HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-4-17, Page 8aIrga1i " Geroame BM le the loam agent for the ns Mseasyl3arrie bioyole. leis ethane woe elle of the laSeriee on Wall Paper week, the first et the them, Dail at 1V, FI, Pelten'e reettturant last Tina stook of wall PaPer' &m., belonging to the estate of the late Wen, Roddiok, bas been purchased by Noire, Deadman Having bought the entiree et ek c MoOali, of Wall Papers), Bordering'', Ceiling IT is a foot that no married subject in Degorabione, Window Shades, &o„ belonging to the estate .of the late W, Roddiok, we are ins position to Mall you thee° goods much below the re. 'eider primes, T$ere are many rem- nants of 0, 0, 7 or 8 retie of Wall Paper, sufficient for small rooms,' which will be sold at about ALF P1IOE. This is a grand opportunity to beautify your homes at a slight oast. A large variety to ohoose from, oom prising our former stook and that of the Roddiok eatate: DEADMAN c@ McCALL, Druggists, Optioians and Booksellers, EIRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B, :Drains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Genre Boum, Gorsa NORTE. Alan O:6O a.m.Mixed 9:45 a., "lxore5S..,...11:99 a.m. I m Mail 8:18 p.m. gazed......... 0:09 p.m. Express 9:49 p.m. IrLoraI getos Pins. A ehiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BnDB. ()apothem. 1?PnxNG moving. l'ousu cleaning. SUCKERS are up. `Ctnett up your yard. Forams Division Court next Wednes- day. VD:monre Pam is becoming the popular resort in the evenings. ASSEBBOR STEWART is nearly through with bis work for this year. ANEwwire fence has been pot up in front of Mrs. P. Sinelair's lot, Mill street. Tern fronts of 3. T. Ross' grocery and Gerry Bros. hardware store have been decorated by the painter. S. T. PLODr's blacksmith shop has re. oeiyed a dress of paint this week wbioh has greatly improved its appearance. A vosy fine specimen of a loon was shot on the river the other day by J. T. Ross. It has been mounted by R. Johns- ton in first-class style. WALTER YuILL's team took a little run- away last Monday from the front of Gerry Bros. store but were naught near Queen street before any damage was done. CONSTABLE F. S. SCOTT aocomnanied Frank Armstrong to the Loudon asylum on Thursday, where he has gone for medical treatment, which we hope may prove effioaoioae. GEo. THoaisoo is having a new cellar put under his residence, William street. D. A. Lowry has the job. A portion of the earth is being hauled to the yard ad- joining the town scales, to fill up a nasty hollow. It is not generally known that when a person falls into the water a oommon felt • that advertising pays. Mr. Smith took bat may be made nee of as a life pre- his initial lesson at Ethel while in busi- Austria can prooure a passport to Se be. yond the frontier, unless he can preemie a written conesut from his wife; Trunsli CvTTINe---.Any persons want. ing timber out will find saw filer T. Me. Gregor, of Brussels, to be a bustler in that line, either by the clay or cord. BRDseRLa Dr lying Park has already bo - come the objeobive point bo horsemen and the fine half mile, brook is in daily use by the trotters and pacers owned in town, Ws regret to hear that D. G. Hogg, furniture dealer and undertaker, has found it necessary to make an aesigment. F. S. Scott is the assignee and is now in °barge. Coui;•Ty'Cnseve,—By the returns now in the hands of the county clerk, the population of the county Is shown to be 01,098 for 1895, an increase of 822 over the previous year, AT Cobeurg last week a man was fined $60 and costs for selling adulterated maple syrup on the _market. This should prove a warning to those who feel in. Mined to make money in this way. DIssoLDTION.