HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-15, Page 8We have them in Balm . Lola
Feather, Folding, oto,
Four, Six and Eight Balls.
As Low as
GO Cents.
Balk i X11
1n Base, Bubber and Foot.
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Hail 6:50 a.m. mixed 0:45 a.m.
Venoms 11:50 a.m. I Mail 3:15 pin.
p.m.4llxad 9:00 p.. Express 0:48 p.m.
'Coral EC% n temE
.A chiel's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
A NEw awning has been placed ab W.
Mn0raoken's grocery.
TRAVELLING Dairy, Town Hall, Bras•
sets, on Ftiday afternoon.
THERE will not be a celebration in
Brussels on the Queen's Birthday,
Sonrnisn a reductions in mens' women's
ann children's shoes to dent at A. J.
.A. now of new tie posts have been put
-Town at the cemetery for the convenience
of persons attending funerals.
S. T. PLUts and Wm. Martin, Flora
street, have had their residences freshen-
ed up by a new dress of paint.
VALUABLE gold brooch lost. The finder
will he liberally rewarded upon leaving it
at Tan Pon Publishing House at once.
"MAPLE Lear," "Reddy" and "Paddy"
will take part in the races at Port Baron,
which take place on June 2nd, Ord and
TILE Post. will compare the school
teachers of this locality with those of any
other Riding, and is not afraid of the
Ton plans are out for the new shop to
.be built by John Leckie, of Toronto, be-
tween Miss Ross' store and Messrs.
Deadman & McCall's.
POSTHASTEn FAnsow was chosen as
Chairman of the Board of Health. Sani-
tary Inspector Wright was instructed to
have all yards and premises cleaned up
by Monday, Hay 25th.
°PnuLIO Library competition Sootoh—
Irish concert will be held on Thnreday
evening, 21st inst., in the Town Hall.
'Excellent program and admission fee
only 15 cents.
A Losnox paper says : "Mrx. Alfred
Deadman, of Delaware, has a duck which
laid seven eggs nine inches long way
around, seven inches in circumference
and weigh.5, oz." The lady referred to
is a sieter•in-law to G. A. Deadman.
GARDEN PABTr.--0n Tuesday evening
sof next week a garden party will be held
on the epeoious grounds at John Mooney's
.JJth line, Morris, in behalf of the Fife
and Drum Band, which will play that
evening. A. good time is expected.
WEDNESDAY of this week Postmaster
Farrow ticketed Frank MaOracken and
ills sons, William and James, and Wm.
:Kearney, of Morrie, to Mattawa, from
which point they strike North on a pros-
pecting tour, on the look out for farm
PAINTING CLASS.—Miss Mary Morias, of
Wingham, will open a Glees in Brussels
for inabruotion in Landscape Painting.
tier studio will be the apartments lately
'vacated by T. A. Hawkins, in the Smith
block. Claes will meet each Friday,
commencing next week. Terms reason.
care of fins export cattle to the Old
Country on Tuesday of this week. Four
went from Brevets and two from Bel-
-grave. A. C. Dames, Jay. Clegg, Jno.
(;atneron,and D. McDougall accompanied
tine shipment and will be away for about
n month or so.
Lase Saturday the frame building be.
';ween the Leokie and Blashill brick
blocks, belonging to the Roddick estate,
was sold to B. Gerry at the nominal.
bid of 5100. The purchaser had a mort-
gage on the property. He purposes
snaking some improvements, so as to put
it in shape for renting.
A Ponrio )3ngiorrr.—Tan Pon suggests
that the well at the Corner of Turnberry
end Market streets, formerly belonging to
the Tecumseh House, which was destroy.
edby fire, be cleaned out, a pump placed
in it and the same be need as tut' anoom.
amodali,n to the citizens of Brussels and
,travelling poblio. A. few tin cups and a
watering trough for horses to disk from
would complete the outfit. The well was
au excellent one, and in Me present loco,
Alen would be a great convenience, eapen•
/.ally in the summer season, and the
necessary expense world be trifling,
Dxno,--From the Daily Columbian, of
New Westminster, B. C., May 4th, we
take the following, which refers to a
former resident of Bre,sele, then Miss
amnia Calbiek :—"As 's ill be seen by an-
nouncement elsewhere, 'he young wife of
Wm. Rogers, of this city, has succumbed
to an illness, from oon,umpbion, of Rev-.
weal month, and passed away to -day.
