HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-19, Page 88
TWO year we b ave been parbjou-
Seely eareful in. aplding which 1)949
Olsen to handle; Our experience in the
Peet bas taught us that we should exert
vise great sore in the purolIese of Eerie
erten and therefore before laying in oar
oteek this year we had the Grime theta
owed), aualyeed and tested for Its purity
:and found thet we were safe in selling
arREEN under a positive guarantee. We
.:Ire going to handle this Green only, and
"narantee every pound we sell to be eh.
:whitely pure and although this Green
usosta ue more money then ordinary
(Greene we are going to sell it at the same
price and this gives our oustomere the
advantage of the superior quality.
""Only 2Ge. per lb.
:Druggists, Opticians and Bookeellero,
sonmasRN EXTEli51OS1 W. 0. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows
Come Sourer, GoINw Roam.
fail 9 "b a.m. 'Mixed 9:46 a.m.
t0x sass 11;65 am.I Mail 19:54 p,m.
ahead..... ... 9:00p.m. Esprese 9:491r,m,
. ral Repo thus.
A chiefs among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pent it.
'Num strawberries are plentiful.
THE POST Subscription oonbinues 90
M. WILSON shipped a car of cattle
'ilastward on Thursday.
Fenn= Division Court will lis held in
Dlroesels on Wednesday of next week.
A cAn of cattle was shipped by E. Wet.
am, of Blyth, last Moudny from B, us.
P. Snort lost a 509 foal the other day
from "Sydney." An abscess was the
emcee of death.
A o5ANOE of Captains in connection
with the Salvation Army here is on the
yragram this week.
GEO. CLINE, of Wingbam, bas leased
the Town Hall for a big concert aoml,any
ler the evening of July 12th.
POSTSLisTER EMMONS' was one of the
spankers at Mr. Dickinson's meeting at
Walton on Wednesday evening.
TEE Liberal Committee room is in the
Varian's hotel block and the Conserva-
tive room next door to the .Leckie block.
NEST week Messrs. Clegg & Dames
will ship hogs ; Geo. Parker a car of
,berses, and W. J. Dickson, export cattle
ham Brussels.
THE fife and drum band attended the
.Prange pia-nia at Winthrop on Wednes-
day afternoon of this week and enjoyed a
pOsaslant time.
OWING to rain the garden party whiob
was to have been held at W. F. Van.
;tone's was postponed until Friday even.
leg of this week.
NEXT Tuesday the Depuly Returning
sffleers for Brussels will be D. A. Lowry,
A13. J. Gilpin's office ; and R. T. Rings -
sea at the Council Chamber.
Tun Reeves of Grey and Morris will
:b5 the various contracts for gravelling on
Me road North and South of Brussels
on Friday afternoon of this weak at the
queen's Hotel, at four o'clock.
Leer Saturday Gordon Mooney lost a
3100 Bank of Commerce bill. We hope
ebo finder will return the same to Mr.
Mooney or it will otherwise be a heavy
i;5es to him as it was money belonging to
Nieman Broe., of Seaforth to pay wages,
le is reported that an entirely new
system of etteokiug baggage will shortly
become operative on the G. T. R. The
workmen in the Port Huron sbops are
Isnsy manufacturing 15,000 new brass
;.becks for nee under the new system
which will bear the words "Property of
1be Grand Trnnic." A special check is
orpnlied to every station on the line.
Meao)nc excursion to ,Owen Sound next
Wednesday. Trein leaves Brussels at
't1:5055. m., returning same night, leaving
Dram Sound at 6:50 p.m. Tiokets, 91.20,
„and to return on regular trains on
:'.hursday. There will likely be quite a
tarn out from Brussels. Lnoknow and
11:rris9on Brass Mode will accompany
the exeuroion. The steamer "Majestic"
sill rnu exearsiou trips on the Bay.
