HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-22, Page 3gAr 22,,1806
Town Dixocto 'yv
MELvur.B O1loaca,—Sabbath Servioea
at 11 a m and 7;00 pill, Sunday School
at 2;30 p m, Rev, John Ross, 13 A,
Sr.S. ,1 OHS'd ON11nOli---Sabbath Services
at 11 a in and 7 p m, Sunday . School
at 2:80 p, In, Rey. A, K, Griffin, incum-
bent. •
METHODIST Cnanon,-.Sabbath Servioea
at 10:30 a m and 7;00 p nI, Sunday
Bohool at 2180 p m, Rev, G. II. Gobble.
holt, M A, 1i D, pastor. 1
Servide third Sunday in every month, at
10;80 a m,. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
FItryarroN Annx,—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at
the barraoke.
ODD FBLLowe' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Grabam'e block.
Maoism LODGE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 U W . LODGE on the 3rd
Friday evening of each month, in Blas•
hill's block.
0 0 F LODGE 2nd end last Monday
evenings of each month, iD Blashill's
I 0 F, and and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
In Orange Hall.
BONA oS Baorrawn, let and 3rd Tues-
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. Df. Lenoiri, 2nd and 4bh Tues-
days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
DOME °TROIA% 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blashill's Hall.
POST OFFIaaa.—Office hours from 8 a.
m. to 0:30 p. m.
MECHANICS' INeTrxoTE,—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5
and 6 tog) Saturdays. Mise Minnie Mo -
Naughton, Librarian.
TOWN Oouxoxa.—W. Il. Kerr, Reeve ;
Goo. Backer, Robert Graham, R. Lea.
tlterdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Collector, Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
SCHOOL BOARD.—Rev. Rose, (chairman,)
D. 0, Ross, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Koenig and H. Dennis ; Seo..Treas.,
It. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in saob month.
PDDLIo BOa00L Tx/cum.—J. H. Cam.
aron, Principal, Mies Linton, Mies
Downey and Mies Ritchie.
BOARD of HEALTII.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr, McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
Six Smith Sisters sang a song,
Sang solos, sang quartettes,
Bang songs short, Bang songs long,
Sang in pairs, sang in triplets.
Single Sister smoothly sang,
Swanee River, song so sweet ;
Smaller Sister child sounds rang,
Said soft and sweet as babes repeat.
Sang so sweetly every song,
Sweet singers six Smith Sisters are,
Sing for the right, sing down the wrong,
Send softer, sweeter sounds through
Single Sisters still remain,
Singing songs and sonnets new,
Strive and struggle, save that came,
Smith Sisters six, success to you.
A lady friend just said to me
"I'm going to a ladies' tea."
"Indeed 1" said I, "Where may it be,
I wonder ?"
A "Ladies' Tea"—I like that name.
No flirting there,—no men to blame,
But are they just a little tame,
I wonder 2
I often salt for what they go,
Is it a sorb of fashion show—
Of pride a sort of overflow,
I wonder ?
We winked men are all left out,
That's nothing we should kick about.
Are they more happy 2 Oan we doubt,
I wonder ?
There's ladies old and ladies young,
And every woman has a tongue,
And do they all just let 'em run,
I wonder 2
And do they talk of church and creed,
Or erring ones in their great need ?
And sow for future good the seed,
I wonder ?
Jean Blewebt's success in winning the
first prize offered by the Ohioago Times -
Herald for poem on Spring has already
been noticed, and as maay readers will be
curious to read the Canadian produotion
which outstripped all competitors it is
given hereunder ;-
0, the frozen valley and frozen hill make
a oof&n wide and deep,
And the dead river lies, all its laughter
stilled, within is, fast asleep.
The trace that have played with the
merry thing and freighted its breast
with leaves ;
Givo never a murmur or sight of woe
they are dead—no dead thing grieves,
No enrol of love from a song bird's throat ;
the world lies naked and still,
For all things tender and all things sweet
have been touched by the gruesome
Not a flower, a blue forget -me -nob, a wild
rose, or jessamine eat,
To lay it's bloom on the dead river's lips,
that have kissed them all eo oft.
But look, a ladder is spanning the apace
'twixb earth and the sky beyond --
A ladder of gold for the Maid of Graoe—
the strong, the subtle, tba fond.
