HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-26, Page 1kbf 1 Vol. 28. No. 60, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1.896 CODN'L'Y'COURT AND ;C[I*1l'1 SES. ',ma June 'agssiouewere opened by Hie Honor Judge Manson on Tuesday, June 9th, but thole were oely three civil oases for trIel, These were ae followe Smith ye. Smith—An notion oo a }tromiseorynote. Mr, Proudfoot, for deft, applied for a postponement of trial, but this was re#used. Judgmeub for, plff. for 6240, P. Holt for pig, Van Lgcnone vs. Trimble -An notion on -3 promissory note. Judgment for puff, for 6362,08, with fall poste, R. 13, Bays for p1if,; deft. not represented by counsel, Logan vs. Martindale—An interpleader issue. Judgment reeerved. Bolt & Beat for plff. ; Proudfoot for deft. This oonoluded the busineae of the court, exoept.receiving the grand jury's presentment, which aongratulated Hie Honor Judge Masson on his appointment to tbie county, expressing the assurance that be would fill the position not only with credit to himself, but also to the members of the bar and the general pub. lie. There are four prisouere in jail; 2 utiles under sentence for larceny, 1 for want of sureties to keep the peace, 1 in- sane, and 1 female for lemony. The jury bot visited the House of Refuge and found everything satis#aotory, the house well lkept, and the farm being improved, mostly under cultivation, and the work done entirely by the inmates of the house who are able to work. At present there are 82 inmates -45 males and 17 fe males, 4 of the former and 5 of the lattef insane ; 8 deaths have 000urred eiooe November last, The jury recommend more accommodation and the erection of a wing for hospital purposes. Grey Council Meeting. Couuoil met in the Township Hall on June 20th, 1896, pursuaut to adjourn- ment. Members were all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The trustees of School Section No. 2 applied for the issue of debentures by way of loan to the amount of $800 for the purpose of building a new school house to he paid in five equal instal- mnents. Moved by Jas. Turnbull, second- ed by Jas. Lindsay that the application be granted that the Clerk be instruoted to prepare a by-law to be passed at the August meeting for the issue of said debentures. --Carried. Application of Andrew McInnes to have ditch ou road at lot 20, oon. 18, cleaned out. Mr. Lindsay to atttend to it. By-law No. 83 to amend by-law No. 15 was read three times and passed. The following tenders for new bridges were received and opened, viz. F. Raddtz, for bridge at lot 27, oon, 2, $205 ; for bridge at lots 25 and 26, con. 8, $565 ; Strome S Adair, for bridge lot 27, con, 2, $170 ; for bridge at lots 25 and 26. con. 8. $468 ; John Dunbar, for bridge lot 27, con. 2, $174 ; for bridge at lots 25 and 28, con. 8, $479 ; vRobt. Lang, for bride at lot 27, oon. 2, $168 ; for bridge at lots 26 and 27, con. 8, $478 ; D. W. Dunbar, for bridge at lots 25 and 26, con, 8, $457 ; John Poster, bridge lots 25 and 26, 8509 ; Jas. Hanna, bridge lot 27, con. 2, $215 ; bridge lots 25 and 26, con. , $640. Moved by Jas. Turnbull. seconded by Wm. Brown that the tender of D. W. Dunbar be accepted for the bridge at lots 25 and 26, con. 8, be accepted, also that the tender of Robt. Lang for bridge at lot 27, con. 2, be accepted, provided they furnish security for the due completion of said bridges according to pians and specifications for same—Carried. Petition of Wm. Perrie and others for gravelling at lot 16, cone. 11 and 12, and culvert—Mr. Strachan to abtente to the matter. John McNaught applied for a grant to repair road boeweou lots 80 and +11, con. 17. Moved by Jas. Turnbull, seconded by Wm. Brown that the sum of $16,00 be granted—Carried. Robb. Kerr applied for ditch and gravelling between lobs 20 and 21 oon. 10. Moved by Jas. Lindsay, seconded by Aroh. Hislop that the cum of $10 be granted—Carried, Moved by Jas. Turnbull, seconded by Wm. Brown, that the sum of $20 be granted 011 the boundary Grey and Elm at Henfryn, provided the Elena Council grant an equal sum—Carried. Moved by Arch. Hielop, seconded by James Lindsay that the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed to renew the note in the Stanclarcl Bank, Brussels, for three mouths—Carried. The following accounts were present- ed, viz.:—Matthew John Stewart, under - drain across road lot 18, non. 16, $8.50 ; Jas. Bishop, balauce for claming culvert boundary Grey and Morris, con. 8, 50o. ; A. Reymann, equalizing Union School Sections, Grey and Wallace, $5.00 ; Goo. McFarlane, repairing culvert lot 14, eon. 2, $2.00 ; Wm. Pollard, gravel, $18.