HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-29, Page 8Your Buggy
ll,oquiree oiling and so do your
wagons, implements, dm. It is gem
erally conceded there is nothing het.
ter than . sbor oil if you can gab ib
]heap enough. We bought a qua0-
tiby when prtees were low and are
elling Cheap
So sheep that it will pity you to gat a
quantity. You can have it by the
bottle or gallon es you wish it, Try
some and see.
Sheep TICks
Will bother your Iambs if you
don't watch out, We sell tick des-
troyers that will do the work..
'Run Drugs oltr specialty.
Druggists, Opllioiana and Bookseller's.
SOoT6EnN ExTTNslON W. G. & 0.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
GofNG $ot1TH, GOING Norma..
?fait 0:00 a,m.Mixed 0:40 a.m.
Sxnress 11:16 a.m. I ]]loll 803 p.m.
!fixed 9:0d p.m. Express 9:43 p,m.
Of at l.eiv5 :t an ,
A ohiel's atitang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll print it.
Prc-Nic season has opened.
Sfnx0 Monday will be June let.
Rom the District nova an page 6.
MONDAr'e .rain will do a 'power" of
Corm' of Revision and Council meeting
next Monday evening.
THE 12th of July celebration in Brus-
sels will be a "hummer."
Tae rape horses in training here have
;none to the Port Huron races.
Won( has begun at the enlargement of
Deadman & McCal1's drug store.
Tan town Band attended a ge,den
party at Walton on Wedueeday eve ing.
FRED. Give won a pair of opera Mase•
es in the boy's bioyelo race at Listowel
:Met Monday.
J. A. CBaIGHTON'e reeidanes, Privatise
otroet, has been improved by a new dress
of paint. Wm. Ainlel'A ditto.
A unman of interestin'3 matters are
crowded out of this week's issue to make
zoom for extended reports of Conventioue.
Bnnesans football team expect to go to
Atwood ou Friday of this week to play
tboir first matoh with the club of that
Two travelling musicians (?) with bag-
pipea and Irish pipe did the town Alon•
day forenoon. It is doubtful if their
revenue was mach iu advance of their
A. CoriSmy continues to push the sale
of the Brantford bicycle. Last week be
Add a ladies' wheel to J. A. Stewart, of
oho Standard I3anle, Brnssels, and a
ae,it'e bike to Geo. Coates, of Cranbrook.
Taring was a special train run last
:Sunday to Listowel, from Kincardine, to
accommodate those desirous of attending
oiso funeral of the late John Livingston,
omit also the unveiling of Jessie Keith's
monument. 30 tickets were sold at Brus-
sels. Conductor Quirk was in charge of
the train.
Drumm the rain storm on Monday
liveninglightning followed the telegraph
wires into T. Fletcher's and set Etre to
the board to which they a.e attached in
vbe telegraph nffiae. The insulating was
-also burned off the wires. Mr. Fletohsr
wse fortunately in at the time and with
the aid of a mat beat out the fire before
nntala headway was gained. The lightn-
s e was vary close.
LAST Saturday morning as some cattle
were being driven along the Main street
one of them struck off through the alley-
way between Deadman & MaCall's store
tend Miss Rosa', three others attempted
to follow but mi -took their bearings and
'Eery shortly after found themselves in-
side the drust store. They were hastily
.jested, no damage of any account being
dons. Some people say the bovines were
looking for a Jersey milk shake, but we
don't know whether they were or not,
TonoNre Telegram,—air. Editor,—
it not understood that ail purchases
.hy the City Council should accept the
;.tweet tender, all other things equal ?
