HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-5, Page 5Jinx fi, 1890 analcascenetteamtawattztatamanwearesa iztrict Utino4 Chru•llt.Or00Ai. Mr, Stois5 attended the funeral of hie eieter at Hamburg last week, Snag MoDougall has been engaged to work in Silvan Corners °heeeefaetory. Word wee reooivod from A. 0, Damen last week of his safe arrival in Seotland, The barn belonging to Mr, Dnnn ft ()nth of the vfliage was raised one day this week: A political meeting in the intonate of E. L. Diokeneen wee held in the hall ou Wednesday evening of thle week. Bev, D, B. Molta° was in Atwood an Friday last preaching preparatory sermons in the Presbyterian church, The engine in oonneobion with the portable saw mill was removed trifle week. The mill, however is going to be left here and the engine will be brought bank for next season's work. Wroxeter. A new paper is to be started here by a Mr. Brook, Ab. Paulin and wife were visiting at Mitcbell this week. Mrs, R, Pox and Mrs. R. Miller left for Sootlaud last week, The foundation for Mre. Alison Gib. eon's new house was laid last week. John Fortune and family of Turn berry, left for Burk's Falls last week. Our popular and efficient baker, W. H. herr, fe building a new oven this week, The Union baseball team bad a walk. over with the Browne at Harrieton on the 25th. Rev. W. E. Kerr is at Stratford at. tending the annual Conference of the Methodist church. The butchering business of Thos. Bal. lantyne has been purchased by John Bray, of this village. Mise Lizzie Cowan, the estimable daughter of Joeepb Cowan, who has been an invalid for some time, died ou Friday evening. The funeral took place on Mon- day after noon, Rev. Mr. Anderson tak. ing the servioe. 1131u eva,le. Duff ta Stewart have porohaeed a new planer for their mill. Rev. J. W. Pring, of the Nile, was re- newing acquaintances in this locality this week. Rev, W. H. Mose is attending Confer- ence this week at Stratford. Joseph Leach and W. J. Johnston are the lay delegates from Bluevale circuit. Goes To ass REwAuD, Abont 9:80 o'clock Sabbath morning Martin Far- row, an old and moat' highly esteemed resident, died at the home of his eon Jno. Farrow, at the advanced age of 00 years and 6 months, Deceased was born in Stickney, Lincolnshire, England, in 1805, and was united in marriage to Miss Sabina Farrow in 1830. The family came to Canada in 1849, arriving at To. ronto on Christmas day. Mr. Farrow took up a farm in Clarke township, Durham county, where he resided until Doming to Huron County in 1878. Mrs. Farrow died in the year 1800. The eub- jeOt of this notice was a worthy Metho- dist of many years standing and as a °lase leader and Sabbath School teacher pointed many to the better land. He was a Liberal in politics, but being of a retiring disposition never sought public office. Although so well advanced in years be was wonderfully active and hie eyesight and hearing were excellent. About three weeks ago in Dotting his toe nails he pared too close, causing them to bleed. Blood poisoning ensued from which death resulted. The closing scene wee calm and peaceful, verifying the Scripture, "He giveth his beloved sleep." Mr. Farrow's children are :—John, Blue - vale ; Postmaster Farrow, Brussels ; Mrs. Wm. Smith, Bluevale ; Asher, Customs collector, Goderioh ; Jesse and Mrs. Willis Farrow, deceased. Mr. Farrow knew nothing about sickness, having bad a freedom uncommon to the general rule. The funeral took place on Tueeday and was largely attended. Rev. W. H. Mose oondaoted the service. The only survivor of Mr. Farrow's father's family is Asher Farrow, J. P., of Guelph. Ethel. Ben, Pollard now wears a blacksmith's apron. John Frazer has seamed a position as oheesemaker at Trowbridge. W. Pollard ie this week moving into the house belonging to Wm. Hicks. The traction angina in charge of Up' per Bros. panned through our village on Tuesday morning of this week. A garden party, under the auspices of the Methodist choir, will be held on Mr. Cober'e lawn on Friday evening; June 12th. A good time is expected. Dr. McDonald addressed a large marlin once in the Township Hail last Thursday