The Brussels Post, 1896-5-1, Page 3NAY 1, 189(1 lSSA 1Shea7M1FI SFISIAPS •ASAS 2 erd'riara4Wyt393 SR.. l 'o' 7z 3Drectoxy1 kinhY3LLE Cuoaori,--Sabkath Services at 11 a m and Man, m. Sunday Spbpol at 2;80 p m. Rev, Sohn Rorie, R A, ne1asitow8O. pastor, On Stauffer street much improvement Sr. JonN a OnonelT,v.•Sabbath Services flag been matte in the removal of the old at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School Patterson buildings, An, him, an' iim—the farm, the bona, the home in the stall, It's as"arin..tlme up oountry ; I'm home, chic—that in all, at.2180 p, m, Ite, A, 71' Csri n' 4 purr. Wm, ATe0onnell, of Asklield, bas ra. bent. :mined from East Rendon, South Africa, Mnamithrer p]lnrlpn, --Sabbath Serviette attar an ateanoo of two and a ihalf years,. at 10:80 a in and 7:00 p m. 0unday Wm, Tay* Wee elected Counoilior by School et 2:30 p m• Ito', G, H, .Cobble- I agelamation to fill the motility at the Metnlcipal Board by the resignation o! As, Bryan, Mtge McNabb, assisted by her talented oIo nn of pupils, will give her annual con. vert lo the town hall, ma the evening bf Friday, May 22nd, A, R. MoKa"y, a Dungannon boy, has reoently passed hie primary examination' at the Univoruity and suooseded in talc. trig a slivermedal and a auhalwrship of $80. Although all danger to fall wheat is not yet paused, it is now in such a oonditioh that it man stand considerable before it will suffer.Reports are that the orop looks very promising, and if not injured by frost, will be a good yield. At the meeting of the License Oom. mieeioners at Walkerton, on the 16111 inst., the following licenses were granted for the years 1806.7. in Luoknow Tavern --P. Heron, Sohn McGarry, Jae,. A. Reid, T. F. Cain, Snp—Alex. Mao.. Pherson. Tuesday, the 21st of April, was the birthday of A. B. McLeod, the genial and inular tailor Campbell etreetLua nlpwB block,'s braok ,Ae an evi donee of his popularity hie employees took advantage of the ocoaeion to present 1 1 de a and an a him with a gold heeded van - p propriate address which wore appreol• atively and thankfully received by lir. McLeod, God° 1.1.014. Tho Town Council has ordered 200 shade trees to be put out this season. The Spring Assizes win open here on May 12th before Hie Lordship Chief Justice Meredith. Wm. Lee has bought the sohooner Craftsman, which for some time has been lying idle in tbis harbor; and will fit her up to do good work the present season. The Star says:—d. steeple jack painter is atwork on the steeple of Knox church this week, giving it two omits of paint. He sits on a board fastened to a rope whioh was put through the top of the steeple, and he bus quite an airy and somewhat delicate job. Work has begun excavating the found. ationfor the saw mill at the harbor, and ere long the building will go up and the buzz of the merry saw wake the echoes along the docks. There is a large amount of loge laying at the harbor awaiting the oommenoement of opera. tions. The excavation has been completed for the foundation of the new St. Peter's church, and this week the masons are making good progress laying the massive foondetion walls. On Sunday, May 17th, the corner stone of the new edifice will be laid by His Lordship Bishop O'Connor, and a number of prominent olergymen from other parts of the Diocese are ex. , S. M. McLeod, Goderiob. D. F. llamlink is again in town, and is pealed. I Dian SIM.—After suffering for over a year with pains in the stomach which eventually passed over and down my right side, I consulted two doctors. I was told that nothing could be done for me, and to go to the Toronto hospital at once, that I had an uloer on the bowels. I knew that there was a growth of some Bort there. I swelled out like barrel. I could not eat, as I suffered iutense pain if I did. I understood my case was one for the knife, and expected nothing bnt the worst. Well, I was told something will be dose for you anyway. I left home with the intention of going to the hospital, but changed my mind when I remembered Mrs. K. Morrison's case, and that you oured ber, and I went to Code - rich now two years ago next