HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-5, Page 6E erjg wcintsulo vat .-T•-.•Ie }'ODI i6HED-•+-r E'V] IX FRIDAY MORNING on Amos etorthalears nal t) at s'Z'he Peet" Steam Publishing 11e1194 1003011807 Sr., lilou51ezL8, ONT. TIMI6 07 S13uec101,2mu,^One dollar a Year, In advance. 'l'bc;date to which every sub oription ie veld is denoted by the (tate on the address salol, ADAi7R'IBINO RATOs.-Tho following rates will be aliened to then wbo advertise by the year:^ ereoa 1 17a. 1 6010, ,, BD" 005 00100110 860.00. --$l0.00 x850.00 Balt 1 00,00 20.00 22.00 varier " Il 20.00 10.00 8.00 igbbb - " 12.00 WI sag. 'plight cents per lino for first dneertion, and three fronts ner line tor eaob eubsequentln, tartlet], 611 adasrblsements measured as Nonpareil -12 fines to thesnob, Ruttiness Oards,eight lines end under, e0 per annum, Advertleeinents without gentile dime. Cons, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions to change or disaonbinoo an advertisement must ha left at the counting room of Tan Pose not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative, W. EL. TKE11111, Editor and Proprietor, l3eeeth. Quite a number of ()Meths took in the sports in Clinton end Wingham on the Queen's Birthday. John Kelly is having his residence on ring at. veneered with brick, R. Howard, jr„ doing the work, Josepb Heflron, of Detroit, Mole., who bas been away for several years, is visit- ing coder the parental roof. J. G. Emigh and W. Drummond at- tended the funeral on Sunday of the late Joho Livingston, of Listowel The roof of Barton Bros'. tannery was on bre one day last week, bot was soon put out without any serious damage.. Weare sorry to hear that Norman Me - Millen is seriously ill at present, little honee are entertained es to his recovery. We understand that His Honor, Judge Doyle, has given his deaieion against Jae. Barr in the ease of Jas. Barr and Blyth 00rporation, which was heard at the last sitting of the 12th Division Court. Seuelanow. The Bruce County Council will meet in Southampton. D. Matheson. of Kincardine, bad his leg broken in s. foot -ball match at Ripley. The band was at Dungannon on the 25th and received compliments on all bands for their fine playing. Fourteen members of the Masonic lodge here abtsaded the funeral of the late John Livingston, at Listowel. The 25th was a vary quiet day in Luo. know, nearly all our citizens turning ont to the celebrations at Dungannon, Ripley, Wingham and other places, but on the 1st of July it will be our turn. P. 13. McKenzie, the Liberal candidate for West Bruce, has completed a most successful canvass of the constitaeney, and ie jnetly delighted with the hearty and enthusiastic reception accorded lira by the elentora in all parts of the riding. Joseph Wosbingtoo, of West Wawan• osb, had the misfortune to get lois leg broken while returning from his day's labor. While going along the sideroad leading to the 3rd con., his horses got frightened end started to run, and in his endeavor to get them under control, one of the lines was broken. The horses were now going at furious rate, end, fearing a collision or upset, he jumped, aligbting on the hard road, causing the above re- sult. Gorr -ice - Hestia Bros., of the Oth eon., raised a large addition to their barn. Rev. Mr. Mason has accepted a cell to the Wingham Congregational church and will shortly remove to that lawn. County Master John Dane and Past County Master H. Perkins attended the Provincial Grand O,ange Lodge at Col- linewood. Political meetings were held here on Friday evening by E. L. Diokinaon, and on Monday evening by Dr. MoDonald. Both were well attended. The township Council instructed the Clerk to notify all parties in Gerrie hay. ing refuse or any obstruotion on the streets to remove the same or they will be dealt with according to law. The other night Thos. Wallace, of the 65h eon„ was awakened from his peace - Int slumbers by dogs worrying his sheep. He sprang from his bed and made for the scene of action just as he wee, without pants, Books or boots. Heoaughb the dog in the eat, took it to the barn and tied ib up for cafe keeping, and in the morning sent for the owner, who happened to be John Wallace, to come for his