HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-26, Page 6-18 DU)*048A8A.•"
a mails)
felt time for thuja r1y ab
" 1'he Pos(" Stem* rnbllelliug Uou80,
',1'pRNeseux 5x,, BRp8enite, QNT,
Tnaats 00' sunsanrr0IQN,•—OA* dollar a
goer, in advance, Therdate to which every
eubs5riptlonis/rI,sla is denoted by the date
o4 the uddeess Jabal,
Aleverera1Ne 1zeeet0 -The following fates
will YoeLzl.aried to hose who aavereise by
tP0000 11 %12, 1 (l 11222, 19 Ano
One 00/8a111 .000.00 $00,00 $20.00
Sall 80.00 20.00 12,00
i a yp �� I 13 00 8,00 0.00
]eight omits per lino for first insertion, and
three Dints per Bee for each subsequent in-
sertion, All aeverbtsoments 0102200004 am
Nonparoik-2O ]loos to the leek,
Business Oards, eight lines and under, 35
per annum.
Advertisements without epoclfio (irae-
tions, )011 he mail til forbid, and
charged accordingly,
Instructions to change or Own/stem) an
adyeetteemeee must be left at the counting
room otTun Posse net later than Tuesday
of each week. This is imperative.
Mr. Ii. JCE1ii+Rl'•,..e
Editor and Proprietor,
A large number from Howlett were in
'Brussels on Tuesday attending the nomi-
The Brussels brass band, one of the
best band8 in the county of Huron, has
been engaged for the Gerrie Demonetra•
tion on July let.
On Saturday of last week the spirit of
Mfrs. Weir, relict of the late David Weir,
passed peacefully away from earth to join
her late partner in that brighter and
better world. Air. and Mrs. Weir were
among the earlier settlers of the township
of Howbeit. And during their long rest.
dance by their integrity and Christian
worth they woo the reepeot of all, The
funeral which took place on Monday
afternoon was attended by a very Large
concourse of people from all parts of the
township and many from the adjoining
On Monday of last week a team of
horses belonging to James Hunter, of the
9111 con., Tan away resulting in a very
serious and what may yet prove it fatal
=Orient. Jas. Bunter, jr., had the team
hitched to a threshing tank to draw water
from the river and when just outside the
gate they became frightened, and being a
very spirited team they became unma0•
ageable and ran with great fury. Mr.
Hunter was thrown clean through a
board fence and the wagon was smashed
to pieces, in fact the tire of one of the
wheels was broken into pieces. Mr. Hum
ter was carried home and medical aid
sent for at once, and though his injuries
are severe it is hoped 11e will eoou recover.
Lucke -low.
The Commit is having a new plank
sidewalk erected on the south side of
Campbell street.
The committee for July let have been
fortunate in securing the femme 30th
Battalion Bind, of Guelph.
Jas. McCluskey, of this village, has
purchased a new shingle mill and in
tends going into the manufacture of
On Friday, Jane 29th, Grand Easter
White, of Pembroke, will lay the found.
ation atone of the new Presbyterian
church atGlammis, with Masonic hon-
The sitting of the Commission of the
Division of Bruce under the County
Connell Act of 1896, will open at the
Court Souse, Walkerton, before Judge
Jones, of Brant, and Creaser, of Owen
Sound, on Monday, Jane 29th, at 4 p.
The body of the late Jahn Cameron,
who died in Anderson, Indiana, on May
30th, was brought home for burial on
Tuesday. Deceased, who was in the 36th
year of his age, was a brother to A. D.
Cameron, of the 12111 con. of West
Wawanosh, and left here about 22 years
ago. For many years he had been em-
ployed in sinking wells and his illness
and death were due to the inhailine of
the poisonous gases. He had only been
married abonbsix months, and the young
widow, together with bis brother, A. D.
Cameron, who went to Anderson on hear-
ing of the 'tad event accompanied the
body home.
Thos. Cottle, of the greenhouse, has a
pear tree wbioh has the second crop of
bloom 00 it for this year.
Robt. Eason has received from the
Chosen Friends a cheque for 91,000, be-
ing his total disability maim.
In a acheduled 0. L. A. matob at Mit-
chell on Friday of last week, Clinton de-
feated Mitchell. by a soore of 3 to 1.