—The partnership between Messrs. Lodge & Blaokmore, as bakers, &a., in Brussels, has been dissolved by mutual ailment, the former retiring. Mr. Blackmore will continue the business. Mr. Lodge will likely make bis home in Toronto THE partnership between W. F. Stewart and Robt. Graham has been dis- solved by mutual consent. Mr. Stewart will retain the roller mill and Mr. Graham the grain storehouse at the station and will continue on the market as usual. Po molten 0Atusnosi desires that parent who purpose sending little children to sohool would do so at once, so that the classes of the Primary Department need not be broken in upon after proper or. ganization for the Spring and Summer term, Leos. R. TnoaipsoN has sold out his bins business in Seaforth to Jno. Best, of Hullett, and will move to Brussels as soon as he can arrange for a house. Mr. Thompson owns the Brussels and Sea - forth stage and will succeed his father making the daily trips. They will be welcome baok to town. BRnesELB Poblle Library have arranged with J. J. Denman for a presentation of the "Passion Play" in the Town Hall, on Monday evening of next week. The me- chanical arrannement of the figures is such that at the proper time in the leo- tare they prr•.eet themselves on the plat- form. Priced are to be 20o, for reserved seats ; 15o. for adalte and 10o. for obild. ren. A matinee for the latter will be given at 4:15 p. m. By notice elsewhere it will be observed that recruits are wanted for Volunteer estray and was very ''acentric, Mrs Co., No. 5, Brussels, so es to be in readi- Les was a sister to the late Wm. Alcock, nese for going to camp next Jane. G. F. of Grey, and in her earlier years filled re - Blair is the new Lieut, in the place of R. sponsible positions as cook in gentlemen's M. Dickson, removed. Lawyer Hays, residences. of Seaforth, is still in command. With two legal gentlemen at the front No. 5 should be kept in line. The old rifles will be exchanged for rapid firing arms. The annual drill will take place at Lon. don. Mnssse. StrITlo & MaLAREN are persist. ent and judicious advertisers who have proven by a firmly founded trade and a largely increased and increasing business THE BRVSSELS POST ST4N,D4,RA BANK 0)? O4N4D, , 1 'z'.e,2exJa;sx,=x72.. HEAP OFFICE, - TORONTO, AEIISit1',S, (govee Million Dollars) .CAPITAL (Antborised) 97,000,000 02,000,000 4gelieiesin all pr(ftoz24441 points Oft prttart°, Quebec, )lfanttoba, l7nite4l7fatea i0.i*nylanrl, J Ra4°,5t°51 ' klikeJVCIA. A General Banking Business Tranaaoted, Farmers' Notes Drafts Issued and 0o11eotlons made on all points, SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SpEorAL ATTENTION OWE'N TO THE GOLLEOTION OS F messes' Seim Norms, Every facility afforded Customers living ab a distance, J. A. STEWART Dleoounted, itireiescsaiiesivratstivisiesswirvic BRusentes will supply the bride in a Wedding to take plaaGshortly. A lefoltnlslxs came nearly getting him- self into trouble by Galling ab the home of a Brusaelite and making indecent pro. posale to the lady of the house. ELwoon Conn, it worthy young man of 19 yeare of age, died of guick nonsump- tion last Monday morning, at Princeton. The funeral took place on Tuesday, De. ceased was a aouain to the Miens Code, of Brussels, Ism Wednesday morning Fred. Me- Craoken, while painting at S. T. Plum's shop, :stepped on a projecting rusty nail, whioh penetrated the sole of his shoe and then went into his foot, The nasty wound was oared for by a physician and we hope to see . Mr. McCracken around again in a short time, DnmvmoPuut.