3 wish to tell you how far from such
i'nir dealing has lately been enacted in
She /are purchase of a small bre engine
al $.1,490 by Toronto. Our firm tender.
ed to the Fire Committee of 1895 for one
of similar size, power and oapaoity at
$11,000 ; and one of larger capacity for
43,000. Again, eve lately offered our
largest size, fully double the capacity, ab
4i,9100. We urged and begged of the
Are Committee end Board of Control to
test these engines side by aide, and let
ma prove in practical teeth that ours
were all we elaimad—better engines,
much more durable, copper tubes verene
iron tubes, much more simple and easier
Needled, guaranteed five years longer,
asstng steam quicker, throwing better
atreams, a proved gold medal 0500055 at
World's Fair versus untried, untested
experimental engines—in fact every
point in our favor ; but our simple re -
spent to test upon pure merit for the
patronage of the city was °rushed out
and unheeded, Now lot tie see what the
city is losing by such a course :—Our
*ender for large and small engine was
05,000 and $3,000, less $000 if both taken,
wet $7,500. Instead of this you are pay -
frig $5,800 and $4,400, net $9,700, just
42,200 over our trader --or for our larger
email engine $1,700 over our figura,
Does this emaotc of ec , ,omy 7 Another
Tact let me refer to ; our /urger engine
that so nobly beat the large Merryweath-
er, was loaned to the city free for many
months, under promise of purchase if
'other engines were needed, Would any
pity in the wide world have rejeoted
such a winner by Canada as againet alt
England ? Everybody in your oiby were
proud of it, as they well might be—nil
et: opting the Toronto City Cotincil,
lrurely the people as well as ourselves
Have a right to know the meaning of all
allies Very respectfully yours,
RONALD Y'"IRN f1NG1N5 `Y1rOIix9.
l3ouoasr.e was largely represented slit.
W inghum feet AIouday,
isTIMi week the Saturday excursions 10
the lake bo3iu on the E. T, R,
0. Henn and W. i:, Seat were among
the prize wieners eeb the atbiotie sports
in 1 urldlill on Menday,
A areae] lantern servioe was held in
the Salvation Army berraelte en Wednee.
day evening of Rae ween,
Bnoeeaae town Band was at. Wingham
on Monday, They played Several selee-
Iions before taking the train in the Meru.
ing. :.
"Mals Dammam" won let and "Paddy"
and in the 2.30 trot or pane et Mltohall
on Monday. The beat time is given as
Tin fife and Drum Band will be
treated to Another garden party at S.
Oaldbick'e, Morris, on Wednesday even-
ing of next weep.
ToneDAT we received the first sample of
this season'e home grown strawberries
from Alex, Stewart, Queen: street, and
Wm. Ellis, South of Brussels. The orop
promises to be an average, ono.
Sinn= marniteg, ae Oleveland Barker,
along with other boyo, was waiting for
the oomiug of the special train, the form
er, in climbing down from a freight oar,
fell and streak his thigh on a rail en the
railway and for a time was ynoonseious,
but bas suffered no bad effects from his
THE offioe bearers for the new Lodge
of Ancient Order of Foreeters organized
in Brussels are :—E, 0. Danford, C. R. ;
N. Blaakmofe, S. 0. R. ; D. Frain,
Treas. ; J. IDunoan, Seo. ; J. Boyd, S.
W. ; Jae. Reid, S. B. ; J• Robb, 3, 13, ;
Dr. McNaughton, Phys. The Court will
bold its meetings in the Odd Fellow's
Nis.—The first tennis match of the
season Its far as Brussels is ooneerned
was played on the lawns of Messrs. Will.
son and Smith, Wingham, on Monday,.
and after a very enjoyable time the
visitors were declared viotors by one
event and a majority of 31 games. The
score was as follows Donblee—Griffin
and Campbell beat Flatober and Dennis,
(7.5) (7.5) (1.6) ; Cameron and . Stewart
bent Smith and Bowles, (6 2) (6.8) (0.3)
Ambrose and Bowles beat Sinclair and
Rose, (8.4) (4.8) (7.6). Singles—Griffin
beat Stewart, (6.4) (3.6) (7.5) ; Fletcher
beat Campbell, (6 0) (6.8) ; Cameron beat
Bowles, (6 1) (9.7) ; Ross beat Ambrose,
(6.8) (7.6) ; Sinclair and Bowles, a draw.
