnOE Co. Established 1510. In.
nuances ?fleeted on all Town and Farm
Property at very low retail.
leant Agent, Brussele.
LEL HUNTER,A Clerk of the Fourth Divlelon Cour
Co. Huron. 0onveyaneer, Notary Publics
Land Loan and Ineuranee Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oolleetions made
Ofaoo Ln Graham's Block, 'invalids
Tinos. A. HAWKINS,
.1 Organietin St. John's Ohuroh, Brus•
sets, will giye.lessons to unpile either on
piano or orgaan, at his Music Room, opposite:
the pOst•oilloe, Brueeols, Vocal lassoes also
given. Ten years exporlonooin teaohing,
Terme reederats,