—The Brussels Driving Park is in good condition and member- ship tickets may be obtained from the President, P. Scott. The fee this year to horsemen is the same as last season and for bicyclists, gents 91,00 and. ladies 50 cents. HYMENEAL,—OO; Thursday of tide week Mr. Webber, of Woodstook, and Miss Elsie Pelton, of Innerkip, were joined in the holy estate of matrimony, R. G. and Mrs. Wilson and Miss Frank Fulton attended from Brussels. The three ladies mentioned are sisters. Many good wishes from the friends of the happy bride in this locality will be echoed for a prosper. ons future. Mas. LEE DEAn.—Last Tneeday morn. 109 : e Grave reeived notification from Inepe .015, of he House of Refuge, Olieton,'Mau Mre. Lee, who was sent from Brussels last Fall, bad died Monday night from pneumonia, .after a brief i11. nese, She was bnried on Wednesday in the cemetery plot laid out in connection with the Home. Mrs, Lee was a native of Ireland and bad been a resident of Canada for many years. She was mar- ried twine, her husbands being White and Lee, respectively. For several years before her decease she was mental' server, and by placing it hat upon the water, rim down, with the arm aronnd it, pressing it slightly to the breast, it will bear a man up for boars. JAs. WALKER never does things in a half-hearted manner and this year has gone into buggy bniiding with a regular swoop. He expects to have 35 first-olass buggies ready by the Queen's Birthday. He says he won't mise a sale in 1806 and advises any person requiring a rig to call at hie show rooms, Brussels. WHAT 00DIEr NEST ?—Straw hats.— The sprinkling cart.—Early rhubarb. -- Beating carpets.—Early fishing and old- fashioned fish stories.—Gardening and your neighbor's hens.—The street bum- mer.—Athletic sports and the bieyole "hump."—Band eonserte,—TEE Bans- sELs Post if you -want the latest news. THE ladies weren't in it at the debate on the Franchise to women an Tuesday evening in the Conservative Club room, at least so the judges ruled. The af• nese there and has faithfully lived up to these principles with benefit to himself and the public. Messrs. Smith & Mo. Laren age in A 1 shape for bargain giv. ing this Spring and want the people to not only know it but to test for them- selves the corrsotness of their advertis- ing. SARA Loan BAmEO.—Tnesday evening next this talented Qaeen of Elocution, from Boston, will appear fn the Town Hall, Brussels, this being her third visit to town. A fine program will be present- ed, interspersed by solos by Miss Lottie Hill and Miss Kate Wilson and piano in- strumentals by Misses Norton and Mo• Laughlin. There are eight readings on the list, the majority of them new to a Brussels audience. Plan of Hall at Fox's drug store, where seats may be reserved at 25 cents each. General admission 25 cents and 15 cents for children, with a 10 cent fee to armee! children. Klexnes.—Brussels takes no second Rlmative was argued by Reeve Mooney plane in athletic clubs and football is, one and J. A. Creighton and the negotive by by in which the past has been marked Barrister Taylor and H. Densis. Jas. or greatt iocoees. Monday heldi it the Irwin was chairman. In addition the organization meeting was held at the Ole and drum band contributed a few Queen's Hotel Officers were elected as selections and T. A. Hawkins, N. 13, follows :— Gerry and E. Smith also gave musical Jas. O'Leary, President ; numbers. The (losing meeting will be Prinoipal Cameron, Vice -President ; held on the last Tuesday in May, Jno. McRae, Secretary -Treasurer ; Robb. Ferguson, Captain ; Gnevl, Tnuim Toors,—john Pollan, of Committee, Antony Sample, Bert. Chicago, who has been appointed district Gerry, Jas. Thomson. freight superintendent of the G. T. R., with headquarters at Stratford, has as. The Club team will be put in practice at mimed his new duties.—Ament Bros. once and will soon be ready to meet all received a oar of British Columbia thing- comers. les this week. —Five oars of peas and 2 LAWN TENNre.