HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-19, Page 5TUN 19, 1$OL
40iOirid 14/0#
J, Neaateti, of iileovale, is holidaying
In tela vloinity.
Mies B. Scott Spent Sunday at her
Mince in Jamestown.
G. Robertson and fatally aro visiting
In the Vicinity of Durham,
Airs, Crerar, of North Eaethape, !pent
It few days with friends in this vioimty,
Thomas Cummings and wife are spend-
ing a few da' with relativea at Pinker.
A. Oampbell, apprentice with'! J.
Meiklejohn, bfaoltamith, bite given up his
job, and intends going to Manitoba,
Sacramental eervieee were conducted
in the Preebyterian ohurob last Sabbath.
Bev. Mr. McRae 000upied tele pulpit in
the evening.
',Oro Moleeworth people have decided to
hold their annual union pio.nic on July
let, to wbioh several new features are
this year to be added,
A big vote will be polled for Dr. Mo -
Donald here next Tueeday.
Next Sabbath will be communion in
the Presbyterian ohuroh hare,
Wm, Hall's new reeldence le going to
add considerably to the appearance of the
Sabbath evening next Rev. W. J. Wad-
dell will preaoh the elosing sermon of his
pastorate here.
Rev. Mr. Keine preached his farewell
discourse last Sabbath. He will remove
next week to Reused. He leaves many
warm friends here.
Man.—Thursday morning of this week,
Mussell, only eon of W. 3, Sharp died,
aged 6 years, 5 months and 5 days. The
bright little fallow had the measles and
this was followed by a brain trouble. He
was ill for about two weeks and was a
groat sufferer. The femoral takes plasm
on Saturday afternoon to the Elma Cen-
tre cemetery. Mr, and Mre. Sharp are
deeply eympabhised with in their bereave-
The A. 0. U. W. intend holding a pic-
nic on Dominion Day in this locality.
PoLITmAL.—Thnreday evening of last
week E. L. Dickinson held a political
meeting in the Foresters' Hall in this
village whioh was largely attended. Mr.
Scott, of Wawanosh, occupied the chair.
R. McLean, Conservative candidate for
West Huron, had announced a meeting
for the same night hut only 000upied a
fow minutes giving way to East Huron.
Both candidates were presented with
beautiful boquete by little Misses Maud
and Pearl Proctor, respectively, and
each lassie received her reward in the
shape of a kiss from the would-be M.
P's, Mr. Dickinson was the first speak.
er and was followed by G. F. Blair, of
Brussels, in Dr. McDonald's behalf. A
large part of the audience disgraoed them.
selves and their cause by the senseless
and oeaselese interruptions daring the
time Mr. Blair was speaking. Mr.
Leitch closed the meeting with about an
hour's address. The centre ward of
Morris should give a good majority for
Dr. McDonald, whioh no doubt it will do
next Tuesday.
ea-aaall2'o Pk.
Statute labor.
Hurrah 1 for Dr. McDonald.
John Knight, jr., is expected home next
Geo. Gramm was in Hamilton this
week on business.
Inepootor Robb visited our school
Wednesday of this week.
Miss Lettie McArthur, of Walton, was
vieiting at A. MaNair's last week.
Miss Maggie Brown has been ill with
pleurisy, but ie improving we are glad to
The Epworth Leagues intend having
a pic-nio on the 1st of July. .Everybody
we loose.
W. J. Smalldon, Shoemaker, will at-
tend the Mute Convention at Brantford
this weals.
Mies Sophy Stein, who was visiting
at Broadhagen for a few weeks, has re-
turned home.
There will be no service 10 Knox church
next Sunday as enurement will be dis-
pensed at Ethel.
A number from this vicinity will at-
tend the big pio-nio at Oarmunnook on
Friday, 26th inst.
Rev, 0. 0. Kaine preached his farewell
sermon in the Methodist church last Sun-
day afternoon. Mr. Kafue hae many
friends here and we are sorry to loco
Lillie Oliver is visiting in Bruesele.
