HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-4-24, Page 5d l'lilfL 4, 1800
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The arloket oluh hoe been re•er feanized
ander very favorable auepleee and every,
tiring pointe to a aiteeeeerni aeuson. The
ofiio9rs eleoted were I—Patron, Mr, 001d.
well ; lion. President, 1kfr. Helmeted
Presiden6, Mr. i'anoherd ; let Vine.
President, Me. Roberto ; end Vise-Presi.
dent, W. O. Reid ] Se oretaryTreaeurer,
0.1. Schmidt; Field Captain, E. Ogle,
man ; Committee of Management—Moo.
ers, Coleman, Roberto, Pierce, Wilson,
Gregg and selimidt.
ifil-p tit.
Our fire company wee pub for praotioe
on Wednesday evening,
Mine Millie Bell, of Belgrave, visited
ender the parental roof on Sunday.
NeGni & Qowan are getting the timber
in shape for putting up e barn for Will,
Mrs, Helps has rented lrer'rvsidenoe in
town and ie going to move to Wingbam
thie week,
Oar eseeseor, .John AleGiil has got
through this year's armament roll and
returned it.
Rev, A. MaLoan left here on Monday
to attend the Presbyterian Synod whioh
is being held inCbatham this week.
On Moinday the regular sittings of the.
12bh Division Court was held before His
Honor Judge Doyle in Indoetry 'Hall, A
number of cages were brought before hie
Honor for bearing.
On Sunday afternoon the remains of
the late ,Tames Vanoamp, 013 old resident
of Emit Wawenoeb, palmed through our
burg to the Union .cemetery for inter-
ment, followed by a large number of nor•
rowing frienda.
Mole teiworth.
Mre. Sharpie is much improved of
Mrs, Jas. Stewartfe no better. She is
very low.
Mrs. Seehever bas presented Oharlie
with a young sou.
Mise Dean. formerly of our village, is
renewingaoquaintanoes here.
W. Robertson and wife left for their
new home neat Bluevale. J. Menzies,
father of Mre. Robertson„ will reside
with them.
Wednesday evening of. Iaet week Jae.
Menzies brought bome hie young bride
Irene Ethel, at whish plane he was united
in the bonds of metrimoay to Mise T.
Elliott We wish the young couple peace
and prosperity.
As Spring bas again come round new
life seems to be infusing the buys sod
sports fill their brains. Some are for
eyoline, viz„ J. Meiklejohn, B. H. Mc-
Kee H. R. Spence and others, while
many are for football, for which our vil-
lage will put up •en entsrprieing team,
Others again take the pugilistic eide and
give public exhibitions. We are sorry
for oor friends from. a distance, but they
may soon learn that ours is a peaceful
villa if let alone, but solid as a rook
against breakers of the peace.
Rev. D. B. McRae preached in Wrox•
eterlest Sabbath.
Freshlime may be had et any time at
the Oranbrook kiln.
Asse4eor Reymann finished his work
of assessing this week,
Jake Long disposed of his sorrel driver
last week for a large figure.
Farmers are securing their flax seed at
the Cranbrook mill for 1806 crop.
A "Shake -your -feet" was held at M.
Reymann'e, East of the village, last
Wednesday evening.
An excellent literary program was
rendered at the meeting of the Epworth
League on Tuesday evening.
It is said that Geo. Coate is about t0
be appointed, police magistrate for our
village. Crenbrook needs him very bad-
Rov. R. F. Cameron, who returned
from Knox Oollege on Saturday last,
000upied the pulpit of Knox oburoh on
John Ritchie purchased a horse this
week and is now on the road delivering
goods and taking in exchange farm pro-
Many of our citizens will be glad to
learn that a Brussels baker delivers fresh
bread in our village three times a week,
to be had at any time at Mrs. Ritchie's
After a very anoaesefnl wood -bee at
Sohn Knight's, on Thursday afternoon of
last week, the boys present, and each
with his best girl, enjoyed an excellent
eveniug'e entertainment, consisting of
dancing, games, and sitting in the corner.
An wbo were present declare that leap
year Mille are nob in it.
A number of the Sabbath Schools that
have been closed during the Winter,
contemplate opening on the first Sab-
bath in May.
Jonathan Hewitt has gone to the $oase
of Refuge at Clinton owing to 111 health
and the abeenee of friends to properly
eare for him,
Rev. 31. V. Smith arrived home from
Montreal last week, where he has been
attending College. Ile will visit in this
locality for a while.
The oontreat for the new brink eohool
house, known as Turnbull's, 16th oon„
was let to W. Penal, Ethel, at$800, The
building will be 28x42, with 12 font wails.
Centred is to
be completed by Oct. 106h,
There were six
New N woodwork
will be put on the eobool desks.
