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1[tae meati, ata .o irs4a nl9tl
TOWN. Directory.
MnaviZLE Onunon,—Sabbath Serviaee
at 11 a en and 7:00 p. m. Sunday Sobool
M 2;8011 m, Rev..dohn BM,
Se'. Jom'e 0111)11011,—Sabbath Seevioee
at 11 a. no and 7 p m, Sunday School
at41:80 p, m, Rev, A, K. Griffin, Mourn.
Meteneelfro Ottuaeti,—Sabbath Servioea
at 10:80 a m and .7:00 0 m. Sunday
Soboel at 2:00 p m. Rev, G, FI. Gobble.
disk, 11 A, B D, pastor.
BOMAN GArfolAll .Citation. -Sabbath
Saralee third Bentley in every month, at
10;80 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SereeetION Annie. --Service at 7 and. 11
a m and 8 and 8 p 'm on Sunday and
every evening in the week et 8 o'olools, at
the barraoks.
ODD FELLOWS' Loma every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MASoaso Lovas Tuesday at or before'
full mom, in Garfield bleak.
A 0 U W LoDms on the 8rd
Friday evoling of eaoh month, in Blas.
hill's block.
O O I' Limon 2nd end last Monday
evenings of eaab month, in Blashili's
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
L 0 L 1st Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
BONS OF SCOTLAND, let and 8rd Tues.
days of each month, in odd Fellows'
K. 0, T. M. LODGE, 2nd and 4th Tues.
days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Bathe Oxman, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blashilt's Hall.
POST OFFIOE Oflioe hours from 8 a.
m to 8:80 p. m.
MECHANICS' ImteiTDTE.—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 6
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo -
Naughton, Librarian.
Town'Oouxora.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
Geo. Breaker, Robert Graham, It.'Lsa-
therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Aeseesor and J.
T. Rose, Oolieotor. Board mute the lab
Monday in each month.
SanooL BOAau.--Rev. Ross, (chairman,)
D. 0. Roes, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Koenig and H. Dennis ; Sea.-Treas.,
18. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in °nob month.
Pinta ScnooL TEAanmas.—J. H. Cam-
eron, Prinoipal, Mies Linton, Miss
Downey and Miss Ritchie.
BOARD of HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Olerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Rendall 1Dr. MoNangbton, Medical)
Health Officer.
IOretr .
Father, dear father, oome home with me
For ma has some carpets to beat ;
Sbe'e got all the furniture out in the yard,
From the front door clean out to the
The stove must come down and be put in i
the shed,
And the yard must be cleared of some 1
For it's time to Olean bousa and the mis.
chief's to pay—
And the front windows need some new
Father, dear father, come home with me
And bring some bread and some cheese,
It's most twelve o'clock and there's no.
thing to eat—
I'm so hungry I'm weak in the knees.
All the dinner we'll have will he cold
serape and such,
And we'll have to eat standing up, too,
For the table and all are out in the back.
Oh, I wish the house-cleaning was
Father, deur father, come home with me
For male as mad as a Turk ;
She says you're only a lazy old thing,
And that she shall put you to work.
There's painting to do and paper to hang,
And the windows and casing to scrub,
For it's housecleaning time and you've
got to come home
And revel in suds and sold grub.
The crack of the bat, and the whizz of
the ball,
And the umpire's fog -horn shout
Will soon be heard, and on every hand
Good men will be striking out.
The pitcher will tie himself into a knot,
With a fiendish twist on his face,
And the ball will Dome in with a cork-
screw curve,
And the batter will fall from grace.
The oateher will stand in his armor of
With a hustle strapped over his phiz,
And when a foul pops up over his head,
He will struggle to see where it is.
The conobers will hag up as close as they
To the base lines, and cheer up the
With hoarse Dries of "Go it, Tim 1"
"Slide, Kelly, slide 1"
And "Now you're off 1 Come hank
again 1"
Way out at right field, with the eon in
his eye
A player will put up his hand ;
The ball will come sailing along through
the sky—
He'll muff it—then hear the grand
Mend 1
While Murphy short—blast child of
the gods l-
As a sorsaming hot liner spins by,
Will put out hie hand,and, by mere lucky
Will gather it in on the fly 1
Then, 01 what a howl from the bleach•
ere will rise l
And illuephy will take off his hat,
As if 'twere the commonest, everyday
To capture balls hot from the bat.
Yes, the oracle of the bat, and the swish
of the ball,
And the umpire's fog -horn ory
Will soon bo heard ,. .. And the sham.
pionship ?
Well, we'll talk about that bye-and.bye.
i fiINAIGNANT SO p� Id0LAli..
