The Brussels Post, 1896-4-24, Page 8"ens ,
Wall Paper.
Having bought the entire etoolt
of Wall Papers, Borderinge, ()oiling
Deooratione, Window Shades, deo,,
belonging to the estate of the late W.
Roddiok, we are in a position to sell
yon thee° goods amen below the re,
gular prices. There are many rem.
nente of 6, 0, 7 or 8 roils of Fall
Paper, eufTieient for small rooms,
which will be sold et about
Thie is a grand opportunity to
beautify your homes at a slight cost.
A large variety to choose from, oom-
prising our former stook and that of
the Roddick estate,
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers,
Trains leaue Bruesele Station, North
and South, as follows;
GeiNe SOUTH. Gotha Sown,
Pfeil Dfixod .....a.m.
... 0:48
texpress 11:60 item Mail . 8118 p,m,
rtised 0:00 a.m. 0;00 pan,ill B,yproee 0:48 P,m,
rrfrai i'ctu 7�(terns,
A ehiel'e amaug ye taltiu' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
MAT flowers.
Amos showers.
Ssepnso is well advanced,
HAY is coming down in price.
Nmez Friday will be May day.
Wessex's egg wagons are again on their
regular routes.
BANIUSTEn Besse attended Blyth Divis-
ion Carat last Monday.
TEE S. W. Laird block received a new
Spring suit of paint this week.
TOESDAY Messrs. Baehr & Vanstone
shipped a double decked car of hogs.
GEBEY Boos, have added an awning to
She comforts of their hardware store.
Roars bills printed on abort notice at
Tom Pose Publishing House. Good range
of outs.
Tess brick dwelling of George Edwards
and Mrs. Funston looks gorgeous in its
new suit of paint.
TENnEos are salted for fencing and
sidewalk laying at the saline! house, to
be opened next Tuesday evening. e
A DoeELE decked oar of hogs and a ear
of cattle were shipped last Monday from t
Brussels by Messrs. Clegg & Demme. a
ParLiP AHIENT presented THE Paz with d
the first supply of new rhubarb on Tues- '
day of thio week. The stalks were over
a foot long. a
IF the weather is favorable next Bab- °
bath a number of Brussels Odd Fellows
Salk of joining their brethren at Wing.
Ram in a ahurob parade.
THE price of THE BnueanLo PoeT le one
dollar a year in advance. Look at the
date on your label' this week, and sae b
that your name is marked well fu ad. a
.npaQN Metres Open .On MoadaY* May
lith, at Goderich,
Too dumping gt'Qund le on Jno, Inroad.
foot's farm, the Beale as for the pest few
Doo, WSW= is making notitleable
improvemonis around hie reeidenoe.
Tnrnberry otrest b.
ON page Oa tile issue au interest
latter may be read on one of the pont
questions of the day.
Tan bioyole fever la at a pretty b
ie Bruesols and the "aeorober"'
ooeupyitlg Orob pine,
Farm evening a meeting ter
interested in the re•orgaulaatlon of
town Band will be beld la the Oo
ail Chamber, commencing at 8 o'oloply
THIa week George Birt has. remo
the verandah and balcony from the fr
of his residence. He intends moving
house back 12 or 16 foot and may br
veneer it,
HsaavA'upo has begun for the 14x
foot brink addition to 1. 0. Biohar
store, Tnrnberry street, 11, A. Low
will do the brink work and. Robt, Arm•
strong the carpentering.
Br announcement in another column
it will be observed that a meeting of the
creditors of D. G. Hogg will he held in
W. M. Sinclair's. office on Thursday of
next week, 80th inst., at 4 p, m.
LAST Saturday Win, Hewitt, who is
engineer at Ament Bros', faotory, had
the misfortune to have ilia right hand
naught in the engine, and the result was
the breaking of the little finger in adfli•
tion to a badly bruised hand, Mr,
Hewitt will be off duty for a time.