J. A. Stewart, of the Standard Bank,
Brussels, was the referee. A return
match will be planed shortly. Brussels
team was D. 0. Roes, H. Dennis, J. H.
Cameron, Bussell Fletcher, W. J. Stew-
art and W. M. Sinclair. They were most
hospitably entertained,
CoNvuN'r'ION—Th eRural Deanery meet-
ing and Sunday Sabool Convention for
the County of Huron will be beld in St.
John's oberoh, Brussels, on Tuesday and
Wednesday, June 2nd and 3rd. The fol.
lowing will be the program :—Tuesday
morning, at 10 o'clock—Annnal meeting
of the S. S. Association of the Deanery
of Huron ; Opening services ; address of
weloome ; reports from Sunday Schools.
Afternoon, at 2 o'olook—"The Primery
Teacher," Mise Brown, Seaforth ; "The
Teacher's Aim," J. Ades Fowler. 0. E.,
Clinton ; "The Teaching of the Christian
Year, the Basis of S. S. Instruction,"
Jas. Irwin, Brussels ; First lesson in
Missionary Instruction, (with class) Mrs.
Griffin, Brussels ; "Hata to retain schol-
ars in the Sunday School," Mrs. Foster,
Wingham ; election of officers, &o.
Evening. at 7:30—Divine Servide. The
Bev. 0. R. Gunn°, M. A., Gorrie, will
preach, subject, "Loyalty to the Doc.
trines and System of the Church."
Wednesday morning, at 8 o'olork—Oele-
bration of the Holy Communion ; at 10
o'clock -The Semi.annual meeting of the
Chapter of the Rural Deanery of Huron
will be held in the school room. The
Chapter is composed of the Clergy, war-
deus, and lay delegates of each parish.
A full attendance is requested.
CoxaniT.—Ons of the best ooncerts held
in Bruseele for many a day was given on
Thursday evening of last weekunder the
auspices of the Pnblio Library. The
BOOMS of the excellent program proved
that the two ladies in charge of it, via.,
Miss Irate Wilson and Plias Mary Ross,
left nothing undone to make it a suooess
and also that Brussels has talent in both
musical and elocutionary lines that can-
not be easily surpassed. Where every.
body did their part so well it is a diffi-
cult matter to state whether the Scotch
or Irish departments bad the ascendancy.
All was so good it would not be of any
use to attempt to individualize, but re-
port the program as follows :—Solo,
Baruy, Oome Home," Jas. Tones ;
rinett, "Scotch Airs," Mrs. Thomson and.
Miss Fanny ; recitation, "Irish Ram-
bles," G. D. Lamont ; quartette, "Light
may the Boat Row," Misses Wilson and
Moore and Messrs. Lamont and Camer-
on ; solo, "Remember, boy, you're
Irieb " Alex. Ross ; recitation, Bowl
About," Frank Lambie, enoore, "Modern
Logic" ; solo, "ThreeLoaves of Sham -
rook," Miss Lottie Hill ; solo, "Soots
Wha Hae," W. M. Sinclair ; Highland
fling, Jas. Ballantyne, encore, Sword
dance ; instrumental duett, Misses
Norton and McLauoblin ; solo, "High-
landman's toast," Miss Annie Stewart,
encore, "The Auld Sootah Songs" ; comic
song, "Ould Ireland so Green," T. A.
Hawkins, encore, "A fine old Irish
gentleman" ; recitation, "Gutta.pereba
Soles," Frank Lambie, encore, "Antioi'
potion" ; quartette, "The 0. P. R. A.,"
Misses 13111 and Ross and Mesere. Hawk.
ins and Ross, snore, "The fortune tell.