Miss Moss epent last week in Blyth.
Mies Nellie Hartley is visiting at
Our football team is open for engage.
Rebt. King and Will. Collie spent
Sunday at Kinburn.
Mise Bird MaOraokeu spent Sanday at
Mr. Robertsons.
Clifford Pngh spent a few days with
bis unole,S. Paul, Morris.
Walter Patterson'tand wife spent Tuee-
day of last week in Listowel.
J. McDonald, wife and little Maud
were in Bruesele ou Monday.
T. Scott and wife were visiting Mr.
Wilson, of Gorrie, on Sunday.
Picking wild strawberries is all the go.
They are a good crop this year.
Mre. Jamieson has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. R. G. Casemore.
Two of our boys, Will. Duff and Sam.
French, left foe Montana last week.
Little Annie Stewart, who had two of
her fingers taken off, is improving nice-
Mrs. Robert Muegrove, and Miss Bal-
lantyne wore visiting in Brussels for a
few days.
Mrs. Craig, who Ina bean vieiting for
the past few weeks at Walkerton, has re.
turned home.
Messrs, Menzies, of Molesworth, were
the guests of George McDonald on Satur-
day and Sunday.
Ed. Coultas and Obarlie Fraser are
home from Toronto where they have been
attending college.
Dr. Toole has moved into hie new
bonse. It will make a uioe home with a
few improvements outside,
Wait for the picnic to be held by the
Presbyterian S. S, Look for the data in
the next time of Tn Pose.
Pugh Bros. are building a large brick
kiln for the Llliott yard to burn brick
and tile. I1 takes about 109,000 brink
to build it.
Atlee Mand 1?a01 wars visiting her aunt,
Aire, jos, Pugh, on Seriday,
Mile Roark!, of Lagknow,wae elle geed
of her sister, Afra,.Etsher, last week.
)3luevuie will give :e good account of
iteelf next Tueeday i0 1110 oauee of
Aiiea Etta Code returned home on
Friday after epending a ehort time with
Iter parents,
Mise Moflardy, who hoe been at
Niagara for the past few months, retinal -
ed home last week.
Mre, Korth, of Woodatonk, who hae
been visiting her parente for a month,
returned home feet weak,
Haying will soon be on,
Lothar Ball, of Wingham, was Home
Met Sunday.
Township Council will meet on Satur-
day of this week.
Miss Florence Robertson, nth 000„
was vieiting friends in Elm% last week,
A. Frayno was visiting relatives in this
township, Hie home is at Smith's Valle.
Dr.Rivere, of Sarnia, was visiting at
the home of Jne. Hill for a few days this
The new bank barn on the ,Shiel farm,
East of Bruesele, ie well on toward mom-
It is said Samuel Ames and family
may become residents of Bruesele in the
near future,
Thera was a large ropreeentatiou from
Grey at the nomination at Brueeele on
Tuesday. Grey ie all right.
Mrs. McGuire, wbo has been living at
Peterboro' for several years, is visiting
at her father's, S. Ames', 4th con.
A resident of the 9111 non„ Grey town-
ship, was oalled away on "important
busineae" during this week and bas not
returned yet, although a number are
anxious to sea him.
We regret to hear of the serious illness
of Myrtle Lavie, of Holmesville, from in.
flammation of the brain and pleurisy.
Sbe is a granddaughter of John Hill,
10th con. We hope she will noon be con-
Brussels cheese factory made a good
sale of its May cheese to Masers. Jackson
& Hallett, of Guelph, receiving 7 cents
per pound for it. The cheese waa ship.
pad from Brussels on Tuesday of this
Ponrrrc&L.—It will be worth the while
of every elector in Gray township to re-
member that in the Dominion election
there are only six polling plaoea, instead
of seven am at other elections. The town-
aliip is divided at lots 17 and 18, three
divisions each side, es follows ;
No. 5—Lynn's school house ;
No. 6—Oranbrook ;
No. 7—Turnbull's school house
No. 8—Speiran'e school house ;
No. 0—Ethel ;
No. 10—Duke's school house,
By retaining this list considerable inoon•
venienoe may be avoided in ascertaining
your proper place to vote on June 28rd.
