HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-5, Page 4THE BRUS:SELS PAST JuNE 5, 1890 New Advertisements. Loe41--•4. J. Lavin, Tnruip Geode -A. Strao10 o. Drugs --•Deadman & McCall, Beef wiue & iron -Jas, Fox, Biggee bargains -A. J. Levis, Dull for service. -Tames Sherrie. Bull for servioe-G. A, Deadman. we are aware of lute the Oanedien farmer been benefitted by the high tariff that etfmulabes combines rather than rewards the hard toil of the fernier. '12bo plat• form orator says but loot( at the low price of cotton and sugar. Yea, and also look M the low prig° of evorytbfng the farmer has to sell, Oats M 19 vents ; batter 11o; eggs, TO 1 pobat0Qs, 100 ; wool, 18o„ she, (C[ t tostrbs Ql •pzti Noone objects to civil servant% being - _, _, - wellpaia, or even being granted a reason• .1'R:j DAY, JUNE 5, 1896. able allowance, if they, pay into the super- auuuatiou fund enough money to make it DOMINION ELECTION. , NOMINATION, • • TUMMY, Juuo 16 POLLING, TuoSUAT, Souse 28 " THE POST " TICKET Pima= • HON. WILS'RID LAURIER East Huron, • - Dn. MODomem South Huron, - - Jose, McMu,Lni, West Huron, • - M. C. CA:unnoN North Porth, - • • Jas. Giusys North Wellington, J,ts. MCMtuanx LAron:n at Listowel next Tuesday af- ternoon. Go and hoar him. Da, MoDoxai m should have a majority of 500 in East Huron if every Liberal gets to work in earnest. The prospects were never brighter. IF the N. P. is such a bonanza to mann, federate, outside of the oombiues, you would think that they would be ranged on the side of this great enricher, but if the East Riding of Huron is any guide for other eonstitueucies it happens that there are about 4 to 1. )manufacturers in East Huron who are supporting the Lib- eral policy and the Liberal candidate. These figures are not built on the pattern. of the Dominion census returns but can be vouched for by the publication of the names and addresses of these gentlemen. Tme savings bank rebtuns used to be a mighty weapou in the hands of the pro. tectionists, It must be confessed that the growth of the deposits might mean many things. It was certainly open to the in- terpretation that a number of people could not find a better investment for their money than the 3i per cent. that is now the rate. At all events those who regarded the swelling deposits as a sign of prosperity must be prepared to admit that their decrease is an indication of the opposite. Of late the tendency to ac• cumulate has been checked. For the five months ending April 30 the increase has been but 52550,551, while for the month of April itself the withdrawals exceeded the deposits by 5217,815. Have the people reached the point when they must live on their savings ? Sous of those folks who are fidgety over the Goderieh harbor expenditure during the McKenzie regime should make a few enquires about the lavish and use. less investments made at Bayfield and Port Albert by the present Government. The election speeches when Hon. J. C. Patterson was running in West Huron contained bulldozing offers to vote for Patterson or lose the appropriations voted for necessary improvements to Goderich harbor. It was the same old coercion spirit so prominently brought to the front in the That session of the Dominion Parliament, Here are a few figures the electors should ponder, as to how con- tracts are let and completed by the Do. minion Government :- Estimated cost Paid. Wellington bridge 62.03,000 6405,000 Little Rapids look 45.000 255,000 aeons Espies (not now in ase) 012.000 029,000 St. Marisa branch 'Ry(land; 223,200 009,000 St, Charles branch 'R0(warke) 027,000 022;!72 Lancevin block 444,000 703,001 The above list could be largely increased by the addition of the Cmran bridge, Tay Canal, &c., &e. Le the campaign literature issued by the Conservative party and in the speeches of numerous candidates an ef• fort is being made to show the value of the N. P. to the Canadian farmer by a comparieon of the Chicago and Toronto markets, that is not only misleading, but unfair and incorrect. First of all Chi- cago is 450 miles West of Toronto, and to their market quotations should be added 6 or 7 cents for freight in the comparison. 2nd. The Toronto street market, which is always higher than the exchange, is compared with the Chicago market. 