HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-6-5, Page 22 .- ry�t'r'**IItt��1. � J% J'1�t`j THE Y ICJ..►�W S - CI APTVR XXXIV, "far doubts are traitors, oft od vvo th 0 k oa0 e g ' d e us 1 1 ma 1 tort „ , t might win Sbhkespeare. x"The Clay gooth down red darkling, 11 The moaning !raves dash nut the light, 'And there is not a star of hope spark- linggii ; on the threshold of GetnaldhllTassey. T he morning after her unfortunate r' it to ta%%n, Clari.,am Bonds to 'nlrs, usc°tulle, asking her to Boma to her pBia :without delay, The secret that is in per' heart, weighs heavily, and Georgia must be told, 'let, DOW, when the door opens, and Georgia stands before hos, she is dumb, and cold, and almost yn'lthot't power to move, "Wbat is it?" said We. l3ranseombe, saddenly. Tile sad little smile that o late bas been peculiar to bet fades at sight of Clarissa's grief -Stricken face" She advances, and lays a hand upon ?ter arm. ,,you look positively ill, Cls- rissa; something dreadful has happened. I can see it in your eyes• It is bad news. Dorian,—be is not—" She puts her hand to her throat, and leans against a chair. ,it is no bad news for you,' says Clarissa, faintly, "but for fine." She souses. Are you in trouble, dearest?" says llTts. Branscombe, sadly, "I thought you the happiest girl alive. Is there nothing but misery in this wretched awrbl? Clarissa "I was In town yesterday," begins, with an effort, and than steps. How is she to betray her lover's false- nessl And you saw Horace, and he is ill?" says Gaorg}e, anxiously. "Tell me all, Clarissa." '"It is so hard to tell," says poor Clar- me; slid then she turns her face to the wall, and wishes honestly that all things for bar might now be at an and: Love, art thou bitter? sweet is death to me.'" 11 At this moment she could have glad- fy welcomed death. "There are many things," she says, "but this worst of all. He does not love ,me; he has never loved me. And tbere u some one else; and "Who is it?" asks tieorgle, breet ieath- Iessly, though the truth as y frdrn bar. Ruth Annersleyl She was there, - in 1114 1`0011164" says Clarissa; and, atter this, titers is a silence that lasts for several minutes The unhappy truth is told. Clarissa, shamed and heart bruken, moves away, that her companion may not see• bet, face. As for ,%lre. 131-0,11seambe, at first intense wonder renders liar motionless; and then, as the exact meaning of this terrible, story breaks in upon ]per, great and glorious gleam oS tmrm4.a - able rapture lights all her face, and, sinking upon a prie Dieu near bar, she presses her hands nightly together. 1Jortall is exoderated, is her fust thougut; that he will never forgive liar, is cite second; and this drives all the bloou from her cheeks, and the gladness from her heart, and brings her Lack again to the emptiness and laairenness that have made lite a wil- derness to her fur so many months. Going over to Clarissa, she lays her arms gently around her neck. There seems to be a new bond, born of grief, between them now. "Du not pity me," says Clarissa, en- Itreatingly. YLLy yuu? not There is no occasion ,c1. it. You are fortunate ill having as - caped such m fate " %vas in 4LOre Ior 11 you. In time you will forget all this, and be happy iu some other way." Shalt I'4" says Clarissa, drearily. But, in the plean time, what shall 1 dot Russ, shall I fill the blanc: here?" She lays her hand upon her heart. "He is a !crotch," says Georgie, with sudden fire. " If I were a man, 1 Should kill him." "You should rather be thankful to krm," says Clarissa, with some bitter- mess. 'a1y misery has proved your joy. The shadow has been raised from Jlor- ion.,, Clarissa, if you speak to me -like that you will break my heart," says Ueorgee, deeply grieved. "flow could . l; knew joy when you are unhappy't And -and, besides, there is no ,joy for me anywhere. Dorian will never for- ms •be v e } could who most?h art heartily is !Con- ,denied him and believed in his guilt." When you See him, all will be well. -But he should be told; you will see, to that." 1. "of course, darling. He is coming' home next lveek. But how shall I meet him and say all this to thim? The very thought of it is terrible." iVext week?—so soon?" "Yes; I had a tine .from him this mnxning,—the only one he wrote me since his departure; but that was my o1Vn fault. i am almost sorry he is coming now," says Mrs. Branscombe, nervously. 