HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-5, Page 3;NMI 5, 1800
Town Dirootory.
341anvzenta Olivnott,-,Sabbath Servloe
at 11 a m and 7.00 p,m, Sunday Selma!
at 200 p re, XXOY, Toho Boas, 33 A,
ST, Jouti'a Oliunoii,--Sabbath Servioss
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School
et .8;80 p. m, Rev, ,A., K. Griffin, iooam.
MeiTifOnreT Ononort..•-Sabbath Sorvlaoe
at 10'80 a m and 7100 p m. '13unday
School at 2180 p m, Bev. G. B. Gobble•
diok, Al A, P D, pastor,
Ronal QAT8OLxa Cnemis,—Sabbath
Servioe third Sunday in every month, at
10:80 ' a M. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
Swinge' Anatx.--Servioo at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 O'olook, at
the barracks.
0»n ]1'unnows' Limon every' Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
• 1t5AeoNlo Lenon Tuesday ab or before
1xll moon, in Garfield blink.
A 0 U W Lonou on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Bias.
bill's block.
O 0 F Loam 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Blaehill's
I 0 F, and and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Orange hall.
SONS or SCOTLAND, lee and 8rd, Tnee•
days of earth month, in i Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T, M. Loncs, and and 4th Tnee•
days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
B0MB OInah'a, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
Inge in Blaehill's Hall.
POST Ooutor.—Ofli.ce hours from 8 a.
m, to 0:80 p. m.
MsonANIce' INemITnTE.—Library in
Holmes' blook, will be open from 8 to 8
o'clock p: m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdaye. Mies Minnie Mc-
Naughton, Librarian.
Tows Cou.roxr..—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
Geo, Basher, Robert Graham, R. L oa-
therdale and 11. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D."Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the let
Monday in each month.
SOII00L Bosun.—Rev. Ross, (Chairman,)
D. C. Roes, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Koenig and H. Dennie' Seo,-Treas.,
te. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
Puamia Smoot, TEAcmme.—J. H. Cern.
eron, Principal, Miss Linton, Mies
Downey and Mise Ritchie,
I3o,un or HEALTH.—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MoNsughton, Medical
Health Moor.
Once I adored a pretty girl
01 most angelic mien,
Her hair was never ont of curl,
Her wit was ever peen.
Her eyes "reflected heaven's blue,'
Her talk was never dull,
And as I studied her she grew
Quite "strangely beautiful."
Her "bosom heaved," her heart was
Wheue'er her ear was lent,
And when sweet words of love she heard
Her color "came and went."
Her form wee "half divine," her smile
Was "limpid" as could be ;
Of money ebe had such a pile
It seemed infiaity.
And yet I could not hope to win
Her, though, as I have said,
I loved her. For she dwelt but in
A novel that I read.
A maid who was quite oomme it fact,
Said "Cabn't" and "Ali, don't you
knout 8"
Looked round with a smile
On scene by the pile,
And she never had lack of a baut.
There was once a young dude, quite au
In what he should do or should snit,
Concluded he'd drop
On a fine tailor shop,
But the tailor insisted on pait.
There was once a young man from Rouen
Who wanted to sing a short Ben,
But the people said nay
In ,e vigorous way
And hustled the young man glen.
There was once a young girl from Paris,
Ae pretty as pretty could his ;
She went on tbo stage
And soon was the rage
From Boston to West Tenneseie.
Selent well printed boobs.
Do not read while lying down. •
Avoid reading and study by poor light.
Take sufficient exercise in the open air.
()meat errors of refraction with prop-
er glasses,
Reading and study should be done sys-
Avoid bad hygienic conditions and the
use of aloobol and toba000.
Light should 00me front the side and
not from the hack or from the front.
Do not use the eyes too long at a Mise
for near work, but give them occasional
periods of root.
Do not read or study while suffering
great bodily fatigue or during recovery
from illness.
During study avoid the stooping poet.
tion or whatever tends to produce con.
geetion of the head and face.
Let the physical keep pace with the
mental culture, for asthenopia is most
usually observed in those who are lacking
in phyeioal development.
CATAnn,lnnoaIEVED,N 10 TO 60 MINUTES.—
One short puff of the breath through t110
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's eatatre l Powder, diiruees this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
nee, it relieves instantly, and pormanent••
ly sores Caterrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaoh s, Sore Throat, Tonailitis and
Deafness 00 `Dente at G. A. Doadman'e,
1 AMother's Thanks,
Snifereg Prom. St. Milne' Ranee -Lost the
Else el Eller Right Stale And .itruest 8,O9
the i'cwet' nl'Spaeen-..Gnrc,l lar o 1reiv
Aylmer. Que., Gazette.