3rd. Buffalo. an American market, about opposite Toronto, is the place that should be rated with Toronto, or if Chicago is used Winnipeg should be placed along• side of it. Another point to that the price of Fall Wheat in Ontario is govern- ed more by tbo local demand than by Liverpool ratings as the bulk of our wheat is utilized for mixing purposes while with Chicago and Winnipeg are governed by the Liverpool tariff. With the above explanations we will take a look at the markets and see how matters stand :--- rosONTO. llUFFALO. Fall Wheat, 090, 70c, Barley, 32 40 Oats 20 24a Peas, 47 Not quoted Corn, 20 32 Live hogs, 4 5 Sheep, 8i 3.055 to 8.90 Lambs, ' 2.75 to 4 5.00 to 5.00 The above figures are taken from last Saturday's papere and aro the highest geobations in eaoh ease, In no case that solf.supporting. But under the Govern- ment now in power at Ottawa, the super- aanuatiou system has been abused, Able- bodied men have been suporaunnated at 50 and 41 years of age. Some paid in as low as a few dollars, and have drawn out of the feud 52,000. One man paid 118.49 and has drawn out $11,000. One man was paid a big salary for many years. He did nob pay one cent into the super- annuation fand, but he has drawn out 527,000. Let the toiling masses think of that and of the millions of dollars boodled away in corrupt publiocontraots, of which the following sums, stolen from the pub - lie treasury, with the °onnivance or by the gross negligence of the amen i0 power, are only a few speoimone The Connolly-MoGreevy steal - 6700,000 270,000 476,128 260,000 446,600 155,000 800,000 lugs The Curan bridge steal Tay Canal Little Rapids look Galops Rapids channel Sheik's Island dam Fredericton bridge Some people express astonishment that trade has been dull, and grumble because the public have not spent mousy on the products of Canadian industry. If the unnecessarily millions of dollars e y filched from the pockets of the Canadian people, and put into the pockets of the beuefio- iaaies of these and other rascalities, were now in the possession of the taxpayers, what a boom there would be l -London Advertiser. 'VICTO$IS'S CA[L3I[TI. Victoria, 33, C., is still in a dazed con• dition as the resntt of the bridge disaster. All day divers were at work. The oar that fell from the bridge was pulled out on the bank, bit it is believed there are still a number of bodies entangled in the wreckage of the bridge itself. Fifty- three bodies have been taken from the wreak, and itis known that at least three more ars yet to be recovered. The bridge had on three separate o0. cations been pronounced unsafe, and had been condemned. It was built for wagon traffic end was not intended for railroad use. The car that paused the accident was the heaviest on the line. Once be- fore, several months ago, it had crossed the bridge when crowded, and load caus- ed snob a sagging that it was feared the bridge would fall. After that experience the car was not run uatil last week, when it was pot on to accommodate the extra traffic. It is reported that the city will be sued for 51,000,000 damages by relatives of the victims. 0:72T7 006=M+00 MARSs£'1:'E, Fall Wheat 68 68 Barley.. 25 30 Peas 45 Oats 19 Butter, tube and rolls 11 Eggs per dozen ... 7? 8 Flour per barrel....,4 00 4 50 Potatoes (new) 10 12 Hay per ton. 8 00 Hides trimmed 4 . 477 Aides rough 3 8} Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skins, eaoh 60 75 Lamb skins eaoh 15 40 Apples per bus 1 00 Hogs, Live 8 60 8 70 Dressed Hogs 4 00 4 50 Wool 18 Dams MARosTs.-INGEIIsoLL, Ont., June 2, -Offerings to.day, 2,300 boxes. Sales -113 at 61e ; 434 at 6 5/10o ; 1,294 at 65e ; I00 at t 6/17o• Good attendance. Market brisk. Liverpool -Cheese dull ; demand poor ; finest American white, 42s 6d ; finest American colored, 88s. Butter-Fineeb U. S., 70s ; good, 50s. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., June 2. -Cattle Receipts all consigned through, but there were four or five loads of heavy cattle still unsold left over from yeeter. day, for which there were no orders ; market about steady. Hoge -Receipts only 8 cars ; market very dull ; Yorkers good to oboice, 58,45 to 53.50 ; roughs, common to fair, $2.75 to 53.85 ; pigs, common to fair, 58.25 to 59.40. Sheep and lambs -Receipts only 1 oar ; market quiet ; lambs, choice to prime, 36.76 to $5.90 • culls and common, 52.75 to 54.