T00OeTro5.tr„—The Entrance and Pub•
School Leaving Examination will be t
held on July 2nd, 3rd and 4th, Form I,
July 7th and 8th, and form II, July 9911
end 10th. The semi-annual examination 0l
for the promotion of pupils in Brussels
wheel will take place on Thursday and
Yriday, 25th and 251b mats. Every
pupil should be present, as those who
Anent themselves without a sufficient
season need not expect to be promoted.
Forents should interest themselves in
Elio important matter.
day evening Miss Nellie Price, who will
::move this week from Brussels with
Rev. Mr. Cobblodick's family, was waited
Tryon by her young friends and wade the
;recipient of a very neat leather work -box.
The following address was read by Will.
J. MoOraollen, Miss Julia Sharp making
the preeentabion :—
To Hiss Nellie Price :
A mann wall ie be'iug built /leder S. II.:
Jaakaoll"a blaolcsanith shop, 19. Atwood
has the job,
"I ai going to get married ie Jutta," is
the layette melody sung by a Braasch
young man.
Oen townsman, James Boll, was united
In marriage to Klee MoIotosb, of Grey,,
last week, so report says.
Nen Tuesday will be election day,
Bruseeliteo will vote et the Colleen
Chamber if resident West of Main street,
and ab J, J. Gilpiu'o ellop it East of Main
Tien 0. T, R. will issue single first'
elafare Waste going Jane 80th and
July let and returning July 2nd. Fare
and a third tickets good from J nus 30th
90 July (ebb.
WE are sorry to state that Miss LID,
ton has resigned her position as teacher
on the Public Sohool stitfi, the same to
come into effect at the close of this term,
Miss Linton is an excellent teacher.
JAS. O'LEARY'S well known pacing
mare, "Florenos GG.," presented him with
an "Online" foal on Thursday of this
weak. If nothing happens it there
should be some record breaking in a few
BI:R Ttvn e.—A large quantity of
American twine in stook, quality . better
mud prices lower than any Oena0iten twine
in the market, A oombine has advanced
the prices of Canadian twine about 12i%,
A word to the wise is sufficient, Gail and
see oar Crown brand, American Sheaf
and absolutely pure manilla.
McKee & Co„ Brussels.
Femme, &e.—The undersigned, hav-
ing entered into partnership, are proper.
ed to do all kinds of work in the following
lines :—Plain and ornamental painting,
kalsomining, frescoing, paper -hanging,
sign'writing, &c., &o. Remember our
motto, "First-class work and reasonable
cbergea," STEw.tnT & RITCHIE,
New Tiers TAOLE: Next Monday a
new time table comes into effect on the
G. T. R, The ohanges at Brussels will
be that the morning train from Kincar-
dine will arrive at 6:28 instead of 6:00 •,the 11:59 train at 11;53. Going North
the afternoon mail will get here at 12:54
instead of 3:15, which will give us a To-
ronto mail about *hours earlier than the
present. Intending travellers should
mane note of the changes unless they
want to get left. See corrected time table
on this page.
OBIT.—On the 26th of May, Catherine
McDougall, widow of the late Duncan
Fletcher, died at Rankinston, by .Ayr,
Scotland, aged 82 years. Deceased was
the eldest sister of John McDougall, Al-
bert street, Brussels. She was a native
of Argylesbire and went to Ayrshire 81
years ago along with her husband and
family, Mr. Pletcher died 10 years ago.
Five obildren survive. Mrs. Fletcher
had been oou6ned to bed for about 10
years from a stroke of paralysis. She
was a faithful member of the Presbyter-
ian oburah. The interment was made at
Coylton churchyard. Mr. MoDougell
saw his sister last 46 years ago.
LATE 9ENNIe.—Last Saturday after-
noon Messrs. Morden, Cambell, Am-
brose and Griffin, of Wingham, accom.
panied by several young ladies and gents
from that town, played a return Tennis
matob with the Brussels club on the
lawns of D. C. Ross and W. M. Sinclair,
After an interesting match the home
team wee declared the viotors, winning.
the whole six events. The score was as
follows :—Doubles—Roes and Sinclair
beat Morden and Campbell, 5.7, 6.4, 6 3.
