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The Brussels Post, 1896-5-29, Page 3
f 14A1* 29, 1890 THE BRUSSELS POST , wzpnrprogwo,00.,woiB .um ',L7a7krClN gr..1Pjj[: ww..mpm£?'1Ni.raCtswzn.w.v..,, may+ ' y And haeme that hover tbroboll with fear nrahagg torr a lfai vfslr�saaru f'1,ltfiONS n vY r� :rl r ®Cr 4�i �w it'itli tendon thoitghta ware filled, 01 sp a a<►aattxao xalt8U) 0S, 11fin arced Ozzuaoa,-Sabbath Servioea at 11 a m and 7:00 p, m, Sunday School, at 2:80 p m. Rev, John Rolls, 13 A, pastor, ST, Joru o O:ionozi,-Sabbath Services at 11 a zii .and 7 p m, Sanday Sobool, at 2:80 p. in. Rev. A. li, Griffin, inoum. hent. ` M Ellen== Ouo0on,-•Sabbath Servioeg at 10:80 a m and 7;00 A1 m, Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p m. R.ea. G, 11, Cobble• dick, 81.6, B D, pastor, ROMAN 040II0L1e Cnonetl,.--Sabbath Service third Sunday In every month, at 10:80 a m, Rev Joseph Ifennedy, priest. S4zYAszoN Amax,--Servico at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks, ODD FEonowe LODOIt every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, Masonic I,onxn Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 11 W Lopez on the 8rd Friday evening of mob month, in Bias. hill's block. 0 o F Lopez 2nd and last Monday evenings of oath month, in Blashill's blook. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L O L 1st Monday in every month In Orange Hall. Sous os Soon/am, 1st and 8rd Tues- days of each month, is Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. Pd. Lonma, 2nd and 4th Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Horn t ()MOLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even. Ingo in Blaebill's Hall. POST OPPIOE.—Offloe hours from 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. MEonnums' INSTITUTE.—Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m, Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5 and 8 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Minnie Mc- Naughton, Librarian. Tow; Comm. -W.31. Herr, Reeve.; Geo. Baeker, Robert Graham, 11. Lea- therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T, Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday iu each month. Sanoon BoAzin.- 'Bov.Rose, (chairman,) D. C. Roes, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A, Hoenig end H. Dennis ; Seo.-Treae,, Id. Rosa. Meetings and Friday evening in each month. Punic Sodom TEAonens.-J. H. Oam. eron, Prinoipal, Miss Linton, Mies Downey and Mise Ritchie. BORED OF fIEALTn,—Reeve Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medioal Health 0ffioer. AN EVERY DAY EVENT. I've a letter in my pocket That I would not, could not show, For its dainty supersoription Wag indited long ago, And the dimpled hand that penned it Was a hand I used to hold, When we spooned among the shadows Of the Summer days of old. She became my wife eoon after, And, upon our wedding day, Handed me a little letter, Saying, "Post it right away" So I put it in my pocket, With a vow to mail it soon, But I had much to remember On that busy day in June. And to -day my clothing cleaners With an air of mystery, Brought a package to my office To be opened secretly. He is married. In the package, Soiled and marred with crease and blot, With it's dainty superscription, Was the letter I forgot 1 CONSOLATION. When Molly came home from the party bo -night - The party was out at nine - There were traces of tears in her bright blue eyes That looked mournfully up to mine. For some one had said, she whispered to me, With her face on my shoulder hid, Some one had said (there were Bobs in her voice) That they didn't like Something she did. So S took my little girl up on my knee - I am old and exceedingly wise - And I said, "My clear, now listen to me ; Just listen, and dry your eyes, "This world is a difhonit world, indeed, And people are hard to suit, And the man who playa on the violin Is a bore to the man with the flute. "And I myself have often thought Sow very much better 't would be, If every one of the folks that I know Would only agree with me. "But since they will not, the Very boat way To make this world look bright Is never to mind what people say, But to do whet you think is right." HIS MOTHER'S SONGS. Beneath the hot midsummer sun The men had marched all day ; And now beside a rippling stream, Upon the grass they lay. Tiring of games and idle jests, Aa swept the hours along, They called to one who mused apart, "Dome, friend, give us a song." "I fear I cannot please," he said ; "The only songs I know Are those my mother need to sing For me long years ago." "Sing one of those," a rough voice Dried, "There's none but true men here 1 To every mother's eon of us A mother's gongs aro dean.' Then sweetly rose the singer's volae Amid unwonted calm, "Am I a soldier of the erose A, follower of the lamb 7 "And shall I fear to own His ' oanee 7" - The vary stream was ,tilled, Ended the Hong, the Binger said, Ao to hie feet