HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-26, Page 44
Neve Advertisements,
beagle—Wm. Rosa,
Looal--Wm. Martin,
Laaals—Moliay et Co.
Laaal--POse Pnbliahing lianas,
Reedymade Olethinii—A Strachan.,
A heavy buyer—Smltb & MoLitren,.
Boar for ssrvico--leiahard Armstrong.
Another great triumph—Dr. Williams,
Remarkable testimonial -.-Dr, AToLeod.
CRTC Mr115s zs BtSt,
R.T IDA.Y, (7UNE 26, 1896,
Melfm er is a fibrous candidate for the
Presidency of the United States at the
present, as may be seen by tho report of
the Convention on page 0 of this issue,
but before oleotion day bobs around the
wind may:blowin another direction. The
silver ynestion will be one of the leading.
planks. After the Demoorats got their
man in the field the fun will commence;
Next Wednesday will Asher in the nth
birthday of this great Dominion and it
should be loyally observed by every
citizen of the land of the Maple Leaf,
"Tho Scot may boast his heather hills,
The Englishman his rose ;
And Erin's sons may love the vales
Where Erin's shamrock grows,
But Canada, loved Canada,
The fairest of the free,
There's nob a land however grand
Can win my heart from thee."
LORD DcrrnurN, who has about com-
pleted bis term as British ambassador in
France, has been the recipient of many
kind words from that nation for the able
manner in which he has discharged the
duties of his office and general regret that
he will shortly have to leave. If more
persons filling these important positions
were built on practical lanes like Lord
Dnfferin, the countries so represented
would receive good value for the salaries
paid instead of what is the rule in many
cases now, owing to the appointment of
snobs, who do little more than draw their
Tar•, result of last Tuesday's Dominion
election campaign was a most decisive
blow at bull -dozing and interference on
the part of Sir Charles Tupper on the
one hand and a desire to get rid of a Gov-
ernment that had virtually run to seed as
people commonly say. It was a hard
fight since the dissolution of the House
but the Liberals presented an unbroken
front, lead by the high minded, clean
banded, clever Wilfrid Laurier as com-
pared to a badly broken up party whose
record in the House at the last session
was a discredit to themselves and the
grand Dominion they were misrepresent-
ing. But the people have spoken in a
clear, umnistakable manner and es are-
sult the Liberals will sit on the Govern•
went benches. Not one but every Prov-
ince has had a hand in the victory,
• and with such creditable majorities
as to convince Hon. Wilfrid Laurier that
his platform and policy is looked to as
the panacea for the ills that as Canadians
we have been heir to for a number of
years. The victory is all the more glor-
ious considering the odds in favor of the
Government in the shape of the Fran-
chise Lists and Gerrymander Act. We
expect that they will put into practice at
an early date, the promises made in Cur-
tailing useless expenditure and abolishing
extravagance. Loaded with debt as Can-
ada is it will require very careful financ•
ing and economical management to re-
duce this burden, Parliament will pro-
bably be called shortly and a Cabinet got
into working shape. The result as for as
known when we went to press is Liberals,
120 ; Conservatives, 80 ; Independents,
8 ; and Patrons, 4. We hope a time of
prosperity, despite the many dark and
dire predictions of the Conservatives, will
dawn upon every Province of the Do-
minion and that peace and plenty will be
the portion of all who reside within its
Liit%tow ',l.
Rev. Mr. Cooper attended the annual
meeting of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian church in Toronto.
The Listowel Central Telephone Office
.has been supplied with ono of the latest
improved one thousand mile transmitters.
Alex. McLean, one of Listowel's early
settlers, returned to town a few days ago
after an absence of about eighteen years
in Manitoba and other parts of the West.
H. B. Morphy was called to St. Marys
on Monday of last week by the death of
his step -father, Dr. Hall, which occurred
the Sunday previoue. The deceased was
a graduate of Dublin University and had
been a resident of St. Marys for many
Another June wedding took place in
town on Thursday of last week, J. W.