Stewart and Cameron beat Ambrose and
Griffin, 6.1, 6.8. Singles—Ross beat
Morden, 6.1, 6.1. Sinclair beat Camp-
bell, 6,2, 6 2. Stewart beat Ambrose,
6.1, 1-6, 6 4. Cameron beat Griffin, 6 3,
Wenenso BELL¢.—At three p.
Wednesday afternoon of this week, in the
presence of about 30 guests, Rev. Jno.
Ross, B. A., of Brussels, tied the matri-
monial knot between James Ballantyne,
a well known and popular Brnsselibe,
and bliss Birdie Roberton, at the home of
the.bride at Seaforth. Tho petite bride
wore a very becoming costume of dotted
white muslin. Many, handsome and
useful were the wedding gifts, and be.
spoke the popularity of the bride. After
a sumptuous repast Mr. and Wire. Bal.
lantyne, amidst a shower of rice, left for
their home in Brussels, where they begin
housekeeping on their own account, with
the hearty congratulations of a Large
cirole of Mama in wbich TILE Posrjoins.
ELECTION OF OFFlcnas.—Tneeday even.
ing the annual meeting of the Methodist
Sabbath School was held, Rev. G. H.
Oobblediolc presiding. The anneal re-
port showed a balance of about 982.00 in
hand. Election of officers wag as fel-
lows :—Superintendent, W. IT. Kerr ;
Assistant, B. Gerry; Secretary, J. J.
Ball ; assistant, . R. Mooney ; Treas.
urer, G. D. Lamont ; Conductor of
Orchestra, 11. L. Jackson ; Organist,
Mrs. H. L. Jackson. The following is
he toacbmg staff :—Rev. S. J. Allis,
Eli Smith,G. D. Lamont, Miss Minnie
Moore, Mies E. E. Kerr, Mise Maggie
cNaugbton, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. A. J.
Lowry, Miss Ethel Creighton, Will.
Armstrong, B. Gerry, Miss Holmee, Mrs.
Dobson, N. B. Gerry, Miss Jewitt, Will.
Bezel], Miss Minnie McNaughton and
Miss Sarah Code. Assistant teachsro,
Rev. R. Paul, W. G. Collins, and T.
Farrow. It was decided to hold the an•
anal pie•nio early in July, and a com-
mittee consisting of Rev. R. Paul, T.
Moore, J. J. Ball and W. R. Mooney,
was named to arrange for conveyances.
MATMEONIAL--The Guelph Mercury, of
June 12th, rays :—"john Kitching and
Mies Adah Easton wars united in mar•
ridge last Wednesday at the residence of
the bride's father, Abram Benton. Rev.
G. H. Cobblediok, assisted by Rev.
Wesley Kitching, performed the cere-
mony in the presence of a large company
of intimate friends from Guelph, Rock•
wood, Philadelphia, Glencoe, Nelson,
Acton and surrounding country. As the
bridal party oame out on the lawn, Mies
lllay Seroggi0 played the wedding mare).
The bride was handsomely dressed in
cream henrietta with silk and chiffon lace
trimmings. She woe supported by Mies
Matt Soroggle, who looked charming in a
gown of bice mousseline, and Beta Cob.
bledick, in white dot muelin, made a
sweet little maid of honor. Tne grooms-
man was 0. Kitching, brother of the
groom. After the ceremony the company
eat down to a reoberohe supper, et which
e, moat pleasant time was spent. The
bride was the recipient of many beautiful
presents, and heats of friends with them
every joy ite their new relations," TUE
POST joins with the many friends of the
bride in Brussels and locality in wishing
her end her husband bealbb, happiness
and prosperity,
Dem Fiume—We, the members of
your Sabbath School and Friday night
*lessee, regret that very shortly the pleas.
s40 aesoulations as friends and classmates
affil have•to be severed by your removal
tram Brussels. You haw; aiway; been a
ettrbhful attendant at both Sabbath Sohool
tend Class, and we feel . ry grateful for
the interest you bave m,eifested in our
blase, both individually and collectively.
