HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-19, Page 1Val, 28. No. 49,
Tho following interesting sketch of
Rev. Principal Cavau, D. D„ who nr'eaob-
ed Bore a few weeks ago, will be read
with interest no doubt by many of the
readers of Tf1r1 POST o ---
G3 William Cavell was born in the parish
of Ifirkoolm, Wigtonshire, Scotland, on
December 28111, 1880, His early ednca-
tion ba au under his father, Jobu Cavan,
a school teacher and super'iuteedeut and
a man of high mental endowments and
blameless life. In 1847 the family re-
moved to Canada and lived for many
years iu the township of North Dumfries,
In those days the professional studies of
candidates for the ministry of the United
Presbyterian church in Canada were
carried ou in the Synad's seminary in
London under the Rev. Win. Proudfoot,
whose name should be held in grateful
remembrance, not only for bis genuine
abilities thud personal worth, but also for
the great and important work he did in
the foundation period of the church's
history. In Ms student days Dr. Cavan's
work gave indications of the special lines
in which ho afterwards became distin-
guished. In 1852, at the age of twenty -
ono, he wee licensed to preach, and was
inducted pastor of the 000grenations of
St. Marys and Downie, in which charge
he remained until 1866. In that year,
having been previously lecturer for sev'
eral terms, he was pleated to the Chair of
Exegesis and Biblical Criticism in Knox
College. In 1870 he succeeded Dr.
Micheal Willis as Principal of the College,
winch position he still holds with honor
to himself and to the entire satisfaction of
the °hurah,
During these twenty-five years' resi-
dence in Toronto, Principal Cavan, al-
though thing in the oomparabive quiet of
collegiate life, has been one of the striking
figures on the street. Twice a day dur-
ing the college session you may meet him
on the avenue, and each time the current
of your thought will be checked. ° Yon
will take another look at that long, spare
form, slightly stooped, clothed in severe
black, and crowned with a broad, soft
hat, and' you will think again of that thin
face, always thoughtful, sometimes aux.
ions, and those small, keen, half-closeft
eyes with their pre•oocupied, introspect-
ive look. Something about the man will
strike you as out of - the common and
mark him as not one of the crowd. If
you speak with him you will beimpressed
by his modesty and lank of solf•aseertiou.
He may not lavish himself upon you, but
though you may be a very ordinary in-
dividual and an satire stranger he will
treat you with respect and the utmost
deference. Subsequent acquaintance will
not detect any breach of good taste 'os
Christian courtesy. Few men have a
finer sense of the proprieties. Whether
in praise or blame his words are always
fitly spoken ; his praise may be unstinted
but it is never fulsome, and his blame=
"I had such reverence for her blame."
As a preacher, Dr. Caven has always
been popular with the more thoughtful.
From the very beginning he has been an
exegete, and his pulpit preparation has
always been oeroful. He never darkened
combat with words without knowledge or
offended his congregation with ragged im.
proinptu drivel. Rio sermons are models
of sound exegesis, careful thought, cor-
rect style and lofty spiritual tone. He
analyses critically his selected text and
Bets forth its truths in severely chastened
but forceful English, depending for effect
not on any legitimate excitation of the
emotional nature by illustration or ap-
peal, but on 0 clear presentation of the
truth itself. This exegetical bent makes
Dr. Caveu a teacher rather than a preach-
er, an interpreter rather than a prophet.
There is a difference. The one has truth
mainly in view ; the other, men, The
exegete expounds another's message ; the
prophet has felt on his lips the touch of
the sacramental coal, and kis own mes-
sage is as a fire shut up iu bis bones.
The one is calm, informing, educative ;
the other is restless, passionate, appeal.
Mg. In some few of the world's great
preachers these two elements highly de-
veloped aro found united, but the great
majority iuclive either to the one or the
other. Dr. Cal/011 belongs to that large
school whose sermons are exegetical
rather than rhetorical. And for this
reason Dr. Oaven is neurally more effect-
ive on the platform than in the pulpit.
His speeches often stir with life and burn
with passion, and the kindling enthusi-
asm shows that the audience fuels the
magnetic thrill, It is seldom, if ever,
that a sermon produces a similar effect:
Not because he depreciates preaching.
No man holds higher views of the min-
istry, or appreciates more truly the power
and beauty of the Gospel message, In-
deed this overmastering souse of the
sacredness of the office may rule out all
human paesi0n 11.9 a thing unworthy fn
the expositor of the Word. And yet is
not the preacher more than an expositor
and is not his aim other than instruct.
tion ? Is not exposition preparatory to
appeal, and the direct purpose of both the
fate -deciding verdict ?
