HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-19, Page 33u)vJo19, 189(i TOE 13RUS$,
#� iii POST
Town Directoryo
8J8Lviz,LL Cllpt:on,--Sabbath Servioee
at 11 a m and 7:00 p. m, Sunday Salioo1
at 2:80 p n:. Bev. John Bose, 13 4,
pee tor,
ST, JOUN'S Onulsau,—Sabbath Servipaa
at 118 m and 7 p' m, Sunday Sahaol
at 2:80 p. m, Bev, A. 1, griffin, inoum.
Mirrliopiar Ozlvlon.—Sabbabii Services
at 10:80 a 111 and 7:00 p m. Sunday
Sobool at 2:80 p m. Bev, G. H. Cobble-
diolt, M A, B D, paator,
Rowe OATuorao Ouolou.—Sabbath
arviae third Sunday le every month, at
10:80 a m, Rev Jettapli Kennedy,
S'ALvraroN An:ry,-0eryioe at 7 'mid 11
a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barracks.
Ova FOLLOWS' Lovas every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAsotiia LODGE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield blook.
A 0 U W Loom; on the 8rd
Friday evening of eaoh month, in Blas -
hill's bleak,
O 0 F Lonox 2nd and last Monday
evenings of oath month, in 131aehill'e.
I 0 F, and and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' EIall.
L O L let Monday in every month
in Orauge Hall.
Soria or SQOTLONn, let and 8rd Trios.
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Lotion, and and 481: Tues.
due of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Homo Crane, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
ings in Blaehill's Hall.
POST Oee:oo.—Oi8oe hours from 8 a,
m. to 0:80 p. m.
8lo ramos' INeTITuT14.—Library in
Holmes' blook, will be open from 0 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mc-
Naughton, Librarian.
Town uxCoom.—W. H. herr, Reeve
Geo. Backer, Robert Graham, R. Lea-
therdale and lt. G. Wileon, Councillors ;
F. S. Botta, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treaearer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Oollector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in eaoh month.
Sonet Bonnn.—llov. Boss, (ohairman,)
D. 0. Boss, Dr: Graham, A. Reid, A.
Koenig and H. Dennie ; 'Sec. -Trees.,
K. Roes. Meetings and Friday evening
in each month.
Pun= Saloon TmAcnnae.—J. H. Cam-
eron, Principal, Miss Linton, Miss
Downey and Miss Ritchie.
Beinn of HEALTn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Offoer.
I studied my tables over and over, and
backward and forward, too,
Bat I couldn't remember six times nine,
and I didn't know what to do,
Till sister told me to play with my doll,
and not to bother my head,
"If yon oall her "Fifty-four" for a while,
you'll learn it by heart," she said.
So I took my favorite, Mary Ann, (though
I thought 'twee a dreadful shame
To give each a perfsotly lovely child such
8perfectly horrid name I)
And I called her my dear little "Fifby-
four" a hundred times, till I knew
The answer of six times nine as well as
the answer of two times two.
Next day Elizabeth Wigglesworth, who
always acts so proud,
Said, "Six tines nine is lifty.two," and
I nearly laughed aloud I
But I wished I hadn't when teacher said,
"Now, Dorothy, tell if you can,"
For I thought of my doll and—sakes
alive I—I answered : "Mary Ann I"
ark ! what noise like distant thunder
makes the people stars with wonder ;
Tie the old state -ship that's laboring in
the gale,—
She's been manned and steered by plund-
er ; till her bulwark's almost ander,
And old skipper "Charlie Tupper's"
turning pale.
There was poor old "Kenzie Dowell,'
when the storms did rage and howl,
And "I" Tapper swiped the tiller from
his hand-
13nt the ship had sprung a leak and the
orew had made their sneak,
That's how old "Brag end Bluster" took
She's a rearing, tearing, smashing, on her
decks green seas are splashing
And driftiug towards the rooks seen ou
onr lee—
Bat "Bowel" could not leave her, for he
had the hold -on -fever, •
And hie orew had stole the life boat out
to sea.
Foster's made a queer selection• for he
swears he'll run the 'Notion,
With the ghost of Great Sir John filo-
Donald's nose—
Oh 1 they're prowling 'Meng the dead for
the state -ship's figure head,
It's enough to make "Olarke Wallace"
000li hie toes.
And there's ship -mate "Dalton 'CartUy,"
he'll be left to tend Aunt floridly,
For he tried it ou Sir John, A. o:lae be-
Bat he busted his boot -lams, when he
kfoked clean o'er tbo traces,
He had just thirteen --he oould'nt count
a score.
