HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-22, Page 8We have diem in Fain Loa't, Feather, Voiding, eto, (. roquet Four, Six and Tight Balls. Lacrosse Sticks As Low aS 50 Gants, Belle! is ! Balls in Base, Rubber and Foot. .DEADMAN c@ MoCALL, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sODTHEIIN EXTENSION W. 0. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING Sows:. GOING NpRTII, Alaif 0:50 a.m. I Mixed 9145 am, 9xoress 11:09 a,m. Mail 9.13 p.m. trlxe0 9:00 p.r,. Express 9:49 p.m, 14Bxat ° is ieln5, A chiel's among ye taltin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FaosT Tuesday night. "Goo save the Queen." No school next Monthly. THERE" Waa a slight frost last Friday night, Ent Pon for the balance of 1996 for only 50 cents in advance. HnnON Co. Council will meet in Code• rich on Tuesday, June 2nd. k'IESSTtS. BAEIii.R & VANSTONs shipped two cars of live bogs on Tuesday, THE PosT eubseription list oontiones to grow. Tell your neighbor about it. Tau school base ball team ie like old Alexander, looking for fresh worlds to conquer. Poems LIBRARY Scotch•Irish Concert in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of this w eek. W. H. PELTON's driving mare present- ed him with a fine "Slander" colt last Sondaynigbt. DoN'T forget that the 19th of July trill be celebrated in Brussels this year in right royal style, SANITARY INSPECTOR WoIGHT will call on yon next week to examine your yard, cellar, out•buiidiugs and premises. Two interesting nommnnicatione o the political questions of the day may be read on page 6 of this issue of TEE POST. LAST Sunday a high Western wind blew alt day. A number of shade trees, fences, atm., suffered in and around Brus 90'9. Beusssos has a good foot ball tea this season. They are getting into form for ranee winning by regular practices o the Park, THE Enterprise Salt Works shipped 8 ears of their prime table and dairy salt this week, It goes chiefly to Kingston anti Montreal.A. Cou:LEY sold two more bioyoles last week. Rev. W. J. Waddell, of Ethel and John Hackwell, of McKillop, were the parabasers, SEveaAL Odd Fellows went to Wing ham last Friday afternoon to represent Western Star Lodge at the funeral of J Martin, of that town. CHEAP rates on the G. T. R. Round trip single fare tickets on May, 23rd, 241h and 26th, good to return on 2691. Far and a third on May 22nd. ANDREW MCKAY shipped his household goods to Portage la Prairie, Mau., o 'Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. McKay and 8011 will leave next Tuesday fur the West. THE POST acknowledges the receipt of a press badge fuom the Secretary of the Canton Celebration Committee in con- nection with next Monday's holiday pro grant. D. A. Lowey and men are brick veneer ins Gea, Birt's residence this week. Mt Birt will have a neat and commodious dwelling when the improvements ar completed. TUE new fenoes, levelling of ground walks, etc., hes made a very marksd improvement in the school house grounds and greatly added to the appearance of the fine building. Tun bankrupt stook of P. C. Maddook, Acton, veined at 52,339.92, bun been sold by auction by J. W. Jones, at 68 cents on the dollar. 11. Dolle, of St. Catherines, was tie purchaser. Baoes]Ls town Band will go to Wing ham next Monday, and along with bands from Walkerton, Teeswater and Wing hath, will enliven the proceedings in non• neation with their celebration. D. 0..RIT•cnmo, of Elora, was in tow on 'Thur'sday adorned with his "pictures- que" oostnme, billing for Stratford raises. He's's a pusher, and will record a Liberal vole on June 23rd, for Mr. Semple. A Minonm excursion to Owen Sound, taking in all points between Kincardine and Guelph, is proposed for Wednesday, June 24th. It is said the rate will b low and a atop -over for next day arrangen for those who desire it. Exsureioo wit1 be run over Grand Trunk line. Nicer UNDEnTAEEs: Jae, Walker, oar rinse builder, Brnssele, has purchased hearse and a stock of caskets coffins and undertakers' eupplfes and will combine ft with his carriage busin'•ya. He has en- gaged D, G. Hogg to e ' ,ervise it. The new stook arrived this seely. DA1!NING NEEDLE IN I.IM HEART. --Last weak James Maxwell, Elizabeth street, had a cow die, and under smolt peculiar olroumstanoeo that a poet mortem was de.ided upon. An examination of the iutetnal machinery revealed the fact then a long darning needle had penetrated her heart, nearly the whole of the needle being out of sight. This may be thought to be a yarn but the have it on good authority that there was no yarn about ft. The needle is supposed to have been 'wallowed and 00 have worked through tie stomach to the vital organ, ) A Tea and gravel roof has been put 0n the Jae, 13allatltyne block, MEeelts. 