THE LATS Mits. jams ORDEAL—Mrs.
Crerar, wife of James Orarer, J. P., of
North Easthope, who died June 11111, had
been in failing health for some time, and,
as she was seventy-four years of age, it
was not expected that she would last
very long. She was a daughter of the
lata Wm, Crerar, and was born in Perth-
shire, Scotland. Her parents oame to
Canada many years ago and settled at
the Little Lakes, Huron road. Forty-
nine years ago she was married to James
Crerar and together they lived on the
beautiful farm near Shakespeare, whioh
bears the name of "Beechridge!' They
had seven children, all of whom survive
them, with the exoeptiou of Mrs, Smith, ,
who died a number of years ago. Those
still living are William, James and Peter,
all well-known citizens of North East -
hope ; John, of Melita, Man. ; Jessie and
Grace at home. The funeral took place
on Saturday to St. Andrew's cemetery,
North Easthope. The deceased lady was
a -cousin to John Orerar, of the 9th con.
of Grey.
Clover is about ready to out.
Statute labor is in order this week.
Mise J. Hood has returned home from
Mand Paul, of the 2nd, spent Sunday
in Bluevale.
Township Council will meet on Mon•
day, 29th inst.
Lottie Errington has returned from a
visit to Kiuoacdine.
Mrs. Linklater, of Wingham, ie visit-
ing at Geo. W. Turvey's.
Grasshoppers are becoming very
numerous and destructive,
J. McCracken and sister were visiting
at S. Oaidbiok'e on Sunday last.
John Cook, jr., was holidaying with
friends in the vicinity of Kippen last
Henry Brandon and Ed. Ward have
renewed the roof on their respective
Mre. John Budd has returned to her
home on the 8rd, after spending about
six weeks in Brnscels under medioal
Mies Lizzie Irvine is home from New
York city, where she is taking a course
of study preparatory to entering the mis-
sion field.
The Sabbath school of Johnston's
ohureh will hold a social and entertain-
ment on the evening of June 26th. A
good program is being prepared by the
eohool. A11 are oordially invited to at-
The political meeting anaonnoed to be
held at Goemon'e school bouse on Friday
evening bas been mooned, owing to a
meeting to be held by Mr. Dickinson and
Lawyer Hellmuth, of London, at Blyth,
on that night.
A young man named Summate, a reel,
dent of Blyth, met with a painful aooi-
dent at McMillan's saw mill, 7th lino, on
Tuesday of last week, whereby his arm
was nearly out off on the edging saw. At
last accounts it was doubtful if the aril
oould be saved.
A political meeting was held gat the
shone school hones on friday evening of
last week, milled in the interests of the
Conservative candidate. Mr. MoGuire
wee eleoted ohairnan. J. J. Denman,
W. If. Kerr and 11 L. Diokineon were
the speakers, the second named appear-
ing for Dr. MoDonald and the Liberal
UNION PIc•Dio.—A grand union pio•nio,
under the auspices of the Christian En•
dsavor Societies and Sunday sohoble of
Calvin church, East Wawanosh, and
Knox ohuroh, Belgrave, will be held in
Bennett's grove, fleet Wawauosh, on
Friday, June 26th, This promisee to be
the largeet gathering of the kind ever
held in the bounty. Everybody will be
made welcome,
Mee Annie Meiltlejoli, a000mpfnied
there Vicinityther�of e ISinearciin With friends
Pio.nioe, garden parties and Straw-
berry festivals) are ootopying .the atten.
tion of the young Iola joet now.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
Belgrave event a very pleneent and profit.
able evening with the sister society oat
Blyth on'Toeedey of Met week, G, 5,
Hall, of Belgrave, presided over the
The usual annual pie-nio in oonneotion
with Barrie's school, will be held in Mr.