dog. Mr. Wallace did not go but sent word to have the dog destroyed, which was done, not. withstanding it was a very valneble ani- mal The dog was caught in the first act end none of the other sheep were in- jured. IExCt:or. L. H, Dickson has erected a wind mill on his premises for fountain and other pu rposse. A valuable driving horse belonging to H. Bishop & Son succumbed to a severe does of blood poisoning. Geo. Weir was here attending the fun. eras of the late Richard Manning. Mr, Weir le now manager of Hiram Walker's large farm of 1200 acres near Bothwell. The semiannual District Meeting of the Royal Template of Temperance, for the County of Huron, will be held at So- dom, neat'Exoter, on Wednesday, June 17th, 1600, oommencina et lA a. no. The Councils are requested to send es large a number of delegates es possible. 'Busses well be at the Exeter station to meet the morning teeing and convey delegates to the place of meeting. e The annual meeting of the ,'Exeter Dia- triot in connection with the Methodist chetah was held at Tlderton on May 21et and 22nd, with Rev. G. Jaokson in the chair. The meeting was Largely attend. ed, but the Mutineers was routine in char. anter. Reports showed a gain of 147 meutbers,land an increase in eonnexional fonds, Rev. G. H. Thompson was elect- ed Secretary and Bros. Garbutt and Westman, aesietants. Rev. W. H. Butt was elected to the Stationing Committee Rev, T. B. Uoupland and H. Hasten to the S. S. Committee ; Rev, It J. Gars butt and H. Bishop to the Epworth TRS TRUSS fear • �,....-o .,, League Committee ; lien. 4, Mille and 7. ii400134/1 e'n,dLibatigel'allseg, or no aberritb to the Sttsteatatton Valid Cam. Mateo and J, Q, Jolles to lite rilesienary Committee. A public meeting wee held V"--- 01"1". day , evening ttddrsesed by ,Rrpe, 1, fiaaause when to ppweraellal 1878 to Cogplaild, garb and Mille, 1878 it gave isle :aountiy wise and jnsk a do to 1 ws lid au honest, predent, sypt m aRl a t i i m i I' r r a 1n a talion f the 1 alfa t free d t p l pubo i, a frromtsonieasndbaslthoec• skslederwogdofoR puucbolyo. and private interests. 2. $eaause when in power ib inoreayed the pubiio debt only to the extent rend. ered neeeaenry by the obligatipneinourrod olid pubiio works undertaken by its pre. deoessors•io afros, 3, Beoeuee ie only ' increased the yx. Meditate from $23,310,810 in 1878.4 to $23,508,158 in 1877.8, adifferences o£$186,- 842, and an average annual increase der, fug the period of 846,710, 4. Beano though it was obliged bo add to the debt and the interest charge in Meeting alligations incurred by the ad. ministration preceding it, the controllable expenditure during its term of office was radueed to the extent of over 61,700,000. 5, .Because it adhered to the just end proper policy of a low revenue tariff, oeloulated to meet the absolute hoeda of an economically administered Govarn• ment-u tariff which would have proved sufficient foe its needs upon the revival of business in 1870. 0. Because it made en honest effort to secure reciprocal trade with tbe United States through the negotiation of the Brown draft. treaty. 7. Bemuse the Liberal Party again placed in power will stop the ine:ease of the publio debt and commence its rodeo - tion as quioltly and rapidly as possible, S. 1'7111 reduce expenditure and out down expenses with all possible rapidity. 9. Will place the tariff, with due regard to all important interests, upon a purely revenue bailie, so arranged as to promote freer trade with the whole world, more partieniarly with Great Britain and tbe United States, and wilr give dee consid- eration to the interests of the farmer, the fisherman, the lumberman, the miner and the laborer. 10. Will secure purity, honesty and economy in the administration of public affairs. 11. Will Reek for extended trade rola. tions with the United States. 12. Will seely for wider markets in other eonutriea whenever opportunity may offer to posh our trade. 13. Will recognize the actual pettier as the natural heir to the publio lands and will reserve the same for his occupancy upon reasonable terms and conditions. 14. will Beek to protest labor and the results of labor from the designs of un- just combinations and monopolies. 