Beaeo accept this work -box as a small
memento of our love and esteem. By
your cheerful manner and Christ -like life
1001ii5 among ns, you have won many
Reseda who will often think of yon, and
:trope that in your new home you will aleo
.'lad many tree friends. May we meet
ten ionbrolten class in that better home
Tibiae partings are unknown.
Vias Price was completely taken by sur•
prise and asked Rev. Mr. Cobblediok to
ituOy which he did in appropriate terms.
Business Locals,
ICAflo.` Dale, delivered 1 d ataur L 1
Apply to W. Leatlleedale, y lIo 1 p,
I055501t and timothy load for sale,
Baeker do Vonetene,
MaNti'onA flour, boat in the market, for
Salo at Rose' 81111,
1/055011 m11oh cow ►or 5µ(a, Apply to
JAR. WALicuu, Brussels,
F)tosie miloh 00w, 6 yenta old, for sale.
Apply at Tile Pose Publishing Maze.
Solon dresehnge of all 'rode 04) band
both for bleok and tan oolored.
I, C. Riobarde,
A ruck line of buggy dnebere on hand,
all sold at °lose margins. I.0. Riohards,
STnewneaates, Pinked ovary del', at D:
Mahennan's, Brussels, Orders left at J.
G. (Ataxia's store will be promptly attend.
ed to,
KA11r,'e Clover hoot, the great Blood-
Perilier gives freshness and olearnese to
the complexion and puree constipation.
25 pre, 50 ot5 and 91.00. Sold by Jamas
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
A seem/inn range of men's : women's
and children's shoes on hand. Cell and
see them no matter if you do not buy,
we will be pleased to have you see them.
I. 0. Richards.
Snmou's pure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It ie
the best cough oure, Only ono Dent a
dose, 25 ors„ 60 ars. and 91.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
800401000 DONE,—Maohinery, bicycles,.
lawn•mowers, scissors, implemente . and
all kinds of tools sharpened and
put in order at reasonable prices
for spot cash by saw filer T. McGregor,
of Brussels, Queen St. East,
Yoe'Im be sorry wben you see the
splendid bargains your neighbor gob at
A. J. Davis' great clearing sale that you
did not avail yourself of the opportunity
to get some too, You still have a chance
however, though it won't iaet long.
D. Ewer sells the Best and Cheapest
Soufiiers in the markeb, Farmers, don't
have to pay for peddling, as I sell at my
shop, and give the farmerthe benefit of
bis bard earned money. Oall at my
shop, Brussels. Prices away down.
OAnnErs.—.Any one desiring carpets
will do well to call at the Brawls Wool.
en Mill before baying elsewhere, as they
have the largest assortment of samples
ever shownin this locality, ranging In
prioe from 30e, to 91.00. IIowe & Co.
• PAINTINO CLASS..Mies Mary Moriee, of
Wiugham, will open a class in Brussels
for instruction iu Landeoape Painting.
Her ogirlio will be the apartments lately
variate i l,: T. A. TTa.wlcine, io the Smith
block. U(I,es will meet each Friday.
Terms reasonebte.
FLowEns AND PLANTS.—Thos. Kelly,
florist, Brussels, has a rare and beautiful
collection of flowers and plants this sea.
son and is in a better position than ever
to snit the public. He will also have the
metal range of garden plants, such ae
oelery, &o., &o. If you require
anything in this line call on Or write Mr.