Spring, with the warmth in her footsteps
light, and the breeze and the fragrant
Is Doming to press her radiant face to
that which fa cold in death,
Spring, with a mantle made of the gold
held olOse in a sunbeam's heart,
Thrown over her shoulders, bonnie and
bare -see the gap in the great tree
Where the hem of this flowing garment
trails, see the glow, the calor bright :
A stirring and spreading of sametbing
fair—the dawn le chasing the night.
Spring, with all love and all dealt delights
pulsing in every vein.
The old earth knows her and thrillg to
her touoh as elle oiaime her own
Spring, With hyacinths filling her cap,
and the violet seede in her hair,
With the aroous biding its satin head in
her bosom warm and fair,
Spring, with the daffodils at her feet, and
panafee abloom in her eyes •
Sp1iself totlmake the dead h of the
arisen her
For see, as she bends over the coffin
deap—the frozen valley and hill—
The dead river attrs. Ah 1 that ling'ring
kiwi is malting its heart to thrill,
And then, as she closer and closer leans,
ib slips from it's snowy shroud,
Frightened a moment, then, rushing
away, calling andlanghfng aloud.
The bill where she rested is all abloom—
the wood le green as of old ;
And wakened birds are striving to send
their songs to the Gates of Gold,
The man who rends the paper,
And sponges as he goes,
Will never reach the blessed land
Where milk and honey flaws.
The man who takes the paper,
And does not pay his dime,
Cannot enjoy a happy life,
Or with the angels shine.
Theman who takes all papers,
Except the one at home,
Let nothing good be said of him,
An outcast let him roam.
The man who takes the paper
His neighbor's money bays,
Should jump into a bramble bash
And scratch out both his eyes.
The man who reads the paper
He borrows—seeme to us,
Would out up any Gaper,
He's just an onery cuss.
I love the gay and festive duck
Who never would subscribe ;
I love the blithesome kicker, too,
With all his idle gibe ;
I love the man who calla and gives
Me pointers all the day ;
But most I love the daisy who
Subscribes and then won't pay.
f101Y A C016B1;ltLAND 00., N. S.,
A Sufferer From Acute Dyspepsia and a
Complication of Troubles Following
au Attach or In Grippe—Die Was
Forced to Quit Business stud Wes
Hopelessly 1Biscanraged• When Kelp
.From the Amherst, N. S., Sentinel.
Obas. Tooker, who lives about two
miles from Lockport, is one of the best
known men in that section. He is en-
gaged in busiessa as a lobster packer, and
dealer in flour and salt, and in addition
has a fine farm. During the past three
years Mr. Tooker has been an almost
constant invalid, being the victim of a
Complication of troubles following a
severe attack of la grippe. Recently ha
has been restored to bis old time health,
and having learned that he gave the
entire oredit to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
concerning which so much has been said
through the press, a reporter reviewed
him in the matter, and was oheerfnlly
given hie story for publioation. Mr.
Tucker said :—"About four years ago I
had a severe attack of la grippe, which
left me in a fearful condition. I bad for
a number of years before this attack been
a sufferer from dyspepsia, but following
the la grippe it took a more acute form,
and to add to my distress my liver appear-
ed not to perform its usual functions, my
heart troubled me greatly, and there were
as well other complications which baffled
the skill of four doctors whom I succes-
sively palled in in the hope of regaining
my health. From the knees down my
lege were as cold as tae ; my bowels
would bloat and I suffered groat pain.
My case went from bad to worse despite
the medioal treatment I was undergoing
and at last I got so bad that I was forced
to give up business. I could hardly eat
anything, got but little sleep at night,
and you will readily understand my eon
dition became one of despair, My father
urged me several times to give Dr. WIl-
liams' Pink Pills a trial, but 1: was so
discouraged that I had no farther faith
left in any medicine. However, more to
please hits than from any hope of bene-
ficial. results, I began the nee of Pink
Pills. The first beneBoial effeats I found
was that the warmth and natural feeling
began to return to my limbs, my bowels
ceased to bloat, and with the oantinued
use of the pills my, appetite returned, 2
slept soundly at night, and the motion of
my heart again became normal. I eon -
tinned taking the fink Pille until 2 had
taken in all 15 boxes, and I have not felt
better in years than I do now. I did
some partioularly hard work last fall,
and was able to stand it with a strength
and vigor which surprised me, I eon.
eider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only a
wonderful medicine, but also in the light
of what my Other treatment coat, the
leneb expensive medicine in the world,
Mid I ebrongly recommend Pink Pills to
all in need of a medlaine.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills act direotly
upon the blood and nerves, buiidiog them
anew, and bliue driving dipoaso from the
system. Their is no trouble due to either
of these mune which Plnic Pllle will not.
euro, and in hundeede of oases they have
restored patiente to health after all other
remedies had failed. Ask for Do. Wil.