'I shall dread the look in his eyyes when I confess to him how aattdily I believed }n the false runt0 P9 You hardly deserve pity,•' Clarissa, suddenly, turning upon her with some .est anger. You underval- ued him all thruugb• Instead of go - mg 'down on your knees to thank heav- en, fasting, for a good man's love,' you deliberately flung it away. How diC- ierent it has leen with mal I trust- - ed blindly, mad see my rewardl Even yet I cannot realize it, It seems like some strange horrible nigttmarc, from which I must awake. Xesterday I was so happy; to -day— She breaks down, and bursts Into Witter weeping, Georgia throws herself on her knees *before bar. . . * * * # * ,ITS this your luggagge, sir:? Glad to see you back again, air. ' « Thmnk you, Jotter' Yes, that is mine. All right at Lome., I hope? Your mistress quite Weill' "Quite hell, Sir, She is at home, . awaiting Dorian you•" turns av 1 ay with a bitter smila. At home, awaiting blml"" What a wretched tool Ile once was, when be used to really picture to himself a fair fen([ !soman wa}ting and longing for .his return, who Fate had called Jim from her sidef Arriving at SarLor}s, he runs up the !stairs to his own room, meeting no one an his way. Flo smiles again—Lbe same unlovely smile—aa hb tolls himself that Jeffers exaggerated the rasc a Mile' --as, plainly, Georgia has taken special trains to be out Of rile way to avoid 1. mec,thtg hint on his this: arrival, s,:.,.i�L.... -1-11 T110 � I � . . I . �� . , %. I les, _, _...-... � _.:T........._.. „ ' as Soon as z Dart firilsh the hurl- bgolci z fear - —_. ! " • �' r� _ .. a4 fake, They ora 4';ie''nfdst pr&I6fie - .., ClLU $TQ$AQ GOVERNESS, Reay that has brAu ht roe ' a o' larct,* of all the brood,'!"ai dnlM, p'r'y -•- .arcrt that !viii keep Pa9 itrvo paAnths, keast. I lviski I could Iraston it, but it ^' ducln dram one itundrc!tr"alit! VAY be g Arltvett9014119 Aar I;1011111t19'11 ttL+i' A --�, would be impassible;" No growsalll,L)y distrait, but, for a iROman rouses sill- HOW- %F GET' A GOOD ztAl1'l`l it o• bavared eggs aaolillih a sews'• They, begin, to lay early,,;:i this%l01IN Cheese, VuUr'ths di'rootltid''ttf''thb,''k Bolster 9nailing iia door, he gees in, aloSIAK , self with a start, and locks at tar, Tftoro lit ilothhtg" Hirst adds mOM' CIO' been wC11 kept through ,0% - ,tv,1 1r'a elgriotii'ture, tbo Agkiault'llyal ant?' . It firmly behind bird, k,verytllin. Lit got the o a d left .lY h room Le t a of jets Sts h h IRs ltaa been .changed; elle vary. hook „Ain. I keeping you9" ho asks, court- courtesy is a ,ao •i •, e u as ab TO t tb9 V r Y Positive erneiLy} "'Do clot. lot. me riot• the appearglieo'of. a. country Placa' filch a Erie, ls'olillrept lawn, and Rot Duly ,'of ataid too eggs s ace large and "cure twhit!e,'.J041ry Rb g s ;'a', eOFbr. • Commissioner has Arrau wd'l fop' t# i•;oid storan9 service an oeeali stka'zrt4alipe^' h9 had been T9adirlg is !sting now apart kaiU any longer, la :hare any value this, but It Ineroaaes the money l a It is bast to nae heals or an i€loubato%' poi' elle Vilri'iagQ Of butter, 9be9sal`fanit at the; pogo, he had last looked Into, A glortDus fire is bartilite 3n tlye gr+ w, ,yPa thing inure you, wish to say to MOT 'Nothing."His last words have for.- as hell, says a correspondent. This' .will Lia prUPpn 11'han one tries th's911 to^batob dtzcka; W04 tue mwy 'IA rwts Y ad ""Ly'hand" Y9P easily, if tt a:Jrav9 as+I other p@risliahlo' i,iodu9t#:' fialwat $p of the A Clel10 t0 Bohemia Ya39 t$ filled with a u some tare sweet flowers, en within lrer Ali desire far reconotl}a- tion. Is he indeed, In suoh basic - to a farm which bas• not been beautified' a lvartn•plaM to ,a*,, A youieg duals is iiiestly appetite, vald is not psa!bloil+ per Oellt, CraEttFer p . y' butter which Is sent from Cauada'to 'Whose baud had gathered thorn? If I,,, gone? 1111thout another worts, She by the addition of a good lawn and him ss o lar as to what lar at, qd Glaast I31'icaliy is shippekl to AvgntltAlttlas ' it was One of the servants, It lvao very thoughtful. He is ver fond of, flow- g yy goes to the door, hut, as she,puts alit g her baited to v on !t, somathin5 lvithin p .well-soleoted trees, 'Sa •s Downingi "It 3 may scam a heavy tai to Some,, yet no est so' it is wet antf soft, and .how j s hill ldva'QUitraiad e, toed • that lvoalii• fox 13t'151U1, Fbi'Fall emonts hav9 been• g era, He moves listless 1 about, won- during can her grasp becomes known to .her, a the expenditure in ornamental g garden- starve aiddli c VVe' - ia. and crie r.. Mad" this year fol' the des atch from P vaguely how everything is the glove she had picked up On h wheat -middlings, as and Crao� • sem, er-• of butter- and Other per- look, oxajtlasr C h e ad seen itonly y Ulm h y Y t'alcony half an hour ago, n has paid a ever since almost twoonsala s1Y• Ing is, to our mind, productive of sv mach beauty as that incurred lit pro: ad cora, feedimg all oI! It pretty %1'8+ all ob It as a duck likes ko liewc, Iris food %v Ishablefoo. ishablo food products to ,other largo da , tvhou a small object Iying on a sic a -table attracts his notice "Was it—teas it yon that threw' Chia from