Mesas Amur has changed his mind as
to the traeeformation of Knox church
into dwellings, He will take the build-
ing down and use the most suitable
material hi it for the construction of the
houses. There f6 & lot of excellent timber
in the ahureh that would constitute a
good barn, Mr. Ainley has the interior
of the ohuroh dismantled now.
OoB Dry Goods merchants go to con-
siderable trouble in window dressing and
in many instances evolve some very
catchy and well arranged effects, This
week we noticed one of this aharaoter at
the store of Ferguson & Halliday that is
worthy of attention.' It is the handiwork
of Mr. Halliday. The business men in
other lines also look closely after catching
the eye of the public in this respect and
often with considerable success.
AT the marriage of Miea Elsie Pelton,
of Innerkip, to John Weiber, ofTaviatook,
on Thursday afternoon, of Inst week,
Rev. Mr. Elliott, Baptist minister, of
Taviseook, performed the a ceremony.
Mise Frank Pelton, of Bruesele, was the
bridesmaid, and Gideon Weiber, of New
Hamburg, the groomsman. The wed-
ding gifts bespoke the popularity of the
bride. Mr. a •1 Mrs. Weiber left on a
wedding trip'„ Buffalo, and other pointe
before eettline down to housekeeping in
Tam Atwood Bee says of a former Brue-
elite :—"Geo, Anderson was in Hamil•
on this week purahaaing a full stook of
inware, and e. complete tinware plant,
nd will open a shop in the premises oue
nor North of McKoy's grocery. George
s a steady -going young man, a first-class
mechanic, and his many friends in town
nd country will be glad to see him euc-
eed. He is a son of our townsman,
Robert Anderson, and a native of Atwood.
We bespeak for him a generous share of
ublie patronage." George's old friends
ere wish bim success.
Brczawse.—TheClevetand Swell Speoial
ioyole, for which A. M. McKay & Co.
re the agents for Brussels and locality,
s a wheel specially recommended as one
f the best on the market and no purr
baser will make a mistake in ordering
one. The latest and beet improvements
are to be found on the Cleveland. Mo -
Kay & 00, also handle the "Dominion"
and "Gorden City," worthy wheels mann•
factored in St, Catharines, The silent
steed has become so popular that no one
be without a wheel. Intending
buyers should pall and see McKay & Co.
before expending a dollar as it will pay
you to do so.
HOTEL Licmrems,—The License Oom-
miseioners for the East Riding of Huron
met at the Revere House, Brussels, on
Friday of last week, Thos. Gibson, of
Fordwioh, Chairman. The applications
for hotel licenses were considered and the
following granted :—
,A.Iiitlaa 24, 1896
f6`.�Itf.�.ti�.D,f.�. „n , 34X1 ' OF Q'tX4,D4,
'fi',e.,G�zSz g,E7'P-
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPI'>?AI, (Autheriaod) , - 82,000;000
ing I dt penolesi i all principal points tin (Warta, Quebec,Afanitoba, Uatitett States telinplanrh
ighNed Pag"siop sv Ream m.
fe A General smiting Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dieoounted,
all Drafts leaned and Oolleotions made on all pointe,
un- lntereet allowed en deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dal of deposit to date of
ved withdrawal and oomponnded half yearly.
Mk Every faoility afforded Cuetomere living at a diebagoe.
ry _:... nm
The annual dog poisoning time has
arrived and during the past week F. S. °
Scott's bound, Jas. Jon»e' spaniel, "Nip.
per, Kerr'e pointer, and other canines
have shuffled off.
CLEAN op, but don't dump rnbbieh on
the street or river bank. Take it to the
damping :Ironed on Jno. Broadfoot's
farm, adjoining the town. Tele will be
cheaper than having to pay for two haul -
THE Committee managing the McIn-
tosh & McTaggart estate, has disposed
of the Southampton saw mill to N. B.