(General sympathy will be extended to
Mr. Rogers in hie bereavement, which is
xendered particularly sad by the faotthat
as comparatively short time has elapsed
limas he was married to hie late wife,
with, by her death, also leaves a young
infant motherless." The Old Fellows of
Ulm city attended the funeral in a body,
ati, Wednesday afternoon, 6th ins;, The
many old friends here of the deceased will
eympatbige with the bereaved relatives
Sin Choir lonelinosa and sadness.
NEnvtelegraph poke are being; put in
through town 10 replace the 011orb ones,
Shoos» hand bieyolo in lirst.olass
order, for sale, cheap for crib, Apply bo
B. Gerry,
Dine, (Du.) C1n&Haai has purchased a
C4odetioh bicycle, the brat Qi this song.
facture in town,
You'sr, he sorry 11 you don't take ad-
vantage of the elaaghter sale of ready.
made Webbing at A. J. Davis',
limn' of ten Ooneervatives from Brig -
eels attended the annual meeting of the
party at Gerrie on Monday afteru»on,
A LOAD of salt was distributed along
the sides of Main street in the 'bueinese
portion of Brussels, on Wednesday, bo
!sill weeds and grass growing along the
L,tsT week (Merles 'Rowlett purobaeed
the veoitnb lot Westofhis residence,
Queen street, from thigh Forsyth, of Ohlins,.Morrie, and has now a moat desir-
able piece of property.
CousTaare'Wnwonr has been inetruuted
to pat a stop to the noisy and rough oar•
rying on of numerotid youngsters at and
around the Band Maud daring the sou.
carts on Friday evenings.
Tam new addition to 7, C. Richards'
shop will soon be completed. D. A,
Lowry finished the brislt work last week
and the felt roof is now on, the floor laid,
walls plastered and the ceiling finished,
°Rouen Jit.," owned by R. Wilson, Of
Seaforth, is now in training on Brussels
traok ;with R. Roache string. "Rumor"
has a mark of 2.28, and is in good trim
this season, A black mare owned by
Mr. Duncan, of Verna, is also here,
Acton° the local steppers to be seen on
the half•mile track are horses owned by
A. Straohan, Smith & McLaren, Jno.
Hewitt, G. Trimble, A. Currie, P. Amen;
J. T. !loss, P, Scott and others. Some
Nary likely animals are included in the
Tun school base ball team wiped the
earth in a diamond contest with the "S.
0. R." team on Monday evening ab Vie -
Coria Park. The soon was 15 to 5. The
S. 0. 31,'s were at a.disadvanbnge, as the
players are an aggregation of ball players
from Buffalo, Ohioago, Detroit and other
oities and have not yet got aooustemed to
one another.
Smorcns.—It has been arranged by the
Gland Trunk anthoritiee to run a live
steak special every Monday and Tbum
day, leaving Palmerston ab 2:30 p. M.
with all live stoop from the North reach.
ing there up to 1:40 p. to., running
through to Toronto, train to arrive there
at 8 p, m. When the number of oars of
stook will warrent it, a passenger coach
will be attached for the accommodation
of drovers.
GRAVEL WALxs.—The p'ank walks on
John street, North of Chtrrsh'street,
which have about guyed their day, will
be lifted and a floe gravel walk substi-
tuted. Similar work will be done on
sections of Market and Elizabeth streets.
The good lumber taken up will be utiliz-
ed in repairs to other walks this year,
with the expeotatiou of next year's Coun•
all corryingout the same program. This
is rendered necessary owing to scarcity
of good lumber and rise in prioe and as
there is a large quantity of plank walk in
town,'a considerable portion of it being
about used up, the Council wisely :la•
aided to adopt the plan spoken of and
will substitute gravel. The work will be
carefully and systematically dons, so that
permanency will mark it in the time to
BASE BALL.—The first base ball match
of the season in Brussels was a closely
contested game last Friday afternoon,
between the Public school olubs of this
town and Wroxeter. Brussels went to
bat first,'R. Ras and J. Brawn holding
the points for the visitors, and scored 5
rune. They made 8 in the 2nd, were
blanked in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th, and
made 2 in the 4th, closing with a total of
10. Wroxeter jogged along steadily,
',chic; 1 in each of the 5 innings exoept
the 40, when they were "goose.egged."