the lvindo%v?' she says, sudden! y uv' 'Without L' d rng a wail -kept 1011^n i t batt when eato'n, A flock of young ducks g. wits eat an^aotesnishin aaetarxnt of crash-' aantxra of oonstisnptkon in Great I3n'it-' Ain; suet as Lindon, Bumin B1iam and. • It is a little gray glove, soiled, Ping- for the last time raising her beautiful this feature, no place, however great ly.oat grass, if it is chopped into short kllanobestwr. Through bills of lading ac' or pressed, ;warm as if the ownor but st had drawn it from ey,na to her husband's face. "Yes, it," Its arohiteol,ural beauties, its charms of .lengths, and, purslane, Lett as, beet- t1 tbrou a• rates will be issued, a minute since 4Z].band, It is yet almost as part of c This was noplacefor re- !urns he, sternly. scenery, or its collection of flowers• that sort togs earl other green tlhtrff well is greedily d 3f weld fed, a Amann_•ements have been concluded - , the white, soft flesh it had covered. Ilia prow contracts, and a painedex- Going down Cha stairnasa,� full of grief and wounded she enooiint- unci. shrubs, Dart be said to <ioseiwa rou- sidoration in point of landscape gardsn- Pekin duck•wilJ. attain ttv a lues�fht of Ul attain five pounds in, ton weew•sr and alt that larith•Axessxs. l']ldbr, Dempster & Co., to flit Do- ! pression crosses bid face, Taking g up, he lays it in his open palm, and re pride, ers Lord Sartoris. "'Ile has tomeVi asks the old man, in Ing; while with it the humble cottage age they are - sit, demana, as roasters for alta cit b trade. up thaee steamships of the new >n+axion• line, sailing between Montreal Bards it eat be hesitates, anti then, as Leat *h unable to prevent him- 6 an agitated manner, laying his hand on b"r arm. grounds will possess a e harm which Is among pleasws grounds g It is not necessary so fwvhr avatar fat' n duaks to run•rn,adl the timn; but they and Avonmouth, with mechanical re - frigeratdon plants of tire latest and best I self, be raises it, and presses U passion- ately to his lips. An instant later, "Ire has. It you wish to -See, him, be is in his own xoom," replies she, in a what a refuted and gl'aaalul Iltallner IS in soc}uty-a universal. passport to ad- must have plenty of ,it t0, elrtak, and tills should be olhinged often, as they kind,-to0aar butter at a temperature y p ' I with a contompLuous gesture and an inward anathema upon tits Own weak- singularly hard tone. "Iittve told him et•aryL•ili»,g?" rultation. ' lu fact, trees and grass are .L into It, and'it soon @ts filled with g g Tilth; unl@ss f:bele'r"s a u°tv soupply fur- of about 30 civgreas Fahr,, and cheese and Crust at a temperaiuro of from 94 ) nc:ss, hr, flings it far from him through the oppen window down on to the bet- envy ofeneath;-lrhars it Clutters to 67rs. ,vac asks Sartorrs, nervously. .,It was 9, fatal mistake. Do you think be will the principal features whiah !sive grace and beauty to tie landscape; but they y p nished. Thera is not a iii: 01' dan er of over - gg to 38 d° jos,.Bahr• Each of the three steanasLnps,is said to 1alvc a cold star- i. Bransepmhe's feet! Afachanically she stoops and Picks it forgive me?" "Holy can I sav?" says lira. Brans- combo, with a bitter smile, f can ulust have the profiler care and attention in order to bring about the desired re_ feeding a lot of young due n as they will eat until their crass horn to the 1 $ ground, and feel' age capacity of about `20AM cubic feet, ax space sufficient to carry about 300 r up. She has ixson hurrying toward the house, having only just heard of her g, on1Y tell you he has not forgiven me.' y Mess me.l' says 'Lord Sartoris; 'Chen, salt' Downing says the essentials far a good lawn are deep proper kinds comfortable'. about a beer duck A erase thing. which is the case lYl.t lvteulb it canto drowned tons of obeese• and butter. utter Steamship Company will Carry bettor in.tllo roLrigotating chambers at I husband's arrival, Elbe not having ea- Pected him for some t}me later, trains I suppose, I haven'r a chance:" Via disheartened by bar words, anti ,x011, of grass, and fmquent mosvings; taut . by a heavy rainy Ul atil their (oath- a charge of tan shillings par Lou, and at Puilingham loins none of the most Punctual. Gazing at the luckless glove, goes very slowly on his /vas toward his nephews room.; When they are for this climate I would add a fourth i —plenty of water. The average Carl- I el:s get started, a hard rain will drown them as soon as it Nvfhl a chicken. Wben cheese at a.abarge of five shillings Per ton, in adiAtion, to the usual char e Lor g Ij I her whole expression changes., She as beneath his window; 11•as it hes hand once more fnee,to face, they pause and Then with upon each other, addan summer is not so Wali adopted to P aauglnt, out in the rato, they will stand liitf their beads up, and mouths Open, p freight on•,butter and elwese. one Sfeanshl Company will also fit p >? d i r flung it s° disdainfully lost ground, _ the glove she had worn suoh short Then the older rnan holds out his hands older ix'seechinsly. the production P duction of a fine lawn as is the m°fist and humid atmosphere or Great and soon give up the, ghost. After Lhe feathers start, there Ile no danger from up i11•o steaansh�a lvrth rsolatd tom- pammenls for ,'becarriage of 1 f time !latero, lvhan gathering the flowers that are now making his room so sweet? 