Eby, of that village, for the sum of $600.
The Committee have a line farm near
Winnipeg that they will sell at a bargain.
MONTANA,—A enbeoriher remitting
from Great Fall. Montana, on April 10th
eaye :—We bad a very open Winter and
a great deal of sickness. There is more
snow this morning than we had at any
one time all Winter. The Reeding is
nearly all done here as they pct in the
seed early to catch the moisture, ae we
rarely have rain after May until the
snow comes, 00 you can imagine what it
is like here on a windy day in Jnly or 1
August. On account of being a little
bite in renewing sebsoription to THE
Par I enoloee payment for two years.
BnuEnone' ATTENTION,—A. Romig is the
owner of the well bred have called "Gus.
leer," raved 2.891, trial 2.28, half mile
in 1.10 as a three year-old ; golden bay
in color ; 16 hands high ; weighs 1,100
pounds. He was bred by Richard In-
gram, of Brooklyn, N. Y., aired by Au.
sante. (1567), private trial 2,21, son on
Volunteer (55) ; de.m of Augustus is
Saesie, record 2.21, by Hampshire Boy
11008) record 2.24 ; dam of Gusteer ie
Dauntless, private trial 2.27a, by Willie
Harry Clay (45) ; second dam, Doll by
Canines Omega M. Clay ; third dam,
Watson Mare by Long Island Blaok
Hawk {24) • Volunteer (56) the grand sire
of Gusted has about 160 in the 2.20 list
and hnndrede in the 2.80 list; Volunteer
1155) is also sire of St. Julian 2.11}, Alley
2.19, driver 2.10}, Domeatio 2.24Gloster
2.17, Bodine 2.10j:, Amy 2.291, huntress
2.201. Gusteer will stand at hie own
stable, Amarioan Honee, Bruseele. By
season, 510.00 ; to insure, $12.00. A.
Mosta, owner.
MONDAY evening J. J. Denman present-
ed the meohaniaal production of the Pas-
sion Play in the Town Hall, Brussels.
The.varions figures are made of oompoei•
tion and by a somewhat oomplioated ar•
eangement of wires make their appear.
•aloe at the appointed time in the lecture
and pass out of sight. In addition to
these there are seven pa • •I scenes at the
front of the platform, representing the
marriage feast in Cana ; Peter denying
Christ ; Pilate's Hall ; the Last Supper ;
Joseph's Dream ; Christ at the Pool of
Siloam ; the Birth of Christ. Carl A.
Schmidt, formerly of Nuremberg, Ger-
many,SOntand manow of nnfaothrerr,t workingiv !e at it
from 1870 to 1892. It is certainly a me.
ohanioal wonder. Mr. Denman gives a
lecture along with the scenes, explanatory
of each, 11.0 proeented. A matinee was
given at 4:15 to the eohool ;children,
Harry ltobb will fill the position of ad.
vanoe'agent and a regular circuit will be
made of the towns and villages.
Brussels, Harry James, Revere
Hoene ; A, Kmnig, American ; Jas.
O'Leary, Queen's ; C. Ztlliax,
Jamestown, Thos. McEwen, beer
and wine license.
Belgrave, E. Livingston.
Bluevale, Ino. McDonald.
Belmore, Jno. Le.monby.
Lakelet, Jas. Gallangher.
Gerrie, Geo. Brown, J. McKenzie.
Fordwich, Alex. Orr.
Wroxeter, Inc.Gofton, Richard Rose.
Molesworth, Chas. Seehafor.
Ethel, Joseph Querrin.
Cranbrook, Jacob Long.
Walton, Mre. Sage. Geo. MoKim'e
application laid over until next
Leadbury, Thos. Jones. ° t
Dublin, Thos. Crawford.
Board will hall their next meeting on
May 4th, at the American Hotel, to sign
Ramis, distribute 'grants and prepare
Hanna Mama. Asso°1ATio0.—The
regular meeting of the Huron llledioal
Association wee held in Olinton on Wed•
nesday, the 15th inst., when a very in-
teresting program was presented. Dr.