'lento „ plborri lo(,afy.lesson 1
Cities and mountalue and lanes,
And the leafiest, oroohedeet riven,
just wriggling about like mikes.
I tell you I wish Columbee
Hadn't heard the earth was a ball,
" And started to find new aountriee
That folks didn't need et all. •
Now wouldn't it be too lovely
If all you bad to find out
Wae just about Spain and England,
Anci a few other lands thereabout,
And the rest of the maps were prints
With pink and yellow to say,
"All this is an unknown region
Where bodies and fairise stay 1"
But what is the use of wiehibg,
Sinae Columbus sailed over here,
And men keep hunting and 'sploring
And finding more things every year,
Now show me the'Xampall river,
And tell me where does it flow ?
And bow do yon bound Montana ?
And Utah and Mexico ?
"He denied that either the 01et article
of the Berlin treaty or the Cyprus 000 •
vention bound this eounbry in honor to
su000r the Armenians. Great
Britain herself could nob restrain the
evil, or restore order in the Armenian
Provinces:"—The Times' report of Lord
Salisbury's speech.
Shame, England I . these aro coward
Disown them, bid them be unsaid ;
What are these hosts of Turks and
Kurds ?
The God of Gideon is nob dead 1
By these small Isles, thy glorious throne,
From which thou sea at world empire
Britannia, lift thy heart and own
The God of Gideon is not dead 1
Disband thy regiments till but one
Is left, by one true hero led,
And undertake this task alone—
The God of Gideon is not deed 1
If jealous powers their swords unsheathe,
Thee, by the Christ who for ns bled,
Defy them, Britain, to their teeth,
The God of Gideuu is not dead 1
Tho' all combine to aid the Tnrk,
•With hell's own legions at their head,
God's arm and thine can do the work—
The God of Gideon is not deed 1
Before thy single sword they'll fly,
As before Gideou's band once fled
The reoreaut border ; God reigns on
Tile God of Gideon is not dead I
Arise I Armenia cries and prays,
Her ravaged vain are running red
Have faith, and prove to modern days —
The God of Gideon is not dead 1
—J. W. Bengoagh.
A. Young Lad's Resale.
An Intense Sui7Ortir TILLongh Paine In Ike
'Insoles or Ills Legs twat
Mined Almost Alumost to 0 Living Skeleton. ,
From tbo Wolfvillo, N. S.,Areadian.
T. Beckwith is the proprietor of the
Royal Hotel, Wotfville, the most import-
ant hostelry in the town, and is a man
well known and esteemed throughout
that ssotion. He has a bright, handsome
looking eon, 18 years of age named Fred-
die, who is a lad of more than average
intelligence. It is pretty well known in
Wolfvillo that Freddie underwent a very
severe illness, though perhaps the means
to which he owes his recovery is not so
generally known and a statement of the
case may be the means of helping seine
other sufferer. On the 26th of December
1808, Freddie wail taken ill, and was con-
fined to his room and his bed until March,
18.04. Two different pbysioinns were cal-
led in during hie long iilness. One said
that he had la grippe and the other that
his trouble was eheumabio fever. He was
troubled with severe pains through the
mutinies of bis lege and arms, after three
or four days was obliged to take to bed,
wbsrehelay nearly all winter suffering
terribly from the pates. He become re -
1 duced almost to a skeleton and was un.
able to relish food of any kind. Daring
his illness he suffered relapse, owing to
trying to get rip sooner than he should,
Boyliko he was anxious to get. oat and
enjoy the beautiful spring sunshine and
for several days was carried onb and tak-
en for a drive, This brought on the re-
lapse. The doctor was again called in
and as be continued to grow worse he
was ordered once more to bed. 'Things
then looked very dares, as despite the
medical care he did not gat any batter.
At iamb his Esther de0idedto try Dr. Wil.
Hams' Piuk Pills:' Soon after beginning
Choir use Freddie began to feel better.
His appetitg began to return and the
pains were lees severe. As ho continued
the use of the Pink Pills he regained
health and strength rapidly, and in about
a month was apparently as well as ever,
ills only remaining sympboni of his try.
ing illness being a slight pain in the leg,
whish did not disappear for several
menthe, It is over one and a half years
ago since Freddie took bis last pill, and
in that time he has not had a reourrehoe
of the attack. There is no doubt that Dr.
Williams' Pink .Pills cured him, and
both alio boy and his parents speak high-
ly in their praise.
De- Williams' Pink Pills are the meth -
nal marvel of the age. In hundreds of
oases they have mired lifter all other
medicines had failed. They are a poli.
tie° mare for all lroubleeerieing from a
vitiated oondjtion of the bleed or 15 shat•.
tared nervpus eyetem. Bold by all .deal
ere 00 by mail from P0..Williams' Medi.
eine Co„ Brookville, Ont., at 00 ciente a
box, or 0 boxes for 62.00. There are
numeroue imitations and sabetitutee
against whish the publle is aaetionad,
The Wise Nan,
Gnevnenuase, Feb. 20, 1800,
j,1vf, 7ol,eod, Gabriel].