or" • duett, "Croolcit Bawbee,"
Mies Wilson and W. M. Sinclair ; ohorde,
"Auld Lang Syne," Scotch company ;
Irish farce, "Two to One" Characters
in faree—Timothy Eagan, an Irish foot-
man ; Sally Meehan, nook ; Betsy Jane
Perkins, housemaid. The nook and
housemaid fall in love will] the footman;
tbie leads to jealousy and quarrels ;
Timothy proposes to and is accepted by
both ; he re001505 news whish necessi-
tates his sudden departure. The parts
were well taken by Jae• Ballantyne, Miss
Mary Rose and Miss Olive Norton, The
town Band played a number of seiections
at the opening. The stage was neatly
and appropriately deaorated with 'nae
ourtaine, hangings, portraits of the
Queen, Robert Burns and Hon. Edward
Blake ; shamrocks, thistles and maple
loaves. The committee in charge of this
work received valuable assistanoe from
Geo. Halliday. Premeds of entertain.
meat, at 15 Dents admission, was $33.00.
The ladies and gentlemen who rendered
suoh valuable service are deserving of
the best thanks of the Public Library
F3usiX1,ess Locals„
Slab the Daisy ellern at MQifay & Cos,
T07MTO and cabbage plants at Mo..
Envy linos of spades Anel ehovols ab
1Rolfay Coe,
CLoven snd timothy seed for sale,
Barker & Vanstmne.
13Mes Inangel and 'Swede male in the
world at MoOraoken's.
Trioiornx and ()lover esed for sale at 3,50,
BAUD wire and out nails ab low prioee
et Molfay & Ooa.
LIIoII•oaass dry goods at very low
prices at A. J. Davie'.
Futon mileh oow for salla. Apply 10
JA6, WALlcnit, Bruseele.
Ice for sate delivered at your home,
Apply to W. fieatherdels.
Vaasa mllch oow, 6 years old, for sale.
Apply at THM Poso Publishing House,
Ahr, kinins of cattle taken for furniture
or sewing reaohinee at 11, Leatherdale's,
.BIernaia supplies, Enamel your hi.
oyole for. 25 ]ante, Molbay & Co.
A wog lino of buggy dusters on band,
all sold at close margins. I.C. Richards.
INsncr sprayers, seroen doors, carpet
sweepers, paints &o„ ab Molloy S: Oo8,,
SacorD hand bioyelo in first-class
B,order, for sale, cheap for cash. ; Apply to
Saes dressings of fell kinds on hand
both for blank and tan colored.
I. 0. Richards.
Box about 14 years old wants work,
Willing to work. Farm preferred, Ap-
ply at Tan PesT.
I nava the hest stook of window shades
ever seen in Brussels. Prime to suit the
times and put up free. R, LMArnannALa,
A BrLeNDin range of men's women's
and children's shoes on hand. Call and
see them no matter if you do not buy,
we will be pleased to have you see them.
I. 0. Rlohards.
Is' you waut an organ or sewing maoh.
ine I can save you from 410 to $25 bot -
ter than you can buy fromagents. Come
and get my prime before you buy. All
goods delivered from R. Leatherdale's.
Mns, T. S. HAwx1Ns, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the best remedy
for a debititaed system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 eta. Sold by Jae. Fox,
Simons Cure, the greab cough and
croup pure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25
cent.', (i,ildlen love it. Sold by Jas.
Fox, 110,,;, "), Brussels.
]Etna's Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head clear as
a bell. 25 uta., 50 ate. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Baran:Igo Down.—Maobinery, bioyeles,
lawn -mowers, scissors, implements and
all kinds of tools sharpened and
put in order at reasonable prices
for spot cash by saw filer T. McGregor,
of Brussels, Queeu St. East.
Vwo TMME PLANTS,—For sale at D. Mc•
Lennao's green house, alt kinds of nee.
table planta, strawberry plants, eto. If
anything is wanted in this line you should
call and see D. MoLennau'e plants, Bras.
COMING 1 -.Dr. Sinclair. Specialist. will
be at uu. 011 Can 1[oteI, Brussels on
Thursday arae June 4th, from. 7 in the
morning until 3 Ir. m- Tama diseases,
heart diseases, dropsies, diseases or walll•
en and moven 0iaef1505 treated with sue.
eras. Consultation Free,
D. Ewa sells the Best and Cheapest
Scuffiers in the market. Farmers, don't
have to pay for peddling, as I sell at my
shop, and give the farmer the benefit of
his hard earned money. Gall at my
shop, Bruseele. Prices away down.