In the 6th 3 was given them and 2 in the
7th, their total being 9. Owing to the
closeness the game was exceedingly in-
teresting. Many good plays were made
and a few bad muffs also on the program,
Ab. Paulin, one of the Wroxeter
"'Unions," was the umpire and dealt out
even handed justioe to all. The score
supplies additional particulars :—
IinnssELs n o wnoxnrEn. a o
E. Grower, p 1 2 A, Robinson, lb -2 1
D. Bendall, of 2 2 R,Rae, p 2 2
Leatherde.le, Ib 1 2 J. Brawn, a 1 8
3. Garry, es 2 1 B. Orr, 21 0 1
F. Gilpin, rf..,..,,2 3 G. Iiaalte, 3b...,....,1 3
Ma 'am:111tn, 2n 1 8 H. Brawn, of 0 2
O. i'eudall, a 1 2 A, Rae, ss 0 2
H.WiLeMartin, Sb...O 4 W. Walden, 111 8
X. (Mosley, if 0 3 0, Sauclerson,rf..O 4
10 21 021
By innings— 1'2 8 4 5 6 7
Brussels 5 3 0 2 0 0 0-10
Wroxeter 1 1 1 0 1 8 2— 9
The return match will be played shortly
in Wroxeter.
THE Ronnlaa CAsn.—A verdict has
been given in the case of Roddick vs.
Knights of Maccabees of the World, tried
at Osgoocle Hall Wednesday of last week
before Justice Street. The finding of
oourt roads thus :—"E. J. B. Duncan,
for administrator of estate of William
Roddick, deceased, moved upon a special
case for order for payment out of moneys
in court. J. A. Paterson, for Eliza and
Maty Roddiolc, eistera of deceased, contra.
The deceased held a membership certifi-
cate for 52,000 in Knights of Maccabees
Society, payable to Catherine Roddiolc,
his mother, and by the terms of the Ger.
tilloate it was provided that the benefits
shoaid not be made payable to any person
other than the insured's wife, children,
defendant's father, mother, sister or
brother, and that it was not transferrable
or assignable, and that in case he desired
a change of beneficiary he should make a
written request therefor and pay a fee of
50 cents and receive a new certiioabe,
and that in case of his deoeass without
any direction as to payment, the claim
should be paid .to the parties above
named, If none of the persons existed
at the time for payment the prooeeds
were to revert to the endowment fund of
the association. Oatherine Roddick, his
mother, died in 1898 and William Rod-
dick himself died in November, 1805,
never having been married, and leaving
him surviving no near relibivesexcept his
two sisters. It was admitted that the
estate of deceased, not including the $2,.
000 in question, was insufficient to pay
his debts, Held that there was nothing
to show that the deceased was at the date
of the oontraot upon which the certificate
was issued unable to make a voluntary
settlement upon his siebers. The eon -
trent to do 90 was Clearly stated in the
condition endorsed on application, Saoh
a settlement was validly made. Order
made for payment of amount in court to
Meters of deceased'
A NEw sob of single harness for sale,
lit'ab-oless, Will be 'sold at a bargain,
J''ae, Walker, T3eusesls,,
GET A OasnT11rfoaeg,, The law has been
amended ooncerning burials 10 that a
certilleate must. be obtained from the
Menioipal Clerk in which the death ea•
ours by lha fronds of bbs deoaaeed for
Iraeenlatton to the pat'ebpker of bhe
amatory before interment. A ogre.
taker is liable to a heavy fine if he barite.
a body _without one,
Mosoar morning when F, S. Smith wont
to his stable be was greatly surprised to
find his driving mare absent. A short
time sufficed to reveal the foot that in
walling around the stable she had trod-
den on the cellar trap door, whichgave
way and landed her on the cellar floor',
Dan. MoNaughbon'e sarvioeswere secured
and with the aid of bleak and tackle the
make was safely itoieted out of her base•
meet quartot'a none the worse of her
SAToanar evening as Mr. Doan and
wife were driving into Brussels in a'road
cart, their hares- was'ebartled by a -bicycl-
ist passing at a lively rate. Inthe at.
tempt to run away the shafts of the cart
were broken and Mr. and Mrs, Dunn
reached terra firma with considerable
emphasis, receiving quite' a. shaking' up,
3. basket of eggs in the rig also oame to
grief, Bioyolists will get themselves in-
to trouble if a little more attention is not
paid to therights of other travellers on
the highway. The immoderate rate at
which Rome wheelmen travel on the Main
street is anything but desirable and mush
be stopped, If a few hints of this kind
are net sufbioienb more drastic measures
will have to ensue.