Of all the dieooverlon outdo inmedielee
in this great age of pragreee none have
done more to alleviate human mirroring
than have Dr. Witliants' Pink Pills, We
B eat ere o hamlet -
s 11 is not It lu t in this
bread land in which the remarkable howl'
log power of this favorite mediotne hoe
nob been punto the test and proved tri•
nmpbant. It ie agreat medicine, and
the good it has aogompliehed own only be
faintly eelimated, There are many in
Aylmer who speak of Dr. Williams' Pink
Title in termeofpraise, and among them
is the family of John Smith, the well
known blaokemith and wheelwright.
Having heard that leis daughter, Mise
Minnie, had been cured of St. Vitus'
dance by the use of Pink Pills, the Gazet-
te °olid upon Mr. Smith to learn the
partioulare. Upon 'mentioning the mat.
ter to him he axprassed pleasure in mak-
ing the feats pablio, if it was thought
that they would benefit anyone else, and
remarked that he thought Mrs. Smith
could probably give the partioulare better
than Himself. Mrs. Smith said that
about a year ago Minnie was attaclied
with St. Vitus dance, of a rather severe
natnro, and a number of medicines warts
tried, but without any effect upon the
trouble. An eleotrio battery wits Cleo
need but had no beneficial effect. The
trouble appeared to bo getting more severe
and finally Minnie was obliged to die.
continue going to school, having lost the
power of her right side. Her speech was
also so numb affected it was with difii.
malty else could be understood. She was
out of school for about six months and all
this time she was undergoing treatment,
which, however, proved ineffective. One
day Mrs. Smith saw in the Gazette the
partioulare of a ease of Sh. Vitus dance
cured by the ass of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and determined to try them with
Minnie. By the time two boxes were
used 8Irs. Smith was sensible of a great
improvement in her daughter's condition
and after the use of four more boxes was
satisfied that Minnie was completely
cured, as no symptoms of the trouble re-
mained. Thie was about the end of Juue
last, and since that time there has not
, been the slightest recurrence of the dread
1 disease. While Minnie was tatting the
Pills her weight increased, and her gener-
al health was much improved. Mrs.
Smith also said that her younger (laugh-
ter showed symptoms of the same
trouble, but the use of Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills speedily dissipated it.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are offered
with a confidence that they are the only
perfect and uufitiling blood builder and
nerve restorer and when given a fair trial
disease and suffering must vanish. They
make rich, red blood and mare when
other medicines fail. Sold by all dealers
or sent by mail on receipt of 50 0ants a
box, or 82.50 for six boxes, by addressing
the Dr. Williams' tledicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont., or Schenectady, 17. Y. Be.
ware of imitations and refuse trashy sob•
stltutes alleged to be "just as good."
Tho l+aturaflst.
The fahhiouable oat at the national
show in London this year is blue and
long haired.
Blinding daylight is the only thing that
prevents owls from covering long distant)•
es as trained pigeons now do.
In parte of France a species of rabbit is
utilized for the wool, which is said to be
sorter and finer than bhat of sheep. It is
obtained at intervals by combing the ani.
A hawk wee shot by Albert Newlin, of
Lenrenosburg, Ind., the other day.
When he went to pick the body up th
bird's mate attacked him with beak an d
wing, and finally bore off the body of its
dead mate in triumph.
The only animal which, whether wild
or tame, is invariably the friend of man,
ie the Sonth American puma, Doge and
cats are mortal enemies of human beings
wheuever they are allowed to lapse into
their natural wild state.
When milk is used in tumblers wash
them first in oold water, afterward rinse
in hot water.
A neat laundry bag can be made of
white Java canvas worked in block pat-
tern with red embroidery ootton.
A oorrespoudenb of the London Lancet
points out that when sugar is pertly
burned in a gas flame it is destructive to
Malaabite, agate rand asinine, when
broken, may be Demented with sulphur,
melted at low heat, so as not to obango
its Dolor, in which different pigments are
shirred to give it proper tints lilts the
If through any blander in cleaning It
fowl, the gall or other entrails are buret,
the taint which affects the meat may he
easily removed by soaking for half an
hone in cold water i11 which a little soda
has been dissolved.