March. I had not eaten anything for 48 hours when I got there, and I was weak and exhausted, oould not go up the doorsteps without assistance. I remained five days in Goderiob. I did not believe I could Le oured. I took two large bottles of your System Renovator and used two bottles of E. A. 1lloLenuan's Liniment. I could eat and rest well before I left Goderioh. I was at my work as usual in two weeks and einoe then enjoyed the best of health. I have not been so well for years. My case was a surprise to all. ' I am, Sir, yours truly, WILLIAJt Sew/. geld by Jag. Fox, Druggist, Rrussela., 8.8 Heano DIanAna RELTnveo IN 80 MIN• oras.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and gniokiy oured, by Dr. Agnew's Ours for the Heart. One dose eonvinoee. Sold by G, A. Deadman. BaummaaISII Oman IN A DAr.-South. American Rheumatic Cure for Rkeuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at erne the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. CA'rAnnan BEL/mann; 10 TO 00Iiu7oxEs.— One short puff of the breath through the Blower, shipplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffuses! this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to ase, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly aures Oatorrell, Hay Fever, Colds, Headaoh e, 'Sore Throat, Toneilitis and G. D. NoTaggart ; P With the following Psrs :—Hou. Pres., Deafness 60 menta at G. A. Dendman's. Pres., Jacob Taylor; Vice.Prse., M, MoTag art ; Oapt., Frank Turnbull ; let Lieut., A, Morrhsh ; 2nd Lieut., Lee Brown ; Secy, -Trees., J. Al- len ;•Bugler, Ogle Cooper. W. Harland. and A. T. Cooper wore appointed a Reso- lotion and Ily.law Committee ; Messrs. Taylor, Allen and 0, Cooper, a Canvass- ing Committee. Several ofthe inmates al the House of Refuge are still in poor health, and the death of at least one or two inulaten is expeoted. The latest addition to the in- mates is Annie Hermeslon,of Turnberry, e girl of 88 years, who is idiotic. A couple of the inmates have been allowed to go en a abort visit to their friends, and the other morning one who bad been away presented himself at the oftioe of the Inspector and said to that person "Look at me, am I sober 2" The In. vector replied that he looked like a sober man, "Well," said the other, "I want to prove so•end so is a liar, for he said -that I'd ootno beak drunk, and I want yon to certify that I'm sober," Mr. MoBride, dielr, M A, B D, Pastor, Boaoa QArnuLro Cannon.—Sabbath Service third Sunday jnevery month, at 10;80 a m, Rev Joaspli Kennedy, priest, SALvArroN AnnnT,—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and8 p m on Sunday and every Mooning to the week at 8 o'clock, at the berraolte, Con 3nouows' Looms every Thuraday evening, in Graham's block, li'fAsoNIo Loon TNeeday at Or before full moon, in Garfield block. A O U W Lonci en the Ord Friday evening of each month, in Blas. hill's block, O Q F Looeu and end laet Monday evenings of oath month, in Blashili'a block. I 0 113, and and last Friday in Odd Fellows'' Mall. L 0 L 1st Monday in every month In Orange Hall. Serie or SWUM, let and 8rd Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. H. 0. T. M. Lomas, 20d and 4112 Time. days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall Emu Outman, and and 4th Friday oven. fags inBiashill's Hall; oe hours from 8 a. Pose. Czrnzou.—Offs o m. to 6:80 p. m. Moontgiae' lowsreIiOE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wedneedaye and 8:80 to 6' and 6 to 8 Saturdays, Mise Minnie Me - Naughton, Librarian. Town Congests—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Booker, Robert Graham, R. Lea. therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ; 3 . 13. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treaenrer D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in eaoh month. Souoon Boenn.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,' D. C. Ross, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A• Koenig and H. Dennie ; Seo.-Treas., 1t. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PUBLIC Sown TEaonEne.