HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-8, Page 8TIDE BRUSSELS POST
MAx 8, 1896
Gooseberry Pe.
You can't make Gopseborry Pie with -
cant the Gooseberries and you cane' raise
the Gooseberries unless you deatroy .the
worms that dower the leaves. We have
both Hellebore and Paris Orson that will
do th)s. Don't wait too long. If you
Lots of Plums
Better Apples
k3ptay'your tress Just after the blossoms
leave fallen (bot before) with le mixture
as need at the Model Farm. We supply
the materials and give full instruotiona,
lb does not cost muob. Don't forget that
we are noted for selling Pure Drage,
Druggists, Opticians and Booksollere,
Train's leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
Got lG SOUTH. GOING Rouyn,
0:60 a.m.Mixed 0.46 a.m.
Express1159 a.m. 15 U,t1 8.19 P,m,
taxed ........ TOO p4'n• Expreee 9:43 pan.
rr i I etvs Inns.
Aohiel's amang ye'takin' notes,
An' faith he'llpreut it.
Ton Posx leads,
BAnsrooxsn boys.
Boonones is quiet.
'Goon prospects for fruit.
TALL wheat is not doing well.
POTATOES are a drug on the market.
TneviCLLISG Dairy Friday, 16th inst.
Senoon Board this (Friday) evening,
Ann you ready for a visib from the
Sanitary Inspector ?
Oen teachers are attending the Riding
Convention at Seaforth.
FIFTEEN travellers came in on the 7 a.
me train on Thursday of this week.
ANOTHER wedding in Brussels le said to
be arranged for to tante plaoe in the near
Sat. BEATTIE bee sold hfe interest iu
the livery business and gone West on a
prospecting trip.
Ton Queen's Birthday cones on Sun.
day this year. Monday, 25th, will be
generally celebrated.
A TRAVELLING sign writer was in town
on Tuesday and ornamented windows for
several business mon.
TIE town Band gave the first open air
concert for this season last Friday even-
ing, presenting an excellent program,
Omuta, Brnxs' residenoe was moved
back in the lot this week and will be put
du readiness for brick veneering in the
fate re.
TUESDAY Messrs, Backer & Vanstone
hipped a car of bogs from Brussels.
This makes over 900 bogs for them in the
past month.
Tun Atwood Bee says :-A great many
farmers are delivering hogs at the Elma
cheese factory. Gomer Green, of Brus-
seie, is the purchaser.
THE Piro Engine was taken out on
Pueeday afternoon for a test. The fire
-alarm, although rung oerefol]y, set the
nerves of not a few of .our residents in a
The Pose congratulates W. A. Smith
en the success of his recent .examination
set the Wesleyan Theological College,
Montreal, where be received the degree
of S. T. L.
PRINCIPAL 04,05no5 bas been instructing
the pupils of the Publio Sobool in a fire
chili. The same exercise will be con.
tinued frequently, so as to provide for
any emergency from fire in the building.
Tats License Commissioners meb on
Monday at the American Hotel, They
refused to renew J. McKim'shotel license
at Walton, thinking One hotel sufficient.
A renewal was granted for three months,
NE=T month the Odd Fellows District
Lodge will be held in Brussels. It is ex.,
nnoted that Grand blaster Woodyatt, of
Brantford, will he present and an enjoy-
njoyable time put, in by the loom and visiting
EAST Huron nomination for the Com-
mons will be held in the Town Hall,
/unseals, Tuesday, June 16'h. The
polling places will be J. J. Giipin's office
and the Town Hall, Deputy Returning
Odioers not yet announced.
A, J. Davis announces that a large enn-
oblement of clothing, which he has
bought for spot mesh, hoe just .come to
!rand. As lie is clearing mit his stook he
is prepared to give men's suits (good
--nits) at from 98.00 upwards. Don't buy
until you see these goods. They are
(;Meted at less than half price.