When it is desired to use oarbolio acid
as a disinfectant, it should be mixed with
boiling water, This promptly overoomee
the usual antagonism between the said
aid the water and converts then into a
permanent solution which will keep for
Most coughsmay be cured in a few
hours or at any rate in a few days by
the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
With snob a prompt and sure remedy ae
this at band, there is no need of prolong-
ing the agony for weeps and months.
Beep this remedy in your betide.
When'saueage is worth 20 pante.A
pound, hots ninoli are dogskin glovoe
worth per pair 7
If it swot one unmarried men all he
makes to live, bow much will it cost to
marry and rales a family ?
If a cow giver' two gallons of rnitlt a day
worth 8 °ante a quart, how .deep ie the
oietern in the cow lot?
If a landlady charges $8 a week for
board, or 880 a month, sad the boarder
skips one day before the mouth is up,
crow much dose she lose 7
How long can one young man on 2100
Math, with expenditures, of $160, steep
lb lip before he begins to usethecash in
the money drawer ?
If 10 bakes one woman one minute to
oommanioate one bit of gossip across the
beak forme to another woman in etriot
seoreoy, how long will it take for the
other woman to eoatber It all over town ?
If two oandidatesin a oouuty having 8
voting population of 8,605, receive 6,000
and 5,500 votes respectively, how long
will it require to purify polities, the
mcountyiles7 baying an area of 825 eguare
Tlie Wise Man.
GBAVE:rnpnsT, Feb. 20, 1896,
S, M. McLeod, Goderioh.
DEMI Sm.—Attar suffering for over a
year with pains in the stomach whiob
eventually passed over and down my
right side, I consulted two doctors, 1
was told that nothing could be done for
me, and to go to the Toronto hospital ab
once, that I had an ulcer on the bowels.
I knew that there was a growth of some
Bort there. I swelled out like a barrel.
I could not eat, as I suffered intense pain
if I did. I underetood my ease was one
for the knife, and expeoted nothing but
the worst. Well, I was told something
will be done for you anyway. I left
home with the intention of going to the
hospital, but changed my mind when I
remembered Mrs. H. Morrison's case, and
that you cured bee, and is wont to Gode•
rich now two years ago next March. I
had not eaten anything for 48 hours
when 1 gob there, and I was weak and
exbaueted,could not go up the doorsteps
without assistance. I remained five days
in. Goderioh. I did not believe I could Le
aural. I took two large bottles of your
System Renovator and used two bottles
of E. A. MoLennan'e Liniment. I ootid
eat and rest well before I left Goderioh.
I was at my work as usual in two weeks
and sinoe then enjoyed the beat of health.
I have not been so well for years. My
case was a surprise to all.
I am, Sir, yours truly,
Sold by Sae. Fes, Druggist. RrusscIS.
Robby's Coinli0siliolt an Parents.
Parente are things wbioh boys have to
look after them. Most girls also have
parents. Parente consist of Pae and Mas.
Pae talk a good deal about what they are
going to do, but mostly it's Mae that
make you mind.
Sometimes it is different though. Once
there was a boy cams borne from college
on vacation. Hie parents lived on a farm.
There was work to be done on the farm.
Work on a farm always has to be done
early in the morning. This boy didn't
get up. His sister goes to the stairway
and calls : "Willie, 'tis a beautiful morn-
ing. Rise and list to the lark." The boy
didn't say anything. Then his Ma calls:
"William, it is time to get up. Your
breakfast is growing cold." The boy
kept right on saying nothing. Then his
Pa put is head in the stairway, and says
be, "Bill 1" "Coming, sir !" says the
I know a boy that hasn't got any par-
ents. He goes in swimming whenever he
pleases. But I am going to stick to my
parents. However, I don't tell theta en,
'cause they might get it into their heads
that I couldn't get along without them.
Saye this boy to me, "Parents are a
nuisance ; they aren't what they're
cranked up to be. " Saye I to him, "Suet
the same, I lind'em bandy to have. Par.
ants have their failings, of course, like all
of ns, but on the whole' approve of 'em."
Once a man Bays to me, "Bobby, do
you love your parents 8' "Well," sayer,
"I'm not a quarreling with 'em." Once
a boy at boarding school went to calling
his Pa the Governor, and got his allow-
ance out down one-half. His Pa said he
ought to have waited till he was going to
college. Much more might he written
about parents, showing their habits and
so forth, but I will leave the task to other
The Catholic Record of Loudon ac-
knowledges that a settlement of the
saleol question peaceably by Greenway
and his Government would have better
results than through coercive measures.