evening. Reeve Straoban also spoke a short time. Dr. Ferguson was chair- man. E, L. Diokiueon,the Conservative San• didate for East Huron, addressed an audience in the Township Mall on Tues- day evening of this week. He was aa. elated by J. J, Denman, while G. F. Blair, of Brussels, spoke in behalf of Dr, McDonald. R. Lang acted as chairman. The Public Library has been moved to the Poetoi loo, where at will be in charge of Mies L, Spence as Librarian. It will bo open from 8 a. in. to 7 p. m, on Mon- day, Thursday and Saturday of each week. The fee has been reduced to 25 cents a year for ouch farnily and with this special induooment the Board of Management intends increasing its mem- berebip to at least 200, If you arenot already a member, take advantage of this offer at 0000. RBaonr.—Tho following report shows the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 11, Grey, for the mouth of May : noon 1, 4th °lase --Lily Dobson, Cora Sanders, May, Milne, Wilbur Lindsay; So. OrdL. Annie Batsman, Howard MoAllieter, Carl McAllister, Willie Lindsay ; Jr. Ord —Edna Milne, Mamie Hansuld, Heleen Barr, Maud Badgely ; Sr. and•-•-itaudie Quorrin, Henry Quarrin, Oliver Lindsay, Percy Groeneidee. GEO. Deese e, Teacher. neOSO 2, Jr, 2nd—Eva McAllister, Waiter Say. age, Boesie Wanner, Minnie Bateman Sr. Part 2nd --Ida Faulkner, Mamie Mo. Allister,Georgie Eekmier, Olive Ray. nerd ; Jr, Part 2nd—Oaoil Lindsey, 'Charlie Cameron, Wfllieliadgely, Cerena Sharp; Sr. Part let—Rneeel Dilworth, Grover • Gill, LillIeu Dowdell, Millie yoga. Mase Wiggin &Man, Teaeher, THE BRUSSELS POST The following lefts!•, tecelved by Mea, he eon, bee reference to the death or: her eon, .'homas Danis MAn4nta,—i.'leaes pardon me for writing you thews few linen. I thought it would ease your mind to know, in my eetimatien, 00 to what gauged your eon, Thomae, to do what he did, In my long ewperiecce of undertaking I have had esveral bodies to deal with that were killed with lightning, and without exssp., tion, every one haw been the same as your sec's body, that is in regard to the pre. servation of the corpse. It is my honest oonviction, in Saab I feel satisfied, that your eon got a very bad shook of light. Hing on Monday night, I' believe he was shunned for the time and when he same to his mind was affected, and X feel con- iident that your boy was not responsible for his actions, I have not come to this oonolusion from what I have heard, bob by twenty.flve years of experien00 in the busineas, R. LsAi'uannnaE. Brussels, May 29th, 1896. co.rezv. Robert Bell le visiting at Guelph, Mre. Geo. Dunlop ie seriously ill wi erysipelas, A. tea meeting will be held in Roe choral on the 17t11 inst. Mies Emyline MaQoarrie arrived born from Detroit on Thursday. Mr, Italie, of Toronto, spout a fe days at H. McQuarrie's laet week. Ed, Hill was home from Goderioh fo Saturday and Sunday. He wheeled ove There were nine appeals before th Conrt of Revision, but all were dispose of. John Hill wife and family, of Clinto spent Sunday with his father, John Hil in Grey. Ernest Eisler be recovering from a atbaok of pleurisy and inflammation o the lunge. Will. McQuarrie spent a few days a his home last week, but has returned t school again. 8 dente per yard will likely be fixed a the highest price to be paid for graver b the township. Potatoes are a drug on the market, good many hundred bushels oould b found in Grey township. Revue, E. V. and W. A. Smith ar away on a holiday visit with relatiue and friends at Exeter and London. A new bridge will be built over th Maitland on eon. 8, at lots 25 and 26 Tenders will be received up to June 20th Reeve Strachan and Deputy -Reeve Hislop and Turnbull are attending th County Council at Gbderioh this week, Mre, Fi, A. Slater and son left Bras eels on Tuesday for Vancouver, wher Mr. Slater holds a position. We wis them a cafe journey. The Logan family instead of going baok to the House of Refuge, have re moved to Howick township, where the have set up bo0sekeeping on their ow 0000000. Jas. McDonald, 10111 con., and Riohar Bewley, 7th line Morris, purpose going t Northern Ontario, Rainy River Diebrio on a proepeeting tour. They will b away for a few weeks, A union elbool section is asked be tween Grey and 11101E14. Grey ap pointed Charles Mitchell arbitrator, ba McKillop Council declined to aot, se tlhei requisition should be in before May 1st Which is right? The celebration of our Queen's Birth day will not soon be forgotten by many of our young people. Among others we notice that Clinton and the Queen City lost part of their attractions for the day, but wheeling is good now, on the 4th especially, and South as far as Manorial.We hope it Will. continue. REPORT.