But tbere'e one, a state -man warrior, his
name is Captain Laurier,
A ship -mato with a mooed Olean and
Soon you'll hear the boodlere squeal, for
lie's reaching for the wheel,
And he'll steer the old ship safely, never
All our forces let ne muster—and we'll
gook old "Brag•and•Blustee"
On the twenty-third—two days before
fell moon --
And we'll plump for big Jim Lister—
General Middleton't tail twister,
Tupper% Waterloo's—the twenty-third
of Jane.
genufaaimiers and the Far✓f been thoielighteet ]reenrrenee et the dread
disease, While Minnie seas taking the
pill: her Weight inoreaeed, and her;gsner.
go the.Pldtar of rlfn4 Poor al boalt11 was much improved. Mrs.
Snlr —Iia writer of those lines gob intobmith:a!eo acid that her younger dough.
a little dieeusaien in Brussels with a ter showed symptoms of the same trouble,
Prominent per:on on the Reform gide offa
but the nes of Dr, Williams' Pink pilFilletpolitios,and with other things he ear l eeodily dissipated it,
and maintained that the mannfaotarsre , Dr. Williams' Pink P111e are offered:
add the tariff to the regular price of the with a oonllduaoe that they are the only
parboil and unfailing blood builder and
nerVs reetorer and when given a fait trial
disco:e and aafferin;;must vanieh, ;They
make rich, red blood and cure when other
inedloines fail. Sold by all dealers or
sent by mail on reooipt of 50 cents a box
or 82,50 for ole boxes, by addressing the
Dr. Williams' Medicine CO., Brookville,
Ont„ or Scbensobady, N. X. .Beware of
imitations and refueo trashy substitutes
alleged to be "just as good."
liypuolized'Illre° hears,
The Port Author herald gives an ao-
eouulof the astonishing experience of
Alexander Anderson, of Pearl River, with
a the bear and her family, who resided
near Onimeb, Algoma. Anderson and a
Mr, Atwell were out looking for boars.
While examining some traoke in a wood-
ed ravine, Mr. Anderson woe etartled to
hoar the angry wough I wough 1 of a bear
Mose at hand. Looking up he taw a big
female bear elm upon him. Before he
oould move the animal was standing up
in front of him ready to give him a good
tight hug. Anderson, unable to bee his
axe, bad resource to the hypnotic power
he possesses over the brute creation.
He fastened his eyes upon thoee of the
monster, The bear couldn't stand the
hypnotic stare and turned and fled,
Mr. Anderson is still unaware whether
be can hypnotize more thanone bear at
the same time, but at any rate he had
just begun to congratulate himself upon
the happy termination of his adventure,
when he was frightened out of a year's
growth by having a 2.year-old bear drop
out of the tree under which lie was
standing and take to its heels after tete
old one. Then another one came tumb-
ling down beside him and away up the
hill it went. Alexander then went home.
mailufaotgred artiole, Your oorroepond.
anb differed with bin: and aballeuged him
to et discue:ion in Tux POST on tenet Oak.
jeot, leaving the result to the readers of
that paper, hot he.dealined, giving as a
reee00 want of time, 18111018 he might
as woll sit down and write it as etand on
the street corner sad talk it. I will give
a few brief moons in support of my
stand. In this country we hays two
great classes of monufaoturers, themann-
faoturere who manufaoture fern: imple-
mante and other kinds of mannfaotured
goods, and the farmers, who are great
manufacturers too, for they manufaoture
butter, cheese, beef, mutton and pork out
Of the raw material of peas, oats, barley
and other farm products. I have said
the farmers are great manufaoturere and
I nen prove it, I now say they have
tariff protection and can prove it too,
The fanner has a proteotion of 15 oents
per bushel on his wheat and I ask him if
they add 18 be the selling price 7 If so
instead of 68 'cute the farmers should
have had 88 cents per bushel in Brussels
last week. They have 10 dente per
bushel on oats and if that was added we
should. have 22 cents per bushel ; 82.00
per ton on hay added to the selling price
would be $11.00 ; 10 oente par bushel on
potatoes, the selling pride being from 10
to 12 oents, showing clearly that they do
not add the 15 cents per bushel me tariff.