—J. H. Cam. eron, Prinoipal, Miss Linton, Mtge Downey and Mise Ritohie. Boann os HEALTH.—Reeve Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. 112oNaughton, Medical Health Officer. Maim IN SUGARING TIME. It's eugarin'-time up oountry, an' eebtin' here in town I teem to hear the drip, drip, drip, of gap a trioklin' down Into them wooden buckets, in the old sugar place, Afore Josiah died, and our only daughter Grave --Insisted'twasn'tnowayssafe for me to live alone Hp in that old brows farm•honse the long') I liver own ; An' naught would do but I mast come and stay along o' her, Where eugarin' might be hayin' time, an' all this bustlin' stir ; Where smells of Spring, an' triekiia' sap, an' wild flowers never come. There ain't no thence for each things round Gracie's city home; An' engarin'-time no different ain't from Summer or from Fall. I wish': Joeiah'n me was 'back—a work- in' bard an' all. The obildren on these brick -paved walks, they make me think o' Jfm, What we bad hoped would stay by ns— the farm was meant for hien. He died when he was twenty. Yes, there was young Josiah, Professor in a college now, with hopee of something higher. An' Grave, our girl, she married what they call a railroad king, An' lives on Beacon street, with all the style that she Man awing, But all the same when April tones, I see 'em all agin, ,Inst rennin' wild around that farm, them three, and in A11 sorts o' mischief daily, from early Spring to Fall. I wieht the hull on us was bank—a-work- in' hard an' all, I seem to hear the toseels ehakin' out upon the trees; I seem to smell the perfumes of the May flowers in tbe breeze ; I seem to feel the Sammeraaomin''oroet the hills I germ up in the pastor', to hear the singin rills; I see the mowin' lot, and bear the sharp- euro' of the blades ; I bear the oattle lowin' ; I go berryin' in the glades; I smell the harvest ripenin' over in the Corner lot; I see Josiah briugin' home the last new pail he bought ; I remember how together when the child. ran went away-- Grown way—Grown big an' married -by the fire we eat at Mose of day ; An' bow together we had lived there fifty year—Moms fall. T wisht Josiah'n me was back—a-workin' hard en' a11. It's'sugarin'.time up oountry ; but never Duce agin Shall I now goin' on eighty, see the Spring a•oomlu'.in The old way, through the maple these, crest the paatur's brown ; For I must stay—in. sugarin.tme—on Beaman. street in town. The ohildl'en never, as of old, shall I tuck in at night, s Their little feet to tired, but their happy hearts so light. They wouldn't go book it they could, and I'm too old they say ; An' senae Josiah isn't there, I let em have their Ivey. a a + 1 It's sngarin'-time up country, though, an' utemer182,like the sap, Start up an' get me 'engin' for Mother Natur's lap— I TSE B11US A"� of London, is preparing plana ler 0110091. lei ward addition, to be 8Qx40 feet, two stories. (r rel +. ' Mrs. P, 1133. Stewart, of Neepawa, Man is at present visiting Mende in and aroand Gerrie, Solln Ardell left on Tuesday morning of last week for the "Be. " where he in- tends to work during the Sulnmp2. Opndeotor idarshaw, of the Toeawater branch 0, Ia.11., hae been promoted to Guelph branch, emeoeeding Conductor Soaniou who has been tracelated to the Toronto•Detrolt run, At the last'1'ownship Council it was moved by insure. Sobhoran and hold that the reealution passed commuting the statute . labor in the Police Village of Gerrie at 10e, per day be re8619ded and that the statute labor be commuted at 60o. per day in said village, -Carried,` On Wednesday of last week Time, D. Edgar, one popular young hardware vier• chant, took unto himself a life partner in the person of Mies Maggie, third (laugh.. ter of Wm, Brown, of the 2nd eon. of. Grey, We join their many friends in wishing the young couple all happiness together. tiontor th. J. Campbell bad the misfortune to .gob his fingers badly opt at the Broadfoot cot Box factoryt which will lay him off work for a few days. A Golf Club hae been formed in town of the following members •-B. C. Coleman, T. F. Coleman, F. A. Drake, F, Holmested and Samos Scott. Wm. D. Trott, photographer, has