HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-19, Page 6,ezt aR eatalataried ale et Nnusdo _is ranzasli00--M 'LIVBPtY PAIDA ' MOBNING (In wm for hei ga r] mane) at )`Tho Stelllnnblishing Uouso:. TvoNABniee ST„ BpuoSoro, ONT, Tiannie ea sunscuireeen.—ono doper 1 - Year, i year,l advance. Tl dote to whish every Opbethiptl les mita denoted' by the date Anvan'ler1G B roe. -The following rates win be ebarged to those who advertise by the pears— STAGG 11 YIt. 1-0 1-3710. I a. tam One Column: 000100 820.00 $20.00 Halt • 80, 20,00 12.00 seawater " 20,00 1080 8,00 "12.008,00 {I 0,00 Meath ....,....,,, I 1 Meet mate per line lor fret inegrtion, and three (lento per linefor aceta subsequeutin- eorblon. 4,11 advertisements moasurad ae NBe inch, usiness OUTGO, eight s to h eightlines end under, 00 Per aunum. Advertisements without epergne dire°. Bons, will be luseeted until forbid, and charged a000rdingly. :ustrugtionsto obaugo 01 discontinue an advertisement must bo left at the mounting room.otTm9 Post not later tbau Tuosday of each week This is imperative, '4y. ]13. ld~7rDUX-1., Editor and Proprietor,. BONUSES. The terrible burden of debt the British colonies and the bonus paying countries of the World have loaded themselves with in their insane efforts to hurt British trade by selling to her people bonus fed goods, or in other words goods below coat Of production ; and the unbounded bene. fit these measures have been to the people of the tight little Isle, was pointed out fn these °plumes on the 5th inst. Further proof of these benefits to Great Britain and corresponding injury to the country paying the bonus lies in the foot that moat of the wealth other countries have aooumulated during this war of tariffs is owing to the vast extension of the area of caltivatio a that has taken place within their various borders. All the land in Great Britain was tilled before this war of tariffs began, effectually preventing any increase of wealth from that source. In spite of this foot the per capita wealth of her people increased more rapidly (with one exception) than any country in the world. The exception is New South Wales 'whose people have in addition to the advantages of a revenue tariff, an abundance of land open to settlement, which is rapidly being taken up. In order to carry on this war of tariffs, and pay the bonuses that euoh a system necessarily entails, the governments of the various countries have mortgaged their cultivated area and wasted most of the money in selling tbe Mortgagee, Great Britain, goods below cost. It is well to remember that it is the cultivated area of the country only, that stands eeourity for its National debt. Ina word the farmers of the bonus paying world bave been made by the rulers to sacrifice the land tbey bave in most eases won from the wilderness after infinite toil and hardship, in order that a few people in each bonus paying community shall be kept busy making goods and shipping thew to Great Britain below coat. If these same people had been left to their own resources by their various governments, they would have been creating wealth for the country they wrought in. It is absurd to think that people wait for the schemes of the Montaguea and Mo}Kinleys to materialize, before attempting to provide for them- selves. It is the unceasing efforts of the indivi- dnele of the oomtnunity to provide food, clothes and shelter for themselves and those dependent on them, that forces wealth to accumulate in the midst of war, pestilence and famine, unless these evils are protracted through decades of time. It is these accumulations of wealth with. in the community to wbiob the most cor- rupt and dishonest governments point, with unceasing olamour, as evidence of their beneficent rule. With the exception of it few eastern governments, no governmenb maladmin- istration has been sufficient to nullify al- together the benefits of the community of this individual effort, indeed such a thing is almost impossible where men are free and land is plenty and oheap as in Ona• oda, Bat how near our present fjovern- ment' have come to obtaining this evil result may be seen if we eliminate from tbe national fortune the value of *eland brought under cultivation in spite of pro- tection, since tbey took offloe, and deduct the shrinkage in values (40 %) of the lend under cultivation when they took office, for which shrinkage protection is directly responsible, not to speak of the millstone of debt they have placed around the neck of our yeomanry ; it will be found that the wealth of the country has been re- duced under this so-called National Pol- icy, a high sounding