1 "I have came to demand ,vnnr for- he deep 'en BritaJn. There, not iso much ancon- anything of this kli�ld'. A flock of la m rduks should have Y' will butter. These two steaatsltips will bave pacify of abaci: 3,1100 paooleds of but - capacity r Clasping the tmotfending last of kid I closely in her hand, she enters the I g ),rle s," t 'it 1 With „pOrian-grant 'it 1-1 am very ofd-" In invtant Dorran's arm is around tion need its r given to the richness of the soil, as the moisture takes its place one drake to about' Piro dmoks, and u should Ile fed corn and cracked wheat, ter each. Thay lvilk be cooled bye file use of ice In-VAL.vaaii.zed iron cylinders. I' house, b a !vide French window, and an his reek, a.. it n sedeto Ila t ud had is a measure. But in this country the , turd kept shut up,yr the morning un- I they have IaLLd tkallr eggs, or they The butter mnsL She thoroughly chill- @d before itis put tau tiled.. Icor that t ;Des straight into Dorian's xoom. I At the door she hesitates, and ellen n, ago, ,efor th dar6 c}' $o}1 should lie deep and rich, with sub- avis! wander orf and r%r®p Clem any- carriage the Astra freight, charge is g g � t knocks somewhat nervously. "Coma in." His voice has been so roll•"d t et:ween them. Not annther word, or S shall never tnr ire Branscombe,, ten soil capable s. retaining moisture, but not in excess. IS rile subsoil is hard, where about the place: Have a dry +souse for Cham to sleep' and have it tin more tto, five shillings per not lit tea ie addition• to. the usual current tt 1 long a stranger to her that she almost ( starts on hearing it, and the last ram- , you!" says deriv, 11•ith the aid. smile upon his lips. and tenacious, it should be well under- weIi bedded with straw, orlatcf fro- , quently renew. charge for tre!; a on: batter and choose. char i. uant of Ger courage vanishes. She Acid Sartnris, strong, ollstinate, self- willed mail that lea is, ]ays his head drained and trenched, or subsuLted to region oCC4t aloe city, andetter=shine I, opens the door and goes slowly In. Dorian's back is turned to her. His , upon tIs "boy's" shoulder, and sobs aloud. a depth of 10 or 18 inetes,so`as to lorm a reservoir of moisture, to support the PUTTING TO iRRiGIiM pars :hero, LavA• umgad that accommo- dation be provided. for rete}viing batter I coat is off, and he is brushing his hair ' before a glass in the furious fashion --- plants during our hot, dry summers. Subsoiling is 1 6erybcdy dreads it, e,xcelit, rerha s, p the woman who has a ma,aia for put- into cold storage on, tho, steamships at the port of Quabaa- It has been ar- three fit- ' men, as a rule, affect. As she enters, he turns, and, putting do%vn the brush- CHAPTER XXX'V. , ,•Oh, what a deal of scare looks not given the attention in in this country that the conditions de- ting:things to rights: ranged that talo steamsbips ted with mechanical refrigerators are as, regards bar with undisguised sur- tiful and. Many people tbinli that i1 the The time for it comes• round in the to call at the gent of Quebec to take buL- prise. Plainly, he has not expected her. Flow d'ya do?" he soya., Presently. It In the rontem ]t and anger of leer L sarl'ace Berl is in good condition it is Sparin and fall, and the wenthar I. g' on riot lass than• 300. sok. es of P g ter per trip. Ttie• extra expenses incur - is perfectly ateurd; yet it of them lips." Twelfth :"Fight, Ali that }s necessar d deep soil is I generally wet, and • f5ggy, and the I 3 red.by th9 staamsllip olcilers for that laughs. it is Elle most ridiculous greet- tole house will be as -damn as a cel- i one of the essentials for a' guud law nipaid service is to ea for by the. Domm- 7 considering g he could 1 possibly bets no sense efts a 1 things; Y , y ' ,growing colder Anel The dark cls t� indrear. The winds aresigningsadL By ° good lawn is meant one that Will remain green during the antis sum- I'm lar, even without the atmosphere of soair,and water, which pervades all ion Government. The shippers of but- snmeraathoseeaba getleirom I ridicule touches thein. They are Loo near a tragedy to harbor a thought of ' 44 ly. . _1 shivering sobbing lireaz@, the rushes in a fashion through mat and