Meyers, ab the Listowel flouring mills
being united in marriage to Miss S. Me.
Dowell, eldest daughter of Thee. Me -
Dowell, Inkorman street east.. The cer-
emony tools place at 11 a. m. at the reel -
denim of the bride's parents, the nuptial
knot being tied by Rev. Jas. Livingstone,
of Kincardine.
The Town Council has decided to sub.
mit two By-laws to be voted on by the
ratepayers, one fon local improvements
which provides, for all improvements,
snob as building sidewalks, gravelling,
putting in sewers, etc„ to be paidfor by
frontage tax extending aver a term of
years. The ether By-law is to raise by
way of loan the sum of 415,000 for the
purpose of:aoquiring and construoting a
system of water works and electric light.
Voting will take plaoe en the local am-
provements 73y -law on Saturday, July
18th, and on the water works and electric
light By-law on Friday, Angnst 21st,
Peter Campbell died at bis borne on
Iioglan street at an early boor Thursday
morning of last week, from an attack of
pneumonia. with which he was 5018od nit
the Sunday previous. He bad been in
failing health for .soma time. Deceased
was 08 years of age, and was a 0981V5 of
Scotland. Ile came to Listowel from T.
vernoss, Quebec, over twenty years ago,
and for a number of.years wee 044140,in the hardware busness Under the firm
named Tatham Sc Campbell. He had
been living retired for soma time, De.
oeased was a memi,er of the Congroga.
tional oburoh and was a Liberal in poll,
tins. Fre wee a brother of D. D, Oamp,
bell of'thie town. He leaves a wife, who
has been an invalid for some yours,
Huaron County
The tower ou the Albion blook, Gode-
riob, is nearly finished,
The masons have started the found.
ation of the front part of the new Bank
of Perm—nem, at Goderieh.
The Exeter saw mill has been slant
down for the past fewweeks for the
purpose of placing in n new boiler and
The Lornes of Exeter, played a friend-
ly game of lacrosse with Parkhill on the
Parkhill high school grounds on 'Thurs-
day of last week, The game lasted an
hour and a half, neither side scoring a
Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister of Edu-
cation, addressed the electors of North
Middlesex and South Perth in Drew's
Opera Hall, on Monday evening, June
22nd, in the interests of the Reform
Some mean, oontumptible wretch
whose brains doubtless could be contain-
ed in a hayseed, watched his chance
early Friday morning and rotten egged
the stand to be used by the Sir Charles
Tupper speakers at Exeter.
Cnnadiai 2 e-av,:i.
Mrs. Brant, of Longleketon, Man.,
was thrown from a wagon and her neck
Jae. Scott, a Camden township farmer,
was killed by falling off his waggon while
hauling rails.
John Weston, of Blanshard, lost hie
watoh while driving cattle to St. Mary's.
It dropped out of his peeket.
The High Court of the Canadian
Order of Foresters has decided to hold
its next annual convention at Niagara
A man named A. E. Brown is charged
with oollerting 960 for the A. M. E.
ohurgb, Chatham, and only handing in
95 of the amount.
The animals diseases bill, under whiola
Canadian live cattle are excluded from
Great Britain, passed its third reading in
the House of Commons by 232 votes to
The body of D. B. Gollen, a student
from Nova Scotia, who was attending the
Ontario Business College, Belleville, was
found on the G. T. R. track near Whitby.
How he came to his death is not yet
The municipal council of the township
of Mornington has succeeded in making
a very successful sale of their Railroad
Debentures having received a premium
of 0661 on 982,000 at 4 per cent. for 20
At the Chatham Police Court, Monday
J. Etches was convicted of throwing an
egg shell filled with tar at Phoebe Ryck•
man, a young woman to whom it is
understood, be once paid attention, but
win discharged him. The Judge re.
eerved sentence until Monday.
Thos. Sonilard, of the oifie,e of the
clerk of the County and Surrogate courts,
Chatham, returning from Quinn on Mon-
day, walked off the end of the station
platform at that place, in the inky dark-
ness. He fell .about 6 feet, severely
bruising his head, which was also out in
several places upon broken glass.