phrase that has been used in turns by ;all governments as a oloak for the most unblushing govern- mental corruption and jobbery. The government organs are not devot. ing a large amount of space to advertise the feet that Hon. Dr. Montague ie in. directly bonging butter and obeese in order to capture the English market, and the farmers' votes. This bonusing eye - tem is supposed by the advocates of pro. teotion to keep the money in the country tbat pays the bonus, and away from the country that buys the bonus fed geode. For this petty purpose all protected coun- tries have, during the last two or three decades, taxed themselves tbooeande of millions of dollars to enable some of their people to compete sueees0faliy in the Britieh market. Protecticnfats claim that this system enriches the country adopting it, and at the same time impov. eriehea tbe country that places no (beta°• les in the way of their people buying theca bongs fed goods. The advocates' of a "Tariff for Revenue only" claim that this system of bonusing not onlyimpoveriehes the country adopting it, but that it en. righ00 the oonntry when people are al-, lowed to buy these bonne fed goods. Now if we keep in mind the well known fact that nearly all countries have, dur. ing the last twenty odd years, tried with more or lees moms to capture the Brit. ish market, by means of high protective duties and the bonne, the following Og. urea become significant. In 1840, two years before Great Britain began to allow herself to be flooded with the eheep bonne fed geode of protectionist countries, her total wealth was 015,000,000,000. In 1896, fifty-four years after this flood be. kap, her total wealth amounts to 900,- 000,000,000 odd, In 1810 elle bad loot to her oalouiss .and foreign 00pntrl08, 9820,• 000,000, According to flow authorities tole asset amounted to 914,000,000,000 in 1800, a gum, almost equal her total wealth when elle began to be #aaded with thee Cheapbonne fed RoPds 4 fthe e w orld • When en we ooneiderthat the total amount Of gold and silver (Palo and bullion) in the world in 1840 was 90,080,000,000, and in1890 wits 912,840,000,000 and that Great Britain has been able out of hot rapidly accumulating wealth, to lend to protectionist and bonus paying goontri08 a Win more than equal to the total amount of the world's stook of the prow ions metals, the question as to Nbebhor the bonus paying countries of the world, or the eouiitr•y that buys the bonne fed goods, gets the money, becomes apparent. It is obvious that had the bonus paying eouptriee not been able to borrow money from Great Britain, wboee trade they are supposed to bo injuring, they oould never have paid the immense auras in bonuses. we know they have paid. As a Canadian itis humiliating, but as a citizen of the Empire it makes the blood tingle pleasantly to think that the Measures born of the meanest spirit of petty jealousy of Great Britain, and ad. vomited eo auooessfuily by the Molanleye, Toppers and Montagoes of the world, have resulted in giving the people of that country who are supposed to be injured by these measures, control of the Curren. oy of the world, for the currency pf the world ie redeemable in gold or eilvor, the world's debt to Great Britain is redeem• able in the sumo metals, and there is not enough coin and bullion in the world to pay the debt, This explains why all the great mouetary traneaetio0s of the world Mare place in England. Buena makes a loan to China, France guarantees it, bot England pays it, as we saw brit lately. With the Colonies in line with tbe moth- erland in their trade policy, as New South Wales already is, thus placing ourselves in a position to share the advantages, that the childish notions of the bOolfin- leys and Montagnes of the world, crystal- ized into laws, are forcing on Great Brit. ain, the increase in population and wealth within the Empire would be snob, that in a very few years, with tbe won• derful start the motherland bee already obtained, we would as an Empire be able to guarantee the peace of the world sill- gle•handed. H. Waeninumm:. Wages And Capital vs. .Prices. When trade is restrained in those artioles of foreign origin which may be produoed,though under less advantageous circumstances, at home, and the product is an article in which the use may, to a limited extent only, be economized, the following results ensue :—Prices rise, and profits rise, of course at the expense of the consumer, wages, however, do 'not rise, for in so far as wages are determin- ed by the competition of employers for services, the tendency ie towards 'a re- duction of wages, seeing the use of the product is not