The Brussels Post, 1896-5-29, Page 4New Advertisements,
Local --D. Ewan.
LQca1. Jas. Walker.
Loeal—Dr, Siuoleir.
Strayed—J. W, Fogel,
Notice—Wm. Simpson.
Local—W. Loather 9.le.
011— I eadman S MoOa11.
Vesture—.Win. Thornton,
To the public—jam. Walker,
Bull for service—Jas. Burgess.
Cured Qf Sofatiea—Dr. Williams.
g%.Cbxatis A'sl,
FRIDAY, Mt]Y29, 1896.
Nonme'rion, • . Tummy, June 16
Formate, - TUESDAY, June 23
East Huron, - - • DB. MoDoNALA
South Huron, - JNo. Meld.nme.'i
West Huron, • - M. C. CAMERON
North Perth, - • Wes. GomtvE
North Wellington, JAB, MCMULLEN
Ililasen iiay Railway scheme and the
l hit{aceto eihip hallway, wheal% Means
MUM= of (toners out of your pockets,
Speaking, ofthe 11peoposed raid on the
treaeuryla aid of theIudson 30.) 01)
Way, Sir Donald Smith said in London
in July last : "I do not hseita6° to say
that I believe it would be a great %Motor.
time were it money for this purpose. It
would only be throwing it away ; worse
than that, booauso if you threw that
lose that ou y n but suoh Met loaen or grand
by the goverment fee suoh a pompons
might Jetta people in this country, and in
Europa generally to invest in a venture
from wbloh they would certainly never
receive ono penny in return." Suoh is
the opinion of Sir Smith, Tupper states
openly that he propenes throwing away
millions of your money in this enter-
CUW$0lf CH[ME1.
Rey. J. W. Prieg, of the Nile, was in
town on Monday.
Rev. John Roes, 13. A., preaohed at
Fergus hest Sabbath.
Rev, Fr. Kennedy, assisted by Bev. Fr.
Quigley,of W8wauosh, oonduoted "40
hours of Devotion" in the R. 0. ohurob
on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Rev. Geo. Buggin, Chairman of the
Wingham District, will preach in the
Methodist ohuroh here next Sabbath,
exobangine with Rev. Mr. Oobblediok.
Rev. A. K. Griffin and Rev, G. H. Cob-
blediok preached excellent disooureee in
their respective ohnrohes last Sabbath
evening on the anniversary of the birth
of Queen Viotoria. "Fear God and honor
the King" was the text in each case.
Mmmvmen Onnaoo,—Last Sabbath Rev.
Mr. Mullen, of Fergus, ocoupied the pul-
pit of Melville church and hie visit was
very much enjoyed by the large noogre-
gatione that listened to him. In the
morning hie sermon was to the children,
his text being Psalm 90 and 1701a verse,
"And let the beauty of the Lord our God
be upon us" After defining beauty be
pointed out (1) What Moses asked for ;
and (2) Why we should eek for it. The
beautyt found in Jesusshould be sought
after as
He was :—
Assisting or ready to help,
Out of thie acrostic the reverend gentle.
man wove many very practical state•
meats that will be remembered for many
a day. The reasons adduced for seeking
this beauty were (1) It never fades ; (2)
It makes us useful ; (8) It will be the
passport to heaven.—Instead of the
regular session of the Sabbath school
Rev. Mr. Mullen delivered an interesting
address to the pupils on Matthew's gospel,
28rd chapter and 37011 verse, "How often
would I have gathered thy children to-
gether, even as a hen gathereth ber
chickens under her wings and ye would
not I" The speaker showed the spiritual
teaching of the following points regard.
Mg what a hen will do for ber chickens 1
(1) She considers their needs • (2) She
cells them ; (8) She covers them with
her wings ; (1) She comforts theta ; (5)
She combines them. It is needless to say
that Mr. Mullan is particularly well
qualified to deal with young people, the
afternoon's service proving this statement
very clearly.—In the evening the 8th
chapter of Judges was the foundation of
a fine discourse,lebowing the lessons to be
learned from Gideon's spirit, which
should be exemplified in the home ;
among churches ; denominations ; 1n
politics ; in the 19th century ; in Heaven.
