HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-8, Page 6Paissits
(14 time for the:early analls> at
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Bdltor and Proprietor.
The Tories vs, the Grits.
To the Editor of Inv noes, ;—
DEAR Sur,—We see that your Ottawa
correspondent is out with another letter
in hist week's Pose. He has changed the
heading on this mansion, perhaps think-
ing the change would be some protection
against having his last humble effort
knocked into another oinked hat. Evi-
dently your correspondent was hard set
for assistance to prove that protection is
wrong when he itaa to introduce Noah
and his family, Now, in the name of
common 581380, what has Noah 051:1 his
family, who lived at the time of the flood,
to do with the Dominion Tariff of the
preaent day. A person who is not au.
quainted with your correspondent's style
of writing when reading the first part of
hie letter most likely would think that H.
Washington is a very pious and devout
man, whose aim and objeot was the saw.
ing of souls, but a little later on he would
be easily convinced that he was more in-
terested in gaining a few votes. Your
correspondent next gives some informs,.
tion on the progress of a new country by
telling us that villages, towns and cities
had been the result of tillage in the past,
and so are the villages, towns and cities
of the present day the result of tillage,
and that protectionists imagine this
Divine order of development can be re-
versed if men like Sir Charles Tupper are
given a free hand. What silly nonsense
he gives to the readers of TER POST.
Again, H. Washington tells us that pro.
tection has been a disappointment and a
failure in this or any country where it
has been tried and on the other band the
predictions of the advocates of %Revenue
Tariff have always boon fulfilled beyond
the expectations of the most sanguine,
for they are based on the belief that this
divine order of development is unchange-
able. Now that belief is wrong and your
correspondent is wrong, for it is change.
able. We in this country did give a
Revenne Tariff a five years' trial and at
the ensu of that time the majority of the
people decided in favor of getting rid of
it. On the other hand the majority of
the people decided in favor of a Protect-
ive Tariff, which has lasted for seventeen
years. Now I want to say without any
fear of contradiction, that a Revenne
Tariff, as we had it in Canada, is a Pro-
tective Tariff and a very selfish one at
that, for it only protects the Govern-
ment's pockets and their servants and it
taxes the farmers' and poor man's tea
and coffee and hundreds of other things
the country cannot produce ; and on the
other hand a Protective Tariff is more of
a Free Trade Tariff, for it lets the farm•
ars' and poor man's tea and coffee and
hundreds of artioleo which the country
cannot produce in free, and we find that
at the last sitting of Parliament mining
machinery, whiob the country cannot
produce, is to be free for another year.
A Revenne Tariff as they have it in Eng-
land lets in free the surplus produots of
the world's farms to compote with the
English farmer and then loads him down
with taxes. Again your correspondent
informs us in a very round -about way
that when a trade depression sets in the
urban class in all countries away back in
the dark ages and more recently in India
have been taken advantage of by deme•
goguee to forward their own interests,
that such an opportunity offered in Can-
ada in 1876'77 and '78 and they were
r omised relief at the expense of the
farmer. Yee, just so, in 1878 the Re•
form Government promised great things
to all classes and we will see how they
alien of ber wool, and prohlbitive duties
on the importation of tereign wool ;
when both 14201880 of Parliament pal -
*nod the Icing to suppress the mann.
facture of woolen goods in Ireland and
intraduco the cultivation of flax and en.
courage the manafaoturo of linen goods
instead, girl= until 1842 she proventect
the exportation of mea hinery, in order
that she might not have competition front
abroad ; and at the end of 800 year's of
high protection we And their batteries
imm01)088, their population increased,
and their farmers prosperous. Now at
the end Of About 09 years of Free Trade
the ling their faotorfee languishing and
their farmers in a depressed state, haw.
ing to compete with the world,
Yours Truly,
A FAanza.
Morris, April 28, '00.
Imperial Unity.
During the naming general el8otion ail•
peals for support will be made by the
protectionists in virtue of their claim of
being eupporters if not the originators of
eo called Imperial Federation. So much
nonsense would not be writ, and eloquence
wasted on thie subject (were the people to
realize .the fact that a Federation of the
British Empire exists to•day in so far as
the corruption and consequently diem-
tegrating mailer= of protection in some
of its vital parte will permit it to exist,
In so far as Canada is oonearned the evi.
denoes cif corruption and disintegration
since protection was introdaoed bore in
1879 are many. For iuetanoe, Sir Chas.