Data Sin, --After suffering for ovor a
year with pains in the stomach whish
eventually passed over and down my
right side, I consulted two doctors. I
was told that nothing oould be done for
me, and to go to the Toronto bospibal:at
once, that I bad an ulcer ou the bowels.
I knew that there wee a growth of soma
sort there. I swelled out like a barrel.
I Goold not eat, as I suffered intense pain
if I did. I understood my ease was ono
for the knife, and expeotsd nothing brit
the worst, Well, I was told something
will be done for you anyway. I left
home with the intention 01 going to the
hospital, but changed my mind when I
remembered Mrs. K. Morrison's ease, and
that you cured her, and I went to Godo•
rich now two years ago next Marsh. I
had nob eaten anything for 48 hours
when, I got there, and I was weak and
exhausted, could not go up the doorstepe
without assistance.' I remained five days
in Goderioh. I did not believe I could be
oared. I toolrtwo large bottles of your
System Renovator and used two bottles
of E. A. MoLennan's Liniment. I could
eat and rest well before I left Goderioh,
I was at my work ae usual in two weeks
and since alien enjoyed the beet of health.
I have not been so well for years. My
ease WAS a surprise to all.
I am, Sir, yours truly,
801,1 by Jos, i•'ox, lei ugglgl, Brussels,
The married ladles of the Methodist
chetah intend repeating their concert in
the church on Tuesday evening, April
Harry J. Reason, of Melees, bas sue.
ceeded in carrying off the gold medal in
oratory at the College whish he has been
attending for some months past. -
F. Grundy, one of Luoknow's oldest
merchant's, is taking a new department
in business. He will keep on hand flour
and feed foe sale. For this purpose be is
building a large two.story warehouse.
Miss T. Katherine Mao1abb was
awarded a Diploma of high commenda-
tion for diligent search and correct
answers to the hidden texts and shorter
catechism questions by the Presbyterian
Review Co., Toronto.
The members of Luoknow Lodge of
Oddfellows, together with visiting heath.
ten, will attend the Methodist church in
a body on Sunday, April 20th, at 11 0'-
olook a. m., when a special sermon will be
preached to them by the Rev. Bro. Wall.
win, B. A., pastor of the church.
We regret to say that the highly es-
teemed pastor of St. Peter's Dpisaopal
ohnrab, Rev. Mr, Miles, is about to leave
the village. The rev. gentleman goes to
Kincardine about the first of May to take
the pastoral charge of the English church
in that town.
John Iceland, of Saaforth, has per.
abased bbo mills business of W. Weir.
A petition is in circulation for present-
ation to the Council, asking that Inane
street be opened up to the Bayfield Road.
The latest addition to the House of
Refuge is Wm. Snowden, of Blytb, atone
time a cooper in town in moderatety fair
Mise McKay, teacher in the Windsor
Public School, has been laid up for some
time in the St. Joseph Hospital, but re.
covered suflioiently to return to her home
in Seaforth last week. She is a sister to
Mrs, Leak Kennedy, of town.
Feu, Wnovr.—Although alt danger to
the fall wheat is not yet passed, it is now
in snob a oondition that it sen stand con-
siderable before it will suffer. Parties
tell us that it is looking splendid, the
recent warm rains being just what it
Seale et Hoover, of Clinton Marble
Works, enbioipate it good season's trade,
and last week put in six immense blocks
of stone, the lot weighing 04,000 puunds ;
one of the blocks contained 110 oubia
feet, the largest single piece of stone ever
brought bo the town.
BABE BALL.—A meeting was held for
the formation of a club, when the fol-
lowing officers were chosen :—Hon. Pres.,
G. D. McTaggart ; Hon. Viae Pres., J.
Wiseman ; Pres., Dr. Shaw ; Vice Pres,,
J. Allan ; Sea., D. Noble ; Treas., Dr.
Agnew ; Manager, W. Harland ; ()apt,
3, Hoover.
"Half a span of angry steel" will pro.
dose no more fatal results than a negleot.
ed cold or cough. For all throat and lung
diseases, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the
beet remedy. It is invaluable in oases of
oronp, whooping cough, bronchitis, and
la grippe.