Shaw, President, occupied the chair.
There were present Drs. Amos, Exeter ;
Graham, Brussels ; McGinnis, Deaver
and Bethune, Seaforth ; Armetroog,
Brucefield • Agnew,ondeeboro' ;
Thompson, Masan ; McKenzie, Monk -
ton ; Rutherford, Listowel ; MoPhedran,
:Toronto ; Shaw, Freeborn, Gunn and
Turnbull, Clinton, Dr. Amos, of Exeter,
presented a came of Martial euleroeie of
eprnal cord following Injury, Dr. Dew -
et, Seaforth, read a paper on Aoute
Nephritis. Dr, MOGinnie,Seaforbb, read
a paper on a case of epilepsy complicated
with a lesion of the kidney. Dr. Thomp-
son, Hornell, preeented a case in practice.
After each paper a disouesion followed,
taken part in by a number of time pree
ant, Dr, Melhedren, Professor of Clini-
cal Medioine in the University of Toron-
to, read a very interesting paper on
Peripheral Neuritic, wllioh was very
mach appreciated by the members. A
dis0useion followed, during which Dr.
Gunn related the history and terminations
of d few very interesting cases of this
disease that had occurred in his praotioe.
At this oonolueion a hearty vote of thanks
was given to Dr, McPhedran for hie able
paper, and he was made an honorary
member of the eociety. The meeting
then adjourned to meet again in July,
MENET MOONEY had his left arm and
the hack of his hand soalded last week
with steam from the boiler at the salt
blools pumping house where he runs, the
THE fife and deem band was out for a
march on Monday evening and serenaded
B. Gerry. The boys play very well and
with continued practice will hustle the
beet of them by July 12th.
D1E».—Monday evening of this week
Willie, the bright little son of. Gomer
Green, died at the reeidenoe of his
parents, Mill street, Brussels. aged 6
years, 1 month and 14 days. The cause
of death was measles followed by inflam-
mation of the lunge, Funeral took plane
on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. G. H.
Oohblediok conducting the service in the
absence of Rev. Jut). Ross. Interment
was made in Breeeele cemetery. Sincere
sympathy is expressed for Me, and Mre.
Green in the decease of their little son.
R. Ronan, the well known trainer, has
Jae. O'Leary's swift footed pacer "Maple
Leaf" and the likely trotter "O'Donnell,"
belonging to the same gentleman in
training on Brussels traok, and along
with "Paddy,' owned by Ino, Roach,
of Seaforth, the equines are showing up
well. Ben. Dunlop's "Reddy" is in great
fettle and will make some of the lively
goers hustle as they have never done be.
fore. "Costumer," the well bred fatal.
lion porohased by Messrs. Soobt & War-
wick at New Yopk, has wintered well
and aan go his mile at a lively clip. In
tidal -hie to the young horses owned by A.
Stre'he,,, Doo. Warwick, P. Ferguson,
Been 0 I' •.a, an,' nihere, A. Koenig'e
stallion ' (Sestet -a" with a record of
2:39k, is a valuable acquisition to Brus-
sels string of worthy animals. The traok
ie in firet.olaes shape and is now a popu-
lar resort fns both horse training and
bicycling. It is stated that several other
outside horses will be placed in Mr.
Roach's hands, as his reputation in
handling fast stook is provincial.
Business Locals,
amnia seed oheap at fifcCracken's.
FRESH bulk field and garden seeds at
CLOY= and timothy seed for Bale.
Baelter & Vnnotone.
Ws repair boots and shoes and rub -
beta neat and cheap. I. 0. Richards.
TInooTur and clover seed for gale at
SPRING hats male over in the latest
styles. Mos. Hums, Mill St.
REPAIRS on harness and collarsprompt•
ly attended to. I. 0. Richards.