ExaaxnnurION OaANoEo.— Important
changes have been made in the regulations
respecting the High school Entrance and
P. S. L. examinations. The per°outages
are the same as heretofore, but .the En-
trance Board may recommend a candi-
date who does not make ons.third in
each subject in the Leaving now as well
as in the Entrance, which was not the
case formerly. Candidates who make.
one-fourth of the marks on each eubjeot
of the Leaving still pass the Entrance.
The decision of the ltintrance Board is
now final, there being no appeal to the
Department from that Board, but the
Public eohool Inspector may make en.
guides into any complaint made to him
regarding either the laxity or severity on
the part of any Board in his inspector-
ate. The report of the Board will be
published on or before July 20th.
CII LU ltd;il l,IIIIIEs.
There was service in St. John's churoh
an Thursday—Ascension Day, at 10 a.
m. and 8 p. m.
The bi.mouthly pleating of the Presby-
tery of Maitland will take place in Wing.
ham next Tuesday.
Rev. R. J. Irwin will preaoh in the
Methodist ohurmh here next Sabbath as
the pastor will be in Clinton preaching
the Epworth League anniversary ser-
A missionary meeting will be held in
Melville church onMonday, June let, at
which Miss Sinclair, a returned mission•
ary from India, will give an account of
the work in which she has been engaged.
Adjutant Turner, of London, will
make his first visit to Brussels on Toes -
day, 19th lost. In cream will be served
in the Army barraoks in the evening at
whioh the admission fee will be 10 cents.
On Tuesday, June 2nd, a Sabbath
School Convention, in connection with
the Episcopal churches of this .County,
will be held in Brussels. An interesting
program is being prepared. Rev. Mr,
Gonne will preach in the evening.
Quite a number of names have already
been sent in to H. R. Brewer, Brussels,
the Secretary of the Billetting Commit-
tee iu connection with the coming Ep-
wor)h League and Sabbath School Oon.
vention to be held here on the 26th and
27th louts.
The quarterly services last Sabbath in
the Methodist church were of a very
interesting character. Over 150 partook
of the saorament in the evening. The
pastor's suitable discourses were on
'Son and Heir," in the morning, and
"Jesus and me," in the evening.
Last Saturday Melville church Mission
Band met. An enjoyable program was
given, consisting of readings from May
Skene, Mary Forbes and Kate Swith.
Ella Scott, lvlay Deadman and J. Mo-
Lauohlin contributed musioal selections.
Saturday of next week will be the next
At the meeling of the official Board of
the Method id church, Brussels, held on
Tuesday evening the total membership
was reported at 820, an inorease of 75
after allowing for removals by death and
ohange of residence, 160 members be.
long to the Epworth League. Thos.
Farrow was chosen representative to the
Distriot meeting which will be held in
Brus.els on the 26th dust. B. Gerry and
W. H. Kerr ;were eleoted to represent the
Bawd at the Stationing Committee of
the London Conference which convenes
in Stratford next month.
80RSi'. '
Snormten. In McKillop, on April 22nd,
. the wife of Mr. Jas. Sholdice of a
d augh ter.
Knot-mt.—In MaKiliop, On May 6th,
the wife of Mr. Wm. Kneohtel of a
Rearms.—Ln New Westminster, B. 0,, on
May 4th, Lydia Ann, beloved wife of
Wm. Rogers, aged '25 years.
.Avcmxoxr seas axe.