increased but rather abint- ed." Prof. Rogers in Eooyolopedia Brittannica, 9th Ed., Vol. 0, page 754. The above explains in a measure the true cause of the long continued fall of wages in Canada and the Tl. S. since trade was restrained by protection. It also explains the Douse of the remarkable rise in wages in Great Britain and Japan since these countries removed the re- straints on tbeir trade by adopting a rev once tariff. The people of a country where a revenue tariff prevails feel the full bene- fit of all modern improvements in pro- duction and distribution wherever intro- duced. All such improvements increase the productiveness of labor, and as prices in general tend towards the cost of pro- duction, the benefits to the consumer (another name for the whole community) are manifested by a gradaret fall in the pride of things in general demand. This continuously cheapening effect places the articles within the reach of an ever increasing percentage of the com- munity, and also enables those who have hitherto used them sparingly, to do so with less stint. Experience teaches that the consume,. time of articles in general demand in. oreases at a greater tette than the fall in price. For instance, in Great Britain when sugar was 20c. per pound consump- tion per head was 17 lb., by the time sugar was 10e. per pound consumption was 75 lbs. per head. It will be seen from this that the money value of the sugar paid for by each individual was largest at the lower priori. This ability of the community to spend more money at the lower range of prime, is accounted for by the fact that a gradu- al fall in the price of things in general demand, saoh as we Meow took plane in Great Britain, is always aoo0mpanied by an increase in wages, enabling the wage earners (who are alway0 the majority in any country) to spend more money on the cheapened articles than they could poesibly do when the articles were dear• er and wages lower. Why wages inorease as pri0ee fall is owing to the fact that with lowering prices and inoreaeing demand per Capital, the bulk of the merchandise to be pro• doted and distributed increases at a greater ratio than the laborers them- eelvse, this increased the competition of employers for services, and wages are forced up. The object of protection being to exalt prices (which with the aid of the combine and trash it eneeeeds in doing) it must nsceesarlly follow, that in go far as pro- teotion 2100om911012 s its end in this re• gard, it must curtail the per capita eon- sumpbion of the articles affooted, this decreasing the bulk to be produced and distributed, necessarily reducing the number of men required to produce and distribute it, wagee in consequence are forced down under this system. This ac- counts for the well-known foot that wages fell the lowest where proteotion and the combine aro the most effective as in China. It cannot bo doubted but that great groat fortunes are made under the eystem of protection, (Li Hung Chang fe reputed to be worth 91,500,000,- 000) chiefly by its projectors, an we in Canada know, but snob fortunes are made amidst a community who suffer actual want, aggravated by the :appear. anoe of e, euper.ebundanoe of the thioge they need. This suffering is intensified by the feat that the increased prices lower the purobasing power of the lowered wages, 010021ing want and suffering . amongst those who are able 00 get work and de. TI 3EV'$S priving thorn of the ability to help their leen fortunate OOmratlea. How sor1Ou8 this is will be vouehod for by wage earn - ere generally, for the greatest benefaet088 workmen 1120021 ever had are their fellow workmen, It ie the rise . in prices and fall in wages, that always fol owe the intr duoCtoo of oto9tlon tata accounts huts for the fact thathe peroeltage of poor and criminals are inoreatong in all countries that have adopted it, Slime ,.Great Britain adopted a revenue tariff prieee have fallen fie%, wages have rieep 90%, the =abet of her poorest oleos deersaoed 50% and hsr ariminale 71%. A oimilar.meaonr° adopted by Japan le 1800 le producing similar raouits time. Advoonbee of prote0tlon try to frighten the owneee of the engines of produotioa and distribution (the uapitallete) by teaoh- ing that lowering prices means diminish- ed returns for the use of capgital. How stupid this contention really ie may be seen when we ooneider that lowering pr1808 le the invariable way in wblob in- creased productiveness of labour man• aerial iteelf, and that the only return 009110lawl ever hope to get for its use oomee from labor, therefore the in. oreaeed prodnotivaneee of labour (the cause of lowering prices) must 