These are soma of the Items on whlah the
farmers' products are protected on whioh
the farmers do not add the tariff. Again,
the miller is a manufnoturerforhe manu-
factures flour, shorts and bran out of the
raw material. It takes about five bueh-
ele of wheat to make 1 barrel of flour and
on ono Darrel of flour would
make 75 coots. Now I would like if be
would go and ask the Bruesols millers if
they are in the habit of adding the tariff
to the regular price of each barrel of
flour they sell 7 And the baker is a
mltuufacturerfor he manufactures bread
and other edibles out of flour, the raw
material, and if ho will ask the Brussels
bakers if they add the tariff to each bar-
rel of flour they use in their business, I
think the answer will be no, except we
import the flour. The tailor is a manu-
faoturer for he onto, fits and manufac-
tures clothing out of webs of cloth, but
my opponent says positively that he is
not, that he only does the work. That is
precisely what all manufacturers Flo for
they work the raw material into the
finished artiole. Then if he will go to
the tailor and say, tell me honestly, is
there tariff added to the price of articles
in your stook made in Canada, every
particle in the composition being Cana,
dian material, and most likely the an-
swer is no, but the tariff is added to the
price of the imported article. In con.
elusion, Mr. Soott, we would like if you
would give your reasons for the patient
faith that le in you. I did think that we
had oroesod swords before in a political
discussion in Tom Pose, then it so, I am
willing to do so again.
Yours respectfully,
Butter is an excellent thing for :bruise
on a child's fade if the skin is not broken.
Hemorrhages of the lungs or stomach
are promptly °beaked by small doses of
A salve made by melting beeswax in
Sweet oil is good for sore lips. Apply it
71 bha foot 10 bruised, bake off the shoo
and stocking and immerse it in bot water
from 15 to 80 ninates, adding hot water
Soars may be removed or made less
oonapionous by a daily application of hot
olive oil, rubbing the oil into the skin
with the tips of the fingers.
Dromore, Egremont, Ont.,
July 11, 1892.
3".11'5, McLeod, Goderich
Dear Sir,—I am now getting to be an
old mac, close ou 00 years of age. I was
e. sufferer for nine years from what I
could not describe and did not under-
stand. And sure enough, the doctors I
A. Mother's Thanks. consulted failed, not one of them made
out my ailment. I was that weak fur
SHE TELLS WHAT PINK PILLS DID three years that I could not lift a pail of
FOR HER CHILD. water off the floor were I paid. for it.
During the last four years my skin turned
Suffered From Si. Vitus' lance—Lost the blue, then black. I was obliged to cover
ilea of iter Right ' Side and Almost Lost
the rower of S1eech-••Carat In a Few
Aylmer, Que., Gazette.
Of all the disooveries made in medicine
in this great age of progress none have
done more to alleviate human suffering
than have Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. We
suppose there is not a hamlet in this
broad land in whibh the remarkable heal-
ing power of this favorite medicine has
not been put to the test and proved tri-
umphant. It is a great medicine, and
the good it has a000mpliehed can only be
faintly estimated. There are many in
Aylmer who speak of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in termsof praise, and among them
is the family of John Smith, the well
my hands in the presence of strangers
and hide my face the best way I could
because of my black skin. I could not
get anything to do me good. I spent, and
was willing to spend more, hundreds of
dollars in treatment and doctors' medi-
cine. When I saw that Alexander Mc-
Donald was cured, I did not believe that
he could be cured. I thought sure I
could get some good any way from what
oared him. I got a bottle of your System
Renovator from him. It made me quite
siok, bat I continasd taking it, and I got
another, and persevered in it even if it
did sicken me, and the result was when I
had taken four bottles that I was strong
enough to work, my bands were in parts
white and in parts blue and blank. I was
satisfied than that it would onto I
known blaokamith and wheelwright.
tools nine dollars worth before I wass clear
Having heard that his daughter, •Miss and white as before. I have some color
now ; my blood must have undergone a
great ohmage to tarn my elfin white in
that time. I am quite well ever since I
stopped it ; eat well and work hard every
day. I would have given thousands of
dollars for the remedy that would recover
my natural color again. I give you. my
praise and thanks for my oure any way.
All the members of my family join me
in it. Yours,
Sold by Alm, 'Fox, Druggist, llrossrls.
Same people are ooustantly troubled
with pimples and boils, especially about
the face and neck. The best remedy is
a thorough course of Ayer's Sartaparifla,
which expels all humors through the
proper channels, and so makes the skin
heoome soft, healthy and fair.
CATAanA:I ni4Lrevsn IN 10 To OO JIINUTEe,—
Ono short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diifaeea this
Powder over the eurfaoo of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent-
ly cures Catarrah, Hay rover, Colds,
Headaoh s, Sore Throat, Tousilitis and
Deafness 00 cents at G. A. Deadman's.