OTTAWA, Mer 25.—Never in the history
of Canada have so many elements of our
population been working to the one end—
to the overthrow of the federal govern-
ment—as they are at the present mo.
anent. Apart from that which unfortun-
ately in the present contest is made in a
certain quarter the main issue — the
Manitoba School question—ie the coun-
try satisfied with the Government's
count of stewardship
record and the ac ° p
for the past eighteen years it is now • cal.
led upon to render.
In 1891 Sir John Macdonald led the
Conservative party to the polls. The
cry of "the old flag," "the old policy" the
old man was raised, and to good effect.
Ed. Ferrer, who was at one time editor
of the Toronto Globe, had written over
his own signature a pamphlet pointing
out the rosy road to annexation, and
from the foot that Farrer's name had
been associated with the Liberal party
through his coneetion with the Globe our
friends' had to suffer for his sins. It
would be idle to say that Farrer'e action
did not lose the Liberal party a good
many votes. Their cup was not hill
yet. The celebrated manifesto of the
President of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way calling upon the electors to support
the Government had yet to come. I am
now poiutiug out the great odds the
Liberal party had to combat in the elec-
tions of 1891. The generosity% of the
protected manufacturer and government
contractor was without limit for the
=taiga fund was inexhaustible.
In addition to all this one of the strong
election cards was that both the nation-
al debt and annual expenditure would be
at once cut down to the lowest notch,
and that a speedy reduction would follow.
With all these odds against them and
handicapped as they were the Liberal
party captured within four of as many
seats in Ontario as were taken by Gov-
ernment supporters, while Sir John
Macdonald's majority in the house was
only 27, before he bought up seats at the
bye -elections.
Bat there is no Sir John Macdonald to
lead the Conservative party this time.
It is Sir Charles Tapper, and to the
people of Canada he needs no introduc-
Bearing in mind all the odds there was
against us in 1891 and recalling their
unfulfilled pledges, it is of interest to look
over their reoord for the past five years.
In plane of reduction in the national debt
and expenditure we find the debt in that
time increased from 5287,533,211 to
5253,074,927, and expenditure increased
from $35,944,081 to 588,132,005. We
also find that the surplus of 58,885,898
tamed into a deficit in the treasury of
54,158,875 in 189,5. What have they
done to strengthen your•coniidenoe in
them since they last appealed to yon ?
Since 1891 you have witnessed some
rather startling disclosures at Ottawa as
to the methods of Tory Government.
You have Been Sir Hector Langevin
driven out of the cabinet and his associ-
ate Thos. McGreevy expelled from
Parliament and cast into prison. You
also saw the Printing Bureau scandal ex.
posed in which the superintendent, a
personal friend of Chapleau was dismis-
sed and prosoonted. Yon have seen
Foster plead guilty to having permitted
his political friends to default interest he
should have collected from them for
seven years. Yon have heard Oostigan
define his connection with the Tobique
Valley Railway subsidy, and last but not
least, you have seen the outrageous at.
tempt of John Haggart to secure over
two hundred thousand dollars out of the
troaenry for Geo. Goodwin in eonneetion
with the Soulanges canal contract which
the auditor general refused to pay.
Is it possible that the country at this
vital moment does not realize the enor-
mity of their corruption and dishonesty ?
Prom a monetary standpoint look at
the result of dishonest government as it
has been revealed since these men caught
your confidence in 1801. Estimated
cost of Little Rapid's Locks, $45,000 ;
expended on work, 5255,000. Gallops
Rapids, °etiolated cost, $1112,0001 moth.
ally paid, 5029,680. St. Charles Branch
Railway, estimated cost including land
damages, 5505,000 ; actual expenditure,
01,732,288. Langevin Block, estimated
cost, 5440,000 ; expended, 5772,000, with
an outstanding claim of 5205,000. Cur-
ran Bridge, estimated 5223,000 ; actual-
ly paid, 5405,000 ; still claimed, 579,000 -
In the same category must be mentioned
the Quebec Harbor works from the Levis
docks steal and the I3squfmalt dry dock
job. Space will not permit my giving to
greater length in recalling to your mom.
ory the many masterpieces we have in
evidence of theadmioistrative ability and
honesty shown by the Government since.
their election in 180L
To those of you who desire to see the
overthrow of the goverement leb me re-
mind you that it all reete in your hands.
Yon know what yon may expect if you
hand over the reins of offloe to Tupper
and his pals for another five years. He
has told you that he will go on with the
Soderieh District Meeting;.