Israoy ereetes.-5. Wilton has had a
new fence put up in front of his residence,
1?;ora street: --Wm, Martin ie.having a
gothic window placed in his residence.-
':'.. Jewitt:, 31111 Street, has built a new
fence in front of his premixes. -The briok
work on the addition to the Central Hotel
el well on toward completion.
MESSRS, CLEGG & DAMES shipped a car
of hogs from Brussels on Monday and e
double decker from Belgrave on Tuesday.
They were the first shippers to use the
new scales at Brussels station yard and
they were nob slow at espressing' their
thanks to the town fur their forethought
in planing this great convenience at the
stook yards.
Tnuueneu of last week the meeting of
D. G. llogg's creditors met at W. M.
:iiinolait's office. The stools of furniture,
atndeetaking, hearse, &a. west sold to Mc-
Donald Bros„ of Heoeal', at 66 cents on
the dollar, The puroha-ershave disposed
of a portion of the stool" to Ie, Leather.
dale, o4 this town, and will remove the
halloos' to Hensel!.
QUEEN'S BIRTUm,IT,-A publio meeting
will be held in the Town Hall on Friday
evening of !hie weak, at 8 o'olook, to ar.
ronin a program of fun for the Queen's
Birthday in Brussels. We have often al.
;owed holidays to pass by unoelebrated
WORM° some neighboring town was hold-
ing a celebration, but we observe that the
aimed neighboring towns don't often return
the compliment, they take all and lock
lot more. Brussels will to a certain ex -
Vast look after the intestate of No, 1.
i7Exx Monday Feet MUM Cooserea'
twee bola thou annual Oonventiou in
A. Ceuernx sold a Brantford bioyolo to
Mss Tillie Gotten, of Wrests/ter, 'last
J, G. Sasan hat had the woatiworlc of
bie brick block freshened np with a nese
dress of pain'.
Joisu Aan:N'r'e pug dog received a
through ticket to Dogdom !set week by
the poison route.
PeeeTlon is being regularly maintained
for the A1s01nlulOe' Institute Seotolt-Irish
concert bo be given on Friday, 22nd fust.
A BASE RAM, metoli will be played on
Vioturle Park, Brussels, on Friday after•
noon between the Public Sobool teams of
Wroxeter and Bruseels. ':
Tan County Connell minutes of last
7annary session bevel not yet 00me to
hand, although nearly four months have
gone by sine the meeting.
LAST week Daniel Stewart sold the
eligible building lot, owner of Turnberry
and Queen streets, to J. 0, Took. We
ehear the purolnneer !nay ereot a residenoe
on the property.
We are carry to hear that P. 0. ttlad.
doolt, of Aetna, has found it necessary to
snake an assignment. He went to Acton
frotn Brussels. II. 10. Maddock ie doing.
well et Netvmarket.
S. B. SarALe sent three settings of eggs
to Wroxeter and one to Exeter during the
past week, in addition to supplying local
demands. He breeds White Leghorns
and Black Min0rons,
Gus. GOEser,, of lilitobell, arrived fn
town on Monday with bis trim paging
mare, "Miss Delmaroh." and is now
training her on the driving truck here.
Mr. Goebel has a good mare, speedy too,
and he knows it.
W. A. EDGAR, formerly of Brussels, has
purchased the Culloden Cheese and. But-
ter factory, which he has been managing
for a Company for the past two seasons.
We wish him suooeee. We were sorry to
learn that their infant died last week.
SEVERAL complaints have been made of
villager's taking sod from the streets for
the purpose of beautifying their premises.
The latter is very desirable and praise-
worthy, but no person is allowed to re-
move sod from any street, front or bank,
and in doing so stand a good chance of
getting into trouble.
ANDREW MCI{AT has ditipOeed of his
residence on Thomas street to Mrs. Har-
ris, for the sum' of 9600. Mr. and Dire.
McKay and son intend removing, in the
000rse of a ft weeks, to Portage la -
Prairie, Manitoba, where Mr. I'toXay ex.
pecte to secure lucrative employment.