B. B. Chant and J. W. Moore were
representing the Good Tempiars at the
meeting of the Grand Lodge in Toronto
last week.
James Beattie hag disposed of a half
interest in his livery busiuese to bis bro-
ther Samuel, and has rented Hodgens'
Hotel, Heneall.
While playing on the farm of Ohne.
Middleton, Godericb township, last week,
Miss Edna Manning lost the end of her
finger by having it saugbt fn a windmill.
J. Houston, the eflioient head -master of
Clinton Collegiate, has been appointed
one of the associate examiners in connec-
tion with the High School and Univer.
city examinations.
The following are the officers elect for
Batterbury 5t. E. L. of C. E.—Pres., A,
T. Cooper ; Sat Vice -Pres., G. A. Rorke ;
2nd Vine, Miss Porter ; 8rd Vice, Miss
Mabel Doherty ; 4th Vise, Albert Mtn-
phries ; 6th Vice, Miss M. Washington ;
Rem -Seo., Prank Boleti ; Cor, Seo., Mies
0. Barge ; Treas., Miss Tena Cooper.
Raid, of Seaforth, is the latest addition
to the inmates,-112ios Hodgens, who has
been visiting her slater., the assistant,
matron, left last week for Landon.—Tho
inmates were treated to a strawberry and
cake festival on Monday, by a philan.
thrapfo lady of town.—James MlMiohael
arid wife, Mr. Chesney and others, of
Seaforth, were here on a tour of inepee.
tion on Monday of last week.—The pole -
lie should remember that visitors ate not
allowed to go through the House on Sun-
day.-Mre. French has a bandoome china
ofp and saucer which aro over 300 years
old, having been handed down through
several families.
M''QKinley and Hobart..
ite1 Bili' alt Nominees roe Treadmill and
Tice•T resident.
When Senator Teller game forward to
address the oo v I
t1on lash 7huredu
morning, ab Sb Louis, he was received
with mingled hissed and onsets He tuna
hie familiar line of arg(lment,dosaribing
the woes that resnangle lb from a sbmnd-
ard, the bimetallic traditions of the Ile'
publioan party, and the inennipatibi11ty
of protection and goldbugienl, He wee
liberally applauded as 'he proceeded.
The old man's earnestness lnor022004 es
he reached the portion of hie remarks in
which he Outlined his future course in the
event of the adoption of the gold plat.
"You," he said, "stay doubt my jadg-
me2t, bub I muet not. I must answer to
My own 00000ien00, not t0 yours. I must
do my duty as it le presented to Dae, not
as it is presented to you. I mast, a8 an
honest man, saver my eouncetioa with
the Iiepubliotwa party."
These words drew a storm of hisses as
well as applause. Later from all parte
of the house, came the Moulting Ory t
"Go, go, go."
The Senator paid no attention to these
taunts, declaring that before hie oountry
and before his God, he could not 'aooept
the gold standard, and expressing a hope.
that at some future date he might enjoy
the inestimable privilege of reunion with
the party, on a broad, liberal, sound plat.
form, as to finanae,
The Senator -elect from Ohio, the chair-•
mat of the resolutions committee then
arose, and without a word moved to lay
the eubatitnte offered by Mr. Teller on
the table. A little more than one-eighth
of the membership in the convention
voted against laying the free coinage sub-
stitute on the table -818 1.2 to 105 1.2,
If they represent oue.eigbth of the total
Bepnblioans of the country, great shift•
ing in party allegiance will follow,
Senators Teller, Dubois and Cannon,
who were on the platform, shook hands
with Chairman Thurston, and paased
down the steps to the floor of the hall.
Notwitbstandiug the great confusion, the
101111702105 audionoequickly caught on to
what 0008 foreshadowed from the right
sad left. Men with their hate already in
hand, stepped into the main aisle, and
joined the senatorial triumvirate. The
delegates, for the most part, sprang to
their feet, so front a distance all that
could be seen of the bolters was their,
heads, as they passed down the aisle and
out of the door in single file. The entire
body of delegates and spectators stood up,
many mounting chairs, and sped the
parting guests on their way with 'erelong.
ed and deafening cheering, designed to
show how glad the national Republioan
party was to get rid of the insurgents.
The cheering and waving of fans and
hate continued for five minutes, snatches
of the tune, "Red, White and Blue," be.
rug naught up and sung by the great and-
iea0e at intervals.
