HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-29, Page 66 gip *lads Vat i l51141au17n•-•--, BSERs' FRIDAY MORNING On thaw fortheearly mails) at ti -dc, lie Pimp' Meow Pub nesse, TBBNBBn1tY S7•., BIMSenLs, QAT. TEEM an fllhnsonrrTlO2 'One dollar a Yam, in dvauoe. 0,`he.date to which every subaeription is Geld is denoted by the date on the address label, Anvertees ee 11A'rns.—The following raise will be charged to thosewho advertise by the year: sPAol' 1 lit. i 0 Pm. 18 mo One Column. $00.00$85.00 $90.00 $elf ' .. 88.00 20,00 1300 Quarter " 90.00 12,00 800 Eighth " 19,00 8.00 4.00 Blight Dente tier lino for drat insertion, and three Dents per lino for .each subsequent in. sertiou. All advorti mauls measured ae Nonpareil—l2 lines to th a inch, B118112eae 0040,ei0lb linoa end uudor, 85 Per MMAnm. Advertisem0nt0 without opecifie direc- tions, will be inserted until *forbid, and charged acoordingly, Inefructioneto change or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the oppunting room orTnn POST not later than. Tuesday of each week Shia is imperative, 1.x3, x£IE:Ea , Editorand Proprietor. POLITiOAL. Debt redaction and not debt expansion is what is most needed now. Nova Bootie is full of old.time Oon• servatives who are giving active aid and support to Liberal candidates. Hon. J. A. Ouimet, late Minister of Pnbfio Works, ie appointed Judge of the Court of Appeal of Montreal. The dead will vote, the alien will vote, the exile will vote, and a new generation of young men will be denied the ballot at the coming election. The Mali -Empire says the Manitoba school question,. may, "however," never be an issue again. This is for the On. tario end of the combination. In Quebec the organs dealer+) the school business to be the sole issue in the campaign. One end or the other is to be fooled. ,Accessions of prominent Conservatives to the Liberal ranks continue to be noted. At a meeting at Dartmouth, N. S., the other night. Mr. Fraser, a professor in the Commercial College, and a life long Ooueervative, announced that he could no longer endorse the Government's pol- icy and record. He pledged his active support to Messrs. Rouen and Keefe. The Ottawa oorrespondent of the St. John Telegraph says :—"From the most reliable quarter 1 learn that Sir /Macken- zie Bow,ell bad an interview with Mr. Chapleau in Montreal a few days ago, and that Mr. Chapleau expressed very grave doubts as to the 8000ees of the Tupper combination on June 28rd. Hon. Wilfrid Laurier and his friends are keeping things warm is the Quebec end of the country. He is the 'White beaded boy" there, if the crowds whioh attend his meetioge and the enthusiasm with whioh he is everywhere received, are any indications of popular feeling. He is one of themselves, and the Frenob Canadians are proud of him es well they may be. The Toronto World (Conservative) says that in the following 84 constituencies the nominees of the Conservative party will be pledged to oppose Remedial legis. lotion :—Ottawa City, Carleton, North Leeds and Grenville, Addington, Algoma, North Brace, Cardwell, East Durham, Vest Durham, Frootenac, East Grey, North Grey, Halton, North Hastings, East Lombton, North Lanark, Lennox, Muskoka, South Perth, West Peterboro', Prince Edward, North Renfrew, South Renfrew, East Simcoe, South Simcoe, Toronto (4), South Victoria, Center Wel- lington, York (8). In the cage of 24other constituencies the Conservative canal.. dates are nnpledged, and are known to be Government supporters. The N. P. was guaranteed to render the Canadian farmer independent of the world's market, building up a home mar. ket that would consume all 1118 produce and save to him all the coat of transport- ing it abroad. The email farmer on the 100 -acre lot was to be at least 8700 better off every year than he had been under a tariff that taxed him only what was nee. eesary for the public service. The farm- ers of Canada accepted the offer, took upon themselves the burden of the N. P., gave in another chance in 1887, because the combines bad not bad time to get it working properly, and now they are aek. ed to give it another trial. It may be well to present the facts in tabulated form for convenience of reference :— , A yw am o� eoF •a 6' a8z d ,q �'' .fie 02 3n � gyp•-• 400 bus. oats 3 124 $ 224 g 72 400 bus. barley 201 444 134 900 bus. wbeac 040 