HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-26, Page 3.uxza 29, ].69(3
Town, Directory".
11I°LvzLtl7 glzy,lail, Sabbath Servisee
at 11 a to and 7;00 p, m. Sunday Selzaol
at 2:30 p mi Rev. John Ross,
"onxn1°SaunaStub 11 amati71Ina SySehool
at 2:30 p, m, BOD, A. H. Griffin, Inoum.
Walloon Oilnnou.-Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a m and 7:00 p m. Sunday
Sobool at 2:30 p m. Rov, G. II, Gobble.
diolt, M A, 13 A, pastor.
ROMAN OAe`BOLIO Crtanoll,-•Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every ntenth, at
10;80 a m. Bev Joseph Keunedy,
$AI.VAT1ote Anntr,-Servioe,at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at $ o'olook, at
the barracks.
Oen Enea owe' Lo»oe every Thursday
evening, in Graham's blook.
MAsoxzo Immo Tuesday at or before
fell moon, in Garfield blook.
A 0 U W LODGE On the 8rd'
Friday evening of each month, in Las.,
hill's bleak,
d 0 F Lone° 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Blaehill'3
3' 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellowe' Hall,
L O L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
SONO ON SOOTLAND, let and 3rd Tnee-
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K, 0. T. M. Lobar, 2nd and 4bh Tuee•
days of each month, in Odd. Fellow's Hall.
HOME Came, 2nd and 41h Friday even.
Inge in Blashili's Hall.
Poo! OFieroo.-Office hours from 8 a.
m. 10 6:30 p. m.
MEOnANI09' INSTITCTB,-Library in
Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Minnie Mo -
Naughton, Librarian.
Tom; Oouo m. -W. H. Herr, Breve ;
Geo. Beeper„ Robert Graham, B. Lea-
therdale and Ii G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Selly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Aeseesor and 3.
T. Roes, Collector. 3oard meets the let
Monday in each month.
SCHOOL Boan».-Rev. Rose, (chairman,)
D. C. Rose, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Koenig and H. Dennie ; Seo,Treas.,
R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month,
PUBLIC Sonoor, TEACHERS. -J. H. Cam•
eron, Principal, Mise Linton, Miss
Downey and Mise Ritchie.
BOARD Or f nALx'H,-Reeve Kerr, Olerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MoNaughtoo, Medical
Health OMcer.
Mary had a little lamb,
But both have long been dead ;
If Mary were alive to -day
She'd want a wheel instead.
The young magician bowed to the crowd,
"Observe, my friends," said he, -"Pray
observe me, carefully.
"You perceive I have neither ouffe nor
moustache to deceive."
Then after further talk, such as conjur-
ers all use when an audience they
am use,
He produced a piece of chalk -just a oom•
mon piece of chalk -snowy white ;
And he said : "My first endeavor is a
trick that's really clever." (Sly old
fellow 1)
"Yon observe this chalk is white, well,
now, I will with it write any color
named by you -
Red or green or pink or blue, brown or
Here be paused ; then some one said "I
oboose red 1" and some one : "Blue 1"
"I will write, my friends, the two," said
the pree•ti-dig-i_ta•tor.
And he did 1 So could you, for all you
have to do
Is to write, in letters whits : "Red and
"What makes the trader's biz to hum ?-
what mahee his clerks perspire ?
It isn't "drummer" sent by train, nor
messages by wire ;
Nor salemen's wily artifice, nor chief ac-
countant's fads,
But the lumping, humping business,
which resulteth from the ads.
Oh 1 the ad, ; oh 1 the ad. ;
The light fantastic ad.,
The column and the paragraph -the page
that fades news,
It saves the merchant's business from
a-goin' to the bad
By it -taking in the patronage the public
oan't refuse.
The clerk, 'e knows above a bit ; the
salesman, 'e's a joy ;
The "drummer," 'e'e a gentleman ; the
errand boy's a boy ;
Bubthe ewellestbloomiu' artifice (to call
a spade a spade).
Ie the. way the gay advertisement yanks
in the bloomin' trade,
Ohl the ad. ; oh l the ad. ;
The unresiabed ad.
That nestles in the newspaper and peeps
into the par,,
11 keeps the paekere busy and it makes
the gov'nor glad,
As it fetches in the customer from plaeee
bear and far."
71 10 always expensive to be wrong,
• Religious bate is the most relentless of
all hate.
Crushing a rose melees it bigger than
it was before,
Tho man who is trying to get to beau.
en alone is not fit to go.