01,1000 & DADIEs ship two care of hake on Friday of this week. NB= Monday will be regarded as .e. public holiday and 'mitten plates couse- qusntly ul0aed. T. FAuoow, 0. P. B. 'agent, tiokoted Sams, Shine and 3as, Mitobell, jr•, to North Bayon Tuesday of this ween, JonN 1YI00042 anti Wm. Jewitt have had their -rseidenoeo painted and thereby oons)derably,improved in appaarenoe:, BY itdvertieonlent in another column it will be observed that tendons arebeing asked for an addition to the Huron House of Refuge. "Palm's," John ltoaoh's patter, will take part in the rases at Hensel! next Mon. day.. "Mies Deimareh," owned by Gus. Goebel, will probably start in Miteheil on the seine clay. ON Tn31 MAIMED, —Saturday ltfternoon Brussels school baseball nine drove over to Wroxeter and played the return motes with the boys of that village. The vieit- ors pulled out in the 7th innings and 0=8(17 runs, wh ah brought them in winners, Wroxeter went to bat first and grit 1 rule in the let and 4 in the and in. ninge, with Brussels oredited with 3 and 0, boot by the close of the Srd the (slabs were on even terms, 5 runs eaob. The 4011 yielded the home olub 2, the 5011 1, the 6113 was good for 4 and the 7th added 3, making the total 15. Braseels won by 4 runs. Ab. Paulin umpired the game very satiefactorily. The more was as follows t— nnnaaELe. 1r. 0. 1VRO1ETEn, R. 0. E. Grower, 11 1 3 J. Brawn, 0 4 0 D. Kendal!, U..2 4 A. Robinson, ib 1 3 Leatherdule, lb 3 3 W. Walden, rf —2 4 1'. Mel1'ar tin, 0...2 1 A. Rae, of 1 2 1 0111,10, of ......3 9 H. Brawn, es 9 8 I. Gerry, 03 1 3 B. Rae,p 1 2 MaLo..,otlto, 9b 0 0 W. McLeod, 89 ,,3 1 01 McMartin, 8b 1 2 9, Orr, 2b 0° 2 K. Unueley. r1 ...1 3 G. Kaake,lf 0 4 Total I9 21 Total 15 51 Snore by Innings ..... ......1 2 8 4 5 0 7 Brussels 8 0 2 5 2 0 7-10 Wroxo for 1 4 0 2 1 4 9-15 The Brussels boys were hospitably enter. baffled at the Gofton House and arrived borne about 10 p. m. TsAVELLINO DAIRY.—This very inter- esting representative of the Ontario Ag• r'ioulbural College visited Brussels on Friday afternoon of last week when the meeting was held in the Town Hall. Thos. Strachan, President of East Huron Farmers' Institute, occupied the chair, opening the meeting by a few well chosen remarks on the Dairy Industry after which he ietroduoed the lecturer, F. J. Sleightbolm, Superintendent of the West- ern Dairy School, Stratbroy, Ont., who then took obarge of the meeting. The ins and outs of churning were dwelt upon at some length by the speaker, especially the necessity of a close attention to tem- perature, and Its effect upon the product. H. Smith, in.uruetor in the butter de- partment of the above named institution, took the cream supplied, strained it into the churn and proceeded to churn it, which he succeeded in doing in about 26 minutes, bringing out of the churn about nine pounds of very fine textured, beauti- fully colored hntter. The various pro- oesees in the work, such as the washing, salting, working, printing, wrapping, etc., were fully commented on while the came were in progress. The lecturer laid much stress on a proper knowledge of when to stop the churn and why, and told an amusing incident by way of illustrating the wisdom of paying attention to the ap- pearance of butter for the market. After the churning was completed Mr. Sleight - holm drew the attention of the people to the Babcock milk tester and gave a short account of its purpose and pecuniary value to farmers. Many questions were asked by those presentandthe meeting was a most interesting and instructive cue throughout. Among those present we noted a number of the best butter makers of this locality. About 75 people were in attendance, the majority ladies. The Travelling Dairy went to Ethel on Saturday. We may add that Mr. Sleight - helm tells ne that if any of the young people, or older ones, of Huron, wish to get