Tn2, NOMnW010N.
Wm. MoHiuley was then nominated
on a platform of a gold standard of
money and a protective tariff. His as.
sedate on the ticket be Garret A. Hobart,
of New Jersey. On the first ballot Ho-
Kinley received 157 votes, against 82 1-2
for Reed, 62 for Morton, 62 1.2 for Quay,
34 1.2 for Allison, and 1 for Cameron.
When, after various epeeobes, the nom-
ination of MoKinley had been made uu-
animous, the convention proceeded to the
nomination of a candidate for Vice•Pres-
ident. Morgan G. Bulkeley, of Connec-
ticut ; Garret A. Hobart, of New Jersey ;
0. W. Lippitt, of Rhode Island ; J. A.
Walker, of Virginia, and H. Clay Evans,
of Tennessee, were placed before the con•
The result of the ballot for Vice -Pres•
ident was announced by the chairman as
follows : Hobart, 533 1-2; Evan's, 277 1-2 ;
Bulkeley, 39 ; Lippitt, 8 ; Walker, 24
Reed, a; Thurston, 2 ; Fred, Grant, 2
Depew, 3 ; Morton, 1 ; absent, 28. Mr.
Hobart was nominated by praotioally the
same vote as was McKinley.
Morris Council 'Meeting,
The Couuoil met according to adjourn-
ment in the Council Room, Morris, on
May 28th ; members all present, the
Reeve in the chair. Minutes ofleetmeet.
Ingres() and passed. A petition was pre-
sented from a number of ratepayers of
the townships of Morris and Ttunberry
and the town of Wingham asking for the
formation of a Union school section, com-
prising a portion of each of the said
mnnicipalities, Moved by Jas. Bowman,
seconded by Thos. Code that Jas. Irwin,
of the village of Brussels, bo appointed
arbitrator to act in the matter above re.
£erred to. Carried. Moved by Win.
Iebister, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that
the following persons be appointed fence -
viewers for the township of Morris, name-
ly :—Div. No. 1, Wm. Pollock, Jas. Gib-
son, Thos. Laidlaw ; Div. No. 2, Jas,
Murray, Geo. Jackson, Geo. Kelly ; Div.
No. 3, Cltas. McCrea, Wm. Bryan, Henry
Johnston ; Div. No, 4, W. McCracken,
Was. Sherrie, Jas. Sharp ; Div. No. 5, 3.
Elston, Wm, Martin, Archibald Camp-
bell ; Div. No, Q R. Armstrong, Jas. Ire-
land, Geo. Johnston. The Reeve report-
ed having interviewed Mr. Parker re-
specting site for re -building of Sunshine
bridge and stated that the necessary
ground could be obtained for 9125.00.
Moved by Thos. Code, seconded. by Geo.
Kirkby that Mr. Parker's offer be accept-
ed. Carried. 'Moved by Win. Iebister,
seconded by Jas. Bowman that a new
bridge be built at Sunshine according to
plans and epecifications prepared by Mr,
Ainsley, Co. Engineer. Carried. Ac'
counts were ordered to be paid, as fol-
lows ;--Duff & Stowert, lumber and cul-
vert, $12.87 ; Dr. MoNaughtou, certifi-
cate of insanity, 95.00 ; 18811000100 on
Ball, 91.90 ; J. Miekimmons, burying
dead animal, 25 cents ; D. Pipe, repair•
ing oulvert, 92.00 ; Jas. Russell, foot.
bridge at Sunshine, 93.00 ; Wm, Iebister,
oxpenees taking Goo. Scott to House of
Refuge, 94.00 ; 3. Watson, assessor, 970.-
00 ; W. Clark, part salary, $40.00 ; P.
Cantelwo, repairing approach to bridge,
$2.00 ; Geo. Parker, part payment for
right of way, $25.00. Council then ad-
journed, to meet again on the 29th of
June. W. Curet, Cleric.
B00E1110.0I8a1 CDIOM to A DAr.—South
American Rheumatic Cure for Rhauma.
tiem and Neuralgia radically auras in 1
to 3 days. Ito action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re-
moves at once the cause and the diseaee
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benofite. 76 ciente. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman,
'lr BUS,
11UU)x'S 1fmn9Uaon,�
'Sikh norm \0'+1(4441],$ 40*94 ''(0
Nk a11A.ltrt,.