We are sorry to lose them -from Brussels.
EAST Huron Partnere' Institute has er-
ranged for a visit from the Travelling
Dairy at Brussels Town Hall on Friday,
May loth, pleating oommences at 1:30
p. m. and is oven to everybody. Dairy
utensils, the ]ttbceek Tester, &e , will be
exhibited ' butter making practically
tested ; and a lecture on this important
brenob given. Keep the date in mind.
STATISTICAL. -The following facts are
gleaned from the Assessment roll of
Brussels for 1896, the figures of 1895 be-
ing also presented for the sake of cone.
1895 1396
Real property.... 9259,125 9250,140
Personal property 32,450 32,005
Assessable income 8,900 2,800
Total income.... 9295,475 9593,945
Population.,.... 1,203 1,183
Births 12 13
Dogs 79 80
Bitahas 5 7
Cattle 110 112
Sheep 7 4
Tinge 40 • 26
Horses 186 129
Steam Boilers10 10
S. S. ENTanrAINAIENT.-The annual
entertainment of the Methodist Sabbath
School wee held in the Town Hall last
Monday evening and was marked by the
usual suttees attending these gatherings.
Rev. Mr. Cubblediok took the chair
shortly after eight o'olook, and after a
few appropriate remarks introduced the
following interesting, unique and well
rendered programme Opening hymn,
"Standing on the Promises," School and
Orchestra ; Prayer by Bev. R. Paul ;
"Honeymoon March," Orcbeetra ; Song,
"The Brooklet," (Calisthenic) by twelve
guts ; Recitation, "The Victory," Miss
Myrtle Nott ; Song, "Our Shepherd," by
thirteen girls ; Reoitabiou, "Lazy and
Busy," by ten little boys ; Song, "Bobby
and his Sled," by nine buys Violin solo,
"The Mocking Bird," H. L. 'Jackson
Reading, Poor Jim," G. D. Lamont ;
Qnartstte, "His praise is Delightful,"
Misses Sample and Moore and Messrs,
Killough and Gerry; Cantata -Mission•
cry -"Sowing Light," by nine girls ;
Medley Overture, arranged by L. L. Cof-
fin, Town Band ; Song, "A Baby of
Your Own," by ten little girls ; Solo,
"Golden Bands," Miss Belle Smith ;
Reading, "Only the Brakesman," Miss
Minnie MoNaughton ; Song, to character,
"Twelve Little Eskimos," Twelve libtls
boys ; Pianoduebt, "The Witches Flight,"
Mrs. 11. L. Jackson and Miss Norton ;
Song, "Mstrohing 00," by eight boys in
uniform ; Doxology and Benediotion.
There was not a poor number on the
list and the only omission from the
printed program was Norah Maunders'
recitation owing to her illness. The
songs and reeitabione given by the child•
ran were well door and very heartily re-
ceived and the adults assisting added to
their laurels. A. vote of thanks was pas-
ted to the Town Band and others outside
of the school for valuable eervioee render-
ed on motion of B. Gerry and Rev. R.
Paul, supported by Postmaster Farrow.
Considerable trouble and time was spent
on the decoration of the stage and it is
doubtful if it ever looked prettier with
its flags, flowers, lane ourtaine, painted
scene, Chinese lanterns and drapes.
The financial results were about .925.00
at a 10 and 15 oenb admission fee and
free tiokete to a large number in the
Sobool. Prom the annual report of the
school the following particulars are taken :
-No. of names on roll, 832 ; average at-
tendance foe year, 222 ; largest attend-
ance, 817 ; 19 classes and 23 teaohere
No. of verses recited 878 ; No. of pupils
members of the ohuroh, 165 ; Total Sab-
bath collections, 9113.39 ; realized by
orchestra, 910.65; Missionary, 919,75 ;
paid for School supplies, 9101,65; There
was a surplus of 90 on hand on May 1st..