CAnrars.--Any one desiring carpets
will do well to call at the Brussels Wool-
en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
have the largest 'assortment of samples
ever shown in this looality, ranging in
price from 80e, to $1.00. Rows & Co.
PAINTING Class.—Miss Mary Mories, of
Wingham, will open a class in Brussels
for instruction iu Landscape Painting.
Her studio will be the apartments lately
vacated by T. A. Hawkins, in the Smith
block. Class will meet each Friday.
Terms reasonable.
A. 3. Davis annoennes that a large non-
signment of clothing, which he has
bought for spot cash, has just come to
hand. As he is clearing out his stook he
is prepared to give men's snits (good
suits) at from $8,00 upwards. Don't buy
until you see these goods. They are
offered at less than half price.
.FLowans AND PLANTA.—Thos. Kelly,
florist, Brussels, has a rare and beautiful
eolleolion of flowers and plants this sea-
son and is in a better position than ever
to suit the public. Re will also have the
usual range of garden plants, such as
cabbage, tomatoes, &c. If you regnire
anything in this line call on 0r write Mr.
Kelly. Plants for sale at Geo. Thomson's
WNLL-DIGGING AND Dnmanen.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar•
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Bruseola. 84•tf
PAINTING, &c.—The undersigned, hav-
ing entered into partnership, are prepar-
ed to do all kinds of work in the following
lines :—Plein and ornamental painting,
kalsomining, frescoing, paper -hanging,
sign.writing, &o., &o. Remember our
motto, "First•olass work and reasonable
charges." STEWART & RITaiIn
THE BEST Raeowaisuw.—The best re-
eommend a bioyole can have is the num-
ber of sales made, A. Couslsy, agent for
the well-known Brantford, has made the
following sales this season already :—
W. E. Armstrong, tsaoher, Brussels ;
Arthur Wake, Brussels ;
Mr..Shiele, Grey;
Rev. G. H. Oobbledioll, Brussels ;
Colin McArthur, Brussels ;
Wm. McDonald, Molesworth ;
John Rue, teacher, McKillop
W. J. Roeell, Bruegals ;
H. J. Burkholder, Drayton ;
Sydney Bolger, Morris ;
R. A. McKee, teacher, MuRiliop.
Miss Tilly Gorton, Wroxeter,
Bev. W. J. Waddell, Ethel ;
J. Hackwsll, llfoRillop.
J. A, Stewart, Bruseele.
Geo. Goatee, Oranbrook.
The "Rad Bird" gives great malefaction,
A stook of wheels always on hand, both
new and second band. A. Cousellx,
Agent, Br easel a.
MAY 29, 1896
/• 1�T4X 4 .l 134XOF SJ4,7 4D4r
ASE77T13, (Seven Million Dollars) . $7,000,904
CAPITAL (Aubhnrized)
Agencies ill all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Asitia] la, United States ca Tnplanrh
lowestWI3206° DSi, W R.
A General ,Banking Business Traneaobed, learnsors' Nates Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe.
Interest allowed ondeposits of 111,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
85E00.0 ATT8NTIQN cmos TO W M COLLisoTIoN OP Fla mini& SALM NGTHS,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance,
RsTutr.—An aged blaolc mare. Any
one call] can give auoli information so
will load to her recovery will plena° nom.
minimae with Daniel Stewart, Brussels,
and will be suitably rewarded,
The al; P. ores did not bring Canada
into prosperity's port, but they did above
up the expenses of Government from
028,500,000 under Mackenzie to 438,000,-
000 under Tupper.
TbaN. P. provides no protection to
labor. It enslaves it. The working
man must pay tribute to the combiner
and at the same time oompete againstthe
laborers who come from all parts of the
world to bid for his job.