Remise m Six Roans.—Distressing kid.
nay and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain fu the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quick relief end
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
9 U1IP \,.1/ OP1KS.
i with to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have per-
ohased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready bo attend
to all wants in either new work Or eeliaird
at moderate prioee.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residenoe or
at P. SCOTT'S eltop will be promptly
looked after,
IS—Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Giateens,
Go113lea Gree,,
Best for
Washy Day
For quick and easy work
For cleanest, sweetest
and whitest clothes
Surprise is best
est for
Every Day
For every use about the '
house S4 rprise works
best and cheapest.
Seo for yourself,
Raving purchased a shop on
Thomas St., opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
old 'customers and as many new
ones as may flavor mo with their
patronage that I have removed
to my new stand.
Soliciting, a shale of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
S. T. Ji; 1i mo
General Blacksmith ,,k*. Horseshoer
Certain in its effects and never busters.
Read proofs below,
Box n2 Carman, Henderson Co., Ill., Feb.21,11.
Dr. 0. 2. lnumArb Co.
Dear Sirs—Please sand me one of your Horse
books and oblige. I havoused a great Coal of your
Kendal's Spam Caro with good emcoes5It is a
wonderful medicine. 1 once hada mare that bad
aa0em,lceM.Vln 0301 aro 00111,0 cured her. 1
keep a bottle on hand all fife tfm0.
70005 truly, 01,0. POwerr,.
Cnn^roa, Mo., Apr. 9,122.
Dr. D. 2. H.E.,1L1, Co.
Deal' Bir --
,4 I Lave 05 several.battles
think 11 l'e heel l l invent I ever
mu . Have
thick it too heel, . ,,o M I ever used. Hao,1,4
00 Ilono Sp,n-ono plead e'and A110
Hoo urine Sp11.4 . Hero10000,recommended005088 to
cv:ern1 of my friends who are much plumed with
andl[eoplt, Eespoot.allY
5.8. list, P. 0. Dox9i9.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
iDr, 73..T..K.E.3 D.BLL 0011LPd.NP,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
=Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 62 Per Ceni,, Yearly,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
11000 Bast of fest Daioh kocl
For farmers in the vioinity of Brussels
who intend raising flex during the com.,
ing season, which they are prepared to
deliver in quantities to suit flax growers.
Can be pot at the BRUSSELS
FLAX MILL.. Seed given out at
01.00 per bushel and on the usual terms.
Order early and insure e supply. For
flax grown from this seed
$10 per Ton will be Pahl
ifeof good growth, harvested in proper
season and delivered at the Flax Mill as
soon as fit for threshing. We will also
rent a number of good sod fields for the
purpose of growing flax.
N. B.—Farmers are strongly advised
to saw their flax on laded land, wellplow-
ed and harrowed, not on low lands, and
the yieldfwill be from a ton to a ton and
a hall per acre more. Flax grown on
low land will not grow fibre to give the
weight. , :,, tele -
S. d: J. LIVINGSTON, Proprietors.
WM. BRIGHT, Manager.
vm make
a well mala
of TOU 1
550005 00000005 000 05000
atrium IN POOR week0.
PI006T curet a11 Aerrant Diseases; Slooplom.
nese, Failing Memory,Narbtly Emtsslu0s,eporma.
torr0sso; Impotency, oto„ caused by pact abuses'
gtvo V1ger and 5100 t0 88.005400 olgan6. 50d
qulsl'Iy but eurel>>�restores Losr M .lm oa t5 514
oryoung, Use Pi0Oe1andyou 0111gm09Lr0ae
nod hopuy aaabs, 555f by mss 15 ptie n wmppm'
carrienod d lore 01 505054 Price, 01 a as00015 �siin
to 05. Send money In either or0laary r 0055000.
ed letter. Address all lettere. [o J. T. PHPYP810.
000fsIst, N00000070, 000., Agent for rho Dg-
mtato5 o Canada
. •r v. ra-r,
Dr. D: 20 735,'rirL '
No Other Medicine
Statement of a Well Known Doctor
"N0 other blood medicine that I have
ever used and I have tried them n.11, is so
thorough in its nation, and effeets so n,a'y
permanent mires as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." -
1)r. 11, 1r, NER1ILL, Augusta, lrle..
AM.'S Only Sarsapaiilla
Admitted at the World's Pair.
Aver's J'idlsybl' II ear (L10(0 0O4vefs.
Bt ii,ish Columbia
Rets Cedar Sltillgies
North SIiei'e
Pine and Cedar
lrusscls .Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
tarns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for ell
Mods of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AJ.Y1 •.-'J.r «i.,
We have Opened out at
Base Balls and Bats,
Rubber Balls, soft
and hard,
It. Bows and Arrows,
0 only 50 each.
Express W agoras,
Rocking Horses, Sec.
rine Range e of Leather & School
Bap from Sc.
The very tiling for children, or Flower
Bed or Vegetable Working for Adults,