HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-22, Page 5MAI` 22, 18.9(
tavtnr tr rot m nirdirA etsi taee
� e land and upon her marriage to' her now
T f cW" �`�, ri.Cln , . ( bereft partner name to tide country 111
and ewe to Grey about 36 years ago.
Emir daughters and three eons survive to
remember the love of a good mother,
The fensral took place on Wodneeday
afternoon, Rev. W, d'.• Waddell, of whose
18G0 They lived in Wilmot fora time
Sam. Beattie; of 13ruesole, wee in town.
on Friday,
, Inspector Paisley, el Clinton, was i1i
Ichurcht k
uchurchMrs. Bell was a member, a5n-
town nswog,
J'obn Livingstone; of Baden, was in dusted the cervine, It Bell and family
town on Friday, have the (sympathy of the gommunity.
Mies M. Ball, ef'idolgrave, was visiting .. .--.a.---"'••—
her relatives in town on Sunday. .14.4wocld.
B, Howard, er,, returned on Wednee• Some farmers in Elmo have large
day of last weep from attending as jury 'quantities of potatoes they cannot sell
man in Godet'ioh, at any prise, there beiug no market for
On Thclreday the briokmakers started that ar title,
to make this roaeeu'e brisk in Wilford ds Mae, Pater Cawan,,lOtlt ono., had the
Whettlanfor's,brivk yell. misfortune to frestnrs two of her ribs on
Itev. W Bangh, of Auburn, ea0upied the left side, She fell over a atlas 'of
the pulpit of the Methodist .ohurch both square timbor•iit the yard. The old lady
Morning and evening on Sunday. ie doing as well as can be egpaoted.
Sacrament of the Lord's Super was. Lyall, the one•year•old daughter of
admfuietered hi St. Andrew's ((L reaby• Dr, Douglas, met with a painful aooident.
terian) ehupoh on Sonday Morning. The Dollar trap door fell upon her right
hand injuring it badly, and nearly sever.
A7d2toi; ing one'cif bar fingers. The bond was
Mee, Heffernan and son have returned quickly dressed, and sbo is doing nicely.
to their home in Trout Creek. Jahn and Mrs. Graham, Mrs, Wm.
Rev, W. J. Waddell bas pnrohassd a Stevenson, Robert Cleland and ,eon Wil-
bioyole from A. Gormley, Brussels, liam, Wto. Loobbead and William
Quito a number will attend the S. 8. Martin loft Thursday noon of last week
Convention at Brussels next week from for Glaogow, Sootlgnd via Montreal and
Ethel. steamship Numidian of the Allan line.
Mrd. Albert Crooke, who has been ill The party will separate at Glasgow, each
for some months, has been removed to visiting such portions of the United
the home of her mother, Mrs, Molloy, Kingdom ae they are most interested in.
8th oon., Grey, • While engaged preparing the flax for
Thursday evening of next week Dr. shipment to Paterson, N. J., J. W. Mo-
MoDonald, the Liberal aaudidete, will Bain lost his gold rimmed speotaoles in
deliver a politionl address at the Town- a bundle of dressed ART. He wrote to
ship hall here. The Dr. is an able Paterson, N. J., and in a few days after -
speaker and well worth hearing. Oppo- ward he received word that the .glasses
eition speakers are invited. had been found and mailed to Atwood to
The elderly and infirm Inmates of the the owner. Of course 111r. 8ioBain was
Hoose of Refuge are dropping off quite pleased to get them as they were a present
rapidly, The 7th death lit the House from the Sabbath school, and he prized
ocouered on Sunday, May 100h, in the them more on that a000nnt.
person of Jonathan Hewitt, formerly of _—_,..._ .
Ethel, aged 53 years. Deooaeed has been
very feeble einoe be went to the Refuge
about five weeks ago. The remains
were taken in charge by hie son from Bay
City, and interred in Grey.
Frost Wednesday fimorning but nothing
Mr. Book was in town Wednesday look•
ing for a site to plant a new newspaper.
Mrs. W. E. Kerr and sons left on a
vislt to her parents in Oakville Weduee.
day morning.
Mr. Coburn,blind orator, of Toronto,
well known in this vicinity, preached in
the Methodist church Sunday evening
and lectured Wednesday evening.