sold out his-basinese in the Whitney Block to S. P. Henderson,who has bad obarge of the gallery during the past six months. At a meeting of the South Huron Con- servative Assoolation, It was decided to defer action in the bringing out of a can. didate to contest the Riding in the Mom. ing (cutest, for the Dominion, James Archibald, horse buyer, has re.. rurned home after an absence of several weeks in the 01d Country. We under- stand that'Mn. Arahibaldsuffered alieavy lose by the death of several of his finest horses after they had landed. At a meeting of the License Commis - elopers for South Huron, held' in Heagall, the following licenses were granted for the year 1808:—Seafortb—Taverns, Wm. Flannagan; Kae, Diets, J. H. MoOlinahy, Alex. Davidson, T. J. Stevens, Jas. Weir. Shops—•B. Dawson, H. It. Jackson & Son. Bayfield—Ed. Elliott, E. R. Swarthy, Jae. Pollock, (six months). Exeter—John Leatborn, C1 W. Hawk. shave, W. T. Acheson, Wm. Zinger. Shope—Farmer Broe., • P. J. Hnigbt. Stephen Tp. -0. L. Moser, Jas. Brenner, Jae. Hannon, M. Mooann, John Dona- hue, Walter Clark, August Hill, Wm. Moffatt, Richard Horn, Wm. Hall, Beer and wine. -OsborneTp.—Jas. Stephens, Alfred Waters. Hay Tp,—Wm. Nichol- son, H. J. Penia, Ohne. Grebb, James Coxworth, W. R. Hedging. Stanley Tp. —Wilson Cook, Reuben Graham, Henry Shaver. Tuckeremith.—Wm. Kyle, 'Jae, Coleman, me Wise Nan. GndvcNaansr, Feb. 20, 1£86. superintending the work of improving this beautiful Sommer resort on the lake shore North of the Attrill estate. He has bad C. E. Steele survey the whole property, and ground is being laid out for base ball and other field sports,, lawn ten- nis and bowling, and a first-olaes bicycle track, so that every opportunity will be given for the fall enjoyment of games and sports. Two young men named John Neville and John Glavin, of the township of Stephen, were committed by Magistrates Wm. Lewis and Chas. Eilber, of Credit- on, on a oharge of stealing a couple of bot- tles of whiskey, some sandy and tobacco from the store of ,John G. Qnary, who bad left it unlooked, on the night of April 16th. Both admitted the offence, but the magistrates allowed Glavin out on bail, and sent Neville up. The former therefore will not be tried till the assizes, which open here on May 12th, hot Neville wag brought before His Honor Judge Masson, and on the representations of the Crown sentenced to one day in jail. Clinton. A horse belonging to W. Snell, Mullett, was eun•etroek and died as a result there- of. Mayor Holmes is down on the Confer - erica program for an address on Tem- perance. Jas. Howe bas sold bis dray business to Thos. Hillock, of Stratford. Mr. Howe thinks of spending the Summer in Goderioh. Harry Filzsimons struck his hand on a taok, inflioting a trifling wound apparent- ly of no significance whatever. A day or two after bis arm began to swell and muse him considerable -pain• and he found that be bad poisoned his band so badly that medical assistance was neoes- sery to cheek it. Robb. Mason, who just a year ago was 50 badly injured by falling from his bars, is applying to the Chosen, Friends, of Which he is a member, for his insurance, under the "total disability clause," he bo- ing absolutely unable to do anything for himself, although enjoying a fair degree of health. He has no use of hie lower limbs whatever, and will rnoeive 01,000 in a few days. The Clinton Bioyole Club was formed, BRUSSELS PUMP ' ' 01K8. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding lUetriet that I have par. abased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prima. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop willbe promptly looked after, l "Orders taken for the Digging of Wella and Oisterns. GomerGVee31, MILL STREET, .