Dr. Cavan's splendid power in debate
had many illustrations during those
months when the notorious Jesuit Estat.
es Act held public attention. On the
passage of that Act the pieroiug voice of
this man of peace, supposed by many to
be a medieval theologian rather than a
nineteenth century statesman, was raised
in solemn protest, and tiro coneoience of
the country was aroused as it had not
been for a generation. From the 'very
first he was looked upon as the loader iu
the movement, and when the Equal
Rights Association was formed he was,
contrary to his wish, elected president,
Without disouseing the merits of the
questions involved, it is safe to say that
Principal Oaven did more than any other
mac to awaken public interest in the
subject of !'Jesuit Aggression," and that
his wisp leadership saved ,the discussion
from degenerating into a rancorous race
and creed conbrovorey, and the Equal
Rights Association from becoming at au
earlier date a piece of political machinery.
His firm grasp of the fuudamental prin.
eiples Of government, his keen and an.
alytzc insight into historic movemente,
his thorough knowledge of Canadian poli•
tical and ecclesiastical history, his
tantionsusss of statement which made
retraction unnecessary, and his almost
perfect command of trenchant English
lined to a deftness of thrust, made him
at once a powerful debater, a wise leader
and a dangerous opponent. His corn -
mending ability and reputed blameless -
nese of life gave peostige to the move•
meat which might have carried the
country, and which for the time politi-
cians could not afford to despise, Some
of hie aposohes duriugthat campaign are,
in their distinguishing features, unsur-
passed by anything in the tamale of
Canadian eloquence. They were just,
even generous, to all opponents, but
meroilees in login and unsparing in de.
nuuoiabion. Quiet humor lib them up
here and there, and then they would
quiver with just and holy passion and
burst out in eamlen appeal. Who will
forget the scene when more than five
thousand men rose to their feet en ono
man in response to his thrilling "I pro-
test I" Or when, with hand raised in
ominous warning' he said : "Gentlemen,
you and I may prove unfaithful. This
Association may Ole, bub the principles
for which we stand aro eternal. They
eau never die." Some of Dr. Caveu's
forefathers supported the Solemn League
and Covenant, and some were among
Scotland's "slaughtered saints" whose
blood Dried for veugeanoe on "Bloody
Olaverhouee and hie dragoons. One
was reminded of this when he set his face
against the same Pharoteh of oppression
and bondage and with tremendous emph-
asis declared :—"While I live I shall
never yield."
IN Gl1EAT Nfli19IEIte.
Last Tuesday at 12 o'clock Returning
Officer Clegg, of Wingham, accompanied
by his Clerk, Geo. Payne, took his plane
in the Town Hall, Brussels, and announc-
ed himself ready to receive nominotiuns
for candidates in the Dominion election
contest in East Huron.
The first nomination made was that of
Edmund Lindsay Dickinson, Barrister, of
Wingham, as the nominee of the Con-
servative party. His nomination paper
was endorsed by the following :—Thos.
Green, A. Smith, A. Enox, R. Dreaver,
Eno, E. Swartz, S. J. Smith, T. Bell, J.
E. Tamlyn, W. J. Plenty, J. Bullard, R.
Melndoo, J. H. Dulmage, R. Tennant, 0.
N. Griffin, J. B. Ferguson, R. Porter, T.
Netterfleld, A. J. Nicholls, F. Borman, J,
Fleuty, D. Rush, J. H. Stephenson, J.
Dinsley, R. 0. Sperling, J. Davidson, T.
H. Manuel, L. W. Hanson, A. Roe, H. G.
Leo, G. B. Green, S. Youhill, M. H. Mo-
Indoo, J. R. Hiscooks, W. W. Grey, A.
Sebastian, 3,1. Beattie, T. L. Jobb.
Peter McDonald, Physician, Wiughatn,
was nominated as the Liberal standard
bearer and was endorsed by
Homuth, T. A. Mills, W. B. Towler, D.
Sutherland, J. W. Inglis, G. E. King, R.
Vaustone, J. S. Jerome, 0. E. Williams,
N. A. Farquharson, Alex. Ross, T. Leslie,
Geo. Ireland, H. Park A W Webster,
G. McIntyre, R. A. Graham, S. Graney,
W. Robertson, A. S. Murray, J. Mc-
Lauablin, J. Hough, Jno. Carr, W. H.