a further drill and insight into all the various branches of dairying be will be pleased to see then at the Western Dairy School next Winter to take a course. It is cheap and the mune is thorough. The school opens in November next and con. tinues all Winter. Mrs. Geo. Crooke supplied the mills for the test on Friday. CIIUiiOIE 011131E4. The Synod of Huron has been called to meet for busioese on the 16th of June— nomination day of Dominion elections. Wingbam Distriot meeting will be held in the Methodist church in this place on Monday afternoon and Tumidity forenoon, Next Sabbath being the Queen's Birthday, Rev. G. H. Cobbledick's even. ing discourse will be in keeping with the anniversary of Her Majesty's birth. Rev. J. 33. Mullan, of Fergus, will oc- cupy the pulpit of Melville ohuroh next Sabbath. He will preauh a special ser. mon to the young people at the morning service. Sue that your Sabbath S011oo1 is repre- sented at the Di.ltriob Convention to be held in the Methodist cbusmh next Wednesday. Morning session Spens at 10 o'elook. Bev. B. J. Irwin, who occupied the Methodist church pulpit here last Sab• bath, preached two profitable discourses. Id the morning his subject was "Our temptations," and in the evening, "The bulwarks of the Christian." Mr. Irwin will be ordained at the aiming Conference after which he purposes taking a trip to the Emerald Isle from whence he will import a queen to preside over the house- hold affairs of the reverend gentleman in addition to being hie helpmeet in ohorcb work. Bev. Mr. Irwin has a promising future before him. 'Cuing S. S. Co\vENTION,—The fifth annual District Sabbath School Canyon. tion, in union with Wingbam District, will be held in Brussels on Wednesday, May 27911. The sessions, commencing at 10 a. m., 1:80 and 7:30 p. m., will be held in the Methodist church, Following will be the program :—Forenoon session—De. votionai exercises ; "How t0 make the most of S. S. Conventions," Jae, Smillie ; disossefon ; "Practical suggestions on S. S. Work," W. El. Kerr ; "Tho place and value of the S. S. in the Life of the Church," Rev, W. M, Pomeroy; discus- sion; iscus•sion; appointment of oommittees and closing. Afternoon session—Devotional exercises'; report of committees end ad- dress of President elect ; Bible class de- partment, "The Fall of Jerusalem," lesson for Sabbath, May 81et, by A. M. McKay ; dismission ; Conference— "The Bible," How to Study it—Bev. W. TH BRUSSELS POST Baugh, How to Teach 19—G, 17. Blair, How to Live ib--•lev, P. Bnggin • "Tho Agonoy of the Holy Spirit and the Touch, or in Leading to Deoleion for Qbrist and Church 'Membership," Rev, W. J. Wad- dell ; dieoaseioo ; Homs Class Dopar't- meut, Duv, 3. Doss ; discussion ; opt. leoti011, ann0nnoementa and closing. Evening session—Opening 050901800 musical selection, Methodist choir ; "The Teacher and Parent as 0o•wor'kers," Rev, Geo, Ballantyne ; musical eelootiou, Melvilleabur0h choir;-"Suooeos in Sob - bath School Work," Bev. Dr. Gifford musioal selootion, Methodist oboir ; ool• lootion, etch; meoioal seleoti4n, Dxelvllle church oboir ; closing exorcises. Emown LEADn11 CONVIiNT1oN.—The. first annual Epworth League Oonventlou of the Wingham Distrigt• of the Metho- dist church will be held in the Methodist abnreh, 13russele, on Tuesday, May 260h. 4.11 Young People's Soei0tie8 in the Die- triot are requested to send delegates. A Convention of great interest and profit is expected. Following is the program ; Afternoon session, commencing at 2 0'• cloak—Praise and prayer 0ervio9, ten. duobod by Rev. IIngh J, Pair, Londeo- hors' ; maeio, Westfield oboil' ; Epworth League—It's Aims, Rev, La, A, Shaw, Belgrav8 ; Ringing ; Departmental 'Con- feronoe, 10 minutes for each paper and same time for diooussion—•Christian En- deavor Department—What is it ? Rev. W. Mailman, Londesboro', Missionary De. pal'tment—Its Purpose ? Mise M. Slap. les, Teeswater ; mu0io, Blyth quartette ; Literary Department Prttotaoaliy Con- sidered, G. D. Lamont, Brussels ; Social Department—Its use and abuse, Rev. E. V. Smith, Brussels ; singing ; The Juni• or League—Why and Now ? Miss Min- nie Moore, Brnseels ; discussion ; ntusio, Westfield oboir ; The League's financial Duty and How to Perform it, John Kerr, Wingham ; dismission ; closing exercises. Evening