150reaee the return to capital, seeing that the olvuers thereof owl and do, in a very large measure, deslere the share which labour shall get of its (labour's) increased produotivenese. The rotor to capital for its use is that market where the olroapening effect of all modern improvements are felt in full forae, to which may be added the fm- mense bonuses all protectionist countries are saddling themselves with, in order to sell cheap in that market, viz. : The British market is illustrated by the fact that not only have her people been able to supply themselves as regards capital out of profits, in spite of the stupendous expansion of her domestio and foreign trade, but to lend to other oountriee 912,- 500,000,000 to help develop their menu). es (and pay their bonuses.) This sum almost equals her total aapitaiized wealth the day she struck the ohaoklea from her trade, thirty-seven years ago, and began to be "flooded by the cheap bonus fed geode of the pauper labor of the world." This almost inoomprehonsible sum does not include a few hundred miliione her people have lost in different countries in euoh schemes ea the Chigneoto Ship Railway. A return to a revenue tariff would in short remove the oheok to pro- duction thab protection entails, and no doubt cease a slight drop in prices, this drop in price would be checked immedi- ately by an increased demand, resulting in a sharp call for labor and oousoquent rise in wages. With agriculture relieved from the terrible burden it has borne for 17 years, the area of cultivation would extend rapidly and population i0orense. 'Ander such a system the return to capi• tal would inorease by leaps and bounds and be more diffused. A million happy families would soon be supporting them- selves in plenty on the wonderfully fertile plains of our great West, forcing into healthy existence, from end to end of our glorious country, the thousand and one industries that invariably follow the ex- tension of the area of cultivation. AFTER "A --FARMER." To the Editor of Tun Poem. DEAR Sim—Your correspondent, "A Farmer," in a late issue of your valuable paper, lays the flattering unction to his soul that I admit in my answer to his first communication thab be knocked all my etatements into a "oockedhat." The only statement I admitted he did knock out was one he made himself, but which he dishonestly, or from inability to read English correctly, attributed to me. If "A Farmer" would try and understand my very simple statement of fact, which I see from his various communications he has utterly failed to do, his future efforts might furnish some interesting reading to your many subscribers. Itis a pitiable ambition that urges a man to make abatements of straw, for the pur- pose of knocking them into a "cocked hat" with a greet flourish of trumpets, as "Farmer" seems so fond of doing. Of course if "Farmer" finds such childish tricks gratifies bis ambition no one need complain. H. WASHINGTON. Ottawa, June 4,'90. P. S.—In your issue of the 8th ult. I notice another letter from "A Farmer," from which I infer bis bump of causality is lacking, for he seems utterly unable to distinguish cause from effect. His his- tory of Canada seems to be drawn from campaign literature and his knowledge of English affairs from the same source, If he will refer to any authority other than the protectionist literature of Canada and the U. S. be will discover that the last 40 years have been the most prosperous period in the history of Great Britain, and that the year just pasb was the most prosperous of the 40, consequently the most prosperous in her history. Judging from the manner he has swallowed and evidently digested the false notions about Great Britain that those financially in- terested in the perpetuation of Protection bave so industriously oiroulated, it is no wonder that he believes when told by great men (8) like Sir 0. Tupper and Mo. ISinley that with the assistance of men snail as "A Farmer" they can improve on the immutable law of the Creator, for the conceit of ignorance is immeasurable. Ilnaa1 DISEASE) RErnvin IN 30 MIN- oTEs.—All oases of oreanio or sympathetio heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Ours for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Byron used a great deal of hair dress- ing, but was very particular to have only the beet to be found in the market. If Ayer's ITair Vigor had been obtainable then, doubtless he would have tested its merits, as so many distinguisbed and fashionable people are doing now=a•days. BI MO:MATMMH 0tr0ED IN A Dar.