Pc, -irlc/-lc.. 1 W1' t e Stav Lime.
The Llberale of Canada believe that
any industry wllieh eannetfiouriBII under
a 004004010 tariff is en expousive luxury,
If the people who pay the taxon are of the
same °p,nupil they Will Support the Lib.
oral oandidatoo.
The experience.o( last session when
members of parliament were boughb tip
by premise of ofdoe to support • the re,
medial bill, ie enough to °olivine° every
ono that itis not safe to °loot a support.
er of the Government, The only sura
way to defeat cooroion is to defeat the
Hon. Tor, Montague had the whole
battery of Ministerial artillery out at
Dunnville to help him, but he did 000
feel at all pleaeed when that fine old
Tory, Senator Maoallum, wanted to know
why the Government had done eo much
for the railways and the etenmboat
companiee end po little for the farmers.
Don, in Saturday Night, eays: "We
are doing nothing but talking rage Sed
religion. Lee us settle it by giving
lj'reuoh Canada the Premiership and re•
Mining suoh religions liberty es we have
left. If there is to be a oomprwniee, why
not on this basis ? Laurier dare not be
as indulgent to hie race and oreedes
Bowel' and Tnpper have been, and it
would doubtless be better for non.Catho-
lioe to have a patriotio "Frenohmanand
a 0atholie," than a recreant Orangeman
or a millionaire braggart who made his
fortune while his country grew poor."
The regular May meeting of the
Methodist churches of the Goderich
District was held in the North Street
ohuroh,Goderioh, on Thursday and Fri-
day of last week. All the ministers of
the district were present mud in addition
the following laymen :—G. Acheson and
G. Green, Goderich ; R. Holmes and
D. Tiplady, Clinton ; W. M. Grey, Sea -
forth ; G. Tebbutt, Holmeeville ; D.
Lindsay, Porter's Hill ; A. Stevenson,
Varna ; J. C. Stoneman and, W. Cald-
well, Ieneall ; J. Fitzgerald, Kippen ;
T. Anderson, Dungannon ; J. lietherieg-
ton, Nile ; J. Jenkins, Benmiller ; Rev.
H. E. Currie was recommended to be
continued at College. Rev. G. W.
Andrews wee appointed secretary, and
J. 0. Stoneman, assistants.
A recommendation from the Quarter-
ly Board of Ontario Street church, con-
cerning the re•attaohment of Turner's
church to this eirouit was verbally given ;
also a petition signed by 88 members and
adherents of Turner's church, asking to
be re•nnited to Ontario St. was present-
ed. The matter was very frilly disons-
sed, the oontinginoies incident thereto be.
ing taken into moment. It was after-
wards moved that the request of the On •
tario St. Board be granted, and on a vote
being takes it was deolared a tie, and the
matter therefore stands just as it was,
but is likely to come up again at a future
Rev. J. Edge was elected to the
Stationing Committee ; Rev. H. Irvine
and J. C. Stoneman to the S. S. Com.
mittee ; Rev. I]. Olivant and R. Holmes
to the Epworth League Committee ;
Rev. S. Bond and W. Gray to the Sus.
tentation Committee; W. M. Gray was
eleoted as lay repreeentative to the Mis.
denary Committee.
The total membership in the district
ie 3211, an increase of about 90 ; No. of
S. S. echo/ ars, 2,944 ; members of League,
1,070; amount contributed to eonnex-
ional funds, 58,278.22, a doorease of near-
ly 5400 over last yam. ; amount con-
tributed by °laureh to Missionary Society,
51811,22 ; by S. S., 5120.53 total money
raised by ohuroh, 521,842.11; total raised
by Sunday Schools, 51.,513,52 ; total by
Epworth Leagues, 58118.14 ; grand total,
Rey, Der. Oaten read a very gratifying
statement, showing the progress of Bay.
field mission during the past year, and
the determination to become a solf•eup,
porting circuit,
It was decided to bold the next regular
meeting of the District in Rattenbury
Street ohuroh, Clinton, and the nett May
meeting in Ontario street ohuroh.
A resolution, expressing cordial ap-
prediation of the services of Rev. J. W.
Holmes, as chairman during the past
three years, was unanimously pursed and
the meeting then closed..