—The following is the atansliog of the pupils of S. ,5. No, 9, Grey, for the month of May, based on class marking and marks obtained at examinations. The names are in order of merit :—Sr. 4011—Bella Mann, Bessie Oliver ; Jr. 4th. —Willie McKay, Lizzie McKay, George Hanley, Annie Bray ; Sr. 3rd—Wilber Harkness, Verne Moaught, Lawrence MoNaught, Jobn MoKay, Russel Mo. Naught, Jas, Mann, Irene Forbes ; Jr. 3rd—Ella MoNaught, Hattie Fraser, Russel Robertson, Rennie Bray ; Jr. 2nd —Ethel MoNaught, Geo. Patterson, Willie Harrison, Nanny. Sperling, Han- nah McKay, Nellie Harbobtla; Sr. Part 2nd—Willis Mann, Jobe Campbell ; Sr. Part 2nd—Olive Oliver, Frank Harrison, Katie Harbottie ; Jr. Part let—Norman. MoNaugbt, Harry Mol8aught, Wesley Many, Wilbur Bray, Henry McKay, Willie Hanley. B. PEAneoso, Teacher, Smoot, REPORT. --The following is the tending of the pupils in S. S. No. O for the month of May. The names appear n order of merit :-5th glass-9.11an amort ; Sr. 4th—P. Lamont, Jno. ogg, M. Smith, S. Lamont, V. Cardiff, Strachan, 13. Livingston, H. Gunning - am ; absent for whale or part of exam. nation, A. B. McKinnon, S. Lamont, H. uoningbam. Jr. 4111—Jane Hogg. Sr. rd—G. Richardson, J. Straohan, M. ardiff ; absent—M. Cardiff. Jr. 8rd— lex. Lamont, May Hogg, G. Stewart, R. ork, A, R. Cardiff, A. Livingston, R, oKinnon, A. Brewer ; absent—D. Me. iuoou, W. Brewer, V. Abbey, A. Brew - r. 2nd olaes—Jno. Work, L. Richard. on and D. McDonald, equal, S. Living - ton and W. Elliott, equal, F, Abbey, D. rawer. Part 2nd—Laura Cardiff, Sadie amort, Lizzie Brewer, Ella Mollfnnon. art let, Sr. Div,—R. Cunningham, L. ensont, A. McDonald, D. MoKinuon ; r. Div. --Harold Hogg, Willie Cardiff, eagle McDonald, Ben. Abbey. J. T. Downs, Teacher. REronT,—The following is the deriding pupils of S. S. No. 1, Grey, for the onbh of bltay :—Primary aloes, total, 50—B. MoNab, 384 ; T. Switzer, 300, , S. L., total, 800-3. Blake, 292 ; J, ichardson, 61 ; A. MoNab, 48, 4011 ane, total, 300-4. Omar, 277 ; E, erdiif, 247 ; A. Calder, 280 ; W. Arm. tong, 220 ; A. Switzer, 105 ; L, Blake, 4 ; M, Hoggard, 165 ; E. Bedford, 158 ; . Armstrong, 153 ; M. McKay, 121 ; N, sCallum, 105 ; J. Farquharson, 70 ; A, allay, 54. 3rd elate, total, 225—V, rmetrong, 171 ; C. Pepper, 106 ; A, edlord, 155 ; D. Davidson, 90 ; 111. IN. nger, 00 ; G. Blake, 88 ; M. Oakley, 87; , Davidson, 88 ; W. Ghtseier, 29 ; W. oWiliam21 ; R. Elliot, 21. 2nd oleos, cal, 200—M, Riley, 107 ; B. Davidson, 6 ; G. Bielby, 172 ; E. Hollinger, 142 ; . flake, 100 ; A. Dickson, 88 ; M, arditf, 81 ; L. Diokeon, 60 ; B. Rands, J. Hoggard, 30 • M. Bedford, 25, t oleos, total, 150—G. Dark, 112 ; W. iley, 140 ; A. Glassier, 78 ; A. Oakley, I; F. Bielby, 25 ; M. 'Haggard, 24, onore—B. MoNab, T. Switzer, 3. Blake, rsr Oar, 11. Cardiff, A. Calder, W. Arm. roug, V. Armstrong, M. Riley, 13, avideon, G. Bielby. W. 11, STEWAnnT, Teaober, th 'e e w rt r. a 1, 0 3' A e a s e A e • y d t r • L H E h 3 0 W M K a a B L P L J M of 4 P R al C et 10 0 M 111 A 13 li F M to 170 68 rt 47 P J. et A E. L. Diokinean, the Conservative :nominee, held a meeting at Moloeworth loot Monday evening. Re was assittod by Mr. Welob, el Listowel, Per Dr. )Ie. Donald a good spool; wee made by Arch.' Iliolop, 1dward Br an wed ohalrman, To Arae: LooRENZO Pl itAxsc,--I beg to ex. prase, along with Mrs, Vrayno, our warm sympathy with you in the heavy trial you Neve been welted with in tip re- moval of your mother, (Mrs. Ilobt. Boll) a lass to you, to your father, the /eyed ones oho loft behind and the oheroh of God, bub to her 11 is gain