]latus' Pink Pine and take noticing Glee.
The genuine are always enoloeed in boxes,
the wrapper around which hears the fill]
trade mark, "Dr, Williame' Pink Pills
Pills far Psle People," May be had of
all dealers, or sent poet paid on reaoipt of
50 cants a box, or six boxes for 32,50, by
addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Go., Brookville, Ont. '
)11011' 18 THIS FOR MGM,
The noted steeple of St. Stephen's, in
Vienna, is 400 feet.
The statue of Liberty, in New York
harbor, is 805 feet high.
Mount Timmons, 18,694 feet, is said to
be the highest in Utah.
The greatest altitude in Arizona is
Franoieao, 12,602 feet,
The towers of the Cathedral of Co-
logne are 511 feet high,
Mount Whitney is the highest peak in
California, 14,898 feeb.
The tower of the Parliament House in
London is 340 feet high.
One of the highest peaks in the Andes
is Sorata, 25,380 feet.
Mount Rich, 8,569 feet high, is the
tallest in South Carolina.
Alaska has four mountains, each over
10,000 feet in height.
There are three mountain peaks in
Idaho exceeding 10,000 feet.
Poroupine Mount is the highest ele-
vation in Michigan, 2,023 feet.
Mount Katandin ie the highest point of
land in Maine, 6,200 feet.
Altamont is the highest recorded point
in Maryland, 2,020 feet.
Meade Point, 10,641 feet above the sea,
is the highest in Idaho.
Mount Parnassus, the home of the
Muses, is only 3,950 feet high.
Dupont's is the highest place in Dela-
ware, 282 feet above sea level.
Ben Nevis, 4,400 feet, is one of the
highest elevations in Scotland.
Greylook is the highest recorded point
in Massachusetts, 3,536 feet.
The Wise Mall.
GRAVENnnnsT, Feb. 20, 1898.
J. M. McLeod, Goderioh.
DEAR Sm.—After suffering for over a
year with pains in the stomach which
eventually passed over and down my
right Bide, I consulted two doctors. I
was told that nothing could be done for
me, and to go to the Toronto hospital at
once, that I had an ulcer on the bowels.
I knew that there was a growth of some
sort there. I swelled out like a barrel.
I could not eat, as I suffered intense pain
if I did. I understood my case was one
for the knife, and expected nothing but
the worst. Well, I was told .something
will be done for yon anyway. I left
home with the intention of going to the
hospital, but changed mymind when I
remembered Mrs. K. Morrison's case, and
that you oared leer, wad I went to Gode-
rich now two years ago next Maroh. I
had not eaten anything for 48 hours
when I got there, and I was weak and
exhausted, could not go up the doorsteps
without assistance. I remained five days
in Goderiob. I did not believe I could be
cured. I took two large bottles of your
System Renovator and used two bottles
of E. A. MoLennan's Liniment. I ooald
eat and rest well before I left Goderiob.
I was at my work as usual in two weeks
and since then enjoyed the hest of health.
I have not been so well for years. My
case was a surprise to all.
I am, Sir, yours truly,
•Sold by Jas. Fos, ]Druggist. Brussels.
George E. Hillis was killed at Court-
land by a Wok of timber falling on him.
Hon. J. A. Onimet, late Minister of
Public Works, is appointed Judge of the
(ourt of Appeal, Montreal.
Messrs. A. T. Wood and Thos. Mac-
pherson were nominated at a great Liber-
al aonvention at Hamilton.
Wm. Gerry was elected to fill the
vacancy in the City Conlon caused by
the death of Ald. John Marshall, London.
A nine-year old eon of Mrs. Wm.
Bradley, Merritton, fell into the old
canal and was drowned before assistance
-cum.—All oases of organic or sympathetic)
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quickly cored, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
"Ten people out of a dozen are inva-
lids," says a recent medical authority.
At least eight out of these ten, it is safe
to allow, are suffering from some form of
blood•tlisease which a persistent use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla would be sure to euro.
Then, don't be au invalid.