FnoDAY, MAY 22nD.—perm stook, &o.,
lot 17, col. 12 Grey. Sale o.t 1 o'oleok
sharp. Jno, Knight, Prop., F. S. Scott,
S1.57TE3Sr'7T.,S 7,Aa:ARMCO232`S,
Fall Wheat 68 90
Barley. 28 80
Peas 45 46
Oats 19 20
Butter, tubs and rolls .•13. 12
Eggs per dozen 8
Flour per barrel.....,..: 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (new) ... 18
Hay per ton 700 8 00
Hides trimmed 4 4li
Hides rough 3 g
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 0
Sheep skins, each ..., 60 75
Lamb skins emelt... 15 40
Apples per bus: 1 00
Boge, Live 8 50 8 00
Dressed Huge 4 00 4 50
Wool 18 20
ST 7V7 4R.D B4,NIC OF C'elX4,Dif4,
'M.A,;a7-,z010H431= 1472.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $77,000,000
AL' (Authorized) 0_,000,000
ilgenetesits all prletoigal poiflte in Qatari°, Qatoi,ee, Manitoba, Uvtileti States f&Rotplattil
Vinegt,71140 DAWN
Draft. ountod.
Drafts Issued and Colloetione made on all points.
A General Banking1)usinees Transacted, Tarniere Notes Dieo
/Altered allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from dab of deposit to date of
Withdrawal and compounded hall yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
J. A. STEWART Memo n.
Business Locals,
Sus the Daisy churn at McKay & Cos.
Tet1AT0 and cabbage plants at Mc-
NEw lines of spades and shovels at
MoRay & Coo.
CLOvnE and timothy seed for sale.
Beaker & Vaneten°.
BEST.',angel and' Swede seeds in the
world at MoOraohen's.
TltioTne and clover seed for sale at JAB.
B.tnn' wire and cut nails at low prices
at McKay & Cos.
Broil °LABS dry goods at very low
prices at A, J. Davis'.
ALL kinds of cattle taken for furniture
or sewing machines at B. Lsatherdale's..
Bxoxoac supplies. Enamel your bi-
oyole for. 25Jcents, McKay & 00.
A mon line of buggy dusters on hand,
all sold nt oloee margins. L 0. Richards.
INREOT sprayers, screen doors, carpet
sweepers, paints dc., at McKay d: poet,
Sxtox dressings of all kinds on hand
both for black and tan colored.
L C. Richards.
I HAVE the beat stook of window shades
ever seen in Brussels. Prices to suit the
times end pot up free. R. LEATHEnmmts.
REPAIDING CONT.—Machinery, bioyoles,
lawn -mowers, scissors and all kinds of
tools put in order at reasonable prices
for spot onsh by saw filer' T. MoGregor,
of Brussels, Queen St. East.
A SPLENDID range of men's women's
and obildren'e shoes on hand. Call and
see them no matter if you do not boy,
the will be pleased to have you see them.
I. 0. Richards.
Ir you want an organ or sewing mach-
ine I can save you from $10 to $25 bet-
ter than yon can boy from agents. Come
and get my prices before- you buy. All
goods delivered from R. Leatherdale's.
OA/MEM—Any one desiring carpets
will do well to call at the Brussels Wool-
en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
have the largest assortment of samples
ever shown in this locality, ranging in
price from 30e. to $1.00. Hewn & Co.
VnonTABmn PLANTS.—For sale at D. Mo•
Lennan's green house, all kinds of vege.
table planta, strawberry plants, oto, If
anything is wanted in this line you should
call and see D. MoLennan'S plants, Brus-
It;Anx's Clover Root, the great Blood -
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25 ote, 50 oto and $1.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Samoa's sure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures inoipientyoonsnmption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one osnt a
dose. 25 ote., 60 ots. and 51.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, II. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good," Price 50
cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Bros.
A. J. DAVIS announces that a large oon-
signmsnt of clothing, which he has
bought for spot cash, has just come to
hand. As he is clearing out his stook be
is prepared to give men's suite (good
suits) at from $8.00 upwards. Don't buy.
until you see these goods. They are
offered at less than half prioe.
FLownns AND PLAxms.—Thos. Kelly,
florist, Brussels, has a rare and beautiful
oolleolion of flowers and plants this sea-
son and is in a better position than ever
to suit the public. He will also have the
usual range of garden .plants, such as
cabbage,Kelly. tomatoes, &o. If you require
anything in this line call on or write Mr.