A poor game of base ball was put up on
Saturday loot when Brussels school team
played our boys. The score for the seven
i0niuge stood 15 to le in favor of the vis•
Bora. Our boys need practice and this
attained they Dan make a strong team.
The Reform meeting in the Town Hall
Tuesday evening was largely attended.
W. Irwin, of Gerrie; Thos. Gibson, M.
P. P., and Dr. McDonald, M. P., deliver.
ed addresses. Alex. Monroe oceupied the
chair. E. L. Dickinson holds his meet-
ing bare Friday evening. It is expected
Dr. McDonald may also be present to
address the meeting.
oV1z :ititn>t.
Alexander McKenzie, the Toronto man
who is supposed to have been murdered
at Cleveland by the woman with whom
he was living, turns out to be a Scotch -
man, 50 years of age, who in early man-
hood taught
school at SV
ia ham and was
subsequently stationed at Godaxioh and
other towns in the Huron district. In
1888 he went to Toronto, where he secur-
ed employment on the G. T. R., residing
with his wife and family on Rose avenue.
Four yeare ago he removed to Cleveland,
where he obtained a responsible position
with the Pennsylvania Company. It was
arranged during the Spring of 1894 that
Mrs. McKenzie and the four children
were to join him, but the husband notiii.
ed them not to go until the fall of 1895.
Mrs. MoKenzie thought the message
peculiar and commenced investigating
with the result that she ascertained that
be had become enamored of another
woman whom he had married and was
then living with. She thereupon decided
to have nothing further to do with him.
This woman it is who is now under ar-
rest for causing McKenzie's death. The
woman IS Mrs. Lottie ldveringham, whose
maiden name was Case.
Township Council next Tuesday at
John Brown pulled a stalk of rye on
his farm this week that measured 4 feet.
Mies Winnie McKinnon has been quite
ill with inflammation, but is improving
nicely now.
'Christina McMartin, formerly of Grey,
a second time left the House of Refuge
at Clinton, without leave. After search-
ing for some time the was located near
Brumfield and brought bank.
Bert. Hill arrived home from Braoe•
bridge on Monday evening for a short
visit, preparatory to taking a situation in
Seaforth. Mrs. H. A. Slater, kis sister,
and her son are also visiting at Mr. Hill's,
Mr. Slater has gone to Vancouver.
Po,xoicAL,—It will be worth the while
of every elector in Grey township to re-
member that in the Dominion election
there are only six polling places, instead
of coven as at other elections. The town-
. stip is divided at lots 17 and 18, three
divisions sash side, as follows :
No. 5—Lynn's school house ;
No. (1—Oranbrook ;
No. 7—Tnrnbull'e school bouse ;
No. 8—Speirau's sohool house ;
.No. 9 --Ethel ;
No. 10—Doles school house.
By retaining this list considerable ineon.
valiance may be avoided in asoortaihing
your proper place to vote en Jane 23rd.
Sunutole DRAT11•—It was a very sad sur-
prise to the readouts of con. 8 last Mon-
day evening when the nOwe spread that
Mrs. Robert 13011 had passed away very
suddouly. Sho had spent the day with
her daughter, Mrs. Alex. McDonald, and
left for home about 8:30. Robb. Rae and
wife were passing Mr, Bell's •reaidenoe
and noticed Mfrs. Bell sitting on a bench
outside with her hand supporting her
head. Ha palled to her but got no reply
and on going over to her was ;hooked to
ascettain that the vital spark had fled.
Mr, Bell, who west obeeot from home, was
sent tor, oleo a phyeioiau but of warm
1115 00001005 were •ol no avail. Heart
failure was the cause of decease, She
had been troubled in this direction for
some time. Mrs:. Bell's maiden name
was Rebecca Smith, her father being
Robert Smith, She was born in Eng,
Ross Stubbs and wife spout Sunday at
Lewis Jewibt'e.
Council meeting on Thursday of next
week, 28th inst.
W, Leckie, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday
at S. Paul's, 2nd line.
Mise Foster, of Harriston, is visiting
friends on the let and 2nd.
Wm. Purvey has been on the sick list,
but is able to bearoundagain.
Miss Maggie Bozell arrived home from
Paw Paw, Michigan, on Thursday of last
fibs. Geo. W. Turvoy left on Wednes-
day for Detroit to visit her sister, who is
very i11.