Bunoase,—In Brussels, on May 20th, the
wife of Mr. J•amee Burgess, of a
Bnumr.—In Atwood, on May 17th, the
wife lot Mr. Benjamin Brunt of a
WIu0INeoN—LITTLnnala,—In Belgrave, on
May 21st, at the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rev. E. A. Shaw,
Air. Chas. Wilkinson, of Morris, to
Miss Annie, :daughter of Mr, Emer-
son Littlefair, of Belgrave.
Vowwmttr.N-1EsNNEDr.—In Belgrave, at
the residence of the bride's parents,
on May 201h, by Rev. E. A. Shaw,
Mr. Frank Vannorman, to Miss
Eliza Kennedy, both of Belgrave.
Cooatxer—TArxon.—At the residence of
the bride's father, Mr. William Tay.
ior, Atwood, 013 ?day 20th by Rev. J.
Ball, Mr. Geo. Henry Coghlin to
Mies Eva Ann Taylor.
GOY—STMPnaNsoie.—At the Manse, Wing -
ham, ou May 20th, by the Rev. D.
Perrie, Mr. John Goy to Miss Jennie
Stephenson, both of Turnberry.
Cnoors.—In Grey, on Monday, May 25th,
5896, Maggie A., beloved wife of Al
herb E. Crooks, aged 28 years, 7
months and 7 days.
LlvrxesTON•—In Listowel, on May 21st,
1896, John Livingston, aged 61
SLEwaoN.—In Elmo., on May 26th, Thos.
Slemmon aged 80 years and 5
WALTnns.—In Lower Wingham, on May
16th, Richard Wnitere, aged 85 y ears.
73$'T.TSS r7rG M.H.RS�7T9,
Fall Wheat .. 68 68
Barley.... .. 25 80
Peas .. 45
Oats 19
Butter, tubs and rolls 11
Eggs per dozen ... 7i, 8
Flour per barrel.. 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (new) 10 12
Hay per ton8 00
Hides trimmed 4 4
Hides rough 3 8}
Salt per bbl„ retail..,1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 60 75
Lamb skins eaob 15 40
Apples per bee.... 1 00
Hoge, Live 8 60 3 70
Dressed Hoes 4 00 4 50
Wool 18
Y Fi rat mortgage, farm security. Apply
al x1010 POST Publishing House, Brussels,
von SAcw.—Lots 220 and 221, Queen at.
Terms reasonable to a cash purchaser. Ap-
ply ou the premises or to
35 W. M. SINOLAlrt.
a baby's head.dregs, on Thursday fore-
noon between D. Ewan's shop, Brussels, and
Lot 21, Con. 0, Morris. The Sudor will con-
fer a favor by leaving the same at TIE PosT
Publishing House.
l� Ions of the undersigned, ono mare colt,
light bay In Dolor, white on forehead and
nose, and white hind feet. Any person giv-
ing information as to her whereabouts will
be suitable rewarded..
45.2 JOHN HANSULD, Ethel P. O.
The Council of the corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in the Court
Room, in the Town of Godertoh, on Tuesday,
the 2ad day of June next, et 3 o'clock p.m.
Wm. LA NE, Clerk.
Dated Cray 10, 1800.
take notice that all who are indebt.
ed. to Wm. Shnpson are requested to settle
up by the 16th of June, 1806, otherwise all
unsettled accounts will pass into the hands
of a oollettor in Hamilton, Pcor health
compels me to resort to this plan.
40 WM. SIMPSON, 300hol.
Volunteer's Attention !
The Bruseels Volunteer Company will go
into Damp in June next. All men wishing to
joinmay do no by applying to G. F. BLA113,
Lieut, Brussels, or to R. S. HAYS, Captain
For ,addition to Haute of lietogo.
Sealed tenders will be received by lthe un-
dersigued (marked tender for 100 Mute of
ltofu e) up to the and day of Jane, 1890, for
building as addition to tho'House 01 Refuge
at Clinton. Plans and epoeilloatloos earl bo
seen at the ]0100 or Wm, Coats, Clinton, or
at the oliloo of the arehtteet, H, C. MaBrldo,
London, The leaved or any tender not nee-
essarily aaespted,
Chairman of Committee, Crediton.