- 80 ; Jas. Holston, 8 oulverts on side road 2, oon. 16, $10.00 ; Daniel Evely, culvert and grading at lot 21, oon. 4, $10, 50 ; Robt. Docket, cleaning ditch lot 19, con. 8, $2.00 ; Robb. Dookot, gravelling in front of Township Hall, $7.50 ; Jas. Greig, assisting Eogtneer re survey Silver Cornere dram, $6.00 ; Charles Irvine, .assisting Euginoor re survey Silver Comers drain, $4.50 Hoary Fogal, assisting Engineer re survey Silver Corners drain, $2.25 ; Charles Cleaver, gravel, $5.44 ; Samuel Dunn, gravel, $21.56 ; Frank Miller, gravel, $8.82 ; Robt. Lang, plana and speoiflca- tions for btidge lot 27, oon. 2 63.50 ; Morley Hutohinaou, gravel, 66.44 ; Michael Mullen, gravel, $11.12; John Ansley, plan and epooifioatione for bridge lots 25 and 26, con. 8, $0,00 ; George Dobson, culvert lot 22, con. 8, $6.00. Moved by Atoll, Hislop, 'seconded by Wm. Drown that the foregoing accoltnte be paid—Carried. Couuoil then adjourned to meet again etOraubrook at the oral of the Rolle). Wet. Stems, Clerk, VICTORY Tupper Forces Routed All 91ong the bine. Liberals Carly the Conn - try by a Qlood Majority. Hon. Wilfrid Laurier will be Premier in a Day of Two, He Will Have About 30 Majority at His Back, in the New House. TIIE t'OliL)ClO (8'1'S MEET TilEilt WATERLOO. SEVERAL MINISTERS GO DOWN WITH THE SLAIN. tog 'Liberal t;,tlns In Quetta, outnrle marl weer Provinces. rl.e Far West Also Aids in the over -turn oe the Conservatives. Every lover of his country may well feel proud of Canada after Tuesday's decisive defeat of a corrupt and imam - potent Administration. The rebuke to Tupper and Tu periam has come from every section of the Dominion. The recent occupants of the Treasury benches at Ottawa had almost come to regard the country as their private property. It was time for a change, and a change bhe people of Canada have decreed. In the battle, particulars of which ap. pear in other columns, many Ministers of the Crown have been unhorsed ; and we regret to say that more than one leading Ivan on the Liberal side has met defeat, but in several of these oases we hope the reverses will not prove to be more than 'temporary. The cities stood up for Liberalism and good Government in a marked manner in Tuesday's struggle. There were gains for the Liberals in Halifax, Hamilton, (two seats), Centre Toronto, Montreal (four seats), Ottawa, (two seats), King- ston, Quebec] city, (three seats), and Se. John's, N. B., .two seats. The sneering remark can no longer be made that the great centres of trade and commerce aro against the Liberal party. Nova Scotia, the home of the Tuppers, gave the elder Sir Charles bis answer. He totting that he would sweep it. The result is s, great Liberal victory. In 1891 there were 16 Conservatives and .5 Liberals in the Nova Scotia contingent. In the House which assembles at Ottawa on July 16th, there will be 18 Liberals and 7 Conservatives. We feel proud of the brethren by the sea. Hon. Mr. Fraser, Hon. Mr. Malsaae and Hon. Mr. Longley will prove able leaders from Nova Scotia, LIBERALS ELECTED. Bruce, North—Bonnar. Durham, West—Berth. Elgin, West—Casey. Essex North—McGregor. Essex, South—Cowan. Grey, South—Landerlcin. Grey North—Clarke. Hamilton—Macpherson. Hamilton—Woad. Hastings, East—Hurley. IIurot, Hast—Macdonald. Huron, West—Oameron. Huron, South—McMillan. Kent—Campbell. Kingstou—Britton. Lembton, East—Fraser. Lambton, West—Lister. Leeds and Grenville, North—Frost. Lincoln