Hibbert Tupper, a short time ago, aseart-
ed (and his statement has been repeated
by boste•ol orators and writers in this and
Other countries, where it is sought to per-
petuate protection) that 'Great Dritain
is being driven out of the civilized mar-
kets of the world, and is now obliged to
use her army and navy to foroe her goods
on defenceless savages." As Great Bri-
tain is supposed ,to be thus injuriously
affected by the vary protective measures
Sir Hibbert and his party eo zealously
advooate,(2 may with reason be assumed
that in hie cave the with is father to the
thought. This is but one of the many
mean and petty, not to say false, asser-
tions against the honor and dignity of
the United Kingdom, that are being in.
dustriously oirculated in this and other
countries by the advocates of proteotion,•
and account in a measure for ;the hatred
against "the 214112 little /ale" which is
suoh a noticeable feature of our times,
As the strongest tie that binds the Ern.
pire together must always be mutual re.
spec( and love, such aseortione by public
men like Sir Chas. Hibbert Tupper must
weaken the very foundation on which the
unity of the Empire rests. A list of the
known oases of corruption in high places
since protection was introduced in Can-
ada would fill pages, and they necessarily
bear a small proportion to the whole, in.
volving a lose to the people of many mil-
lions of dollars. Many post•omoes fit to
accommodate the business of large cities
have been built in small towns to inilu•
eine the vote of the electors. Custom
houses have been opened all over the
country to provide places for political
supporters; but the greatest steal is that
by which hundreds of millions of dollars
have been taken out of the pockets of the
people by the tariff and put into the poo-
keta of the oombines, and certain favored
manufacturers. It i0 no wonder that,
during this carnival of unblushing plum
der, farm lands have fallen in value 40
per cent. and wages (cost of living eon.
uidered) in proportion, for the beet author-
ities, and common sense, teach that all
such extravagance 15 ultimately paid for
by the farmers and laborers of the com-
munity. The time is opportune, in so
far as Canada is concerned, for loyal citi-
zens of the Empire to destroy the influ-
ence of the blustering boometers who
boast of their power to corrupt the whole
Empire, by foisting proteotion thereon,
as a cure for the poverty and disintegra-
tion they have already created in some of
its parts, by the successful advooaoy of
similar measures. New South Wales
leads the way. She is now shoulder to
shoulder with the mother land in her
trade polioy. Surely Canada, the bright.
est and largest gem in the ring of British
nations that girdles the world, will sweep
from her path the band of boodlere that
now bars her way to Imperial Unity.
One of our residents olaime to have
landed 800 perch in two hours one day.
Geo. Acheson has started two dwellings
on East street close, to the Knitting
A tug will 500n commence to tow loge
from other ports to Goderioh for the new
The firet Brown boat will commence
running about the 10th of May, and the
other a month later. -
The 000001ch base ball club propose
playing the Unions of Gordo and
Wroxeter, on May 24th, at Clinton.
The congregation of Viotoria street
carried out these promises. They allow- Methodist church has selected Rev. T.
ed a large amount of the surplus product E. Harrison, of Melbourne, Elgin county,
of the 17. S. farms to come in free to as the future minister.
competewith the Canadian farmer ; they L. M. Mabee, L. D. S., of Toronto, has
allowed 17. S. manufactured goods to I bought Dr. Riclnardson'e dental practice,
come in free and flood the nountry, tak. I end will continue the same in the rooms
lug the money out of the country, every 111 occupied by big predecessor.
article at a high price, sugar about eight
lbs. for a dollar and everything else in
proportion high in price. Then money
was scarce, with high interest, the money
going out of the country to pay for foreign
goods, and in their extremity ten those•
and farmers petitioned the Government
to mitigate their grievance and Five them
some proteotion, but they might ea well
have been whistling to the wind for the
Government paid them no attention and
as a result they were turned out of office)
and have remained out for 17 years.
Now, Sir, we have carefully examined
your correspondent's letter from start to
finish and when doing so were forcibly
reminded of a Ireroon who just opened hie
mouth and let It talk away. From all
ave San gather the objeot of the writer
does 10 prove that having a partially pro. A child was cured of croup by a dose
teativ0 Tariff, as see have in Canada, is or two of Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral. A
one of the greatest crimes a country ora neighbor's child died of the same dread
Government oan commit ; that is dig. disease, while the father was getting
°enrages the cultivation of the soil and ready to gall the dootor. Thin shows
reduces the number of farmers ; it puts the necessity of having Ayer'e Cherry
a tax on all we buy ; it encourages pov- Pectoral always at hand,
erty and crime ; it is a National piracy,
as he is pleased to call it ; itis next to a
National calamity earl against the pros•
parity of any country. Now, Sir, we
think we oan easily prove to him that hie
statements and assertions are foundation.
lees and wrong when we refer hint to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent.
prosperous England, which we find was ly puree Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
heavily protected for 600 years ; which Headach e, Sore Throat, Tonsilibie and
placed problbitive duties on the export- Deafness 60 oents at G. A, Madman's,
Miss Thompson has closed her Kinder-
garten in Goderioh and accepted a simi.
ler position on the staff of the Berlin
public schools, for which town the lady
left last week.