At the farm of Wm. Taylor, North
line, near Kincardine, on June 22nd,
while tearing down an old barn, with the
intention of using the old timbers in the
construction of a new one, and while in
the act of lowering one of the Dross sec.
tions, two others fell, striking Robt.
Norman and David Quinn, pinning them
to the floor, breaking the Dollar bones of
both, besides injuring them internally.
The extent of their internal injuries has
not been determined, bat it is feared they
are very serious.
Dr. Barber, of the Mimioo Asylum, is
in a very serious condition, the result of
a cat bite reoeived the other day: The
institution cat had kittens and on the
day in question the batch was attacked
by a dog. The catturned on the dog and
the two were engaged in a fight which
would probably have ended in the oat's
death, when Dr. Barber Dame along and
attempted to separate them. The oat
then attacked him, biting him severely
in the arm. Blood poisoning has set in
and the dootor'e arm is swollen to the
At Brookville on Wednesday morning,
Elizabeth Brown, aged 19 years, eldest
daughter of Charles Brown, a oolored
man, attempted suicide at her home by
shooting herself in the region of the heart
with a pistol of 82 calibre. After having
some words with her father, who struck
her on the face, she immediately pro-
ceeded to her bed -room and committed
the rash act. The pistol was one atramp
had given her a few days ago. The ball
lodged in her body, and no efforts is be.
ing made to probe for it. It is thought
she will recover. The girl has always
possessed a euicidal tendency. Last
winter she tried to end her life by swall-
owing the contents of a bottle of lauda-
The 2.year-old daughter of Jae. Gard-
ner, Bessemer, Mich., has an unooutroll-
able appetite for.iron ore, which she eats
with great relish. The ease puzzles
physicians. Wbeu the ohil'd is kept
away from the mine she has been known
to scrape particles of ore from her fath-
er's boots and devour them with great
gusto. The family have tried many
plans to break the habit, but as yet with-
out avail. They mix all hinds of obnoxi-
ons drugs with the ore, but the child,
making a wry face, eats the ore jest the
same. She is never allowed to get out of
eight a moment, and an attendant is al.
ways with her. In spite of her strange
diet, the child is apparently healthy,
strong and bright. The little girl ie of a
large family. Her father and mother are
natives of England. Mr. Gardner le an
industrious, hard-working minor, of ir-
reproachable habite. He is very innoh
annoyed at his child's strange habit.
7QN EL^CTTCN RErrz�•ays,
The following are the elootlon returns for the various polling Name in East Huron
allowing not only the'vote givsu for ])r, McDonald aucl Mr. Dickin5ou 011 Tuesday
but the result of the elootion of 1891 when ;Dr. MoDonald was returned over Dr.
Holmes, The official returns will be published laterif corrections have to be glade.
Morel), 1891, June, 1896.
Men .onald 1301
No, 3 44 573
102 100
Majority for McDonald 2
No.4 70
168. 122
Majority for McDonald 46
No. 5
Gnur,--No.5 69
No, 0 , 108
No. 7 91
No, 8 59
No.9 '77
No. 10 72
Majority for McDonald 180
No. 11 57 92
No. 12 64 02
No. 13 61 101
No. 14 ......... , 70 84
No. 15 92 71
No. 16 84 06
Majority for Holmes
No. 17
No. 18
No. 19
No. 20
No. 21
Majority for McDonald 29
No. 22 63
No. 2$ 117
No, 24 97
Majority for McDonald 90
No. 26 43
No. 26 45
No. 27 37
No. 28 70
Majority for McDonald 16
No.29 62
Majority for McDonald 25
Majority for McDonald .2.,308
vote a tie,
1dolouald Diglglneou
44 43
102 102
77 54
152 107
Majority fon MoDonel( ,.45
72 • 38
113 64
91 31
68 25
95 47..