Don't tose,any sleep worrying about
God'e part of your work.
The man works hard who spends hie
time looking for an easy place.
Everything in a Sunday school should
be bright except the blaokboard
If grave stones were reliable, the devil
would always dress blank.
It is of more profit to have le bontented
spirit than a fat bank account. •
The man who dose not give as the
Bible tale ue to, does not give at all.
eztessery 11Itesel
The geldtlnah wield never sing It 11
bad to learn haw from the guinea hen.
People who lies only for tllameelvee
are nlweye 111610, no matter how big they
Ie we could eso men's beetle as God
sees them, jt would nob be so hard to
IOYe them,
The omphaeie ie put in the wrong place
whop It Christian team louder than he
The trouble 010331 eowing wild nate 10,
that the eame hand that sows meet do
the reaping.
The leve people know of the Blble'e
spirit, the more haireplittin8 they will do
over its letter.
When a skeptic tells you. that so and
se is in the Bible, always ask hila for the
appear and verse,
The truth may be buried but this
world is too small to make a grave deep
enough to hold it.
Win a child's heart, and you will hava
something that will brighten two lives-
yours and bis.
Ib bakes the devil a long time to find
cub tbab hCbrfetiae never nm,akes anything by op-
poying a
Another Great 'JrinJnph.
And Is Given Particulars or vine Sears'
Suffering Proal ,t I1inHir From Welch
Ire has Been Restored to IleallIt When
IILs Mase Was Looked on as 00/011e11s.
From the News,Bowmanville;
During the past five years the Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have developed into
a household word, and froth several easee
that have Dome under our personal obeer.
Dation, there is not the least doubt in one
minds bet that they are a boon to man-
kind, and in scores of inebanoss have
saved life, when everything else had fail.
ed. The pure of Mr. Sharp, whose pies
we published some time ago, was one of
the moat remarkable that we have heard
of. Today he is as well as ever be was
in his life, and is daily knocking about
in all weathers attending to his farm
duties. Recently another triumph for
Pink Pills came under our observation,
and, after interviewing the person eared,
he gave permission to make the facts
public, and Wo will give the story in his
own words. Mr. John Hawkons, who
resides in the township of Darlington,
some ten miles north of Bowmanville,
and whose post office isEnoiskillen, Dame
to the county from Cornwall, England,
some 45 years ago, and up to the time of
his sickness had always been a hard-
working man. One day, however,
while attending to his work, he got web,
took a ohill, and a severe cold followed
which finally developed to asthma. Dur•
ing the succeeding nine years be wag a
terrible sufferer from that distressing
disease and gradually grew so bad teat
be could not work, frequently spent
sleepless nights, and had little or no ap-
petite. Finally he could scarcely walk
across the room without panting for
breath, and would sit all day with his
hands resting on his knees -the only
position whioh seemed to give him ease,
and at one time he never laid down for
six weeks. As it was a hardship for him
to talk, all be asked was to be let alone.
Daring this time he had been doctoring
and had tried nearly everything, and
spent over 61.00 but got no relief. Final-
ly some nae recommended him to take
Pink Pills. He thought they could do
him no harm at any rate, and procuring
a supply he commenced taking them.
Atter he had taken three boxes be found
that he was improving, and after taking
two more boxes, to the astonishment of
all, he walked across the field to the
woods and out up a cord of wood. He
oontiuued the pills and took two more
boxes, making seven in all, and to -day
is as well as be ever was, but always
keeps a box of Pink Pills in the hottest.
The neighbors all began to ask hien what
he had done, as the asthma had left him,
and they never expected to hear of him
being well again. To one and all be tells
that it was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that
did it, and has recommended them to
scores of people since bis recovery. ro
With finch wonderful cures as these
occurring in all parts of . the Dominion
it is no wonder that Dr. Williams' Pink de
TgE 13
TI%' A, D, N,'VV„'
Meeting 01' the Bnprbme 1.0103 Itt,
The Buprsme Lodge, A. 0. U, W., be.
gan its 24tH stated meeting in Buffalo,
onTuseday, Juno 1411, The Ontario
delegates were ; Wat'ten Totten, Wood.
stooki_• F. G. Inwood, Toroabo ; D. F.