Capt. Baxter has opened out his boat.
hoose and has overhauled nearly all hie
boats. The Albion building is now up to
the first floor, but there is a rumar that
there will be a wait for brioke.
At the recent examinations at Trinity
University C. A. Seager, B. A., won the
first reading prize, the Old Testament
prize and the Hamilton Memorial prize.
He oleo took honors for the second year,
the OId,Teetament patristics and %polo•
tidies, and first-class New Testament
CAVHIltAn arminvan or 10 TO 60 a0IN0TR0,—
One shoot puff of the breaththrough the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses thio
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
Po. :Gum le away on a ti`fp to Pat.
Walter Dleelfb211boo sold his flue
chestnut oat'riege horse to Oliver ,fohne.
ton, for the sutra .of 8210.
Ar, Freeborn has put in a telephone,
making 06 of those instrulnente fn nee in
The people of Ontario St, church who
have boon considering the matter of put-
ting in a pipe organ, have deo(ded, for (bo
present, nob to purohas0 one.
Ib 18 alleges( that the Grigg family are
lawful heirs to an English fortune,
amounting to 8450,000,000 ; about 200
relatives aro said to be interested, among
thorn W. Grigg, of town.
Miss Bessie Doss, daughter of hire. A.
Boss, of town, who 1e attending MoGill
University, Montreal, has passed with
first.olase honors in Philosophy, also
tiret•olase honors in General standing.
Por a number of yeare Harold Whitt,
8051 of We. Whitt, of town, has been
totally blind in one eye. De recently
underwent an operation on it, and his
friends will be much pleased to know
that he has recovered hie eight entirely,
Ata citizens meeting last week it wee
decided to arrange for the celebration' of
the 251oh of May here, and the following
persen0were selected to carry out the
arrangements :-J. 73. Hoover, Chair-
man ; M. D, MoTaggart, Treasurer ; J.
3. Allen, Secretary: ; W, Jackson,' L.
Kennedy, Dr. Shaw, ommittee:
Assessor IIsony Stevens lute oompleted
his :pork, Tho population of the town is
practically the same as last year, 2451.
This on its face looks eingular, as nearly
every house in the town isooenvied,
while last year a number were vacant.
The total assessment of the town is 8598,,
590,being about 64,600 less than last
e1 ; the decrease occurs in the personal
property assessment, the amount return•
ed last year being 680,000, while this
year it is only about 820,000.
l oator•th.
J. W. Livingstone has gone to Godo•
rich, where he will study during the Sinn.
mer with Dr. Whitely.
William Campbell contemplates the
ere4tion of a two storey brick addition to
the rear of B. 33. Gunn's store.
Fred. Bethune, of Trinity Medioal
College, Toronto, and son of Dr. Bethune,
has arrived home for the Summer.
Miss Annie Willis who has: been quite
ill the past couple of weeks isgradually
improving. Her many friends hope for
bier speedy recovery..
3d. Y. McLean, M. P. P., left on Tues.
day afternoon for Piston, to attend the
funeral of hie nephew, John MoLean,
eldest son of J. W, MoLean, of the Pioton
A. Cardno has now his entire block of
stores fitted up with plate glass, the lat-
est to have been improved in this manner
being the large opera house grocery con.
ducted by W. Sadleir.
At a meeting of the Bowling club held
at the Flannigan House, James Mc-
Miohael was elected President ; Alex.
Wilson, Secretary; and W. 0. Reid,
Treasurer. Some interesting bowling
matches are in store for this season.
Harry Beattie, son of James Beattie,
of this town, who is studying law in To-
ronto, is already beginning to make his
mark in court circles. In a recent trial
before Judge Morgan, be pleaded hie
client's souse for three hours, and hie
plea is spoken very highly of by the press.
The other evening a painful accident
happened to the eldest daughter of J.
Sparring, who with his family removed
rem Blyth helve. The young lady was
engaged in curling her hair with a pair of
curling tongs, when they accidentally
lipped penetrating her right eye, the
all of which was severely burned.
Every effort is being pat forth to preserve
he sight of the eye and it is hoped with
At a largely attended meeting of biey
lists a club was formed to be known as
he "Marone." The following were elec.
ed officers :—Hon. Pres., Jas. Orr Rose ;
Hon. Vice W. K. Pearce ; Pres., R. C.
heswright ; Vice -Pres., H. Watson ;
en. and Treas., A. R. Sampson ; Capt.,
L. Schmidt; Lieutenant, G. Baldwin;
ommittee of Management, Messrs. Hen -
arson, Winter, Davis, Mullen, E. Speare.