This was the 37th anniversary and dur-
ing that Lima the Superintendents have
been Thos. Hall, 1 year ; 13. Gerry, 10
D. Watson, 2 ; W. H. Kerr, 16 : Dr.
Ball, 1 year. The excellent orchestra
has been in operation for 5 or 6 years and
is under the conductorship of 11. L.
Jackson. In the absence of Chas. Sager,
cornetist, through illness, W. Grewar
kindly took hie plaoe at the anniversary
gatheringe this week.
Business Looa1s,
Sl4N the Date), Ohurtl at Moltey tk Cos,-
'I:out'roand oabbage plants et MO,
Goon garden, half sere, toren', Apply
to 13. Gerry,
Nrw linea of epodes and shovels at
1lfoMay & Oos,
33'ossn lime forealo, ,Apply to D. A.
Lowry, Brussels,
Ilnow mangel and Swede Seale in the
world at ilioQreoiton'a.
CLOVER and timothy seed for sale.
Backer & Vanstano.
Wit repair boots and shoes and rub•
bars neat and (heap. -I, 0, Richards.
Txeeoxnr and clover eeed for sale at WAS.
BARE wire and out nails at low prices
at Meliay & Cos,
OAeII for hides and sheep shine ab A.
Currie's bntoller shop, Brussels..
ALL kinds of cattle taken foe furniture
or sowing machines' at 13. Leablierdale's.
Ennuis on harness and'eo)lars prompt.
ly attended to. I. 0. Bioltarde.
WU warrant all our collars and eatis-
faetfon guaranteed. I. 0. "Bollards.
BICYCLE supplies, Enamel your bi.
cycle for. 25 oents, McKay &'Co.
Fenn hnncl crayon enlarging done up
9.1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith blook.
A NICE stook of trunks and valises on
hand and sold cloaca to cost.
L 0. Riebards.
INsuc'e sprayers, screen doors, oarpet
sweepers, paints &o., at McKoy & Oos.,
A sem set of single barmiest for sale,
&ret-olase. Will be sold at a bargain.
Jas, Walker, Brussels.
SEE our single harness at 910,00, and
our nickel silver at 912.00, beet value in
the county. I. O. R,iobarde.
I ri,1vU the best stook of window shades
ever seen in Brussels. Prices to suit the
times end put up free, R, Ioneenstinarea
Dwioennoc to rent' over my etore, pos-
session oan be given at once. No carry-
arrying of water up or down, as there is a
pump and waste pipes in kitchen. Rent
reasonable. I. 0. Richards.
Eons von HAxoamNe.-The undersigned
can eopply eggs for setting from pure
bred White Leghorn or Blaok Minoroas.
91.00 per setting of 13, S. Frann%, Brus-
2 secondhand buggies for sale. One is
about as good as new, with, new lined. top.
The other has been newly painted and it;
in good shape. Apply to B. Gerry, Bins.
I i"ren Dose.-Maobinery, bicycles,
law, -.u''• n -B h=ora and all kinds of
tools put in order at reasonable prioee
for spot o'tsh by saw filer T. MoGregor,
of Brussels, Queen St. East.
Mtnu,'s Clover Root will purify your
blood, c'ear your complexion, regulate
your bowels epd make your head clear as
a bell. 25 cts., 60 ots. and 9100. Sold
by las, Fox, drnggiet, Brussels.
Ia yon•evaut an organ or sewing mach-
ine I oan nave you from 910 to 926 bet-
ter than you can buy from agente. Come
and get my prices before you buy. All
goods delivered from R. Leatberdele's.
Stamon's Cure, the great cough and
eroap cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25
cents, Children love it. Sold by Jas.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
CARiooe.-Any one desiring carpets
will do well to oali at the Brussels Wool-
en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
have the largest assortment of samples
ever shown in this looality, ranging in
price from 80a. to 91.00. Haan & Co.