—Tho Tennis Club was organized last Tuesday evening for the care of oats were shipped. by Messrs. Stewart & Graham.—Mesere, Clegg & coming season, with the following ever. Dames forwarded a oar of stock and a ethic staff of officers :— oar of bogs and Messrs. Backer & Van. Hon. President, Dr. Graham ; ' stone 2 oars of hogs.—Baggageman Hog- President, D. 0. Rose ; artb is taking bis holidays and W. Duff, Viae -President, W. M. Sinclair ; of Creemore, is relieving.—Muskoka is Secretary -Treasurer, W. J. Stewart ; being boomed by the Grand Trunk as a Captain, J. II. Cameron ; Summer resort. Pleasure }lookers ehonld Exeoutive Com„ Dr. Davidson, G. seethe one of the new folders illustrating D. Lamont, J. McBain. this delightful seotion ' from Station The membership fee for gents will be Agent Kendall. 91.00 and for ladies, 25 oente. Courts at Bussnnns' ATTENTION.—A, Koenig is the D. C. Ross' and W. 57'. Sinolair's will be owner of the well bred horse called "Gus• utilized by the club, There are some tip - tear,' reoord 2.30 trial 2.28, half mile top tennis players in Bruesele. in 1.10 as a three.year•old ; golden bay San Can.—Last Monday evening about in eater ; 16 hands high ; weighs 1,100 5:80 o'clook, while Mrs. David Jamieson pounds. He was bred by Richard In• was out of the house for a pail of water gram, of Brooklyn, N. Y., sired by Au- her little daughter, Ethel May, aged 4 gnetas (1697), private trial 2,21, eon on years, insome manner get lire to her Volunteer (60) ; dam of Augustus is apron. On hearing the child's screams Bessie, record 2.91, by Hampshire Boy the mother hastened to her and on taking (1008) record 2.24 ; d m of Gueteer is in the terrible situation attempted to tear Dauntless, private trial 2.27i, by Willis the burning clothing off the obild and Harry Clay (46) ; second dam, Doll by finally smothered the flames by wrapping Cornings Cassino M, Clay ; third dam, a quilt around the little sufferer. A Watson Mare by Long Island Black physician Was speedily summoned, but 3lawk (24) ; Volunteer (55) the grand sire the burning had been of too serious a of Gustoer has about 100 in the 2.20 list character to expect a Dere and Ibe died and hundreds in the 2,30 list ; Volunteer Monday night. Mrs, Jamieson's hands (55) is also sirs of St. Julien 2.1i Alley were badly burned but no serione . m 2.10, driver 2.19i, Doestio 2,20},Gcon Gloster sequences are expected to follow. The 2.17, Bodine 2.1.4 Amy 2.20;1, 13untrees funeral took plane on Wednesday after - '0.204. Gueteer will stand at bis own noon, Rev. G. H. Cobbledick oonducting •&table, American House, Brussels. Ey the service. 1110, and Mrs. Jamieson are &Aaeon, 910.00; to Mann, 912.00. A. very deeply sympathized with in their Karma, owner. suddenbeteayement. Business Locals. Ci,ovnn seed cheap at McCracken's. Fenn bulk field and garden seeds at McCracken's. CLovmn and timothy seed for sale. Backer & Vanstone. We repair boots and shoes and rub- bers neat and cheap. I. 0. Richards, SmVERirAEE and Hanging Lamps at re- duced prioes. N. & N. Gerry. '.e n10TEY and olover seed for sale at JAs. BeLLANTYNE's. SECOND hand beating stoves cheap at N. & N. Gerry's. SrnneG bats made over in the latest styles. Mae. HINDS, Mill St. REPAIRS on harness and collars prompt. ly attended to. I. 0. Richards. WE warrant all our collars and satin• faction guaranteed. I. C. 