Ws warrant all our Dollars and antis.
faction guaranteed: I. 0. Richards.
CASH for hides and sheep skins at A.
Currie's butcher shop, Brussels.
FRED hand crayon enlarging done op
A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith block.
A MOE stook of trunks and valises ou
ban d and sold close to Dost.
I. C. Richards,
Commons= rooms for a small family
to rent above my •store. W. H. Mo.
MAPLE sugar tiros tvil1 soon be here.
Get sap pails, pane and epilee at Wilton
& Turnbull's,
A NNW set of single harness for sale,
fireb.olaes. Will be sold at a bargain.
Jas. Walker, Brussels.
ANY person wanting timber out will
find saw filer T. McGregor, of Brussels,
to be a hustler in that line.
BEE our single harness at $10.00, and
oar nickel silver at $12.0O3 beet value in
the County, I. C. Riebards.
DWELLING to rent over my store, pos-
session can be given at one. No oarry•
ing of water op or down, as there ie a
pump and waste pipes in kitoben. Rent
reasonable. I. 0. Richards.
WANTED. -1,000 cords of basetvood
headingbolta, 40 inches long. Must be
good size and quality, for whioh highest
price will be paid. J. & P. Ament, Bras -
sets, Ont,
Bees Fon HATCHING.—The undersigned
can supply eggs for setting from pure
bred White Leghorn or Bleck Minoroae.
$1.00 per setting of 13. S. SaALE, Bruit -
2 second-hand buggies for sale. One ie
about ae good as new, with new lined tap.
The other has been newly painted and is
in good shape. Apply to B. Gerry, Brue.
KARL'e Clover Root, the great Blood -
Pallier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25 ate, 50 ate and $1.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Bruseele.
To Menem—Call at D. Ewae'S black.
smith snap aad see the best roller on the
market, It pays to boy the best. Prieee
away down. The Coleman roller, D.
EWAN, agent, Brussels,
Snuon's cure is Bold on a guarantee.
It ouree incipient ooneumption. It is
the best cough ours. Only one cent a
dose. 25 ate., 60 ole. and $1.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Dios. Joss OumnoE, Brussels, would like
a place with a farmer for the coming
Summer and Winter, where her eon, Mil.
ton, 13 years of age, could pay for his
board by doing chores while he attends
school, He is aeenetomed to farm Work.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal, says :—"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any goad." Priori 60
oente. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Bros -
florist, Brussels, has a rare and beautiful
collection offlowere and planbe this sea-
son and is in a better position than ever
to anis the public). He will also have the
usual range of garden .planta, snob as
cabbage, tomatoes, &o. It you roquiro
anything in this line call on or write Mr.
Fossa lithe for sale. Apply to D. A.
Lowry, Brpesele.
Cnnlorrs.--Any ono desiring earpete
will do well to wall at the Brussels Wool-
en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
have the largest assortment of sampled
ever shown in this locality; 'ranging in
price from 80e. to $1.00. Idow% & Co.
PAZNTxuo, &o,—The undersigned, hav-
ing entered into partnership, are prepar-
ed to do all kindsof work in thefoilotving
lines Plain and ornamental painting,
kaleomining, frescoing, paperhanging,
sign -writing, &o., &o. Remember our
motto, "Firot•olase work and reasonable
charges," S Emma. & RxTannE,
Birt has all the neoeseary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is,prepar.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells gleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
seooud door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34.11
a0r i.;
STEwART.—In Bruesele, on April 22nd,
the wife of Mr. J. A. Stewart, of the
Standard Bank, of a son,
Lowen.—At Wir,gham, on April 14th,
the wife of Rev. Wm. Lowe of a son.
JAmcia'1—T1IrnsexLt,—At Listowel, on
Wudneeday, April 15th, 1896, byRev,
Wm. Cooper, 13, A., Der. Elijah Cope-
land Jaoklin, of the township of
Grey, to Miss Christina Maud Tries -
sell, of the township of Tnrnberry.