VEGETABLE PL,tNTe.-Forsale at D. Mo•
Lennan's green house, all kinds of vega.
table plants, strawberry plants, eto. If
anything is wanted in this lineyon should
call and see D. MoLenuan's plants, Brus-
Mao. T. S. Reentries, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shilob's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever used.i'
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 eta, Sold by Jas. Fox,
KAI'L's Clover Roar the great Blood -
Purifier gives freakiness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
26 eta, 60 ate and 91.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
SIor on's cure is Bold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It is
the best Dough pure. Only one cent a
dose. 26 uta., 50 on. and 91.00, Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, 17. S. A„ San Diego,
Cal., says:-"Shiloh's Oatarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found.
that would do me any good." Price 50
Dents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brne.
FLownns AND PLANTS. -Thos. Kelly,
florist, Brussels, lies a rare and beautiful
oolleolion of flowers and planta this sea-
son and is in a better position than ever
to suit the public). lie will also have the
banal range of garden plants, such as
oabbago, tomatoes, &o. If you regliiro
anything in this line oall on or write Mr,
PAIxrnsa, &c, -The undersigned, hav-
ing mitered into partnership, are prepar.
ed to do all kinds of work in the following
lines :-Plain and ornamental painting,
kalsomining, frescoing, paperhanging,
sign -writing, &o„ &o. Remember our
motto, "First-class work and reasonable
charges." STEWART & Rlm,
Whu.L-DIs0000 AND DmmrxNo.-George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry ab., Brussels• 84-tf
Tun BUST Bnooutonxn.-The beet re•
commend a bicycle oan have is the num-
ber of sales made. A. Cousley, agent for
the well-known Brantford, has made the
following into title season already 1-
W. E, Armstrong, teacher, Brussels ;
Arthur Wake, Brussels ;
Mr. Shiele, Grey ;
Rev. G. H. Cobblsdick, Brussels ;
Colin McArthur, Brussels ;
Wm. McDonald, Molesworth ;
John Rue, teacher, Molillop ;
W. J. Bozell, Brussels ;
H. J. Burkholder, Drayton;
Sydney Bolger, Morris
R, A. McKee, teacher, MoKtllop.
Mies Tilly Gorton, Wroxeter.
The "Bed Bird" gives groat satisfaction.
A stook of wheels always on hand, both
new and second band. A. County,
Agent, Brussels.
Montreal detectives found a lot of
counterfeiting materials in the room of
Leon Sivard, who is under arrest,
SlieL D4R.D ,734,N',k" 01° 04x4D,4,
W„A.33M,,Zs'S-=Fuaa ae7a,
Al;1E7.'S, , (seven Million Dollars)
CAPITAL (Authorized) .
made d t aft ylrincigal,point? in Ontario, Qnekoo, Itfan.doba, Unite
alas cST,alglomi,
d EASS'l6Oieo ° Pwaxam...
A General Banking Businoas TPnnsaoted, Farmers' 14otes Dieeounted,
Drafts Issued and Collootions made on all points,
Interest allowed on doposite of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to dale of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
SeeOIAL ATTznixoo sav1at' To Tull G0LL140TION OE. FARMERS' BALEb 150955,
Every faoiliby afforded Ouotomsre living at a diebanoe.
J. A, STEWART Manaus.
Joseph Reed, formerly' of Hamilton,
was fetalty stabbed at Munoio, Ind.'
Detective Rogers, of the Provincial
Detective Department has been detailed
to work on the Kitchen robbery in Went.
worth County,
The Winnipeg Board of Trade is pro-
testing spinet alleged discriminations by
the 0, P. R. in favor of oonsignments by
the C. P. R, and Beatty Lines of steam.