Wallace, J. R. Oummiugs, W, Dore, R.
Dreaver, J. A. Cline, T. J. Elliott, 0.
Gilchrist, H. Lemmix, G. A. Newton, T.
H. Ross, C. Giliispie, W. F. Broken.
When the hour of 2 o'clock arrived the
Returning Officer announced the names
of the candidates and also that J. 7. Den-
man and T. McAndrew, of Wingham,
were Mr. Dickinson's agents and T. A.
Morton, of Wingham, Dr, McDonald's,
Sas. Perkins, of Gerrie, was called to
the chair and the arrangements for speak-
ing agreed upon, viz„ that Dr. McDonald
was to have 1 hours first ; Mr. Diokin.
eon 1a hours ; and Dr. MoDnnald 20
minutes to reply. Tho large Hall was
poked to the doors and many were un-
able to gain admittance.
Br. McDonald was the first speaker and
wa0 very entttualastiealty t'eaelved. Re ex-
proseed his pleasure at Seeing such a large
gathering. He had discharged his duties as
lf. 1. tor this Riding far the past 10 roars
and bad dens his fluty to all. Be sold the
Liberals were 0wi010d with having many
Policies but he wanted to toll theta that
they had only one, viz„ Tariq far revenue
only,lookiug to e'ree Trade as it is in Eng-
land as the consummation. we Avon iu
favor of unroebricled reoiprooity, So were
the Oonservativos in 1801, whoa Bir Sohn A.
Macdonald. sent it commission to Washing-
ton to try to get it. The party in pewee ret
Washington then were .mora favorable to
this policy than they are now. Sir Tim.
made certain promises as to whet the N. P.
would 110. 11 was to increase the price of
land, Did it do it? The articles raised on
the farm would inoreau° in prin. Did they?
It would give a house market for all pro -
duets ; there was to be a large increase iu
the number of mannfaetortee ; the popula-
tion of the country wee to increase. (lave
they increased in Bast Buren ? 22,000 were
annually leaving the eountry under Mao.
lcsurto's rule. 17 wars experience shown a
decrease of 088,000 souls every year sines the
le, P. ammo into effect. During Mankoaslo'e
time the market was not glutted. We im-
ported] 07 millions worth, but we exported
$48 millions worth more than wo imported.
Before Manitoba was opened un wo had to
import hard wheat !rein the IL B, to mix
with cm's for export to the Old Country
market. You were told the cattle of too
Western States 'maid glut our market, but
the American markets two bettor than ours
on stook and eousegionbly em0rtoaus would
lint still their stock here. In 1801 the Gov-
ernment offered to osohengo products and
11 wrong now it must have been wrong thou,
The DDuglith farmer is not to bo compared
with the Canadian, as the former does not
grow saough to moat the requirements, but
the Canadian's price is based upon the ex•
parted] bushel, sed if the Market is low all
the N• P's, in the world cannot raise the
Price. cheese industry, The n has bilubyaon
cheese has been on sine. 1807 and the only
reason far the insrsaae was that fanners
found it paid bettor than other produobs,
If there was no demand wo would not son.
time it. Butter had 1 oents shim 1887, b{tt
instead of the N, P. ebhnnlating !live it nd it
has fallen from 10 million pounis to 81 mil.
lion pounds. 'rho falling off In batter is be -
mime our butter doe not compare with the
butter on the Britten market,
The N. P. Increases the price of the goods
you buy. Binder (wino 505)5 flown 1 cont
POT venal when the dtnty dropped, Sugar
the ,inti dropped. but we did not Bon. Pot fosteraet ulok until
8f mtilien llars from the people by
rawhtg bts.pou tbrough the duty ou saga;
and the pr'ioo ab once came down. Ti tits
burden was not on the ,sonsumcr: holt could
he strike it off ? For 12 year's the peonle
enlist have pelt' this 01 million dollars an -
=ally. The agrioultm'al implements was
another.poinb la (Depute for 0 weeks inPar-
liament, ft the duty made no dilfotOaos in
the prion why was this lighting to reduce
the duty from 30 to 20per tent, Tho Do•
minion Government say they have the in-
terests of the farmory at heart, but they
reduced the duty oq tho raw material if the
machines are to bo exported, but if to ].tome
farmers full duty Is aMarged. f'ho N. P. dia.
orimhtatss against the 0001' man. A ear.