'Mallards. CASE for hides add sheep skins at A. Currie's butcher shop, Brussels. You can get two maohine needles of any kind for 58,, at N. & N. Gerry's. Fenn hand crayon enlarging done up A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith block. MEAT•OnoTTERS, axes, saws, oarpat aweepere and skates. N. & N. Gerry. A mon stock of trunks and valises on band and sold close to oost. L 0. Richards. CoonwnTeBLE rooms for a email family to rent above my store. W. H. Mo- Craoken, MAPLE sugar tiros will soon be here. Get sap pails, pone and epilea at Wilton & Turnbull'''. A may set of single harness for sale, first-class. Will be sold at a bargain. Jas, Walker, Brussels. SEE our single harness at $10.00, and our nickel silver at 912,00, best value in the County. I. 0. Richards, Denman to rent over my Store, pos- session can be given at once. No carry. ing of water up or down, as there is a pump and waste pipes in kitchen. Rent reasonable. I. 0. Riohards. WANTED. -1,000 cords of basswood headingbolts, 40 inches long. Must be good size and quality, for which highest price will be paid. J. & P. Arrant, Brue• eels, Ont. 2 second -band baggies for sale, One is about as good as new, with newlined top, The other has been newly painted and is in good shape. Apply to B. Gerry, Bras - sale. Gunines.-50 or GO patterns of the latest and richest designs ever Active in town in Brussels and ingrain carpets at Howe & Co's. faotory. Prioet from 30 cents to 91,00. RAnL's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead blear as a bell. 25 ate., 50 ate. and 9100, Sold by Jae, Fox, druggist, Bruesele. BRIG along your worn out rubbers, overshoes, rags, sorap topper, brass, oast or wrought iron, furs, tallow, sheep eking, hides and calf skins, hares hides, as we pay the highest prices. N. & N. Garry, Mns. T. S. HAwRHie, Chattanooga, Tenn., says; "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the best remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it txcele. Price 76 as, Sold by Jas. Fox, Sermon's Cara the great cough and oroup ours, is in great demand. Pocket size eontaine twenty -live doges ; only 26, Dents, Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. MANAGER. WeLL-DIoeINc 4ND D0ILI,1Ne;.—Ueorge Birt has all the noeessary maclrinetry for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all' worlr entrusted to him in a way that will insure. satisfaction.. Wells gleaned out and put in proper' ethane. Terms reasonable. Residence soOond door north of the bridge, west side of Turnborry st., Brussels. 84.tf »ors7. PEnnIE.—In Oranbrook, on April l8tb, the wife of Mr, Wm. Perris of a son. Moi ox .—Iu Maliillop, on the 8rd inst., the wife of Miobael Nordic' of a eon, JonNsTON.—in Tnrnberry, on April 8rd, Mrs. John J. Johnston, of a dough. ter. BtBEnrsos—MENzens.=Un April 8th, at the Manse, Molesworth, by Rev. Geo. Ballantyne, Mr. Wm. Robert- son, of Wallace township, to Mies Jane G. Menzies, of the township of Howiok. Jomnesoic.—In Brussels, on April 18tb, Ethel May, daughter of David and Alma Jamieson, aged4 years and 10 days. MoKnirmv.—In Ethel, on April 14th, James McKelvey, aged 75 years. LEE.—At Clinton, on April 131b, Sarah Lee, aged 78 years. Conn,—Ab Princeton, on April 1819, Elwood Code, aged 19 years. BRVeM•m2.,ea 2.4..a.M=}7TS. Fall Wheat .... Barley..., ......... Peas Oats Butter, tube and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes (new) Hay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough............ Salt per bbl., retail..... Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Apples per bus Hoge, Live Dressed Hoge Wool 4 74 76 30 35 47 48 20 21 12 14 9 10 50 13 04 15 10 00 12 00 4 4} 8 3} 1 00 00 60 75 15 40 1 00 8 30 3 50 4 00 4 50 18 20 DAmY MAaiETS. Liverpool — Cheese steady ; demand moderate ; finest Amer• icon white and colored, 42s 6d. Butter— Finest United States, 80s • good, 50s. New York—Butter easy ; State dairy, Oo to 16o ; do. oreamery, 12c to 17o ; west- ern dairy, old, 8o to 100 ; do. creamery, 123 to 17o; do. factory, 8o to 11o; Elgin'', 17o. Cheese unohanged. BAST Buo &r,o, N. Y., April 14.