end Niagara—Gibson. Middlesex, South—MaGugan. Middlesex, West—Calvert. Norfolk, North—Charlton. Ontario, South—Burnett. Ontario West—Edgar. Ottawa—Belooart. Ottawa—Hutchinson, Oxford, North—Sutherland. Oxford, South—Cartwright. Peel—Featherston, Perth, South—Erb. Peterborough, East—Lang, Presoott—Prouix. Renfrew, North—Mackie. Bussell—Ldwards. Toronto Centre—Lount. Viotoria, Sonth-McHugh. Waterloo, South—Livingstone. Wellington, North—McMullen. Wellington; Oentre—Semple, Weutworth, North and Brant—Solace vine. Wentwouth—Bain. York, North—Mulook, York, East—Frankland, Quinine— Argenteuil—Christie. uanne—Argenteail--Christie. Beaute—Godbout. Belleehasse—Talbot. Berthier—I3 eausol ei 1. Bonaveuture—Pauvel. Brome—Fisher, Chambly and Veroheres—Geoffrion. Charlevoix—Angers. Chateauguay—Br, o wn, Chicoutimi and Saguenay—Snvard. Drummond and A,rthabasoa•-Laver. gue. Gaspe—Lemieux, Hoahelaga-<Madore. Huntingdon—Solver. Joliette—Bazenet. Kam ourae lca—Carroll, Labelle-l3ourassn. Laprairie and Napiervills—Monett. L'Assomptien--Gauthier, W.H.KERR,Prop, Laval—Fortin, Levis -Gray, Lotbiniere—leinfrot. Maisonneuve—Pref ontai ne, Maskinonge—Legeis. Missisgbioi—Meigs, Mon tmagn y—Choquette, Montreal, St. Marie—Dupre. Montreal, St, Laurent—Penny. :Montreal, 88. Jacques—Desmarais, Portuoef-Joly. Q.uebeu; lbvet—Laurier. Quebec', Ceutre-Langelier, Quebec County—Pitspatriok. Richelieu—Bruneau. Richmond and Wolfe—Stenson. Bitnouski—Fiset, Renville—Brodeur. Shefford—Parmalee. S o u l an g es—B o u rite n n ai e. St, Hyacinthe—Bernier. St. John's and Ibsrville—Bachand. Temisooeata—Po n l lob, Two Mountains—Feltner, Maudreuil—Hardwood, Wright Devlin, Yamaska—Mignaulb, New BaunswIc1C— King's—Domvills, Sunbaryand Queen's—King. St. John, City—Ellis, St. John, County—Tuoker. NOVA Soorra.— Antigonish—Maleaao. Cumberland—Logan. Digby—Copp. Gayshorough—Fraser. Halifax—Russell, Hants—Haley. Inveruees—MoLennan, King's—Borden. Richmond—Flynn. Shelburne and Queen's—Forbes. Yarmouth—Flint, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND— Prince East—Yeo. Queen's Weise—Davies. MANITOBA AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES-- Lisgar—Riohardeon. Marquette—Ashdown. Ma cdonald—Retberford. Assioiboia East—Rev. Dr. Douglas. Alberta—Oliver. Saskatohewa n—Laurier. BRITISH CoLuacnrA- Burrard—Maxwell, New Westminster—Morrison. Vanoouver—Molnnes. Yale:Cariboo—Bostock. CONSERVATIVES ELECTED, Addington—Bell. Bothwell—Clancy. Brant, South—Henry. Brookville—Wood, Bruce East—Cargill. Carleton—Hogins. Cornwall and Stormont—Bergin. Dundas—Broder. Durham, East—Craig. Elgin, East—Ingram, Glengarry—McLennan. Grenville—Reid. Grey, East—Sproule. Haldimand and Monok—Montagne: Halton—Henderson, Hastings, West—Corby. Hastings, North—Oarsaallen. Lanark, North—Rosamond, Lanark, South—Hsggart. Leeds, South—Taylor. Lennox—Wilson. London—Beattie, Middlesex, North—Hutchins. Middlesex, East—Gilmour. Muskoka and Parry Sound—MoCor- mick, Nipissing—Klock. Norfolk, South—Tisdale. Northumberland, East—Cochrane, ,Northumberland, West—Guillet. Ontario, North—McGillivray. Perth, Noxth—Maclaren, Peterborough, West—Kendry. Renfrew, South—Ferguson. Simcoe, East—Bennett. Simone, Soatb—Tyrwbitt, Toronto, West—Oster. Toronto, West—Clarke. Viotoria, North—Hughes. Waterloo, North—Seagram, Welland—McCleary, Wellington, South—Kloepfer. 01131150. Bigot—Dupont. Beauharnots—Bergeron, Chtemplain—Marcotte. Compton—Pope. Dorchester—Morin. Jacques Cartier—Monk. L'Ielst—Deohens. Mega o t i e—I're ah ett e. Montealm—Dugas. Menem orenoy—Casgrain, Montreal, St. Anne—Quinn. Montreal, St. Antoine—Roddiok. Niaolet—.Boisvert. Pontiac—Poupore. Sherbrooke—Ives. Stanstead—Moors. Terrebonne—Chauvin. Three Rivers and St. Maur—Caron. NEW BRnnsWlor— Carleton—Halo, Charlotte—Gaooeg. Glouoeeter—Blanchard. Northnmbe rland—Robinson. Eesti gouah a—etoA llister. V iotoeia—Oostigau. W eebrooreland—Powell. York—Foster, NOVA SooTnn— Annapolis—Mills. Cape Breton—McDougall. Cape Breton—Tupper. Colchester—Dfmook. Halifax—Borden. Luuenburg—Kaulbaoh. Piotou—Tupper. Piotou—Bell, Viotoria—Bethune. PRIN0N