- 40 ; sheep, good to oboioe heavy weight wethere, 54.25 to 64.50 ; culls and com- mon, 51.25 to 58.50 ; Cattle market olos. ed weak for heavy steers, with all sold at $4,14 to 34.15. Bogs closed dull and weak, but all sold. Sheep and lambs closed very dull for heavy sheep with a few left over. TonoNTo, Ont, June 2. -Toronto oattle market was dull and weak to.day owing chiefly to large offerings, but demand was poor. Receipts were 84 oars, iaoluding 200 sbespl and lambs, 176 calvee, 2,000 hogs. Export trade buying is demand. ized, end only one or two dealers were operating. There were quite a few loads left over at the oloee ; export oat• tle were in moderate demand ; a few gold to fill space. The great rush of cattle here was accounted for by the fact tbat farmers have been holding baok their cattle in expectation of higher prime, and although drovers refused to buy then( last week, and warned farmers that the market today wodld be bad, the latter in some oases brought cattle them- selves to market and took 25 to d0o per cwt. less than they ware offered by drovers. Best sold to.day at $3.00 to $8,80 par cwt, Butchers cattle were quiet ; a few picked cattle sold at 6 c, but the riling prices were cad to 8o for oboioe. Common cattle were sold from 20 10 2,}o, Five oars were taken for Moutreel, Bulls quint at ego 30 80. d. p0rting bltgneotves; the oxtreeegaut ex. few fancy ones sold at 8#0 to Bayo. Stoup. peudlture in oousbruoting raitwoys, WAI- T and foodere cold at 8#0 to 05q Por 11,.; ata and other pubiio "'Qrlto ; the oorrXi7• .' light stockers, dull, ab 2}e to 2 o per Ib, tins roshoettng the "'OA °I,14 eoanda1, A oar of good fseders averaging 1,267, and the Manitoba aoltucte, all of width sold at Bio per pound. Sheep and lambs was listened to with 'intense interest by, were qu1Ot ; spring lambs met with beet all present: The meeting closed with (Muors ter the Queen and Dr. McDonald. il'he following be the standing of the nupil4,01 S. S. No. 8, Morrie, for the month of. May :-Enbranoe Mese-- Herbert Wheeler, Maggie Yell), Lyon Pipe. Sr, 4th-Wiilie Wilson, Kate Black, Mary Kathie, Bogie Wateee, Liz. sie Mtahie, Joe. 'Swirl. Jr. 4th-Rueoeli Wheeler, Willie Caution, Ernie Wheeler, Bert Watson, 3no. Yell], Edgar Proctor, Willie Wilson, Lilly Kellington. Jr, 8rd -Ag'gite Speir, Pearl Pipe, Annie Speir, Stanley Wheeler, Jos, Hanna, Rebt. Kel. lington, Wesley Stephenson, Sr. 2nd - Jennie Shedden, Ethel Pipe, llobt, Douglas, Willie Douglas, Louis Cole. Jr. 2nd-Beeoie Watson, Annie Hender- son, Frankie Mo0ragken; Lilly Hender- son, Gusty Wheeler, Alex, Stewart, Jae. MoOraoken, Andy Miller, Sr, let -Jas. Miobie, Alex, Speir, Thee. Cameron, Lennie' Wheeler, Willie Clark, Maggie Shedden, Minnie Gibson, Jr. lot -Elsie Speir, Jas. MoCraoton, Jessie' Wheeler, Ethel Watson, Wellington Giboon, Ernie Cole, Willie Little. M. Bnooa, Teacher. (lantana, but they wore not ae active as last week. Sheep were dull ; yearlings, steady ; spring lambs 001a at ea to $8.26 eaoh ; yearlings, with wool on, sold .et 4o to 50 per pound. Sheep nominal at 80 perponnd, Oeivoe were in good supply, and the market was easy at 58.60 to $4 oath. Miloboows and springers drill, at 520 to 80 each, Really (hol=y cows would fetob $85, Offerings of hogs were Liberal, and 913010 were io ,lower, at 4t0 ; atoms, sap to 40 ; light fat, 4o ; Wok fab, ltko ; sows 35, and stags and rough hogs, 2o per pqund, Tones/To, June 2. --Mather dull, Flour Slow ; prioes nominal, 53.20 to $8.80, Toronto freights, for straight rollers. Bran dull,; oars quoted at 59.60, west, and shorts at $10 to 11, wheat dull feeling unsettled, owing to lower and de. moralized markets in the States ; white quoted on Northern ab 690 to 700, and red at 07o to 68e ; No, 1 Manitoba hard at Geo, Fort William, and the same grade quoted at 60o, Midland. Harley quiet; little or no outside demand ; No. 2 moot. ed at 810 to 880, and No. O extra at 30. Oats quiet, and prices unchanged ; white sold at 20 cents, outside, and mixed at 19ao ; oars on track quoted at 28o to 28}o. Peas quiet ; offerings at 40o north and west. Buckwheat quiet ; no busi• nese reported ; quotations about 820 