—South American Rheumatic Aare for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re. moves at 0100 the mime and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 oents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. RELIEF ow SIX Moons,—Dietrossing kid. ney and bladder diseases relieved in six home by the "Great South American }Kidney Onre." This now remedy is a great surprise and delight on aoeoant o£ its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidueye, book and every part of the urinary passages in. male or female. .It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and ours thio is your remedy. Sold. by G. A. 'Deadman, druggist. LS POST AYER'S Hair VIGOR Raat9788 'notoro0 9olor tP Oa hair, anti also Prevents. it falling' out. litre, 11, W. ronwiok, of 1Pig'by, N• S., Bays; "A, little more than two. years ago '0.. 1v be can to 13urn gr:AIX; anti all t©t _ use of ane bottle of Ayer's HairV ger 1 hair was restored to is original color and ceased failing out. An 000401124 application has sineelbept thh hair in good condition,"—,Mrs, H. P. P xxwzolr, Digby, N. 0, ".1 have used Ayer's Bair Vigor for three years, and it has restored hair, w111012 was fast becoming gray back to its natural color."—IL \ r HASEIMOPr, Paterson, N. J. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR 210Erelt11D ns 0R. J, C. AYER & CO„ LOWELL, MASS„ h.8. A. Ayer's Pills cure Sick Treud;uche. 2B 005., 50 eta. and 81.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by an druggists. It sures Incipient Consumption and 10 the beet Cough and Croup Ours, SOW by JAS. BOX, 1)i',Iaa1Sl, Brussels. Know what You Chew Is free from the injurious coloring. The more you use of it the better you like it. THE 050. E. TUCXETT as SON CO.. LTA HAMILTON. ONT. DROPPED DEAD ! ' Suddenly Stricken Down by Heart Die. 0000. " A sad and sudden death occurred to a well -]mown citizen on one of the lewd, jag streets this morning." Neatly every large city paper cone tains daily some such heading. The number of deaths from heart failure is very Large, but it is only when they occur in some public and sensational manner that general attention is drawn to them. Palpitation and fluttering of the heart are common complaints. 'With the heart itself there is nothing radically, wrong. But the system is dieorgan. ized, the kidnoye and liver are out of order, and the stomach is not in cone dition to do its work porperly. Be. tween them all, they throw too runoff responsibility on the heart, and the latter is unable to stand the strain. A box of Dr. Chase's Sidney -Liver Pills at a cost of ,25 cents will regulate the system, purify the blood and make a new person of every sickly man, woman or child. Dr. Chase's Liver -Sidney Pills may be had from any dealer or from the ma,nn- facturers, Edntonson, . Bates 20 Co., Toronto. Ono p111 a dose, one cent a dose. , Dr.'Clbase'o Lineecd o.ad Turpentine is and colds. Largest bottle on 3.1r- mar- ket ; only 25 cents. IG LE Real Estate & Loan. 9 Agent, - Brussels. 14:Ioney to Loan. on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Salo Notes a Specialty. Fire ce Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. A. C.OUSLEY, Office over Deadman & McCall's Store, BRUSSELS. ouoo Painting, Paper Ranging, Kalsom.ining, &o, Spring house Cleaning . Time is here and we are ready to at. tend to Paper hanging, Tialso• mining and Painting In a prompt business like style. All work done in a workman- like manner ata moderate charge. Orders left at the stores of W. 10, McCracken or Wilton & Turn- bull will receive prompt atten- tion. The patronage of the public solicited, ' Estimates ehesrfully furnished. EWER! & RIMOLDA BRUSSELS. 'ulo 19, 1890, motwompaReovwx.mamptaatt.44 NEW �tc�er_SVou 1 Tho undersigned has open- ed up;a Butcher Shop i171 the WE ELOC1j MOM 8,4t,x where he will keepoeonstant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A. share of public patronage �s�otliciited. �p r saWEN Meat delivered to all parts of the town. IL CAtr 1S, Cheap and First-class Material. Every ITouseholder should call and see the &Clary Coal Oil Stove with Fountain. _IT'S A DANDY. Window Screens all Sizes and Screen Doors made to order. ULL You are Invited TO SEE OFR Newest Lasts Exclusive Designs Lowest Prices G SH Omit sTOCIC IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL LINES and we will sustain our past Reputation of "Best Goods at Low Prices." h Da Established n G ro 10 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,- UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE,' AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to beldesired. Bates and full infor- l=egion furnished on application. Wi ERIE,, .Agents Brussels.