penbor pays Bit per sent on a tool, but
another man buys a silk dress and onlyp1178
80 per cent. Wali paper of it (Mean elites pays
$8.00 duty, but the better paper only 82,80 on
a 810 pursbltee, Other illustrations wore
given of this unequal system of logisbatlon.
ho Liberate aro determined to legislate for
the masses ant' not the olaosea. There ie
Ernst' distihobten between Protection and
Bsgenus Tariff,
qac dnbb lase i it 8slttod enormously, Mac -
Inmate increased '118 millions a yosr. But
Sir John's Government was defeated in a
hurry and left 00 millions as a legacy to
Bon. A. Maakeuzle to meet. lylaok0mzto
Wet to complete their weeps to the
amount of 88 millions. 10e only undertook
about 2 million dollars worth of new worire,
Maskeuzis made a. mistake in: buying steel
rails in a falItda market at $01.00 per ten,
but Sir Sohn Macdonald had paid for atm1
rails, that Were being rooeivsd at that time,
585 per ton, and this same condition or
allure le being exemplified 0700y day among
farmers who sold their =clues under a fall-
ing market.
Tho Neeblug IInbsl oosb 55,000, Ttvo
parties, a Liberal aucl a Conservative, valu-
ated the hotel andM5Okenzio paid for it on
their 'ealnation. Mackenzie demanded e.
committee to establish the truth of the mat-
tel',.bntParilamsnt denied kim the mill -
ego. Mackenzie was an honest 'nun and Tait.
an untarnished name, lent the' present G ov-
momenthas spent our money unwisely and
corruptly, The Tay canal should have been
built by ane Provincial Government, 8132,-
000 was voted for it by the House, end was
undertaken without proper knowledge of
the work. But it oast a half million dollars
when completed. It costs annually for this
canal 82,800 and the tolls 001105ted last year
were only 8119. Is this honest ? $88,000 ,t
mils, The Government dredged the canal
to Raggart's mill and cost the oouutry 018,-
000, On it ere 2tugs, a pleasure boat, it few
Dow boats and a snow. The Trent canal has
already vest 81,300,000 and tact year stir.
Onderdenk obtained 5302,000 fora (Wain of
Oanal,maldmg a total of about $1,800,500.
The revenue wd8 $881.
A member of Government charged Thee.
MoGreeyy and T. K. Connolly with corrupt
practices, and for their oroohodn.ess they
wore soot to prison by Sedge Bose. They
said they were sial° and wanted to get out.
Dr. Grant and Dr. Wright vouched that
they worn ill and they got out and attended
a big banquet that evening. The reason
they 5010111 was that Donnelly threatened
to divulge sesr5te ou the Govornmenb and
demanded their liberty and they gov it.
The Durran bridge was estimated to cost
9170,000, but over $480,000 was paid, the work
being done by day labor instead of contrast
and enormous intoes pall for labor.
The Constitution has not it word to say
about the sahoole of Manitoba. Wil 0u
Manitoba .Catholics appealed to the Do-
minion Government instead of trying to
reoonslle them the Dominion Government
urged the Nannette Gsvornmsat to .grant
bheir request and when they asked for a
commission lastest' the Governmentiutro-
dnsed the Remedial Bili. It behooves es the
people of this country to leave Manitoba to
settle its own wheel dispute. Those Ntre
want to force it go oat and vote for Chas.
Tupper and his 17 supporters, but held yen
tongues on the subject for over about
Protestantism it you do. Whore Mowat lin.
proved the Ontario school a the Con sorvativ e
party took the platform and berated Mowat
for being untrue to Protestantism.
A gnestio nor interrupted the Dr. and
wanted to know if the Df. were elected
w0old he vote against Remedial legislation
if introduced by Hon. Wilfrid 'Laurier? The
Dr, said he bad and would reword his vote in
that way. even if his vote defeatist lila party.
Mr. Dickinson was heathy received,
and expressed his pleasure at being pres-
ent. He thanked Dr. McDonald for his
kindly references to him. The speaker
first dealt with the Manitoba school ques-
tion. He declared himself opposed to
Separate Schools and unfavorable to any
legislation that miglib bo introduced by
any Government. On all other questions
he was a warm supporter of the Govern.
'menb. He thought Dr. McDonald need
not have warned the audience to not vote
for Sir Charles Tupper as be believed
Hon. Wilfrid Laurier would stand by the
Roman Catholios. He read selections
from speeches macre by Mr. Laurier and
other French members. Mr. Laurier
favored a commission to look into the
gnestion, and Dr. McDonald supported
him in it. Mr. Dickinson said he had
opposed the actions of the Mowat Govern-
ment in their Separate School question in
Ontario, and he was consistent. • Dr.