Niobol'e grove on Wedneeday afternoon,
Tune 24th. A good program le being
prepared and games of baseball and foot.
ball will be forthcoming. Ono al the
leading feaburee of the day will be a base.
half matoh between the ladies of the
5111 and 0th linea,
Albert Colo had a rousing logging bee
on Friday of last week and Alex, Niobol,
jr„ bud a similar old time bee oa Tuee•
day of this week, Some people think
that the young map of bo -day have not
the Mutat of piling up logs which the old
timers bad, but the work clone on the
above mentioned ocoaelons goes to show
that the boys are not anything behind
their daddies in this respect. The young
folk had an enjoyable time in the evening
on both mansions,
A Horn EVENT,—On Wedoaeclay, June
8rd, a very pleasant event book place at
the residenoe of 0. W, Lawrance, wham
his aeoond daughter, Miss Bertha, was
united in marriage to Irwin Pattison, of
Wingham. Tha ceremony was perform-
ed by Mev. E. A. Shaw, of Belgrave, in
the presence of a large number of invited
guests. After a sumptuous repast was
partaken of an enjoyable evening weal
spent by all. The yoong couple will re-
side in Wingham.
Wunnn To Vorit.—As the itrraugement
and numbers of polling places in Morrie
for the Dominion election ie not similar
to the municipal, the following list will
be of practical intereet bo readers of THD
Pow. The dividing line is the centre
eideroad. The centre division, Township
Hall, runs morose the township, taking
all of con. 6 and the north half of con, 0.
Polling plaoes will be ;
No. 17—Goaman's school house ;
No. 18—Button's school house ;
No. 10—Township Hall ;
No. 20—,Iebieter'e school house ;
' No. 21—Anderson's school house.
This gives two polling plaoes in the
north, one in the centre and two in the
south. The numbers correspond with
the printed numbers on the Dominion
voters' lief.
Onrrtunx.—On Wednesday morning of
this week Jeanet, relict of the late Thos.'
Stewart, passed away, aged 70 years.
Deceased was born in Scotland and name
to the townehip of Ramsay, Co. Lanark,
while quite young. 55 years ago she was
married to Thos. Stewart, who died in
Brussels last November. Two sons sur-
vive, viz., Jno., who lives in Manitoba,
and Alex., of this township, where Mrs.
Stewart has lived since the deabb of her
husband. The cause of the old lady's
death was a stroke of paralysis, on Tues-
day, coupled with heart failure. Deceas-
ed was a bard working, kind hearted
body, and was highly respected, The
funeral took place on Tbareday afternoon,
interment being made at Brussels ceme-
V7 al ton.
Quite a number of our citizens were at
the nomination at Brussels on Tuesday.
Quito a number from this locality at-
tended the Orange pie -nim near Winthrop
on Wednesday.
A gentleman was here this week en-
deavoring to establish a Home Circle in.
seventh society.
T. B. Hamilton and W. Neal went
North on their wheels last Friday and
brought book a live hawk whioh measur-
ed 4 feet from tip to tip.
The brickwork on Mrs. Sage's hotel
has been finished this week. There are
few towns of its size that can boast of
having two as fine hotels now as Walton.
The Grey part of oar village put in
their roadwork to good effect on the side-
walk. 1bIorrie part is tearing up the
sidewalk and placing in its stead gravel.
A garden party at 1. Bennett's, on
Friday evening, will bathe grand event of
this week. There will be a football
match, mueio—vocal and instrumental—
/to., do.
Those who visited the picnic on Mon-
day given by the members el Jackson's
appointment, Morrie, report having a
very nice time, although the weather was.
rather unfavorable.