Urarteutatu.—On Wednesday, April 15th,
at the manse, Lietowel, a very pretty
wedding took pleas, it being the marriage
of Mies Chrietintt M., only daughter of
Mrs. Moffatt, ;of Morris/mak, to Lide C.
Jaolclin, of the 5th oon., Grey, Lille ie a
most highly and much respected young
fernier. The ceremony was performed
by the Ravi Mr, Cooper, who tied the
knob in orthodox -Presbyterian etyle,
'11he amiable young bride, who is very
popular owing to her social 'standing, was
beabtifnlly attired in pale blue silk trim.
reed with lane, ribbons, &o„ and wore a
long silk veil. The bride carried a uioe
bogtret of natural flowers. Mies Millie
Jaoklin, sister of the bridegroom, attend-
ed its bridesmaid, while the groom was
accompanied by herb, Proudliffe, who
performed hie duty in the heat style.
Hearty eongratuiatione were extended to
the newly married couple, and they begin
life with the best wishes of a large circle
of Friends. May they .eail peacefully over
the sea of life with Much joy and success'
in their new relationship and a bright and
happy future.
Herman Hill had e wreetle with the
menthes beet week,
Mre, J, 0, Heffernan and feenily, .of
Trent Oreelt, bfuekolte, have been vieib.
Mg et Jno. 11follina'on's for tete pest week.
15th eons, badythe mielor une of Millet
a bed Dat on Me right foot Poet Tutted
etterneen, NO Wee putting np a sbrai
rail lanae sod while ohopping off the end
of a rail the axe Otte* the Woe and
glanced w his foot, nearly getting off the
ed, and it wg boe, est se lfeaared'liett oaid e ere sever.
bleed to
death, A ph eioi en wee speedily eeoured
who put in flee stitches m binding up
the Weupd. Mr, popsy will be laid up
for some time,
cause of 114os, Smith's death, The family
is deeply sympathised with in their on.
expelled bereavement.
DTr, Andrecve, el Wroxeter, took .Rev,
0. O. ltalne's work lust Sabbath.
gh0lar, and Mre, Simpson have improved
coneiderably in health, we are pleaeed to
Eight pars of square timber were load
ed at our station -Oita week for nhipmert
Mr, Beattie, of Varna, who euoeeede
Mr. Honeberger, hoe opened out tt new
stook of geode, Hie Pieter keops bowie
for elite.
Last Sebbabh Rev. D, B. McRae was
preaching at Wroxeter, Hie pelpib here
was very acceptably filled by Rev. R. F,
Cameron, who hoe just completed hie
course aline,/ linpx College, Toronto.
The Holloway family have removed 10
Wingbam where Mr, Holloway Is follow•
ing hie trade, 'There is room for good
shoemaker in Ethel. By the 'removal of
Mee Holloway the Librarianebip of the
Public Library beoomoa vacant.
MA'rarntonrne _Wednesday of last week
Rev. D. l3, MoRns'tied the matrimonial
knot between James Menzies, of Malec•.
worth, and Mims Christens, second
daughter of Wm. Elliott, of this plane.
The oeremony was performed at the
home.o£ the bride in the presence of the
neer relatives of the eontraeting particle
Mr, and Mrs. Menzies are accorded the
goodwishesof a large oirale of friends
for a happy and prosperous future.
W r00JltftSfl.
Wroxe ten
Mise Sarah Bray hoe gone 6o Stanton,
Mr, Farrow, father of oar popular vet.,
was in town last week.
Mees Mary Hayden has been on the
sick list for a few Jaye.
Wm. Wilson is having new steps put
up in front of his reeidenoe.
There in a proposal to unite the Wine.
eter K. 0. T. M, with Gerrie tent,
W. 0. Andrews preaohed on Euler
circuit last Sunday for Rev. 0. 0, Raine.
W. 0. 'Andrews, of London, cousin' of
our genial station agent, spent a few days
in town.
Bev. Mr, Anderson ie exfieoted borne
next week. 'A hearty reception is being
W. M. B. Simile has gone to Grand
Valley to take the practice of Dr. Hopkins
for a few months.
Hamilton & Sanderson are shipping+
hogs and cattle Bast. Three car -loads
were forwarded Tuesday.
Solomon and Will, Ringler are leaving
for the Summer to be employed as brick.
makera in the Culross yard.
Wm. Johnston bag removed from -Me
farm' to Gerrie. He purposes working at
his trade as house painter for the Sum.
Geo. French, of British Columbia, has
settled in town with his family. He will
occupy the house vacated by Mrs. John
Rev. A. E. Birks, B. A„ of Teeewater,
preached an Eduoational eerinon in the
Methodist ahuroh Sunday evening. His
address was very highly appreciated,
J. W, Sanderson bas purohased a gro.
eery in Toronto and will be Ieaving town
at once. J. W. will be greatly missed,
espeoially when any sport is on the tapie,
R, Miller met with a bad mishap by
falling through the floor of hie barn
rendering him unooneoioue forsome time.
