HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-5-8, Page 34i .I Towz. Directory. a" Maxaa A "a"' Muovmmmt Ocusert —Sabbath Servieee at 11 a m and 7;00 p.m. Sunday Sehool at 2180 p m. Itov. John 13900: 73 A, pastor. ST. Jonts's OunnQlc,–.Sabbath Servieee at 11 a m mud 7 p m, Sunday School at 2;80 p, m, Rev, A., E. Grime, :noun• bout.. fd 'enomeL Oiln5Qn,--,Sabbath Seraioo0 ea 10:80 a m and 7;00 11 m, Sunday School ab 2;80 p In, Rev, G. H. Cobble. dials, 11f A, 13 D, pastor, BOMAN OATuQLIa Oilunau,—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, Priest. SA1+a4TIDN Armin.—Sorvioe at 7 and 11 a m and and p m on Sunday and every evening in the weak at 8 o'oiook, at the barracks, ODD FoLLOWs' Lenon every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, MASONIC/ LODGE Tuesday at Or before fall moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lorton on the 8rd Friday evening of eaoh month, in Blas, hill's block, O O F Lonois 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in, Blashill'6 block, I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L t) L 1st Monday hi every month in Orange Hall. Sows or SCOTLAND, 1St and 8rd Taee. Jaye of eaoh mouth, ".in Odd Fellows' Hall. K: 0. T, M. Lonee, 2nd and 4th Tues. daya of each mouth, in Odd Fellow% Hall, Hearn Ontorao, and and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashiil's Hall. POST OFFIeg,—Ofdoe hours from 8 a. m. to 6:80 p. m. MEOIIANIos' INSTITQrE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:90 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian. Tows Doo tog —W. H.. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Baeker, Robert Graham,R. Lea. therdale and 13. G. Wilson, Councillors ; P. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Belly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rosa, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month, Senna Boon.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,) D. 0. !toss, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hoenig' and H. Dennie; Sea..Treas., R. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month, Puax,w Son001.,-TE1,0u11nS.-3. H. Cams. eron, Principal, Mise Linton, Miss Downey and Miss Ritchie. Bonn or ,I-fEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. TELL JESUS, Is there a shadow resting on thy brow Caused by the daily ogres that none may know, Trials which little though they seem in one, Oft' fret tby life as water freta the stone 7 Tell Jesus. Is there a chord within thy aching heart More sensitive to pain than all the rest, Tbat oft' is struck by cruelty and wrong, Until thou fain would'et cry, "0 Lord, how long 1" Tell Jesus. And does thy spirit grieve o'er doubts and sin, Thick clouds without and fiery darts within 9 • Poor tempted one 1 There is an eye above Marking thee daily with a pitying love. Tell Jeans. And when dark waves of tribulations roll In wild and surging billows o'er thy soul, Oh, think amid the tempests might of One Who oried in that dark hour "Thy will be done." Tell Josue. And dost thou mourn in solitary mood, Sighing'beaauae thou art not understood ; That in the world there is no spirit tone To echo the sweet music of thine own 7 Tell Jesus. Ob, may this thought Einstein thee hi thy. grief, Thoughiearthly sympathy gives no' relief, Yet there is One who bends from courts above To sound all depths of human woe and love. Tell Jesus. THE Q7IIBT, HOPING HEART. What'er my God ordains is right ; His will is ever just. Hower Re orders now my oaueo, I will be still and trust. He is my God, Though dark my road He holds me that I shall not fall ; Therefore to Him I leave it all, What'er my God ordainsis right ; He never will deceive. He leads me by the proper path, And so to Him I cleave And take content Wbat He hath sent. His hand canturn my griefs away And patiently I wait Hie day. What'er my God ordains is right ; He bahstll thought for me. The sup that my Physician gives, No poisoned draught can be, Bob medicine deo, For God is true ; And on that ollaagelees truth S build And, all my heart with hope ie filled, What'er my God ordains is right • Though I the cup must drink That bitter seems to my faint heart, I will not fear or shrink ; Tears pass away With dawn of day, Sweet comfort yet Shall fin my beast And pain and sorrow shall depart. What'er my God ordains is right, Here will I take my stand ; Though sorrow, need, or death make earth For me a desert land, My Father's care Is round me there ; 130 bolds me that I shall not tali, And 00 to Him I leave it alt. Ono more at home, Tbls le net /Mme, where, oralnped, in earthly mould, Our eight et b7hrisb to dhn, our have io cold ; J3ab there, where face to fens wo ellen beheld, . Is home and beavon, One less on earth, Ras pains, We oorrow and it's toil to share, On lues the pilgrim's daily OrosS toboar; Quo