Kelly. Plants for sale at Geo. Thomson's
TRE BEST Boco;uotoND.—The best re-
commend a bicycle van have is the num•
ber of sales made. A. Oousley, agent tor
the well-known Brautford, has made the
following sales this season already :—
W. E. Armstrong, teacher, Brussels ;
Arthur Wake, Brussels ;
Mr. Shiele, Grey ;
Rev. G. 1d. Cobblediok, Brussels ;
Colin McArthur, Brussels ;
Wm. MoDoneld, Molesworth ;
John Rap, teacher, MaKiltop ;
W. J. Rozell, Brussels ;
H. J. Burkholder, Drayton ;
Sydney Bolger, Morrie ;
R. A. McKee, teacher, MoTuliop.
Miss Tilly Gofton, Wroxeter.
Bev. W. J. Waddell, Ethel ;
J. Hackwell, Mo$illop.
J. A. Stewart, Brussels.
Geo. Coates, Cranbrook.
R. Leatberdale, Brussels.
J. A. McKee, McKillop.
Wm. MoArter, Walton.
The "Red Bird" gives great eatiefaction.
A stook of wheels always on hand, both
new end second band. A. Cous5Er,
Agent, Brussels:
Rev. E. V. Smith preached a6 Wrox.
eter last Sabbath for Rev. W. E. Kerr.
This week Rev. Mr. Griffin, H. Dennis
and T. Maxwell attended the Synod at
There were 220 persons present at the
Methodist Sabbath School last Sabbath
Rev. W. T. Clnff, formerly of Brunets,
will return to this Diocese. His many
old friends will be pleased to hear this.
Rev. E. V. Smith gave an excellent es.
say on "English Literature" at the
Epworth League last Monday evening.
The controot for rebuilding Knox
church, Palmerston, recently burned, has
been let for 95,085, not inoluding seating.
By a practically unanimous vote the
Hamilton Methodist Conference /leased
a Sweeping resolution denouncing the at.
tempted coercion of Manitoba.
Rev. S. J. Allis, the newly appointed
Metbodiet minister, is expected to preach
his inaugural sermons on Sabbath, June
28th. He Domes very highlyreoommend•
The eongregatiou of the Methodist
church. Petrolea, presented tbeir pastor,
Rev. W. Smytbe, formerly of Brussels,
with a purse of 9100 one evening last
Rev. Geo. Jewitt, son of our townsman,
Wm. Jowitt, will be stationed at Elim•
vine, Huron Go., thie year. He will
have W. Z. Ashton, formerly of Howiok,
as colleague.
His Lordship the Bishop of Huron,
has appointed Rev. F. G. Newton, of
Stratlrroy, •a8 rentor of Exeter Parish.
His Strathroy congregation are against
his teansferenos,
Rev. J. W. Robinson, of Trowbridge,
will 0000py the pulpit of the Methodiet
ohuroh in this place next Sabbath. Rev.
Mr. Cobblediok will take a holiday be.
fors going to his new charge at Glen000.
Rev. Joseph Ward, M. A., B. D., whose
name was changed from the Waterloo
et. ohuroh, Stratford, to the Viotoria
et. church, Goderioh, in the draft of the
stations published, has been finally get
down to remain in Stratford. Rev, W.
Godwin will tante the Goderioh atation.
Rev. Mt. Ballantyne, of Knox ohuroh,
Ottawa, eon of Hon. Thos. Ballantyne, of
Stratford, has Receptor! the Professorship
of Apologetics and C)ureb History, at
Knox College, to which the Assembly
elected him, The new Professor was
congratulated by his friends. He preaob
ed Sunday evening in I]rskine church,
S 't X,Dr ,WD ' 134,70r O2 O4X,%.Dt ,
m,P.::5)x.x14 50437 0.e?70.