—Cattle —Receipts all consigned through, and light at that ; market quiet. Hogs—Re- ceipts, ten cars ; market slow ; Yorkers, good to choice, 94.10 to 94.15 ; roughs, oommon to good, 93,25 to 93.40 ; pigs, common to fair, 93 to $8.10. Sheep and lambs—Raaeipte, 23 cars ; market fairly steady ; lambs, choice to extra selected, $4.85 to $5 ; culls, fair to good, 94.00 to $4.25 cheep, ahoioe to prime wether'', 94 to 94.10 ; calla, oommon, 92.75 to 93. Cattle closed steady. Hoge closed steady ; all sold. Sheep and Iambs dull and weak, with a number of both heavy sheep and lambs unsold. TonoNTo, April 14.—Raaeipte at the Toronto oattle market today were larger —48 cars, including 1,100 hogs, 231 sheep. and lambs. Butchers' cattle were dull ; quality offered poor ; only about half a dozen ahoioe cattle ofered. Prioes were from 4o to 8io for oboiae, and extra choice and fancy 40 to 390 per pound. Thirteen oars of butchers' cattle were taken for Montreal. There was no trad- ing in export cattle. Some bulls sold at 2730 to 30. Sheep were very dull, at 8o to 8,1e per pound. Only a few light ones are wanted. Lambs steady ; good grain - fed Iambs sold at 95 to $5.25 each. Calves were lower, at 92 to 96 each, Milch cows were in better demand, and sold at 920 to 940 each. Hogs were firm, at 873a for best bacon bogs, and others were from 93.60 to 98.76 per cwt. For others pros- peote are firm. TORONTO, April 14.—Market dull. Flour quiet ; offerings limited ; straight toilets are quoted ab 98.50 to 93.60, Toronto freights. Bran dull ; oars quoted at 910.- 75 to $11 west. Wheat quiet ; primes un- ohanged ; holders generally firm ; white and red sold at 977 on the Northern ; No. 1 Manitoba bard offered at 81o., North Bay, and at 070 nfloat, Fort William. Many without bids ; No, 2 hard offered at 77o, North Bay, without bids. Barley dull ; prices steady; No. 1quoted outeld° at 40o, No. 2 at 82o to 38o and No. 3 extra at 81o. Oats quiet ; prioes unohanged ; white Bold at 22o outside, and mixed at 214o outride, 100 freight to Toronto. Peas quiet sales on oubside at 49o. Buck- wheat steady ; prioes at 30e to 31e out- side. Oatmeal quiet ; prices nominal, at 92.80 to 92.86 on track. Corn quiet ; prioes unchanged ; oars quoted at 810 to alio. Rye quiet ; prices nominal, at 44o outside, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First Mortgage, farm security. Apply at Tint P08T Publishing Renee, Bruaaele. X35CASH AND $5,00 PER (- , month for months will buy a lady's or .gent's bieyelo, guaranteed for 12 Monthsbuy One with with new ot5ninelimatio atio ties lasttyear DEADMAN & MaCALL, Druggists,Opbioiaus, d:0, l;r We have a very choice line of the above very useful article just opened out this week, here's a few of them ;--lloliotrops, nice large make, 5o. ; Pansy Blossom, 2 cakes for 5c. ; Buttermilk and Cucumber, 100, ; Very Fine Gly- cerine, So, ; Silver - Soap for cleaning windows, : a very Ane article, 15o. ; then we have Cuti- aura, Pears', Bicksockors', Oat- Full 17, 1.896 xIair 13s'usllos, 25c. to $2,•00. Tooth Brushes, 5o, to 25o, Clothes Bushes, all prices. Nail Brushes and Hand Scrubs. Perfumes, either in bulk or bot, tied. We have a very choice assortment of Selley's, Tay- lor's, Scott & MoMillan's, as meal and teeny other lilies. See well as some of ills 'Best them, , T'reneli Manufacturers, School Books and School Suvplies of all kinds ,jztst received for Sckoot Opening ,5 GPPTIrEN's HoatL. FOX'S DEUG V G- S 1 OR E. �?DE 'D ESIRABLE RESIDENCE Pon $ALte.—Lots 220 and 221, Queen at, Teresa reaeouable to a cash purchaser, Ap- ply on the promisee or to 28 W. D1, siNaLAIT, 2 000 'CEDAR POSTS delivered betweWANTED,—(14 wd June let, for Whish the highesteoah price will be nerd. it. LEATBIOB•DALIB, Brussels, BICYCLES ! A fµ11 line of Brantford' and Griffith's Bley- ohm on hand, also 8 aeaond hand wheels. 