MaoWatt, Barrie,
The report of Supreme R000rder Sae.
kelt for thepasb year ebows a total mem.
berebip on Jan, 1 el 864,589, and the
amount paid to the widows, orpbane and
Other boneflolariee of deceased "membore,
organizedl-n total 7 the
of265,0,771,0During 895
the diobureemente were ; Relief fund,
$802,773,10 ; general fund, 689,918.85,
The total number of lodgee of Jan. 1st,
1890, was 5,027, and 88,478 new msinbsrs
were admitted. The amount of general
fund disbursed by the various grand led,
gee during 1895 for salaries, supplies and.
inoidental expensee was 21,000,101.30.
The death rate per 1000 members was
10,48. In a supplemented report . the
Supreme Recorder Mateo that from Jan,
1st to Juno let of present year 2501,845.-
85 was disbursed from the relief fund,
and that the total membership inorensed
to 880,611,
The report of the beneficiary commit-
tee appointed for the purpose of investi-
gatiug classified beneficiary certificates,
classified assessments, emergency fund
propositions, the admission of females to
momberebip, and changes in the relief
Jaw, will be an important feature of the
The Supreme Master Workman, in his
annual report, says that the various
questions submitted to this committee
may be termed "our problem," and are
of the very greatest importance, involving
not only the present and immediate hit•
ere of the order, but also the question of
its perpetuity.
1e><nai'lrable Testimonial.
Benmiller, Apt„ June 28, 1892,
J. M. McLeod, Goderich
Dear Sir, -With great pleasure I write
to testify to the merits of your System
Renovator. Notwithstanding good nure-
ing and the best that our medical skill
could do for my son, he oertaiuly would
have died had it not been for the timely
partaking. of your System Renovator,
Before we went to see you he was so re-
duoed, Tweak and low that he could not
move from one side to the other.. His
reason and eyesight were both affected,
so much as to know nobody, not even his
mother. He was quite simple and blind,'
All control of the urinary organs bad
gone. Lost all strength and power of his
limbs. Yon told us the Renovator would
act at once on the kidneys and cheek the
loss of albumen, of which he would die if
not checked there and then. This, I am
pleased to say, it did suooesefhlly in in-
creased doses until he was able to help
himself. He recovered his eyesight and
all his faculties so well as to be able to go
into Goderiab and thank you in person in
six weeks. He ie now going on 11 years'
and he is a strong, healthy, big boy, big
for his age, eighteen months after outs.
(Signed) MImrAEL SCnwaNZ.,
February 23rd, 1833.
To -day my son is the picture of health ;
much more could be added.
Bold b1' .Oe0, Fox, Rrnggiet, lemmas.
Canadian Ne w ra.
The election in Algoma will not be
bold till June 80.
The Thompson Electric Oompany's
works at Waterford ware destroyed by
fire, entailing a loss of 630,000.
Sir Leonard Tilley is oonfined to hie
home with blood -poisoning in one of his
feet. His case is very serious.
IITHfi.-All cases of organic or sympathetio
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and'
gpiokly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
Ayer's Pills promote the natural
motion of the bowels, without whioh
there Gan be no regular, healthy oper-
ationg. For the cure of biliousness, in-
digestion, sielt headache, constipation,
jaundice, and liver complaint, these pills
have no equal. Every dose effective.
Mrs. Goudacre'e stare and dwelling at
the north end of Mann street, Lucian,
occupied by Robb. Paynter, egg and but
ter exporter, was destroyed by fire at 2
o'clock Friday morning. Chas. Haskett's
furniture ware -rooms adjoining and
Leonard Fox's dry goods store and dwel-
ling only a few feet away were saved
through the activity of the fire depart-
ment. Mr. Paynter lost all his house-
hold effecte, and considerable butter end
eggs. Loss about 61,500 on building and
uontents ; partly oovered by insurance.
The origin of ibe fire is unknown.
J. Gordon Brown, registrar of the Sur.
gate Court, died Monday morning.
e bas latterly been living with his son,
B. Brown, in Toronto. The
ceased was the youngest brother of the
late Hon. Geo. Brown and was associated
with him when he started The Globe in
18.14. He continued in an er1itdrial
capacity on the Globe until the mtlydar
of Hon. Geo. Brown in 1881. He then
took entire oharge and continued in the
post of manager until the and of 1882,
when be made way for John Oameron, of
the Loudon Advertiser. He was then
appointed to the office in the Surrogate
Court which he held until his death.
Deceased leaves a widow and two sons,
Pills have achieved a greater reputation
than any other known medicine. All
that is asked for them is a fair trial and
the results are rarely disappointing.
Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills strike at the
root of the diastase, driving it from the
system. and restoring the patient to
health and strength. In oases of par-
alysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia,
sciatica, rheunfatietn, erysipelas, acroful.
oils troubles, we., these pills are superior
to all other treatment. They are also
a spealdc for the troubles whioh make
the lives of so many women a burden,
and epoedily restore the riots glow of
health to pale and Ballow. obootee. Men
broken down by over -work, worry or ex.
misses, will find in Pink Pills a certain
cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by
mail postpaid, at 60 omits a box, or six
boxes for 62.50, by addressing the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Oo,, Brookville, Onb.,
or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of ilei• .
tabione and substitntoe alleged to be
"just as good."
RELIEF IN Six Houns: Distressing kid.
noy and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
Its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary .passagesin
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quick relief end
cure this ie your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have put,
°tinged the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to ail wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order lefb at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will bo promptly
looked after.
t'Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterna,
Cower Gree:,
:•0)10, Witt
ffivrsammamrntrz44F�°J§'AM��1,'P^Vte'm,'�kr.5+°IAn^"°'M1q.rr."'—"i1!a ',
Having purchased a shop on
Thomas St., opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, T wish to notify my
old customers and as many new
ones as may favor me with their
patronage that I have removed
to my new stand.
Soliciting a share of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
S. T. P1um5
General Blacksmith -11: Horseshoer
r ox
Certain in its effects and hover blisters.
DUNE.head proofs below:
nantlo0uderson Co.,lil., Feb. .91.
.Den,'.OirO-Please send me ono or your Horse
Booka and 08 00, T Uaveil ed ascent deal ofyota•
wonderful Curo with Reod 6ucoess • it /la
e a
on °conic medlmna. 1 once had n mare tont bad
keep Oe0alttnnvl„ and live bottles eared her, 1
seep a bottle on hand all the time.
Yom's truly, Oars. Poway,
Dr.D J T'en-eArz Co OANTO\, Mo., Apr, 0,'0,
Deo, Sirs -1 have used several bottles of yew
lie d n s
Spavin Cure with muOk success. I
think to to tbo best Liniment t I ever need. :acme re.
neoe date Curb, o 11100d npnvin and killed
two li SI V Have recommended it to
no and of my friends whoare much. pleased with.
and keep It, ae0pcetml s. n. RAY, r. 0,
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
Dr. .03. ,T. BFNDtiLL 00112'dZ.71;
,Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with: privilege of
repaying when required,.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Rave you seen our
More pieces than ever for $1.
Bicycle Accessories,
Lawia ower q
Screen Doors
and Windows.
N. 84 N. Genre
Will mak
swell =la
of YOU 9
otC091 rasDboss vim Anon
00001.2.e ON 0004 W0800.
P100SI cures all Nervone Lteenoes, Sloop/011m.
nese, Fading Memory, Nightly Emissions, Spcnxo-
teMboea, Impptooay, eta, caused by post maissd-
lnve, vigor and size to shrunken amaze, sod
qulokly but sure) restores oer MANHOOD In O a
er YY000g, Ileo Pio0Sl and you will grow '1000
and:hap sy aeatn, eeat by mss er plain wrnplar
and ,00ttavly sealed pocke from e, 0/ a gen. Eosni^
futriad to vest pocket 00100, 83 n pnokaga, 0300.
r *1, Send 000807 is 9100,,, 00,130nry m' 10 later•
ad latter, eddroee all letters to J. T, P133'0030,,
Dru slot, wooasr0Cn, ONT„ Agent for the Do-
of Canada.
,:0',0V 40120035-13 00,0' 111ll. '.til 4fi5e4e, iP!.,"
d• Lollar,
��� Cherry
"I contracted a severe cold, which settled
on my lungs, and I did what is often done
in such eases, neglected it. I then consulted
a doctor, who found on examining me, that
the upper part of the left lung was badly
affected. The medicines he gave me did not
seem to do any good, and r determined to
try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking a
few doses my trouble was relieved, and be-
fore I had finished the bottle I was cured."
-d. Ler• L.ur, watchmaker, .OrangevlAe, Out.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Awards at World's Fair.
Brier's Pills Bare LndigesUozs.
British Columbia,
Rett Cedar Shingles,
North Shore
Pine and cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doore and Sash of all Pat'
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Fnrnisbed for all
kinds of Bnildiugs. Workman•.
ship and Material Guaranteed.
6 and 8 Bali Sets
ARD and. B
Children's goes, Spades and Rakes.
J'. & P. AMENT Bookstore,