ASSETS, (Seem; h'[illlon Dollars) . 97,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized). 92,000,000
Apenoias in ail principal pointe .in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, ?tailed Jtatas ca England,
ux DruaSlore
A General Banking Bee nese Transacted. Farmers' Notes D1000anted, I1800t Powder'/
Drafts Leaned and ()Motions made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every faoility afforded Customors living ata distance,
J. A. STIIIWAR,T Manana.
amcncems.'nu.som. won
Walkerton Telesoope :—There wee no
services in the Methodist ohuroh lest Sun.
day evening, This is said to have been
the first holiday for the pulpit of thin
oburob for over BO years, in fact ei000
the oburob here was first organized.
Last Sabbath Rev G. 1I. Cobblediok
preached his closing," discourses in the
Methodist oburob to large congregations.
"The Ohristian race course" was the
evening topic from which en excellent
sermon was preached. Mr. Oabblediok is
a good preaoherand the third year has
been the best of his pastorate. Iliemany
friends here wish himand his abundant
prosperity on his new field of labor at
A story bas leaked out which oopnrred
to the Rev. Dr. Griffin, while travelling
on a oar reeenbly'in Manitoba, says the
Guelph Mercury, A gentleman, with
the air of one occupying a prominent
Government position, and wearing the
latest up•to date eye -glasses, approached
the doctor, and putting out his hand.
said : "You are Sir Charles Tupper, T
believe." The doctor eyed his inter.
roeator for an instant, and then replied .
"Thank God, I am not Sir Charles Tap.
per, but Sir William Griffin, a Metho-
dist minister."
On Saturday the juvenile Templar;
held tbeir annual piu-nio in Potter's
Architect Fowler, of Clinton, was in
town on Monday in the interests of our
new publin school,
Richard Somers, atone mason, is pot-
ting a stone foundation under J. B.
Kelly's residence on Mill street.
The regular sittings of the 12th Div.
Court will be held in Industry Hall on
Monday next before His Honor, Judge
On Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Buggin,
of the Methodist ohuroh, will preach hie
farewell sermon to his congregation.
He has been appointed to Wallaceburg,
The funeral on Thursday of the
daughter of Geo. Leith was largely at
tended, the remains being deposited in
the Union cemetery. The bereaved
parents have the sympathy of the com-
On Thursday evening a number of
the young Liberal Conservatives and
some of the old ones drove to Belgrave to
be present at Mr. Dickinson's meeting,
the candidate for East Eturon. They
report it wne very largely attended and
very noisy.
Several railways and a tunnel have
been promised Prince Edward Island by
the Premier if elected, but the Island
press does not ROOM to indioats that the
people are the least impressed.
Principal Grant :—There is scarcely a
page of our tariff from whiob illustrations
could not be drawn to show tbat our
tariff discourages industry, or that it is
construoted not so much in the general
interest as in that of some partioolar per-
son or company that has managed to get
the ear of the Finance Minister.
Male-me—In Wbitechuroh, on the Otb
inst., the wife of Rev. Mr. McNabb
of a eon,
Cooren.--In Brussels, on June illi, the
wife of Mr. James Cooper of twin
sa.,S.Ras;2 aA.
BALLANTTNE—BonEaTON,—At Seaforth, on
June 17th, by Rev. John Ross, B. A.,
Bruseels, Mr. James liallantyne,
grocer, of Brnssele, to Miss Birdie
Roberton, of Seaforth.
KITCRINO—EASTON. At Naseagaweya, at
the residence of the bride's father,
00 Wednesday, June 10th, by Rev.
G. H. Cobblediok, B. D., useisted by
Rev. Wesley Kitching, Mr. John
Kitcbiug to Mise Aclah Easton, both
of Naseagaweya.
KINSTIAN—HOI.3Ies.—Ab the reeidence of
the bride's parents by the Rev. G. A.
Gifford, M, A., Pb, D., Mr. Homer
F, ISinerean, D. D. S., of Sarnia, to
Miss Mina, daughter of Mr. Thomas
Holmes, Wingbam, and sister of Dr.
Holmes, Walkerton.