McDonald macro charges against the Con-
servatives bub Ito forgot to mention Fort
Francis locks which were now used as a
dumping ground for saw dust. The Tay
canal had disgraced many platforms but
the Liberals had acquiesced in sonic of
the grants to it. There are no doubts
but there were frauds perlpebrabed by Mc-
Greevy and Connolly hat the Government
had punished them. What about Mr.
Mereior in Quebec? He referred to the
release of MoGreevy aucl Connolly from
jail and tho advice of a physician who
oertifled that one of them was suffering
from kidney disorder and the other a
trouble of the middle ear, and ill health
was the only reason. for their getting their
liberty. There were frauds on the Dur-
ran bridge but the courts dealt with them.
We are living under a moderate tariff,
and in place of It tite Liberals want to
Five us tariff for revenue only, but what
is to be the system he wanted to know.
Tho N. P. saved the country from being
made the runway for the U. S. It is said
the Liberals will re.arrauge the tariff so
that it will fall as lightly upon the poor
man as possible. The duty on silks is a
tax. Cheap wall paper is not manufac.
tared in this country. It is luxuries that
pay the taxes now, not the necessaries as
Dr. McDonald says. Ho (Dickinson)
quoted flgnres from the Year Book in
support of this statoment. The prices of
our procluobs are not fixed by the N. P. at
all.but the price must rise or fall as the
supply end dsmaud increases or decreases.
The prices are lower in Chicago and other
places On grant than they aro in Toronto,
Falling off of population is not abbribnt•
able to the N. P. Did not think the pao.
pie were retrograding but were going
ahead slowly. He thoeghb the Govern-
neut Savings Bank would prove this.
The country has progressed, mistakes
may have occurred bet the trade has in.
creased, Ho asked the electors to sup -
non the Conservatives on the 23rd of
After a little croas.flring over a corm
parison of Buffalo 'and Toronto market
reports was over, Dr. McDonald replied.
Said Sir John Macdonald and Hon. Hag -
gat't sbatod the N. P. would help the prion
of lands, and he wanted to say it did not.
No policy call effort the prbeos and the
Cionsorvatives admit it now, We do not
try bo make out that the oounbry fs poor
but we are herd up and we all know ib,
The very fact that the Savings Dams els.
posits have increased at 13 per cent. in.
tweet is an excellent rsaeon tc show that
the people are afraid to invest their little
meaue in busiuoss at larger interest. It
ie not more unfair to tax bmathee baking
soda, ourrante, table linen, sugar, plates,
knives and forks, deo. The free break•
fast table is a faros, Dr. McDonald very
good nabureclly dealt with the home mar-
ket and showed bow small it figure it oat
in real life. Incidental proteetlon there
will be and the inberesta Of the masses
will be taken into mown rather than the
olessos. In eonulusion he hoped East
Huron would give a good account of her.
self on the 23rd and that a Liberal Gov.
ernment would rule at Ottawa. The
meeting was brought to a close with
encore for the. Queen, chairman and can-
The following aro the Deputy Return-
ing Officers for the Riding :
Polliug Div, No. 1, F. Metcalf ;
2, Jno. Bell ;
13, D. A. Lowry;
4, R. T. Hingsbou ;
.5, E. Bryan ;
G, J. J. Mitchell ;
7, M. Morrison
8, Jas. Livingston ;
9, R, Dilworth ;
10, 0.17. Cosons ;
11, P. Keating ;
12, A. Dulmage ;
13, M. Dane ;
14, Jno. Corbett ;
15, J. McGuire ;
16, Jas. Foster ;
17, W. Clark ;
18, Geo. Kelly ;
19, C. McCrae ;
20, T. S. Brandon ;
21, A. Shaw ;
22, R. Porter ;
23, T. Stewart ;
94, T. K. Powell ;
25, Sas. Fleuty ;
20, Geo. Payne ;
27, J. B. Ferguson ;
28, Jno. Dickson ;
29, W. Wilson.
Why the Manufacturers arc Ready to
Trost Hun.
To the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier :
Dear Sir, —Much is again being urged
by those opposed to yon in politics as to
the disastrous effects on the manufaotur-
iug interests of the country which they
Claim and profess to believe would fol-
low your accession to power at the ap.
preaching elections.