1120 400 500 bus. corn 443 nos 221 81050 02350 8000 A Toronto despatch says ;—'Many attempts have been made during the ppresent school agitation to have Aroh- biahop Walsh, of Toronto, express some opinion, and, up to the present time he has, according to the opinions of many prominent Roman Catholioe, acted wisely and in the best interests of his people in this Province. The mandement which the Roman Catholic hieraroby of Quebec have issued bearing on the dutyef Cath°. lie electors in this political campaign, so fat as the Manitoba school question is concerned, woolci not be signed or recog- nized by the Archbishop, who was asked to endorse the document. The Arch. bishop, it is understood, emphatioally re- fused to affix his name to the mande- ment, urging as a reason that the doon- ment Will create a religious war, His Grape believes his ondorsation of the document would lead to a religious hos- tility to Catholioe in this Province which would end in hundreds of Catholics being forced oat of their positione without a word being said. When it became known among the Roman Catholics of Toronto that the Archbishop had taken this notion be wee unanimously endorsed," In his speech at Brantford, Hon. A. 5, Hardy replied to the critloism levied against Sir Oliver Mowat that he bad not shown the courage of Sir Chance Tupper and Mr. nation. He pointed out that Sir Charles Tepper bad resigned a salary of $10,000 and perquisites for a salary of $0,000 and all he oo01d grab. Mr. Tail - ton had resigned it salary of $4,000 to ae. Sept a salaryof $8,000 and ' llorcluieltee, Dub they said that Sir Oliver NOMShould resignand take no office at all. If Sir Oliver Mowat duzjng the last 28 years that be bad been Prune Minister of dale Province bad devoted bio time, as Sir Charles') upper bad done, to rolling up a ii b fa dollars u 11 on and al t 11 r out 133 the 0 1 0 ke s to f awn pe p e B p o t• p110 into hie ho might have resigned and taken no otllee at a11, But he had served the publlo, and. today he Was a 5000 man-3nupli poorer than he was when he went into Perlia. meat, If he had embed like bhe Primp Miuisterof Quebec, who, when there was a loan of $8,500,000 to be made, had tak. en it out of the bands of hie Treasurer, Mr. Hall, and with Ido, Ohapleau, had made a loan of 85,000,000 that was nob needed, selling the debentures at 77,. whioh were sold afterwards at 8571, and losing to the Province $450,000, besides $40,000 inogrred in expenses, Sir Oliver Mowat might have resigned, as fill. Tail. lon had done. The Monetary Times says ;—"On the tirade queetion the platforms of the two great parties in the electoral contest are sufficiently °loan out nob to lead to mie• apprehension, provided a proper Non 1smade between their dietino- present and past vierve. And this le especially true of individual public men, The Govern. merit party lo pronounced in favor of pro- tection, which in one form or another it has adhered to ever since 1878. The Ot- tawa platform of the Liberals is not yet quite three years old, and whatever opin. ions was expressed by that party prior to that date are not now in question, except in so far as they coinoide with this plat- form, whioh is a declaration in favor of a tariff for revenue only. If it were per- mitted to go farther back, sve might find some of the leading men in the Opposition ranks,advooatee of protection, free trade with the United Sbatee, and other varie- ties of opinion. But to revive theee rem• inleoenoes would only oonfase and falsify the issue. The real question ie between a tariff for protection and a tariff for revenue only, leaving protection out of the question altogether, The advocates of a revenue tariff do not tell us that Obey expect to realize their aim at once, if they succeed in getting a majority ; they nth. er wish it to be understood, judging by what they say, that time, possibly con- siderable time, would be required to coin. piste the change whioh they have in con - temptation." THEY COULON' T FOOL. THE OLD MAN, One day last week a sleek, dapper, well- dressed, glib -tongued young man called at the residence of Christopher Dale, sr., Huron Road, West of Seaforth, and asked foe the proprietor. He was driving quite a stylish rig. Mr. Dale was on hand and enquired his basineas. He said he want- ed to buy a good farm, and had heard that Mr. Dale desired to dispoee of his. Mr. Dale said that he had no farm to sell, but he thought that his neighbor, Wm. 