Mr. Dickinson addressed a meeting iu
the school house here on Wednesday
night. A. Hislop appeared for Dr. Me.
Donald, and T. Farrow and J. J. Deu•
man aided Mr. Dickinson.
Pro-Nie.—The Orange pio-nio held in
Little's grove, near Winthrop, on Wed-
nesday attracted quite a crowd. After
n good dinner excellent mesio was sup-
plied by the Fife and Drum Bands from
Brussels and Summerbill. Speaobee
were given by Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, of
Walton ; Rev. Mr. Bond, of Seaforth ;
J. O. Morrison ; and Dr. Freeborn, of
Clinton. Master Hayes sang two songs
in good style. A dancing platform was
erected and nob a few tripped the light
fantastic, The finanoial receipt) were
978.00. Brussels Band took the Dake
and deserved it too, H. L. Jackson was
the oonduotor.
Remember, if your name is on the
Voters' List, you may vote, no matter
how long you may have been absent.
Do nob be intimidated if yon are asked
to swear. If your name is there you can
take the oath.
N11 G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
IS -Shop oyer AIetiowan's Store.
THIS i> .iY
You will not hear from me again. The store
will be kept open until about June 20th. In the
meantime if you are in need of any Dry Goods of any
kind come in and see us as we will for the next few days
take any reasonable price rather than go to the expense
of removing the goods. We have something unusual in
Low Prices in Dress Ends, Readymade Suits for Men and
Boys, a few pieces of good T weed and Women's and
Children's Shoes that we must get rid of
This is the last opportunity you will have to buy
Staple Articles at much below Wholesale Cost.
All parties owing us small balances are kindly re-
quested to call for their receipts.
To the Public 1
The stock of Coffins,
Caskets and Undertak-
ers' Supplies received
by Sas. Walker, Brus-
sels, is first-class and
will be sold at moderate
prices. A good hearse
will also be kept in con-
nection with the busi-
ness. Satisfaction as -
stir eel.
Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects
This is the Latest Ont, aucl is
taking tho lead. Don't fail to
call and sec samples of same,
t- Views of Residences, I'ic•nio Parties,
etc., taken by applying or sending your
To en FI1taT.i"i.Aa8
Nothing nicer Chau to have some Photos
of ourselves and homes as wo go
through this world, to look
back on in after years.
And tho Work i$ the Best.
1 "Crone while in health,
Always Welcome at the Old Reliable
Photograph Studio.
H, Pb, BREWER, Artist
Gallery Over Smith 1 *Latent
®—:1T TIIE
100,000 Lbs. of Wool Wanted, for which the Highest Price
will be paid, either Cash or Trade
We pared h
Largest anaredpreBest Assorted Stockopenthe we havewoolseason ever hadof to1395 exchawitnge ther fo
wool, composed of ine and Coarse Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges,
Cottonades, Shirtings, Fine Flannels, Flannelettes, Tailors'
Trimmings, etc. Our Home-made Stock, which is Guaranteed to
be made of Entirely Pure Wool, is Complete, comprising Light and
Heavy Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Sheetings, Yarns, etc.
We have direct communication with the best markets of
Canada and the United States, which enables us to pay the
very highest possible price.
I'Custom Work in all its branches Promptly Attended To
and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Our Motto is small profits and quick returns.
MoKelvie & Forsythe.
Will be our new Premier
decided by the Electors before next issue of this paper.
A decision far greater than that has been given by the voice of
the people, viz.: That B. F. Brook & Son, of Listowel
Woolen AWN POy tti<e
Highest Prices, cash or Trade, for
And that they sell the best Woolen Goods Cheaper tllau :any
Factory or Store in Western Ontario.
Rfegldy°made Clothing
Zs a new lino added to their business. They make
up their own goods into Men's, Youths, Boys & Ohildren's Suits and
sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with.
Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or buy
a now suit and we feel satisfied you will say they give you the best