out- side. Oatmeal quiet ; pricers nominal, at $2.60 on track. Oorn dull ; prices un- changed ; at outside points quotations are 28e to 20e. li os-rIr.. Grasshoppers are becoming very num. eroue. A wedding is on the Lapis this month on the 011 oon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Clark are both un. der the care of a physician at present. Mrs. Thomas Stewart, who has been ill for the past three weeks, is improving quite nicely. The eaorament of the Lord's supper will be observed in Knox oberch, Bel - grave, next Sabbath. Thos. Robinson, who was working for Alex. Conon, has gone to the Stratford hospital owing to a lame knee. E. Liviogetone, of the Queen's Hotel, Belgravo, has bad the interior of his stable, stalls, feed cribs, eta., renewed. A Page wire fenoe is being put up at Button's =boo! hones. Wm. Jaoksou has the job. The lot was never fenced before. Robert Gibson losta good working borne last week by inflammation of the tunes. As he had an only team the loss will.be more keenly felt. Tenders will be received for building Sunshine bridge as soon as plans are prepared. The new bridge will be erect• ed several yards up stream from the old One. James Hall baa erected several new fences on bis farmbesides logging a good portion of lamd which adds con• rderable to the appearance and value of his property. The following are the teachers and office bearers in connection with the Presbyterian 0. S., Belgravo :-Tesohers -0. Miobis, Geo. Taylor, John tlfc0al. lona James Cunningham, Maggie Har- rison, Annie Meiklejohn and Mrs. Rev. W. T. Hall ; Superintendent, D. eleikle- echn ; See., W. J. Scott ; Treas., Jennie Taylor ; Librarian, D. Allison ; Organ. 1st, Bertha Wightman. The school is in a flourishing condition. ScnooL REPORT. -The following is bbe report of the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 9 for the month of May, in order of merit ;-5th olass-Jas. McCall. Sr. 4th -Alice Kirkby, Gavin Bewley, Sara Taylor, Maggie Cterman, Ada Searle, Bella McCall, Mand Sholdtoe. Jr. 4th - May Taylor, Lizzie McCall, Maggie Mo. Call, Laura Fear, Sr. 8rd-Willie Kelly, Rose Searle, Edith Jaokson. Jr. 3rd - Willie .McCall, Maud Jackson, Emma McCall, Joe Bewley, Ray Fear, Mary McArthur, Roderick McLean. 2nd class -Lyle Jackson, Mary llfoOutoheon, Lilly Bewley, Alex. Farquharson, Francis McLean, Wesley Searle. Pert 2 -Geo. Skelton, Leslie Fear, Menno Jackson. Part 1 -Manson Taylor, John 'Watson, Ooral McArthur, Carrie Sbortred, Car- rie Jackson, John Gray, Eva Bewley. R. W. Jawrur, Teacher. Reroor.-The following is the report of pupils in the ja. department of S. S. No. 11, Morris :-Sr. 2nd-Aggie Mc. Donald, Gertie Grigg, Willie Weiss, Ida Fulton, Libbie McArthur, Dau.Pomeroy, Mamie Bennett, Vera McDonald, Willie Humphries, Willie Bennett, Jae. Martin, Fletcher Grimoldby, Jas. Rowland.. Ir. 2nd -Violet Carter, John Ritchie, (Mary Flannery, myrtle McLeod, Lizzie Ryan, Reim McLeod. Sr. 2nd part - Lena Bennett. Leila Johnston, Robbie 13fc1'adzeao.-Jr, 2nd part -Ceased Knight, Willie Grimoldby, Richard Gray. Sr, let -Joe Grigg, Herby Chris- topher, Geo. McGavin, Maud Fraser, John McDonald, Alvin Outer, viva Burns, Eddie Rowland, Earl McLeod. Jr. 1st- David Knight, , Gilbert Grigg, Ellie Rowland, Annie Martin, Decoy Forest, Sadie Burns. M. R. Einar, Teacher. POLITICAL M INT/NO.-A fair represen• Cation of the eleetors gathered in the Township Hall on Friday evening of last week for the purpose of hearing addresses on the political questions of the day. Geo. Hood was appointed chairman, a position wbioh he filled to the satiefae- tiou of all. On the platform were Dr. McDonald, in whose interest the meeting was held, and Arch. Hislop, of Grey, there being no one present in behalf of Mr, Dickinson, the Conservative Candi• date. air. Hislop addressed the meeting for 30 minutes, pointing out in an able manner the many defeots in the admin- istration of affaire at Ottawa, also the miserable failure of the N. P. in its re. !atlon to the agrioultural industrials of the country. Dr. MoDonald never ap- peared in better form and in a speech of upwards of one hour, pointed out very clearly that the N. P. had not benefitted the farmer either directly or indirectly, that it hada made a few manufacturers rich at the expense of many, that it dig. oriminated against the poor and wonting classes of our country, the duty being higher on the necessaries of life than on what might be termed luxuries. Hs also sbowed that onr population bad deareae. 