Your manly independence during the
last session of Parliament under the
most trying circumstances that could
have been imposed upon you shows us
that no hasty or illadvised action would
be likely to be taken by yon ou any
important question.
Speaking for ourselves as manufactur-
ers iu one of the leading industries of
Canada (the manufacture of furniture),
we take this opportunity of assuring you
that we believe you are so imbued with
the spirit of justice and fair play that
manufacturers in any branch of industry
need have no fear that they will be treat-
ed unfairly in any readjustment of the
tariff which may be ]nacre by any Govern-
ment of which you are the head.
We realize that the necessity for a
Image revenue to meet our heavy aunual
obligations demands such a rate of tax-
ation as must afford to manufacturers a
very reasonable protection for nu inclefi•
nit° time.
VITAL QUEs:lcxs.
Were all other things equal, and this
the only matter rogniting the attention
of the electors, ib could make but little
difference bo manufacturers as such
whether yourself or Sir Charles Tupper
should have control in the next Parlia-
ment ; but we believe there aro other
matters of vital importance to the web
fare of the Dominion which should re-
ceive considerabiou at the hands of the
eleotors ab the present time, and in con-
sidlering.them we aro bound to keep iu
view the Maraotor and records of those
asking our suffrages.
As business men we 'believe that the
government of the country should be con-
ducted on strictly business principles,
and that those intrusted with it should
bo not only capable but free from any
taint of scaudal. The general trade of
the country was never in a worse e0n•.
rlitiou than it is at the present time,
whatever politicians may say to the con-
trary. Ws therefore take the liberty of
plaoiug before you a few things which we
believe as business Hienwould assist in
restoring confidence and prosperity in
the country. We would like to see :.
'riff COa1Tnr'0 OEEPe
1. A more rigid and economical ad.
ministration of public affairs.
2. An honest administration gitardiug
the public funds, and rendering impos-
sible the scandals which have disgraced
Canadian politios in recent years.
8. An active immigration policy for
the peopling of our great Northwosb and
the consequent extension of the home
market for our manufacturers.
4. The development of our mineral re-
5. A policy that will weld together
rather than sow the seeds of dissention
among the different creeds and nation.
aiitios that compose one population.
These are a few matters which seggest
themselves to OUT minds, and it is, bo•
muie we have the highest regardo
for *you
as a statesman and an honorable poli-
tioian that we foal that ender your gur&
auoo the affairs of our country would be
carried on in the best interests of the
whole Dominion. We 1110, etc., eto.,
The Bogota & Sons Company, Ltd.,
Gold medal Bed Syriug and Furniture
Co„ Toronto.
Canadian Feather Down and Wire
Mattress Com pauy, Teraina,
Authes Manufacturing Compl'uy,
Brown & Erb, Berlin.
Suydei, Roos dC Co., Waterloo.
L. O, Klippen, Waterloo.
J. 33, Snider, Waterloo.
Dingman, Warcl ce Go., Bloomingdale.
13ur'r Bros., Guelph.
Stubbe & Rogers, Guelph..
Beira Bros., Plattsvtllo.
Broadfoot at Box, Seafor'th,
000, 0. MoLagae (of Porteous 8c Mo•
Lagan), Stratford.
John Ferguson ca Sous, Loudon.
Bensiugbon Furniture Company,
Londotr and Goderirb,
Cliff & Foster, Lucknow.
Krug Bros. & Go„ Chesley.
Hanover Spring Bed and Upholstery
Company, Hanover.
Kneohtel Furniture Co., Hanover.
R. J. Disney, President Disney &
Devlin Manufacturing Co., Hanover.
Jacob Messenger, (ex -president Hanover
Furniture Company), Hanover,
If. V. Fralich, Napauee.
Mr. C l e gg's Reply'-.
TO the Bator of Tun Pass!
DEau Snt,—I notice au article in your
PaPer headed "Mr. Dickinson and the
School question,” in which mny name is
frequently need to show that Mr. Dickin-
son had in the first place come out on the
side of the Government on the Remedial
Bill. I don't dopy that I had an argu-
ment with F. S. Scott in the reading room
of the Queen's Hotel, last April, and that
I then stated that Mr. Dickinson was on
the same platform as the Government,
but I do deny that I ever heard Mr.