15. Will seely for such a remodelling and reconstruction of the Canadian Senate as will make it amenable to publio sentiment and a useful branch of the national legislature. 16. Will remedy the abuses of the Ger- rymander Act attd cause eleotoral dis- tricts to conform to county boundaries as far as the principle of representation by population will permit. 17. Will repeal the "Franchise Aob," save its coat to the country, avoid its inoonvenienoes and abuses, and return to the simply and cheaply prepared Pro- vincial lista for Dominion elections. 18. Will vote no money for railway bonuses or publio works for the mere purpose of purchasing !coal support for Government candidates, but in all suel matters will be -governed by the para- mount consideration of the general pub- lio interest. 19. Will strive to cheek the exodus by securing general prosperity, reduced tax- ation, better markets, honest administra- tion and general satisfaction with our political condition, 20. Will grapple with the abuses of the superannuation system and aim to re- move the present heavy charge upon the general revenue by egnalizing superan- nuation receipts and disbursements. 21. Will stand by the Platform adopted Clinton. at the National Liberal Convention. ROTHSCIiIIJ)'$ MAXIMS. The following is a copy of the alpha. betioal list of maxims framed end hung in Rotheobild's bank. Baron Rothschild used to recommend these rules to young men who wished to "get on" and achieve success in life : Attend carefully to details of your bus. teens. Be prompt in all things. Consider well end then dsoids posi- tively. Dare to do right, fear to do wrong. Endure trials patiently. Fight life's battles bravely, manfully. Go not into the society of the vicious. Hold integrity sacred. Injure not another's reputation nor business. Join bands only with the virtuous. Keep your mind from evil thoughts. Lie not for any consideration. Make few aoquaintanoes. Never try to appear what you are not. Observe good manners. Pay your debts promptly. Question not the veracity of a friend. Respect the counsels of your parents. Saorifice money rather than principle. Touch not, taste not, handle not intoxi. catiug drinks. Use your leisure time for improvement. Venture not upon the threshold of wrong. Watch carefully over your pentane. 'Stend to every one a kindly salutation. Yield not to discouragement. i ota,iGlrtilt. • Mayor Grey, was 00 a buefaose visit to Sault tate Maria last weak, Samuel Diukeon, of Termite 'Caine. city, 10 honey for She Summer, M. Y. MpLean bee been ooniined to ilia 'residence for the peat week by an attack of le grippe but is getting better, A, 7). Suthcrleud, assistant postmaster, fell from hie bicycle, receiving injuries to bis Isuee flat leid him up for a oouple of &aye. Fred, Bethune, eon of Dr, Bethune, of this town, woe euneoeaful in passing hie second year examination in Trinity. Medical college, Toronto, no also peeled lois primary examination before the medical council. Polioeman Gillespie has had to pay the penalty of a violation of the "move on" by-law, 11Ip was standipg on the South (goner of Mein and Market streets, close to Robert Willis'sbow window, when his foot slipped and smashed one of the large panes of glass. The four Seafortb boys, R, McDonald, W. MoDoagell, 11. Jaokson end W. Brier- ly, who are this season playiug with the Toronto laoroses club, took part in the match on the Queen's birthday, between the Torontos and Cornwall, and the papers speak very highly of their playing, Mre. Lightowler, daughter of Wm. Copp, is visiting her parents at present. Her husband, wbo was engaged in Sal- tation Army work hare some years ago, and was more familiarly known as "Happy Jack" is in tbe army nevem in the States. („ oQariCle.. The Albion building is now ebowing its third storey. The lumber has been nearly all shipped from the Grand Trunk docks. The members of the Huron Bioyole Club, of Goderish, now sport a neat breast badge and natty oolore. The walls of St. Peter's are rising rapidly and ab the same rate of progress will soon be ready for the roof. The number of fishing poles around the harbor on the Queen's Birthday would have fenoed a pretty large field. Goderish has