autumn, Too muco attention cannot Le luau g creation at the semi-annual house clean- the as Montreal. comedy. I I did not expect you until five," says "If mournful the naked twigs, tells one tie year is . dravreng to a erose, and that trots_ it to the preparation of the soil. before the seed is sown. It should be plowed and Peg:: All concerned will be aross5 and even The matter of providing sold storage service by refriyn gator ears on rmnl- Georgia, in a constrained tolls. I had known, I should have been ready is 'faint with cold, and weak with replolved, cultivated. harrowed and roll- ed, until tete wbole is thoroughly pill- 1 the dog and eat are smipprsh ec Such `ways, picking up smal6 lots, of butter is being ante alreont w fly Bonn to receive you." "Pray do not apologize," its say's, aid", Clarissa, riding along the forest pTrath that reads to Sartoris, frets sometYIng verized and nniled to a depth oL IU inches. This work should lie done in I erasions The woman of the house rises, early into,anions, sed .June, which is the tfute at which that coldly'. "it is very good of you to come here now. It is more than I expect- akin to Leasure in the sound 01, the P the fall, and then left to settle ail win-' ter before Gila seed is sown. This gives m the morning what: she cenauttenCes i a+rss clean}ng, and I uoks• hex ]anis un- service is regtriiedl. i ed.,, I came," says Georg}e, with an of- tushing torrent that comes Plein ai5ov® and fella headlong into the r ver that , a solid foundation on %which to build ! and will prevent little knolls and hot- 'Cha der a red handkerchief, and crabs uta skirt of her dross ins a wad fieinind, BIS11tARCK AT Sl. fort, "because I have something to tell runs on her right hand• There is, rigtooa desolation in the lows, which intorfore with the proper , rods. up her sleeves, and itifes xs her - You, That should be told without delay." "'11 hat is it?", he asks, quickly. "Is my scene that harmonize, with her own wn lead working of the lawn mower. There are but tivo kinds of grasses lumband that she is gaing: to, do. some- tiling today. oad !tits ofatintor anaitenriuynreure from 1 uncle well?' "Quite well. I saw him yesterday. It thoughts. She has watched rammer leaves and flowers decay, lint little thought her own hopes and fang- for lawns that are really 1vorLby of consideration for this climate, 1"hess I He is hurried out of bei! before sun- rise, because the emrcalt im Mab room r,a the bedstead is, tut Exito or lriedridisroh. li Bismarck receives• aoiavpenx ev@ly fele i' has nothingto do with him; though, of course, it must touch him very lug's should have died with them, s ora lientuck blue 'There area aw othersaswhich play be I coiningu and eam- ins clol%, aced the contains.Asa solus strangers now, and; consequently the nearly," sire never to know peace, or joy, or con- tent On her rests rementbr_ used, but the y are more expansive, and i ta_be washed, and "Calc, }s• going to be cast number of speeches and interviews "You will be tired," he says, with grave but distant politeness. "Sit again? anre like a Lan;" she cannot sliak� it in no way superior, A tittle Sweet e'er- i nal grass or white clever will do no aniseed" generally. Eireakfast is hurried-tlalwdy can atopy which in former carne team Fried - Yichsruh has dwindled to only art Do - down while you tell me your news." "'No; I prefer standing." She clasps off. Rest! res=t! Oh, give ma rest and to her soul, but !tarns Lut neither is assent}al. Tile coarser grasses, such as timothy, or_ t0 -bother over tea and conte; and to. lisenss the news, lvfan house, clean t easional xemark.nr. abort'. The German one hand fishily over the other, and tea,ns against the w•alt; she cannot, try Peace!" she cries a1Dad no rest cometh. The world seams col- Sbe chard grass, or meadow Seems, should never no sown on a lawn. They are has fairly sat in„ IIly ten o'clock chaos• and eorltusiot, purveyor of Bismarokimoa has found his occupat}on almost gone, aLu lough but I she will, remove her eyes ,from his face. "'What I want to say Is this: I orieas, without tint or purpose. would gladly forget, it that might I short-lived and tea coarse and stiff to make a soft, velvet carnet. Many y reign. Dust fills t1t a Aral;. bnaems and 'rushes rule the Louac basins• of loafer a year or two ago, he was able to fill have heard of Ruth Annarsleyl" ' Hava you?" with an ominous calm but it seems impossible to her: "Ourselves we cannot recreate, Nor to the same•key bigbpriced !Alun mixtures, u aualy zea, will be round to Consist mainly of blue cakes of soy and wet raga, P, gs, aomfron¢ you at every, turn; and if yet' turn them,, lie• la3cely to columns with the latest information from the Sacon.forest. Bert- are about t m look and tone. "1Vhere is she?'