EDWARD ISLAND— King'e--Macdonald. Queen's East—natio. MANITOBA AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES— Pro v a n oh a r—L aBi v ier s. Selkirk—Armstrong. Winnipeg—Macdonald. Bsueteit Common* Victoria—Prior. Vietoria—Earls, INDEPENDENTS AND PATRONS ELECTED, Bruce West—Tolmie. Cardwell—Stubbs. Froutonac—Rogers. Prince Edward—Pettit, Sim oe o , North—McCarthy. Toronto, Past—Riobertson. York, West—Wallace. Quebec, Wet—Dobeli. Altera, N, .13,—Lewis. Prince, West, 17, E. L—Haokett, Brandon, Manitoba—MoCat'tlty. Assiniboia, West—McInnis. LITTLE BALLo'rs. Oook-a-doodle-do-o-o-o 1. "St was a famous victory 1" Three Huron's still In line, The mandsment didn't work. 282 more votes polled in Last Huron than in 1891. The old flag and Hugh John's nose is about all that is left. Mr, Dickinson had majorities in Howick and Wingbam. The Conservatives rf+ceived election news at their Committee room. "While everyone else in the world is queer, there's nothing the matter with nal" The sun appears to rise and set about the sante as it did when Boss Tupper ruled. The grand old flag is the only thing left of the whole combination. Long may it wave 1 A few electors managed to bungle the marking of their ballots after all the in- struction'. Dr. McDonald's majority is 160 but it is not to be wondered at when Howick rose from 86 to 166. Morris township, that was said to be so solid for Dickinson, gave the Liberals a majority of 17. Some young lady should take pity on A. C. Dames, the popular Cranbrook bachelor, and marry him. "What's the matter with Grey 7" Grey's all right. We rather think so with a Majority of 244 for Dr. McDonald. Sir Charles Tupper will wish now that he had hung on to the High Com- missionership and the annual $10,000 salary. 'Laurier, Mowat and Victory." Mr. Dickinson said he could see Laurier and Mowat in the Globe's picture but not the victory. It's visible now. Mr. Ronald said he was still a Con- servative and polled his first Liberal vote on Tuesday because he considered he was voting for the cleanest party. But for the infamous gerrymander and the scoundrelly Franchise Act, Ontario's majority for Laurier would have been at least 25. But both will now be repealed in short order. Algoma will not vote till next week, but as it has invariably stood in with the Government of the day, and a Laurier administration being now certain, the Liberal candidate will doubtless bo elect- ed. Sir Oliver Mowe is entrance into the coming Dominion Administration will make °boo es in the Ontario Govern- ment, It is presumed that Hon. A. S. Hardy, as senior member of the Cabinet, will proceed to the Premiership. The Wingham contingent Wednesday evening were not slow to show their ap. preciation of what Grey township had done in their noble majority of 244 for their townsman. They also knew holy the 71 majority was secured in Wing. ham for Mr. Dickinson. For sale cheap ;—The Dominion Fran- chise Act, as the owners have no further use for it. Apply to Sir Charles Tupper. P. S.—Will also dispose of "the old policy" at a low rate and throw in the Manitoba Remedial Bill. Cause of sale, going out of business. The bicycle played a very prominent part in getting in the loot' election re- turns in this part of East Hurou. Mee- srs. Jno, Ferguson, Cameron, W. and D. Stewart, Armstrong, MCBo2u, James and Smillie were the cyclists, Jim. Hewitt and D. 0. Ross brought two reports with horse and buggy. When Sir Charles Tupper came over post haste to seize the reius of power for his family, organized the nest of traitors, aucl supplanted poor old Mackenzie Row- ell, he perhaps failed to take into account the fact that the people of Canada were looking up and sizing ep himself and the situation at the sante time. It is not likely that Mackenzie Rowell will shed many tears over the result of the elect tions. Eleotien of 1801 ; — Province. Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick Manitoba Prince Edward Island British Columbia, Northwest Territories Con. Lib. 52 40 38 82 13 S 10 6 4 1 0 6 6 0 4 0 122 98 Conservative majority 29, which was in- creased at dissolution by bye elections to 40. Tho Toronto World, of June 24tH, says ;—And Laurier rose up early in the morning ; land they removed from the place which is oallecl Opposition, end came to the Jordan of Public Opinion, he and all the ohikireu of the Liberals, acid lodged there before they passed over. And ie came to pees that in the sixth month and on the 28rd day of the month, that after eighteen years' wandering in the wilderness, they passed over the river .and entered the land of Promise, which is known as power. And on that day Leerier was magnified in the sight of all the Liberals, and they feared him as they had feared Blake, all the days of his life. The Liberals rented the Town Hall and received their reports there, a vary large and enthusiastic audicuee remain- ing until after midnight. While waiting returns the time was pleasantly whiled away with music on thobagpipes by Piper T. Ballantyne ; thorns, `The Maple Leaf" ; "They aro jolly good fellows," when the three Huron's were declared Liberal ; duet!' by W. M, Sinclair and A. Straaban ; solos by Tag, Thomson • in. strutueetal duott by A, Roes anti H. L, Jaoksou ; harinonfoa Inusfe, dmo, When the result was known a proeeesiau was formed at the Hall, beaded by the bag. pipes, marched down the Main street to the bridge, while a coubinuons cheer filled the air. Three bonfinee blazed and the Liberals were jubilant. A prominent "Grit" from Cranbrook and te Bressele ox•Aldermen also had a little procession, iu wbioli two flags were borne aloft. Fourth. Division Court, The re; alar sittings of the Fourth Div- ision Comb Was held in Brussels on Wed- nesday of this week, Judge Doyle presid- ing. The docket was as follows :— Scott vs. Bishop—Action on attach - moat. Verdict for plaintiff. Honsauld ve. Holloway—Action on promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff. Barrie vs. Armstrong ee al—Verdict for plaintiff. Higgins vs, Brothour Action to mow. er money lent. Verdict for plaintiff. Scott vs. Duncanson — Enlarged till next Court. • PERSONAL PAli.4AJIU.eIIS. Mrs. (Bev.) R. Paul was in Owen Sound this week. R. G. Vincent, of Harriston, was in town tbia week. Miele Nina Malcolm, of Kincardine, is visiting in town. Joe Ballantyne, of Petrolia, was in Brussels thin week. Miss Carrie, of Walkerton, is vieitiog Miss Lizzie Sample. Mrs. Ferguson, Alexander street, is home from Stratford. W. G. Collins and family will continue as residents of Brussels. Mrs. Chas. Kneahtel, of Wingbam, is visiting relatives in town. J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin wore holidaying in Owen Sound this week, Miss Cassie Good, of Wingham, is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Graham. Mies Annie Beattie, of Brucefield, is enjoying a holiday visit here. Lodes and Minnie Settergren, of Har- riston, are visiting in Brussels. D. Lewis, of Bet:wale, was iii, town on Wednesday on a business trip, A. J. Davis, of the Garfield House, left for Watford on Monday of this week. W, A. Lowry, of Galt, is making a hol- iday visit here. Hs is well pleased with Galt. Dire. W. H. Willis and Gerry, of Sea - forth, are visiting at B. Gerry's, Mill street. Mrs. Robt. McMartin and son and Miss Ida May McMartin are visiting relatives at. Whitton. Wm. Ramsay, of Bowland, Scotland, was visiting at Mrs. John Sinolair's, Princess sbred, Angus Kerr has gone to Toronto on a visit in the hope of a change of air im. proving his health. J. J. Gilpin combined business and pleasure in a trip to Blanshard township, Perth Co., this week. Deputy Postmaster Ilay, of Stratford, spent a few days in town this week re- newing old friendships. Mrs. Thos. Hayoroft, sr., and Mrs. R. T. Hingstou enjoyed a holiday visit with relatives iu Owen Sound this week. Rev, J. L. Kerr and wife wept to Owen Sound on Wednesday for a holiday visit for a month with relatives and old friends. Mrs.. Alger and children, of