session, commencing at 7:SD— Song Service, led by Westfield and Brae - eels choirs ; devotional exeroises, Rev. W. M. Pomeroy, Walton ; music, Brun, sale choir ; The Methodist Students' Mis. sionary Campaign, Rev. W. A. Smith, Brussels' singing; 'musio, Blyth quar- tette ; The Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, Rev. A. V. Birks,• L. L. B., Teeswater ; s31lging and collection ; music, Weottieid ehoir ; The League in Sonl•winning, Miss Lily Dey, Wingbam ; Bolo, Miss Lottie Hill ; singing ; Con- secration Servios ; "God be with you till ws meet again." The public cordially invited to attend both sessions. • l'i?i'SONAT, i'AIOA(blt1PUIS. A. Causley end wile Sundayed in Sea - forth. Miss RilIa Hunter is visiting in Trow. bridge. Mrs. Beattie spent Wednesday in Seaforth. Kenzie Soott is home from Goderich on a visit. Jas. Duoford, of Clinton, was in town last Sabbath. Mrs. Howell, of Platteville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Plum. :ars. J. D. Ronald bas returned from an extended visit to the U. S. Mre. W. H. Willis and eon, of Sea. forth, are visiting at B. Gerry's. A. J. Davis, of the Garfield Fiona, is away to Watford on a business trip. Joe. Ballantyne has taken a situation in Petrolia. He is a first•class mechanic, Bev. A. McKibben and wife, of Monk. ton, were visiting his father on Queen street. Miss Mary Beattie is home after a two months visit with friends in Sea - forth. Miss Souch and Miss Roe spent Sun. day with Mrs. George Lowry, Miss Souch's Rioter. o n i C u c Ilor Leatherdule was able to be about last week but his old trouble, sciatica, holds the fort again. We are pleased to see John Robb able to get abort again after his imprison- ment in the house from illness. B. Gerry and Geo. Cardiff were in Wingham on Wednesday arranging pre- liminaries for the coming celebration in Brussels of the 12th of July. Business Locals. Sun the Daisy churn at McKay & Cos. To0ATo and oabbage plants at Mc- Craolten'e. NEW lines of spades and shovels at McKay & Oos. CLoviID and timothy seed for sale. Baeker & Vanstone. Elm mangel and Swede seeds in the world at itidOraoken's. TIiroTHY and plover Beed for sale at JAo, BALLANTYNE's. BA1m wire and nut nails at low prices at McKay & Cos. III0E•0Lnss dry goods at very low prices at A. J. Davis'. I" ttsi milch cow, 5 years old, for sale. Apply at THE Posr Publishing House. ALL kinds of cattle taken for furniture or sewing maobines ab B. Leatherdale'e. 33mv0L1 supplies. Enamel your bi- cycle for. 26 cents, McKay & Co. A NICE line of buggy dusters on hand, all sold at close margins. I. C. Richards, INSECT sprayers, screen doors, carpet sweepers, paints etc., at Molloy & Cos., Brussels. SECOND hand bicycle in firet.clase order, for sale, oheap for cash. Apply to B. Garry. Stutz dressings of all (rinds on hand both for blank and tan colored. I. 0. Richards. I n0VE the beat stook of window shades ever seen in Bruges's. Prices to suit the times end put up free. R. LEATIoEnDALO, A SPLENDID range of men's women's and children's shoos on hand, Call and see them no matter if you do not buy, we will be ploueed to have you see them. L 0. Riohard5. II' you want an organ or sewing math. in0 I can save you from $10 to 525 bet. ter than you can buy from agents. Come and get my prices before you buy, All goods delivered from R. Leatherdale's. Mae, T. S. HAwxrae, Chattanooga, Tenn„ says, "Shiloh'e Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the best remedy for a debilibaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 76 ate. Bold by Jas. Fox, BHILon's Cnre, the great cough and group cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty.five doses ; only 25 Dents. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. VEOL0TAnLE PLANTA.—For gale at D. Mo- Lennan's green house, all kinds of vase. table plants, strawberry planta, etc, If anything is wanted in thie liusyou should call and see D. MoLonnan'e plants, Bras. eels. , MAY 22, 1896 ST4✓ y D4B..L./ ,13r4X,U. O2 [i,crl riY ✓.4.[!.,!J ,. T.Amm..4mO:T".F,1.79 "4.0072, HEAR OFFJOE, - TORONTO.. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars)' 97,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorised) . 