Testae—CAnran•—In Brussels, an Wed-
nesday, 22nd inst., by Rev, G. H.
Oobblediek, B. D., Mr, John Tam-
an, Lf Goderiob, to Mies Sarah,
youngest daughter of Mr. John
Carter, of Brussels.
MEN1IEe—ELLIOTT.—At Ethel, on April
20th, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Jae.
Menzies, of Molesworth, to Miss
Christens, second daughter of Mr.
Wm. Elliott, of Ethel.
Fnasin.-1n Morris, on April 14th, Jen-
nie Thyne, wife of Wm. Fraser,
aged 28 years and 4 months.
OLow.—In East Wawanoeh, on April
13th, Margaret Clow, aged 79 years,
3 months and 24 days.
GREEN.—.En Brussels, on Monday, April
20th, William, son of Gomer and
Eliza Green, aged 8 years, 4 months
and 14 days.
Sturm—In Morris, on April 1811), Jeanet,
beloved wile of George Smith, aged
66 years, 2 months and 22 days.
THOHIPsoN.—Ie °Elmo, on April 14th,
• Jane Thompson, aged 81 years, 10
months and 16 days.
MmNE.—Iu Howiok, on April 12th, Mre.
Charlotte E. Milne, aged 58 years.
First mortgagge, farm eeaurity, Apply
atr THA POST Publtebing Hoven, Rroeoale.'
DESIRABLERESIDENCE5011 SALIN.—Lots 220 and 221, Queen et.
Tor ms reasonable to a cash purchaser. Ap-
pl 5. on the premises or to
W. M. S1800LAIR.
sen nO .—el feetlone, to be
delivered between now and Juue let, for
which the highest oaeh prion will bo paid,.
14, LEATHE1oDALE, Bry seals.
Alen lino of Brantford and Griffith's Bicy-
cles onhand, also 1 second baud wheels. 10
per cent. discount o@ during April.
Pipe farm, at1vlinl o than more
heyp need and will
be open to take a limited number of horses
or cattle.: Apply t0 JAS. SHARP,
01' WM. AMB8.
�5 OASB. AND $5.00 PER
klJ mouth for O months 'will buya
lady's or gent's bicycle, guaranteed for le
months, with pneumatic tires, 505 cash will
buy one with new pneumatic tires last year,
Druggists, Opticians, &a.
stoma, has leased the Robertson farm,
2 miles from liruesela, and is prepared to
babe 1n a down head of cattle for ptcasturage,
A'or er, Brussels,
apply to GE of
Grocer, Brussels, or
Volunteer's Attention
The Bruesele Volunteer Company will go
into camp in Juno next, A11 men Seething to
joie may do so by applying to 0,F. BLAIR,
Lieut„ Brussels, or to 1t, S. BAYS, Captain
Tendert Wanted,
Whole or eopparate tenders will be received
by the undersigned until Tueeday, April 201h,
at 0 p, m, for leveling the salmi grow rid e,
putting down walks and buildingtrellis
foaco, Particulars may be had by applying
to the Secretary.
R. K. Russ,
Secretary Public Sehoed Board.
FARMS OoFORn oSA e e ou the 00
acres—annd� 8th..Conooesions, Township of Grey,. be
ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 64
miles from Bruaeale, 40 ,teras of Fall wheat
sown anti about 80 acres under grass; 00
aoroe cleared on mob. Termsof payor ant
84- A, DIc1i1;LVEY,
Owe Pim of Doing 1317.olnoso
Makes it as safe for a child to buy 11s for parents them-
selves—under no possible eirotunptauoo 0011 you fail to bo sati8-
fiod. No matter of a blind person makes a purchase here the
purchase !honey will 130 refunded ]promptly if the buyer wants
it. Wo haven't the least desire to sell anything to a customer
if it isn't exactly suitable, desirable enol reliable. Wo are never
satisfied unless our patrons aro satisfied.