'Fowler, would sell his. The young man asked him if he would get into the buggy and drive over and see Mr. Fowler. This Mr. Dale oonaented to do. He got into the buggy and they drove off, presumably to see Mr. Fowler, but, instead of driving straight there, when theyjgot to the aide road leading South, the man turned down towards the railway track. This some. what aroused Mr. Dale's auspicious, but he said nothing, thinking he would await developments. After going a short dis- tance they met another stranger, a some- what burly, coarse -looking individual. This man stopped them, and entered in• to conversation with Mr. Dale's Oon1- panion. After talking a while this sec- ond man said to the other that he could show him a nice little game by which he could make some money, and which he had learned in Buffalo when be was over there with horses, and producing a pack of cards he offered to bet the man in the buggy 85 that he meld not pick out a certain card. The bet wee taken and the money put tip, both men seeming to have plenty of cash. The man readily picked out the desired card and pocketed the money. It all seemed as easy ;as rolling off a log. The Bnffnlo man then asked Mr. Dale if he would not like to take a risk. Mr. Dale's companion kept nudg• ing him, and urging him to go in and he would be sure to win. Mr. Dale, who was evidently enjoying the . f en as well as either of his companions, was quite willing to try and find the charmed card, but very positively deolinad to put up any money. This the Buffalo man at length consented to. Mr. Dale picked out the desired card and the mac insisted on hie taking the 85. After considerable coaxing Mr. Dale took the money and quietly placed it in his pocket. He was then strongly urged by both men to take another risk for a larger amount, but he refused, and, thinking the fun had gone far enough, he very peremptorily ordered bis oompenion to turn around and drive him borne. The man, evidently seeing that Mr. Dale had seen through the little game, and that he was not a man who could be fooled with, complied, anddrove batik ae far as the corner at the Heron road, when in no very mild terms he ordered Mr. Dale to dismount and get straight home. This Mr. Dale very politely refused to do. stating that the fellow had taken him away, promieing to return him, and be was bound that he should do so or there would be trouble. The scamp, seeing that he was thorough- ly caught at his own game, and that he had a man of determination and orange to deal with, took Mt. Dale home and deposited him in big own yard without any further ado, and left in no very ami- able frame of mind. Mr. Dale was none the worse for his adventure, was $8 in pocket for his trouble, while the sharpers were out that numb, but gained the knowledge that there 18 one ataunah farmer whom they cannot fool. The country ie fall of rnsoally adventurere of this alarm at the present time, and it would be well for all on whom they may Ball to give them a cool reception, or if they have dealings with them they may not all got off as fortunately as Oslr. Dale did, They are dangerous characters to deal with. Food, when ib were on the stomach, becomes innutritive and unwholesome. It poisons the blood, and both mind and body niter in consequence. What is needed to restore perfect digestion is a dose or two of Ayer'e Pills. They never fail to relieve. It is a great mietalze to suppose that a simple tonin gives strength; it only stim- ulates the etomaoh to renewed action. To impart real strength, the blood meet be purified and enriched, and thie can only be done by trach a standard alterativ$ as Ayer'e Sarsaparilla. T �f3ntt°�><. Tim Qounty flouneiia�wldl meet en the titin of June, and on the Srd the Mayor and Differs. Pair and Gunn will appeal' before itaoneerning the Stavoloy estate and a. county hospital. Inepoetor Paisley has ins 130x0' wrap. up' a o plaster, t ed 131. o nrG s or w toles o p p , and t8 t. make people believe that 36 WOO 40110 by a piece of barbed wire ; it's 00 near oleo - time for that to go down, Alpe. NeGuiro, one of the aged iu1natee of the Souse of Refuge, 'dipped down the basement steps the other day, and al. though 8110 dict not seem 0o hurt herself at