520. 276
Majority for MoDonald..244
64 100
63 92
• . 69 116
' 64 106
104 79 -
52 79
484 400 572
86 Majority for Dickinson 160
53 06
43 81
62 52
75 80
77 77
310 3136
Majority for McDonald.. 17
52 63 51
63 125 74
72 95 84
187 288 - 219
Majority for McDonald.. 64
49 48 64
17 88 41
55 48 64
68 68 94
179 192 - ' 263
Majority for Dickinson 71
37 68 41
Majority for McDonald. 27
Holmes, McDonald Dickinson
100 102 102
122 152 107
310 520 276
484 , 406 572
810 350 330
187 .................... 283 219
177 192 263
39 68 41
1,729 2,079 1,919
Majority for MoDoneld..100
Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects
This is the Latest Ont, mud is
taking the lead. Don't fail to
call and see samples of same.
f'Views of Residences, Picnic Parties,
etc., taken by applying or sending your
ALL or OUR Wean Gmmixmmcn
To nn FnssT.OLA6s
Nothipg nicer than to have some Photos
of ourselves and homes as we go
through this world, to look
back on in after years.
And the Work is the Best.
s"Come while in health.
Always Welcome at the 01d Reliable
Photograph Studio.
R. BREWER, Artist
Gallery Over Smith & iteLaren's
Cauuerl: Good&
Pine Apple, Apricots,
Peaches, Egg Plums,
Green Gage Plume, Golden Plums,
Nectarines, White cherries,
Barblet Pears, Bine Berries,
Apples, Raspberry Jam,
Strawberry Jain, Black Currant Jam,
Red Currant Jam,
Tomatoes, Corn,
Peas, Beans,
Salmon, Sardines,
Herring, Pressed Beef,
Chip Beef, Pigs Feet Boneless,
Oysters, Mushrooms,
Chicken and Tongue.
J. G. Skene.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
We are giving Special Values
m s ' u v rk v vuv-•be Jvo d� �b 3 �*b..bv l',/,�
See our Prices, Quality, Variety.
The Best Value we have ever shown.
We. can't. be beat in Dress Goods, Jduslins,
_Prints and Wash, Goods.
Ynspaot our ram's, Gloves, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes,
Everything sold Cheap. No 'fancy prices.
A Strachan.
,r1JNP. 20,
wr rare 00509 i55
Perlocf. ConIideuce 1�
A good business is built upon the grounds of confi..
deuce and its owners want to be known bytheir methods far and
wide. A bad business seeks its profits in not being known in its
methods to its customers. What is lacking is confidence ; so it
conies to pass that the advertisement which deals with facts in the
Plainest possible way is the advertisement which in the long run
will turn trade that way, in fact there is not a store in Brussels big
enough to hold the trade that'll accumulate along the lines of Per-
fect Confidence.
E'LL give you good reasons to continue your good
impression of us this Season. Such values as
these can't be described ; they
must be seen.
2 pieces only 40 inch Tweed Dress Goods were worth 40c, clearing
price 290.
4 pieces only Fancy Dress Tweed, our regular 60e. ling, clearing
price 48c.
15 pieces Heavy Factory Cotton at 5c. per yard worth 7c.
2 pieces Fine Linen Towelling at 10c., .worth 15c.
15 dozen Men's Cotton Socks worth 10c. anywhere, our price 8c.
12 only Ladies' Capes which we are clearing out regardless of cost,
Clearing out all lines of Parasols at i of regular prices. Ladies
now is the time to buy cheap Parasols.
Come to see us for your Dry Goods and Groc-
eries, Our stock is always complete.
Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs.
eu(1e11akill EslalilisVmmI
Carriage Builder, Brussels,
has decided to add an Undertak-
ing Department to his Carriage
Works and has purchased a
Caskets, Cans and Undertakers' w uppliesl
He has Secured the services of MR,, D. G. 6-1 GO,
who wili'lnanage this Department, Cavity and
Arterial Embalming attended to.
Prices will be Moderate.
The Undertaking Department will be located in connection
with the Carriage Works, opposite the Town Hall.
Residence, Alexander street, four doors .
South of new school house.
Carriage wilder and Undertaker.