Wm. Ballantyne, .town assessor, has
ompleted his duties for this year, and
as handed the roll is to the town clerk.
rom it the following statistice aro taken:
Total real estate, 6582,895 ; total per.
onal property, 850,900 ; taxable income,
10,700 ; total population, 2,411; num-
er of ohildren between 5 and 18, 4911 ;
etween 7 and 13, 289 ; between 16 and
1, 246 ; births, 24 ; deaths, 0 ; number
f dogs, 110; cattle, 52; hogs, 32; horses,
18 ; steam boilers, 18, The town build-
nge and property, eoneieting of the wat-
rworke, fire applianoes, town ball, public
ohool and Collegiate Institute, are s,5.
essed at 858.000. The total population
bows a decrease of one under that of last
Edam, the Rondeau Summer resort,
having a building boom.
When fevers and other epedimios are
round, safety lies in fortifying the eye.
in with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A person
eying thio and impure blood, is in the
oat favorable condition to "catch" what.
ver disease may be floating in the air,
e wise in time.
Leopold Grenier, a young man 24 years
ago, who claims Detroit as his home,
tempted to board N. H. Ryan's oast•
ound freight train at Rogersville Tues.
ay night of last week. He slipped and
11 under the oars and had a foot taken
off. He is being oared for by the Lingers -
Ile town officials.
FI, G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for, $4 and upwards.
tau -Shop oyer: Diettowan's Store,
Ohartos IC. Sufelaingp
Sick Headache
"I was troubled a long time with sick
lieadacito. I tried1a goodwanyremedles
r00onnmml(led for this ownplarnt; bntlt
was net until 3
Began taking Ayer's Pills
that I received permanent benefit. At
einglo box of these phis freed me from
headaches, and 10m now a well man.+
—O. 11, Ilurengrxos, Bast Auburn, Me. (
Awarded itliedal at World's Fair'
dyer's Sarsaparilla 18 Me Beat.
26 eta.,
60 eta. and
one Dent a done.
It is -sold on a guarantso by all druggists.
It cures Incipient Oeneumption and 10 the
beat cough. and Oronp Cure,
80I,1 by JAS. THOS, 11rn5sist,ID r,,ee 0e,
Know What You Chew
is free from the injurious coloring.
The more you use of it the better
you like it.
North Hastings' Oldest Inhabitant Hale
and Hearty.
JosIa0 Moore, of Bancroft. Ont., one
of .the oldest and best-known (residents
of Routings County, eau boast of won -
Aortal health end vigor, for his age.
Although I am over 84 yoare of
age," he eay1i "I feel as young as ever,
Mr. Moore, however had a narrow, es-
cape from death about a year ago. "f.
was so bad 'with indigestion," he writes.
" that the doctors gave the up. I tried
various alleged remedies but found them
no good. Oue day our popular druggist,
F. C.'Hiimplurfes, net me to sample of are
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills to try. The
result 'vas marvellous. After taking
two I was a.bte to get up. Then I
'sent for n box. I could soon eat any:,
thing, In a short time I wag able toe
walk two miles,. to Bancroft and back,
!with ease."
Br. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will,
without fait, cure all kidney, liver,
stomach and blood troubles. Por sale.
by all dealers. Price 26 cents. Ono
pill a dose; one cent se dose. Edmanson,
Bates .0 Co., manufacturers, Toronto,
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Mum
penti00 is the %lest discovery for cough's
out ire and consamptl.on. It 1's Ideas-
ant, allele and certain. 25 cents, i
Real Estate 86 Loan
Agent, - Brussels.
Mousy to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire & Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadman McCall's Store,
01712 NEW ST0074 OPd 070itq,
Dress Goods.
We have Fine Linos to select from. 1u
Staple Dry Goods, Ribbons, Loom,
,to,, we take no bank seat eith-
er for Quality or Price.
Our Grocery Departlttcnt
Always 00nta11130 a ohoiee and well kept
etook of the ne0eesaries for the household.
For good leas, Coffees and Spines tee
lead, Some people may blow harder but
we oniewinil them when it comes to
Your Patronage Solicited,
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
MAT 8,.1390
Thanks to the Ladies of tiros•
sell and vicinity for the largo and
appreciative number of visitors
to.. the Millinery Opening last
week. My aim is to show
Stylish Millinery,
The Newest Stock
at Reasonable Prices.
The Show Room is filled to, re-
pletion with the most worthy
ideas in headgear, trimmed and
untrimmed. Yours is among
them, let us help you select it.
All ready for the Spring Trade
which has already made a fair
i Roddick.
IL1 `:.
Cheap and First-class Material.
Every HouSel7older should call and see the
1VioClary Coal . Cil Stove with Fountain,
Window Screens all Sizes and,
Screen Doors made to order. -
You are Invited
and we will sustain our past Reputation of
"Best Goods at Low Prices."
JB Downrng
of Toronto,
C n
03 00
00 C3
pd p.0
,o 1.1.3 m
0 CD
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and fall infor-
mation furnished on application.
W. 1. KEIIL, Agent, Bru'ose1s..