0d as well as the wine of farm lands un. der the N. P. The other points touched 00 were the present superannuation eye. tem, wbere large sums of money were paid men wbo were quite capable of sop. Macfarlane's Hero. L. 14'A•5IL, rnoenrOTon, This pure-bred Clydesdale Stallion will take the season of 1808 as follows :- Monday, will leave hie own stable, lot 17, con. 14, Grey, and proceed to --Grey, for noon ; thenos South to Logan Bound- ary, then East to W. Jury's, lot 12, oon. 17, Elma, for night. Tuesday, will pro. oeed North to J. Reach's, con. 14, Elma, for noon ; thence East along 12th con. of Elma to A. MaMain's for night. Wed- nesday, will proceed North to oon, 10, Elma, then West via Newry to J. Dun - eau's, 12th con., Elm, for noon ; thence West to W. Wherry's for night. Thurs- day, will proceed est via Henfryn to Ethel for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. Friday, will pt'ooeed via Oranbrook to John Lamont's for noon ; thence West, then North to Ord Con., Grey, then to Win. Forrest's, lot 25, 2nd ren„ Morris, for night. Saturday, will proceed to American Hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. STAR RESTAURANT W. H. PELTON JERSEY ICE CREAM .. .. COOL REFRESHING DRINKS .. FRESH FRUITS OF ALL KINDS .. TEA BISCUITS Awn CANNED GOODS FRESH - STAR Ramonaxr. W. H. PELTON. DR. MCDONALD The Liberal Candidate for East Riding of Huron, Will hold Political Meetings for the pur- pose of discussing the questions of the Say, as follows : MoLBswoioTlI, Monday,' June S. SPBItAIN'S, Tuesday, ,Tulle 9. BUTTON'S, Wednesday, June 10. I3RowNTowO, Thursday, June 11. JAMBSTOWN, Friday, June 12. BLSTo, Friday, June 5. Meetings Commence at 8 P. M. Mn. DlcxuNsme, the Conservative Candidate, or anyone in his behalf, will be allowed an opportunity of addressing the meetings. ('Ladies also Cordially Invited. " GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" A NTING I The undersigned are prepared to attend to all branches of Painting, including House, Sign, Carriage and Urn amental Work. Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and Decorating neatly aucl prompt- ly looked after at mod- erate Prices. We make a Speoiaity of atauufaoturing and placing in position First -Class Awnings. Orders left at our Paint Shop, formerly used by Messrs. Itocldiek & Wake, will be attended to with dispatch. Paper Hanging Orders lntty be loft with 1v2essrs. Deadman & Mc- Call. SAMPLE BIOS PAINTERS. Have y>~iu seen onr $1400 N [1 Ainl .iiri1A1!r'u More pieces than ever fol $1. Bicycle Accessories, Lawn Vlowers, A1abastine, Churns, Screen Doors and Windows. `, IT. Gerry. J. C. SKENE HAS THE FOLLOWING LINE OF CauueU GooUs. Pine Apple, Apricots, Peaohes, Egg Plums, Green Gage Plums, Golden Plums, Nectarines, White Cherries, Barbet Peers, Blue Berries, Apples, Raspberry Jam, Strawberry Jam, Black Currant Jam, Red Currant Jath, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beane, Salmon, Sardines, Herring, Pressed Beef, Chip Beef, Pigs Feet Boneless, Oysters, Mushrooms, Chicken and Tongue. (T. G. Skene. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. eseaseasellaseaaussettaresesaesst The Best Turnip Seeds -FOE SALE AT- STHACHAN'S Elephant, Westbury, Bangttolfn, East Lothian, Skirving's Improved, Sharpe's Improved, Carters Imperial, Sutton's Champion, Royal Norfolk, Green Top and White. G-rey Stone. Stook Coanplete in all Lines. kSllladlian, New UijlertaMug EslalilisV b)v tip, ! ,P a' mg WaI-:,. erg Carriage Builder, Brussels, has decided to add an Undertak-' ing Department to his Carriage Works and has purchased a FIRST-CLASS HEARSE AND A LARGE STOOK OF Casket, Cam and Undertakers' Supplies He has secured the services of MR. D. G. HOGG, who will manage this Department. Cavity and Arterial EmbalJning attended to, Prices will be Moderate. The Undertaking Department will be located in connection with the Carriage Works, opposite the Town Hall. Residence, Alexander street, four doors South of new school house. JAMES WALKER, Carriaze Builder and Undertaker.