PAINTING, &n.—The undersigned, haw.
iug entered into partnership, are prepay
ed to do all kinds of work in the following
lines :—Plain and ornamental painting,
kaisomining, frescoing, paperhanging,
sign -writing, do., &o. Remember our
motto, "First.class work and reasonable
cbarges." STEwART & RxxonoE,
Birt has all the necessary maohinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shale. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st„ Brussels. 84-tf
THE BEST REOonrotnoD,—The best re-
oommend a bieyolo can have is 1110 num.
bar of sales made. A. Coueley, agent for
the well-known Brantford, has made the
following sales this season already :—
W. E, Armstrong, teaober, Brussels ;
Arthur Wake, Brussels ;
Mr. Shiels, Grey ;
Rev. G. H. Cobblediols, Brussels
Colin McArthur, Brussels
Wm. McDonald, Molesworth ;
John Rae, teacher, MoKihop ;
W. J. Resell, Brussels ;
H. J. Burkholder, Drayton ;
Sydney Bolger, Morris ;
R. A. McKee, teacher, McKillop.
Mise Tilly Gorton, Wroxeter.
The "Red Bird" gives great satisfaction.
A stook of wheels always on band, both
now and second hand. • A. Consano,.
Agent, Brueoele,
First mortgage, farm security, Apply
at THE POST' Publishing Rosso, Drussele.
Fon SALE.' -Lobe 220. and 221 Queen et.
Tormsroaeonabletoacash pitrodiser, Ap'.
ply on the promises or to W. 11, 8INCLAIR.
T have some ;good timothy flay to sell
or exchange for good. fence rade, or I wtll
buy the rude, G. A, DEADDIAN,
48 , Druggist, Co.
Half of Lot 13, Can. 5, Grey, I will
take in a number of snide for horsee to pas-
ture. For partieblare a pray to
0 13
43.2 Lot 10, Con. 2, Grey.. -.
mann in Ethel bo rent, the property
of 3..0. Heffernan. For particulars OA to
terms, &o., apply to
40.2 Il, F.MoALLISTlil%',
Volunteer's .Attention l
The Brussels Volunteer Company will go
into camp in June next.. Allman wishing to
Lieut., Bin may russels, by ox to R gS. to Y& Capinin
Notice 'is hereby given that, the partner•
ship heretofore subsisting between us, the
undersigned, as millers and grain dealers in
Brussels, hasthis day been. -dissolved by
mutual Consent. All debts owing t0 said
partnership are to be paid to W,. F. Stewart..
at Brussels, aforesaid, and all claims against
the said partnership are 10 be presented to
the saidW, F. Stewart, bywhom the Rome
will be settled.
Dated at Brussels this 14th day of April,
G. 0, SLAII, 423 BWO. F.S-RWIIE.
DM/HONED has several good Farms for
sale and torent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F. 8, SOOTT, Brussels
aeras—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 7th
and 8th Concessions. Township of Grey. be-
ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 51.
miles from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall -wheat
sown and about 80 acres under grass ; 00
acres cleared on each. Lerma of payment
easy. • A. MOHOLVIY, id, D„
84- Brussels,
—250 acres of good farm land at
Spritsail old, Smiles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at a low price. The property is
North Oast 1 Sec. m, Twp. 11, Range 4, East.
There is a House on tete premises and some
breaking done. I'or. full particulars as to
price, title, &•c., write 0r apply to
tt G.F. BLAIR or W. H. HERR,
6 Brussels, Ont.
undersigned will keep for service on.
Lot ll Oon.10„Grey, the. thorn' -bred York-
shire Boar. Taobor''s Wonder.” His sire,
"Define Prince," was a prise winner at the
World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on
application. Terms 8100, to bo paid at time
or service with privilege of returning if nec-
essary, WM. MENARY,
45.4 Proprietor.
Underslguedwillksspfor servleo on
Lot 26, Con. 6, Monis, the ;tore' brad im
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from J. id. Brothour's sweepstakes sow
at Chicago Fair. Terms, 81.00 to bo paid
at the time of service with privilege of as
turning if necessary. Pedigroo may be soon
on app)icreidoa,
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 00, Con. 0, Mor'r'is. the thero'-brad Large
English Berkshire Boar, 'Captain John."
Hit mother is a full sister t0 the lab prize
sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be
Produced on application. Terms --51,00 10
be paid at time of service with privilege of
returning if necessary.