.' " With --your brother." get our souls of the remembered barmony," grass and redtop, w•bioh may I.m bought In the market for 1.5 to ' S' , e to avoid. you+ll, step into a saucer ctr,.aaks just out of ail the odds and ends of anecdote that I andvs audaaiherefsopthato t. hisfacecan- The Past -that is, her happy Past- gone; the present is full'of gt]sf'; seems n cS -•5U per I Lushel• TO seed properly, it wilt re- . acme trout two to three burets, per th, carpet, or on a bottle- o> nmsmslnias_ 5 Your wife Is trxassfallnterL from a he has been able, to, gath¢r since t}]9 ghty.timt birthday, n April prince's ei o not be seen. lie is distressed beyond measure. So his old slrspicions have t lir future Iles nothing to offer. This fart entrees to her, and, with liar eves acre, depanding somewhat upon the amAunC at shalt mixed with the , t.ousehold angel into a very draggled- lookingscullion, with�smat out liar naso, 1: proved true, after all, and Horace's pro- testaLions wore as basest Lies. He feels full of tests, she turns the corner and' finds herself face to face with Ebrace Bead. This stooled be sown as earl iu the S r. y Li ing as passible, $o that the young ;rued smudges of dirt on her arms and as she scrubs away. on., throb hall rel- A professor ah Luncherm with Iiis- Marek about three week -s a go remark - . sick at heart for his brother's honor, -that miserable temnant of a Duca lair Bran5COm13e. The old smite is nn tris face: he names Iloth his hands planes 1vi11 t a strong enough to with- 3110X.1 flus !rat, dry weather of mid sum- cloth, and screws up far face slits: time . exertion of sornbLuu ,and ,pusbPs time ail that the Prince's Special knowledge i of mediaeval boa aim leeks cC �ushands. i thing, that costly garment, uo%v re_ duced to rags. After a while he lore to her and holds out to :aka fnaY. tie is worn and L'1S}fir, x Some recommend, soiving vats wcleh the sed as a protection to the ny geography 3ut off he hands dA Ansi tut vt her eyes, utter- 1, ns amazing; es bimself. to speak again. "\Vho found her there?" be asks. and very handsome. I am ton fortultaLe to meat you so• " think C soon t@unl 1 tpWansr T but 1Tr�s-feetiiur g, g, g': see m with dirty suds, it seems to, you utter- j ly impossible tLact this is the diviwCy roily; y"iiit Ithad not loaf df soemuch fives $ y huskily. soon.•' be says, Yet I harrily bonds with von.'" pleat like the Dat would furnish you courted ears a !r, and seren-, adios!, and sent bouquets to; and t1neight , do my youth, and had only learned to "Clarissa." "Clarissa?" He is now thoroughly should shake T vidently, some thought unknown 10 to t0 a delicate, slow- t,oweu pne.. g g Ixistend« it %vlll rob it of its noullst- "too pure and gwd for human, nasurre's' it more iadvatrious' is a chair I toed. might have anwuntad t° something." 11 stocked. "What Cruel fate made her the discoverer?" her is in his mind. I am glad you hate acme bn• hYat relent, and much time will be lust fi, ,docs souring the cUasired result, Redtn I veryching is upset about rho Lvause. find hall isislnarek apoka of tlto German lack of n ggresaivenass and sett-este,am in the "Chance. a was ill, and she went "Chan H to see him, out of pure love for him. enneluslnn, she say's, as there, is no, desire whatever on my Part that out P . gecmimxtes much uic q Ger than blue K and lvi[l furnist all the prOLeD- If you want to anything., yowl batter o to them store and. bay nu tbaa' the time in huatin C or it. And h hays Le[cre tile cangt t of Austria sod Franca.. often fad felt, Sha teas rewarded by the sight of Huth r Anmraley" Poor jEranscomlie, sadly. hands should meet." He is plainfy puzzler!. "1Vha:f a strange welcome!" he says, Glom necessary, besides covering t ,s• g 1 surface t.h a green coat almost as. spend P your wife, who, generally acts ay sealrcf- a et in ufief for missing anliaies C.Cl"t I le said, that, a Cxealrenai never would be able ale t° fuel the ki per amotult of confidence 1 }n htrusilf, ?ZSe hoes his mint! '-so" ease "Sv Crue,-�;o trusting." g' reproachfully. " vIy letters dhtinvr the week should have explained quickly ms the oats. ,After the blue grass becomes wall rooted, it will need attend to anythin of tba•kind raew. She g is house cloaningl changed however, aftvw meeting Richard Wag- g g Georgie draws her breath quickly. Are not his words a refeativn upon tort past: ecarything to you.' Clarissa, no fwttber paete°Liou, and will assuxie entire control in a ver short Lillie. I ? 