Messrs. McCracken and Kearney have
arrived home from their Northern trip.
They did not go past North Bay.
Dr, MaDoneld will hold a political
meeting in the Township Hall on Friday
evening of next week, commencing at 8
Last Sunday night James Kearney lost
a valuable working horse. The animal
was found dead in the stable on Monday
A cow belonging to Mrs. Wm. Arm-
strong died the other day and a veteri-
nary found a wire nail stook in the
animal's heart.
Dr. McDonald will address the electors
at the Morris Township Hall on Friday
evening of next week. There should be n
large attendance. Mr. Dickinson or a
speaker in his behalf invited.
David Walker, who has large and com-
fortable buildings at present has been
pulling down barns and building greater.
Surely Dave yon will "Tupper"
a good
vote inJune, for you
have prospered
under Tory administration.
On Monday night of last week an India
pony, belonging to Isaac Fernald, left
the farm of Edward Beeman and went
to seek new friends and acquaintances.
It evidently received a warm welcome, as
no tidings were beard of its whereabouts
until Monday last.
A young lady, a non-resident of the Gth
eon., who has a passion for pets, under-
took to tame a ground hog at Easter and
she has been so far suaoeeeful that the
little animal will now follow her into the
house. •What this persevering young
lady will next attempt to tame your cor.
respondent cannot say.
Ponrricur..-13. L. Dickiuson, the Con-
servative nominee, held a political meet.
ing in the Township Hall on Wednesday
evening. Reeve Mooney occupied the
chair in a moat impartial manner. Ad•
dressed were given by Barrister Blair, of
Brussels ; Wm. Flenty, of Wingham ;
W. H. Kerr, of TUE POST ; and Mr.
Dickinson. The fleet three mentioned
had a half hour eaoh and the latter one
and a quarter hours. There were about
GO electors in attendance. The meeting
closed about 12 o'clock.
Wnnnn To VOTE.—As the arrangement
and numbers of polling places in Morris
for the Dominion eleotion is not similar
to the mnnioipal, the following list will
be of practical interest to readers of Two
POST. The dividing ling ds the centre
sideroad, The centre division, Township
Hall, runs aoros0 the township, taking
all of con, 6 and the north half of eon. G.
Polling plates will be ;
No. 17—Gosman'e sohool house ;
No. 18—Button's school house ;
No. 19—Townehip L•Iall ;
No, 20—Isbister's sohool hoose ;
No. 21—Anderson's sohool house.
This gives two polling pluses in the
north, one in the centre and two in the
south. The numbers oorreepond with
the printed numbers on the Dominion
voters' list,
GAuocoe Paurv.—Tueerlav evening a
garden party was held at Jno. Mooney's
under the auspices of the Fife and Drum
Band. The coolness of the evening no
doubt prevented a gond many from at-
tending but the oompsny present spent
an enjoyable time. In addition to ice
Dream, hot coffee and edibles were freely
provided fund carefully oared for by those
in attendance. An excellent program
was presented as follows :—Piano and
violin, Mise Eva Cardiff and Mr. Randa ;
recitation, Mins Ida Mooney ; contio
song, "The Waiter," Prof. T. A. Haw•
!tine ; intermission incl oeleetions by the
Band; violin solo with piano a0oompmty
100531, H. L. /echelon ; piano duett, Miss
E. Cardiff and T. A. Igawkino ; piano
and violin, Miss Eva Cardiff and Mr.
Rands ; oomio song, "Lone Widow,"
Prof. T. A. Hawkins. The emends'
totall0d over $27.00 whiob will leave
about $20.00 clear when the necessary
expenses were paid. '50 is intended to
hold several of these gathering(' the pro•
oeade of which will bo devoted to the
purchase of a uniform for the Band boys.
blr, and Mee. Mooney made first•olase
host and hostess and 0, good time was put
in by all.