The meeting of the Grand Lodgeof
the Canadian Order of Oddfellows at
Chatham has been postponed till July 7,
so as not to conflict with the date of the
Dominion eleotions,
A Liverpool lady had an unpleaaantex.
perience lately. She Wee about to sail by
one of the Atlantic liners for New York,
and she left one trunk to be packed the
morning of her start. They called for ib
about 6 a. m. She protested, but the
men declared it was her last chance to
get it on the steamer. The ,poor little
woman was half blind with Sleep. She
got up and flung the things into the
trunk -towels, tidies, books, anything
that same to band. Then she sat on the
trunk, got it looked, popped into bad and
was feet asleep before they got it out of
the room. In due time she awoke with
just an hour or so to get her bath and
breakfast and get down to the wharf, and
then she found that she hadn't a solitary
stitch to her back but the nightgown she
stood in. She went on her knees to the
chambermaid, she offered any money for
an ulster and a veil, she begged the land-
lord for his mackintosh and a pair of
boots- anything -anything, and she ar-
rived at the wharf in time to see the ves-
sel sail out of the dock. leer trunks -
oh, they got off right enough, but she
herself wee lefe behind.
HANNA. -In Atwood, on April 28th, the
wife of Mr. Jae. Hanna of a Baugh.
Fox, -In Brussels, on May let, the wife
of Mr. James Fox, druggist, of a
Bnionr. At Batmore, on April 20th, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Bright of a son.
Serms: In Seaforth, on the30thnit., the
wife of Mr. Geo. A. Sills of a eon.
z a:8 x-zxax,
Coot -SHAW. -At the Manse, Wingham,
on April 28th, by the Rev. D. Perris,
Mr. Jasper Cook to Miss Lily Eliza-
beth Shaw, both of Last Wawanob.
MranRL,-In Grey, o11 Friday, May 1st,
1896, Henry, eldest eon of Conrad
and Sarah Michel, aged 26 years.
FAiU.-Iu Clinton, on May 1st, Margaret
Torrance, re'ict of the late Thomas
Fair, aged 00. years.
STRvoNsoN.-In Turnberry, on April 29th,
Louie Stevenson, aged 2 years and 10
Wur.sox.-In Lloydtown, Ont., on April
26th, Annie Maxwell, wife of Jamas
'Wilson, formerly of Morris, aged 28
MoLEAN.-In Piston, on April 27th, John,
eldest son of John W. McLean, of the.
Piston Times, and nephew of M. Y.
McLean, DI. P. P., of Seaforth, aged
87 years.
Moblerat,N.-In McKillop, on April 28th,
Robert McMillan, aged 38 years, 1
month Lind 8 days.
AJ Fon SALE. -Lots 220 and 221, Queen et.
Terms reasonable to a caeh purchaser. Ap-
pl y On the premises Or to
Half of Lot 18 Oon. 0, Grey, I will
take in a number of nettle for horses to pas-
ture. For particulars apply to
10HG LOW54,
49.2, Lot 10, 00n, 0, Grey.
..L. have some good timothy hay to sell
or exchange for good !sues roils, orI will
buy the rails.. G. A. BRADMAN,
4$ Druggist, &o.
1DENOE iu Ethel to rent, the property
of 2. 0. Heffernan. Por particulars as to
terms, &o„ apply to
48 2 A. P. DIGALLISTER,tllel,
exoNED will have more pasture on the
Pipe farm, 0th line, than they need and will
be open to take itlimited number of horses
Or cattle. Apply to JAS, SHARP,
sxoSmn has kneed the Robertson farm,
2 miles from Brussels, and;is prepalocl to
take in a dozen head of cattle for »unturage.
Dor partioulars apply bo GEO. THOMSON,
Gt'oanr, Brussels, Or
Volunteer's Attention I
The Bruesele Volunteer company will go
into camp in June next, Allman wishing to
join may do no by applying to G.11, BLAIR,
Lieut., Brunie, or to B, 8. HAYS, Captain
Notice is hereby given that the partner.
ship Heretofore subsisting between us, the
undersigned, as millers and grab, Ocelot's in
Brussels, has this day been dissolved. by
mutual consent, All .debts °Wing to said'
partnership are to be paid to W. F, Stewart,
Brussels, aforesaid, and all claimsagainst
the said partnership are to be presened to
the said W.F, Stewart, by whom the same
will lee setled.