'When all Lilo lx+dsteads• are d,ewx, and i this beds urria in th(r wood -shed, anti, tier, the eomposer. Witgner had enough self esteem Evrs a lvhole nation;11 -she, who has failed in faith and love?" I suppose that is ASI yrru have to I have }tad none," uiys shnrtIc. k.Ln turd essential is early and fro If the tlu}lls sarkegng in tan"'Tslhunto' court he w•as ',be- most eoucoiLed German it had seen, ted: to talk , tell me," says Dorian., presently, a1 "\n? Was that lvhy T received lin• , I Nacre riser! from a ai0t quant mom:iug. the grass ]s al!tunv- ad t°• get too large before being cut, pony will arrive, and, look astounded .ager p1D:tsars w -ben they Sind that house eleaning }s with. an absent, weary Way. Not quite all," she say's, with a an�w•er ;sed tc. copra tr, you, and clerna'nd !,,: al silerca:" t1m stublAe, will Ile too stilt, and that sof2,. velvety appearance, which is so at- going on, The old Chrincellar has told another They have come ta. stay a few days I drinking sapxy, only ; c little nne, to trembling volae. She forces terself to come nearer to Moll, and now stands rensrm your I T am sorry you have fro u?iad' yoax• 11sve• tractive, will not be obtained. As soon as the grass is tall enoup 1'ur 6 with you, a-nl they dye. not relish hav- Ila sure, tier as m Cisluarek drinking; in their snticipatecl comfort destroyed ' per_ghb worst re g y story[ g• Ht" before him like a small Pale culprit, unable to lift her eyes to his. '"1 want self so far. Ruth Annersley could given you the answer You regttim.' g anfi ]tis tllannhes ,h Llae runwer to Catch it. is the tin.•e to Letr!n. A foxy annual weeds wlrirtl a early by,soaisuils• rind scbb!ng-h ushes. 1 • nd a neighbor of his early manhaot'. dC your ovtEo is a ticwwtaian aL spirit, sea lead Lrrely a whale attcruoun to drir* to tell ,von how deeply its regret the injustice, the-" His face nerceptibfl; ryes, in their usual stealtllys faskian, alas appear during TAR g the sumtnar will (will do no. Ilium, as frequent mowings will li" out a dry sfuA for them to each At17aT unbar the table. four ,sit on, end o rtglit. oil with her house IAttles each of heavy Rhine wine and No, nn."' interrupts be, impatiently. "Let nothing be said about that. It.. cool: the their . ! "lWha` have. I to do with, her be, I evdo-iat Lhe+fir p going to Seed; but such Perennials as docks, dandelions, plan- five t ulettuin#; S a NviII tell tLe tired girl, qJa is of ehatnl,a6ne betivcatn, conf}dsutI sty, 'that '"ahs is gDi ug to th+m limit been inapt}Oce Itasure 13i,murek would l e worse than useless. 'Why y haste words over what can never he ' saYs, sullenly. "Coward!" says Xtss• Fv •t»n, in a + y '"i)o then, done even all tains, etc., should lie dug •up, as soon as :key appear• It there ]s ItSeaLy of clean Crit horlsa, ,oven if tha governor bail his Losse lunught to the finer and comet;'" I madD t,+,cly to start for home. Piss undone?'• Still she. perseveres bravely, although loW tone. you, I it of The woman you !Bova Bra !sorer ahvu tion nand lyse given fond, less Arian a g will the host etxhS d two men to help put him. ttaHCx-aoa olshe enonfs er nttsdaeTivazle restored M in tea siddla. Ilismar 1., bnwxver, [ her breath is coming quick©r, and ter lis are tren�Lbliru p"I lv" at adc Take caret rlo pat ga tan bard cries ta, laying itis hand upr,sx but earl b elson. y every spring it lass! be %Yell to tap dress the lawn 11iLt unleaohed uuiratiated. 'lets Contents of Cu.,ces, re leaped foto efts saddle f unaided, and c(raar:ars, closets bags, Anel boxes, are started off, erect anti fast in his -seat, i ,' must tell you holy sorry I am," "I "I pasfilenately, fpr iJrid(r„ close to the bit. Have you as and (lone meal or supwphospltate. alt tallest t°gettar- the furniture uc- °n a SWift dash down the roast. When. Shp says, with a sn 1 ressatt soh. leant t.o osis yna. £fl rsible, Ln fpr "Believe me, it WillIlehettar to leave nn fart?" OI vnu? none!'• returns she, +xith ForLy or fifty busbels o[ the former mud three or tour hundrsd Pounds of tea latter keep oiz&lying the centro of the floor, the his Lilt blew Ott he turned, rodli.Ur it children e11mL Ltle tables and bureaus at a iallnr., leaned over and staatehad, "amolested, tea Me is cleaning bousa," It Ulf, and then, stiraightenin. up in, ,t! ':i all this unsaid," be interrupts her, such nnen nnntem t :as• stillgs hin, to P the "Remove Your hand, sir.'" per acne will the grass, in a healthy, thriving condition. Barn- --and U antic of them happen to break , liis saddle, waved to his as Wall & i gravely. "Then Yon de not CrlTB t0 hear vuir•k. "\\ h"n T have said nil' t wish to acv," it^, all 7,rtafallty Yard mature is tM unsightly, and should not be used. erre@ []t 1II !oral}Ytaa. I their limbs, Viae does not concern liar- friend, The next day BismP.ack want, Self about them. I back to try to settle the quos+lion, of so - did f have rvgrett9cl the wrong I did SPLUl'riR QOarsP.ly, Yfls Cammrt to the snrfate•, "i. alt shall stay wrote anOw CDyer$ eta rontld all 11'in- All the doors and windows are Open. peviorit at !h6 Caps, Lat