Dated May 1211,1800, 46.2
RnNr. A first-class Bioyelo fully guar•
iteteed, new, for 500art. oath, balance 55
Per month, or will rent to responsible par,
tios.-i)EADMAN. & M'CCALL,
Druggists, Opticians & Booksellers,
IAEA of the unrlerolgned, L01 M8, Con; 0,
Grey, on or about May seal, a small dark.
red Lank 006. Any information leading to
bar roeoverywill be thankfully received.
46.1 3. W. 38'OGAL, Ethel.
51eNED has more pasture than be re-
quires so will take a number of eabtle to pas.
tore for tho season. River rune through the
farm, For terms sod particulars apply to
Lot 27,4011 Lino, Morrie, Brussels P. 0
DE11616NE13 has several good Farms £or
sale and to reit, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. I` S. SO OTT,Brussele
1 ]ARMS FOR SALE. — 200
JLC acres—Consisting of Lots 1$ on the 7th
and 8th Ooncessiene, Township. of Grey, be -
lug lmile fro,nthe Village of Ethel and80
milds from Brussels, 40 acres of Pall wheat
sown aid about BO aores under grass ; 00
acres cleared on each. Perms o1 payment
easy. A, MCIOELYEY, Al, D.,
94- brussels.
—160 acres of good farm ]anti at
Springfield, 8 milds from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for aide atalow price. The property is
North 'Gast 4 5o0,10, Twp, 11, Range 4, Emit.
Therois a house on the premisee and some
breaking done. Por full particulars as to
price, title. &c., write or apply to
G. F. BLAIR or W. H. HERR,
20-tf Brussels, Ont.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 11, Oon.10, (Orey, the thoro'-bred York-
shire Boar,"Tucker's Wonder," His sire,
"College Prince," was a prise winner at the
Worlds Fair. Pedigree will he produced on
application. Terms 81.00, to bo paid at time
of service with privilege of return tug if neo-
essary. WM. MEN AIM,
43.4 Proprietor,
Undersigned will ]seep for eery lee on
Lot 20, Con. 0, Morrie, the thoro' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected"
bred from S. B. Bratbour's sweepstakes sow
at Chicago Fair, Tornte, 51.00 to be paid
at the time of servioe with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. Pedigree may seen
on application.
R0131. NICHOL,
undersigned will keep for earvine of
I,ot 80, Coo: 0, Morris, the tboro'-brod Large
English Perkshh•e Boar, "Captain John,"
His mother is it full sister to the 1st prise
sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be
n006508d on ap licatiou. Terme—$1.00 to
be paid at time of service with privilege of
returning if necessary.
14.Om JAS. 8PEiR, Proprietor.
Anoint Order of United Workmen,
This Benevolent and Fraternal
Society is the Oldest and
Strongest of the kind in
Each member secures to his family, at Isis
death, $2,000,00 or 01,100.00, at his option.
The yearly assessment on the former is only
$10.00 and en the latter 38.00, on good
healtllymen between the ages of 91 end 40
years. A large lodge is in operation 1.0 Brus-
sels. Why not join yourself and secure for
your family, in cuss of your being called
away, a handsome sum for their eupport?
ROBT. A1(M9T1IONG,M. W. ; W. H. KER10,
Recorder ; J. A. O1.EtGH1'ON,Ftnaucior,
Ey The undersigned will peep the thorn'
bred Jersey bull,"Brussels Victor," for ser-
vice on Lot 2, Con. 101 Grey, adjoining Brns-
gols. Pedigree may be soon on application.
Terme, $1,00 for grades, to be paid ab time
of service with privilege of returning if nou-
eeoary. JAS. 13'URGII SS,
40.4 Proprietor,
Bull for Service.