RELIES IN BIx Hooas.--Distressing kid•
nay and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on amount of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want guide relief and
sore this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
G DIP 1 sPr`r: O RIM
I wish to inform lbs people of nauseate
and snrroundiig district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Businese of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at any shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S sbop will be promptly
looked after.
;"'Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Oisterns.
Gomer Groep„
11141;es clothes
sweet, Clean,
white, with
the least
remark -I
= able lasting
and cleansing
properties make
economical and
Best for_'
Every a
Having purchased a shop on
Thomas St., opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
old customers and as many new
ones as may favor mo with their
patronage that I have removed
to my now stand.
Soliciting a share of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
S. T. Plum,
General Blacksmith (Sr, Ilorseshoer
Curtain in its effects and novor blisters,
Read proofs below;
Boar,^ Carmen aonderson Co., 011., Feb.00,11.
D. B,7.ir—PleL bo.
00001,5 nid oa Roo?. Luse goadogre t deal of our
wonderfulmavu, Oure with Rood e0ceese • it fa a
000000001 medicine. I Sime hada mare that Lad
kUaoeenln ndaavObotoes
cured her. 1
01113. Powsw;.
0eemo0, 00., Apr. 0,'10.
Dr. B. 3. itssenbL Co.
Dear 11,0-2 have used several bottles Of your
"Bondall'e Spavin Cure" with much success. I
think it the best Liniment I ever used. Flare re.
nwcedo„e Curb, one Blood Bpuvin and kilted
two Bone Spnvine. Have recommended It to
soferal of my friends who are much pleased with
and keep It. Iiespeeteauy,
S. R. EAT, P. o. Box M.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
.Dr. T3. J. Ii:NJA'DALZ CO6IJ'B11,17,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6k Per cent, Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required,
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
;,000 Bust of Bost SEs;
For farmers in the vicinity of Brussels
who intend raising flax daring the Som-
lug season, which they are prepared to
deliver in quantities to snit flax growers.
Can be got at the BRUSSELS
FLAX MILL. Seed given out at
31.50 per bushel and on the usual terms.
Order early and insure a supply. For
flax grown from this seed
:781 sniper Ton will be Paid
if of good growth, harvested in proper
season and delivered at the Flax Mill as
soon as fit for threshing. We will also
rent a number of good sod fields for the
purpose of growing flax.
N. B.—Farmers are strongly advised
to sow their flax on good land, well plow-
ed and harrowed, not on low lands, and
the yieldtwill be from a ton to a ton and
a half per acre more. Flax grown on
low land will not grow fibre to give the
J. &J. LIVINGSTON, Proprietors.
WM. BRIGHT, Manager,
w3l1 makei
a well amen
of TO1Y 0
150055 PP.00170ne 250 AVOW,
51105Lm13 10 Poon we00e.
100080 eure0 all Servoue 01008050, eleoplodO..
nese. Santee 310mory, Nightly Omlaslmw, $0berm0-
gtoly oo0150,-,- Impotency,
en y,oto0 unused bu oegana, au
qulokty but eurely rcetoroa Los'' IQesa005 Ip of
oe young, Cee PIOO5I nod you will grow ntram
and happy agale, 100E 0y mall In ploy; WrAppor
and 00000017a eeocket. om Price, larvanoe. itnony
earned la 0001 poykiL 5! o package 0,00
for ett gond money in lettere
either o marl fetor.
M letter. W00Address 011 10ttore to 3. 1. FPJ Rno-
Druggist, W000000ca, ONT., Agent for the Do-
minion of Canada
'I have taken Ayer's Pills for ninny
yitsanillw always the hest re'
For Stomach and Liver
troubles and for the cure of headache
these derangements, Ayer's
Pllis cannot be equaled. They aro easy
to take, aid
Are the Best
all-round family medicine I have ever
known."—Mrs. brAS' JOILBSON, Sas Rider
Ave., New Sark City.
Highest Awards at World's Pair.
Alder's Saa•sapna'ilicr.foa'the blood:.
S'1 L
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND- -
Nortll Sliiore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Plalllullg bills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
tame on band or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings, Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AME NT,
We have Opened out at
Base Balls and Bats,
Rubber Balls, soft
and hard,
j Bows and Ar'ro'w,
only 50. each,
Express Wagons,
Rocking Horses, &o.
Fine Range of Leather & Item; School
Bags from So. up.
The very thing for children, or Flower
Becl or Vegetable Working for Adults.