Dickinson say, either at a meeting of his
supporters or anywhere else, that he 'was
with the Government or against them on
the School question, and I also say now
that the first time I ever head Mr. Diok-
inson state his views on the School ques-
tion was one week ago last Friday night
iu the Hall in Brussels. The informs
tion that I based my argument on was
given me by a man whom I believed to
be a friend of Mr. Dickinson's, and I be-
lieved at the time to be correct. The
reason I now make the above statement
ie to show the readers of your paper that
Mr. Diokinsou never gave nee any author-
ity to state that he was with the Govern-
menb on the School question. I do not
think he has any right to be blamed on
account of an argument that took place
last April between myself and Mr. Scott,
as everyone who knows Mr. Dbokinson
will bear me out in saying hs is a straight-
forward and honoralale gentleman, and
Mr. Scott has often said so in my hearing.
I will now draw to a close as I have no
axes to grind and no favors to ask from
any Government, Grit or Tory.
Yours, &o.,
Morris, June 181b.
They have broken faith with the Do.
They allowed MoC'rreevy to steal over
a million dollars and only gave him 3
months prison for the crime.
They spent 8125,000,000 on a useless
Commission on the Prohibition question.
They refuse to discard a Partisan, in-
iquitous and sxpeusivo Voters' list when
a non-partisan Ifs( prepared by the
municipalities would answer every
purpose. The Dominion list has cost the
country over $3,000,000.
They have quarreled omong themselves
and are now divided in Tapper, Clarke
Wallace and McCarthy factions.
They have not given us the borne
market promised.
The public debt has been increased
from 140 million dollars to 253 millions.
Because it takes 830,000 a day to pay
the interest alone on the public debt.
Because they have interfered with
Provincial rights in attempting to coerce
enol bulldoze Manitoba.
Theypaid Lawyer O'Connor about
840,000 in 1893 and 1891 legal fees while
the Solicitor General was drawing $5,-
000 a year to (lo the work. 8927,000 was
paid out in legal fees iu nine years.
This sum would purchase 234 farms of
100 acres each, worth 84,000 each, or
18,540 head of cattle at 850 a head. '
Because Last Huron population has
fallen off about 3,000 in the past 10 years.
Because 98,300 young men leave the
Dominion every year to seek homes else-
where shoo the N. P, cern° into effect.
Because $25,888.70 were recklessly
spent in the funeral of Sir john Thomp-
son after England had landed the remains
at Halifax. •
Brussels school Board.
The regular meeting of the Publio
School Board was ]told in the Council
Chamber on Friday evening, June lath.
Present—Rev. J. Ross, 1I. Dennis, D,
C• Ross and A. Kwuig.
Moved by A. Kcenig,seconded by D. 0,
Ross that Rev. J. Ross be chairman pro
torn. Carried.
The minutes of the last regular meet.
ing were read and passed.
The following accounts were road
Edwards, building fence, 849.75 ; Miss J.
Rose, teaching in Mies Dowuey's room,
829.00 ; Wm. Heapy, teaming, 85,00 ; J.
H, Wilbee, wood, $2.25 ; P. MoQaarrie,
work, 70 cents.
Moved by A. Emig, seconded by D. C,
Bloss that G. Edwards be paid 947.75 on
his account, the balance to be laic] over
bill next meeting, and the other accounts
be paid in full. Carried.
Miss Linton's resignation was read nod
it was moved by A. Koenig, seconded by
H. Dennis that the Doarcl accept it. Car.
Moved by A. Koenig, seconded by H.
Dennis that the Board advertise in the
Toronto Globe and Mail -Empire of Sat.
urday, Sono 20th, for it fleet assistant
teacher, holding a seeotid professional
W. I-I•KERR, Prop,
oortifzoato, at a salary of $300 per annum,
applications to be received by the Score•
Lary until Monday, Jane 20411, carried.
Moved by D, 0. Roos, seconded by H.
Dennis that the Board borrow lila sum of
8775.00 from the Standard Bank for
three montbs, to payexisting note and
current expenses, Carried,
Moved by D. C. Ross, seconded by A.
Kdnnigthat this Boar'cl adjourn, to inept
again on Monday, Sans 29th, at 8 O'oloolt
5, in, Carried.
People We Rnow.
Miss Ella Ainley is visiting with relit,
tives iu Sselorth.
Mrs; A. M. Kay and son, of Stratford,
are visiting Mrs. W. 21. Kerr.
E, Maddock, of Newmarket, was
visiting ie Brussels this week,
Mrs. McGuire, of Wingham, was the
guest of Mrs. Goo. Rogers this week.