eternal, Be. loved and honored while she lived, she died eiueerely lamented. Emphatically she fought a "good light" and to the last she loved to tell of God's goodness to her and the wonderful love of Ohriet, Dgay you and the loved ones she left behind, who have already ee severely suffered by your mother'e removal, foal ab this limo the strong support of the everlasting arms, and experience the loving aympatby of the Great and ever living High Priest, who le a stronghold in time of trouble and knoweth them that put their trust in Him. With united albeotion to you and your loved ones I, remain; my eieter-in' law, Yours affectionately, JAR. A. Fiuuaa. Balmoral, Man, W al too. Sam. Swale, of Bruesele, paid Walton a flying visit this week. John Turnbull, who reeently suffered an aomiden6, is rapidly improving. It is rumored that a oouple of wed- dings are on the tapie aisle week. Measles and ohioken•pox are epedemio in the vicinity of Walton and Leadbury. Messrs. T. and J. Bolger have corn. plated a fence around the school yard here. Mrs. McNeil, of Hallett, who was vie• Ring at her daughter's, Mrs. Clark's took suddenly ill with pneumonia, but be now oonveleeoeat. A large number from this vicinity at- teuded the Episcopal S. 8. Convention on Tuesday e.t Brusaselc and they report having a Dieasant and profitable meet- ing. A polibioal meeting in the interests of Mr. Dickinson was to have been held here on Thursday evening of thio week but was oanoelled for the meantime. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy is attending the annual Conference at Stratford. Jack- son's appointment has been changed back to Blyth to come into effect after Con • ference. • Dr. McDonald's meeting here was a good one. The chair was occupied by Thos MoFadzean and addresses were girt. en by Deputy -Reeve Hislop and the Dr. This polling place will give a good ac- count of itself on June 23rd. Workmen oommenoed at the improve- ments to Mrs. Sage's babel this week and the brick veneering, ;no., will goon be pushed to completion. R. G. Wilson, of Brussels, has the contrast, and, D. A. Lowry is doing the brick work. A petition signed by Jae. McCallum, Hugh Fulton, and others requesting a new school union eohool enation with the township of Grey, was laid before the McKillop Council, but no action was tak. en, as all changes in school sections must be made before the brat of May. GARDEN Palma—The garden party which came off last week at Mr. Christo- pher's near Walton, oould not be galled a perfect sueoeas financially or otherwise, the proceeds amounting to $80. We may state as reasons the weather had a very threatening appearance, which no doubt kept some people from coming, and the Convention which was going on at the same time in Brussels and which was entirely forgotten when that even- ing was being appointed for the garden party. To make matters worse there was uo program, the parties who promie. ed to take part in it broke their word and did not show tip leaving all for the Band to dc, the members of which did their parts well. On the evening of the Queen's Birth- day Mrs. Sage and Mise Annie, the well known Canadian musical experts, were at St. Thomas. The Daily Times of that city in speaking of them says :— The concert given Monday night under the auspices of the Aima street Presby. terian ohurch was largely attended. Mrs. and Mies Sage, the musical glass players, rendered several selections very prettily. -The numbers that elicited the greatest applanes were "Annie Laurie,' Nearer my God to Thee," "The Irish Washerwoman," "Theo 'You'll Remem- ber Me," and others of similar popular repute. Perhaps this ie the first time a St. Thomas audience bad the opportunity of hearing the glasses—not only glasses, but bottles and nleighbells—and in every number the audience ebowed their ap• prsoiation by hearty encores, White Star Line. ROYAL 1IIAIL STE04IsUUIPS. Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this lino carry only a strictly limltod number iu the vrnaT and SECOND CABIN accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that au early , p- son�a Pi or.ou for borths plans, rt toe,reta ,apply to this sea - W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brneoels. s Er WHERE TO SPEND YOUI4 Tho Ideal Brymon Paradioo Is the Georgian Bay and Muskoka Lake llegiou, "THE HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO." Easily readied from all pointe. For Beat, Reoreatioc, Fishing, Boating, Bath- ing, Camping, eta., Ibis ;favored District (500 51, above Lake Huron) is unequalled. A special folder with maps and full in. formation can be had on application to S. N. KENDALL, G.'T, R. Agent, Brussels. WING to the fact that I still have .on hand a very large stock, I have conclude& that it would not only be to my own interest but also to the interest of the public at large, to remain in Brussels far a while longer, and will for the next two weeks, at least, offer the balance o:f this big stock at such prices as will put a big hole in it shortly. The stock is fully assorted with seasonable goods and will be kept so to the end. IN REAOYMADE OLOTii"1C For Boys, Youths and Men we can and will sell Cheaper t}.lain, other Merchants can buy. In Women's and Children's SHOES We cannot boast of a very large stock, nevertheless we have, such goods as are in cl.emand and we will clear thele out at any fair price. A. Line of Tittle Bogs' Blue Serge Pant; Just what is wanted for rough. wear, will be closed out at Me,. Piles of Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery and Haberdashery of all kinds, less than cost. Ladies' Shirt Waists at Clearing Prices. Extra values in Dress Goods, Linings and Trimmings. IN LEADING STAPLES Shirtings, Such as Carpet Warps, Cottons both bleached and unbleached, Cottonacles, STickings, Sheeting, Flannels, Flannelettes, Ginghams, Muslins' Prints, Table Linen, etc., we give bargains that are unequalled. The Highest Price allowed for good Butter and Home Cured Meat. Id GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS. To the Public The stock of Coffins, Caskets and Undertak- ers' Supplies received by Jas. Walker, Brus- sels, is first-class and will be sold at moderate prices. A good hearse will also be kept in con- nection with the busi- ness. Satisfaction as- sts' ed. D. G. HOGG. A. NEW AND STARTLING PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects ELANTM WATT PIOCPSO This is the Latest Ont, and is tuition the letsd. Don't fail to call and see ean:Ties of same. e''Views of Residences, Pio•nfo Parties, etc., takeu.by applying or sending your order. ALL Or nna 'WORE GUARANTEED To BE FTna7:.Catss Nothing nicer than to have some Photos of ourselves and homes as we go through this world, to look back on in after years. TIIE PRICES ARE RIGIIT And the '7Vorir is the Bost. I "Coyne while in health. Always Welcome at the Old Reliable Photograph Studio. H. R. BREWER, Artist Gallery Over Sntlth &s lieLarett's SAT THE OXE TER e . . WOOLEN MILLS 100,000 Lbs. of Wool Wanted, for which. the Highest Price will be paid, either. Cash or Trade We are prepared to open the wool season of 1896 with the Largest and Best Assorted Stock we have over had to exchange for wool, composed of Fine and Coarse Tweeds, Worsteds, Berges, Cottonades, Shirtings, Fine Flannels, Flannelettes, Tailors' Trimmings, etc. Our Home-made Stock, which is Guaranteed to be made of Entirely Pure Wool, is Complete, comprising Light and Heavy Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Sheetings, Yarns, etc. We have direct communication with the best markets of Canada and the United States, which enables us to pay the very highest possible price. (Custom Work in all its branches Promptly Attended To, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Our !lotto is small profits and quick returns. McKelvie & Forsythe. SEASON IS AGAIN NEAR AT IIAND AND TIIE UST r'r 'I it i Nl"1 EL WO LE Want 50,000 l bs. of Woof for whied they will pay the Highest Prices, Cash or Traaa. Wo have enlarged our building to make masa for a line of early Malde 01ot1 i ,g,; Manufactured out of our own make of Goods,. which we claim no Store or Factory wan compete with. CALL AND SIDE FOR YOURSELF AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. B. F. Brook & Son.