Escanaba, >ttiohigan, are visiting at Councillor Leatberdale's. The latter is en uncle of Mrs. Alger's. Dr. W. J. R. Holmes and wife and W. Proudfoot and wife, of Godericb, intend leaving shortly on a business and pleasure trip to England, H. W. Brothour, a prominent citizen of Brantford, died at the age of 07 years. Deceased was a cousin to Mrs. J. A. Creighton, of Brussels. Miss Clara McCracken has gone to Hensall where she will make hex home for a time with the family of Rev. W. J. Waddell, formerly of Ethel Bishop Ward, of London, was renew- ing old acquaintances in lirusesls this week and marking his X on Tuesday. Mr. Ward has been ill with congestion of theflungs. Thos. Caibeok, Chief of Police at Stevestou, B. C., and formerly of Brus- sels, has recently had his salary inoreas- ed to $70 per mouth, as a reoognitiou of his valued servioes. The Huron Expositor says :-Those who heard Sir James Grant, of Ottawa, address an audience in the operahall here a few weeks ago will be interested in knowing how he received hie title, if they do not already know. Dr. Grant was fortunate enough some years ago to attend the Princess lionise after a runaway ac- cident in Ottawa, in which the Princess got some of the beckon glass of the car- riage door in her ear, and, a000rdiug to the custom that gives any physician at- tending the person of a member of the royal family a title, Dr. Grant became Sir James Grant. CHIMER 0111111 1. Rev. 1;. V. Smith preached at Trim - bridge last Sabbath, Rev. Adam Burwash, Baptist minister at Vankleek Hill, One., died on Sunday from sunstroke. The quarterly ohildree's servioe will be held in St. John's church next Sab- bath morning. Rev. S. J. Alliu will proaoh his in- augural sermons in the Methodist church here next Sabbath. Rev. Jno. Ross, of Melville church, and Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Biuevaie, exchang. ed pulpits lest Sabbath. Rev. R. Peel will preach at Blyth next Sabbath for Rev, W. Rigsby, the newly appointed Methodist minister. A Catholic church at Thurso was struok with lightning Sunday and t•wo men, Charleotix and Lacoste, killed. Adjutant Taylor, of Pttlmerstcn, will conduct special services in the Salvation Army Barraoks on rriday night of this week, • Rev. Jno. Rose preached at Egluend- villa on Friday of this week in connection with the preparatory services of the communion. Mrs. 11081. Miller, of Wroxeter, is a delegate from Maitland Presbytery to the Pan -Presbyterian council now in session at Glasgow, Scotland, Captain. Stephens, of Midland,' form- erlyof N w 1 nd has to selto take charge of the Salvation Army : Werk. Capt. Sayer has gone to Salvation The soason of 1895 has commenced Re Grimsby Park. A brilliant galaxy of names is embraced in the season's pro- gramme. In addition to many protni- neat Canadian speakers, the following popular and well known divines from the United States are on the list ;—Revs. Dr. Talmage, Dr, McIntyre, Dr. Hard, Dr. Ashley, Dr. Crofte, and °there. Next Monday overdue s, congregational reception social will be held on the, Methodist parsonage and church lawns to weloome Rev. S. J. Allin and family. A musical and literary program will be rendered by the Junior League. The ladies of the congregation are asked to supply the necessary edibles, Ie Deed of cool or wet weather elle social will be held in the Sabbath school room. All welcome, Rev. J. W. Robinson, of Trowbridge, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist oharoh, Brussels, last Sabbath. His topic in the morning was Jeremiah, 12th ohapter and 5th verse. The twothongbts developed were (1) There are diflioulties in a religious life to which the good are disposed to yield. (2) To yield will only increase them. In the evening the rev' erend gentleman preached an excellent discourse from Hebrews, llth chapter and lath verse. (1) The persons spoken of were inhabitants of a country ; (2) They desired a better country ; (8) The ultimate home. Commandant and Mrs. Booth bid their final adieu to the officers and soldiers Wednesday of last week in Toronto be. fore leaving for their next command which is in Australia and New Zealand. We regret very much with having to part with suoh loyal and faithful leaders as they have both proved themselves to be. Field Commissioner Eva Booth also arrived Thursday when she received a wonderful welcome to Canada, and was enabled to sway everything before her by the powerful and couvinoing truths she spoke. Adj. and Mrs. Taylor, late of London, have taken -charge of the Pal- merston district. They have had a wide experience in S. A. work. Mlssroxier.