Walter W. Burgess and wife, of MIt.
°hell, were visiting here last Sabbath.
Miss Tillie Oliver, of Clinton, is visit.
ing Mies Lizzie Richardson this week.
lure. Wm. Bright was visiting Mrs.
Zilltax this week while en route to Ar.
Harry Easton, of Guelph, was holiday-
ing with his sister, Mrs. Cobblediok, this
Mrs. W. McEwen and daughters, of
Thessalon, are visiting at Jas. Oliver's
Main street.
A. Reid is in Montreal this week at.
tending the High Court of the Canadian
Order of Foresters.
Mrs. M. G. Richardson, who has been
on the sink list, is, we are pleased to see,
gaining her wonted health again.
W. Walkom and wife, Mrs. Welter and
Mrs. Roger, of Fullerton, were the guests
of Thos. Moore and family this week,
Tony Sample and Jno. Smith, E. C.
Danford and Lorne wheeled to Walker-
ton the other day and enjoyed a holiday
Rev, G. H. Cobblediok and family
leave Brussels for Exeter on Friday of
this week, where they will visit for a few
days before going to Glencoe.
Mrs. A. Reid, who went to Toronto to
consult a specialist about her eyes last
week, had a preparatory operation per-
formed but will have to wait several
months before the oataracbs will be
operated on.
G. H. Jackson, eon of Rev. Geo. Jack-
son, of Exeter, who was elected president
of the London Conference, bas been suc-
cessful in passing the examinations of
the College of Phyeioians and Surgeons
of Toronto. The above mentioned young
gentleman is a nephew of John Vincent's,
Queen street, Brussels.
Rev. W. T. Bunt, pastor of the Baptist
°bnrob, has settled with his family in
The nab proceeds of the I. 0. F. F.
concert, amounting to $3, was banded
over to the treasurer of the Public Li.
Wm. Stephen returned home from the
Stratford hospital on Monday of last
week, much improved in health by his
sojourn there.
The Salvation Army is making ar-
rangements in honor of the Orangemen
to serve a grand dinner on the 13th of
The granolitbie walk has been com-
pleted on the Hoath side of Main street
from the Grand Central corner to the
East side of Wellington street. The
gang of men employed by the Sylioa
Barytjo Stone Co. are now at work on
the walk running from Mill street west-
Rev. H. E. Mason has begun his pas-
toral work in town in connection with the
Congregational church.
Mr. Knox and Mrs. Swartz will sail for
the Old Country on July lst. They will
be away for some time and will visit both
England and the Emerald Isle.
Joon Neelands left on Friday and D.
M. Gordon on Saturday of last week for
Montreal, to attend the meeting of the
High Court 0. 0. F. They book the boat
from Toronto,
O. E. Williams has been appointed by
Mr, Easson, Chief of the Associated Prose
department at Toronto, to make necessary
arrangements for the collection of the
returns for East Huron on the evening of
the 23rd of June..
A severe electric storm passed over the
town on Friday night, 5th inst., doing
considerable damage. Lightning struck
the stable owned by A. J. Irwin, setting
it ou fire. The brigade responded prompt.
ly to the Dail, but the building being old
and dry, it was badly wreaked before the
fire was got under control.
A full grown bear was'eeen by Kenneth
Nicholson, sectiouman, north of Zetland.
Bruin was disporting himself leisurely
along the green, when Nicholson's little
dog ram noiseless tip behind him and
yipped hien on the beers, be was so sue -
prised that be started off at an unusually
feet swing, clearing fences at bound.
Nicholson, in company with David and
Maitland McDonald, pursued him fel,
two or three miles bet having only shot
gone they were unable to gob within
shooting range. They followed him un-
til he entered Wilson's bush whou they
were forced to give up the abase.
kiaetinmeicL.—We take pleasure in an-
nouncing a vary pleasant event at the
residence of Thomas Holmes, of this
town, on Wednesday, the 10th inst., at 1
o'clock p. m., being the marriage of his
eldest daughter to Dr. H. F. Kinsman, of
Sarnia. The wedding was very quiet,
members of the immediate family only,
being present. The bride was the recip.
lent of many beautiful and costly presents
with the kindest wishes for a very happy
life in their new and dietant home. The
gift of the bride's parents was a substan-
tial ahege°. The happy couple left on
the 8.25 train for their new bonne in Sar•
, anoompanied by the groom's father
and brother. We join their many friends
in wishing them a long and happy life.