Minnie, had been cured e,f St. Vitus'
dance by the use of Pink Pills,,the Gazet-
te called upon Mr. Smith to learn the
partioulara. Upon mentioning the mat.
ter to him be expressed pleasure in mak-
ing the facts public, if :t was thought
that they would benefit anyone else, and
remarked that he thought Mrs. famibh
oould probably give the partioulara better
than himself. Mrs. Smith said that
about a year ago Minnie was attacked
with St. Vitus dauoe, of a rather severe
nature, and a number of medioines were
tried, bet without any effect upon the
trouble. An eleotrio battery was also
used but had no beneficial effect. The
trouble appeared to be getting more armee
and finally Minnie was obliged to dis-
oontiune going to 'School, having lost the
alsoi was
power orightf her
somuchaff l ,tad it was with diffi-
culty she could be understood. She wag
out of school for about six months and all
this time she" was undergoing treatment,
ivhich, bowsaw:, proved inedeotive. One
day Mrs. Smith saw in the Gazette the
partioulars of a Daae of Sb, Vitae dance
cured by the nse of De. Williams' Pink
Pills, and determined to try them with
Minnie, By the time two boxes were
used Mrs. Smith was sensible of a great
improvement in her attaghter'e condition,
and after the use of four more boxes wag
sabisled that 14linnie was completely
ourod,au no symptoms of the trouble r0.
maioed. This wag about the end of June
last, and since thattime there hag not
I wish to inform the people of Brueeels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will he found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices,
No bettor Pump in the market.
Order left at my slop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
ra"Orderet taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer Green.,
Wash Day
For quick and easy work
For cleanest, sweetest
and -whitest clothes
Surprise is best
EvorY Day
For every use aballt the I,
house Surprise works
best and, cheapest. 1
See ler yeurself
Having purchased a shop on
Thomas St., opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
old customers and as many new
ones as may favor me with their
patronage that I have removed
to my new stance.
Soliciting, a share of business
from the public, guaranteeing
r remain,
B. T. Palm,
General Blacksmith & Horseshoer
�•' 14I1WALLS
Curtain in its effects and never blisters.
Read. proofs below,
lost2,iCarman Henderson Co., Ill, Feb.2t,'1L
Dr. B. J. ,. •:Irma, Co.
Deal' Sirs—Please send mo one of your Homo
Books and oblige. I have used a great deal of your
8m,dall'e Miami Care with good 50000,o • It is a
wonderful medicine. 1 once had a mare that Lad
au 005a it Una On and duo bottles cured hot. 1
keep n bottle Y bandnn ,hotbn0�• Powra.
Dr. D. J. Mum= CO. Cd-;xoa, leo., Apr. 0. *4.
DearSfrs-1 have used several 5,4810o of your
1(00,1, 1•s gpnvin COTe 'with much sureese. i
tlnlilc it the hest Llnivienl I aver used. Ffaee lee -
moved one Curb, One 1tlood aeon,, 5154 0,1(
6100 10,05 gpavlp.. Siletvpwho
aro mitelt pleas d 1110
andked O1 my tricep mho era much pluosed vita
and keep ft. Respectfully,
5, B. 181X, P. C. aossla.
• For sale by an Druggists, or address
Dr. B. ,T. KEND4L207; OOii P4NY;
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 r 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Have you seen our
Set 01 !uare?
More pieces than ever for $1.
Bicycle Accessories,
Lawns? owed' ,
Screen Doors
& 1T5 Gnu.
0 4
Ai Lejlwr.
"I contracted a severe cold, which settled
on my lungs, and I did what is often done
Mauch cases, neglected it. I then consulted
a doctor, who found ou examining me, that
Me upper1part of the lett lung was badly
aliected. 1111e medicines he gave me did not
seem to do any good, and 1. determined to
try Ayer's Oherry Pectoral. After takinga
few doses y trouble was relieved, and ie -
fore. I had finished the bottle I was cured."
—A. LEFLAi., watchmaker, Orangeville, 0ut.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Awards at World's Fair.
.4.•yer's Pills Cure 1' :digestion.
D1'itYi 1i Coliiuibia,
Red Cedar Shingles
4, 6 and 8 Bali Sets
North Shore Yl Spades
'i r�
Pelle 1131{i Cedar Uihil�reil'S Hoes, Sppades and Rakes.
Brussels Planing tills
Also Doors and Sash of oil Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Betimntes Furbished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material guaranteed.
Bookstore, Brussels