mare the grown of ransomed souls to wear At home in heaven, One more in heaven, Another thought to lighten ololidy days, Another theme for thankfulness and praise, Another link on high our souls to raise To home and heaven. One mono at ]Loma ; That home where 'soparatiou Tbet home whence none' eternally, Lard Josue, grant us all a thee At home in heaven. ROLITIOAL, oannob be, are miesed p'aoo with ,Robert 0. Newman has been nominal - ea as bhe Independent candidate in West Peterboro'. Mr. Beak, the well known Penstan- guisheue manufaoturer, has aoeepted the Liberal nomination for Algoma Ca00. Harry Corby states that he will not contesb West Hastings again. His medi calm u strictly e sot e forbid h' entering o d la n s11n poli. Bios for a time. g 1 It is said that, responding to the re quest of a number of the electors of 1;s sex, the Hon. Mr. 'Laurier will Spend a few days in that county and Kent at an early' date. "Vote as you squeal," is the advice of the Montreal Witness. That is a wise hint to those who squeal about hard times, yet support a polioy of restriction and high taxes. The proclamation diesolving the seventh Parliament of Canada was issued on Friday and another proclamation was issued summoning the now Parliement to meet on July 16th. The greatest political demonstration ever hold in Canada greeted Mr. Laurier and hiscolleagues at Sohmer Park, Montreal. There were fully 12,000 people in attendance. Mr. Laurier's headquarters during the campaign will be the St, Lawrence Hall, Montreal. Arrangements for bis Ontario meetings will be made at the Liberal headquarters, 84 Victoria street, Toronto. At the great demonstration in his hon- or at Montreal, on Friday night, Hon. Mr. Laurier announced that in a mouth's time he would address meetings in To- ronto, Hamilton, London and other Western Ontario centres. One of these leaders at his peril, dis- plays a moral heroism, and revives the country's hope ; the other, tossing honor to the winds, violates the privacy of a privileged correspondence and mutilates the message.—Rev. Dr. Carman on Mr. Laurier and Sir Charles Tapper. Lord Aberdeen will leave for a short holiday in England, almost immediately after the opening of the new Parliament. His visit will be exceedingly brief, as he bas several important engagements in Ontario in September. General Mont. gomery Moore will be Administrator during his absence. • A convention of the Liberals of Mar- quette was held at Shoal Lake on friday and nominated Jas. H. Ashdown, hard- ware merchant, Winnipeg, as their can- didate for obs Commons. Thos. Young, the oandidate of the Patrons. attended the convention, and stated that as the platforms of the Liberate and Patrons were almost identical, he would not jeop- ardize Manitoba's future welfare by split- ting the vote opposed to the present Ad- ministration. It is said that Sir A. P. Caron last week wrote a letter to a party friend in Quebec, which so incensed the latter that he has made it public. In it Sir Adolphe is stated to have said that there was no reason to feel aggrieved if the Remedial Bill had not passed, because its failure to do so was the best thing that oould happen the Government, as those of its friends who were opposed to such legis- lation were satisfied, while the Govern- ment were going to hold the Catholio elergy as hoetages for the coming eleot- ions. GGOi rie• Jas.. Perkins and hie son, W. J. Perk- ins, left on Tuesday of last week for the „Soo." Dante Rumor says that oto of our promising young business men will short. ly take a partner. Jas. Saunders, of the 6th eon„ Howiek, has four owes that have produced 19 Iambs this Spring. W. H. Clegg, of this village, will sell his household effeots by emotion on Sat- urday, May 9011. Rev. Mr. Kerr, of Wroxeter, ocotipied the pulpit of the Methodist ohureh here Sabbath evening. Jos. H. Taman, who has nominated a very successful custom tailoring business M Gerrie for ebe past four years, moved to Palmerston, where he will open out in business. 18. W. McLaughlin, son of T. H. Ho - Laughlin, of this village, has returned from Owen Sound, where be has been taking a term in the business College. Levi Kebob, of North .17asthope, was tiled for aerieoratingthe Lord's Day by making maple syrup. Rnauu.lrrsnl CDaoD IN A DAY.