14.0in JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor.
Ancient Ordrr of United Workmen,
This Benevolent and Fraternal
Society is the Oldest and
Strongest of the Lind in
Each member secures to his family, at his
death, 82,000,00 Or S1,000.00, at lite option.
The yearly assessment on the former is only
816.00 and on the latter' 88.00, mt good
hsaithymonbetween tbo ages of 21 and 45
years. A large lodge is in operation in Bras.
sele. Why notjein yourself andtheme for
your family, in case of your being galled
away, a handsome sum for their support I!
1tOBT, ARMSTRONG, M, W. ; W. H. 11311504,
Ileoor'der; J, A. ORh0GIITON,Filianoier,
Bull for Service,
Tho Undersignedwillkeep for service en
Lets 10 and 17 Con. 10, Gray, a there' bred
Durham bull with registered pedigree.
'Portes 81,00, to be paid at time off 'service
With privilege of returning if noceteary.
T330S, B110WN,
80.2', proprietor.
Jersey Bull for Service.
The undersig5ned w111 keep for service on
Lot 27,0°11.4, Morris, a well brecl Jersey bull,
Terms 51,00 o be paid at time of service
with privilege of returning 11 Luminary.
48.4 Premium'.
81 a 'Honer Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary, College, le prepared bo treat all
diseases of dornesticatoil animals In a cora•
potent manner. Partrousar attention paid
to veterinary dentistry, Calls promptly at-
tended to, O18ce and Infirmary—Four doors
north et bridge 'TUrnborry et., Brussels,
MAY 15, 1896
Now's the time
to Beginto Talk
About Dyeing your Spring
and Summer Fabrics. Good
house -keepers always do this
twice a year. If you want a good
and reliable Dye Stuff we believe
that we have just what you 'wish.
It will give t1 clean, bright, fast
color. Gan be had in all thepre-
vailing Colors anal Shades of the
Diamond and Turkish Dyes at
10c. per package. Warranted
a satisfactory Dye in every re-
spect at
i rug
Solicitor and Conveyancer. Colic, -
tions made. Office—Vanstono'sBloek, Brus-
sels. 21 -Bus
T' I • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub-
lic, &o. Office—Vanstope's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Fonds to
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Oameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderiah,
Ont. Office—Hamilton St.,Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, &0, (late 0f Garrote &
Proudtoot's Omoe, GoderIoh.) Office over
Gillian & Smith's Bank, laruesols.
Money to LOap. 47
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Lia initiate Royal College Dental Surgeons,
Grown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
ate Pees. Satisfaction Assured. Oiiloe over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry 8t., Brus-
tl • 0. M., L. R. C.P., Edinburgh, M. 0, P
8. Ont, .Residence and olMce in Wilson's
)Oloak, corner of 6L11 and Turnberry Ste.
• lb ysiaian, Surgeon A.wencher, ate,
Graduate of Toronto University Medical.
Fatuity. Member of College of Physioiane.
and Surgeons, Ont. OPPice—Next door to
McDonald & Co., Walton oat.
Issm•er of trarriageLleas sea. Mae
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist* Shop—Next doer
south of A. M. Molloy & Oo'a hardware store.
Ladle e'ancl obndroue hair nutting a specialty
Savings. Bank takes Deposita from
81.00 to 81,(00 and allows 81 per cont.
interest, T, HARROW,
87-8m Postmaster.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,.
1 No Witness Required.
T. T:LITOI•IER, Brussels.
Bounce Go, Established 1&10, In.
euronaes effeetod es all Town and Farm
Property at very low rates.
15.8m - Agent, Brussels,
Clerk of Cho Fourth Division hour
00. Huron. Convoyancor, Notary Publio
Land Loan and Insurance Agent, Feuds
invented and to loan. Colleatiens mode
Ohloo in Graham's B look, Brnesols,
rf1110S. A. HLWIiINS,
.L Organist in St, John's Church; tan O-
5010, will give loss»ae to pupils either 010
»icuO or orgpan, at bis 8muolo Room, opposite
tbo post-oiiloa, B1•tisstls, Vocal lessons ,given. Ton Tou years •experlenoe In lteaohiag,
Terms moderato.