10 per Dant. discount 01/1150105 April. A. C0T18LEY.. PA STUB E.—THE UNDER - Pipe farm, stir lirearnu nhave han they need and willasture on bebe opeuto take a limited number of horses or cattle. Apply to JAS. SHARP, or WM. 93758, J)ASTTJRAGE. THE UNDER axo1En bee leased the Robertson farm, 2 miles from Brussels, and is prepared to takeina dozen headof cattle for pasturage. For particulars apply to GEO. THOMSON, Groner, Brussels, or WALTER 1$MMIES, Morris, Volunteer's Attention l The Brussels Volunteer Company will go into camp In June next. A11 man whining to join may do so by applying to G. F. BLAI1i, Lieut,, Brussele, or to it. S. HAYS, Captain Seaforth. REAL ESTATE. J 1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. or sale cad tooNED rent, easy terms in Townships of of Morrie and. Grey. F S. SCOTT,Brnssels FARMS FOR SALE. — 200 acres—Oonaisting of Lots 18 on the 7th and 8111 Concession, Township of Grey, be - Mg 1mile from the Village of Ethel and si miles from Brussels. 90 Gores of Pall wheat sown and about 80 acres under grass; 90 acres cleared on each, rennet of payment easy.84- A. Mo10ELVEY, M, 11., Brussel'', ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. 15,1, —160 acres of good farm' land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at alow price, The property is North East 4 Swat), Twp.11, Range 4, East. There ie a house on the premises and some breaking done. For full particulars as to price, title. &c., write or apply to G.P. BLAIR or W. H. EBBE 20 -if Brussels, Ont. ' BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will ]seep for service on Lot 28, Con. is Grey, the thoro'-bred Chester White Boar, "Duke," bred by Daniel De. Conroy, Bornholm. Terms, 81.00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of return- ing if osnseeary. Pedigree may be seen on applioatiou. HARTWELL SPEIRAN, Sr. 87-8 Proprietor, BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will beep for service on Lot 20, Con. 6, Morris, the thorn' bred im- proved Matta Yorkshire Boor "Selected," bred from 3.10. Brnthour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair. Terms, 81.00 to bo paid at the time of service with privilege of re. turning if necessary. Pedigree may bo seen On application. 11013T. NICHOL. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE unaLot 30, Cosi, 0, Morris, tl he thoro'-r bred Largo English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John," His atothelWorld'sfull Fair. _Pedigree awilllibe produced on application. Torras—$1.00 to be paid at time of serviee with privilege of returning if neoessar99 14.8m JA5, SPEIR, Proprietor, Bull for Service. t1O1ylaofaLo0 on.Georofor Duham bull, Pedigree may be seen cm application. Torras 91.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning it necessary. 00 4 THOS. MOLDY, Proprietor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THIS MATTER oP TEE ESTATE Or JOHN GLAseIEn, LATE OP TEE TowNetuP oP GREY, IN TEE GouNTY Or Hnno oN, Frio. DIEI, DEOEAsED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1887, ohapter110, that all ereditors and all other persons having any claim or demand cateooased,hwhotdied50 00 abou Ethel Four- teenth clay of March, 1808, are required on or before the Pirst Day of May,1895, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to. G. F, Blair, of the Village of Brussels, in the county et Huron, Solicitor for John Glassier, Executor of the estate of the said deceased, their names and addrosees and occupations with full partic- ulars of their 0laime and statements of their s000nnts and the nature of the 'securities (if any) hell by them. And further natio is hereby given that after swab last Mentioned date, the said lexeoutore wi11 proceed to.die• tribute the, nseete of the