An elsotrio oar fell through Point El.
lice bridge, Victoria, B. C. There were
80 passengers aboard and 50 or GD wore
Has the N. P. filled up our new Prov -
limes ?
Has it made the condition of life easier
for bbe settler 9
Has it made conditions of investment
in Canada better ?
Has it kept our factories, founded long
before its existence, in prosperity ?
Has it prevented gluts and shut-
downs ?
Hae it given our laboring men and
artisans steady employment at good
wages ?
Has it protected those who have to
live by wages ?
Has it public utile debt and ex-
In abort has it done anything but lay
heavy taxes oo the people to he reckless-
ly squandered and stolen by political ad.
venturers ?
The new ohuroh, which has been
ereoted by tba Roman Catholics of
Cornwall at a cost of $50,000, is nearly
completed and will be dedicated on
June 14.
Robert Armstrong, of Mallon, farmer
and boreebreeder of considerable reputa-
tion, has an equine onrioeity in bis
stables. It is a bald mare, if suoh a
term oan be applied to a mare without
absolutely a hair on her body. The ani•
mal, a Clydesdale of about 7 yaat's, began
to lose her hair two years ago, and in
spite of all efforts to etup it, this Spring
finds ber entirely bereft of nature's gar-
ment. Notwithetanding her peculiar
condition, the mare is fat and sleek and
in every other respect perfectly healthy.
She presents a laughableappearanes, and
looks like a rubber horse as she stands in
her shiny skin. During one of the reoent
hob days the mare was allowed to run in
the yard and got her face blistered by the
sun. In future she will probably require
to wear a veil.
Macfarlane's Hero.
This pure-bred Clydesdale Stallion will
take the season of 1898, as follows :—
Monday, will leave his own stable, lot 1.7,
con. 14, Grey, and proceed to --Grey,
for noon ; tbenoe South to Logan Bound-
ary, then East to W. Jury's, lob 12, con.
17, Elmo., for night. Tuesday, will pro.
ceed North to J. Reach's, con. 14, Elma,
for noon ; thence East along 12th con. of
Elora to A. MOMain's for night. Wed-
nesday, will proceed North to eon. 10,
Elms, then West via Newry to J. Dun -
can's, 12th con., Elora, for noon ; thence
West to W. wherry'° for night. Thurs.
day, will prooeed West via Henfryn to
Ethel for noon ; thence to his own stable
for night. Friday, will prooeed via
Cranbrook to John Lamont's for noon ;
thence West, then North to 5r0 Oon.,
Grey, then to Wm. Forrest's, lot 25, 2nd
con., Morrie, for night. Saturday, will
proceed to American Hotel, Brussels, for
noon ; thence to bis own stable where he
will remain until the following Monday
ROTA TA Dt10, 5'l`isAigtilflPS.
J,etWACeeep ittow1,0ercn a WieLiverpool,
esdey 1, via
As the etoomers of tbie lino teeny only a
ecrietly limited number in the rater and
0190014n pure eoeomriiodabtone, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap.
plication for berths le ueoessary et this sea.
eon. Poe plane, raise, etc,' opply te
W, Kerr
Agent, Brussels,
1896 A F LA11 - 1898
Rave . a limltOd number of buehele of the
For remora
t ndrraisingElux lduring fthe coning
eeesen, whish they are prepared to deliver.
in quantities to suit flax growers.
Oen be gob at the .Uranbreofc Flax 91011,
Beed given out on the usual terms. Order
Early nod ensure a supplyy.
lbr Flax grown from title seed 510 Per
Ton will lie paid, if of good growth, , harvest-
ed le proper season and delivered at the
Flax still as soon ee ill for threshing.
We Will rent a number of good sod fields
for the purpose of growing Max,
Proprietors Critubrook FLtx 51511.
Saving Depository,
In order to encourage the children and
older ones also to save their' pennies or
dollars I am prepared to receive deposits
from 55. up to 550, payable on demand
withinterest at 6% per annum for all de-
posited over one year, or 5% when for lose
time. Many children, and older ones too,
sum in a few
have quitea
would vyears,
and handsome income from the interest
alone, if they wouldonlysave whattoo
often is spent fooliehly. Many are living
to -day in rented liouseewho could have
had a home of their own if the money
they had spent in tobacco alone bad have
been pnt out to intareat instead. Let
small begin now, "It is never too late to
mend." Not many are aware bow rapid-
ly small savings, put out to interest, aa•
cumulates. Facts and figures state that
$1 put out to interest at 6% half yearly
for 100 years amounts to the surprising
sum of $340. 5 cents saved each day and
put out to interest at 8% would in 20
years amount to 51,375, or in 50 years to
511,409. 'Many spend from three to five
times this amount in strong drink, tobac-
co or cigars, which le worse than wasted.