We hand now in stook the following for disinfectant purposes :
Chloride of Lime, Copperas, Carbolic Acid, Tiitt1. 1
le's Soluble
Phenyl, Blue Vitriol, Pure Paris Green for Spraying purposes.
nnnsIGNEDhas several good Farms for CONVEYANCING.
sale and to roue, easy terms, in TownehipIis
of Norris and Grey, F 8. SCOTT, Bruseele-
Sprineneld, 8 acres
from Wignipeg, land
e er-
ed for sale at &low price. The property 30
North Rust i See, 10, Twp, 11, Range 4, East,
Thera is a boueo ou the premises and some
breaking done, For full p artioulare Steto
price, title &o„ write 0r apply to
0.10,1)14180 or W. H. KEIRR,
20.61 Brussels, Ont.
andoreicnod will keep for eervioe'on
L01 28, Coo. 15, Gray, the thorn' -bred Cheater
White Boar, Duke," bred by Daniel Do -
Conroy, Bornholm, Terms, 81.00, to be paid
at time of service with privilege of return-
ing if meooeeafy. Pedigree may bemoan ou
applioatlon. HARTWEL L SPbIBAN, Sr.
87.8. Proprietor.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 26, Con. 0, Morris, the thorn' bred im-
proved Whits Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from 3,10. Brethoor'e sweepetakes sow
at Chicago Fair. Terms, 81.00 to be paid
at the time
turning if necessary. Pedigree seen
on application.
undersigned will )seep for service on
Lob 80, Con. 8, Morris, the thoro'-bred Large
English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John."
His mother is a full sister to the 1st prize
sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be
Produced on application, Terme-81,00 to
be pail at time of service with privilege of
returning if necessary.
14-8m JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor.
Bull for Service.
The unduteigaerhvilL troop for service on J A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D.
Lot O, Con. 11, Grey, a there' bred Durham O. M., L. R. U.P., Edinburgh, M. 0, p,
bull• Pedigree may be seen ou application. S. Ont, Residence and office in Weon'e
Terms $1,00 to be paid at time of oenvloe Block, corner of Allll and Tnrnberry Ste.
with privilege of returning if necessary.
Proprietor. cJ • Pbyaioian, Surgeon Accoqyuober, etc.
Faculty a Member of College of Phyei tans
and Surgeons, Ont. OFFIo1—Next door to
Mal)enald & Co„ Walton Ont,
• Solicitor end oonveyaneer. Collect -
Moue made, Ofios—Vanotone'a'Block, Bras-
eele, 21.8m
• Solicitor Conyeyanoer,NOtaryPub-
110, &a. Office-'Faustone's Blook, 1 doer
north of Central Hotel, Private Feuds to
Cameron')�B Barrister and Solicitor,, Gederlah
Out, Ofice—Hamilton St., Opposite Col-
borne Hotel,
Solicitor, 40. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot'e Office, Goderfob.) Office over
Gillloe&. Smith's B ank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 44
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons.
Grown and Bridge work a specialty,Moder-
rettarronbrover bbershpur arny St., Brus-
t • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseasesof domesticated animals In a com-
petent manner. Partioular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls prompt] at-
tended to, Office and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge •rernbsrry et., Brussels.
Ancient Order of United Workmen,
This Benevolent and Fraternal
Society is the Oldest and
Strongest of the kind in
- America.
Bach member secures to his family, at his
death, 32,00000 or 81,000.00, at hie option.
The yearly assessment on the former ie only
610.00 and on the latter 38.00, ou good
healthy mon between the ages of 21 and 45
years. A large lodge is in operation in Brea..
eels. Why not join yourself and acme for
your family, in ease of four being called
away. a handsome sum for their support 11
lleeorder; J. A. 01101Gf1TON,Fina eler.