—Tuesday night a large number of St. John's congregation as- sembled in the school room to hear an address from Dirs. Boomer, of Loudon, on the work of the Women's Auxiliary to tits Board of Missions of the Diocese of Huron. For an hour Mrs. Boomer de- lighted her hearers with an instructive and interesting talk in which she showed the motive, object and result of this de- partment of woman's work. By stories from the lives and work of the mission- aries she gave practical illustration of the success of their labor under very great difficulties, as also the need they stand in of our moral and Iloanoial sup- port. She referred to the good work St. John's Branch of the W. A. M. A. M. A. is doing, and espeoially praised the efforts of the Junior Society. Through- out the whole talk there was intense interest, and all agree that it was an evening well spent. Mrs. Boomer is the widow of the late Ven, Rev. M. Boomer, Dean of Huron, and Priooipal of the Diocesan College. She left here for Walkerton, Southampton and Owen Sound, where she will address the local branches. Additional Local News. Baussons foot -ball club will go to Ger- rie on Dominion Day. BIDSSELS Epworth Leaguers have ac- cepted the invitation of the Cranbrook League to attend their Mamie on July lst. THE POST is much obliged to the Her- ald for its editorial compliments of last week and will have a better idea now oe the fellow who smiles and stabs at the same time. Punic schools will close next Tuesday, 30th inst., for the Summer vacation. Rural wheals will reopen on the 3rd Monday of August and village and town schools on the 1st day of September. Tom Sumo, Fame—The Legislative grant to Public Schools for the year 1896 has been apportioned on the attendanoe of 1895, and is now payable. Notice to that effect has been bent to the secretary - treasurer of every Public School in East Huron. Aotoxa those who have passed their examinations at the Toronto University we noblest the names of the following from this county :—Third year—G.E. Buchan- an, Zurich ; J. A. Jackson, Egmondville; J. S. Muldrew, Egmondville. Second year—W. M. Martin, Exeter ; O. L. Willis, Seaforth. First year—J. R. Bone, Belgrave ; T. A. Russoll, Exeter ; P. E. Tom, Godericb ; A, H. McLeod, Bruoe3eld ; 5. P. MtMordie, Kippen ; W. 3. McLean, Blyth • S. A. Dickson, Seaforth ; J. L. Hogg,'MoKilIop, and J. S. Wren, Chiselburst. GRAVEL CONTRACTS LEr.—Last Friday afternoon Reeves Straaban and Mooney let the following °entracte for gravelling on the boundary North and South of Brunets :-12811 con., Grey, to Thos. Maunders, au expenditure of $80.00 let to Wm. Reiily at 28 oeate per yard. Op- posite Peter McDonald's, $30.00, to Wm. Reilly at 27 cents. From the school house to Walton, Geo. MoSpadden,$30,00 at 35 cents par yard. Brussels North to 8th oon., 630.00, Wm, Reilly, at 29 ciente. 8th con. to 0th oon., $30,00, Walter Yuill, at 28 cants. 6th to 4th oon., $80.00, to Walter Yuill, at 82 cents. Tho town- ships put on a man to do the spreading, the contractors to pay half the expense. Cate should be taken that rough stones are °Antony broken, so that the very beet nee may be made of the money vested in the work. John Hogan, it firebug of Doylestown, Pa., was sentenced on the Sed, ineb. to 40 years in penitentiary. He has been getting firs to barna bet the past four oe five years, and was detected finally by the inehrmtoe companies, who employed detectives to run him down.