—South American Rheumatic Ours for llhauma- tism and Neuralgia radically aures in 1 to 8 days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 10 re. moves ab one the amuse and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 dents. Warranted by G, A.. Deadman. Mrs. Lightfoot, the colored woman whose former busband, Levi Stewart, stole his four-year.old child from her in Detroit, found that the little On had been to Elmstead. She hired a man in Windsor to take her to that plaoe, in the hope of being able to steal the child hook. On the way she met a wagon in' whiclt were a number of colored people, one of whom, a woman, had the boy. The youngster was restored to his mother, and she went with ,the party until she I met Stewart. A reoonoiliation followed, BEV' 7Ga#eGoltre Bicy:olea are beeoming very numerous in town. The piton trees are 10 fall hie= and there 10 prospeote of an abundant arop of all Mode of small fruit. The large po0tora and hand bills are out announcing the monster bicycle tournament to he 1:s)0 here on the 25th Qf May. John Spaokman reports everything at the Bend in °smelled condition, The etakee on Ids ground have been driven and the note were hung lust week, We gleau from the assessment Morn the following statistios :—Amount of real debate, 4444,176 ; personal property, 841,075 ; taxable income, 82,150; total assessment, $491,800 ; bbo. of dogs, 148 No. on Juror's fiat, 335 ; pQPulatien, 1702. Our usually quiet village was thrown into a sudden and unexpeeted stateof excitement about 2 o'elook Sunday morn. ing by the wild clang of the fire alarm, and In a very short time it was discover.. ed that the uncoupled house owned by Mre. George 1acrelt, on Elisabeth street, was the 00ene of destruction. The fire engine was neon on the spot and in a very abort time the flames were-subtined, but not till the building was a total wreck. As the house bas been empty for several months, there is not the sliphbes doubt bub that its destruction was caused by the maloh of an incendiary as a quantity of old rage saturated with coal oil were found in the closet under' the stairway where the fire originated. Loss about 8400,insnranos $800. Cann or OuxLn Drssni rmi,—A young girl of abort 25 years of age, who gives her name as Maggie Armstrong, and hailing from near Benefield, was arrest- ed by Chief Gill in 'Osborne on Wednes- day of last week charged with ohfld die- sertion. A little over a month ago it ie , alleged she went to Loudon and gained admission to the hospital and while there gave birth to a child. On Tuesday night aha was seen at the depot here with her baby in her arms and carrying a satchel. On the same evening an infant waa found at the door of John Cornish, of the. Lon- don Road.. Mr. Cornish at once pined the ohild in charge of Reeve Delbridge, of -Osborne, who oommunioated the cm. oumetanoes to Chief Gill and thus misus- ing her arrest. Since being' taken :into custody she feels very much affected over the affair and wants her ohild bank which in all probability will he granted. Her mother came down from Brucefleld and returned with her daughter and child. She claims to have been seduced by a man now living in Bruoofield. The Wise 1%Ian. GnuVEBussT, Feb. 20, 1896. J. M. McLeod, Goderioh. Dam, Sm.—After suffering for over a year withpains in the stomach 'which eventually passed over and down my right side, I consulted two doctors, I was told that nothing could be done for me, and to go to the Toronto hospital at once, that I bad an ulcer on the bowels, I knew that there was, a growth of Some sort there. I swelled out like n barrel. I wield not eat, as I suffered intense pain if I did. I understood my case was oue for the knife, and expsoted nothing but the worst. Well, I was told something will be done for you anyway, I left home with the intention of going to the hospital, but changed my mind when I remembered Mrs. K. Morrison's ease, and that you cured her, and I went to Soda• Hob. now two years ago next Marob. I had not eaten anything for 48 flours when I got there, and I was weak and exhausted, could not go up the doorsteps without assistance. I remained five days in Goderich. i did not believe I could be oared. I took two large bottles of your System Renovator and used two bottles an. A. MoLennan's Liniment. I could eat and rest well before I left Goderioh. I was at my work as usual in two weeks and since then enjoyed the best of health. I have not been so well for years. My case was a surprise to all, I am, Sir, yours truly, WILLIA.1r Sams. Sold by Jtta. Fox, Druggist, Erusscls. HEART DretlAsE RCLIEVEn no 80 MIN• aces.—All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and gaiokly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Oue dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. - RELIEF IN Sax Honns.—Distressing kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in sin hours by the "Great South American Kidney Care." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on mount of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain iu passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure tbie is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. AINTiG 1 The undersigned are prepared to attend to all branches of Painting, inoluding House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Work. Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and Decorating neatly and prompt- ly looked after at mod- erato Prices. We make a Specialty of Mauufaoturing and planing in position First Class Awnings. Orders loft at our Paint Shop, formerly used by 151908rs. Boddick & Wake, will be attended to with dispatch. Paper Hanging Orders may be left with Messrs.Deadman & Mo. Call. 0111/LPLE BROS PAINTERS. SELS POST t:wr •14,44 RIMY, BEST FOR AS-- — ^' • NOTICE OF • REMOVAL. Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify ni.y old customers and as Many new ones as may favor mo with their patronage that 1 have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a shale of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, S. T. 151112.115 General Blacksmith & Horseshoer HE MOST SUCCESUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain In its einete and never blisters.. Bend proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CJREm Bos 02 Carman Henderton Co., 111., Feb.7d,'81. Dr. R. 2. ds,nvo, bo. Deer Sirs—Please mend me ono Of your Hor00 Hooke and oblige. I hevou000 a great deal of your fulmvnlOOIwggada00m11led an Occult Spuv:n nd lye bottle, oared her. I keeps bottleonband all the 11,00. Yoprstruiy, Oars. PowEcc. KENDALL'S SPAY OFIME. Dr. B. 7. S]tgnArS, CO. oehwox, Re, 950.0,'0:. Dcar Str,—I have used sevoral batlleo of your hi spavlu 0000" with ,each 0u000ss• I think it the best Ltmmout I 0500 0000. Ileal re• moved one Curb, sue I1100,1 ovmand d kt Otto Bono Spartan. Have recommended to eded it to p&,oral of my rrlonds who are mush.5l000015 with ant keep It. Respectfully, R.Svt'Ar, P. O. Bos918. For Sale by all Druggists, or address I-- Dr. 14, ,T. KRIVID4LLL CO1LPd1V'Fr 1 E NO5555ON FALLS, YT. NONE/ • TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro. party' at 6 & 6k Per Coit., Yearly. Straigbt Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Count Clerk, Brussels. FLAX SEED! J, & J. LIVINGSTON nava 1,000 Bus! of Bast ahtoh Ses� For farmers in the vicinity of Brussels who intend raising flax during the com- ing season, which they are prepared to deliver in quantities to snit flax growers. Can be got at the BRUSSELS FLAX MILL. Seed given out at 41.00 per bushel and on the usual terms. Order early and insure a supply, For flax grown from this seed 410 per Ton 11111 be Paid if'ol good growth, harvested in proper season and delivered at the Flax Mill as soon as fit for threshing, We will also rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flax. N. B.—Farmers are strongly advised to sow their flax on !good land, well plow- ed and harrowed, not on low lands, and the yieldlwili be from a toll to a ton and a half per aore more. Flax grown on low land will not grow fibre to give the weight.:)7ro r t ::.`r: err> J,2@J.LIVING STON,Prcprietors. WM. BRIGHT, Manager. 1 ilAmmmasaamplemoosowswassir PIC® I win snake a web! man of YOU t P20051 50006050 Tag 1100600 RaeoPre m r008 tenons. F10051 ease ell Nervous Dlsoaaes,elo ime. Tema, Falling Memory, Rightly Endeolonnn,, Swats, pompom, Impotency, eta„ canoed by pat amuse; gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, ew{ auiekly but 0arely 00etorte0. 0T 10Aan000 to eId or yo0na. Ilan PICOSI and you 0)11 gnaw o5se and happy aaegala, gent by mot115 plain e and d In nes 000100 from observation,w� mod l0 vest pop 01. Prloo, 587 a 50020,00 sic Ior85. 85Od 200007 10 eithtr ordlnny or 0005000,- 04!attar. Mdross511 10050,0 to d,'5P. PrP nrpgglot, Canada. 005 osr•, dgpat for on 2015 on or Canada. 0 SCA z C �mm ctt N 5 c ' cD 00 W rp y CD hz:J •-•••t_•rn d m toto 04 5 fD '%cp • P. r, to y #c z @ r. 2 • [IQ O_ O ;0 4#1 1:1in or rrol7K elet -sear. -TP, II. Ward. A LIFE SAVED BIC TAKING 1}CHERRY YES } 9 PECTORAL "Several years ago I caught asavers cold attended reit 1 a terrible cough that allowel Tao no rest, either day or night. The doc- tors pronounced mycase hopeless. Afriend, learning of my trouble, sent mea bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 33y the limo I had used the whole bottle, I was completely cured, and I believe it saved my life" -W. II. IVAru, s Quimby Ave„ Lowell, ]Bass, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Hirrhest Awards at World's Pair. dyer's Pitts 1110 2te96 .Favtity Physic. SH OLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles NorthShore and Cedar We have Opened out at r"t ST Base Balls and Bats, Rubber Balls, soft and hard, Bows and Arrows, only 5c. each. Express Wagons, Rocking Horses, &c. Fine Range of Leatlhor & i School Bag from. 5o. „ ,. nsn• — FOR SALE AT TI151 Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat tarns on hand or made to order at Sbort Notice. • L"stimatee Furnished for all kinde of Buildings, Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. t,T. 80 P. AMEN'T, E8 AKE The very thing for children, or Flower Bed or Vegetable Working for Adults, CALL AND SEE. ES POST BOOKSTORE.