Cenn.ta.—In North Eesthope, June 11th,
Mrs. Crerar, wife of Jae. Orem,
"Beecbridge Farm," aged 74 years
and 5 months.
SRAar,—In Grey, on ,Tune 1811), Russell,
only son of W. J. and Christina
Sharp, aged 6 years, 5 months and 5
5 days.
FLxTomtS. —Ab Rankinston Cottages,
Rankinston, by Ayr, Scotland, on
May 26th, Catherine McDougall,
widow of Dungan Fletcher, aged 82
STEwAnT.—In Morris, on June 17th,
Jeanet, widow of Thos. Stewart,
formerly of Brussels, aged 79 years.
09 O'rassm as eier.a.mema.mws,
Fall Wheat • • • • 63
Barley. 30
Peas 45
Oats 18
Batter, tube and rolls 10
r dozen
Flour gs per barrel4 00
Potatoes 10
Hay per ton7 00
Hides trimmed 4
Hides rough a
Salt per bbl., retail 3. 00
Sheep skins, each 60
Lamb skins each.,....,15
Apples per bus 1 00
?loge; Live........ f 25
Wool - 18'
4 50
8 00
Firebmortglige, farm .security, Apply
at THE. POST Publishing House, Brussels.
Volunteer's _Attention. !
The Brussels Volunteer Company will go
into man In Juno next. Al) men 'teaming tot.tylnyrtAS'CptaiLieut., BltOols,olying99.. 8. HAYS, aainSaorth,
Commerce, note, Ju1Fieder'osSreturningsame
will be gratefully rewarded,
or IOstate of T. T..00loulau,
N. E,—Puhlto Se waived against reeeiv)ng to
bili corresponding to above,
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will be received up to Saturday,
Juno 20th, by the undersigned, :for the build-
ing of abank barn, with stone etabliag. Tile
building will be 46180 feet. The lowest or
any tender not necessarily gceepted. Plans
dence of i 176lf. POLLARD Ethel. the 48.28
YI nxnsxaNEn has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SOOTT,Iirussele
acres—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 7th
and 80i Concessions, Township of Grey, be-
ing 1 mild from the Village of Ethel and 00
miles from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall wheat
Bowe and about 80 acres under grass : 00
acres Moored on each. Perms of payment
easy, A. MoO9RLVEY, Di, D.,
84- Brussels,
—100 acres of good farm land at
Springfield; 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at alowpriee. The property 10
North 'Oast i Seo, 10, Two. 11, Range 4, East.
nuncio a house On the premises and some
breaking done. For full particulars as to
price, title, *w., writeorapply to
G. F. BLAIR or W. H. HERR,
20•tf Brussels, Ont.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 20, Con. 5, Morris, the thoro' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from ,T, s1. Brothours sweepstakes sow
at Chicago Fair. Terms, 5100 to be paid
at the time of eerwice with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. Pedigree may be soon
on application.
undersigned will keep for service on
Sot 80. Con. 5, Morrie, the thoro'-bred Large
English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John."
1110 mother is a full sister to the 1s1 prise
sow at the WVorld's Fair. Pedigree will be
produced on application. Terms—$1,00 to
be paid at time of servi05 with privilege of
retuning if necessary.
14.01n JAS. SPEIR, Propriotor.