already a number of Summer visitors, and the signs are that our pretty town will be filled with guests before June is far advanced. The paths that people with tender feet had worn on the Square were soddsdilast week by the caretaker. Ito future every tenderfoot should be made to pay 81 and costa. Conrt Goderiab, No. 82, Canadian Order of Foresters, will attend divine service at Knox church on Sunday morn- ing, June 7th. The service will be preaobed by Rev. J. A. Anderson. The sixth annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Gods. rich District was ]geld in North Street Methodist church, Goderiob, onblay21st. Mre. Leech, district organizer, presided. SAD Anus -mgr. -Thursday afternoon of last week. while about to clean the ohim- net's of the R. 0. convent on North street, Charles Payne by some means lost his balance and fell from tite roof to the ground. The wind was blowing agate all clay and those wbo saw him say he rolled over and over several times on the roof and apparently struck on his left shoulder and side. Ire was quickly picked top and taken into the convent, when Drs. Taylor and 3, R. Shannon were soon in attend. ante. The injured man was quite um conscious for severalhoars. The injuries are very severe and may prove fatal, in- deed his recovery will be almost mfr. anions. Mr. Payne was amostindustri. nus and reliable citizen, having the re. specs of all who knew him. The town clerk spent May 25th in catching a dozen fine trout and about 150. choics Inge. A. Western Bowling Association is to be formed. The Clinton Club will be a member of the Association. The Bowling Club propose a week's tour in July, playiug at London, Galt, Woodstock, Hamilton and Toronto. Politics got so warm on Saturday be- tween a McCarthyite, a Liberal and a Conservative that they repaired to a cer- tain place to settle their differences by mnecular action, but they wisely refrain- ed. It's too early in the campaign to become unduly exalted. It is said by farmers that the wire worm and a wbite grub have destroyed hundreds of aures of oats and barley, all of which have bad to be plowed op and re.sowo. Grasshoppers have also made their appearance in countless numbers, but the rain will doubtless cheek them. House or Reruct:.-County Clerk Lace, Reeve Holt, and Inspector Coats met here the other day to consider tend- ers far a soft water supply. The contract was awarded to Harper ee Lee, of Gode- rish. Mre. Mary Lnoy, 75 years of age, of. Ashfield, and Patrick Laden,Colborne, aged 60, ars the latest addition to tbe in. mates. On Monday thirteen of the in- mates were allowed to go up town and take in the afternoon sports, and they up. peered to enjoy themselves heartily. The two.and.a half -year-old child of Adam Foster load a narrow escape from drowning recently, While playing around it neighbor's yard it is supposed to have pulled the lid off the cistern, and the lid evidently pulled the child into the water. Now long it was in is not known, as it was not missed for some minutes, but Mrs, Granger, suspecting something wrong, looked in and saw the ellild at the bottom of the cistern, in four feet of water, apparently dead. She managed to get it out and wee fortunately familiar with the means of resuscitation, and worsted with the child until it slowed signs of life, A. doctor having been call- ed also worked with it a couple of hours before it was out of danger. Health and happieese are relative son. ditiens ; at any rate, there sen be little bappineee without health, To give the body its full strength and energy, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous by the nee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, li,TiltcnrATis:n OnnED 000 A DAY. -South. Anserfoaa Rheumatic Cure for Rbeuma: .ism and Neuralgia radioally cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system 1e remarkable and mysterious. It re. moves at once the cause and the dfeease immediately disappeare. The first dose greatly benellte. 76 oents, Warranted by G. A, Deadman, Robert Sweeting, ager] 20 years, was caught in the abafting in the Dominion Cotton Mille, Brantford, and instantly killed. AIL IN 11. C. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Goocl Workmanship and Goad Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. ► Shell oTor .McGowan's Store. LS P Q S' AYR'S Hair VIGOR Restores natural 00150' t0 the hair, and also prevents It lalling out, Nara. $, VT, Fenwick, of Bigby, 85. S., says "A. little snare than two years ago my flair 'began 'p to turn gray and fail out, At. ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor lay hair was restored to its original color' and ceased falling out. An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition." -Mrs. E. F, 1! nxlwrolc, Digby, 17. S. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for three years, and it has restored hair, which was fast becoming rnv, back to its natural color." -IL W. HASELIIoi'0F, Paterson, N. J. AYER'S HAIR Son - Pnitr,Ut17D BY OIL 0, AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. ' Byer's Fitts nacre Sick Occadaehe. 7vIin 5, 1890 Rouse Painting, NE 141 Paper. Hanging, .ai s a_ sns n�l C liti1G11 Spring House Cleaning Time is bere and we are ready to at- tend to Paper Hanging, Kalso- inining and Painting' in a prompt business like style. A.11 wort done in a workman- like manner at a moderate charge. Orders left at' the stores of W. H. McCracken or Wilton oo Turn- bull will receive prompt atten- tion. The patronage of the public solicited. Bstlmates cheerfully furnished. McORACREN & MIEL:117, BRUSSELS. The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Sloop in the SMALL UR, '11111 1111, where he will keep constant- ly on band a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage n�syowliiciited. . W .i cr. Meat delivered to all parts of time town. 28 etc., 60 ate. and `.d. $1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by all druggist rt aures Incipient Consumption and is the beet Gough and Group Cure.. Sold by 5A8. SOS, Drusstst,ltruSsela. Know What You Chew 54 is free from the Injurious coloring The more you use of It the better you like it. THE GEO. E. TVCKETT & 9081 CO.. LTD. HAMILTON, ONT. DROPPED DEAD ! Suddenly Stricken Down by M=art Dis• ease. " A sad and sudden death occurred to e. well-known citizen on one of the lead- ing streets this morning." Nearly every large city paper cane tains daily some such heading. The number of deaths from heart failure is very largo, but it is only when they occur in some public and sensational manner that general attention is drawn to them. Palpitation and flutteringof ties heart are common complaints. With the heart itself there is nothing' radically, wrong. But the system ie disorgan- ized, the kidneys and liver are out of order, and tbo stomach is not In con- dition to do its work porperly. Be- tween them all, they throw too mead responsibility on the heart, and the latter le unable to etand the strain. A box of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills at a cost of .28 cents will regulate the system, purity the blood and make a new person of every sickly man, 77011100 or ohild. Dr. Chase's Liver -Kidney Pills may be had from any dealer or from the 000nu- in.cturers, Edmnoeson, Bates it Co., Toronto. Cue pail a dose, one cent a dose. Dr. Citnee's Temaned and Turpentine to and colds, Largest bottle on the tour- ket; only 25 cents. A. COUSLEY9 Real Estate 86 Loan Agent, - Brussels. Mousy to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate Of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes ' and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire (@ Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. A OOUSL EY, Office over Doadmau & McCall's Store, BIttTSSELS. Cheap and. First-class Material. Every Householder should call and see the Nlcalary Coal ail Stove with Fountain. BIT'S A DANDY. Window Screens all Sizes and Screen Doors made to order. . ULL You are Invited -,ucaar;v+a.r.eauaaw,+aae. •.+me,-l=ns+•;w•.c; TO SEE OUR Newest Lasts :Exclusive Designs Lowest Prices 01711 STOGIE IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL LINES and we will sustain our past Reputation of "Best Goods at Low Prices." Established 1871. ' 8 P a G '- ce ..•-, re • 1:24 LO .CN CD c> o-4 o O O O S The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mation furnished on application. w. [. aafo4'nn, Agent, Brussels.