said deoeaeod amongeonly to the entitled dofbovhtoli having shall have been given' as aforesaid and the Bald Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any .person Or persons of whose claimbotlao email not hays been received by him at the time of eu011 distribution es aforesaid: 40-8 G Solicitortt`or the 3730sutor, Dated at Brussels April 10,1890, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Y0 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, i•v. Solicitor and 0 v tions made, cin e— a, voyanoor. C eels:- o Vanston,isSlook, Erns- Bxos elsein AXT 112, SINOLAIR, • So1lelbeo- Conveyancer ,NotaryPub. lie, As. Olpoe-'panstone's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loon. G. CAMERON, rBorr Cameron, dolihCameon,) Barrister and Solicitor, e, Ont, Office—Hamilton St., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's Office, Goderich.) Whoa over GRIME & Sm1tY.'e Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 44. DENTAL. mitDAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto . University, Licentiate Royal college Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridgework a specialty. Moder- ateettsas,berrsbarber shop, Brus- sels, VETERINARY. T D. WA.RWIOK, 8.1 • Honor Graduate o1 the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of don,eeti0ated animals In a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. O3ioo and Infirmary—Pour doore north o1 bridge 'Tnrnberry et„ Brume's. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • S. Ont. Re UR.0.P., and office tin Wilson's Block, corner of Mill and Tnrnberry Ste. T• M, ARMSTRONG, H. D. • Physician, Surgeon Aceonoher, etc. Graduate of Toronto 17niversity Medical Fertility, Member of College o; Physiolans and Surgeons, Ont. OPrroi—Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont, BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORAOREN, • ohyrsst,eat his Grocery, TurnbeiytrreeSruasls N.,BARRETT,R• Tonsorial Artist. sHrwretesouth of , cy& Co'adastore.Ladiee'and ahildrsns hair nuttinga specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank tales Deposita from i Merest, 81,100 and allots, A1ROW per cant, 87-Bm Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. 1101113E41105, FiRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFPIOE AT JEWELRY STORE. fa'No Witness .Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. "WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- enn4110E Co. Established 1840. In- surances Infected on all Town and Farm i roperty at very low rates, J. A, 01iEIGHTON, l0.8m Agent, Brussels. A LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fotuth Division Cour Co, Huron, conveyancer, Notary. Public Land Loan and insurance Agent. Funds invostod and to loan, Oollostiono made Office in Grabam's Bloolr, Brussels, THOS. A. HAWKINS, 11 Organistis St, John'sBrim- eels, Church, Br - eels, wilglue lessons to pupils either on piano or organ, at his parlor in the Smith bleak, Brussels, Vocal lessons also given. Ten years experience in teaching. Terme moderato, AUCTIONEERS. ( EORGE KIRKBY, ed on reasonable terms o Farrmseand Isom stook a epeslalty. Orders left at Tun Posy Publishing lgouse,nruesols,or sentto Walton P. O,,whir eoeive prompt attention, i'S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • nen, will Nall for better pews, to bettor men In. the time and lets charges than any ether .Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders cad :always be arranged at this Mae or by personal applioatlon. Bull for Service. The undersigned will keepfor eerv108 on Lots 10 and 17 Con, 10, Grey, a tboro bred Durham bull with reeieterod pedigree. Terme 81,00, to be paid at time of Service with privilege of ret5rnind if n000eeary. 89.2m THOS, BROWN, Proprietor.'