Ancient Order of lied !orkmo%
This Benevolent and Fraternal
Society is the Oldest and
Strongest of the kind in
Enoh.member seeure5 to his family, at his
death, 82,000.00 or S1,000.00, at his option,
The yearly assessment on the for,00r is only
510,00 and ou the latter 8900, on 'goon
healthy mon between the ages of 21 and 45
years. Alarge lodge laiuoperation inBrus-
sels. Why not join yourself and secure for
your family, in 0088 of your being culled
away. a handsome sum for their support a
]recorder; J. A. OREfGHTON,h'inanolor,
undersigned will keep for servioe on
Lot 23, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro' bred Dur-
ham bull,"Lord Lorne," 10003—. Pedigree
may be soon on application. Terms, 51.00 to
insure but'oows meat be returned regularly
if necessary,
47.4 Proprietor.
If you contemplate breeding to la Jersey
USG the best you earl get. You may have
ever au good a dam but, if the bull is not
from u good milking strain, and there is a
great difference amongst Jerseys, then you
will be disappointed with; your stock. I ulna
to keep the best. II you pay Boo. extra for
grades you ova return until you stet a heifer
eat%. G.A..DEADMAN,
Druggist, Brussels,
The undersigned will keep the thorn'
bredd5rsey bull, "Brussols Water," for sex,
vice on Lob 2, O0n,10, Grey, adjoining crus-
sees, Pedigree may be seen on application.
Terms, 01.00 for grades, to be paid at time
01 service with privilege of returning if nee -
essay. JAS. BURGESS,
404 Proprietor.
.1J Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Boal College Dental sur eons.
Drown and Bridge work a sposialt _ Moder.
Barrett's barber Shop,l1uruberrY 8 ,, B over
!/-• Honor Graduate of the, Outerio
VeterinaryOollogo, is prepared to treat all
Mee:tees of dolnosttoated animals In is coin-
patent manner, Parliouiar attention ypaid
4 GO teveterinary
ded to �r0111 5 and infirrmary prelim
north of bridge 'i'urn))erry 5t., Drussele,
Wilson's Fly Palls,
Davis' Fly Pads,
Chloride of Lime,
Little's Soluble Pheueyle,,.
Crude Carbolic .Acid for Horn
Tiles 0n. Cattle.
Pure Park Green
25e.er 1
p b•
It pays to use the best, it's
the only kind we keep and we
guarantee every pound to give
entire satisfaction or money
cheerfully refunded.
Don't forget the place,
F'oe's Drug Store.
• Sonoitor and Conveyancer. Oolleo•
tions made, OIGoe—Vanatone'sBlock, Drus•
sols. 21.954
• solieitor, tionveyanoor,NotaryPub-
tic, &o. OiHee—'Vanetone'e Block,.1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh,
Ont. 08106—Hamilton St., Opposite 0o1 -
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, &o. ()ate of Garrow &
Prondfoot's 011ice, Goderioh.) Oince oyer
Gillian & Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money to Loan, 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Salus conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Faroe and farm
stock a specialty. Orders left at Tan Poem
PablishtugHouse,Brun5e)s,or sentto Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention,
A.: • nun, will sen for better prices, to
better mea, in ese time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron
or lie won't (barge anything. Dates and
ordure can always be arranged at this Milne
or by personal application.
• C. M„ L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, nf, 0. P .
S, Out, Rosidenee and ofiioe In Wilson's
Block, oorner of ,13111 and Turaberry Sta.
Graduate yof Ian, Torontog University klo,ioal
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Ont. Option—Next door to
McDonald & Co„ Walton Ont.
• IeaurerofMarriageLieeneo5. Ot10ce
at his Orooery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
s-TonsorialArtist' Sloop—Next door
south of bf. Meiiay & 0 W hardware store.
Ladles'eud children hair cutting a specialty
Savings Banc takT. esFARROWDeposita, from
01.00 to 81,000 and allows 9f nor mint.
i ntereot,
87•Rm Postmaster,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Ott1011 eT JEwELRt STORE,
r -`'No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Bruesels.
suranoeo e5eeted on alt To suns uud Vannii.
Property at very lore tarns,
15.0m J, A. DAs ob, Br Bels.
01ork of the Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary ?oldie
Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funda
inVesl:o,l and to loan, 0ollection0 made
Osioo In Graham's Sleek, Brueaolo
Organist in St, John's 09Oroh, Brno.
7eels, will give loesous t6 .pupils either on
the poet organ, Bru 9elt hiss.Vocalbausic ttens also
given. Ten years experience in Muffing.
Terme moderate,