he roes, rl "Thanks to,790 all, my Mende l good- night, God grant ae sweet repose" ",Sing ue one more," the captain begged ; The eeldler bent ilia bead, Tlten glancing 'mond, with smiling lips, "You'd join with me," he said, "We'll slog this old familiar air, sweet es the bugle oall, 'All hail the power of Jeanie' name, Let angels prostrate fall.' Ah I wondrous was the old tune's spell, Aa on the singer sang, Man after man fell into line, And loud the voioes rang 1 The songs are done, the camp is. still, Naught but the etream'is heard ; But all ! the depths of every Pool By those old hymns are Stirred. Aud up from many a bearded lip, In wleiepere soft and low, Rises the prayer the mother taught The boy long years ago. Cured of Sciatica. THE EXPERIENCE OP A BRUCE CO. FARMER. Suffered so Sevel'e)y mut nae Became Al- most a Mildest; CrIpplh-xs Aga3JL Able 10 Bo.,I/ mut 0ls work as Weil as Ever, room bite Walkerton Telescope. During the past few years the Teles- cope has published many statements giv. ing the particulars of cures from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They were all so well authenticated tie to leave no doubt as to their complete truthfulness, but had any doubt remained, its last vestage would have been removed by a Dore which has recently Dome under our personal observation. It is the case of John Allen, a prominent young farmer, of the township of Greenock. Mr. Allen is so welt known in Walkerton and the vioinity adjoining it that a brief aoeount of his really remarkable recovery from what seemed an incurable disease will be of interest to our readers. During the early part of the Summer of 1805, while working in the butch, Mr. Allen wag oslo- ed with want appeared to him to be rheumatic pains in the back and shoul- dere. At first he regarded it as but o pas sing attack, and thought that it would disappear in a day or two. On the con- trary, however, he daily continued to grow worse, and it was not long before ha had to give up work altogether. From the back the pains shifted to his right leg and hip where they finally settled, and so oompletely helpless did be become that he was unable to do more than walk across the room and then only with the aid of mutinies. Of course he consulted the doctors, but none of them seemed able to do him any good. People in speaking of his case, always spoke pity- ingly, it being generally thoagbt that he had passed from the world of activity, and that he was doomed to live and die a cripple. We are free to confese that this was our own view of the matter, and our eurpriba, therefore, Ban be readily imagined when some few weeks ago we saw this self -same John Allen driving through the town on the top of a largo load of grain. Great, however, as was our surprise at first, it became still greater when on arriving at the grist mill, he proceeded to jump nimbly from the load, and then with the greatest p.p. parent ease began to unload the heavy bags of grain. Curious to know what had brought this wonderful ohunge, we took the first convenient opportunity to ask him. "Well" said he in reply, "I 0133 as well a man tie I ever was, and I attribute my once to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and to 'nothing else." Mr. Allen then gave us in a very frank manner, the whole story pf his sioknees and his oure, the chief points of which, we have set forth above. After consulting two pity. sioians and finding no relief, he settled down to the conviction that his case vette a hopeless one. Ile lost confidence in medicines, 'and when it vans suggested that be should give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, he at first absolutely re- fined. However, his friends persisted and finally he consented to give them a trial. The effect was beyond his most eeugoine expectations, as the Pink Pills have driven away every trace of his pains and he is able to go about his work as usual. An might be expeoted, Mr. Allen is loud in hie praise of Pink Pills, and was quite willing that the facts of his case should be given publicity, hoping that it might catoh the aye of someone who was similarly aiilieted. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills tot direotly upon the blood and nerves, building them anew and thus driving diesase from the system. There is no trouble, due to either of these causes whioh Pink Pills will not oure, anp in hundreds of oases they have restored patients to health that all other remedies had failed. Aek for Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and take nothing else. The genuine are always enclosed in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the full trade -marls, "Dr, Wilhelm' Pink Pille for Pale People," May be had of all dealers, or sent post- paid, on receipt of 50 cents a boa, 017 six boxes for 02,50, by addressing tile Dr. Williams' Medicine 170., Brookville, Ont. e RnED+WTIatl ODRED IN A Day. -South American Rhettmatlo Cure for Rheuma- tism and :Neuralgia radioally onres in 1. to 8 days. Ito action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, It re- moves at outs the otiose and the disease immediately disappears, The first dose greatly beneath. 