his friends I Strang. through the decline the challer' Fila said hat You, and--f"uT "As you ask me the question, !will,I herelean ami ftr 'erery as1.am to say. ter; and then it alioato be raked of?' as early in the Spring so possible. }ty cats prowl rooms; . %rauga bons play marbles on the back the hat trick bad ra}scouragd bun. answer you. No, I do not. Had you, at anyy time, felt one particle, of affec- tion for me, could never have so , goings I Yntt shalt:-" "`,ill your remove"your hand?" followin the 9.1mve suggestions, doe ste a g g g trying po g ggeslians, as I by heirno v bot suit, buttheiroma l Nismarc! hoer is tt •si to raslelm good lawns can Ixi had is anis courk8 "' notice: aoxt summers 1'1hH°lchan a li tliinks is douse does change, you misunderstood me. Let things now re- " When it suits roe, returns he; "not 7xli,re: :tis those. in Txavland; lawns which w i� who cleaning not last a lifet bus, and- he a continual She, is putting things to rigghLst would benefit the Iarinre's health. Bis - main as they are. Though I think that perhaps, for the short: time I shall xe-' (To le Cnntinued.) source of pleasure to all %vho.Ctntla iII it contact w'6lb them. After alwut a week of d.sCress, quiet ruuxnk, however is deteamaXed to re - $ato in. The house is ¢leaned, main in Friedrtchsrulr, main at home, it will be !tetter for' All the rooms are damp, and small "The railway 1 Y journey Is tiresome" ; Your sake, that we should appear before _ . the world, at least, as friends." f —� of soap and whitewash. Rverything is he says; "but, tvo7est of all, I allvays so glean that everybody has to work £onr now that some accident may hap - ^ "You are leaving tome again?" she iC ,LTER IN v GT TABL•CS. ]Afore Di; CLKS. tiptoe, and ou a crack at that, for Pali to me, mud, I have come to the point asks, timidly. Now, as he stands ter, ao tall, and strong, and iunforgiv- . I'll" amount n£ water present in edit- 1t"9 have found clucks very profit- fear of selling something. Everytlaiti where I feet I must die in my own bed you leant is packed away. Books sill and not• In a strange land.', ;:i Ing, with this new-born digniLy upon ferent kinds of plants varies within able, fully as much so as hens, and papers Make too much clutter. Old, Since he ceased to worry over the him, Sha fully realizes, for the first eon,ider;%Ii:e lhnits, though [.here tore i.une, all she has recklessly resigned, t.nt fele ]r•tnrt" in w]iich it ]ass its. `• we have a liking for them, says the easy slippers, true, tried, and valued political vagaries Of tills young Bill- edttar of Tarin and Fireside. Tfav are friends as you fools upon them, have I,el;nr Cha Plinaa fnsgg'rows noticeablyr i' Ile, had loved her at one time, Surety, 1 been burned; no room for rubbish, gatater in mind and sCronger in body, and she had trampled on that love, an ,scantily than 50 per cent, bloat aL the hardy and easily raiser a:ul are not flea house is in apple-pie order, and Ile is again erect and strides through 11 lit she had crushed out of it ail life ,planta used in agriculture contain from snbjebt to roup, cholera, not du lira if you want anything you have to ask the Salon forest with the vigor of and sweetness. 60 to 00 per cent. of water, Carrots,foxl trouble, them. i the mistress Cor it; and if she wants You tivcnty years apo, FI}s only stimulants ' ' iastance, contain 85 per cent., turnips Where is abundant room far chol,•e in [° have It, she'll got it for you; and if now axes Bavarlane beer and very airy or That what so Calls have we prize not to and cabbages about 00 per cent„ wilt]° some plants such as lettuce, maabrooms j varletins, but for profit th"re is nut, find It, aes nd have to Sbelieveeh can't Champagne. I _�. f the worLly , While we enjoy it; but, being lacked and gourds are made up almost: entire -1 a better broad than the. I`ekilis, rho- i 11111galgrtJt•e eyatlunclx entntnlitable lit THE CORRECT EXPRESSION, t and last, ly of watrr and cnnt:aiti only a tripling! ugh the. Bourns are a gu d Baton!' vuul itvusr, and i.11en it will be time to Why, thea: we rack the value; then lYa amount of dry matter. yeas, bcans,naLs, and clover eentain about til flet cent O£ pnkins are n purl while with a creamy l,egiu house cleaning again, ' Skidmore. --They any that Dinwiddie wits elected a m°mlier ,of the find underculnr, and tea broad Las been The virtue that possession would zlnt lvatrr, while Limber, whirr is one ut Lha i �' drye_yt, kinds of vegelzlaie matter, con In this country only a few years, hav- Honest men are the gontlemen of us- I school I board by a handsome ma,iarit'y, Xi}dlift--It is true, Nearly ail the show U, ' While it was outs"' , , l : tams 40 p*r °ens.. Ing Loon lirougllt front Pekin, China, tare,—Butwer. , I ladies voted 'for him, I