the 01510, has been 1,1µ1t8 poorly 8(100, as the result. II. II, Ross and D. M00allom, or Olin, ton, have passed their final examination in medicine, and are now entitled to put 112, D. after their name, 0. J, Iliodsay, of the 16011 con., Goderioh tosvnehip, has paseed hie second year. Allan 'W, HarOt, teller at the Maisons Bank, will sever his oonnection there- with at the end of the month, and will remove bo St. Louis, where he accepts a more lucrative position with the Union Pacific Railroad he is succeeded by Mr. Kern, of Toronto, formerly of Wood. stook, A big looal oonoert will be given under the supervision of T. Jaokson, jr., in a few weeks, in whioh all the choirs in town will be asked to give four numbers each. It will be called the House of Refuge Concert, the prooeede going to pay for the books 'now used for the re. ligious services there. A meeting of the members of the Huron Rifle Aseooiation was held at Spooner's Hotel on Wednesday evening, May 20011, for the purpose of electing of - limn and making arrangements for the present season. There was it good at- tendanoe, and business of importance was transacted. John Jolhneon anted as chairman. The following °factors were elected :-Capt. Combe, Pres. ; Corporal Reid, Vico, Pres. ; M. MoTaggart, Seo. ; N. Bobaor, Treas. ; T. W. Jackson, of- ficial scorer ; Committee, John Spooner, chairman, D. MoPherson, John Miller, John Emerton, John Johnson. The first practice will be held on Thursday, June 4th, and then every Thursday dur- ing the season. 3. xotel•. The oontraobfor street watering has been awarded to W. Bios for 88o, per day. Frank Snell has signed to play laeros. se with the Clinton team daring this season. The Exeter Bowling Club bare secured the Trivitt Memorial church rectory lawn for this season. Jas. Purdon, who has been attending the Philadelphia University, will continue his studies with Drs. Bolliue & Amos. T. H. McCallum, our popular tanner, is having the exterior of his tannery covered with a coat of sheet iron, making it comparatively fireproof. The Travelling Dairy, sent out by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, will be in South Huron in June, and will be et Seafortb, Elimville, Varna, Hensel' and Dashwood. No action was taken in the seleotion of w pastor for the Trivitt Memorial oburoh at the spatial vestry meeting held last week. Another meeting for the purpose will be called shortly, DEATH OF RIoorAAD MANNIxe.—Another pioneer has gone to his reward, in the person of Richard Manning, whose death occurred early Tuesday morning of last week, at the family residence, Exeter. Deceased was in the 72nd year of his age, and had been sick for many years. Some twenty years ane be received a sun. stroke, which eventually brought on par- alysis. He had been an invalid for eight years, daring the last five of which he constantly required assistance day and night. Richard Manning was born in Devonshire, England, on Oot. 1st, 1824, and at the age of seventeen years came to Canada with his parents. They settled near Port Hope. In 1847 he married Miss Harriet Trick, (who died March 7th, 1805) and in 1853 with wife and children, moved to the township of Stephen, short- ly afterwards owning to Exeter. He re- sided here until 1860, when be purchased the farm on the let concession of Steph• en, where he Lived for nearly twenty years. He also instituted the first obeese factory in Huron County, whioh he suc- cessfully conduoted in connection with his farming pursuits. Retiring from the farm he removed to Exeter, where he has resided for about twenty years, having been appointed District agent for the Confederation Life Association, which office be held until incapacitated through illness. Mr. Manning was successful in this as well as his business undertakings, at one time being among the foremost agents of the Company. Deceased was of a frugal nature and bad made life a success. He was a staunch member of the Methodist oburoh, a Liberal in poli• tics and a man universally respeoted. He leaves to survive him five 8000 and one daughter : William Charles, of Cleve- land, Ohio ; Luther, of Crystal City, Man. ; Mrs. Geo. Weir, of Bothwell ; Wilber N., of Clinton, and John and Bus. sell, of Exeter. Also one brother, Mr. Manning, of Parkhill. The funeral took place on Saturday at 2 p. m., the inter. mens being made in Exeter cemetery. 