The undersigned will Imp for eorvice on
Lots 10 and 17, Con. 10, Grey, a thorn' Brod
Durham hull with regleteled pedigree.
Terms 31.00, to be paid at time of service
with privilege of returning if necessary.
T1105. B1(0 WN,
80.2m Proprietor,
Jersey Bull for Service.
Tho uudorsignod will koop for sorvie° on
Lot 27, Con. 4, Morris, a well bred Jersey bull.
Terms 81.00 to be paid at time of service)
with privilege of returning if neoeSs,ery.
3491515 DUNCCAN
40.4 Proprietor,
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate /loyal College Dental Surgeons,
Grown and Bridge worlt a specialty. Moder-
ato Pees. Satisfaction Assured. oflloo over
Barrett's bather ellop, Turnberry St., Bras -
el s Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary college, it prepared to treat all
discasee o4. demerdtteated animals In a' 00131.
patent manner. Particular attention paid
to Veterivar dentistry. Calla promptly at-
tended to. OMoe and infirmary—Four 60000
north 01 bridge Turnberry 01„ B1'1160018. I Lerma Yuodol'atd,
II 2ft
Will Wondore Never Cava ?
Perhaps, When Fox's Beef Wine.
aper Iron ceases to be taken. We .
can recommend it as a most ex-
cellent stimulant and Nerve Ton-
ic, and we know of quite a num-
ber who speak most highly of its
many excellent qualities. But
assuming that . you are all cured
and feeling pretty good, perhaps
you are equal to that little trip
you were to take. It so, see ow:
Fancy and Toilet articles for
Sponges, Fine Soaps, Por -
fumes, Travelling Companions
and Brushes of all kinds. Tra-
vellers don't leve to spend much
money upon these things as a
general thing but we know, this
when we marked them for sale
and placed attractive prices upon
Prices Always Right at
Fox's Drug Store.
• Soliotbor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. Oilfoe—Vaustono'e Moon, Brus-
sels. 21-3m
• Solicitor Conveyancer ,Notary Pub.
Ile, &e, Offer—'anetnne'a Block, 1 door
worth of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
(Formerly of Cameron, dolt &
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Godertoh,
Ont, Ofloo—Hamilton St., Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, &o. (late of Gamow &
Prondfaot's Mee; Oederich.) Ofifoo over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Bruesols.
Money to Loan, 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
orlon reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stocks. speoiaity, Orders loft at Tam PosT
Publishing House,Bru gaols, or eentto Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention.
] • mut, will toll for better prim, to
better men, in ase time and less oharges
than any caber Auottoacor in East Huron
or lie won't oharse anything.Dates and
orders can always be arrangat this office
or by personal application.
e➢ • 0.11'L, L, R. C. P., Eellnbttrgh, M• 0 • P
S. Ont. .Residence and Milos in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physioiane
land Surgeons, Ont. Orplan—Next door to
MCDOnald & Go„ Walton Out.
atV pVe GaoIaeeouyrl oufrlcorrraygseLioeusee, Office
• Tonsorial Artist' shop—Next door
soabh of A. M. McKay& We hardware atom,
Ladies' and childrena hair outtiug a specialty
Savings Bank takes Deposita from
01,00 to 51,100 and allows Si per cent.
interest. T. FARROW,
07.3m Postmaster.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
C1MMIOP AT JawaLnx ST01,0. .
1•210 Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels.
tuRANoa 00. Estahliebod 1540, In..
aurones effected on all Town aid Farm
Property at very leave. es.
J. A, OR10I0HTON, • 16.9m Agent, Bruesols.
Clerkofthe Fourth Division Corr
Oo, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Ineuranoe Agent, Fuede
nveeied and to loan: Collections made
Oftloe in Grallam'eBlock, Brussels
r1133.0B. A. HAWEINS,
Or anistin at. John's Ohuroh Brum.
solo,. wilg give lessons to pupils dither on
pianoor organ, at his Mttelo B00131,opposite
the post•ofifoe, Brussels. Vocal loseone also
givou, (eeu years experience in tea:hing, .