Dated at Brussels 'this. 11.111 clay of April,
Witueen: 11081. G1tAMAM.
0, F. IBLAIB. 42.8 W. E. STEWART,
First mortgage, farm security. Apply
at 'PRE Pi1ST Publishing House, Lrussele,
DExtetorIoD has several good Forme for
sale and to rant, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Gres'. P S. 8002.T.73,ruseels
'-J�--' noree-Consisting of Lots 18 on the '1111
and 8th-Coneessisobs, Towusbip of Grey, be-
ing 1 mile from the Village. of Ethel and 61
miles from 13rasaele. 40 aeras of Fail wheat
sown and about 80 soros under grass ; 00
cares cleared ou each. Perms of payment
easy. A, McliELYEY, M, D.,
94• - Brussels,
-100 acres of good farm land at
Springfield, B miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for Bale at a low price. The - property Is
North 'Gast 5 See. 10, Tw p.11, Mingo 4, Last.
There is a house on the promises and some
breaking done, For full particulars es to
Price, thio, &o„wrlbe or apply to
0,F. BLAIR. or W. H. lUOltR,
20-tf l;rueeela, out.
undersigned will keep for sorvieo en
Lob 11, 0ou.10 Grey, the tlloro'•bred York-
shire Boar, :i'itcltol's Wonder!" His sire,
college Prince." was n prize winner at the
1Vorlcl a Fair. Pedigree will 1 0 produeett on
application. Terms 81.00, to be paid at time
or service with privilege of returning if nee-
essary. WM. MDNABY,
484 Pr0plietor,
Underflgnsd will keep forservice on
Lob 20 Con. 0, Morrie, the thorn' bred im-
provers white Yor.'kehire Boar "Selected,"
bred from 2.10. 13rothoar's sweepstakes sow
at Chicago fair. Terms 51.00 to be paid
at the time of service with privilege of re-
turning if uocoesary. Pedigree may be seen
on applieation,
undersigned will keep for service on
l,ot 80, Con. 0, Morrie. the thorn' -bred Large
English Berkshire Boar, -Captain John."
His mother is a full sister t0 the 1st prize
sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be
produced on application. Terme-81,00 to
be paid attime of service with privilege of
returning if necessary.
14.Om JAS, SPEIR, Proprietor,
!ale of Tweeds, Flannels, etci
The attention of Merchants mid otlore is
called to the foot that a quantity of Tweeds,
Flannole.Blaulcets, Shirts and Yarns have
come into our hands under it security held
by the bank, which we will sell either by rho
Mime or en 'loo. Good bargains may be
had. Goode will be shown and all informa-
tion given by A. 0071SLEY or 0, F. BLAIR,
Dated at Brussels April 20,'00. 443
Ancient Order of United Workmen,
This Benevolent and Fraternal
Society is the Oldest and
Strongest of the kind in
Each monbor secures to bus fanill•, nt bis
death, 82,000,00 Or 61,000.00, et his option.
The yearly assessment on the former is only
$10,00 and on the latter 88.00, on good
healthy men between the ages of ill and 45
years. A large lodge is in operation 1n Brus-
sels. Why not join yourself and Bemire for
your family, in case of your being called
away. ahaudsomo stem for their support ?
10014T. Ai0lI8TI40N.G,M, W. ; W. E. KKERR,
Recorder ; 2, A,0R0IGETON, Pln antler.
There will bo offered by Public, Auotion at
SATURDAY, MAY Oth, 1898.
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, by F. S. Scott,
auctioneer, that valuable property :formerly
occupied by Wm. Roddick as a wall paper
shop. This property le situated ou the Raab
sine of Turnberry street, immediately North
of Gillies &Smith's bauic, and has a frontage
of about 20 foot on Turnberry street..