-BRUSsnLs. Van v-;COPiz ossa std for,. Wash Day makes clothes S1Veet, clean, white, with the least labor... Itn remark- able lasting and cleansing propertiesmake SURPRISE mos economical and Best >or_, Every Day NOTICE OF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite tho Queen's Hotel stables, 1 wish to notify ply old customers and 08 many new ones asmay favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a shale of business from the pabiie, guaranteeing= satisfaction, I remain, So Te Plum, General Blacksmith & horseshoer .77 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its sweets and never blisters, Read proofs below: KENDALL'SSPAVIN DUDE. Box60, Carman Hendoruon Co., In., Fangs, ,04, Dr. B. e. 1asbvaxo b0. Books onu oblige slhaveused a great do 8,100y009. Hendon's Spann Our„ with gond samosa • It Is a wonderful medicine. I once hada mare that ho4 =Occult Sonvin and eve battles cured her. 1 keop a bottle 0113108,1031 tea time. Tonrstruly, Owls. Powrrs. KENDALL'S SPAVIN SURE. Dr. B. Tana= CO. OOo coA, 10,., dor, a,'02. Dear N. have used oovoral battles of your "Kendall's Seaver Cure"" with much success. I think lithe best Liniment I ever used, Haus re. toustono Curb, IMO Mood Spnvin and kilted two Bono Spa •ins. Have reco,nmanded 11 to sezral of my friends who are much pleased with and keep it. neePeetfblla• s. n. lien, P. 0. 0,,..518. For Sale broil Druggists, or Address Dr. D. L COTEPd.l Y� EN ENOSBUn5800( GH FALLS, VT, HONE/ TO, LOAN. Any. Amount of Malley to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6. Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of f repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. PLAX SEED! J. t?L J. LIVINGSTO{ 314.80 1400 D))1 of Best Dutch Sod For farmers in the vicinity of Brussels who intend raising Sax during the com- ing season, which they are prepared to deliver in quantities to suit flax growers. Can be got at the BRUSSELS FLAX MiLL.. Seed given out at $1.60 per bushel and on the usual tense. Order early and insure a supply, For flax grown from this seed :$10 Per Ton lvlll be I'uid if,of good growth, harvested in proper season and delivered at tbe Flax Mill as soon as fit for threshing. We will also rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flex. N. B.—Farmers are strongly advised to sow their flex on igood land, well plow- ed and borrowed, not on low lands, end the yield will be from a ton to a ton and a half per acre more. Flax grown on low land will not grow fibre to give the weight. J. &J. LIVINGSTON, Prc prietors. WMMI. BRIGIIT, Manager. .ov ted..,. Wcash 000017000 000 40010 00001.20 IN FOOS WZEEe. PI000T aurae all Nervous Diseases, 9 eeplean• nose, Falling Memory, Nightly DmIeelnna, Sporran. 10,810ea, jmpoteney, etc., soused by past Meisel: given vigor and ono to shrunken organs, an,f quickly bot surelyq,'eatOros L08T MAN110110 In old or young, Use HIOOSI and you win Brow strong and hooey again, Sent b9 mea in plain. wrapper and securely sealed . tom observation Baas sealed. to vast 0000811. prloo, 07 a encamps six d 1ftti.»,, .088008, Mil eEsee io.0&'1', PplFll.IDR Drugggist, W0050900E', 007., Agent for the DO minion or Cnneda, MOM Will make 90 well IOB of 70171 m r ROR d. Lefler, DISEASE® LUNGS CURED BY TAKING 'AYER'SCherry Pectoral. "1 emltrneted a severe cold, which settled on 1.10 burgs, and 13 did what 15 often clone in at ,It asses, negloeted it. Illicit eonsulted r:. ra t tor, who found, on examining me, that ills tipper.port of the left lung was badly effected. The medicines he gave me did not s' , b, to 40 ani' good, and 1 determined to by Ayer's CherryPeetoral. After taking a f . v doses my trouble was relieved, and lie- f ..o T had finished the bottle Iwas cured,•" —.1.I.Tih••hAli, watchmaker, Orangeville, Ont. Aydr's Cherry Pectoral Stn i host Awards at World's Pair. Amen"s Pitts Cure indigestion. SHHW LES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles on, — North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT TH00 Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates furnished tor ell. kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AME N'E We have Opened out at Base Balls and Bats, W ; Rubber . Balls, soft, and hard, Bows and Arrows, 0 only 5c. each. Express Wagons, Rocking Horses, &c. Fine mike of Leather 84 liemp School Sage from 5on unto ES, Hi(E The very thing for children, or Flower Bed or Vegetable Working for Adults. CAL -L. AND SEE, BOOKSTORE,