Parents should encoorage their ohild-
ren to save and thereby establish the
habit of economy. "Small leaks sink
great ships," and so small seethes amount
to large ones in a abort time. Every de-
positor will receive a small pass book
showing the amount of his or her deposit.
Remember both interest and principal or
the interest only San be withdrawn at
any time, and depoaite of 5o. to 500.00
The Ideal Summar Paradise
Ie the Georgian Bay and Muskoka
Lake Region,
.Easily reached from all points. For
Beat, Recreation, Fishing, Boating, Bath.
ing, Camping, eta., this ,favored District
(500 ft, above Lake Huron) is unequalled.
A. [special folder with maps and full in.
formation can be hall on opplioation.00
G. T, R. Agent, Brussels.
43 DRUGGIST, &o.
The Liberal Candidate
for East Riding of Huron,
Will hold Political Meetings for the pur-
pose of discussing the questions
of the day, as follows :
Moiutis Township Hall, Friday,
May 29
Go1r111E, Monday, June 1
LAIC]LIOT, Tuesday, Juno 2
NP:WSlamen, Wednesday, June 3
BELGSAVE, Thursday,, June 4
BLVTH, Friday, June 5.
Meetings Commence at 8 P, M.
Mn. DIcxoNsoN, the Conservative
Candidate, or anyone in his behalf, will
be allowed an opportunity of addressing
the meetings.
Is•Ladies also Cordially Invited.
^aS!—AT T17E
Yl le' 1,• L1 Oirur Tdrecar s P ,
100,000 Lbs, of Wool Wanted, for which the Highest Prime
will be aid, °illi°. Cash or Trade
We aro prepared to open the wool season of; 1896 with the
Largest and Best Assorted Stook we have ever had to exchange for
wool, composed of Fine and Coarse Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges,
Cottonades, Shirtings, Fine Flannels, Flannelettes, Tailors'
Trimmings, etc; Our home-made Stock, wllieb is Guaranteed to
be made of Entirely Pure Wool, is Complete, comprising Light and
Heavy Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Sheetings, Yarns, etc.
The undersigned are prepared to attend
to all branobeeof Painting, including
House, Sign, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
erate Prices.
We make a Speoiaity of Manufacturing
and placing in position
First -Class Awnings.
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Roddick
& Wake, will be attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may be
left with Messrs. Deadman & Mc-
BS P4,1,..,' 13110B,
We have direct communication with the best markets of
Canada and the 'United States, which enables us to pay the
vary highest possible price.
5 'Oustom Work in all its branches Promptly Attended To,
and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Our Motto is small profits and quick -returns.
McKelvie & • Forsythe.
Cau�e�� GooLs.
Pine Apple, Apricots,
Peaches, Egg Plume,
Green Gage Plume, Golden Plume,
Nectarines, White Cherries,
Bartlet Pears, Blue Berries,
Apples, Raspberry Jam,
Strawberry Jam, Black Currant Jam,
Red Currant Jam,
Tomatoes, Corn,
Peas, Beans,
Salmon, Sardines,
Herring, Pressed Beef,
Chip Beef, Pigs Feet Boneless,
Oysters, Mushrooms,
Chicken and Tongue.
J. G. Skene.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Have you seen our
Sel oI Tin?
More pieces than ever for $1.
Bicycle Accessories,
Lawn Iowers,
Screen Doors
and Windows.
N. cz i1 Gerry.
Nett [u�e�'l��i�o
Jas. Wa
Carriage Builder, Brussels,
has decided to add an Undertak-
ing Department to his Carriage
Works and has purchased a
Caskets, Cons and 'ndertakers' Supplies,
He has secured the services of MR. D. G. HOGG,
who will manage this Department, Cavity and ,
Arterial Embalming attended to.
Prices will be Moderate.
The Undertaking Department will be located in connection
with the Carriage Works, opposite the Town Hall.
Residence, Alexander street, four doors
South of new school house.
Carriage Euilaer an U naertaker.