For further information apply to
It, G. WILSON, olio G. F, BLAIR,
Administrator. His. Solicitor,
Dated at Brussels Apri1:2011,1800,
Bull for Service.
Tho undersigned will hoop for service on
Lots' 16 and 17 Con. 10, Grey, a tb0ro' breed
Durham bull with registered pedigree,
Tonus 81.00, to bo paid at limo of sortie°
with privilege of returning if n505000ry,
80.2m Proprietor,
Jersey Bull for Service.
The undersigned will keep for sorvieo on
Lot 27, Con. 4 11lorrls, a wen bred Jersey bull.
Terme 51.00 to be paid at time of sorvieo
with privilege of returning if necessary.
48.4 ' Proprietor,
ty t•i 80 � Il Graiunto d
disensos of domesticated animals In a nom.
potent manner, Particular attention: paid
to veterinary dentistry. ' calls promptly at.
tended to °Mee and IDArmary.-P r do r
of the Ontario
a er nary o ago, s prepare to treat all
ow'o the time
to Begill to alk
About Dyeing yolir 1Spring.
and Summer 'Fabrics..- Good
house -keepers always do this
twice a year. If you want a good
and reliable Dye Stuff we believe
that we have just what you wish.
It will give a clean, bright, fast
color. Can be had in- all the pro-
vailing Colors and Shades of the
Diamond and Turkish Dyes at
100. per package. 'Warranted
d satisfactory Dye in every re-
spect at
Lt,. SolIoltorand 0onveyaneer. Oolleo-
tions made. Onlee-Vanetono'oBloca, .Bras-
sels. 21 -am
Y • Solicitor Oonvoyaneer,NoteryPub-
lie, &o. Orllce-'Vanetone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Rotel Private Funds to
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt Aa
Oamoron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Galeria',
Out. Otnco-Hamilton. St , Opposite 001 -
borne Hotel.
�JL a Solicitor, &o. Onto of Carrow &
Prourlfools Ofilee, Goderielr,) Office oyar
Gillies & Smith's Bauk, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons,
Orowu enol Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Officio over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus-
T A. MoNAUGHTON, 1l[. D.
tJ ► o. DI.,1,, R. U, P„ Edinburgh, M, 0, P .
S. Ont. Residence and office iu Wilson's
Block, corner of Mili and Turnberry Ste.
• Physician,. Surgeon, Aeoouolrer, etc,
Graduate of Toronto Universityy Medical
Vacuity. Member of College of Physicians
andSurgeons, Out. Ovslon-Next door to
McDonald & Co„ Watton Ont,
E, blo0RA0KEN,
Sasurer of a}Iarriagn Licenses. Office
abide Grocery, •Purnborry street, Brussels,
Tonsorial Artie' Sinop -Next door
south of A. M. 100sKey & Co's hardware store.
India Wand ehildroua hair cutting a epeeialby
Savings Bank takes Deposita from
x:1.00 to 81,000 tubi allows 6l per cent,
Merest. 1. 1�AIt1t0W,_
07•Sni Postmaster,
Iusermu OE,
issue/' of Marriage Llpenses,
1'No Witness Required.
T, PLETCHER, Brussels.
6UItAnott 0o. Established 1840, In.
surmmes Weeded ou all. Town and Farm
Property at Very IoW rates.
16.8m J, A.'CA nt,Brussels,
tllorb-Of' tbo fourth Division Oonr
00. Hoven, 'Conveyancer, Notary Plaine
Land, Loan end Insureneo Agent, Punde
Invested. and to loan. Collootious matte
OM ee in Graham's Bloalc, irueeoio,
Organist In St, John's church, Dru a.
sols, will. gtve,lessons to pupils either on
piano or Organ, at hie Motile Room, opposite
the poet•Olnoe, Benetton'. Vocal lessons also
'ou (bore gpivou,''Ecu years exrerionoe10 1teaoliing,'
north of liridge 'Turnberry et., Brussels, Terme modeoto, 1