George Parker arrived home last Moa.
day from hie trip to the 01d Country,
whither 110 had gone with horses,
Animas Ann Pnsel;awrtox,—A very
happy time was 59500 ,1.0 theeomtnodions
residence of Thomas Wilkinson, 4th line,
on I+'riday evening of last week by a large
company representing ilio congregation
of suoanne Methodist ohnroh, assembled
for the pnrp0s0 of saying "Good•bye" fo
Miss Nellie, the estimable daughter of
the host and hostess, who has been or.'
ganist in Sunshine (dwelt for the past $
or 10 years, and who is now removing
with her parents to Belgrave. 'Tho fol.
lowing address was recd by Jas. E.
blunter and Mies Minnie Russell pry•
.rented' nn 0105500 .gold hunting weed
watch 1 --
Miss Nellie 1Pillci'Stson .
lame atnrtn,—We, the members and
Adherents of Sunshine Methodist antral,
has assembled this evening with feelings
of both regret and pleasure. Regret in
knowing that the pleasant associations
of past years are to be broken by your
removal from our church and locality ;
pleasure that we meet to express our best
thanks to you for your 8 or 9 years of
panotual, efficient and faithful service as
Organist. We wish to show. you in a
mote tangible manner than words that
we highly esteem your efforts in aiding
public worship, so ask your acceptance of
this gold hunting cased watch as a mem-
ento of our regard. We hope it will
often remind your of your many friends
at Sunshine, and as ib faithfully marks
the hour of the day may it recall to your
mind the words of the Master, "Be thou
faithful nntll death." May your future
be happy, useful and prosperous', and
when the partings of this Iife are over
may we all meet to sing the song of the
redeemed in the Church Triumphant.
Miss Wlkineon made an appropriate
reply in whiolt she warmly and affection-
ately returned thanks for the kind words
and the beautiful gift, which she would
always prize very highly. The company
spent a very enjoyable time and separ-
ated, wishing the Wilkinson family many
happy years in tbeir new home. The
watch was purchased from T. Fletcher,
Brussels, and has all the latest improve-
Ge orri1e,.
W. J. Perkins and family have remov-
ed to Ower Sound, where Mr. Perkins
will go into business.
Last weak W. H. Clegg antifamily, old
residents of Gerrie, left for Sault Ste.
Marie, where they purpose reoiding.
Rev. Josias Greene, a former pastor,
gave an interesting lecture Tuesday
evening on "A Trip to the European Con-
tinent," in the Methodist church.
The Orangemen of this section have
decided to drop the idea of holding a
celebration bete on July 12th, and will
probably join their brethren at Brussels.
Dr. W.J. Armstrong, of Fullerton, ae-
companied by his wile and daughter,
were visiting for a few days at J. Arm•
strong's, V. S., returning home on Mon-
day last.
Walter Maguire, aged 22, son of Thos.
Maguire, of the township of HOwiok,
committed suicide on Friday evening, by
hanging himself in his father's barn.
No reason can be assigned.
Everything is quiet in tho political line
as yet. No doubt there is an undercur-
rent that will yet break out before the
16011 pros. The Conservatives feel handi•
capped by the weight of the Remedial
plank and are therefore not very en-
Rev. Mr. Mason halt rseiguedhis charge
theSalem and ninth
in connection with
line Congregational churches
and will
shortly remove to a new field of labor.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason will be greatly miss-
ed in Gerrie, ae they were highly e0teem.
ad by all who bad the pleasure of their
acquaintance. Our beat wishes go with.
W. Hammond has erected a verandah
in front of his residence, wbieh adds
much to Be comfort and appearance. R.
Rose has recently repainted his residence
and the addition of a handsome new
fence makes the piece present a beautiful
appearance. Who will be the next to do
something that will add to the beauty of
our already handsome village ?
Frank L. Pollock, who has been a con-
tributor both of prose and poetry to 00030
of the leading Canadian journals, has
made an engagement to furnish a aeries
of articles on the situation in Cuba to
Roma of the leading American newspa-
pers. He left on Thursday of last week
fur the seem of the rebellions island, go.
ing by way of New York. No doubt on
his return he will have many an advent-
ure to relate.