0ATern0n 1Enr0Vsn LI 10 TO GG thINOTBs.— One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr, Agnew'' Catarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to nee, it relieves instantly, and permanent. ly mime Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colde, Headaoh 8, Sore Throat, Tonsilitie and Deafness GO cents at G. A. Deadman's. d { iNG to M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed, LATEST STYLES, Suits made for $4 and upwards. le -Shop over llicgowan's More, iv. H. Ward. A LIFE SAVED BY TAILING YERSCHERRY PECTORI�L Several years ago, I oaugbt a severe cold u attended 10rest, either day or nighugh t. Theodor, leaning ofthmytrouble lsenttme.abofriend.l Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, By the time I had used the whole botOle, I was completely cured, and I believe it saved my H, w.tnD, s Quimby Ave„ Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Hitrhost Awards at World's Fair. 4ver•a .Pills the Best, Family Physio, r4t4IMIDOI Rouse Painting, Paper Hanging, Kaisornining, &o, Spring douse Cleaning Time is here and we aro ready to at- •tend to Paper Hanging, Kalso reining and Painting in a prompt business like style. All work done in a workman- like manner at a moderate charge. Orders loft at the stores of W. H. MoOraelten of Wilton & Turn- bull will receive prompt atten- tion. The patronage of the public solicited, Estimates cheerfully furnished. *CRUM a RUMMY, BRUSSELS. lliclitSlie The undersigned llas open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMAL1 SLP3,11130141 where he will keep constant- ly on band a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold . at reasonable plicas. A share of public patronage solicited, i . y'1/ a.L R. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. ®a Sold Agreeable Dusts or gent by Mail, 200.nd NERVE .,, fico., and $1.00 per pea/lege. Samples free. ® Iller® forth' Oeebh and Si ar217. Sold by JAS. SOX, Drnsslsi, tt vessels. Know What You Chew 5 Plu Gs free from the. injurious coloring. The more you use of It the better you like it. TIM GEO. E. TUC10ETT & SON CO., LTB. HAMILTON, ORT. DROPPED DEAD ! 1':1 Suddenly Stricken Down by Boort Dis• ease. "A sad and sudden death oceurred to 0. well-known citizen on one of the lead• lug streets this morning." Nearly every large city paper cOm tains daily some such heading. The number of deaths from hr rt failure is very large, but it is only when they occur in some public and eensational manner that general attention is drawn to them. Palpitation and fluttering of the heart aro common complaints. With the heart itself there is nothing radically, wrong. But the system is, disorgene ized, the kidneys and liver are out of order, and the stomach is not in cone dition to do its work porperly. Bee tweon them all, they throw too much responsibility on the heart, and the. latter is unable to stand the strain. A box of Dr. Cbase'e kidney -Liver Pills at a cost of 25 cents will regulate the system, purify the blood and make a non} person of every sickly, man, woman or child. Dr; Chase's Liver -Kidney Pills may bo had from any dealer or from the manu- facturers, Edmaneon, Bates & Co., Toronto. One pall a dose, one cent -a dose. Dr. Chase's Linseed and Turpentine is and colds. Largest bottle on the mar- ket; only 25 cents, fila a .,:') LEY, Real Estate & Loan Agent, Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire d Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. Ar COUSLEY, Office over Deadman & MoOall's Store, BI$USSEL$. Cheap and First-class Material. Every Householder should call and see the 1111oflary Goal Oil Stove with Fountain. - _IT'S A DANDY. Window Screens all Sizes and Screen Doors made to order. VICCilra Tv uLL You are Invited 70 SEE OUR Newest Lasts Exclusive Designs Lowest Prices NEW ING SHOES ®tntl ,sTOCE IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL. LINES and we will sustain our past Reputation of "Best Goods at Low Prices." owning of Toronto. Established 1871. The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL,,' ACCUMULATIVE, ANb AUTOMATICALLY NON-FOfFE/TABLE, r . ,;,,,+1,1141,4 .,,15- It leaves nothing further to be:desired. Rates and fullLinfor oration furnished on application:.,ce�, 17t 10ERR,' Agent, Brussels. CI II I 1u. ou no k' 5t st, hi a 0 0 11 tit of di as