Taro notice that the above named debtor
has made an assignment to mo bearing date,
tbo Fourteenth Day of April, A. D„1800, un-
der the provisions of "Au Act reopootiug as-
signments and preterenoes by Insolvent per-
sons," being chapter 124 of the Revised Stat-
utes of Ontario, and amending auto.
A meeting of the creditors of the said deb-
tor is hereby convened and will be held at
the Office of my Soliaitor, W. M. Sinclair, in
the said Village of Bruesele, at the hour of
Four O'olook iu tho afternoon, on Thursday,
the Thirtieth Day of April. A. D., 1896, for
the appointment of Inspectors and the giv-
ing of direetione concerning the managp-
mont and disposal of the estate.
Every poreon claiming to be entitled to
rank upon the estate, is required to furnish
to the said W, 00. SiuoIair, ou or before the
said Thirtieth Day of April, Poll particulars
of their claims. proved by affidavit, together
with Buell vouchers as the naso admits of.
Dated ab Brussels thie Sixteenth Day of
April, A.10., lege.
Solicitor for Assignee. Aesiguee,
GREY, IN was 0000011 018 HURON, FAR.
Notice le hereby given pursuant to R.8, 0.,
1887, chapter 110, that all moaners and all
other Pereena having any claim or demand
against the. estate of the said John Glassier,
deceased, who died on or about .the Four-
teenth clay of Mareh,1000, are required on or.
poet,ppre! First
d, rleliof
to 0.2. Blair, of tby
Village of Brussels, in the Oonnty of iurou
Solicitor for John Glassier, Executor of the
estate of the said dooeasod, their name0 and
addressee and =emotions with full partic-
ulars of their claims and statements of their
memento and the nature of the :securities (if
any) hold by them. And further noble° is
hereby givou that after seal last mentioned
date, the said Exooutore will pr0000d to die -
Winne the assets of the said d0opaeed
onlyPtotthe claims ofhwh li notice
olrall-hays hoed given as aforesaid aha the
said Executor will not be liable for the said
aaeete or any part thereof to any person or
persona of whoa.) claim notice shall not have
been received by Rim at the time of euoh
distribution as aforesaid,
G. 8olioltort;olrYtile 18xooator..
Dated at D teesols April 15, 1890.
at his Grooary, Turnbenrygstrreet, Brussels.
LIi• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Neat door
south of A.111. MoRay & Co', hardware store.
LadleWand obildrenshair cutting a specialty
Savings Bank takes Deposita from
91.00 to • 91,108 and allows 3i per cent.
interest. T. FARROW,
87.8m Postmaetor.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
0131I010 AT JPwELRY 510110.
0 No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Bruseele,
et0oaIt asuranos a fcedn Town Fom
Property at very lose rotes.
I 15.8m J. A. C1tEIGHTON,
Agent, Brussels.
Clerk of the Fourth Division °our
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan, OOIleetions made
Office in Grahame Block, Bruesele
Organist in St, John's Churn, 13rus-
sela, will giye lessons to pupils oitbor on
piano or organ, at his parlor in the Smith
block, Brussels, Vooal loosens alsoiven.
Ten years experience in teaching. Terme
Licensed Auatloneor. Sales conduct
odou reasonable terms, Faring and farm.
titmice specialty. Ordure left at Tan Poor
PubllohingFloe ae,Brueeele,or sentto Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention,
�s.' • E>m, 00111 mill for better prices, to
better mon In ase time and loos charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Pluton
or he won't charge anythingg Dates and
ordure eon always bo arranged. at thle olflee
or by personal application.
Bull for Service,
The underaiguod will keep for MINIM on
Le"' 10 and 17 0011.10, Grey, a there' bred
Durham bull with registered pedigree.
Terms 81.80, to be paid at time of service
With prlVilogo of roterui° if 2100090a27.THOS. BROWN,
80.2m Proprietor.