92,000,000 Agencies in all principal' points in. Ontario, Qftoboc, llianitalm, United States IS I98plated. Var�0, zo 1164W6V11. A General Banking 13tisi0000 Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Colleotions made on all points; SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, intoreei allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dat of dopooit to date, of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIALAonoNI'ION MEN TO. TAE. COLLECTION or r'ARtotno' SALE NOTES, Every faoiliby afforded Customers living at a distance, J, A. STE WART MANAGER. Bei about 14 years old wants work, Willing to work, Farm preferred. Ap- ply'ab Trig POST, I7oxnnr,—An aged blank mare. Any one who can give snob information ee will lead to her recovery will plenne mom - =Initiate with Daniel Stewart, Brussole, and will bo suitably rewarded, liana's Clover Root will purify your blood, olear your complexion, regulate your bowels and matte your head clear as a bell. 25 ore., 50 ote. and $100. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Brussels, Revue= Doxls, Maohinery, bicycles, lawn -mowers, scissors, implements and all kinds of tools sharpened and put in order at reasonable prices for spot cash by saw filer T. McGregor, of Brussels, Queen St. East, OAnrwTs.—Any one desiring carpets will do well to pall at the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buoying elsewhere, es they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 30e. to 51.00. Howe & Co, PAINxINu CLAss.—Mies Mary Maples, of Wingharn, will open a class in Brussels for inetruotion iu Landscape Painting. Her studio will be the apartments lately vacated by E A. Hawkins, in the Smith block. Class will meet each Friday. Terms reasonable. A. J. Doze announces that a large con- signment of clothing, which he has bought for spot cash, has just come to hand. As he is clearing out his, stook be is prepared to give men's suite (good suits) at from 95.00 upwards, Don't buy until you see these goods. They are offered at less than half price. FLowHIS AND PLANTS.—Thos. Kelly, florist, Brussels, has a rare and beautiful colleotiou of flowers and plants this sea - eon and is in a better position than ever to suit the public. He will also have the usnalrangs of garden plants, such as cabbage, tomatoes, &o. If you require anything in this line call on or write Mr. Malty. PAIN5IN0, &o, -The undersigned, hav- ing entered into partnership, are prepar- ed to do all kinds of work in the following lines ; Plain and ornamental painting, kalsomining, frescoing, paper -banging, sign -writing, &o., &o. Remember our motto, "Firat•clase work and reasonable charges." STEWART & Rrrcarn, Brussels, WELL-Dman% AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence 'mond door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Bi<ussels. 844f TEE BEsx BECOMt1END.—The best re- commend a bicycle can have is the num- ber of sales made. A. Cousley, agent for the well-known Brantford, has made the following sales this season already :— W. E. Armstrong, teacher, Brussels ; Arthur Wake, Brussels ; Mr, Spiels, Grey ; Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, Brussels ; Colin McArthur, Brussels ; Wm. McDonald, M'oleawortb ; John Rae, teacher, Mol(iflop ; W. 1. Resell, Brussels ; H. J. Burkholder, Drayton ; Sydney Bolger, Morris ; It. A. MoKee, teacher, McKillop. Miss Tilly Gofton, Wroxeter. Bev. W. J. Waddell, Ethel ; J. Haokwell, MoKillop. The "Red Bird" gives great satisfaction. A stook of wheels always on hand, both new and second hand. A. CousLEY, Agent, Brussels. Please observe that the people of Can- ada deserve no credit for the progress of this splendid country ; the credit all he. longs to Sir Charles Tupper, Bart. The debt of Canada has been increas- ed, since the defeat of the Mackenzie Government, at the rats of 510.00 every minute, or 91,000 every bout, day in and day out, year in and year out, =tom=- CocicwELL,—In Elmo, on May 13th, the wife of Mr, Thos. Oookwell of a son, =Irna- BELL,—In Grey, on May 18th, Rebecca, beloved wife of Robert Be11, aged 00 years and 10 days. A'VCTSOST s,e.5.-as- PnIDA1:, MAY 22ND. -Farm stock, &o., lot 17, con. 12 Grey. Salo at 1 o'clock sharp. Jno. Knight, Prop., P. S. Soots, Ane. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortgage, farm security. Apply at TRE POST Publishing House, Brussels, D ESIRABLE RESIDENCE reotoacsa Queen ra gTerms asnable aahand d- ply on the promisee or to 28 W. M. SINCLAIR. STRAYED FROM THE PREM. nes RE M- fnes of the uudorsigood, ono mare colt, light bay in color, whits on forehead and. nose, and white hind foot. Any person giv- ing Information as to her whereabouts will bo suitable rewarded. 01 1ANSULD,Ethel. P.O. 14f�EETINGNCIL. OF HURON COUNTY l COU The Council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court Boom, in the Town 01 Godorloh, mi :Sunday, the 2nd day of June next, at 0 O'010ok , m, Dated May 10, 1800, wMb LANE, Clerk. • DICYCLES FOR SALE OR TO, RENat—A firet•olassBioynle fullyguar- anteed, now, for 502 part mall, balance 95 per month, a8 will runt to reuponslblo par- ties, 8)11ADe1AN & 11000ALL, Druggists, Opticians & Booksellers, Volunteer's Attention ! The Brussels Volunteer Company 1v111 go into 0a,np 111 June next. All mon wishing to join may do so by applying to G, P. BLAIR, Mout, Brussels, or to. It, S. BAYS, Captain Sea1orih, TENDERS For Addition to House of Tfefng'o. Sealed tenders will bo received by [the un- derstood (marked tender for the house of Refuge) 11pp'to the 2nd day of June, 1800, for building an addition to the House of Refuge at Clinton, Plans and specifications- 081 be aeon at the office of Wm. Coats, Clinton, or at the office of the arehiteot, H. 0. McBride, London. The lowest or any tender not nee. eesarily accepted, HENRY ]015,73ER, Chairman of Committee, Crediton, Dated May 12111,1000, 45.2 REAL ESTATE. t1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. .1. DE50I0NED has several good harms for salt and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 5, 800TT,Brassels FARMS F011 SALE. — 200 acres -Consisting of Lots 18 on the 7th and 8111 Concessions, Township of Grey, be- ing 1 mile front the Village of Ethel and 59 miles from Brussels, 40 acres of Pall wheat sown and about 80 acres under grass ;. 90 soros °leered on each. Perms of payment easy. A. OOcKELV14Y, M, D;', Si- Brussels. MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 acres of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale 00 alow prion. The property is North East 9 See, 1U, Two. 11, Runge 4, East, There is a hoose on the promisee and some breaking done. For full particulars. as to prion, title, dm., write or apply be G. F, BLAIR or W. H, KE1tR, 20.01 Brussels, Ont. • BOAII FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 11 11,0011. 10, :G3•oy, the thore'•bred York- shire Boor. Tucker's Wonder," His sirs, College Prince," was a primo winner at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced ou application. Terme 881,00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if nee- esear5, WM,MENARY, 48.4 Prapde tor. 1OAR FOR SERVIOE.—TETE 'Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, the thorn' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar"Selected," bred from S. E, Brothour'e sweepstakes sow at Chicago Pair. Torres, 01.00 to be paid at the timo of service with privilege of re- turning if n000asary, Pedigree may bo seen on application. ROBT, NICHOL. ROAR FOR SERVICE. --THE nnlersignod wail keep for nerviee on Lot 80, Con. 0, M0rTis, the thoro'•bred Large English Berkshire Boar, Captain John." Hie mother is a full 0)4159 to the 1st prize sow at the World's Pair. Pedigree will be produced on applioation. Terms -31.00 to be paid at time of service withprivilege of returning if uo0985ary. 14.0m JAS, 8P1001t, Proprietor. Ancient Order of united Workmen, This Benevolent and Fraternal Society is the Oldest and Strongest of the kind in America. Each member secures to his fanny, at his death, 08,000.01) or 81,000.00, at his option. The yearly assessment ontheformer is only S10.00 and. on the latter 58.00, e1 good healthy men between the ages of 21 and 46 years. A large lodge is in operation in 13 rue - Bela. Why not join yomselt and secure for your family, in ease of your being called away, a handsome sum for their support 7 no1mT.ARMBTRONG H. 1( I,1 W. W. ERIt, Recorder ; J. A. ORE1G10T0N,Pinauoior. Bull for Service. Tho underelgued will hoop for oorvlee on Lots 10 aud17, Con. 10, Grey, a 911050' bred Durham bull with re0B15tered pedigree. Terms $1.00, to be paid at tires off 00rvioo with privilege of returning if necessary. TH08, B100 WN, 30.2m Proprietor.. Jersey Bull for Service. Tho undersigned will troop tot service on Lot 27, Oen. 4, Morris, 0 well bred Jersey bull. Terme $1.00 90 Gs paid at time of service with privilege of returning if ueooeeatiy, JAMES. DIINOAN 43.4Proprietor. DENTAL. � R. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal Collage Dental Surgeons, Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ato Foes. Satisfaction Asourod, Osco over Barrett's barber 5hep, Turaborry St., Brus- sels, VETERINARY. 5TD. WARWICK, • honor Graduate of the ontasto' JIROS. A. HA`VIiINS, Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all -L Organist 111 R. John's (Thumb, Brum- disoamoeoP domesticated animate In a corn- sole, Will give leosels to 6111(110 either ou potent manner. Particular attention palsy piano or organ, at kits guide froom, opposite to Veterinary detttlotry, Calls promptly at- the posGoiliao, Brussels, Veal lettions also tended to. Ultloo and Infirmary—Pour doer0 (liven. Ten years experience in teaching, north of bridge 'rurnborry et,, Brueaele, Tornio moderato, PURE DRUG'S Will Wonders never Coast Perhaps, when Fox's'Beef Wine and Iron ceases to be taken. We canrecommenClit as a most ex- cellent stimulant and Nerve Ton- ic, and we linOw of quite a num- ber who speak most highly of its many excellent qualities. But assuming that you are all cured and feeling pretty good, perhaps you are equal to that little trip you were to take. 11 so, see our Fancy and Toilet articles for Travellers. Sponges, Fine Soaps, Per- fumes, Travelling Companions and Brushes of all kinds. Tra- vellers don't like to spend much money upon these things as a general thing but we knew this when we marked them for sale and placed attractive prices upon everything. Prices Always Right at Fox's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Oonveyauoor. Collec- tions made. 00205—Vanstono's 11100(1, Brue. gels. 21.303 11 M. SINCLAIR, • Soliaitor,ConveyancerNotaryPub- tic, do. ORioe—Vanetooe's Block, 1 door north of Central. hotel, Private Funds to Loan, 0-. CAMERON, (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderlob, Ont, Oincs—Hamilton 8t„ Opposite Col- borne Hotel. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, 40. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's Office, Goderich.) Office over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. 9'arme and farm stocks specialty. Orders left at Tan Pow Publish ing Ho0se,Brueaels, or soutto Walton P.O., will reoeive prompt attention. ( S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nun, will sell for better prices, to bettor men, lu ass time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or lie won't obargo anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this office or by p arsenal umplioation. MEDiCAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGH'TON, M. D. efi • 0.m„ L, R, O.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P . S. Ont. Residence and oiOoo in Wilson's Block, corner of M111 and Turnberry Sts, fT• M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. yeiolan, Surgeon, 4000001181, ate, (4radPh uato of Toronto IIniversity Medical. Vacuity. Member of College of Physioiuns and Surgeons, Out. OSPICE—Next door to McDonald & Co„ Walton Out. BUSINESS CARDS. "rj� H. &I00RA.OREN, V . Reimer ofMarriage Licenses. 0Moo stilts Grocery, Turnberry street, Brnesole. N. BARRETT, southTonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door of A. Al. McKay & Oo's hardware atom. I.adies" and ehildreno hair outting a specialty 'DRTJSSELS POST OFFICE Saving)] Bonk takes Deposita from. 31.00 to 51,000 sod allows 3t per cent. interest. T. BARROW, 37-3m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN5IIRANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. F'LETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 02'81031 AT JEwxonY STORE. IS -No Witness Required. T. T''LETCHER, Brussels. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- el/natant N-aunt an Co. Established 1840, In. suranoes effected on all Town and Palm Property at very low rates, J. A. 012EIGHTON, 15.3m Agent, 131009015. A LEX. HUNTER, t].. Clerk of rho Fourth Division Cour Co. 805511. Conveyancer, Notary Public) Land, Loan and lnenrehoo Agent. Panda invested and to loan, Collections mads 01110o 111 Graham's 13look, Brussels,