BTee.—All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and
gnicitly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One dose aonvinoes. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
Rimier 11.1 Six Houns.—Dietreesing kid.
nsy and bladder diseases relieved in six
Moura by the "Great South Amerioan
Kiduey Cure." Thie new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on acmonnt of
its °seceding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or Female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. It you want quick relief and
euro this is your remedy. sad by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
I with to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
ahaeed the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new word or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order loft at my shop or residenoe or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be prolnpbly
looked after.
r '0bders taken for the Digging of
Walla and Cisterns.
Gomox a'�' e19r,
i•AMPOZILS11010..09110M1110.1M41916..M1.26102...,[1: =Wring
Having purchased a shop on
Thomas St,, opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
olcl customers and as many new
ones as may favor mo with their
patronage that I have removed
to my new stand.
•Soliciting a share of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
S. T. Plum,
General Blacksmith & Horseshoer
Certain in ire effects and never blisters.
Mad proofs eolow:
Box OewCarman ltendereou Co.,I1,, Feb.21, si.
Dr. B.1. i,.nxn ooa bo.
Dear Sirs -plena send me ono or your Homo
Books anti oblige. 'bare used agreat deal of your
Kendall's Spasm Cure withood success •, 10 is a
wonderfulmedretee. I once Fb td u fair, tbati,ad
an OccultSpnvh, and five bo0tle0 cured her. 1
keep a bottle on hand as the time.
Tome tr.'''.Calm. Powxnm.
Dr. B. J. AxxoeLL Co. 0310001,100„
Deur Strs-I have used several bottles of your
"Kendnll's Spavin Cure" with mach 9000005, I
think It trio hest Liniment I ever used. Hate re-
taoprdota. Onrb, Ona Blood Sown and kilted
wo Bene Sparine. nave recommended it to
seretwl of my friends who are much pleased with
and keep 11. Iteepeotfnn
S. A. EAT, F. O. Bax 319,
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
Dr, D. .T. %D11724LZ oo11LYd.2PT, 11
sNOe5U88H FAL05,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or -Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6ii Per Cent,, Yearly,.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
J. & J. L8 1M ETON
1,0PD Bus, of Best Butch Seep
For farmers in the vicinity of Bruseels
who intend raising flex during the nom.
ing season, which they are prepared to
deliver in quantities to snit flax growers.
Can be got at the BRUSSELS
FLAX MILL. Seed given out at
21,50 per busbet and on the usual terms.
Order early and insure a supply. For
flax grown from this send
$IO per T011 Svill be Paid
if of good growth, harvested in proper
season and delivered at the Flax Mill as
soon as fit for threshing. We will also
rent a number of good sod fields for the
purpose of growing flax,
N. B.—Farmere are strongly advised
to sow their flax on good land, well plow-
ed and borrowed, not on low lands, and
the yieldiwill be from a ton to a ton and
a half per acre more. Flax grown on
low land will not grow fibre to give the
J. es J. LIVINGSTON, Proprietors.
WM. BRIGHT, Manager.
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"I consulted doctors who proscribed for
but toun purpose. I suffered in agony
seven long years. Finally, 1 began taking
A300 0 srrsaportlla. In a week or two I
noticed a deelded improvement. Bneour-
n onth ornsoithelsorepbeggeavnrto heal,l and
after using the Sarsaparilla for six months,
the lest trace of the cancer dIsappearedP-
J':..�ss 31. NoouotsO1, li'loreaoovillo, B. B.
Ay esZnw Sarsaparilla
Adtted at the World's Fair. _
aaYi'3'+llfv'S 10IZi,,8 Ilcpatteto Lko J.iuwebu.
British C0lu1u1)hb
Red Cedar Shingles
.tun• —
North Shorn
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing' 1i11s
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workmen.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
J. & P. AMENT,
We have Opened out at
-.Base Balls and Bats,
• Rubber Balls, soft
and hard,
t Bows and Arrows,
only 5c. each.
Express Wagons,
Rocking Horses, tScc..
Fine it alp o Leather & lemp School
Baggy from 5cn up.
The very thing for children, or Flower
Bed or Vegetable Working for Adults,
B Q O K S..A.. O R -a . lit