His left shoulder blade was broken. He
is able to get about but ie still sore.
The Leagns of the Methodist church
gave a patriobio literary program on
"Canaan Our Home" last Monday even-
ing. There was a large audience. Mies'
Charlotte Leckie occupied the chair,
A. Goobel has bought a jewelry estate
Bailment and stook in Mitchell and is
removing this week. A gentleman Prom
Mildmay is coming to take bis place.
We wish Mr. Gcebel the sneoese he de-
.BioVIA e:.
Jahn Nethery, it ie rumored, will put
np a new kitchen this season.
The enemies' are having their innings
on the sixth this Met week or so.
A new bridge at Sunehioe was ordered
at the epeoial meeting of the Donna last
James Smith, of Niagara Falls, was
here this week attending the funeral of
hie mother.
Jas. Kerncghan, who has been quite
poorly for some time bath, is, we are glad
to say, improving nicely.
Alex. Nichol, sr„ has had his canoes-
eion fonoe recently re -erected. This is a
move in the riebt direction.
Wm. Smith and G. Pratt have recent-
ly been cutting wood for W. H. Mc
Gatemen. They are adepts at the Mud.
Joseph Smith, of the 6th eon., is not as
well as hiemany friends would wish, but
we tenet he will soon be fully restored to
his usual good health.
Jana Iiernagban bad a wood -bee Wed-
nesday of last week which was well at.
tended. They auoceeded in getting a
goodly amount of wood eat.
Elliott & Glonkey, contractors, &o., are
engaged at present in putting up Peter
Oantelon's new kitchen. When com-
pleted it will be a comfortable residence
This township will be further repro•
tented at the House of Refuge, Clinton,
by the addition of Geo. Scott who is un-
able to provide the necessary where-with--
herewith-all to maintain himself.
Peter Oaatelon, 6th oon., bee got his
new house up and nearly finished. Times
are changed as he says we are going to
have a "Grit" Government. Hope you
are right Peter,
Thos. Walker, 6th eon,, is laid up with
the measles. We hope to see him around
soon. Jas. Maxwell, who is hired with
Jno. Robb, on the 6th eon., is also down
with the measles.
"Wbo oan beat me 7" says Leonard Rus-
sell, of the 6th son, He sowed four aures
with grass need in three-quarters of an
hour. "Bot mind, boys, it was near sup-
per time and no gravel stack to my
The Clinton News -Record says:—Mrs.
Robert Blair, of Morrie, who a few days
since underwent a surgical operation at
the residence of John Johnston, Rattan.
bury street wrest, is doing ninety, Mr.
Blair was alert
y on the 7111 line visited a
neighbor's bush the other eight and had
a "sugar oil" on their own account.
They left three cents and a pack of garde
behind them as a email oompsneation
for the maple extract.
W. Ferguson and W. Ronal will abort-
ly etarb their season's work, having scour•
ed a number of jobs from good, reliable
teen, These gentlemen are drsb-atass
stone masons andany work given to them
will be done in A 1 abape. W. Thnell
intends starting in a few days too ab hie
contraote. Mr. Thuoll has a goodly nure-
bar of walls to build. W. T. is an old
hand at the business,
Semen Dm:A. M.—Mrs, George Smith
died at her reeidonoe, 8th line, last Sat.
urday night after a Very brief illness of
abort a clay, bar dsoeaee being a matter
of very sad.eurpriee to the community.
In addit]bn to her husband, who is in
poor health, five sorts' survive, vu:—
George, of Wallow ; William, in Mahito.
ba ; Alex., on the homestead Jno., of
Bruesols ; and Jamee, of Niagara Falls,
The funeral an Monday afternoon was
argely attended. Service wag aondtbeted
by Rev. W. Pomeroy, assisted by Rev. D,
Forrest. Heart failure is geld to be the
W. 3. Ohapman now has a staff of
twenty -live girls in his glove department,
G. H. Irwin has big plane all ready 'to
go on with the building of a beautiful
story and a half brick house.
Geo.-Duffeld's fox terrier, "Doe." corn.
mittedsuicide by jumping into an air
hole in the las on the river. No inquest.
Dr, Chisholm has commenced the erec-
tion of another brink residence on Jos-
ephine street, on the hill North of the
W. R. Belden is leaving town, having
sold out his business to a company known
as the Star Pboto, Co„ of which Mr. Rob.
ins, of St. Marys, is the bead.
Leotnre in the Methodist (church,
Wingbam, on Tuesday evening, the 28th
inst. Rev. Jos. Edge, of Goderioh, will
deliver hie popular lecture on 'Take
borne things you borrow."