Wm, Peer, brother of the oolebrabod
Steve Peer, , who lost lois life on thejag.
god rooks in }tile gorge, was at Niagara
Valle, On dune 90th, engaged in Axing
guys to the cable three.quarbere of an
incl] In diameter between the railroad,
snspeneio;r and cantilever bridges, upon
wbioh Calverley several times crossed the
gorge. Posters are out anuounoing that
James ,1+7, Hardy, of No. 878, ]Stook
avenue, Toronto, will, 221 July 1 and 4,
between 9 and 4 o'clool; in the afternoon,
walk aorose the cable and perform vari,
nus hair•rising feats thereon, Great
tbinge are Olalmad for Hardy, One of
the things be proposes to do is a new and
startling ao0omplioh(ne11t, and that is to
stand upon his head on the cable, lb
also proposes to take a table and chair
088 on the wire with a bottle of wine.
He will pall 12118 00011 oat of the latter
and drink the contents thereof, and.
aftsrwarde read a newspaper. 01 course
he done not propose to swim in the
rapids about that time, but some fear
that he may. Mr. Peer attached 25 pair
of 40•pound bags to the cable, wbioh is
the same number that Calverley had,
and used a lot of rope in guying, Cal-
verleyis 0000 keeping hotel in3irldgeport,
Conn. Hardy is at present performing
at Springbank Park, London, Ont.
Honorable John Beverley Robinson
dropped dead on Friday night just as he
was stepping on the platform at the great
Conservative mase meeting, held at
Massey hall, Toronto, at which deceased
WWI to have been a speaker.
Mr. Robinson was born February 210,-
1820, and was the second son of Sir John
Beverley Robinson, at one time Chief
Justice of Canada, and a prominent
figure in what was knotvn as the family
compact. Mr. Robinson was one of the
best known men in the country, was
prominent in connection with athletics of
all kinds, and was one of the hest after-
dinner speakers in Canada. Ile was edu-
tutted at Upper Canada College, and
when 17 years old was appointed aide-de-
camp to Sir Francis Bond Head, the then
Governor, being such at the time of the
rebellion of '37. Be had a strong inclina-
tion for public life, and in 1801 entered
the City Council as alderman, and in 1867
he became Mayor. In the same year he
was elected to represent Toronto in the
House of Commons conjointly with Hon.
Geo. Brown, and was re.elected at inter-
vals for different oonstituenoies until in
1880, when he was appointed Lieut. -Gov-
ernor of Ontario, a position bo occupied
for seven years, achieving great popular-
ity therein. Since his retirement he has
lived privately. Mrs. Robinson prede-
ceased her husband by about three years.
Mr. Robinson was a younger brother of
Sir James Lukin Robinson, who died
recently, and the senior brother 01 Chris-
topher Robinson, Q. C.
His death was not made known at the
time to more than the few in the im-
mediate vioiuity, and the meeting pro-
ceeded hi ignorance of the event.
C:1.u:ta.im.0 News.
A large portion of the business centre
of Tilbury was burned.
Emile Rose and James Laderonte, two
lads about ten years of age, were drows-
ed in the Ottawa river.
The Canada Southern Railroad Com•
pany has declared a semi•annnat divi-
dend of 1. per Dent, payable Aug. 1.
The body of an unknown man 0055
found under a barn at Seguin Falls, with
the head crushed,. A coroner's jury
found a verdict of murder against an-
other unknown man, who was in com.
pany with deceased the day before his
Not many business houses in the
United States can boast of fifty years'
standing. The business of Dr. J. C.
Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., whose in-
comparable Sareaparilla is known and
used everywhere, has passed its half-
centennial and was never s0 3igorons as
ab present.
CATAa0Au 2ELIEVI D nr 10 TO 00 2IIN11TE5.—
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent.
ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colde,
Headach s, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and
Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman'e.
A tragedy occurred the other day just
west of Otterville, Ont. The two little
children of Mr. and Mrs. Birch were
playing on the banks of the Spitler creek,
when the youngest of them, a child of 3
yearn of age, fell into the water. The
other, a little boy of 5 years, ran to the
house to tall bis mother, and then showed
her the place where the child went in.
The mother immediately plunged in the
water to try and rescue her child, and
both mother and child were drowned.