Saving Depository,
In order to encourage the ohildren and
olcler ones also to cavo their pennies or
dollars I am prepared to receive deposits
from 50. up to $50, payable on demand
with interest at 6% per annum for all de-
posited over one year, or 5% when for less
time. Many children, and older ones too,
would have quite a sum in a few years,
and a handsome inuonie from the interest
alone, if they would only save what too
often is spent foolishly. Many are living
to -day in rented houses who would have
had a home of their own if the money
they had spent iu tobacco alone had have
been put out to interest instead. Let
such begin now, "It is never too lite to
menti." Not many are aware how rapid•
ly small savings, put ont to interest, ao•
oumdlatos, Farts and ligere0 mat's that
$1 putout to interest at 6% half yearly
foe 100 years amount(' to the surprising
sum of $340. 6 cents saved eaoh day cud.
put out to interest at 6% would in 20
years amount to 91,370, or in 50 years to
911,400. Many spend from throe to five
times thie amount in strong gelid, tobac-
co or agars, which is worse than wasted.
Parents should onocinrago their child.
ran to save and thereby e0tabiish the
habit of economy. "Small leaks sink
great ships," and 00 email savings amomtt
to large ones in a short time, Every de-
positor will reclaim a small pose book
showing the amount of idea her deposit.
Remember both intermit and principal or
the interest only Dan be withdrawn at
any time, and deposits of 5e. to 990.00
48 DRUGGIST, &a.
fusserraaarvtaatINTATalf at Tenni mule
E hundreds who have participated in and profited by the immense Bargains we
are giving will attest to the genuineness of this sale. Never before have
the people of Brussels and surrounding country had such an
opportunity of purchasing High Class Dry Goods
Sweeping Reductions
in Carpets, Lace Curtains, Women's and Children's Shoes and Slippers,
Tweeds and Readymade Clothing for Boys, Youths and Men, Dress Goods,
Linings and Trimmings, and all kinds of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods.
We have just received a Large Oonsignment
Ladies' Shirt Waists and Blouses
which we ordered March lst As these goods have just come to hand now
they mast go into this GREAT SALE.
Our O dhTed Clothing' Department
is the busiest place in town. Our Low Prices is the cause of this and the
perfect fit and very best Workmanship is another factor.
Remember this ,stoeh has been fully assorted with all Staple Dr'il Goods
and will be !kept so unlit the end.
The Highest Price allowed for good Butter, Home Cured Meat and Eggs. We want within the next
10 days as many Goose Feathers its we can buy.
11121213.6.6.3 masernmel
A T --^••- __
3'ollosvitig is the Prize Ma
and Program : •^
Bicycle Race (open)
310 00 and cup
Amateur eioyele l0ace
15 00 and cup
Ladies' Bicyole Race
10 00 and cup
Teachers' Bicycle Rano
10 0 and cup
Farmers' Bloyele Race
10 00 and cup
Tandem 1310y0lo 3100e
15 00 and cup
Half mile Bioyolo Raoe (open)
10 00 and cup
Foot -ball Match (open)
15 00 and oup 10 00
Lacrosse Natoli (open)
1500 and cup 1000
Dog in single harness and Dart 100
Dog team in harness thud carb E 50 1 00
Dog rano (open) single or double
l0 audoup 50
010 00 05 00
10 00 5 00
500 000
500 200
S 00 2 0
10 00
i ' An Entrance Fee of 50 cents will be
Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects
This is the Latest Got, and is
taking the lead. Don't fell to
call and see samples of same.
,- 'Viowe of lleeidences, Pionis Parties,
etc., takou by applying or melding your
ALL or ells Wolin GU.oun's'rnn
''00 RE I''Inar CLASS
Nothing nicer than to have some Photos
of ourselves and homes as we go
through this world, to look
back on in after years.
And tho Week ie the Best.
r Coma while in health.
Always Welcome at the Old Reliable
Photograph Studio.
flnllory Over ynlitlt &i geLtnon's
Coii1gt Tflroiialioiii E
Styles Right and 1. picas Low.
We Invite X ,speotion —
Of our fine range of Dress Goods, Prints, Mus-
lins, Parasols, Corsets, Gloves and Hosiery.
Felt Ilats, Straw Hats and Caps, Readymade
Clothing for Children, Boys, Youths and Men.
Boots and Shoes for all ages.
Don't forget our Usual Complete Stock of Man -
gel and Turnip Seeds.
We Solicit your Patronage and Guarantee Satisfaction.
Want 50,000 lbs. of Wool
for which they will flay the
MOW; Prices, Sash or Trak
We have enlarged our building to wake twin
for a lino of
eadyniade Clothino
11lanufacturecl out of our own make of Goods,
which wo claim no Store or Factory
Can compote with.
B. F. Brook & Son.