75 Dente. Warranted by G. A. Deadman, Stopeiiee and beeota - Biamark, That beverage, the mother of sins.--' Southey, The evil la in .the drink, -David Loath, J, P. The devil in ,solution, -'-Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Liquid fire and distilled damnation. - Robert Hall, I consider all spirits bad spirita.-Sir Astley Cooper. The dynamite of modten civilization, -- Hon. john D. Long. IIB hat paid dear, very dear, for his whistle.-13onjtmin Franklin. Every crime has ha origin more or less in drinking, -Judge Gurney. Grape.juioe bas killed more than grape- abot,-O, 17, Spurgeon, D. D. While yon have the drink you have the drunkard, -George W. Bain, Drink is the mother of want, and the nurse of orimo.-.Lord Brougham. Drink is the greatest obetaole to the diffusion of Education. -John Bright, Drink, the only terrible enemy whom England has to fear.-Prinoe Leopold. Nine -tenths of the Oases to be tried are_ caused by drink.-Oitief Iuetioo Bovill. Ninety-nine oases out of every hundred are caused by drinking. -Judge Erskine, Obooae rather to /vanish yoer appstitee than to be punished by them. -R' piotetue. To drink well is a property meet for a sponge. -D sm oethenes, Every inordinate cop is unblessed, and the ingredient is a, devil -Shakespeare. rJll71e Wise Dian. GnAVENnuasT, Feb. 20, 1800. J. M. BfoLeod, Goderioh. DEAR SIR: After suffering for over a year with pains in the stomach which eventually passed over and down my right side, I consulted two dootors. I was told that nothing could bo done for me, and to go to the Toronto hospital at once, that I had an ulcer on the bowels. I knew that there was a growth of some sort there. I swelled out like a barrel. I ooald nob eat, as I suffered intense pain if I did. I understood my case was one for the knife, and expected nothing but the worst. Well, I was told something will be done for you anyway. I left home with the intention of going to the hospital, but changed my mind when I remembered Mrs. K. Morrison's case, and that yon cured her, and I avant to Gode- rioh now two years ago next Mania. I bad not eaten anything for 48 hours when I got there, and I was weak and exhausted, could not go up the doorsteps without assistance. I remained five days in Goderioh. I did not believe I could bo cured. I took two large bottles of your System Renovator and used two bottles of E. A. MoLeonan's Liniment. I maid eat anti rest well before I left Goderioh. I was at my work as usual in two weeks and since then enjoyed the best of health. I have not been so well for years. My case was a surprise to all. I am, Sir, yours truly, WILLIA I SPLAN. Sold by .las. Sox, Druggist. Brussels. Qwo de rich. The Goderich Oddfellowe are still talk- ing about a hall and opera house. The fouudation for the machinery at the Harbor Mill is ready for the boiler, whioh will soon be in position. A number of citizens were engaged several days this week planting shade trees cu McDonald's beach. A fence was erected to keep members of the Bovine Association out. John Hillier returned from Port Or. ange, Florida, on Saturday to spend the Summer in town. The gentleman in- tends leaving in October for the land of oranges. John Hamlen, of this town, hived two fine swarms of bens last week, the first swarm on the eleventh and the other on the sixteenth. The stooks that threw these swarms were not fed either Pall or Spring. Attbe Conoco/alive convention held at Carlow last Friday Robert McLean, ex- porter of Goderioh, was the unanimous choice of the convention to oppose M. C. Cameron, the Liberal candidate for West Huron. The oonvention was the largest in the history of the riding, and unani- mous in the support of the policy of Sir Charles Tapper. On Monday of last weep deputy oheriff Reynolds and constables MaIvor and Mo - Math tools the four convicted Wingbam whitecaps to Kingston, viz., Harrison, Mannar, Phippen and Montgomery ; and Wednesday, Bailiff English, of the Cen- tral Prison, took Martin the remaining prisoner, and Gatriel Reeves, the Sea - forth shooter. This, Deputy Henderson Bays, leaves the jail with but two occu- pants and neither of them are vagrants, a state of affairs not known for years. HEA= DISEASE BELIEVED IN SO MI:I. pTEo,—All oases of organio or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly oared, by Dr. Agnew's Oure for the Heart. One dose couvi0oes. Sold by G. A, Deadman. Ramer 10 Sox Homts.--Distressing kid. ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South Amerioan Kidney Oen." This now remedy is a groat surprise and delight on =mint of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, lcidoeys, book and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. Ib relieves retention of water and pain iu passing it almoeb im- mediately. If you want quick relief and oure this is your remedy, Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. BRUSSELS PUIVIP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pnr- ehaeod the Pnmp Business of JA.MES BELL and will be #ound ready to attend to all wants in either now work or repairs at moderate prima. No bettor Pump in the market. Order left at my gholi or residence or OOP. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. fa -Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterna. Gomer Green., MILL STREET, - BRiTSSELS, w Best fov. . Wash Day For quick and easy work = _ For cleanest, sweetest Ana whitest clothes Surprise is best r Best fol' Every Day For every use about the — house Surprise works 'best and cheapest, dee for yourself, NOTICE OF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that T have removed t0 my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, T remain, S. T. num, General ]3lacksmith 65 Horseshoer THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR 0304$'r, Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below, KE DALL'S SPAM CURL Box SS. Carman Henderson Co., Ill., 000.01,'». Dr. n. 3. KKENDALL bo. IIo�r,u 1 oblgo, 30avousedagroat your or Horse Kendml's Spam Cure with good 00000,0 • It i0 a wonderful medicine, I once had a mare that had 1 an 0eoattspnv4, and nye bottles OOe,d her. 1 I keep a bottle au Lund an the limo, Yours 10011', 00,03. POWISIL. KE LL9S SPAVIN GLIDE, Dr. II,1 lOo rnerm Co. Ce.Irrox, dlo., 9Pr. 3,'e:. , Dear 00H-1 lmre used several bottles or your Aondatrs Opavin Cure^ with mucin success. I thinir 10 the host Liniment I over 000. Rano re- 1uotcdate Curb, ono Blood Opovin and A'rlkd ,00 Bnnr npnren.'. Hare recommended It to an:arel of my 030000 who oro much pleased with and keep it ltespecttuil•, S.10,11A:, P. 0.00s Bis. roe Sale by all Druggists, or address J..7EN».o Z cour_tvr, ENO59URIH FALLS, VT. 11iONEB TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6k Per Cent,, Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. BMCOst en00000emeta A0Oye RSOVI.To 00 yoga {Mans. raw e.000000 aures an Nervous Moues, elocpttoo. / R.atowory, Nlgbtir EmteslunBe,,Bppaerma- Rive, ea, hupatoeoy, etc„ 010,ed by prat ns, an - glves vigor and slap m hrookan 515 *00, and qutakty but eareiiy7 00010,0; LOST 51080005 In std er young. Use P0005I a0d you win 9000 strong dnd. happy 1pgsin. 0051 by mill In 51015 va?t F wind art p skean 90100, 0g1 a ayoo0nge, cls wind 9050 ropey to either otdinary or ffeazt0 r. ed latter. Address 511 1001000 to J. T, PAIPPER, Drupgtot, waa0s00cs, 000., 8gont for 180 Do- mtdllon off Caned,. 101 WOOL_ ittdkel' a well mast; of? 'P017 t FLAX SEED 9 J. I J. LIVINGST©N neva S,NO Busy of Bost Dutch Sss,;! o fin For farmers in the vioinity of Brussels who intend raising flax during the cool- ing season, which they are prepared to deliver in quantities to suit flax growers. Can be Fob at the BRUSSELS FLAX" MILL. d iven t $1.50 per bushel and onSeethe ugou sual termats. Order early and insure a supply. For flax grown from this seed ET, $10 per Ton will he Paid if of good growth, harvested in proper season and delivered at the Flax Mill as soon as fit for threshing. We will also rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flax. N. B. -Farmers are strongly advised to sow their flax on good land, well plow- ed and harrowed, not on low lands, and the yieldlwill be from a ton to a ton and a half per acre more. Flax grown on low land will not grow fibre to give the weight. J. & J. LIVINGSTON, Proprietors. WM. BRIGHT, Manager. 1 73 C''' P U rsa 1 ' m • 0 v c tt c y h r 0 ito 00 m C rn 000 'o n � m m fD c CD• r ; � W. o 010; 33300,as A. Johns. CUED BY TAKING AYE .arsa-' parilla "I was afflicted for eight years with Salt Rheum. During that time, I tried a great many medicines which were highly rec- ommended, but none gave me relief. I was at last advised to try 6 er's Sarsa- parilla, and before I had ttdsltod the fourth bottle, my hands were as Free from Eruptions se ever they were. My business, which is that of a cab -driver, requires me to beouthl cold and wet weather, often without gloves but the trouble has never returned.''-Ttioam0 h. Jonas, Strarf0ltt, one. Ayer "b cb5i. Sarsaparilla 5.dmmitted et t o ''Woorid' Fair. fiver's g'iL1s Cleanse the Bowels. ANn- British Columbia Real Cedar Shingles North Shore iste and Cedar' FOR SALE AT TIM Brussels Plaauill Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notioe. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed.. J. & P. AMENT, ecoaasiMell We have Opened out at Base Balls and Bats, Rubber Balls, soft and hard, I ;, Bows and Arrows, i4 == 0 only 5c, each. Express Wagons, Blocking Horses, &c. Fine Range e ®f Leather ne p School Bags from Sc. up. E iANf ES The very thing %r children, or Flower Fled or Vegetable Working for Adults. OAL.L. AND SEE. BOOKSTORE.