The little boy then went home and took
Dare of a 0•months•old baby until the
father came home after 0, when he told
him. A search was immediately Made
for tbem, and late that night the woman
was found. The child'e body was nob
recovered until about 0 a. m. The hearte
of all beat with truest sympathy for the
husband in his sad bereavemaut of both
wife and child.
31111530E 10L+' CREAM .. ..
Thovn,re d. Soaate.
AYERS.1--aPa ri
"1 was afflicted for eight years with Salt
Rheum. Dm9ng dint time, l tried great
many medicines which were highly ITC*
oitlu(ouded, but none gave me relief, 1
was at last advised to try Ay'er's Sarsa-
farilla, and before I had tlnisbed the
ourth' bottle, my hands 1v0r0 228
Free from Eruptions
es over they were. 11fy business, width
is chat of a cab -driver, requires me to
be out in old and wet weatheroften
1100001' returned."—
'1LCottAstr3.� Joules
Stratford, Ont.
flyer's / Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the Worlldd's Fair.
49!205'021 2'itla Otecaltne the Rotwels.
,TnNn 20, 1.866
of o Painting,: NE MM
Paper Uauging
Kalsomining,.. &o,
Spring Reuse Cleaning Time
is here and we are ready to at-
tend to Paper Planging, Kaiso.
mining and Painting In a prompt
business like style.
A11 workliclole in a workman-
like manner at a moderate charge.
Orders left at the stores of W.
XL McCracken or Wilton & Turn-
bull will receive prompt atten-
The patronage of the public
solicited, Estimates cheerfully
MCGpbAGKEN & 611:14011)87,
The undersigned has open-
pened up a ]3utoher Bhop in the
where:he will keep constant
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable,sold
at reasonable prices. A. share
of public patronage solicited.
3. ►V O L En■
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
An Agreeable Laxattve and NE1tVE TONIC
Sold by Druggists or sent by lrfail. 25o,, Sea.
and $1.00 per. package, Samples free.
rr 51: The Favorite TOOTH POWDER
i14 ® .1+ for'tbe Teeth and Breath, 200.
Seta by .7.10. BOX, D russlat, lirassels.
Know What You Chew
ii free from the injurious coloring.
The more you use of it the better
you like it.
Sas GEO. L. TECKETT . S014 CO., LTC.
Dr. Chase's Oto went 30121 Cure Them at
a Cost of But 00 Cents.
Piles, scrofula, eczernatic eruptions,
scald head, salt rheum and all other
annoying and painful skin diseases can
be easily cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment.
"I had protruding Hiles for ten
years," writes H. H. Sutherland, com-
mercial traveller, of Truro, N.S.; "tried
many remedies, and had doctors oper-
ate, It was no use. Was completely
laid up at 'times. Chose's Ointment
etas recommended to me by Mr. Brennan.
of the Susnmerside, P.E.I., Journal. I
tried it, and ono box completely cured
Mr. Statia., the editor of the Streets-'
vine, Ont., Review, gives this unsolicited
testimonial under date of Nov. 0, 1896
"Half a box of Dr.Chase'e Ointment cured
my months ago, athere That
ntof eczema.
hasnee been
no reappearance of the disease."
T. Wallace, blacksmith, of Iroquois,
Ont., was troubled with blind itching
piles for 20 years. "I tried every,
remedy that came out in vain," he
writes, "until I tried Dr, Chase's Mut.:
meat, It was a godsend. Ono box
cured ms."
411 dealers and ]dmanson, Bates & Co.,
manufacturers, Toronto, Price GOc,
Liosced and turpentine are every nide
ther's Household remedy for coughs,
colds, throat and lung affections. Dr.
Chase has disguised the taste and made
the remedy pleasant to take. Lar44
bottle only 258.
A. 7 U:°LEY,.
Real Estate 85 Loan
Agent, Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Salo
Notes a Specialty.
fire c2 Life insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadman R; McCall's Store,
Cheap and First-class Material.
Every Householder should call and see the
IVfcOlary Coal Oil Store with Fountain,
Window Scree -0.s all Sizes and
Screen Doors made to order.
You are Invited
and we twill sustain our past Reputation of
"Best Goods.at Low Prices."
Established 1871.
n R..
812 o0
o o
b 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
Weaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
W. 1.
icEzatt, Agent, Brussels.'