The members of toe Alert Fire Oa. are
completing arrangements for holding a
concerti in the -.Town Hall at some date in
the near future, the funds to go towards
furnishing a room in the Town Hall,
which will hereafter be firemen's head-
quarters. Two of the firemen will sleep
In theroom so auto be close at hand to
the hose -house in case of fire.
Al. Proctor, who trained a number of
horses on the rase course here last season,
bas arrived in town again with four
horses to train. They are all, amnpere-
tively speaking, green horses, and are as
follows :—Lain B„ the property of Mr.
Proctor, a promising young mare; Harry
Wilitea, by Harry Wilkes, eligible for the
three-minute class ; Sid Donovan, by
Sidney, a three•year-old ; a two.year-old
by Ben L., that is entered in the Breed.
ars' Stakes to be trotted at the next To.
ronto Pair,
A. Provincial detective was here col-
lecting further evidence in the Fields
ease. He seemed to have the matter
well in hand. A great many citizens are'
either directly or indirectly connected
with the affair. The debeotive stated
that he bad not decided whether he
would make further arrests at present or
not. He went from here to Goderieh to
complete his preparations for the trial
which will take place May llth,
At the annual business meeting in con -
ration with e Wingham Methodist
bbath school the reports of the different
officers were received, showing the school
to be in a flourishing oondition, having
an entire membership of 884, composed
of 34 teachers and officers and 850 schol-
ars, and the average of entire school for
the year being 238, The total receipts
for the year were $286.17, total expendi-
tura during the year, $254.01, leaving a
balance on hand of $81,26. The follow-
ing were eleoted officers for the ensuing
year :—Supt„ Dr. Towler ; Asst. Supt„
Ohas. Lloyd ; Seoy„ A, M. Robinson ;
Treas., W. J. Horvath ; Librarian, 3. A.
Work has aommenaed on Stratford's
new sewer system, and there will be no
unemployed men in that oily in a few
Herhert Wallis, Mechanical Superin-
tendentof the Grand Trunk, has resign-
ed, and will be outmoded on May let by
F. W. Morse, master mechanic of the
A large deputation from Montreal
waited on the Government at Ottawa,
asking a grant of half a million towards
a World's Fair in that city next year.
Premier Bowell and Sir Charble Tupper
expresasd sympathy with the enterprise,
but declined to promise any finanaial aid
until asenred that Toronto's proposed
exhibitions would not conflict with it. ,
Have you seen our
S 01 lli Tina11e?
More pieces than ever for $1.
Bicycle Accessories,
Lawn Mowers,
Screen Doors
and Windows.
We will offer the Balance of the
McGowan Stock at prices that
Clear it out in a Lively Mariner.
eYtpanI,.ense: Assortment
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Ribbons, Laces, Gloves and Hosiery,
Prints, Muslins, Cottons, Cottonades
Flannelettes, Shirtings, Ticki '
Carpets, Curtains, Rugs, Etc. ngs'
An Immense stock of Men's Working. Pants and Shirts,
Overalls and Jackets at Prices never attempted before
a Rey
made Clot:
rar, rr:STOOR Mi 2134,036.
At About Half Price, and only the Best Linings and Trimmings used.
Workmanship and Fit Guaranteed or no sale.
.411. kinds nf Farin, Produce sct,n,e as Cash.
Carriage Maker,
THE Spring Season of 1896 finds the above manufacturer with a Larger amount of
stock on hand than ever, ready for the intending Purchaser. People have no idea
what a busy place we have, Eight Employees at work in the Wood, Paint and Trim-
ming Departments.
Our Ten Years Business Experience in Brussels has been to us 10 years of Recom-
mends to the Durability and Satisfactory character of our Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs and
Cutters. Different purchasers say they would sooner have the Buggy they bought from.
us 10 years ago than any of the so called cheap rigs turned out by many to -day. We
will be glad to give the names of our customers to anybody desiring to know how Wal-
ker's Work Wears. They can speak for themselves.
a a u
Will be ready by the Queen's Birthday, out of 60 that we are building, and the Best
will be sold at Prices to compete with factory work. Our aim for 1896 is to NOT
AZA Work Guaranteed for 5 Fears
And all Breaks taking place in that term will bo Repaired FREE OF CHARGE,
which goes to show that we have abundant faith in the character of the work we
turn out. It was never BETTER than this year.
Buggies Re -Painted, li,e-Trinanied, New Wheeled and Taps Repaired
In A 1 style and at LOW Prices, Will make your ]fuggy almost as good as new,
Extra good range of Lumber 'Wagons warranted to satisfy, Road Carts ditto,
Every person intending to purchase a new Buggy should not fail to visit our Show
Booms. It will cost you nutlltng and may save you many dollars in addition to securing
a Buggy that cannot be beaten,
.�t� Carriage Builder, Brussels,
'�"v • 84 1" ChM- '■ SHOPS OpPOSrTE TOWN HALL.